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Neuromuscular control of prey capture in frogs.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
While retaining a feeding apparatus that is surprisingly conservative morphologically, frogs as a group exhibit great variability in the biomechanics of tongue protraction during prey capture, which in turn is related to differences in neuromuscular control. In this paper, I address the following three questions. (1) How do frog tongues differ biomechanically? (2) What anatomical and physiological differences are responsible? (3) How is biomechanics related to mechanisms of neuromuscular control? Frog species use three non-exclusive mechanisms to protract their tongues during feeding: (i) mechanical pulling, in which the tongue shortens as its muscles contract during protraction; (ii) inertial elongation, in which the tongue lengthens under inertial and muscular loading; and (iii) hydrostatic elongation, in which the tongue lengthens under constraints imposed by the constant volume of a muscular hydrostat. Major differences among these functional types include (i) the amount and orientation of collagen fibres associated with the tongue muscles and the mechanical properties that this connective tissue confers to the tongue as a whole; and (ii) the transfer of intertia from the opening jaws to the tongue, which probably involves a catch mechanism that increases the acceleration achieved during mouth opening. The mechanisms of tongue protraction differ in the types of neural mechanisms that are used to control tongue movements, particularly in the relative importance of feed-forward versus feedback control, in requirements for precise interjoint coordination, in the size and number of motor units, and in the afferent pathways that are involved in coordinating tongue and jaw movements. Evolution of biomechanics and neuromuscular control of frog tongues provides an example in which neuromuscular control is finely tuned to the biomechanical constraints and opportunities provided by differences in morphological design among species.  相似文献   

Live‐bearing has evolved in all three orders of amphibians—frogs, salamanders, and caecilians. Developing young may be either yolk dependent, or maternal nutrients may be supplied after yolk is resorbed, depending on the species. Among frogs, embryos in two distantly related lineages develop in the skin of the maternal parents' backs; they are born either as advanced larvae or fully metamorphosed froglets, depending on the species. In other frogs, and in salamanders and caecilians, viviparity is intraoviductal; one lineage of salamanders includes species that are yolk dependent and born either as larvae or metamorphs, or that practice cannibalism and are born as metamorphs. Live‐bearing caecilians all, so far as is known, exhaust yolk before hatching and mothers provide nutrients during the rest of the relatively long gestation period. The developing young that have maternal nutrition have a number of heterochronic changes, such as precocious development of the feeding apparatus and the gut. Furthermore, several of the fetal adaptations, such as a specialized dentition and a prolonged metamorphosis, are homoplasious and present in members of two or all three of the amphibian orders. At the same time, we know little about the developmental and functional bases for fetal adaptations, and less about the factors that drive their evolution and facilitate their maintenance. J. Morphol. 276:941–960, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One-hundred twelve amphibians, including 51 blue-spotted salamanders, Ambystoma laterale, 30 eastern American toads, Bufo americanus americanus, and 31 northern leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, were collected during April-October 1996 from Waukesha County, Wisconsin and examined for helminth parasites. The helminth compound community of this amphibian assemblage consisted of at least 10 species: 9 in American toads, 8 in leopard frogs, and 3 in blue-spotted salamanders. American toads shared 7 species with leopard frogs, and 2 species occurred in all 3 host species. Although there was a high degree of helminth species overlap among these sympatric amphibians, statistically significant differences were found among host species and percent of indirect or direct-life cycle parasites of amphibian species individual component communities (chi2 = 1,015, P < 0.001). American toads had a higher relative abundance of nematodes, 59%, than larval cestodes, 31%, and larval and adult trematodes, 10%, whereas leopard frogs had a higher relative abundance of larval cestodes, 71.3%, and larval and adult trematodes, 25.3%, than nematodes 3.4%. This is related to ecological differences in habitat and dietary preferences between these 2 anuran species. Helminth communities of blue-spotted salamanders were depauperate and were dominated by larval trematodes, 94%, and few nematodes, 6%. Low helminth species richness in this host species is related to this salamander's relatively small host body size, smaller gape size, lower vagility, and more fossorial habitat preference than the other 2 anuran species. Adult leopard frogs and toads had significantly higher mean helminth species richness than metamorphs, but there was no significant difference in mean helminth species richness among adult and metamorph blue-spotted salamanders. Considering adult helminths, the low species richness and low vagility of caudatans as compared with anurans suggest that local factors may be more important in structuring caudatan helminth communities of salamanders than of anuran hosts. Helminth species infecting salamanders may be more clumped in their geographic distribution as compared with anurans, and the role of other hosts and their parasites at the compound community level may be important in structuring helminth communities of salamanders.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that anurans feed in at least three different ways. Basal frogs have a broad tongue that shortens during protraction and emerges only a short distance from the mouth. Some frogs have long, narrow tongues that elongate dramatically due primarily to inertia from mouth opening, which is transferred to the tongue. A few species have a hydrostatic mechanism that produces tongue elongation during protraction. This functional diversity occurs among frogs that share the same two pairs of tongue muscles. Our study compares the isometric contractile properties of these tongue muscles among three frog species that represent each feeding mechanism. Nerves to the paired protractors and retractors were stimulated electrically in each species to record the force properties, contraction speeds, and fatigabilites of these muscles. Few differences were found in the isometric contractile properties of tongue muscles, and the greatest differences were found in the retractors, not the protractors. We propose that the unique arrangement of the tongue muscles in frogs results in a retractor that may also be coactivated with the protractor in order to produce normal tongue protraction. Inertial effects from body, head, and jaw movements, along with clear differences that we found in passive resistance of the tongues to elongation, may explain much of the behavioral variation in tongue use among species.  相似文献   

