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Ras monomeric GTPases are pivotal to many core cellular processes such as proliferation and differentiation. The post-translational prenylation of Ras with a farnesyl or a geranylgeranyl moiety is thought to be critical for its membrane binding and consequent signaling activity. Inhibitors of Ras prenylation have an anti-proliferative effect in some Ras-transformed cells. We present a study of the effects of prenylation inhibitors on endogenous, wild-type Ras in three renal cell types, namely primary adult human renal fibroblasts, primary adult human mesangial cells, and a primate renal fibroblast cell line (Vero cells). We have previously demonstrated that Ras is necessary for normal proliferation in these cells. Here we show that Ras is farnesylated and not geranylgeranylated in all three cell types. Furthermore, inhibiting Ras farnesylation has no effect on cell proliferation or Ras activation. Although inhibiting geranylgeranylation in these cells does inhibit proliferation, this is through an Ras-independent mechanism. Non-prenylated Ras is able to localize to the plasma membrane, bind Raf when cells are stimulated by epidermal growth factor or platelet-derived growth factor, and activate the Ras downstream effectors mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase. We conclude that in wild-type cells, endogenous Ras does not need to be prenylated to be active.  相似文献   

The p53 tumour suppressor gene is frequently mutated in human tumours and different tumour-derived mutations have varying effects on cells. The effect of a novel tumour-derived p53 mutation and two recently described mutations from South African breast cancer patients on the growth rate, colony formation, cell cycle arrest after irradiation and response to chemotherapeutic drugs was investigated. None of the p53 mutations had any significant effect on the inherent growth rate of the cells; however, contact inhibition of growth in two of the mutants was lost. These same two mutants formed colonies in soft agar, whereas the third mutant did not. All three of the mutants failed to show a G(1) cell cycle arrest after exposure to 7 Gy of [(60)Co] radiation, albeit to different degrees. Cells expressing the p53 mutants were either more sensitive to cisplatin and melphalan or more resistant than the untransfected cells, depending on the mutation. However, there was no difference in response to daunorubicin treatment. These results demonstrate that different p53 mutations exert varying biological effects on normal cells, with some altering checkpoint activation more effectively than others. The data also suggest that the nature of the p53 mutation influences the sensitivity to cytostatic drugs.  相似文献   

Summary A helical mycoplasma,Spiroplasma mirum strain SMCA, produced malignant transformation in mouse NIH 3T3 cells and monkey kidney CV-1 cells. The transformed cells exhibited morphological changes consistent with the transformed phenotype, grew in soft agar and produced tumors in athymic and BALB/c mice. Transmission electron microscopy revealed structures morphologically similar to mycoplasmas present in the cytoplasm of transformed but not untransformed 3T cells. The time of inoculation ofS. mirum SMCA to 3T3 cells and the passage level of 3T3 cells affected transformation. Editor's statement This paper describes the possible role of a mycoplasma organism, which induces cataracts and brain pathology similar to Creutzfeld Jacob and other degenerative diseases, in malignant transformation of mammalian cells. In addition to this surprising and novel finding is the observation that the mycoplasma resides in an intracellular position. These findings may have important implications for understanding malignant transformation and the nature of the diseases produced by this organism.  相似文献   

Although recent evidence supports a tumor-suppressive role for the GTPase RhoB, little is known about its regulation by signal transduction pathways. Here we demonstrate that Ras downregulates RhoB expression by a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)- and Akt- but not Mek-dependent mechanism. Furthermore, genetic and pharmacological blockade of PI3K/Akt results in upregulation of RhoB expression. We also provide evidence for the importance of the downregulation of RhoB in oncogenesis by demonstrating that RhoB antagonizes Ras/PI3K/Akt malignancy. Ectopic expression of RhoB, but not the close relative RhoA, inhibits Ras, PI3K, and Akt induction of transformation, migration, and invasion and induces apoptosis and anoikis. Finally, RhoB inhibits melanoma metastasis to the lung in a mouse model. These studies identify suppression of RhoB as a mechanism by which the Ras/PI3K/Akt pathway induces tumor survival, transformation, invasion, and metastasis.  相似文献   

