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Average specific density of individual cells of pure cultures of Chromatium warmingii and Chromatium vinosum were measured by isopicnic gradient centrifugation with Percoll during growth at constant illumination as a function of the increasing content of intracellular sulfur. Cell number and volume, bacteriochlorophyll a, sulfide, and sulfur were followed in the cultures along with cellular buoyant density. Poly--hydroxybutyrate was monitored at several points during growth of the cultures. The density of C. warmingii changed from 1.071 to 1.108 g cm-3 (sulfur content per cell varied from 0 to 1.71pg). C. vinosum changed its density from 1.096 to 1.160 g cm-3 (sulfur content per cell varied from 0 to 0.43 pg). Maximum sulfur content in pg of sulfur per m3 of cell volume were 0.178 for C. warmingii and 0.294 for C. vinosum. Measurement of the differences in buoyant density, volume and sulfur content before and after ethanol extraction of cells with and without intracellular sulfur, allowed tentatively to estimate the density of sulfur inside the cells as 1.219 g cm-3. Isolation of sulfur globules and centrifugation in density gradients gave a density higher than 1.143 g cm-3 for these intracellular inclusions.Non-common abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - DMB Density Marker Beads - PHB poly--hydroxybutyrate  相似文献   

Purple sulfur bacteria store sulfur as intracellular globules enclosed by a protein envelope. The proteins associated with sulfur globules of Chromatium vinosum and Thiocapsa roseopersicina were isolated by extraction into 50% aqueous acetonitrile containing 1% trifluoroacetic acid and 10 mM dithiothreitol. The extracted proteins were separated by reversed-phase HPLC, revealing three major proteins from C. vinosum and two from T. roseopersicina. All of these proteins have similar, rather unusual amino acid compositions, being rich in glycine and aromatic amino acids, particularly tyrosine. The molecular masses of the C. vinosum proteins were determined to be 10,498, 10,651, and 8,479 Da, while those from T. roseopersicina were found to be 10,661 and 8,759 Da by laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The larger T. roseopersicina protein is N-terminally blocked, probably by acetylation, but small amounts of the unblocked form (mass = 10,619) were also isolated by HPLC. Protein sequencing showed that the two larger C. vinosum proteins are homologous to each other and to the large T. roseopersicina protein. The 8,479 Da C. vinosum and 8,759 Da T. roseopersicina proteins are also homologous, indicating that sulfur globule proteins are conserved between different species of purple sulfur bacteria.Abbreviations BNPS-skatole 2 (2-Nitrophenylsulfenyl)-3-methyl-3-bromoindolenine - CNB Cyanogen bromide - Cv1, Cv2, and Cv3 Chromatium vinosum sulfur globule proteins - SGP and SGPs Sulfur globule protein(s) - TFA Trifluoroacetic acid - Tr0, Tr1, and Tr2 Thiocapsa roseopersicina sulfur globule proteins  相似文献   

The effect of low irradiation on the viability of Chromatium vinosum was investigated. Cultures were precultivated at 1,000 lux (=0.1/h). Then, before the substrate was depleted, illumination was changed to either complete darkness or about 30 lux. Previously, the latter light intensity had been found not to promote growth.The parameters assayed were viability, protein, bacteriochlorophyll, ATP, RNA, DNA, absorbance (E 260) of the supernatant, and total anthron-positive material.The data show that irradiation insufficiently high to promote growth, results in viability percentages as high as 90% after 8 days, whereas cultures incubated in complete darkness are virtually dead by then. Neither in the light nor in the dark a degradation of protein or cell wall hexoses was observed. The RNA content also remained constant. However, particularly in the dark cultures DNA was found to decrease concomitant with increased E 260 readings of the supernatant. It is considered unlikely that such essential macromolecules are degraded to serve the maintenance energy requirements. The ecological impact of the observations is discussed.Non-Standard Abbreviations PHB poly--hydroxybutyric acid - Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll  相似文献   