The kinematics of prey capture by Ascaphus truei was investigated. High-speed films (100 fps) of 13 successful and one unsuccessful prey capture sequences from six adult frogs were analysed. Ascaphus , the sister group of all living frogs, shares several aspects of feeding kinematics, including rotation of the tongue pad about the mandibular symphysis and mandibular bending during mouth opening and closing, with more derived frogs such as Bufo marinus. The times required for tongue retraction, mouth opening and closing are similar in Ascaphus and Bufo. However, because Bufo is much larger and protracts its tongue much farther than Ascaphus , the velocities of tongue retraction, mouth opening and mouth closing are relatively lower in Ascaphus than in Bufo. Differences in prey capture between Ascaphus and Bufo marinus are (1) the distance of tongue protraction is less in Ascaphus (±0.5 cm) than in Bufo (c. 2 cm); and (2) lunging of the whole body is more pronounced in Ascaphus. Prey capture is highly variable in Ascaphus. An intraoral transport sequence is sometimes (7 of 14 observations) inserted into the prey capture cycle before the completion of mouth closing. The gape cycles range from 80–150 ms for sequences with no oral transport and from 130–280 ms for sequences with oral transport. Also, the time required for tongue retraction is significantly longer in the unsuccessful capture attempt. This variability is generally greater than that observed during prey capture in salamanders, and suggests that frogs and salamanders may differ in the importance of sensory feedback in coordinating prey capture.  相似文献   

Pheromonal communication is widespread in salamanders and newts and may also be important in some frogs and toads. Several amphibian pheromones have been behaviorally, biochemically and molecularly identified. These pheromones are typically peptides or proteins. Study of pheromone evolution in plethodontid salamanders has revealed that courtship pheromones have been subject to continual evolutionary change, perhaps as a result of co-evolution between the pheromonal ligand and its receptor. Pheromones are detected by the vomeronasal organ and main olfactory epithelium. Chemosensory neurons express vomeronasal receptors or olfactory receptors. Frogs have relatively large numbers of vomeronasal receptors that are transcribed in both the vomeronasal organ and the main olfactory epithelium. Salamander vomeronasal receptors apparently are restricted to the vomeronasal organ. To date, no chemosensory ligands have been matched to vomeronasal receptors or olfactory receptors so it is unknown whether particular receptor types are (1) specialized for detection of pheromones versus other chemosignals, or (2) specialized for detection of volatile, nonvolatile, or water-borne chemosignals. Despite progress in understanding amphibian pheromonal communication, only a small fraction of amphibian species have been examined. Study of additional species of amphibians will indicate which traits related to pheromonal communication are evolutionarily conserved and which traits have diverged over time.  相似文献   

