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Linus Svensson 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):373-377
Summary Pollen carryover by ants was estimated in a natural population of Scleranthus perennis L. (Caryophyllaceae) using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue.A highly significant exponential decrease in deposition of dye grains in a sequence of flowers visited by the main flowr visitor, Formica (S.) rufibarbis F., was observed with most grains being deposited in the first few flowers visited. At most 12 flowers were visited in a sequence.The mean between-flower transfer distance was estimated to be 6.2 cm, within-plant pollen transfers being recorded as zero. When all within-plant movements were excluded the mean was 22.5 cm. The distribution of transport distances differed from what I observed for honey-bees which occasionally foraged on dense stands of S. perennis. Calculations made on the deposition of dye grains transferred by ants showed that 7% of the dye grains deposited in the first flower visited after the dye source may reach a flower situated c. 30 cm from the dye source.  相似文献   

Summary We present results of experiments designed to identify floral characteristics that influence patterns of pollen carryover by hummingbirds visiting Ipomopsis aggregata flowers. We used fluorescent dye powders as pollen analogues. For all four experimental treatments considered, amounts of dye deposited on recipient stigmas declined linearly as a function of flower position in a visitation sequence. The decline was significantly steeper when recipient flowers had pollen-carrying anthers than when they did not; whereas degree of stigma clogging and presence or absence of empty anthers did not influence carryover. From this we conclude that presence of pollen on recipient flowers significantly reduces the average number of subsequent flowers reached by donor pollen. We discuss mechanisms for this effect and its significance for the evolution of floral structure.  相似文献   

Among plants visited by many pollinator species, the relative contribution of each pollinator to plant reproduction is determined by variation in both pollinator and plant traits. Here we evaluate how pollinator movement among plants, apparent pollen carryover, ovule number, resource limitation of seed set, and pollen output affect variation in contribution of individual pollinator species to seed set in Lithophragma parviflorum (Saxifragaceae), a species visited by a broad spectrum of visitors, including beeflies, bees and a moth species. A previous study demonstrated differences among visitor species in their single-visit pollination efficacy but did not evaluate how differences in visitation patterns and pollen carryover affect pollinator efficacy. Incorporation of differential visitation patterns and pollen carryover effects —commonly cited as potentially important in evaluating pollinator guilds — had minor effects (0–0.6% change) on the estimates of relative contribution based on visit frequency and single-visit efficacy alone. Beeflies visited significantly more flowers per inflorescence than the bees and the moth. Seed set remained virtually constant during the first three visited flowers for beeflies and larger bees, indicating that apparent pollen carryover did not reduce per-visit efficacy of these taxa. In contrast, Greya moth visits showed a decrease in seed set by 55.4% and the smaller bees by 45.4% from first to second flower. The larger carryover effects in smaller bees and Greya were diminished in importance by their small overall contribution to seed set. Three variable plant traits may affect seed set: ovule number, resource limitation on seed maturation, and pollen output. Ovule number per flower declined strongly with later position within inflorescences. Numbers were much higher in first-year greenhouse-grown plants than in field populations, and differences increased during 3 years of study. Mean pollen count by position varied 7-fold among flowers; it paralleled ovule number variation, resulting in a relatively stable pollen:ovule ratio. Resource limitation of seed set increased strongly with later flowering, with seed set in hand-pollinated flowers ranging from 66% in early flowers to 0% in the last two flowers of all plants. Variation in ovule number and resource limitation of seed maturation jointly had a strong effect on the number of seeds per flower. Visitation to early flowers had the potential to cause more seed set than visitation to later flowers. Overall, the most important sources of variation to seed production contribution were differences among pollinators in abundance and absolute efficacy (ovules fertilized on a single visit) and potentially differential phenology among visitor species. These effects are likely to vary among populations and years.  相似文献   