研究了酒色着色菌(Chromatium vinosum DSM185)利用产酸克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella oxytoca HP1)发酵产氢废液进行光发酵和暗发酵产氢的可行性,以达到对产氢底物的充分利用和对产氢废液的进一步处理。研究结果表明C.vinosum可以利用K.oxytoca的发酵废液进行光发酵产氢和暗发酵产氢。C.vinosum发酵产氢后废液中残余还原糖和主要有机酸(丁酸)的含量明显降低,发酵产氢的最佳pH为6.5,添加0.1%(W/W)NH4Cl能促进产氢。在光照条件下丁酸利用率可达54.38%,产氢量达36.97 mL/mg;在黑暗条件下丁酸利用率可达36.01%,产氢量达37.50mL/mg。  相似文献   

Fluorescence induction curves of purple bacteria (Rs. rubrum, Rps. viridis and Rb. capsulatus) were measured in the sub-millisecond time range employing a xenon flash technique. The induction curves of all three species displayed a sigmoidal shape. Analysis of the curves showed that none of the species examined had an antenna organization of a lake (i.e. unrestricted energy transfer between photosynthetic units). The apparent time constants of inter-unit exciton transfer were estimated to be approximately 24 ps in the case of LHC 1-containing species (Rs. rubrum and Rps. viridis) and 40 ps in the case of the LHC 2-containing species Rb. capsulatus. This result demonstrates that LHC 2 (B800–850) acts as a sort of insulator between photosynthetic units. Assuming a coordination number of 6 in the LHC 1-containing species the mean single step energy transfer time between adjacent LHC 1 can be estimated to be 4–5 ps. This is not perfectly compatible with the much faster Förster transfer rate of <1ps that follows from the minimal chromophore-chromophore distances estimated from digital image processing of micrographs from stained membranes. It thus may be concluded that the photosynthetic units (reaction center plus LHC 1) are loosely arranged in the photosynthetic membrane, like in the fluid-mosaic-membrane model, rather than in a hexagonally crystalline configuration.Abbreviations A antenna pigment - APD avalanche photodiode - LHC 1 light-harvesting complex 1 of purple bacteria - LHC 2 light-harvesting complex 2 of purple bacteria - P primary donor - PSU photosynthetic unit - QA first quinone acceptor - RC reaction center  相似文献   

Average cell volume and cell buoyant density of Chromatium vinosum DSM 185 growing in sulfide limited continuous cultures, were found to increase with increasing dilution rate. It was found that the increase in buoyant density was mainly a consequence of the accumulation of elemental sulfur. The contribution of other compounds such as protein, bacteriochlorophyll a and glycogen, was almost negligible. It was concluded that the sulfur globule is constituted by at least two fractions, sulfur and an unidentified moiety with a density lower than that of sulfur, probably water.A model was developed to explain the relation between the specific content of sulfur and cell buoyant density. The model also predicts the impact of elemental sulfur on the volume of the cell. It was found that in addition to the accumulation of sulfur the average cell volume also changes with the specific growth rate.In shift-up experiments (sulfur accumulation) the actual phenomena agreed with those predicted by the model, however, this was not so during shift-down (sulfur depletion). It is suggested that this difference is due to the fact that during the shift-down, elemental sulfur and the unidentified moiety are being depleted at different rates.Non-standard abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - PHB poly--hydroxybutyric acid - D dilution rate - specific growth rate - S R reservoir concentration of limiting substrate  相似文献   