Amphibians that undergo a metamorphosis provide an unparalleled opportunity to investigate how skeletal shape is generated, preserved, and transformed in development. Their pharyngeal arch (PA) cartilages, which support breathing and feeding behaviors, form embryonically from cranial neural crest cells, grow isometrically at larval stages, and abruptly change shape during metamorphosis. Further, the shape changes occur in three different ways: some adult cartilages form de novo, others emerge from within resorbing larval cartilages and some larval cartilages reshape themselves at the cellular level. Isometric growth followed by abrupt shape change is unique to amphibian PA cartilages, which suggests that the origin and evolution of amphibian metamorphosis has been influenced by the tissue properties of cartilage. This essay reviews the functional role of the PA skeleton in frogs and salamanders and presents a mechanistic framework for understanding how its shape is generated, preserved, and transformed at the levels of cell behavior and specification mechanisms.  相似文献   

The skull and jaw musculature as guides to the ancestry of salamanders   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The fossil record provides no evidence supporting a unique common ancestry for frogs, salamanders and apodans. The ancestors of the modern orders may have diverged from one another as recently as 250 million years ago, or as long ago as 400 million years according to current theories of various authors. In order to evaluate the evolutionary patterns of the modern orders it is necessary to determine whether their last common ancestor was a rhipidistian fish, a very primitive amphibian, a labyrimhodom or a ‘lissamphibian’. The broad cranial similarities of frogs and salamanders, especially the dominance of the braincase as a supporting element, can be associated with the small size of the skull in their immediate ancestors. Hynobiids show the most primitive cranial pattern known among the living salamander families and “provide a model for determining the nature of the ancestors of the entire order. Features expected in ancestral salamanders include: (1) Emargination of the cheek; (2) Movable suspensorium formed by the quadrate, squamosal and pterygoid; (3) Occipital condyle posterior to jaw articulation; (4) Distinct prootic and opisthotic; (5) Absence ol otic notch; (6) Stapes forming a structural link between braincase and cheek. In the otic region, cheek and jaw suspension, the primitive salamander pattern (resembles most closely the microsaurs among known Paleozoic amphibians, and shows no significant features in common with either ancestral frogs or the majority of labyrinth odonts. The basic pattern of the adductor jaw musculature is consistent within both frogs and salamanders, but major differences are evident between the two groups. The dominance of the adductor mandibulae externus in salamanders can be associated with the open cheek in all members of that order, and the small size of this muscle in frogs can be associated with the large otic notch. The spread of different muscles over the otic capsule, the longus head ol the adductor mandibulae posterior in frogs and the superficial head of the adductor mandibulae internus in salamanders, indicates that fenestration of the skull posterodorsal to the orbit occurred separately in the ancestors of the two groups. Reconstruction of the probable pattern of the jaw musculature in Paleozoic amphibians indicates that frogs and salamanders might have evolved from a condition hypothesized for primitive labyrinthodonts, but the presence of a large otic notch in dissorophids suggests specialization toward the anuran, not the urodele condition. The presence of either an einarginated cheek or an embayment of the lateral surface of the dentary and the absence of an otic notch in microsaurs indicate a salamander-like distribution of die adductor jaw muscles. The ancestors of frogs and salamanders probably diverged from one another in the early Carboniferous, Frogs later evolved from small labyrinthodonts and salamanders from microsaurs. Features considered typical of lissamphibians evolved separately in the two groups in the late Permian andTriassic.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, use tongue prehension to capture small prey and jaw prehension to capture large prey. After hypoglossal nerve transection, the frogs fail to open their mouths when attempting to feed on small prey, but open their mouths and capture large prey. Here, we investigate how visual information about the prey and proprioceptive information from the tongue interact to influence the motor program choice. Using pieces of earthworm of various sizes, we found that Rana exhibits two different behavior patterns based on prey size. The frogs captured the 1.5-cm prey using tongue prehension, whereas 2.0-cm and larger prey were captured using jaw prehension. After hypoglossal transection, the frogs never opened their mouths when they tried to feed on 1.5-cm prey. When feeding on 3.0-cm and larger prey after transection, they always opened their mouths and captured the prey using jaw prehension. When offered 2.0-cm prey, they alternated randomly between opening and not opening the mouth. Therefore, deafferentation changed the pattern of motor program choice at the behavioral border. This implies that afferents from the tongue interact with visual input to influence motor program choice.  相似文献   

