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Grazing optimization occurs when herbivory increases primary production at low grazing intensities. In the case of simple plant-herbivore interactions, such an effect can result from recycling of a limiting nutrient. However, in more complex cases, herbivory can also lead to species replacement in plant communities, which in turn alters how primary production is affected by herbivory. Here we explore this issue using a model of a limiting nutrient cycle in an ecosystem with two plant species. We show that two major plant traits determine primary production at equilibrium: plant recycling efficiency (i.e., the fraction of the plant nutrient stock that stays within the ecosystem until it is returned to the nutrient pool in mineral form) and plant ability to deplete the soil mineral nutrient pool through consumption of this resource. In cases where sufficient time has occurred, grazing optimization requires that herbivory improve nutrient conservation in the system sufficiently. This condition sets a minimum threshold for herbivore nutrient recycling efficiency, the fraction of nutrient consumed by herbivores that is recycled within the ecosystem to the mineral nutrient pool. This threshold changes with plant community composition and herbivore preference and is, therefore, strongly affected by plant species replacement. The quantitative effects of these processes on grazing optimization are determined by both the recycling efficiencies and depletion abilities of the plant species. However, grazing optimization remains qualitatively possible even with plant species replacement.  相似文献   

灵长类动物是世界上较濒危的动物类群之一,掌握灵长类的分布及其数量的动态变化,为保护行动的有效开展提供了必要的基础资料。通过改良的社区访问调查,首次对滇西北云龙县境内集中分布的6种灵长类动物(黑白仰鼻猴Rhinopithecus bieti、菲氏叶猴Presbytis phayrei、红面短尾猴Macaca arctoides、普通猕猴M.mulatta、熊猴M.assamensis和藏猕猴M.thibetana)从20世纪50年代至今的分布和数量进行了调查,共访查了11个乡镇240个自然村,获得968条有效信息。结果表明,云龙县灵长类基本呈斑块状、非连续性分布,其生境被澜沧江、沘江等河流和村落、交通网络分割。从20世纪50年代至今,6种灵长类共消失了62个种群约3 720只个体,种群数量下降率为60%~90%。综合分析云龙县各灵长类物种消失的时间、空间格局,发现1980—1990年代是灵长类动物种群消失最多且最快的时期,而各乡镇灵长类物种的消失斑块数与当地人口增长率呈显著正相关,人类大面积砍伐森林和捕猎导致了云龙县灵长类种群的快速消失。生境保护,尤其是对现存成熟森林的保护,将对云龙县现有灵长类动物的保护起到决定性的作用。  相似文献   

二点叶蝉自然种群的时空动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择受密度影响较小的负二项分布K值 ,描述玉米上二点叶蝉自然种群在 3个海拔高度上的空间格局及时序动态。在玉米生育期间 ,二点叶蝉种群即可作聚集分布亦可作均匀分布。 4月中下旬 ,二点叶蝉种群呈均匀分布 (K <0 ) ;5月份 ,呈聚集分布 (K >0 ) ;6月上中旬呈均匀分布 (K <0 ) ;6月下旬至 7月上旬呈聚集分布 (K >0 ) ,表现为扩散→聚集→再扩散→再聚集的总趋势。K值亦表明 ,5月份高海拔聚集强度最高 ,6月下旬至 7月上旬则低海拔的聚集强度最高。根据Taylor的幂函数法和Iwao的M -X回归方程的系数 ,高、中海拔的聚集强度大于低海拔  相似文献   

Dynamics of bryophyte assemblages of saline grassland were studied in Hungary. A survey was carried out in two permanent plots by annual sampling of 0.25-m2 quadrats over a 9-year period. The study investigated: i) the extent of spatial and temporal dependence of the assemblages and individual species; ii) the turnover of individual species and its relationship to life-strategy types and iii) the effect of annual weather conditions on species performance. One of the plots showed succession; the frequency of some perennial species increased, while that of some short-lived species decreased; this process was independent of local weather conditions. The other plot showed a non-directional fluctuation, which was partly related to precipitation in winter and early spring. The spatial and temporal dependence of this assemblage was low; many short-lived species had a high turnover in the studied community. In stable periods, neutral dynamic processes characterize the bryophyte assemblages of the studied saline grassland and the occurrences of species were more or less independent in space and time. Short-lived species showed high fluctuations and were probably influenced by weather conditions or other factors. However, the frequency of perennial species, which were influenced by local conditions, could directionally change displacing the short-lived ones during succession. The relationships between turnover and life-strategy types were weak, both the group of colonist and shuttle species were dynamically heterogeneous. Longer observations are needed for a clearer exploration of the relationships between vegetation changes and weather conditions.  相似文献   

