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Several soilborne diseases have occurred in black pepper (Piper nigrum) plantations in the Dominican Republic since 1977. To understand environments in which the disease occurs fungal floras associated with them were studied. A total of 1,119 isolates, 603 from root segments of 12 vines, and 516 from fruit samples of 30 vines were identified as belonging to a total of 39 genera, namely, 31 from roots and 26 from fruits, excluding unsporulated fungi. The most dominant fungi wereFusarium in both root and fruit samples, followed byRhizoctonia, Diplodia, andPythium from roots, andDiplodia, Colletotrichum andPestalotia from the fruits. Preliminary pathogenicity tests towards leaves or roots of black pepper were conducted.  相似文献   

Psilochilus crenatifolius, a new species from the Dominican Republic, is described and illustrated. It is only known from the type collection. The taxonomic affinity of the new entity is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

本文介绍暗色丝孢菌的3个新记录种,Exochalara guadalcanalensis、Monilochaetes regenerans、Catenularia piceae。对以上3个种进行详细的观察以及形态特征描述和图解。标本均保存于山东农业大学植物病理标本馆(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

从我国海南省三亚市棕榈根际土样中分离到一金孢属新种——三亚金孢,对其进行了形态描述和基于ITS-5.8S rDNA序列的核苷酸序列分析。它的主要鉴别特征:具有球拍状的菌丝细胞和椭圆至桶状的间生孢子;顶生和侧生孢子着生在短突起或侧分枝上;具有近球形至卵圆形的分生孢子。  相似文献   

David Penney 《Palaeontology》2001,44(5):987-1009
Trachelas poinari sp. nov. (Corinnidae), Miagrammopes sp. indet. (Uloboridae) and the first indisputable fossil Lycosidae (gen. et sp. indet.) are newly identified and described in Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic. The following are junior synonyms: Nops segmentatus Wunderlich, 1988 of N. lobatus Wunderlich, 1988 (Caponiidae); Azilia muellenmeisteri Wunderlich, 1988 of A. hispaniolensis Wunderlich, 1988 (Tetragnathidae); and Lyssomanes galianoae Reiskind, 1989 of L. pristinus Wunderlich, 1986 (Salticidae). The specimens described as Nops sp. (Caponiidae), Selenops beynai Schawaller, 1984, S. sp. 1, and S. sp. 2 (Selenopidae) by Wunderlich (1988) are unrecognizable as distinct species. The following new combinations are presented: gen. indet. clypeatus (Wunderlich, 1988) (= Anelosimus clypeatus ) (Theridiidae); Meioneta bigibber (Wunderlich, 1988) (= Agyneta bigibber ), M. fastigata (Wunderlich, 1988) (= Agyneta fastigata ), M. separata (Wunderlich, 1988) (= Agyneta separata ) (Linyphiidae); Enacrosoma verrucosa (Wunderlich, 1988) (= Cyclosa verrucosa ) (Araneidae); Pseudosparianthis pfeiferi (Wunderlich, 1988) (= Tentabunda pfeiferi ) (Sparassidae). Theridion wunderlichi nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for T. ovale Wunderlich, 1988 (nom. preocc.). The previously unknown male of Styposis pholcoides Wunderlich, 1988 (Theridiidae) is described. Additional features of Argyrodes crassipatellaris Wunderlich, 1988 (Theridiidae) are described; this species is transferred from the trigonum to the cancellatus species group. Nine specimens belonging to six previously described species, and six juvenile Selenops sp. (including one exuvium) are newly identified. These are the first fossil records of Trachelas, Enacrosoma and Pseudosparianthis, giving them stratigraphic ranges of 15–20 my; the genera Anelosimus, Cyclosa and Agyneta are unknown in the fossil record.  相似文献   

从中国不同地区的土壤中分离获得葡萄穗霉属Stachybotrys 4个新种:阿克苏葡萄穗霉S.aksuensis、两形葡萄穗霉S.biformis、海滨葡萄穗霉S.littoralis和玉树葡萄穗霉S.yushuensis。对新种与各自相似种的区别进行了讨论。文中为中国土壤中已知的24种葡萄穗霉菌提供了检索表。新种模式标本(干制培养物)与活菌种保藏于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

报道5个中国土壤中齿梗孢属新种:细基齿梗孢Scolecobasidium acutimum、不等齿梗孢S.anisomerum、弯孢齿梗孢S.curvularioides、近球齿梗孢S.spheroideum和浙江齿梗孢S.zhejiangense。对新种与各自相似种的区别进行了讨论。文末附有中国土壤中已知22种齿梗孢属真菌的检索表。新种模式标本(干制培养物)与活菌种保藏于山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院真菌标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

在进行长江、黄河源头地区土壤中暗色丝孢菌多样性研究的过程中,从该地区分离、鉴定出8种齿梗孢属真菌。其中,中华齿梗孢Scolecobasidium chinense、青海齿梗孢S. qinghaiense为新种,树状齿梗孢S. dendroides为中国新记录种。对新种及中国新记录种作了较详细的描述。研究菌株的干制培养物和活菌种保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

马建  徐昭焕  张凯  张修国  邱玲 《菌物学报》2020,39(10):1846-1853
对江西省植物凋落物上的暗色丝孢真菌进行了调查研究,自植物枯枝上发现爱氏霉属3个新种——江西爱氏霉、井冈山爱氏霉和庐山爱氏霉,根据采集材料对其进行了详细的形态描述和显微拍照。爱氏霉属迄今已报道69个种。该属广布全球,多数种腐生于植物凋落物或沉水腐木上,未见作为植物病原菌引起植物病害的报道。  相似文献   

