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When examined at any moment in time, different parts of an individual oak tree exhibit almost as large differences in quality as different trees. But how consistent are such patterns in time? In this paper, we use intraclass correlations to assess the temporal consistency of host plant quality at several spatial scales. As measures of quality, we use both individual chemical attributes (phenolic contents) and the overall performance (larval survival) of the host‐specific leaf‐miner Tischeria ekebladella. Concentrations of 24 phenolic compounds were monitored on seven trees throughout a season. Variation in mine initiation and larval survival rates was assessed for individuals transplanted to another set of trees early versus later in the season, while year‐to‐year variation in larval survival was studied through stratified surveys of wild individuals during three years. At all time scales considered, measures of host quality were moderately consistent: a tree favourable in quality at one point in time often remained so, but there was abundant variation around this relationship (ρ=0.4–0.6). One hierarchical level deviated from this general pattern: on individual branches, larval survival rates varied randomly among years (ρ=0). Our study suggests that the quality of trees, and in particular of smaller units within trees, may be difficult to predict both in space and in time. To account for this, insects might benefit from adopting a bet‐hedging strategy when selecting resources.  相似文献   

Summary The perennial foliage of the California coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Nee) permits herbivores to feed on this oak species throughout the year. Patterns of herbivory for a two-year period on Q. agrifolia were observed in relation to seasonal and age-related changes in the nutritional and defensive characteristics of leaves. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were higher in new leaves compared to mature foliage. Structural compounds (e.g., cellulose) in leaves rapidly increased with age. Concentrations of tatal phenolics (Folin-Denis) and astringency were higher in new foliage, and concentrations of condensed tannins gradually increased as the leaves matured. Peaks of herbivore damage were observed in June and in September–October, and were caused by outbreaks of the California oak moth (Phryganidia californica). P. californica, a bivoltine oak specialist, exhibited feeding preferences in June for old leaves over emerging leaves, and showed no preferences for leaf classes in September. These results suggest that P. californica is adapted to survive on nutritionally poor foliage and to circumvent quantitative defenses such as condensed tannins.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,81(1):27-36
Arundo donax L. is a tall perennial reed classified as an emergent aquatic plant. In California, it has invaded riparian zones, where it acts as a transformer species. Because plant growth and leaf quality influence the effectiveness of management techniques, we sought to determine if these characters varied temporally and spatially in a northern California population of A. donax. Tissue C and N content and C:N ratio varied during the growing season. Leaf N was higher in spring and in plants that were closer to a stream. It was significantly negatively related to the clump's distance from the stream but not related to its elevation relative to the stream. Plants near the stream produced taller stems with more leaves per stem than those more distant from the stream. RGR differed across time and space. It was highest in spring prior to the appearance of flowers on a few stems that were >1 year old within the clumps. Decline in RGR as the growing season progressed coincided with the appearance of branches and flowers on stems <1 year old on a few plants within the studied population. RGR was significantly related to the N content and C:N ratio of leaves on mature stems (>1 year old). This implies that the decrease in stem growth reflected changes in nutrient availability within the entire A. donax clump and not just in the growing stems (<1 year old). These findings have implications for timing of management techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Lepidoptera larval abundance and diversity in the canopies of oak ( Quercus crispula ) trees and saplings were surveyed in a cool-temperate, deciduous broadleaf forest in northern Japan.
2. In general, newly developed leaves were soft, rich in water and nitrogen, and low in tannin, whereas they became tough, poor in water and nitrogen, and high in tannin as the season proceeded. Leaf quality also varied among forest strata, such variations resulting in seasonal and among-strata differences in the structure of the Lepidoptera larval assemblage.
3. The greater Lepidoptera larval abundance and species richness may related to the higher leaf quality on spring foliage compared with summer foliage. On the other hand, diversity (Shannon's H' ) and evenness (Pielou's J' ) were greater on summer foliage than on spring foliage. Strengthened defences of the host plants against herbivory may cause these differences by filtering the larvae of Lepidoptera species and by constraining the super-dominance of a few species on summer foliage.
4. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordination also revealed a stratified structure of the Lepidoptera larval assemblage in the forest. In both spring and summer, the assemblage composition was more similar between sunlit and shaded canopies than between canopies and saplings. Such assemblage stratification was highly correlated with toughness and tannin content (in spring and summer) or water content (in summer).
5. This study emphasised the importance of spatio-temporal variations in leaf quality, even within the same host plant species, for promoting herbivore diversity in forests.  相似文献   