Amphibian populations have been undergoing declines on a global scale. Among the many threats to these populations are emergent infectious diseases (EIDs). The Ranavirus in particular has been found within many declining amphibian populations. Although non-lethal sampling methods exist for some amphibian groups, such as salamanders, the anurans are traditionally tested using a lethal method. By comparing traditional liver samples and a new non-lethal method of toe clipping we prove that the Ranavirus can also be determined in frogs using a non-lethal method, a much needed tool in threatened populations. This method will allow for ranaviral detection without further impacting declining populations, and can further be used for other research questions.  相似文献   

Representatives of 5 amphibian species (313 individuals), including eastern American toads (Bufo americanus), wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer), blue-spotted salamanders (Ambystoma laterale), and central newts (Notophthalmus viridescens louisianensis), were collected from 3 ephemeral ponds during spring 1994, and they were inspected for helminth parasites. The component communities of anurans were more diverse than those of caudates. Infracommunities of all host species were isolationist and depauperate, due mostly to host ectothermy and low vagility. Toad infracommunities were dominated by skin-penetrating nematodes, and they had the highest values of mean total parasite abundance, mean species richness, and overall prevalence. This was likely due to their greater vagility compared with other host species. Infracommunities of wood frogs and blue-spotted salamanders had intermediate values for these measures of parasitism, whereas spring peeper and newt infracommunities had the lowest values. In addition to relative vagility, feeding habits and habitat preference were likely important in helminth community structure. Body size also seemed to play a role because mean wet weight of host species followed the same general trend as values of parasitism. However, effects of size were variable within host species and difficult to separate from other aspects of host ecology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Population-level responses of amphibians to forest management regimes are partly dictated by individual behavioral responses to habitat alteration. We examined the short-term (i.e., 24-hr) habitat choices and movement patterns of 3 amphibian species—southern leopard frogs (Rana sphenocephala), marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum), and southern toads (Bufo terrestris)—released on edges between forest habitats and recent clear-cuts in the Upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA. We predicted that adult frogs and salamanders would preferentially select forest using environmental cues as indicators of habitat suitability. We also predicted that movement patterns would differ in clear-cuts relative to forests, resulting in lower habitat permeability of clear-cuts for some or all of the species. Using fluorescent powder tracking, we determined that marbled salamanders selected habitat at random, southern toads preferred clear-cuts, and southern leopard frogs initially selected clear-cuts but ultimately preferred forests. Frogs exhibited long-distance, directional movement with few turns. In contrast, toads exhibited wandering behavior and salamanders moved relatively short distances before locating cover. Southern toads and southern leopard frogs moved farther in forests, and all 3 species made more turns in clear-cuts than in forests. Habitat selection by southern toads did not vary according to body size, sex, or the environmental cues we measured. However, marbled salamanders were more likely to enter clear-cuts when soil moisture was high, and southern leopard frogs were more likely to enter clear-cuts when relative humidity and air temperature were higher in the clear-cut than in adjacent forest. Although we found evidence of reduced habitat permeability of clear-cuts for southern leopard frogs and southern toads, none of the species exhibited strong behavioral avoidance of the small (4-ha) clear-cuts in our study. Further studies of long-term habitat use and the potential physiological and other costs to individuals in altered forests are needed to understand the effects of forest management on population persistence. To reduce potentially detrimental effects of clear-cutting on amphibians in the Southeast, wildlife managers should consider the vagility and behavior of species of concern, especially in relation to the size of planned harvests adjacent to breeding sites.  相似文献   

