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Summary To investigate the control of the timing in the epithelio-mesenchymal transformation of the neural crest into a migrating population, neural anlagen (neural tube plus crest) were isolated from 2-day quail embryos by proteases in the presence of Ca+ + and explanted onto substrates favourable for neural crest cell migration. Explants isolated before normal migration had commenced required 3–8 h in vitro before neural crest cells started migration, but explants obtained at migratory stages showed an immediate onset of migration. The schedule was similar to that expected in vivo. When pre-migratory neural anlagen were isolated by protease in Ca+ +- and Mg+ +-free (CMF) medium, or when the protease was followed by a brief (5 min) exposure to CMF medium, neural crest cell migration commenced without delay, and the cohesion of the anlagen was impaired. Ca+ +-free medium duplicated the effects of CMF, but neither Mg+ +-free medium nor CMF treatment before treatment with protease stimulated migration and reduced cohesion. Precocious neural crest cell migration and reduced cohesion also followed when neural anlagen of pre-migratory stages were cultured with membrane. Ca+ +-channel antagonists D600 and Nifedipine, without any exernal Ca+ +-depletion.The decrease of cohesion of these tissues is consistent with results in other systems where protease/Ca+ +-depletion inactivates Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesive mechanisms. Therefore, we suggest that Ca+ +-dependent cell-cell adhesions play a part in preventing neural crest cells from migrating precociously and that the timed inactivation of this adhesion system normally helps trigger the onset of migration. The results with blockers of Ca+ +-channels suggest that Ca+ + levels may be involved in regulating this system.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨PTEN基因在早期神经嵴细胞迁移中的作用.方法 首先胚胎整体的原位杂交和免疫荧光方法检测鸡胚胎内源性的PTEN基因及蛋白水平的表达情况;其次,利用鸡胚胎体内半侧神经管转染的方法,使神经管一侧PTEN基因过表达,对侧神经管为正常对照侧;最后,通过Pax7的整体胚胎免疫荧光表达观察PTEN基因对其标记的部分神经嵴细胞迁移的影响.结果 内源性PTEN基因在mRNA和蛋白水平表达显示,其在早期胚胎HH4期的神经板即开始明显的表达;通过半侧过表达PTEN基因后观察到过表达PTEN基因侧的头部神经嵴细胞迁移与对照侧相比明显受到抑制,但对躯干部的影响并不明显.结论 PTEN基因可能抑制早期胚胎头部神经嵴细胞的迁移.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of sclerotome and neural crest cells of avian embryos was studied by light and electron microscopy. Sclerotome cells radiated from the somites towards the notochord, to occupy the perichordal space. Neural crest cells, at least initially, also entered cell-free spaces. At the cranial somitic levels they moved chiefly dorsal to the somites, favouring the rostral part of each somite. These cells did not approach the perichordal space. More caudally (i.e. trunk levels), neural crest cells initially moved ventrally between the somites and neural tube. Adjacent to the caudal half of each somite, these cells penetrated no further than the myosclerotomal border, but opposite the rostral somite half, they were found next to the sclerotome almost as far ventrally as the notochord. However, they did not appear to enter the perichordal space, in contrast to sclerotome cells.When tested in vitro, sclerotome cells migrated towards notochords co-cultured on fibronectin-rich extracellular material, and on collagen gels. In contrast, neural crest cells avoided co-cultured notochords. This avoidance was abolished by inclusion of testicular hyaluronidase and chondroitinase ABC in the culture medium, but not by hyaluronidase from Streptomyces hyalurolyticus. The results suggest that sclerotome and neural crest mesenchyme cells have a different distribution with respect to the notochord, and that differential responses to notochordal extracellular material, possibly chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan, may be responsible for this.  相似文献   