Laboratory feeding experiments using two transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) rape cultivars (Bt‐Westar and Bt‐Oscar) both expressing the Cry1Ac protein, and the corresponding untransformed lines, were carried out to study the effects of transgenic Bt rape on the non‐target herbivore Athalia rosae (L.) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Furthermore, Cry1Ac protein concentration in Bt rape leaves, A. rosae larvae fed Bt rape, their faeces, eonymph instars, pupae, and adults were quantified using an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). There were no significant differences in mortality, larval development, and weight between transgenic Bt rape and non‐transgenic rape fed A. rosae. Additionally, we did not detect any significant differences in the fecundity and fertility of adult females either fed as larvae with transgenic Bt or with non‐transgenic rape. However, results of the ELISA indicated that Cry1Ac protein was detectable in larvae and faeces (Bt‐Westar 1.1 ± 0.2 and Bt‐Oscar 0.3 ± 0.2 µg Cry1Ac protein/g fresh weight) although this was less than in the leaf material, where concentrations were 2.2 ± 0.8 µg Cry1Ac protein/g fresh weight for Bt‐Westar and 7.5 ± 2.9 µg Cry1Ac protein/g fresh weight in Bt‐Oscar. In contrast, Cry1Ac protein could not be detected in eonymphs, pupae, or adults of A. rosae. Our results suggest that Cry1Ac protein in Bt rape does not have a significant effect on the herbivore A. rosae but the protein is still detectable after ingestion and excretion by these herbivores, thus providing the possibility of exposure to organisms other than herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary Responses to humidity of net photosynthesis and leaf conductance of single attached leaves were examined in populations of herbs from wet soil sites in Beltsville, Maryland and Davis, California, USA. Plants were grown in controlled environments under three conditions which differed in the magnitude of the day-night temperature difference and in daytime air saturation deficit. No population differences in response were found in Abutilon theophrasti. In Amaranthus hybridus stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis were more reduced by increasing leaf to air water vapor pressure difference (VPD) in the population from Beltsville, but only for the growth condition with a constant 25°C temperature. In Chenopodium album, stomatal conductance was more sensitive to VPD in the population from Davis, but only for the growth condition with 28/22°C day/night temperatures. Population differences in the sensitivity to VPD of leaf conductance were associated with differences in leaf area to root weight ratio. The relative reduction of net photosynthesis as VPD increased was greater than, equal to, or less than the relative decrease in substomatal carbon dioxide partial pressure. The pattern depended on species, and on growth condition. From these results one can not conclude that environmental humidity has been a strong selective force in determining sensitivity to humidity of stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of leaf tissue elasticity in four forest tree species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Measures of leaf tissue elasticity were determined by analyzing the turgor pressure-water content relation developed from pressure-volume experiments, in four naturally occurring forest tree species. The relation between the bulk tissue elastic modulus and tissue turgor pressure varied by species and varied with state of leaf maturation through the growing season. Although the values of the elastic modulus reported here agree in magnitude with values reported in general for higher plant tissue, the functional dependency of the apparent elasticity on tissue water status was more complex in this study than can be accounted for by current models.  相似文献   

Osada  Noriyuki 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(10):939-950
Plant Ecology - Spring leaf phenology has been intensively studied in temperate deciduous broad-leaved tree species, but the phenology of evergreen broad-leaved tree species has seldom been focused...  相似文献   