Most organisms feed on a variety of prey that may differ dramatically in their physical and behavioural characteristics (e.g. mobility, mass, texture, etc.). Thus the ability to modulate prey capture behaviour in accordance with the characteristics of the food appears crucial. In animals that use rapid tongue movements to capture prey (frogs and chameleons), the coordination of jaws and tongue is based on visual cues gathered prior to the prey capture event. However, most iguanian lizards have much slower tongue-based prey capture systems suggesting that sensory feedback from the tongue may play an important role in coordinating jaw and tongue movements. We investigated the modulation of prey capture kinematics in the agamid lizard Pogona vitticeps when feeding on a range of food items differing in their physical characteristics. As the lizard is a dietary generalist, we expected it to be able to modulate its prey capture kinematics as a function of the (mechanical) demands imposed by the prey. Additionally, we investigated the role of lingual sensory feedback by transecting the trigeminal sensory afferents. Our findings demonstrated that P. vitticeps modulates its prey capture kinematics according to specific prey properties (e.g. size). In addition, transection of the trigeminal sensory nerves had a strong effect on prey capture kinematics. However, significant prey type effects and prey type by transection effects suggest that other sources of sensory information are also used to modulate the prey capture kinematics in P. vitticeps.  相似文献   

Extant amphibians comprise three lineages-- salamanders (Urodela or Caudata), frogs and toads (Anura), and caecilians (Gymnophiona, Apoda, or Caecilia)--which contain more than 6,000 species. Fewer than a dozen species of amphibians are commonly maintained in laboratory colonies, and the husbandry requirements for the vast majority of amphibians are poorly known. For these species, a review of basic characteristics of amphibian biology supplemented by inferences drawn from the morphological and physiological characteristics of the species in question provides a basis for decisions about housing and feeding. Amphibians are ectotherms, and their skin is permeable to water, ions, and respiratory gases. Most species are secretive and, in many cases, nocturnal. The essential characteristics of their environment include appropriate levels of humidity, temperature, and lighting as well as retreat sites. Terrestrial and arboreal species require moist substrates, water dishes, and high relative humidity. Because temperature requirements for most species are poorly known, it is advisable to use a temperature mosaic that will allow an animal to find an appropriate temperature within its cage. Photoperiod may affect physiology and behavior (especially reproduction and hibernation), and although the importance of ultraviolet light for calcium metabolism by amphibians is not yet known, ecological observations suggest that it might be important for some species of frogs. Some amphibians are territorial, and some use olfactory cues to mark their territory and to recognize other individuals of their species. All amphibians are carnivorous as adults, and the feeding response of many species is elicited by the movement of prey. Diets should include a mixture of prey species, and it may be advisable to load prey with vitamins and minerals.  相似文献   

Geographic patterns of species richness ultimately arise through the processes of speciation, extinction, and dispersal, but relatively few studies consider evolutionary and biogeographic processes in explaining these diversity patterns. One explanation for high tropical species richness is that many species-rich clades originated in tropical regions and spread to temperate regions infrequently and more recently, leaving little time for species richness to accumulate there (assuming similar rates of diversification in temperate and tropical regions). However, the major clades of anurans (frogs) and salamanders may offer a compelling counterexample. Most salamander families are predominately temperate in distribution, but the one primarily tropical clade (Bolitoglossinae) contains nearly half of all salamander species. Similarly, most basal clades of anurans are predominately temperate, but one largely tropical clade (Neobatrachia) contains approximately 96% of anurans. In this article, I examine patterns of diversification in frogs and salamanders and their relationship to large-scale patterns of species richness in amphibians. I find that diversification rates in both frogs and salamanders increase significantly with decreasing latitude. These results may shed light on both the evolutionary causes of the latitudinal diversity gradient and the dramatic but poorly explained disparities in the diversity of living amphibian clades.  相似文献   