Pollen dynamics of bumble-bee visitation on Echium vulgare   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1. We quantified pollen deposition on the stigma, pollen removal from the anthers and pollen losses in Echium vulgare , visited by workers of Bombus terrestris under controlled conditions. We used dye as a pollen analogue. Bumble-bees were trained to visit a sequence of non-emasculated flowers to estimate pollen carryover and to visit individual flowers to estimate pollen loss.
2. Carryover of pollen grains and dye particles between flowers was similar, which justifies using dye as a pollen analogue. On average 93·8% of the dye particles on the bee were carried over to the next flower. Only a small fraction of the pollen grains was deposited on the stigma (0·15%). A much larger fraction (6·1%) was lost in another way: passively during flight, through grooming or on floral parts other than the stigma. The bees removed 44% of the pollen grains from a fresh flower and 50·3% of this removed pollen adhered to the bee.
3. We predict that, using the parameters mentioned above, during a single visit to a newly opened flower, a bee collects an amount of pollen grains which will bring about 60% geitonogamous self-pollination in the next flower visited. The expected percentage of self-pollination is considerably less if bees visit flowers that have been visited before.  相似文献   

We document distyly in Damnacanthus (Rubiaceae) and investigate pollen morphology in the genus. Within nine taxa in Japan (four species, four varieties and one form), five show distyly. Non-distylous taxa of Damnacanthus always have a long style and short stamens. We examined the pollen morphology of all taxa of Damnacanthus in Japan. The pollen grains of Damnacanthus are 3- to 5-orthocolporate or sometimes loxocolporate. Polymorphic pollen is sometimes observed even within a single flower. Pollen dimorphism is associated with distyly; pollen grains from short-styled (thrum) flowers are significantly larger than those from long-styled (pin) flowers, and the muri are smooth in pin flowers whereas the pollen grains of thrum flowers have minute granules on the top and/or on the sides. In non-distylous taxa, in which the style is longer than stamens, the muri are always provided with minute granules. Interestingly, the pollen grains with granules in the non-distylous taxa contrast with the pollen of the distylous taxa, because granulate pollen grains are found only in thrum flowers. Although Damnacanthus is a stenopalynous genus, the number of colpi is useful for delimiting taxa. Based on palynological characters, we conclude that Damnacanthus should be revised. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Flowers of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are hermaphrodite and self-incompatible; their cross-pollination depends entirely on insect visitors, mainly bees (Apoidea). Because self-pollination of white clover occurs before flower anthesis, we determined whether selfing affected the pollination efficiency of a honeybee visit. We compared pollen deposition in emasculated and intact flowers following (1) a single honeybee visit, (2) open-pollination for a day and (3) enclosure in a cloth bag to prevent insect visits. In emasculated flowers, open-pollination resulted in more pollen deposited than after one visit (+30%) which is consistent with flowers being visited more than once by pollinators during the course of a day. On intact flowers, saturation of the stigma was achieved after the first visit of a honeybee (near 280 grains) because of self-pollination. Additional visits did not increase pollen deposits, but they improved pollen efficiency in terms of numbers of pollen tubes reaching the ovules. In such a context of easily saturated stigmas, self-pollen does not inhibit cross-pollen activity, but represents a constraint for pollination which demands multiple bee visits to each flower to achieve maximum fertilization. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 October 1997  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between flowers and pollinators greatly affect the reproductive success. To facilitate these interactions, many flowers are known to display their attractive qualities, such as scent emission, flower rewards and floral vertical direction, in a rhythmic fashion. However, less is known about how plants regulate the relationship between these flower traits to adapt to pollinator visiting behavior and increase reproduction success. Here we investigated the adaptive significance of the flower bending from erect to downward in Trifolium repens. We observed the flowering dynamic characteristics (changes of vertical direction of florets, flowering number, pollen grain numbers, pollen viability and stigma receptivity over time after blossom) and the factors affecting the rate of flower bending in T. repens. Then we altered the vertical direction of florets in inflorescence of different types (upright and downward), and compared the pollinator behaviors and female reproductive success. Our results showed that florets opened sequentially in inflorescence, and then bend downwards slowly after flowering. The bending speed of florets was mainly influenced by pollination, and bending angle increased with the prolongation of flowering time, while the pollen germination rate, stigma receptivity and nectar secretion has a rhythm of “low-high-low” during the whole period with the time going. The visiting frequency of all the four species of pollinators on upward flowers was significantly higher than that of downward flowers, and they especially prefer to visit flowers with a bending angle of 30°–60°, when the flowers was exactly of the highest flower rewards (nectar secretion and number of pollen grains), stigma receptivity and pollen germination rate. The seed set ratio and fruit set ratio of upward flowers were significantly higher than downward flowers, but significantly lower than unmanipulated flowers. Our results indicated that the T. repens could increase female and male fitness by accurate pollination. The most suitable flower angle saves pollinators’ visiting energy and enables them to obtain the highest nectar rewards. This coordination between plants and pollinators maximizes the interests of them, which is a crucial factor in initiating specialized plant-pollinator relationships.  相似文献   