Summary The initial migration of neural crest (NC) cells into cell-free space was studied by transmission electron microscopy at trunk levels of fowl embryos, some of which were fixed in the presence of ruthenium red. Migrating NC cells occurred in zones which contained fewer ruthenium-red stained 15–40 nm diameter granules than other regions. The ruthenium-red stained granules were linked by similarly stained thin ( 3 nm diameter) microfibrils. The granules resemble proteoglycan and the microfibrils may be hyaluronate. NC cells contacted thicker ( 10 nm diameter) fibrils and interstitial bodies, which did not require ruthenium red for visualization. Cytoplasmic microfilaments were sometimes aligned at the point of contact with the extracellular fibrils, which may be fibronectin and collagen.Phase-contrast time-lapse videotaping and scanning electron microscopy showed that NC cells of the fowl embryo in vitro migrated earlier and more extensively on glass coated with fibronectin-rich fibrous material and adsorbed fibronectin molecules than on glass coated with collagen type I (fibres and adsorbed molecules). NC cells became completely enmeshed in fibronectin-rich fibres, but generally remained on the surface of collagen-fibre gels. When given a choice, NC cells strongly preferred fibronectin coatings to plain glass, and plain glass to dried collagen gels. NC cells showed a slight preference for plain glass over glass to which collagen was adsorbed. Addition to the culture medium of hyaluronate (initial conc. 20 mg/ml), chondroitin (5 mg/ml) and fully sulphated chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate (up to 10 mg/ml) did not drastically alter NC cell migration on fibronectin-rich fibrous substrates. However, partially desulphated chondroitin sulphate (5mg/ml) strongly retarded the migration of NC cells.The in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that fibronectin may dictate the pathways of NC cell migration by acting as a highly preferred physical substrate. However, the utilization of these pathways may be reduced by the presence of proteoglycans bearing undersulphated chondroitin sulphate.Abbreviations NC neural crest - ECM extracellular material - GAG glycosaminoglycan - FN fibronectin - CIG cold insoluble globulin - TEM transmission electron microscopy - SEM scanning electron microscopy - DMEM-H HEPES buffered Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS foetal calf serum - CEE chick embryo extract - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

Summary Trunk-level neural anlagen bearing neural crest cells at the stage of initiation of migration were isolated from chick embryos and explanted in serum-free medium onto glass substrates which had previously been treated with extracellular materials. After 0.5–2 h incubation, the expiants were dislodged with a stream of culture medium and the substrate examined for adherent crest cells. Crest cells adhered to collagen gels, and adhered to and spread on adsorbed fibronectin; antiserum to fibronectin prevented adhesion to fibronectin but not to collagen gels. Air-dried collagen gels and collagen solutions were less adhesive, the adhesivity declining with longer drying time and lower collagen concentration. Crest cells adhered poorly to dried gelatin and not at all to adsorbed collagen. Fibronectin increased the adhesion to dried collagen and gelatin. Pretreatment of collagen gels with hyaluronate retarded adhesion. Hyaluronate pretreatment also retarded adhesion to adsorbed fibronectin but only when adsorbed collagen was also present. Pretreatment of collagen gels with the proteoglycan monomer from bovine nasal cartilage had no effect of the adhesion of crest cells, but the proteoglycan almost completely inhibited adhesion to adsorbed fibronectin, but only when absorbed collagen was also present. The results are discussed in terms of the control of migration of neural crest cells by extracellular materials.  相似文献   

Summary Fibroblasts from rat, mouse and chick embryos cultured on poly-lysine/fibronectin- or poly-lysine/laminin-coated dishes were stained with antibodies directed to extracellular matrix molecules. The staining showed that cells had migrated during culture and deposited extracellular matrix components along their migration trails. Depending on the antigen, the staining of the matrix revealed fibrils, spots or a diffuse smear along the migration pathways. The major matrix components were fibronectin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan; however, laminin nidogen, tenascin, glia-derived nexin (GDN) and chondroitin-4-sulfate proteoglycan were also found. The migration trails were also detectable by scanning electron microscopy. Here, the fibrils were the prominent structures. The deposition of matrix was independent from the substratum: fibronectin was deposited on laminin, plain poly-lysine, basal lamina and even on fibronectin. Functional assays using anti-fibronectin or an antiserum to embryonic pigment epithelium basement membrane disturbed the formation of matrix fibrils, but did not inhibit cell attachment and translocation. Likewise, heparin in the culture medium only partially inhibited cell migration, despite the fact that it disturbed the formation of proper matrix fibrils. Our results suggest that the deposition of extracellular matrix by cells may not be mandatory for attachment and translocation. However, the deposition of matrix along defined trails might be important for the pathfinding of cells or nerve fibers that appear later in development.  相似文献   