Agosta SJ 《Oecologia》2008,157(1):69-82
That fitness varies as a function of using different hosts is a basic premise of theory addressing the ecology and evolution of oviposition behavior and host selection. Few data exist demonstrating: (1) the effects of different hosts on fitness in the field, and (2) how these effects vary spatially or temporally. Cohorts of caterpillars were followed from hatching to adulthood to test the hypotheses that: (1) hosts have significant effects on herbivore performance in nature, and (2) host "quality" for performance varies predictably (i.e., the rank order is consistent) across herbivore generations. In total, the fates of >2,000 caterpillars were followed on 238 individual host trees. Host species had significant effects on most, but not all, measured components of caterpillar performance in the field. Variation among generations was mainly quantitative rather than qualitative, with few changes in the rank order of hosts in their effects on performance. There was also a strong seasonal effect on performance such that caterpillar growth and survival were higher in the early wet season compared to the late wet season. Using estimates derived from these data, correlations among larval growth rate, larval survival, total development time, and final adult size were examined at the level of host plant species. Across generations, larval survival was consistently poor, development time was long, but final adult size attained was large on the host Spondias mombin. The converse was true for the host Exostema mexicanum. Relative performance on the host Casearia nitida was variable between the other two hosts. Overall, the data suggest that host use involves a predictable tradeoff between larval survival and final adult size, but argue that which is the "better" host from the female perspective will depend on the fitness consequences of producing a few, relatively large offspring versus producing more, relatively small offspring.  相似文献   

A central issue in evolutionary biology is the exploration of functional trait variation among populations and the extent to which this variation has adaptive value. It was recently proposed that specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen concentration per mass (Nmass) and water use efficiency in cork oak play an important role in adaptation to water availability in the environment. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we explored, first, whether there was population-level variation in cork oak (Quercus suber) for these functional traits throughout its distribution range; if this were the case, it would be consistent with the hypothesis that different rainfall patterns have led to ecotypic differentiation in this species. Second, we studied whether the population-level variation matched short-term selection on these traits under different water availability conditions using two fitness components: survival and growth. We found high population-level differentiation in SLA and Nmass, with populations from dry places exhibiting the lowest values for SLA and Nmass. Likewise, reduced SLA had fitness benefits in terms of growth for plants under dry conditions. However, contrary to our expectations, we did not find any pattern of association between functional traits and survival in nine-year-old saplings despite considerable drought during one year of the study period. These results together with findings from the literature suggest that early stages of development are the most critical period for this species. Most importantly, these findings suggest that cork oak saplings have a considerable potential to cope with dry conditions. This capacity to withstand aridity has important implications for conservation of cork oak woodlands under the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Diversifying planted forests by increasing genetic and species diversity is often promoted as a method to improve forest resilience to climate change and reduce pest and pathogen damage. In this study, we used a young tree diversity experiment replicated at two sites in the UK to study the impacts of tree diversity and tree provenance (geographic origin) on the oak (Quercus robur) insect herbivore community and a specialist biotrophic pathogen, oak powdery mildew. Local UK, French, and Italian provenances were planted in monocultures, provenance mixtures, and species mixes, allowing us to test whether: (a) local and nonlocal provenances differ in their insect herbivore and pathogen communities, and (b) admixing trees leads to associational effects on insect herbivore and pathogen damage. Tree diversity had variable impacts on foliar organisms across sites and years, suggesting that diversity effects can be highly dependent on environmental context. Provenance identity impacted upon both herbivores and powdery mildew, but we did not find consistent support for the local adaptation hypothesis for any group of organisms studied. Independent of provenance, we found tree vigor traits (shoot length, tree height) and tree apparency (the height of focal trees relative to their surroundings) were consistent positive predictors of powdery mildew and insect herbivory. Synthesis. Our results have implications for understanding the complex interplay between tree identity and diversity in determining pest damage, and show that tree traits, partially influenced by tree genotype, can be important drivers of tree pest and pathogen loads.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal dynamics of fir stands damage caused by a large-scale outbreak of the Siberian silk moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschetv.) in the Altai Mountains has been studied using remote sensing and GIS methods. It is ascertained that forest damages are dissimilar relative to the surface features. The pest outbreak initially occurred on the southwest slopes with mean values of 10° and elevation of 400 m asl. The damages further extended both upward and downward, involving slopes of high steepness and the eastern exposure. The total area of the dead stands comprised 6000 ha, 45% of which were lost due to secondary pest (xylophagous insects) attacks. It is indicated that the use of remote sensing made it possible to determine the beginning of a pest outbreak with one-decade precision. The Siberian silk moth large-scale outbreak occurred against an increase in air temperatures, a decrease in precipitation, and a reduction in late frosts. The tree plants weakened by the Siberian silk moth and water stress were affected by xylophagous insect attacks. The observed and predicted warming and climate aridity increase will facilitate Siberian silk moth outbreaks both within its range and northward of the current margins of the range.  相似文献   