A previous study of Campanula punctata pollinated by Bombus diversus showed greater male reproductive success in plants with wider corollas when male reproductive success was measured by paternity analysis. Pollen removal alone was not a good measure of male reproductive success. The aim of the current study is to elucidate the mechanism underlying the selection on corolla width in C. punctata. Multiple regression analysis of male reproductive success in experimental populations revealed that the advantage of a wide corolla to the male is independent of the corolla width of pollen recipients, indicating that the position of pollen deposited on Bombus may not be an important factor for selection. However, the number of pollen grains that fell on the petal or off the flower and were lost at the first visit of Bombus (pollen fall) decreased with increasing corolla width, so that most pollen grains removed from a wide flower were deposited onto the pollinator. In a narrow flower, a greater proportion of the pollen removed was wasted through pollen fall. Pollen removal does not reflect male reproductive success, at least in part because of the loss of pollen in some flowers through pollen fall. The positive relationship between wider corollas and reduced loss of pollen through pollen fall is likely to lead to greater male reproductive success of wider flowers under repeated visits of pollinators. Decreased pollen fall, probably due to more gentle contact between pollen and bees in flowers with wider corollas, may be one of the mechanisms underlying the selection on corolla width of C. punctata.  相似文献   

To test the prediction of sex allocation theory that plants or flowers high in resource status emphasize the female function, we explored the variation in both biomass (the number of pollen grains and ovules) and temporal (male and female durations) sex allocation among and within plants of protandrous Lobelia sessilifolia in relation to plant size and flower position within plants. Among plants, the mean number of pollen grains and ovules per flower of a plant increased with plant size, whereas the mean P/O ratio (number of pollen grains/number of ovules ratio) decreased with plant size. The mean male duration, the mean female duration, and the mean ratio of male duration/flower longevity per flower of a plant were not correlated with plant size. Thus, large plants emphasized female function in terms of biomass sex allocation, which is consistent with the prediction of size-dependent sex allocation theory. The results for temporal sex allocation, however were inconsistent with the theory. Within plants, the mean number of pollen grains and ovules per flower at each position decreased from lower to upper flowers (early to late blooming flowers) and that of the P/O ratio increased from lower to upper flowers. The mean male duration and the mean female duration per flower decreased from lower to upper flowers, whereas the mean ratio of male duration/flower longevity increased from lower to upper flowers. The population sex ratio changed from male-biased to female-biased. Thus, later blooming flowers emphasized the male function in terms of both biomass and temporal sex allocation, consistent with the sex allocation theory, regarding the change in the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

The two widespread tropical Solanum species S. paniculatum and S. stramoniifolium are highly dependent on the visits of large bees that pollinate the flowers while buzzing them. Both Solanum species do not offer nectar reward; the rewarding of bees is thus solely dependent on the availability of pollen. Flower visitors are unable to visually assess the amount of pollen, because the pollen is hidden in poricidal anthers. In this study we ask whether and how the amount of pollen determines the attractiveness of flowers for bees. The number of pollen grains in anthers of S. stramoniifolium was seven times higher than in S. paniculatum. By contrast, the handling time per five flowers for carpenter bees visiting S. paniculatum was 3.5 times shorter than of those visiting S. stramoniifolium. As a result foraging carpenter bees collected a similar number of pollen grains per unit time on flowers of both species. Experimental manipulation of pollen availability by gluing the anther pores showed that the carpenter bees were unable to detect the availability of pollen by means of chemical cues before landing and without buzzing. Our study shows that the efficiency of pollen collecting on S. paniculatum is based on large inflorescences with short between‐flower search times and short handling time of individual flowers, whereas that of S. stramoniifolium relies on a large amount of pollen per flower. Interestingly, large carpenter bees are able to adjust their foraging behaviour to drastically different strategies of pollen reward in otherwise very similar plant species.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditism is prevalent in plants but may allow interference between male function (pollen removal and dispersal) and female function (pollen receipt and seed production) within a flower. Temporal or spatial segregation of gender within a hermaphroditic flower may evolve to reduce this interference and enhance male and female reproductive success. We tested this hypothesis using Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae), in which pollen removal (male) and pollen deposition (female) were measured directly on hermaphroditic and experimentally produced unisexual flowers. During a single flower visit in the field, bees deposited 159±24 (SE) pollen grains on a stigma and removed 1058±198 grains from each flower. Anther removal did not alter deposition rates. In the laboratory, bees removed 2669±273 pollen grains and deposited 209±72.3 cross-pollen and 120±28.4 facilitated self-pollen grains per visit. The presence of anthers significantly reduced cross-pollen deposition on the stigma. In contrast, pollen removal was not affected by presence of the pistil. These results suggest that within-flower interference affects female function and represents a fitness cost that can be reduced through temporal segregation of gender within the flower. Co-ordinating editor: S.-M. Chang  相似文献   