We re-examine the problem of the evolution of protein synthesis or enzyme production using a stochastic cellular automaton model, where the replicators are fixed in the sites of a two-dimensional square lattice. In contrast with the classical chemical kinetics or mean-field predictions, we show that a small colony of mutant, protein-mediated (enzymatic) replicators has an appreciable probability to take over a resident population of simpler, direct-template replicators. In addition, we argue that the threshold phenomenon corresponding to the onset of invasion can be described quantitatively within the physics framework of nonequilibrium phase transitions. We study also the invasion of a resident population of enzymatic replicators by more efficient replicators of the same kind, and show that although slightly more efficient mutants cannot invade, invasion is a likely event if the productivity advantage of the mutants is large. In this sense, the establishment of a population of enzymatic replicators is not a `once-forever' evolutionary decision.  相似文献   



We describe a novel approach to analyze fluorescein angiography to investigate fluorescein flow dynamics in the rat posterior retina as well as identify abnormal areas following laser photocoagulation.


Experiments were undertaken in adult Long Evans rats. Using a rodent retinal camera, videos were acquired at 30 frames per second for 30 seconds following intravenous introduction of sodium fluorescein in a group of control animals (n = 14). Videos were image registered and analyzed using principle components analysis across all pixels in the field. This returns fluorescence intensity profiles from which, the half-rise (time to 50% brightness), half-fall (time for 50% decay) back to an offset (plateau level of fluorescence). We applied this analysis to video fluorescein angiography data collected 30 minutes following laser photocoagulation in a separate group of rats (n = 7).


Pixel-by-pixel analysis of video angiography clearly delineates differences in the temporal profiles of arteries, veins and capillaries in the posterior retina. We find no difference in half-rise, half-fall or offset amongst the four quadrants (inferior, nasal, superior, temporal). We also found little difference with eccentricity. By expressing the parameters at each pixel as a function of the number of standard deviation from the average of the entire field, we could clearly identify the spatial extent of the laser injury.


This simple registration and analysis provides a way to monitor the size of vascular injury, to highlight areas of subtle vascular leakage and to quantify vascular dynamics not possible using current fluorescein angiography approaches. This can be applied in both laboratory and clinical settings for in vivo dynamic fluorescent imaging of vasculature.  相似文献   

为探讨多叶斑叶兰(Goodyera foliosa)花蜜体积和成分的变异性,及其对传粉昆虫的影响,采用毛细管法、折光仪和高效液相-蒸发光法对一天内不同时间段单花花蜜体积、总糖浓度和可溶性糖成分及含量进行检测,用摄像机对其传粉昆虫访花行为进行观察。结果表明,单花花蜜体积在10:00达到最大[(7.19±2.29)μL, n=10],糖浓度在16:00达到最大[(25.85±1.83)%,n=10]。花蜜中的主要可溶性糖为果糖和蔗糖,果糖在上午10:00含量达到最高(78.310 mg/g);蔗糖在下午16:00含量达到最高(247.600 mg/g)。中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)访花时间为每天9:00-15:00,访花高峰期在10:00-14:00;橘尾熊蜂(Bombus friseanus)访花时间为每天8:00-16:00,访花高峰期在10:00-12:00和16:00-18:00。因此,这两种传粉昆虫访花频率与多叶斑叶兰单花花蜜体积及糖浓度的变化有一定的相关性,它们更倾向于访问较高花蜜体积及糖浓度的花朵。多叶斑叶兰花蜜成分中蔗糖占优势,能有效吸引各种蜂类、蝶类和蚁类访花,且访问频率较高,中华蜜蜂和橘尾熊蜂能携带其花粉块,是主要的有效传粉昆虫。花形态和访花昆虫的体型大小的匹配,决定了是否成为有效传粉昆虫。  相似文献   