Amphibians (Lissamphibia) are characterized by a bi‐phasic life‐cycle that comprises an aquatic larval stage and metamorphosis to the adult. The ancestral aquatic feeding behavior of amphibian larvae is suction feeding. The negative pressure that is needed for ingestion of prey is created by depression of the hyobranchial apparatus as a result of hyobranchial muscle action. Understanding the homologies of hyobranchial muscles in amphibian larvae is a crucial step in understanding the evolution of this important character complex. However, the literature mostly focuses on the adult musculature and terms used for hyal and ventral branchial muscles in different amphibians often do not reflect homologies across lissamphibian orders. Here we describe the hyal and ventral branchial musculature in larvae of caecilians (Gymnophiona) and salamanders (Caudata), including juveniles of two permanently aquatic salamander species. Based on previous alternative terminology schemes, we propose a terminology for the hyal and ventral branchial muscles that reflects the homologies of muscles and that is suited for studies on hyobranchial muscle evolution in amphibians. We present a discussion of the hyal and ventral branchial muscles in larvae of the most recent common ancestor of amphibians (i.e. the ground plan of Lissamphibia). Based on our terminology, the hyal and ventral branchial musculature of caecilians and salamanders comprises the following muscles: m. depressor mandibulae, m. depressor mandibulae posterior, m. hyomandibularis, m. branchiohyoideus externus, m. interhyoideus, m. interhyoideus posterior, m. subarcualis rectus I, m. subarcualis obliquus II, m. subarcualis obliquus III, m. subarcualis rectus II‐IV, and m. transversus ventralis IV. Except for the m. branchiohyoideus externus, all muscles considered herein can be assigned to the ground plan of the Lissamphibia with certainty. The m. branchiohyoideus externus is either apomorphic for the Batrachia (frogs + salamanders) or salamander larvae depending on whether or not a homologous muscle is present in frog tadpoles. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Chemosignals and Reproduction”.Amphibians are often thought of as relatively simple animals especially when compared to mammals. Yet the chemosignaling systems used by amphibians are varied and complex. Amphibian chemosignals are particularly important in reproduction, in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Chemosignaling is most evident in salamanders and newts, but increasing evidence indicates that chemical communication facilitates reproduction in frogs and toads as well. Reproductive hormones shape the production, dissemination, detection, and responsiveness to chemosignals. A large variety of chemosignals have been identified, ranging from simple, invariant chemosignals to complex, variable blends of chemosignals. Although some chemosignals elicit straightforward responses, others have relatively subtle effects. Review of amphibian chemosignaling reveals a number of issues to be resolved, including: 1) the significance of the complex, individually variable blends of courtship chemosignals found in some salamanders, 2) the behavioral and/or physiological functions of chemosignals found in anuran “breeding glands”, 3) the ligands for amphibian V2Rs, especially V2Rs expressed in the main olfactory epithelium, and 4) the mechanism whereby transdermal delivery of chemosignals influences behavior. To date, only a handful of the more than 7000 species of amphibians has been examined. Further study of amphibians should provide additional insight to the role of chemosignals in reproduction.  相似文献   

This review focuses on research into the hormonal control of behaviors in amphibians that was conducted prior to the 21st century. Most advances in this field come from studies of a limited number of species and investigations into the hormonal mechanisms that regulate reproductive behaviors in male frogs and salamanders. From this earlier research, we highlight five main generalizations or conclusions. (1) Based on studies of vocalization behaviors in anurans, testicular androgens induce developmental changes in cartilage and muscles fibers in the larynx and thereby masculinize peripheral structures that influence the properties of advertisement calls by males. (2) Gonadal steroid hormones act to enhance reproductive behaviors in adult amphibians, but causal relationships are not as well established in amphibians as in birds and mammals. Research into the relationships between testicular androgens and male behaviors, mainly using castration/steroid treatment studies, generally supports the conclusion that androgens are necessary but not sufficient to enhance male behaviors. (3) Prolactin acts synergistically with androgens and induces reproductive development, sexual behaviors, and pheromone production. This interaction between prolactin and gonadal steroids helps to explain why androgens alone sometimes fail to stimulate amphibian behaviors. (4) Vasotocin also plays an important role and enhances specific types of behaviors in amphibians (frog calling, receptivity in female frogs, amplectic clasping in newts, and non-clasping courtship behaviors). Gonadal steroids typically act to maintain behavioral responses to vasotocin. Vasotocin modulates behavioral responses, at least in part, by acting within the brain on sensory pathways that detect sexual stimuli and on motor pathways that control behavioral responses. (5) Corticosterone acts as a potent and rapid suppressor of reproductive behaviors during periods of acute stress. These rapid stress-induced changes in behaviors use non-genomic mechanisms and membrane-associated corticosterone receptors.  相似文献   

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