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In the present work, we studied the chemical modification of Posidonia with maleic (AM) and phthalic (AP) anhydrides, and in the absence of any solvent. We used tripropylamine (TPA) as a catalyst and the mixture underwent an ultrasonic pretreatment. The influence of ultrasonic pretreating time, reaction time, temperature, anhydride concentration, was investigated. The extent of maleation and phthalation was measured by the percent of ester groups (TE), which increased when there was a parallel increment of anhydride concentration, reaction time, and temperature. Evidence of maleation and phthalation of the waste Posidonia biomass was provided by FT-IR and CP/MAS13C NMR. Thermogravimetric investigation of chemically modified Posidonia indicated a better thermal stability in comparison with the untreated Posidonia.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of lysine residues in two bacterial alpha-amylases, a mesophilic enzyme from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BAA) and a thermophilic enzyme from Bacillus licheniformis (BLA) was carried out using citraconic anhydride. 13 +/- 1 residues in BAA and 10 +/- 1 residues in BLA were found modified under defined experimental conditions. Modification brought about dramatic enhancement of thermal stability of BAA and catalytic activity of BLA. Such alterations were found dependent on the temperature and pH. Results obtained on Tm, the extent of deamidation, changes in the circular dichroism (CD) spectra and kinetic parameters before and after modification are discussed in terms of their contributions to the mechanism of irreversible thermoinactivation and activity enhancement.  相似文献   

The dimensional stability and moisture excluding efficiencies (MEEs) of wood after acetylation, butyrylation, and hexanoylation, were evaluated in this study. After three acylation treatments, an excellent antiswelling efficiency of modified wood specimens was obtained. All the equilibrium moisture contents of acylated wood at three relative humidities (RHs) (33% RH, 65% RH, and 93% RH) were significantly reduced, as compared to those of untreated wood in the same RH, and the MEEs of acylated wood were greatly improved. Acylated wood has consistent MEE at each of the different RHs. With the same percentage of substituted hydroxyl groups, the decreasing order of the MEE of modified wood was hexanoylation > butyrylation > acetylation. This indicates that the molecular volume or hydrophobic property of the substituted acyl groups also has the influence on the MEE of modified wood, in addition to the degree of substitution of the hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

T Okajima  Y Kawata  K Hamaguchi 《Biochemistry》1990,29(39):9168-9175
The role of tryptophan residues in the stability of proteins was studied by ozone oxidation, which causes a small change in the tryptophan side chain. Trp 187 of the constant fragment of a type lambda immunoglobulin light chain, Trp 59 of ribonuclease T1, and Trp 62 of hen egg white lysozyme were oxidized specifically by ozone to N'-formylkynurenine or kynurenine. Judging from their circular dichroic and fluorescence spectra, these modified proteins were found to be the same as those of the respective intact proteins. However, even the slight modification of a single tryptophan residue produced a large decrease in the stability of these proteins to guanidine hydrochloride and heat. The smaller the extent of exposure of the tryptophan residue, the greater the effect of the modification on the stability. The formal kinetic mechanism of unfolding and refolding by guanidine hydrochloride of the CL fragment was not altered by tryptophan oxidation, but the rate constants for unfolding and refolding changed. The thermal unfolding transitions were analyzed to obtain the thermodynamic parameters. The enthalpy and entropy changes for the modified proteins were larger than the respective values for the intact proteins.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(9):1472-1479
Chloroperoxidase from Caldariomyces fumago (CPO, EC is one of the most interesting enzymes from the group of heme peroxidases and has been extensively applied in synthetic processes. Nevertheless, the practical application of CPO is limited due to its very low operational stability, especially in the presence of peroxidative compounds. For this reason, effect of chemical modifications of CPO in the stability of the enzyme was studied. Side-chain selective modifications of amino groups of Lys residues, and carboxyl groups of Asp and Glu residues, as well as crosslinking and periodate oxidation of sugar moiety were carried out. The stability of modified CPOs was evaluated at elevated pH and temperature, and in the presence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Effect of modification of CPO on the performance of the reaction of Cbz-ethanolamine oxidation was studied as well. Those modifications that involved carboxyl groups via carbodiimide coupled method and the periodate oxidation of the sugar moiety produced better catalysts than native CPO in terms of stability and activity at elevated pH values and temperatures.  相似文献   

Carboxyalkyl derivative of the intercalating agent imidazo[4,5-b]phenazine was used for the postsynthetic oligonucleotide modification. Model pentadecathymidylate-imidazophenazine conjugate was prepared from 5'-aminoalkyl-modified (dT)(15) by using phosphonium coupling reagent BOP in the presence of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. Spectral-fluorescent properties of the conjugate were studied. The attachment of the dye was found to increase the thermal stability of (dT)(15) duplex with poly(dA) by more than 4°C, probably by the intercalation mechanism.  相似文献   