Change in the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane to proteins (cytochrome c and Smac) and protons is a critical step in apoptosis. Although the time from the induction of apoptosis to the change of mitochondrial permeability is variable over a period of hours, the release of proteins is an “all or none” phenomenon that is completed in an individual cell within minutes. Here, using single-cell fluorescence microscopy, we show that the release of cytochrome c from a single mitochondrion occurs in a single step. However, this increased permeability of the outer membrane to cytochrome c propagates throughout the cell as a slower, spatially coordinated wave. The permeability of the outer membrane to Smac propagates with the same spatial pattern but lagging in time. This is followed by a wave of increased permeability of the inner membrane to protons. Only afterward do the mitochondria fission. The spatial dependence of the permeability wave was inhibited by thapsigargin, an inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum calcium pumps, but buffering cytosolic calcium had no effect. These results show that the trigger for apoptosis is spatially localized, initiating at one or only a few mitochondria preceding the loss of mitochondrial energetics, and the subsequent temporal propagation of mitochondrial membrane permeability is calcium-dependent.  相似文献   

Belonolaimus longicaudatus is a recognized pathogen of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), but insufficient information is available on the population dynamics and economic thresholds of B. longicaudatus in cotton production. In this study, data collected from a field in Florida were used to develop models predicting population increases of B. longicaudatus on cotton and population declines under clean fallow. Population densities of B. longicaudatus increased on cotton, reaching a carrying capacity of 139 nematodes/130 cm³ of soil, but decreased exponentially during periods of bare fallow. The model indicated that population densities should decrease each year of monocropped cotton, if an alternate host is not present between sequential cotton crops. Economic thresholds derived from published damage functions and current prices for cotton and nematicides varied from 2 to 5 B. longicaudatus/130 cm³ of soil, depending on the nematicide used.  相似文献   

Barrier islands provide the first line of defense against storms for millions of people living in coastal areas. Upland vegetation (that is, grassland, shrubland, and maritime forest) has received little attention, even though this land surface is most strongly affected by development pressures. We use remote-sensing analysis to assess state change on seven undeveloped Virginia barrier islands over 27 years (1984–2011) that are free from direct human influence. Our analysis highlights the spatial–temporally dynamic nature of barrier island upland land area and vegetation, with rapidly changing ecosystem states. Over the time period, upland vegetation was dramatically reduced by 29% whereas woody vegetation cover increased 40% across all islands. Although conversions between sand, grassland, and woody vegetation were variable within each island, three major patterns of vegetative land-cover change were apparent: overall loss of vegetative cover, frequent transitions between grass and woody cover, and gain in woody cover. These patterns are valuable for understanding natural evolution of barrier islands in response to sea-level rise. Evaluation of temporal dynamics in barrier upland is needed to characterize underlying processes including island resilience or chronic stress, and is a prerequisite to sustainable coastal management- and resilience-based planning, especially when implementing ecosystem-based solutions.  相似文献   

Spatial structure can have a profound, but often underappreciated, effect on the temporal dynamics of ecosystems. Here we report on a counterintuitive increase in the population of a tree-nesting ant, Azteca sericeasur, in response to a drastic reduction in the number of potential nesting sites. This surprising result is comprehensible when viewed in the context of the self-organized spatial dynamics of the ants and their effect on the ants’ dispersal-limited natural enemies. Approximately 30% of the trees in the study site, a coffee agroecosystem in southern Mexico, were pruned or felled over a two-year period, and yet the abundance of the ant nests more than doubled over the seven-year study. Throughout the transition, the spatial distribution of the ants maintained a power-law distribution – a signal of spatial self organization – but the local clustering of the nests was reduced post-pruning. A cellular automata model incorporating the changed spatial structure of the ants and the resulting partial escape from antagonists reproduced the observed increase in abundance, highlighting how self-organized spatial dynamics can profoundly influence the responses of ecosystems to perturbations.  相似文献   