Floral resource partitioning among stingless bees (Trigona, Meliponini, Apidae) in a lowland rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, was investigated using tree towers and walkways in a 4-year study that included a general flowering period. We obtained 100 collections of insect visitors to flowers of varying floral location and shape representing 81 plant species. The tendency of 11 species of stingless bees to visit specific flowers with a particular floral location and shape was analyzed by logistic regression analysis. This analysis showed that the proportion of flower visitor collections containing Trigona fuscobalteata and T. melanocephala differed according to floral location. The former was frequently collected at canopy and gap flowers, whereas the latter was most often collected at understory flowers. The analysis also suggested that T. erythrogastra was more rarely collected at shallow flowers than at deep flowers. Analysis of the pollen diets of T. collina, T. fuscobalteata, T. melanocephala, and T. melina revealed that similarity of pollen sources differed among the six permutated pairs of the four species. The lowest mean rank of similarity found was between T. fuscobalteata and T. melanocephala. This result supports the hypothesis that preference in visiting flowers in different locations leads to pollen resource partitioning. Received: May 14, 1997 / Accepted: April 23, 1999  相似文献   

We quantified the differences in floral characters and attractiveness to flower visitors under natural conditions between the sexual types in the gynodioecious plant Glechoma longituba. We also manipulated flowers by altering corolla size or nectar volume, or by removing anthers, to examine the effect of these primary and secondary attractants (i.e. rewards and advertisements) on attractiveness. A change in corolla size and shape reduced visiting frequency and pollen load. Removal of anthers did not affect visiting rates, but significantly reduced pollination rates and stigmatic pollen load. A decrease in the nectar volume of a flower was associated with a reduction in handling time and pollen loads on stigmas. These results show that corolla size is an important advertisement to pollinators (particularly at greater distance), which associate hermaphrodite flowers with a larger corolla and a larger volume of nectar than female flowers. We found that artificial changes in population structure affected the behavior of pollinators as well as the pollination rates of flowers. We suggest that the pattern of distribution of hermaphrodite and female clones in a population may serve to avoid pollen limitation in a female clone or patch. This effect may ensure female reproductive success and allow for the maintenance of female individuals in natural populations of this gynodioecious plant.  相似文献   

The potential influence of pollen-tube competition on offspring “quality” has received considerable attention in recent years. Yet the prevalence of pollen competition in natural populations is largely unknown because few investigators have actually measured rates of pollen deposition on stigmas. In this study, we assess the potential for pollen-tube competition in natural populations of the self-compatible, pollinator-dependent herbaceous perennial, Hibiscus moscheutos. Individual flowers averaged two to four visits per 15 min by potential pollinators (Ptilothrix and Bombus), and about 34% of these visits involved contact with a stigma. The median number of pollen grains deposited on virgin stigmas per contact visit was 70 grains (values ranged from 0 to 889), and flowers averaged about four contact visits per hour. Approximately 360 pollen grains must reach stigmas for full seed set to occur in a typical flower (an average ovary has 139 ovules, and 2.6 pollen grains are required per seed). Within 2 and 3 hr exposure to pollinators, 65% and 97% of the flowers received excess pollen (>360 grains) and median stigmatic pollen loads exceeded the number of ovules by a factor of 4.0 and 5.4, respectively. Based on 3 yr observations, it is concluded that pollen competition may frequently occur in this species.  相似文献   