NIH-3T3 cells were transfected with cDNA encoding the native alpha-subunit of the G protein Gq(alpha q) or a mutant (Q209L) form of alpha q. Cells expressing Q209L-alpha q showed greatly enhanced basal phospholipase C activity. Stimulation of phospholipase C activity by prostaglandin F2 alpha or fetal calf serum was increased up to 10-fold in Q209L-alpha q-transfected cells. Continuous expression of Q209L-alpha q or overexpression of alpha q in NIH-3T3 cells resulted in formation of foci after 3 weeks. The number of foci was proportional to the number of transfected cells and was greater in cells expressing the Q209L-alpha q than in cells that overexpressed the wild type alpha q. Q209L-alpha q-transfected NIH-3T3 cells also formed colonies in soft agar indicating their capacity to grow in an anchorage-independent manner. Expression of Q209L-alpha q in Rat-1 cells resulted in enhanced basal and fetal calf serum-stimulated phospholipase C activity, but these cells were not transformed as assessed by either the focus formation or the soft agar colony formation assays. These results indicate that expression of continuously activated Gq-alpha can result in transformation in a cell type-specific manner.  相似文献   

The single-copy fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) gene encodes four coexpressed isoforms of different molecular masses. The 18-kDa FGF-2 is primarily localized in the cytoplasm, whereas the higher molecular mass isoforms (HMW FGF-2) localize to the nucleus and nucleolus. The overexpression of either 18-kDa FGF-2 or HMW FGF-2 promotes cell transformation in a dose-dependent manner. In NIH 3T3 cells, the selective overexpression of HMW FGF-2 but not of 18-kDa FGF-2 confers upon the cells the unique phenotype of growth in low serum-containing medium. Thus, the distinct intracellular localization and the level of expression of FGF-2 are pivotal requirements for the differential effects of FGF-2 isoforms on the cellular phenotype. On this basis, we established a doxycycline-regulatable FGF-2 expression system that permitted us to regulate the expression of each isoform in a time- and dose-dependent manner. We analyzed the growth properties of cells in the presence and absence of doxycycline in both normal and low serum-containing medium and in soft agar. The doxycycline-activated expression of 18-kDa FGF-2 did not allow growth in low serum medium. The growth of cells expressing HMW FGF-2 was increased by doxycycline under all three conditions, and a relationship between the level of HMW FGF-2 expression and cell growth was observed for all three conditions. This doxycycline-regulatable FGF-2 expression system provides a mechanism to analyze changes in FGF-2 targeted pathways and genes and to characterize pathways specifically activated by either the 18-kDa FGF-2 or the HMW FGF-2 isoforms.  相似文献   

Insulin regulates a diverse array of signaling pathways involved in the control of growth, differentiation, proliferation, and metabolism. Insulin increases in glucose uptake via a protein kinase C-dependent pathway in target tissues such as fat and muscle are well documented. Insulin-regulated events, however, occur in all cells. The utilization of glucose as a preferred energy source is a ubiquitous event in eukaryotic cells. In NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, insulin treatment increased levels of the cPKC and nPKC activator, diacylglycerol. Insulin-responsive 2-[(3)H]deoxyglucose uptake was stimulated in a dose-dependent manner. The overexpression of protein kinase C (PKC)betaI, -betaII, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta was used to investigate the specificity of PKC isozymes for insulin-sensitive glucose uptake. The stable overexpression of PKCbetaII, -delta, and -epsilon resulted in increases in insulin-stimulated 2-[(3)H]deoxyglucose uptake compared to vector control cells, while basal 2-deoxyglucose uptake levels were not elevated. Overexpression of PKCbetaI and PKCzeta isozymes had no further effect on basal or insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake. The PKC-specific inhibitor, CGP41251, blocked insulin effects on 2-deoxyglucose uptake but not its effects on tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular substrates. Insulin-stimulated 3-O-methylglucose uptake was also greater in cells overexpressing PKCbetaII, -delta, and -epsilon, compared to control cells. The increased responsiveness was not accompanied by conversion of 3T3 cells to the adipocyte phenotype or the increased expression of insulin receptors or glucose transporters (GLUT1-type). Insulin-stimulated recruitment of GLUT1 to plasma membranes of cells overexpressing PKCbetaII, -delta, and -epsilon, was greater than that in control cells. The data suggest that more than one PKC isozyme is involved in insulin signaling pathways in fibroblasts, resulting in increased GLUT1 transporter recruitment to cell membranes.  相似文献   