从中国不同地区的土壤中分离获得3个帚霉属新种及一个中国新记录种:长梗帚霉Scopulariopsis longipes sp.nov.、青霉状帚霉S.penicillioides sp.nov.,具瘤帚霉S.verrucifera sp.nov.和雪白帚霉S.nivea。对新种作了详细的描述。主模式、干制培养物及活菌种均保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP);等模式标本(干制培养物)保存在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。提供了已知中国土壤中帚霉属真菌13个种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

Women in marital unions had more live births than those in consensual unions. The relationship between cumulative fertility and the number of fertile sexual unions is positive for the early childbearing years and negative for the later ones. There is no consistent pattern of relationship between fertility and the sociocultural independent variables for different subgroups according to nuptiality pattern. The relationship between fertility and nuptiality in the Dominican Republic is consistent with that for the Caribbean region.  相似文献   

从广西壮族自治区不同生态环境中采集土壤样品53份,采用土壤平板法和稀释法,从中分离出78个暗色丝孢菌分离物,经鉴定分属20属,33种。其中,弯孢耳孢霉Codinaea curvispora、广西腐质霉Humicola guangxiensis为新种。模式及其他研究过的标本(干制培养物)及活菌种保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院真菌标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus derived from zygotic embryos of black pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) were induced to form somatic embryos on solid and liquid Schenk and Hildebrandt basal medium. Callus proliferation, somatic embryo-genesis and germination of embryos were achieved in about 8 months in static cultures while it took only 8 weeks in liquid suspension cultures. The highest number of embryos and plantlets was produced from cells grown as suspension cultures raised in half-strength medium without growth regulators and sucrose level reduced from 3% to 1.5%. Regenerated plants were established in soil.  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus derived from zygotic embryos of black pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) were induced to form somatic embryos on solid and liquid Schenk and Hildebrandt basal medium. Callus proliferation, somatic embryo-genesis and germination of embryos were achieved in about 8 months in static cultures while it took only 8 weeks in liquid suspension cultures. The highest number of embryos and plantlets was produced from cells grown as suspension cultures raised in half-strength medium without growth regulators and sucrose level reduced from 3% to 1.5%. Regenerated plants were established in soil.  相似文献   

Norman E. Woodley 《ZooKeys》2014,(453):111-119
A new species of Cyphomyia Wiedemann, Cyphomyia baoruco sp. n., is described from the Dominican Republic. A key to the species of Cyphomyia known from the Caribbean islands is provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The first known fossil slime mold with part of the plasmodium preserved, from Eocene-Oligocene amber of the northern Dominican Republic, is described here. We assign it to the myxomycetes on the basis of its cytoplasmic structure. The paleoecological and evolutionary importance of this fossil is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of growth temperature was evaluated for the fungal plant pathogen Mycoleptodiscus terrestris over a range of temperatures (20–36°C). The effect of temperature on biomass accumulation, colony forming units (cfu), and microsclerotia production was determined. Culture temperatures of 24–30°C produced significantly higher biomass accumulations and 20–24°C resulted in a significantly higher cfu. The growth of M. terrestris was greatly reduced at temperatures above 30°C and was absent at 36°C. The highest microsclerotia concentrations were produced over a wide range of temperatures (20–30°C). These data suggest that a growth temperature of 24°C would optimize the parameters evaluated in this study. In addition to growth parameters, we also evaluated the desiccation tolerance and storage stability of air-dried microsclerotial preparations from these cultures during storage at 4°C. During 5 months storage, there was no significant difference in viability for air-dried microsclerotial preparations from cultures grown at 20–30°C (>72% hyphal germination) or in conidia production (sporogenic germination) for air-dried preparations from cultures grown at 20–32°C. When the effect of temperature on germination by air-dried microsclerotial preparations was evaluated, data showed that temperatures of 22–30°C were optimal for hyphal and sporogenic germination. Air-dried microsclerotial preparations did not germinate hyphally at 36°C or sporogenically at 20, 32, 34, or 36°C. These data show that temperature does impact the growth and germination of M. terrestris and suggest that water temperature may be a critical environmental consideration for the application of air-dried M. terrestris preparations for use in controlling hydrilla.  相似文献   

Lingafelter SW 《ZooKeys》2011,(106):55-75
First records of the tribes Anaglyptini and Tillomorphini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) are documented for Hispaniola. A new genus of a highly myrmecomorphic longhorned beetle (Licracanthagen. n.) is described and illustrated based on one species (Licracantha formicariasp. n.) and provisionally assigned to Tillomorphini. Three other new species of ant mimic longhorned beetles are described and illustrated: Calliclytus macorissp. n. (Tillomorphini), Tilloclytus baorucosp. n., and Tilloclytus neibasp. n. (Anaglyptini). An identification key and distribution map to all known Hispaniolan species of these two tribes are presented.  相似文献   

We conduct a study of the dry forest in areas of scant rainfall in the Dominican Republic; these are sites with particular endemic habitats, as the samples reveal a high rate of local and insular endemic species, with 84 (24.85%) endemisms. This work covers dry forests rich in coarse spiny plants and includes a statistical (multivariate analysis), phytosociological and catenal study of the vegetation. We analyse the floristic composition, ecology, distribution and richness in endemisms of each association. The bioclimatic analysis reveals the different thermotypes and ombrotypes on the island, and locates the proposed plant associations in the infra- and thermotropical thermotypes, and in the arid, semiarid and dry ombrotypes. As a result of this phytosociological analysis, we propose the new alliance Harrio nashii–Acacion skleroxylae and four plant associations: Harrisio nashii–Prosopidetum juliflorae, Crotono poitaei–Erythroxyletum rotundifolii, Lonchocarpo pycnophylli–Cylindropuntietum caribaeae and Neoabbottio paniculatae–Guaiacetum officinali; these associations connect catenally with the subhumid forest and mangrove swamps.  相似文献   

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