Although numerous in vitro experiments suggest that extracellular matrix molecules like laminin can influence neural crest migration, little is known about their function in the embryo. Here, we show that laminin alpha5, a gene up-regulated during neural crest induction, is localized in regions of newly formed cranial and trunk neural folds and adjacent neural crest migratory pathways in a manner largely conserved between chick and mouse. In laminin alpha5 mutant mice, neural crest migratory streams appear expanded in width compared to wild type. Conversely, neural folds exposed to laminin alpha5 in vitro show a reduction by half in the number of migratory neural crest cells. During gangliogenesis, laminin alpha5 mutants exhibit defects in condensing cranial sensory and trunk sympathetic ganglia. However, ganglia apparently recover at later stages. These data suggest that the laminin alpha5 subunit functions as a cue that restricts neural crest cells, focusing their migratory pathways and condensation into ganglia. Thus, it is required for proper migration and timely differentiation of some neural crest populations.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy of fowl embryos during the 7–10 h preceding migration of trunk-level neural crest (NC) cells revealed extracellular material near the NC-cells. In contrast to the cells of the neural tube, the basal surfaces of NC-cells possessed projections, and were neither contiguous nor covered by a complete basal lamina. The apical zones of NC-cells showed intercellular junctions at the stage of neural-fold fusion, but such junctions were absent in some NC-cells 5 h before migration. The basal laminae of the neural tube and the ectoderm were fused lateral to the NC before migration. In vitro, NC-cell migration commenced immediately when neural anlagen were explanted onto fibronectin-rich matrices, but only when the neural anlagen were from a level where migration had commenced in vivo. Migration was delayed 4–8 h when premigratory-level expiants were used. Short-term cell-adhesion assays showed that NC-cells of both premigratory and migratory levels could adhere to fibronectin-rich matrices and to collagen gels, but only migratory NC-cells could be detached from the neural anlage. The results suggest that the precise schedule of the onset of NC-cell migration correlates with a decrease in the intercellular adhesion of NC-cells.  相似文献   

Substrate dependence of cell migration from explanted neural tubes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Embryonic chick neural tubes containing neural crest cells were cultured in vitro on tissue culture plastic and collagen. Two parameters, the time of onset of cell migration from the neural tube and the rate of movement of the cell front away from the neural tube explant, were determined. On collagen, cell migration consistently began after four to six h in vitro, about five h prior to the onset of cell migration on tissue culture plastic. The identity of the migrating cells as neural crest cells is established by their eventual differentiation into melanocytes. Ablation experiments reveal that collagen also causes the early onset of migration of cells not of neural crest origin. These results provide in vitro support for the idea that extracellular materials may alter cell migratory behaviour in morphogenesis.Supported by PHS grant HD-05395 to Dr. James A. Weston and NIH Predoctoral Research Fellowship GM-47392 to Gerald D. Maxwell. The author thanks John Pintar for his permission to quote unpublished observations on the neural crest films and for helpful discussion, and Dr. Peter H. von Hippel for the gift of icthyocol  相似文献   