1. The effects of two factors, leaf size and group size, on the performance of the Tupelo leafminer, Antispila nysaefoliella (Lepidoptera: Heliozelidae), were examined by fitting growth models to mine expansion data using nonlinear mixed-effects models. 2. The rate of mine expansion served as a proxy for larval performance because of its correlation with both feeding activity and growth rate and is also the means by which a larva achieves its final mine size (or total consumption). 3. Leaf size was used as a measure of resource availability, and was expected to reduce the impact of resource competition and enhance larval performance. 4. In contrast to the unidirectional effects expected for leaf size (i.e. more resources should enhance performance), the direction for the effects of group size was expected to depend on the mechanism(s) driving the effect. For example, if there is resource competition among larvae in a group, then this could increase the feeding rates of some larvae or reduce the total consumption of others. However, if leaf mining induces host plant chemical defences, then larger groups might elicit a greater defensive response by the host plant (at the leaf), and hence, be characterized by reduced feeding and growth rates. 5. To investigate these interactions, two growth models, the Gompertz model and a modified version of the von Bertalanffy growth equation, were fitted to time series of the sizes of individual leaf mines using nonlinear mixed-effects models. Linear and nonlinear associations of each factor (group size or leaf size) with model parameters were then evaluated using a hierarchical testing procedure by determining: (i) whether inclusion of the factor produced a better-fit model, and (ii) if it did, the form of that relationship (i.e. linear or nonlinear). 6. Three patterns were detected with these analyses. (i) Leaf size had a significant positive, linear relationship with mine expansion rate. (ii) Group size had a significant quadratic relationship with mine expansion rate. (iii) The effects of leaf and group size on the maximum mine size were opposite to those found with growth rate.  相似文献   

In plant ecology, community-weighted trait means are often used as predictors for ecosystem functions. More recently, also within-species trait variation has been confirmed to contribute to ecosystem functioning. We here go even further and assess within-individual trait variation, assuming that every leaf in a plant individually adjusts to its micro-environment. Using forest plots varying in tree species richness (Sardinilla experiment, Panama), we analysed how leaf traits within individual trees vary along the vertical crown gradient. Furthermore, we tested whether niche partitioning in mixed stands results in a decrease of within-species leaf trait variation and whether niche partitioning can be also observed at the level of individual trees. We focused on leaf traits that describe the growth strategy along the conservative-acquisitive spectrum of growth. We found a decrease in within-species variation of specific leaf area (SLA) with increasing neighbourhood species richness. Both sampling height and local neighbourhood richness contributed to explaining within-species leaf trait variation, which however, varied in importance among different species and traits. With increasing sampling height, leaf dry matter content (LDMC), carbon to nitrogen ratio and lignin content increased, while leaf nitrogen concentration (leaf N), SLA, cellulose and hemicellulose decreased. Variation in leaf N decreased with increasing neighbourhood species richness, while the magnitude of within-individual variation of most traits was unaffected by neighbourhood species richness. Our results suggest an increased niche partitioning with increasing species richness both in a plant community and at the level of individual plants. Our findings highlight the importance of including within-individual trait variation to understand biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships.  相似文献   