Chromatium vinosum DSM 185 was grown in continuous culture at a constant dilution rate of 0.071 h-1 with sulfide as the only electron donor. The organism was subjected to conditions ranging from phosphate limitation (S R-phosphate=2.7 M and S R-sulfide=1.8 mM) to sulfide limitation (S R-phosphate=86 M and S R-sulfide=1.8 mM). At values of S R-phosphate below 7.5 M the culture was washed out, whereas S R-phosphate above this value resulted in steady states. The saturation constant (K ) for growth on phosphate was estimated to be between 2.6 and 4.1 M. The specific phosphorus content of the cells increased from 0.30 to 0.85 mol P mg-1 protein with increasing S R-phosphate. The specific rate of phosphate uptake increased with increasing S R-phosphate, and displayed a non-hyperbolic saturation relationship with respect to the concentration of phosphate in the inflowing medium. Approximation of a hyperbolic saturation function yielded a maximum uptake rate (V max) of 85 nmol P mg-1 protein h-1, and a saturation constant for uptake (K t) of 0.7 M. When phosphate was supplied in excess 8.5% of the phosphate taken up by the cells was excreted as organic phosphorus at a specific rate of 8 nmol P mg-1 protein h-1.Non-standard abbreviations BChla bacteriochlorophyll a - D dilution rate; max, maximum specific growth rate - maximum specific growth rate if the substrate were not inhibitory - K saturation constant for growth on phosphate - V max maximum rate of phosphate uptake - K i saturation constant for phosphate uptake - K i inhibition constant for growth in the presence of sulfide - S R concentration of substrate in the inflowing medium  相似文献   

Two proteins containing O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase activity were purified from Chromatium vinosum. Their separation was carried out by DE52 or Ecteola cellulose chromatography. While protein I with a molecular weight of 56,000 had only O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase activity, protein II with a molecular weight of 50,000 possessed S-sulfocysteine synthase activity in addition. It was not possible to separate the two activities of protein II by electrophoretic methods. The reaction rate of protein II with sulfide and O-acetylserine was twice as high as that with thiosulfate and O-acetylserine. When extracts of sulfate-grown cells were purified the major O-acetylserine activity was always associated with protein II. Regulatory and kinetic phenomena of the two activities were studied.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound cytochrome of the b-type (cytochrome b-560) was success-fully purified from chromatophores of the photosynthetic purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium vinosum by treatment with sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate, sodium thiocyanate, and bacterial alkaline protease (EC 3·4·21·14) followed by gel filtration.The purified cytochrome b-560 showed the absorption maxima at 279, 412.5 and 533 nm in the oxidized form, and 427, 530 and 560 nm in the reduced form. Reduced-minus-oxidized difference millimolar absorption coefficient was 14.0 for a wavelength pair, 560 minus 540 nm.Isolated cytochrome b-560 was electrophoretically homogeneous, and its minimal molecular weight was estimated to the 13,000 by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The midpoint potential at pH 8.0 was –110mV, and was not dependent on the ambient pH in the pH range of 6.8 to 8.8.  相似文献   

The enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase has been purified from Chromatium vinosum. When an extract is subjected to centrifugation at 35,000xg in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000 and the supernatant is treated with 50 mM Mg2+ and the precipitate is then fractionated by vertical centrifugation into a reoriented sucrose gradient followed by chromatography on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-Sephadex A50, the resultant enzyme contains large (L) and small (S) subunits. Alternatively, centrifugation of extracts at 175,000xg in the presence of PEG-6000 followed by fractionation with Mg2+, density gradient centrifugation, and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A50 yields an enzyme free of small subunits. The two forms have comparable carboxylase and oxygenase activities and have compositions and molecular weights corresponding to L8 and L8S8 enzymes. The amino acid compositions of L and S subunits are reported. The L8S8 enzyme from spinach cannot be similarly dissociated by centrifugation at 175,000xg in the presence of PEG-6000.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetate - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - PEG polyethylene glycol - RuBisCO d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate caboxylase/oxygenase - RnBP d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Dedicated to Professor G. Drews on occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Cultures of Chromatium vinosum, devoid of sulfur globules, were supplemented with sulfide and incubated under anoxic conditions in the light. The concentrations of sulfide, polysulfides, thiosulfate, polythionates and elemental sulfur (sulfur rings) were monitored for 3 days by ion-chromatography and reversed-phase HPLC. While sulfide disappeared rapidly, thiosulfate and elemental sulfur (S6, S7 S8 rings) were formed. After sulfide depletion, the concentration of thiosulfate decreased fairly rapidly, but elemental sulfur was oxidized very slowly to sulfate. Neither polysulfides (S x 2– ), polythionates (SnO 6 2– , n=4–6), nor other polysulfur compounds could be detected, which is in accordance with the fact that sulfide-grown cells were able to oxidize polysulfide without lag. The nature of the intracellular sulfur globules is discussed.  相似文献   