A central goal of ecosystem ecology is to understand how the cycling of nutrients and the growth of organisms are linked. Ecologists have repeatedly observed that nutrient mineralization and plant production are closely coupled in time in many terrestrial ecosystems. Typically, mineralization rates of limiting nutrients, particularly of nitrogen, during the growing season determine nutrient availability while pools of mineral nutrients remain low and relatively constant. Although several previous reports suggest nitrogen mineralization has the potential to vary seasonally and out of phase with plant production, such a phenomenon has been poorly documented. Here we report results from a semiarid savanna ecosystem characterized by distinct temporal asynchrony in rates of soil nitrogen cycling and plant production. Periods of positive plant growth following the onset of rains coincide with periods of low N turnover rates, whereas higher rates occur late in the wet season following plant senescence and throughout dry seasons. Plant uptake from the substantial mineral N pool present early in the growing season is sufficient to explain most of the N allocation to aboveground plant biomass during the growing season, even in the absence of any wet-season mineralization. The mineral N pool is subsequently recharged by late wet- and dry-season mineralization, plus urine inputs at sites with high levels of ungulate activity. These findings suggest fundamental changes in the quality of substrates available to decomposers over a seasonal cycle, with significant implications for the partitioning of limiting nutrients by plant species, the seasonal pattern of nutrient limitations of aboveground production, and the effective use of N fertilizers in semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Pare PW  Tumlinson JH 《Plant physiology》1997,114(4):1161-1167
In response to insect feeding on the leaves, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants release elevated levels of volatiles, which can serve as a chemical signal that attracts natural enemies of the herbivore to the damaged plant. Pulse-labeling experiments with [13C]CO2 demonstrated that many of the volatiles released, including the acyclic terpenes (E,E)-[alpha]-farnesene, (E)-[beta]-farnesene, (E)-[beta]-ocimene, linalool, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, and (E/E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene, as well as the shikimate pathway product indole, are biosynthesized de novo following insect damage. However, other volatile constituents, including several cyclic terpenes, butyrates, and green leaf volatiles of the lipoxygenase pathway are released from storage or synthesized from stored intermediates. Analysis of volatiles from artificially damaged plants, with and without beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hubner) oral secretions exogenously applied to the leaves, as well as volatiles from beet armyworm-damaged and -undamaged control plants, demonstrated that the application of caterpillar oral secretions increased both the production and release of several volatiles that are synthesized de novo in response to insect feeding. These results establish that the plant plays an active and dynamic role in mediating the interaction between herbivores and natural enemies of herbivores.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal heterogeneity are often described as important factors having a strong impact on biodiversity. The effect of heterogeneity is in most cases analyzed by the response of biotic interactions such as competition of predation. It may also modify intrinsic population properties such as growth rate. Most of the studies are theoretic since it is often difficult to manipulate spatial heterogeneity in practice. Despite the large number of studies dealing with this topics, it is still difficult to understand how the heterogeneity affects populations dynamics. On the basis of a very simple model, this paper aims to explicitly provide a simple mechanism which can explain why spatial heterogeneity may be a favorable factor for production. We consider a two patch model and a logistic growth is assumed on each patch. A general condition on the migration rates and the local subpopulation growth rates is provided under which the total carrying capacity is higher than the sum of the local carrying capacities, which is not intuitive. As we illustrate, this result is robust under stochastic perturbations.  相似文献   



To investigate the effect of cataract on the ability of spatial and temporal contrast sensitivity tests used to detect early glaucoma.


Twenty-seven glaucoma subjects with early cataract (mean age 60 ±10.2 years) which constituted the test group were recruited together with twenty-seven controls (cataract only) matched for age and cataract type from a primary eye care setting. Contrast sensitivity to flickering gratings at 20 Hz and stationary gratings with and without glare, were measured for 0.5, 1.5 and 3 cycles per degree (cpd) in central vision. Perimetry and structural measurements with the Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph (HRT) were also performed.


After considering the effect of cataract, contrast sensitivity to stationary gratings was reduced in the test group compared with controls with a statistically significant mean difference of 0.2 log units independent of spatial frequency. The flicker test showed a significant difference between test and control group at 1.5 and 3 cpd (p = 0.019 and p = 0.011 respectively). The percentage of glaucoma patients who could not see the temporal modulation was much higher compared with their cataract only counterparts. A significant correlation was found between the reduction of contrast sensitivity caused by glare and the Glaucoma Probability Score (GPS) as measured with the HRT (p<0.005).