In order to form more stable triple helical structures or to prevent their degradation in cells, oligonucleotide analogs are routinely used, either in the backbone or among the bases. The target sequence chosen for this study is a 16-base-long oligopurine-oligopyrimidine region present in the human neurotrophin 4/5 gene. Seven different chemical modifications were tested for their effect on (i) triple helix formation and (ii) i-DNA stability. i-DNA is a tetrameric structure involving hemiprotonated C x C+ base pairs, which may act as a competing structure for triplex formation, especially in the case of a cytosine-rich third strand. At acid pH, oligophosphoramidates formed the most stable triple helix, whereas oligonucleotides including 5-propynyl-dU formed a stable i-motif which precluded triplex formation. Only two candidates stabilized triple helices at neutral pH: oligonucleotides with phosphoramidate linkage and phosphodiester oligonucleotides containing 5-methyl-dC and 5-propynyl-dU.  相似文献   

Chemical wood property traits were analyzed for the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in a three-generation outbred pedigree of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). These traits were assayed using pyrolysis molecular beam mass spectrometry and include mass spectrum peak intensities associated with carbohydrates, α-cellulose and hemicellulose sugars, and lignin. Models for projection to latent structures (PLS) were used to also estimate the chemical composition of cell walls (i.e., α-cellulose, galactan and lignin) from mass spectrum data using multivariate regression. Both earlywood and latewood fractions from the fifth annual ring were analyzed for each trait. An interval mapping approach designed for an outbred pedigree was used to estimate the number of QTLs, the magnitude of QTL effects, and their genomic position. Eight unique QTLs influencing cell wall chemistry were detected from multiple peak intensities and/or PLS estimates using the one- and two-QTL models. Significant differences in chemical contents were observed among the populations from North Carolina vs Oklahoma, and results from QTL×environment analyses suggest that QTLs interact with environmental location. QTLs should be verified in larger experiments and in different genetic and environmental backgrounds. QTL mapping will help towards eventually identifying genes having a major effect on chemical wood properties. Received: 19 January 2001 / Accepted: 31 May 2001  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis and related bacilli produce a posttranslationally modified oligopeptide, the ComX pheromone, that stimulates natural genetic competence controlled by quorum sensing. The ComX(RO-C-2) pheromone from strain RO-C-2 must be modified with a farnesyl group on the Trp residue, but the precise structure is not known. Here we report the precise nature of posttranslational farnesylation of ComX(RO-C-2) pheromone on the Trp residue, resulting in the formation of a tricyclic structure. The ComX(168) pheromone, produced by the standard laboratory strain used in the study of B. subtilis, is also posttranslationally farnesylated according to phylogenetic resemblance.  相似文献   

The studies reported are concerned with the functional consequences of the chemical modifications of the lysines and carboxyl-containing amino acids of bovine rhodopsin. The 10 non-active-site lysine residues of rhodopsin can be completely dimethylated and partially acetimidated (8-9 residues) with no loss in the ability of the proteins to activate the G protein when photolyzed or to regenerate with 11-cis-retinal. These modifications do not alter the net charge on the protein. Surprisingly, heavy acetylation of these lysines (eight to nine residues) with acetic anhydride, which neutralizes the positive charges of the lysine residues, yields a modified rhodopsin fully capable of activating the G protein and being regenerated. It is concluded that the non-active-site lysine residues of rhodopsin are not importantly and directly involved in interactions with the G protein during photolysis. However, this is not to say that they are unimportant in maintaining the tertiary structure of the protein because heavy modification of these residues by succinylation and trinitrophenylation produces proteins incapable of G protein activation, although the succinylated protein still regenerated. The active-site lysine of rhodopsin was readily modified and prevented from regenerating with 11-cis-retinal and with o-salicylaldehyde and o-phthalaldehyde/mercaptoethanol, two sterically similar aromatic aldehyde containing reagents which react by entirely different mechanisms. It is suggested that rhodopsin contains an aromatic binding site within its active-site region. Monoethylation, but not monomethylation, of the active-site lysine also prevented regeneration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The inactivation of lactate and malate dehydrogenases (LDH and MDH) modified by progesterone in the water-dimethylformamide (DMF) medium is described by the first-order equation up to large conversion degrees. The MDH modification is accompanied by the increase of its stability by 7-14%, while LDH modification leads to the enzyme stability decrease by 67%. The enzymes catalytic activities are changed simultaneously. The main factors of the stability and activity changes are the DMF influence upon the quaternary structure of the proteins at the modification and a hydrofobization of the external and internal protein sites by progesterone.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed on the effect of calcium on native and chemically modified forms of mesophilic and thermophilic alpha-amylases. Circular dichroism (CD) and irreversible thermoinactivation studies were carried out in the absence and presence of 10 mM calcium. From the CD experiments, changes in the tertiary structure of these enzymes, brought about by modification, were concluded. Furthermore, these changes were found to be influenced by the presence of calcium. Sorbitol was very effective in affording protection against irreversible thermoinactivation of native and modified forms of the enzymes, both in the absence and presence of calcium. Results are discussed in terms of the usefulness of this new approach involving a combination of medium and chemical modification for protein stabilization and enhancement of catalytic potential.  相似文献   