Cells of the phototrophic bacterium Chromatium vinosum strain D were shown to contain a siroheme sulfite reductase after autotrophic growth in a sulfide/bicarbonate medium. The enzyme could not be detected in cells grown heterotrophically in a malate/sulfate medium. Siroheme sulfite reductase was isolated from autotrophic cells and obtained in an about 80% pure preparation which was used to investigate some molecular and catalytic properties of the enzyme. It was shown to consist of two different types of subunits with molecular weights of 37,000 and 42,000, most probably arranged in an 44-structure. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was determined to 280,000, 51 atoms of iron and 47 atoms of acid-labile sulfur were found per enzyme molecule. The absorption spectrum indicated siroheme as prosthetic group; it had maxima at 280 nm, 392 nm, 595 nm, and 724 nm. The molar extinction coefficients were determined as 302×103 cm2xmmol-1 at 392 nm, 98×103 cm2 xmmol-1 at 595 nm and 22×103 cm2x-mmol-1 at 724 nm. With reduced viologen dyes as electron donor the enzyme reduced sulfite to sulfide, thiosulfate, and trithionate. The turnover number with 59 (2 e-/enzyme moleculexmin) was low. The pH-optimum was at 6.0. C. vinosum sulfite reductase closely resembled the corresponding enzyme from Thiobacillus denitrificans and also desulfoviridin, the dismilatory sulfite reductase from Desulfovibrio species. It is proposed that C. vinosum catalyses anaerobic oxidation of sulfide and/or elemental sulfur to sulfite in the course of dissimilatory oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds to sulfate.Non-common abbreviations APS adenylyl sulfate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

The utilization of sulfide by phototrophic sulfur bacteria temporarily results in the accumulation of elemental sulfur. In the green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae), the sulfur is deposited outside the cells, whereas in the purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) sulfur is found intracellularly. Consequently, in the latter case, sulfur is unattainable for other individuals. Attempts were made to analyze the impact of the formation of extracellular elemental sulfur compared to the deposition of intracellular sulfur.According to the theory of the continuous cultivation of microorganisms, the steady-state concentration of the limiting substrate is unaffected by the reservoir concentration (S R).It was observed in sulfide-limited continuous cultures ofChlorobium limicola f.thiosulfatophilum that higherS R values not only resulted in higher steady-state population densities, but also in increased steady-state concentrations of elemental sulfur. Similar phenomena were observed in sulfide-limited cultures ofChromatium vinosum.It was concluded that the elemental sulfur produced byChlorobium, althouth being deposited extracellularly, is not easily available for other individuals, and apparently remains (in part) attached to the cells. The ecological significance of the data is discussed.Non-standard abbreviations RP reducing power - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - Ncell cell material - specific growth rate - {ie52-1} maximal specific growth rate - D dilution rate - K s saturation constant - s concentration of limiting substrate - S R same ass but in reservoir bottle - Y yield factor - iSo intracellular elemental sulfur - eSo extracellular elemental sulfur - PHB poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid  相似文献   