Trumpet creeper is self-incompatible and bears long, tubular, orange flowers from June to September. Flowering peaks rapidly, then declines and continues at low levels for several weeks. The initial burst of flowering may attract pollinators that return even during subsequent reduced flowering. Most flowers open before noon and nectar production totals 110 μl of 26% sucrose equivalents per flower, an exceptionally high production for a temperate zone plant. Production ceases within 20–30 hr of flower opening, but corollas persist for several days and may serve to attract pollinators. Effective pollination reduces the period of stigma receptivity and speeds closing of stigma lobes. Only 1–9% of flowers produced mature fruits at four sites in Illinois and Missouri. Roughly 400 pollen grains had to be deposited on a receptive stigma to cause fruit development beyond an initial period of high abortion. At two sites, 17% and 89% of stigmas received over 400 pollen grains. Assuming 50% of deposited grains were from the same plant, fruit production at one site was clearly pollinator limited, that at the second site may have been. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) deposited ten times as much pollen per stigma per visit as honeybees (Apis mellifera) and bumblebees (Bombus spp.). Fruit set was highest where rubythroat visitation was most frequent. Trumpet creeper appears primarily adapted for hummingbird pollination, but can also be adequately pollinated by honeybees and bumblebees. This is one of the first attempts to relate pollen-depositing capabilities of pollinators of any plant to pollen requirements for fruit production. Several characteristics suggest that trumpet creeper may be adapted to pollination at low densities (often called traplining) in its presumed original, woodland, habitat.  相似文献   

Hedyotis caerulea is a perennial, spring-flowering herb native to eastern North America with distylous flowers that differ in a number of morphological and physiological traits. However, the pin and thrum morphs produce the same numbers of buds, flowers, and fruits per plant, although it is possible that differences in these may occur in some populations at certain times of the flowering period. The two morphs are self-incompatible and cross-compatible. Most populations contained an excess of pins over thrums (anisoplethy); less commonly pins and thrums were equally represented (isoplethy). Populations change from anisoplethy to isoplethy and in the reverse direction. The spatial distribution of pin and thrum flowers in populations was random in some populations but non-random in others. There is some indication that the two morphs in some populations have somewhat different flowering periods. Pollinators seem to be chiefly bombyliid flies and perhaps thrips, but insects were rarely observed visiting flowers. In some populations, the two morphs produced equal numbers of pollen grains per flower; in others they did not. The average pollen viability varied, but on the average there was a moderate level of pollen sterility. High numbers of pollen grains remained in dehisced anthers, probably as a result of low pollinator activity. However, between 5% and 9% of the pollen produced participated in pollination. Stigmas of most pin flowers received more pin pollen grains than thrum pollen grains; on stigmas of thrum flowers pin pollen grains outnumbered thrum pollen grains. Thus, compatible pollen flow from pins to thrums was greater than in the reverse direction. Anisoplethic and isoplethic populations had the same pollen flow patterns. A plant-by-plant examination of stigmas indicated that many stigmas bore few or no pollen grains. Seed production of the two morphs was equal. Despite the inequities in pollen flow patterns, the widespread and occasionally weedy nature of H. caerulea suggests that its breeding system must be viewed as a successful one.  相似文献   

Examining variation in pollinator effectiveness and seed production resulting from single pollinator visits can provide a deeper understanding of how pollinators may influence reproduction in plant populations. When comparing populations, differences in the number of seeds produced from single pollinator visits to flowers may not always be attributable to differences in pollen deposition, but rather to differences in plant fecundity or resource availability. Pollinator effectiveness and seed production were studied for two populations over a 4-year period and were measured using single bee visit manipulations of flowers. No significant difference in pollinator effectiveness (pollen deposited on stigmas) was observed between the two populations. However, a significant difference between the two populations was observed in the number of seeds produced per flower. The Wellhouse population produced approximately three times as many seeds/flower from a single pollinator visit as did the Firefly Meadow population. Within each population, pollinators (Bombus pennsylvanicus and Apis mellifera) did not differ in the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas or seeds produced per flower from single visit experiments. Differences in plant density, pollen viability, and ovules per flower also could not account for a significant amount of the variation. A resource augmentation experiment (water and fertilizer application) resulted in a decrease in seeds per flower per bee visit for the water treatment at the Wellhouse population only. For both populations, pollen deposition, pollen viability, and ovules per flower were unaffected by the resource augmentation. Alternative possibilities for the observed differences in seeds per flower per bee visit are discussed.  相似文献   