Two laboratory-scale anaerobic fixed bed reactors were evaluated while treating dairy manure at upflow mode and semicontinuous feeding. One reactor was packed with a combination of waste tyre rubber and zeolite (R1) while the other had only waste tyre rubber as a microorganism immobilization support (R2). Effluent quality improved when the hydraulic retention time (HRT) increased from 1.0 to 5.5 days. Higher COD, BOD5, total and volatile solids removal efficiencies were always achieved in the reactor R1. No clogging was observed during the operation period. Methane yield was also a function of the HRT and of the type of support used, and was 12.5% and 40% higher in reactor R1 than in R2 for HRTs of 5.5 and 1.0 days, respectively. The results obtained demonstrated that this type of reactor is capable of operating with dairy manure at a HRT 5 times lower than that used in a conventional reactor.  相似文献   

The effect of chemical modification on the acetylcholinesterase and the aryl acylamidase activities of purified acetylcholinesterase from electric eel and basal ganglia was investigated in the presence and absence of acetylcholine, the substrate of acetylcholinesterase, and 1,5-bis[4-(allyldimethylammonium)phenyl]pentan-3-one dibromide (BW284C51), a reversible competitive inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, pyridoxal phosphate, acetic anhydride, diethyl pyrocarbonate, and 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide under specified conditions inactivated both acetylcholinesterase and aryl acylamidase in the absence of acetylcholine and BW284C51. Chemical modifications in the presence of acetylcholine and BW284C51 by all the above except diethyl pyrocarbonate selectively prevented the loss of acetylcholinesterase but not aryl acylamidase activity; modification by diethyl pyrocarbonate in the presence of acetylcholine and BW284C51 prevented the loss of both acetylcholinesterase and aryl acylamidase activities. Treatment with N-acetylimidazole resulted in the inactivation of acetylcholinesterase and the activation of aryl acylamidase. These changes in both the activities could be prevented by acetylcholine and BW284C51. Modification by phenylglyoxal, 2,4-pentanedione, or N-ethylmaleimide did not affect the enzyme activities. Indophenylacetate hydrolase activity followed a pattern similar to that of acetylcholinesterase in all the above modification studies. The results suggested essential lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, and histidine residues for the active center of acetylcholinesterase and essential lysine, histidine, and tryptophan residues for the active center of aryl acylamidase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Chemical modification of proteins: comments and perspectives   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of chemical modification of proteins has increased exponentially during the past two decades. Today the many different uses of chemical modification include determination of relative reactivities of side chain groups, the quantitation of individual amino acids, development of affinity reagents, mechanism-based reagents for pharmaceutical uses, cross-linking reagents, special techniques for bioprostheses, blocking reagents for peptide synthesis, and reagents for specific cleavages of peptide bonds. Chemical modification should continue to be a primary tool in protein chemistry. It can supply information or products difficult or impossible to attain by the newer powerful technique of in vitro mutagenesis as well as serve as a supplementary procedure for the latter.  相似文献   

Elasticity measurements of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) based on registration of the third harmonic of the membrane current during the application of a periodic tension to the membrane was used to study the effects of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and phospholipase A on BLM. LPO resulted in decreased values of the Young modulus for BLM, while some products of LPO and phospholipid hydrolysis (linolenic acid) were able to increase drastically the modulus. The presence of individual products of LPO and phospholipid hydrolysis in BLM produced non-additive effects on the elasticity, strength and stability of BLM. Lysolecithine strongly affected both the strength and stability of BLM. without changing its elasticity modulus. It was found that the lower the rate of structural changes in lecithine BLM, the longer its lifetime. Membranes having a heterogeneous polar composition form more stable BLM as compared to chemically homogeneous membranes.  相似文献   

Poplar wood (Populus ussuriensis Kom) was modified by a novel combined two-step treatment to improve its decay resistance. Maleic Anhydride (MAN) was first employed to swell and bond to wood cell wall, and then mixed monomers of glycidyl methacrylate/methyl methacrylate (GMA/MMA) were used to graft copolymerization within wood cell lumen. The swelling and bonding of cell wall by MAN, interfacial compatibility between resultant polymer from GMA/MMA monomers and wood cell wall, and decay resistance of all composites were tested and analyzed by Scanning electron microscopy–Energy dispersive X-ray (SEM–EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) apparatus. The results indicate that the volume of poplar wood treated by MAN swells about 9% with about 15% of weight percent gain, and MAN chemically bonds to the cell wall through substitution reaction with hydroxyl group, and the grafting adduct mainly remains as an amorphous form. The resultant Poplar-MAN shows improved decay resistance of 69.79% against brown fungus (Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers. ex Fr.) Murr.) and 81.42% against white fungus (Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burdsall.) over those of untreated Poplar, respectively. After the combined two-step treatment, GMA and MMA are copolymerized within wood cell lumen, and the resultant polymer is also grafted onto wood cell wall, resulting in the improvement of interfacial compatibility between polymer and wood substance without obvious gaps. The decay resistance of the resultant composite from the combined two-step treatment against the brown decay fungus and the white decay fungus is improved by 97.64% and 99.17%, respectively, compared with those of untreated poplar wood; and also more excellent than those of MMA treated wood, GMA/MMA monomers treated wood, organic 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl Carbamate (IPBC) treated wood and inorganic boron compounds treated wood, respectively.  相似文献   

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