The capacity for chemoautotrophic, mixotrophic and organotrophic growth in the dark was tested with 45 strains of 17 species (11 genera) of the Chromatiaceae. The auxanographic deep agar shake culture method was used; the gas phase contained 5% O2 and 1% CO2 in N2. All strains tested of Chromatium vinosum, C. minus, C. violascens, C. gracile, Thiocystis violacea, Amoebobacter roseus, Thiocapsa roseopersicina gave positive growth responses under chemoautotrophic and mixotrophic conditions (extra carbon source acetate); one strain of Thiocapsa roseopersicina grew also organotrophically on acetate alone. No growth was obtained with the remaining 17 strains of ten species. None of the five type species (three genera) of the Chlorobiaceae grew under chemotrophic conditions. With Thiocystis violacea 2311 a growth yield of 11.3g dry weight per mol thiosulfate consumed was obtained under chemoautotrophic conditions; under mixotrophic conditions with acetate the yield increased to 69g dry weight per mol thiosulfate consumed. With Thiocystis violacea 2311 maximal specific respiration rates were obtained with thiosulfate as electron donor irrespective of the presence or absence of sulfur globules in the cells; organic substrates served as carbon sources only and did not support respiration. With Chromatium vinosum D utilization of thiosulfate was not constitutive; maximal respiration rates on thiosulfate were obtained only with thiosulfate grown cells containing sulfur globules. Respiration rates were further increased by malate, fumarate or propionate; these substrates also served as sole electron donors for respiration. Acetate and pyruvate were used as carbon sources only. The ecological significance of the chemotrophic metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

Isotope substitution of 57Fe (I = 12) for 56Fe has a pronounced effect on the two EPR signals of hydrogenase of Chromatium vinosum. It is proposed that signal 1, the intensity of which is increased several-fold by a deoxygenation-oxygenation cycle with a simultaneous increase of a signal from Fe3+, is due to a [3Fe-xS] cluster. It is further proposed that signal 2 is caused by a magnetic interaction of a [4Fe-4S]3+ cluster with an unidentified paramagnet. The addition of 10 μM Ni to the culture medium (already containing 1 μM Ni) increased the enzyme activity 3–6-fold, without effect on the growth of the bacterium. Addition of 61Ni (I = 32) to the medium did not change the EPR spectrum of hydrogenase. From a comparison of the EPR signal intensities and the enzyme activities it is concluded that, in the hydrogenase preparation as isolated, molecules containing a [3Fe-xS) cluster are not active, and that active molecules have a [4Fe-4S]3+(3+,2+) cluster plus an as yet unidentified paramagnetic redox component. The latter is thought to be the primary site of interaction of the enzyme with H2. Ni is considered as a possible candidate for this component.  相似文献   

During oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds, the purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum stores sulfur in the periplasm in the form of intracellular sulfur globules. The sulfur in the globules is enclosed by a protein envelope that consists of the homologous 10.5-kDa proteins SgpA and SgpB and the smaller 8.5-kDa SgpC. Reporter gene fusions of sgpA and alkaline phosphatase showed the constitutive expression of sgpA in A. vinosum and yielded additional evidence for the periplasmic localization of the sulfur globules. Expression analysis of the wild-type sgp genes by quantitative RT-PCR using the LightCycler system showed the constitutive expression of all three sgp genes. The expression of sgpB and sgpC is significantly enhanced under photolithotrophic conditions. Interestingly, sgpB is expressed ten times less than sgpA and sgpC implying that SgpA and SgpC are the main proteins of the sulfur globule envelope. Mutants with inactivated sgpA or sgpB did not show any differences in comparison with the wild-type, i.e., the encoded proteins can replace each other, whereas inactivation of sgpC leads to the formation of considerably smaller sulfur globules. This indicates a role of SgpC for globule expansion. A sgpBC double mutant was unable to grow on sulfide and could not form sulfur globules, showing that the protein envelope is indispensible for the formation and deposition of intracellular sulfur.The paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Günter Schlegel, Göttingen, on the occasion of his 80th birthday on October 24th, 2004, with great gratitude, as our interest in microbial sulfur metabolism goes back to the early 1960s, when HGT worked in Prof. Schlegels laboratory and in 1972 established this field in Bonn.  相似文献   