Hee KH  Loh CS  Yeoh HH 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(12):2055-2062
Plantlets of Dendrobium Chao Praya Smile maintained in vitro were induced to flower, which produced viable seeds within about 11 months. A two-layer (Gelrite-solidified layer topped with a layer of liquid medium of the same volume and composition) culture system containing benzyladenine (BA) at 11.1 μM induced the highest percent of flowering (45%) in plantlets within 6 months from germination. The percentage of inflorescence induction was increased to 72% by pre-selecting morphologically normal seedlings prior to two-layer culture. Plantlets in culture produced both complete (developmentally normal but smaller than flowers of field grown plants) and incomplete flowers. Pollen and female reproductive organs of in vitro-developed complete flowers were morphologically and anatomically similar to flowers of field grown plants. In addition, 65% of the pollen grains derived from in vitro-developed flower were tetrad suggesting that regular meiosis occurred during microsporogenesis. The percentage of germination of pollen grains derived from in vitro-developed flowers and flowers of field grown plants, incubated on modified Knops’ medium for 8 days, were 18.2 and 52.8%, respectively. Despite a lower percentage of germination of the pollen grains derived from in vitro-developed flowers, flowers induced in culture could be self-pollinated and developed seedpods with viable seeds. Nearly 90% of these seeds developed into protocorms on germination in vitro. These seedlings were grown in culture and induced to flower in vitro again using the same procedure.  相似文献   

Lau P  Bosque C 《Oecologia》2003,135(4):593-600
The Disassortative Pollen Flow Hypothesis proposed by Darwin postulates that the relative position of anthers and stigmas in distylous flowers enhances pollen flow between flowers of different morphs (legitimate pollination), in comparison to flow between flowers of the same morph (illegitimate pollination). In order to test this hypothesis, we measured pollen transport, mediated by a trained Copper-rumped Hummingbird (Amazilia tobaci), between flowers of the distylous Palicourea fendleri under laboratory conditions. In individual tests, we offered to the hummingbird a pollen donor flower and two emasculated recipient flowers in a controlled sequence. After each foraging bout, we counted the number of pollen grains transported from the donor flower to the stigmas of both recipient flowers. In agreement with Darwin's hypothesis, we found that hummingbirds transport pollen of "pin" flowers in significantly higher numbers to legitimate "thrum" stigmas, even if previously visiting a "pin" flower. However, "thrum" pollen was deposited in greater numbers on illegitimate "thrum" stigmas. We interpret this asymmetry largely as the consequence of floral morphology; pollen flow was greater between anthers and stigmas that exhibit greater spatial matching. In P. fendleri, the position of floral organs along the corolla tube does not always precisely correspond. In our experimental system, the probability that the pollinator extracts a pollen grain from the anther and the probability of self-pollination were both dependent on the type of floral morph. We discuss the relevance of the latter findings in relation to other studies of pollen flow in heterostylous species.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation and resource limitation were invoked to account for the pattern that flowering plants produce more flowers and ovules than fruits and seeds. This study aimed to determine their relative importance in Veratrum nigrum, a self-compatible, perennial, andromonoecious herb. In order to determine whether female production was limited by pollen grains on stigmas or by available resources, we performed supplemental hand pollination in three populations, male-flower-bud removal in three other populations, and emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers in still another population, resulting in a total of seven populations experimentally manipulated. Across the three populations, supplemental hand pollination did not significantly increase fruit set, seed number per fruit, and total seed production per individual, nor did emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that pollen grains deposited on stigmas were abundant enough to fertilize all the ovules. Male-flower-bud removal significantly increased the mean size of hermaphroditic flowers in all three populations. Female reproductive success was increased in one population, but not in the other two populations possibly due to heavy flower/seed predation. We concluded that the female reproductive success of V. nigrum was not limited by pollen grains but by available resources, which is consistent with Bateman's principle. Furthermore, the female reproduction increase of male-flower-bud removal individuals might suggest a trade-off between male and female sexual functions.  相似文献   

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