The neural crest (NC) is a model system used to investigate multipotency during vertebrate development. Environmental factors control NC cell fate decisions. Despite the well-known influence of extracellular matrix molecules in NC cell migration, the issue of whether they also influence NC cell differentiation has not been addressed at the single cell level. By analyzing mass and clonal cultures of mouse cephalic and quail trunk NC cells, we show for the first time that fibronectin (FN) promotes differentiation into the smooth muscle cell phenotype without affecting differentiation into glia, neurons, and melanocytes. Time course analysis indicated that the FN-induced effect was not related to massive cell death or proliferation of smooth muscle cells. Finally, by comparing clonal cultures of quail trunk NC cells grown on FN and collagen type IV (CLIV), we found that FN strongly increased both NC cell survival and the proportion of unipotent and oligopotent NC progenitors endowed with smooth muscle potential. In contrast, melanocytic progenitors were prominent in clonogenic NC cells grown on CLIV. Taken together, these results show that FN promotes NC cell differentiation along the smooth muscle lineage, and therefore plays an important role in fate decisions of NC progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Summary Isotopic and isochronic transplantation of fragments of quail neural tube into chick demonstrates that neural and glial cells of the entire ganglion of Remak (RG) arise from the lumbo-sacral level of the neural crest.The ganglioblasts first accumulate in the mesorectum (stage 24 of Hamburger and Hamilton, in the chick and I8 of Zacchei in the quail) and subsequently migrate cranially.Histochemical studies have been carried out on the rectal and cloacal parts of the quail RG at various stages of development. Cholinesterase activity can be detected as soon as the primordium is in place and the intensity of the reaction increases rapidly. During morphogenesis of the cloacal region the RG and the pelvic plexus become intimately associated. Catecholamine-containing cells are found first in the pelvic plexus, then in the cloacal part of the RG. Fluorescent cells are often grouped close to blood vessels and associated with non-fluorescent ganglia. Cranial to the level of the bursa of Fabricius, the RG is composed only of non-fluorescent neurons whatever the developmental stage considered (up to 1 day after hatching).The developmental capabilities of the RG of the 5-day quail have been tested by transplanting various parts of the hind-gut with the dorsal mesentery onto the chorio-allantoic membrane. Catecholamine-containing cells develop only in grafts including the cloacal region.By using quail-chick chimaerae in which the RG belongs to the quail while mesentery and gut are of chick origin, it was possible to show that neurons which develop in the graft (i.e. in the absence of preganglionic innervation), send nerve fibres into the gut wall. Moreover some neuroblasts located in the primordium of the RG migrate into the gut wall and give rise to some enteric ganglion cells. The contribution of the lumbo-sacral neural crest to the enteric ganglia, by this route, is discussed.List of Abbreviations in Text FIF formol-induced fluorescence - H & H Hamburger and Hamilton - Z Zacchei - CAM chorio-allantoic membrane - SIF small intensely fluorescent (cells)  相似文献   

Of all the model organisms used to study human development, rodents such as mice most accurately reflect human craniofacial development. Collective advances in mouse embryology and mouse genetics continue to shape our understanding of neural crest cell development and by extrapolation the etiology of human congenital head and facial birth defects. The aim of this review is to highlight the considerable progress being made in our understanding of cranial neural crest cell patterning in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

The neural crest serve as an excellent model to better understand mechanisms of embryonic cell migration. Cell tracing studies have shown that cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs) emerge from the dorsal neural tube in a rostrocaudal manner and are spatially distributed along stereotypical, long distance migratory routes to precise targets in the head and branchial arches. Although the CNCC migratory pattern is a beautifully choreographed and programmed invasion, the underlying orchestration of molecular events is not well known. For example, it is still unclear how single CNCCs react to signals that direct their choice of direction and how groups of CNCCs coordinate their interactions to arrive at a target in an ordered manner. In this review, we discuss recent cellular and molecular discoveries of the CNCC migratory pattern. We focus on events from the time when CNCCs encounter the tissue adjacent to the neural tube and their travel through different microenvironments and into the branchial arches. We describe the patterning of discrete cell migratory streams that emerge from the hindbrain, rhombomere (r) segments r1-r7, and the signals that coordinate directed migration. We propose a model that attempts to unify many complex events that establish the CNCC migratory pattern, and based on this model we integrate information between cranial and trunk neural crest development.  相似文献   

Based on results of transplantation experiments, it has long been believed that trunk neural crest cells are incapable of chondrogenesis. When pigmented trunk neural crest cells of Ambystoma mexicanum are transplanted to cranial levels of albino (a/a) embryos, the graft cells ultimately produce ectopic fins, but are incapable of following the chondrogenic cranial neural crest pathways. Therefore, heterotopic transplantation does not expose these cells to the same environment experienced by cranial neural crest cells, and is neither an adequate nor a sufficient test of chondrogenic potential. However, in vitro culture of trunk neural crest cells with pharyngeal endoderm does provide a direct test of chondrogenic ability. That cartilage does not form under these conditions demonstrates conclusively that trunk neural crest cells possess no chondrogenic potential.  相似文献   