These findings indicate that both spatial and temporal contrast sensitivity tests are suitable for distinguishing between vision loss as a consequence of glaucoma and vision loss caused by cataract only. The correlation between glare factor and GPS suggests that there may be an increase in intraocular stray light in glaucoma.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of coal slurry ponds can be inhibited, at least in part, by dense stands of Phragmites australis. In this study, we demonstrate that species richness can be increased in coal slurry ponds if the dominant species (P. australis and Typha latifolia) are removed and that underwater herbivory simulated by cutting will kill emergents. The study was conducted in the greenhouse and the field in both flooded and drawndown conditions. Stems of plants of P. australis and T. latifolia were cut in a greenhouse and the cut plants of both species showed a decline in survivorship (25 and 42% survival, respectively) whereas all uncut plants survived. In a reclaimed coal pond at Pyramid State Park, Illinois, neither P. australis nor T. latifolia survived cutting underwater, but all of the uncut plants survived. Regrowth measured as total biomass of stems was less among flooded versus freely drained plants (0.3 and 2.6 g biomass, respectively). Cut versus uncut plants, combining freely drained and flooded, had less below-ground biomass (99.4 and 254.4 g, respectively). In the greenhouse study, oxygen levels in rhizomes subsequent to cutting were measured using an oxygen electrode and millivolt meter. Oxygen levels in P. australis were lower in cut versus uncut plants both in flooded (15.0 vs. 16.3% ambient O2, respectively) and freely drained conditions (14.5 vs. 15.0%, ambient O2, respectively). Similar responses to cutting were demonstrated by T. latifolia. In an unreclaimed coal slurry pond with monospecific stands of P. australis, plant species richness increased in cut plots as compared to uncut plots (29 vs. 2 species, respectively) between March and September, 1995. This study demonstrated that species richness can be increased in coal ponds by mechanical cutting and this potentially by herbivory; however, the additional species were mostly exotics.  相似文献   

Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) is characterized by a wide range of temporal kernels. However, much of the theoretical work has focused on a specific kernel – the “temporally asymmetric Hebbian” learning rules. Previous studies linked excitatory STDP to positive feedback that can account for the emergence of response selectivity. Inhibitory plasticity was associated with negative feedback that can balance the excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Here we study the possible computational role of the temporal structure of the STDP. We represent the STDP as a superposition of two processes: potentiation and depression. This allows us to model a wide range of experimentally observed STDP kernels, from Hebbian to anti-Hebbian, by varying a single parameter. We investigate STDP dynamics of a single excitatory or inhibitory synapse in purely feed-forward architecture. We derive a mean-field-Fokker-Planck dynamics for the synaptic weight and analyze the effect of STDP structure on the fixed points of the mean field dynamics. We find a phase transition along the Hebbian to anti-Hebbian parameter from a phase that is characterized by a unimodal distribution of the synaptic weight, in which the STDP dynamics is governed by negative feedback, to a phase with positive feedback characterized by a bimodal distribution. The critical point of this transition depends on general properties of the STDP dynamics and not on the fine details. Namely, the dynamics is affected by the pre-post correlations only via a single number that quantifies its overlap with the STDP kernel. We find that by manipulating the STDP temporal kernel, negative feedback can be induced in excitatory synapses and positive feedback in inhibitory. Moreover, there is an exact symmetry between inhibitory and excitatory plasticity, i.e., for every STDP rule of inhibitory synapse there exists an STDP rule for excitatory synapse, such that their dynamics is identical.  相似文献   

木麻黄海防林种子雨的时空动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)种子雨的时空间分布格局和萌发性能对其天然更新的影响,对海口木麻黄海防林种子雨的时空分布特征和种子雨的萌发动态进行了研究。结果表明,木麻黄种子落雨时间始于7月中旬,结束于次年4月中旬,持续长达9个月,期间种子雨年际平均密度为1 764.63 grain m~(-2)a~(-1);种子雨高峰期在12月上中旬,落种量占总散落量的43.38%;种子雨呈聚集分布,且种子雨密度与附近球果数量呈极显著正相关;种子雨萌发率较低,仅为11.31%,但由于种子雨密度较大,可萌发的种子雨密度仍然较大,为199.58grainm~(-2)a~(-1)。因此,种子数量和质量均不是制约木麻黄天然更新困难的主要障碍因子,但聚集分布特征使木麻黄种子在林内扩散能力十分有限。  相似文献   

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