In the phototrophic sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum, sulfur of oxidation state zero stored in intracellular sulfur globules is an obligate intermediate during the oxidation of sulfide and thiosulfate. The proteins encoded in the dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsr) locus are essential for the oxidation of the stored sulfur. DsrMKJOP form a membrane-spanning complex proposed to accept electrons from or to deliver electrons to cytoplasmic sulfur-oxidizing proteins. In frame deletion mutagenesis showed that each individual of the complex-encoding genes is an absolute requirement for the oxidation of the stored sulfur in Alc. vinosum. Complementation of the ΔdsrJ mutant using the conjugative broad host range plasmid pBBR1-MCS2 and the dsr promoter was successful. The importance of the DsrMKJOP complex is underlined by the fact that the respective genes occur in all currently sequenced genomes of sulfur-forming bacteria such as Thiobacillus denitrificans and Chlorobaculum tepidum. Furthermore, closely related genes are present in the genomes of sulfate- and sulfite-reducing prokaryotes. A phylogenetic analysis showed that most dsr genes from sulfide oxidizers are clearly separated of those from sulfate reducers. Surprisingly, the dsrMKJOP genes of the Chlorobiaceae all cluster together with those of the sulfate/sulfite-reducing prokaryotes, indicating a lateral gene transfer at the base of the Chlorobiaceae.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Recent topographs of the intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) of purple bacteria obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM) have provided the first surface views of the native architecture of a multicomponent biological membrane at submolecular resolution, representing an important landmark in structural biology. A variety of species-dependent, closely packed arrangements of light-harvesting (LH) complexes was revealed: the most highly organized was found in Rhodobacter sphaeroides in which the peripheral LH2 antenna was seen either in large clusters or in fixed rows interspersed among ordered arrays of dimeric LH1-reaction center (RC) core complexes. A more random organization was observed in other species containing both the LH1 and LH2 complexes, as typified by Rhododspirillum photometricum with randomly packed monomeric LH1-RC core complexes intermingled with large, paracrystalline domains of LH2 antenna. Surprisingly, no structures that could be identified as the ATP synthase or cytochrome bc 1 complexes were observed, which may reflect their localization at ICM vesicle poles or in curved membrane areas, out of view from the flat regions imaged by AFM. This possible arrangement of energy transducing complexes has required a reassessment of energy tranduction mechanisms which place the cytochrome bc 1 complex in close association with the RC. Instead, more plausible proposals must account for the movement of quinone redox species over considerable membrane distances on appropriate time scales. AFM, together with atomic resolution structures are also providing the basis for molecular modeling of the ICM that is leading to an improved picture of the supramolecular organization of photosynthetic complexes, as well as the forces that drive their segregation into distinct domains.  相似文献   

In addition to several cytochromes three iron sulfur proteins were detected in mixotrophically grown cells of Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii, a member of the Chromatiaceae. They were identified as a bacterial ferredoxin and two high potential iron sulfur proteins (HIPIPs). The two HIPIPs were purified and characterized. They were named according to their differing retention times on a DEAE-cellulose column using a continuous NaCl gradient: early and late HIPIP. The HIPIPs contain 4 mol of non-heme iron and 4 mol of acid labile sulfur per mol protein. Under the conditions of purification the early HIPIP (E m, 7+270 mV) was present in a semi-reduced state. Using ion-exchange chromatography the early HIPIP could be split into a reduced green-brown (pI=3.7) and an oxidized red-brown (pI=3.9) fraction. The late HIPIP (pI=3.8) showed a midpoint potential of only+155 mV, the lowest redox potential of a HIPIP described so far.Non-common abbreviations HIPIP high potential iron sulfur protein - MOPS 3(N-morpholino)propane sulfonate - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   

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