When locomotory embryonic cells become stationary, they acquire new substratum-adhesion properties. In particular, the distribution of fibronectin receptors shifts from diffuse and highly mobile on the cell membrane to immobilized in close association with fibronectin molecules and cytoskeletal elements in focal contacts. Receptor phosphorylation has been proposed as a possible regulator of the interaction between the receptor and its intracellular and extracellular ligands. In the present study, we have compared the phosphorylation state of the fibronectin receptor in motile neural crest and somitic cells, in stationary somitic cells, and in Rous-sarcoma virus transformed-chick embryo fibroblasts, using immunoprecipitation following metabolic labeling. While no receptor phosphorylation was detected in motile embryonic cells, the beta subunit of the receptor was phosphorylated in stationary cells. This subunit was also highly phosphorylated in Rous-sarcoma virus-transformed chicken cells. These results suggest that phosphorylation of the fibronectin receptor cannot account for its distribution in the cell membrane and for the nature of the interactions between this receptor and its ligands in embryonic cells.  相似文献   

Summary When grown in confrontation culture on a planar substratum, avian neural crest cells and somite cells display both homotypic and heterotypic contact inhibition of movement as judged by analysis of time-lapse video recordings of locomotory and contact behaviour, and by use of a nuclear overlap assay. It is therefore unlikely that migration of neural crest cells within the embryo, and within embryonic tissues, can be explained on the basis of a lack of contact inhibition. The results are discussed in the general context of cell invasiveness.  相似文献   

Summary The existence of a neural crest cell migration pathway from occipital levels of the hindbrain into the heart was suspected in mammalian embryos because it had previously been identified in avian embryos and because the Di George anomaly, an association between craniofacial and cardiac malformations, is most easily explained on the basis of abnormal neural crest cell migration to all of the affected structures. In order to demonstrate the existence of this pathway, neural crest cells were labelled in situ in rat embryos with the fluorescent dye DiI, and the embryos cultured for up to 48 h. Cells labelled between occipital somites 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 migrated within and dorsal to the third and fourth pharyngeal arches and into the outflow tract of the heart (conus cordis and truncus arteriosus). The cardiac labelling was in individually visible cells, in contrast to the mass of fluorescence seen in the pharyngeal and dorsal mesenchyme. Within the outflow tract wall, the labelled cells were enmeshed by strands of alcian blue-stained extracellular matrix. There was no labelling of cardiac cells following injections just rostral to, or just caudal to, somites one and four. This study establishes the existence and precise levels of origin of the cardiac neural crest in a mammalian embryo.  相似文献   

Members of the plexin protein family are known regulators of axon guidance, but recent data indicate that they have broader functions in the regulation of embryonic morphogenesis. Here we provide further evidence of this by showing that PlexinA1 is expressed in Xenopus neural crest cells and is required for their migration. PlexinA1 expression is detected in migrating cranial neural crest cells and knockdown of PlexinA1 expression using Morpholino oligonucleotides inhibits neural crest migration. PlexinA1 likely affects neural crest migration by interaction with PTK7, a regulator of planar cell polarity that is required for neural crest migration. PlexinA1 and PTK7 interact in immunoprecipitation assays and show phenotypic interaction in co-injection experiments. Considering that plexins and PTK7 have been shown to genetically interact in Drosophila axon guidance and chick cardiac morphogenesis, our data suggest that this interaction is evolutionary conserved and may be relevant for a broad range of morphogenetic events including the migration of neural crest cells in Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

Summary Deoxycholate-extracted, cell-free matrices were prepared from primary expiants or dispersed cell cultures of embryonic avian dermis, ectoderm, gut mesenchyme, endoderm, pharynx, or umbilical artery. Neural crest cells in association with matrices from dermal expiants or monolayers formed melanocytes after six days. Crest cells in association with matrices from all other tissues or grown on plastic did not form melanocytes. It is concluded that a deoxycholate-resistant structural component of the dermal extracellular matrix induces melanocyte differentiation.Abbreviations used ECM extracellular matrix - GAG glycosaminoglycan - HANKS Hank's balanced salt solution - FCS fetal calf serum - DME Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - DOC deoxycholate - PMSF phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   

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