The development of feather buds is a highly ordered process involving epithelial-mesenchymal signalling. Cellular morphology is determined by the actin cytoskeleton, which is controlled by networks of regulators such as the GTPases. EphA4 belongs to a receptor tyrosine kinase family that has been consistently shown to regulate the cytoskeleton via Rho family GTPases in neural development and is expressed in early stages of feather bud development though its role has not been defined. We therefore used an in vitro skin culture system to interfere with EphA4 levels in feather buds using anti-sense oligonucleotides, demonstrating a severe effect on both their number and morphological form. Analysis of the Rho family of GTPases revealed that this effect was mediated by the GTPase RhoB, the expression of which was altered in response to altered levels of EphA4. In addition, the inhibition of RhoB mimicked the effects of reduced EphA4 levels on feather development. Significantly, manipulation of cytoskeletal dynamics revealed that those cells undergoing morphogenetic change regulate the patterning signals responsible for initiating feather development. We propose that this molecular maintenance mechanism between EphA4-RhoB and the actin cytoskeleton converges or coordinates with other morphogenic signalling systems to control feather bud development.  相似文献   

Our previous work demonstrated that NIH-3T3 cells expressing high levels of the mutated cellular ras oncogene (EJ-ras gene) exhibited reduced hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase and platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated (PDGF) phospholipase A2/C activities. We now report that although the ras-transformed cells display markedly reduced phospholipase C activity, as measured by the levels of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate synthesized after PDGF-stimulation, normal levels of phospholipase A2 activity can be uncovered; thus, similar levels of prostaglandin E2 were synthesized in EJ-ras transformed and control cells after stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and/or the calcium ionophore A-23187, agents which stimulate protein kinase C and intracellular Ca2+ levels, respectively. These data suggest that the EJ-ras gene product uncouples the PDGF receptor from the phospholipase C, resulting in reduced PDGF-stimulated Ca2+ mobilization, protein kinase C stimulation and an apparent decrease in Ca2+-dependent phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

The sorting of newly synthesized mannose 6-phosphate (M6P)-containing proteins and of the major excreted protein (MEP), a lysosomal thiol proteinase, was studied in NIH-3T3 cells transfected with the cDNA of human insulin-like growth factor II (IGF II) or with the vector alone. Extracts from media and cells labelled with [35S] methionine were used for chromatography on a M6P/IGF II receptor affinity matrix or for immunoprecipitation to assess the distribution of newly synthesized M6P-containing proteins and MEP, respectively. The results indicate that the overexpression of IGF II did not affect the synthesis and the sorting of M6P-containing proteins and of MEP. The binding and uptake of the lysosomal enzyme arylsulfatase A were not affected in IGF II overexpressing cells.  相似文献   