This paper defines a protocol for the study of leaf morphology and morphometric relationships among Quercus frainetto, Quercus robur, Quercus petraea and Quercus pubescens. Leaf shapes were investigated in an attempt to characterize and discriminate among these four species. Landmark and outline data were compared in order to ascertain their relative efficacy for describing variation in leaf morphology. MANOVA was performed to assess intra‐specific differentiation and to compare the distribution of variance in individuals, populations and species. A strong correlation was found between landmark and outline datasets of the four species: both methods proved capable of discriminating among the four species. Finally, a Two‐Block Partial Least‐Squares analysis was performed for each species in order to assess the correlation between intra‐specific shape variation and environmental factors.  相似文献   

A complex of nonspecific esterases of green oak roller moth is represented by of series of multiple forms including carboxyl-, acetyl-, aryl-esterase and esterase with mixed properties. Esterases characterized by different substrate specificity and belonging to different types change their activity in the insect ontogenesis. The authors have established the interaction of esterases with the secondary metabolism substances large amounts of which are concentrated in the oak leaves.  相似文献   

  • Intraspecific trait variation and trait–climate relationships are crucial for understanding a species’ response to climate change. However, these phenomena have rarely been studied for tree species. Euptelea pleiospermum is a relict tree species with a wide distribution in China that offers a novel opportunity to examine such relationships.
  • Here, we measured 13 leaf traits of E. pleiospermum in 20 sites across its natural distribution in China. We investigated the extent of trait variation at local and regional scales, and developed geographic and climate models to explain trait variation at the regional scale.
  • We documented intraspecific trait variation among leaf traits of Epleiospermum at local and regional scales. Five traits exhibited relatively high trait variation: leaf area, leaf density and three leaf economic traits (leaf dry matter content, specific leaf area [SLA] and leaf phosphorus concentration). Significant trait–geography correlations were mediated by local climate. Most leaf trait variation could be explained (from 24% to 64%) by geographic or climate variables, except leaf width, leaf thickness, leaf dry matter content and leaf length–width ratio. Latitude and temperature were the strongest predictors of trait variation throughout the distribution of Epleiospermum in China, and temperature explained more leaf trait variation than precipitation. In particular, we showed that leaves had longer petiole lengths, higher SLA and lower densities in northern Epleiospermum populations. We suggest that northern Epleiospermum populations are adapting to higher latitudinal environments via high growth rate (higher SLA) and low construction investment strategies (lower leaf densities), benefitting northern migration.
  • Overall, we demonstrate that intraspecific trait variation reflects Epleiospermum response to the local environment. We call for consideration of intraspecific trait variation to examine specific climate response questions. In addition, provenance experiments using widely distributed species are needed to separate trait variation resulting from genetic differentiation and plastic responses to environmental change.

Distinct ecosystem level carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) stoichiometries in forest foliage have been suggested to reflect ecosystem-scale selection for physiological strategies in plant nutrient use. Here, this hypothesis was explored in a nutrient-poor lowland rainforest in French Guiana. Variation in C, N and P concentrations was evaluated in leaf litter and foliage from neighbour trees of 45 different species, and the litter concentrations of major C fractions were also measured. Litter C ranged from 45.3 to 52.4%, litter N varied threefold (0.68-2.01%), and litter P varied seven-fold (0.009-0.062%) among species. Compared with foliage, mean litter N and P concentrations decreased by 30% and 65%, respectively. Accordingly, the range in mass-based N : P shifted from 14 to 55 in foliage to 26 to 105 in litter. Resorption proficiencies indicated maximum P withdrawal in most species, but with a substantial increase in variation in litter P compared with foliage. These data suggest that constrained ecosystem-level C : N : P ratios do not preclude the evolution of highly diversified strategies of nutrient use and conservation among tropical rainforest tree species. The resulting large variation in litter quality will influence stoichiometric constraints within the decomposer food web, with potentially far-ranging consequences on nutrient dynamics and plant-soil feedbacks.  相似文献   

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