Developmentally regulated GTP-binding protein (DRG) is a new subfamily within the superfamily of GTP-binding proteins. Its expression is regulated during embryonic development. To investigate the effect of the expression of DRG2 on cell growth, we constructed a human Jurkat-T-cell line that overexpresses DRG2. Overexpression of DRG2 suppressed the growth and the aggregation of Jurkat cells but did not induce apoptotic cell death. We used cDNA microarray analysis to examine the global changes in gene expression induced by an overexpression of DRG2. DNA array analyses identified genes that may suppress cell growth at a number of levels in multiple signaling cascades in Jurkat cells and also several prosurvival genes that may protect cells from apoptosis.  相似文献   

Detachment of anchorage-dependent normal epithelial cells from their substratum causes the type of apoptosis known as anoikis, whereas malignant cells can proliferate independently of anchorage. Because src and ras oncogenes are activated in many human cancers, we investigated their role and downstream signaling pathways in anoikis resistance, using HAG-1 human epithelial cells transfected with v-src or activated H-ras. Consequently, anchorage-dependent mock- or ras-transfected cells underwent anoikis. In contrast, anchorage-independent v-Src-transformed cells did not exhibit such apoptotic features. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a transducer of integrin, was only activated in v-Src-transformed cells. Herbimycin A, an Src kinase inhibitor, reduced tyrosyl phosphorylation of FAK and reversed resistance to anoikis. However, both protein kinase C (PKC) and phophatidylinositol-3 (PI-3) kinase inhibitors failed to induce anoikis. These data suggest that the ability of activated Src to prevent anoikis may be mediated by Src to a downstream signaling pathway involving FAK, but not Ras, PI-3 kinase, or PKC.  相似文献   

V-erbA is thought to be an antagonist of thyroid hormone receptor (T3R) function. Here we show that unliganded T3R, but not v-erbA, suppresses retinoic acid (RA)-dependent induction of the RAR-beta 2 promoter by competing for the common dimerization partner, the retinoid X receptor (RXR). Firstly, T3R suppression can be alleviated by co-transfection of RXR. Secondly, T3R, but not v-erbA, competes with RAR for RXR and causes the dissociation of a preformed RAR/RXR-RARE ternary complex in vitro. A single point mutation located in the dimerization interface of v-erbA (Pro349 to Ser) abolishes the transdominant phenotype when introduced at the respective position in T3R. The hypertransforming v-erbA variant r12, in which this mutation is reversed (Ser349 to Pro) suppresses RA-induced differentiation in chicken erythroid progenitors, while v-erbA does not. Our data thus suggest that unliganded T3R and v-erbA act as dominant suppressors through mechanistically distinct pathways.  相似文献   

Ras converting enzyme 1 (Rce1) is an endoprotease that catalyzes processing of the C-terminus of Ras protein by removing -aaX from the CaaX motif. The activity of Rce1 is crucial for proper localization of Ras to the plasma membrane where it functions. Ras is responsible for transmitting signals related to cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. The disregulation of these pathways due to constitutively active oncogenic Ras can ultimately lead to cancer. Ras, its effectors and regulators, and the enzymes that are involved in its maturation process are all targets for anti-cancer therapeutics. Key enzymes required for Ras maturation and localization are the farnesyltransferase (FTase), Rce1, and isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (ICMT). Among these proteins, the physiological role of Rce1 in regulating Ras and other CaaX proteins has not been fully explored. Small-molecule inhibitors of Rce1 could be useful as chemical biology tools to understand further the downstream impact of Rce1 on Ras function and serve as potential leads for cancer therapeutics. Structure–activity relationship (SAR) analysis of a previously reported Rce1 inhibitor, NSC1011, has been performed to generate a new library of Rce1 inhibitors. The new inhibitors caused a reduction in Rce1 in vitro activity, exhibited low cell toxicity, and induced mislocalization of EGFP-Ras from the plasma membrane in human colon carcinoma cells giving rise to a phenotype similar to that observed with siRNA knockdowns of Rce1 expression. Several of the new inhibitors were more effective at mislocalizing K-Ras compared to a potent farnesyltransferase inhibitor (FTI), which is significant because of the preponderance of K-Ras mutations in cancer.  相似文献   

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