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Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is a Gram-negative, facultative aerobic bacterium, able to respire a variety of electron acceptors. Due to its capability to reduce solid ferric iron, S. oneidensis plays an important role in microbially induced corrosion of metal surfaces. Since this requires cellular adhesion to the metal surface, biofilm growth is an essential feature of this process. The goal of this work was to compare the global protein expression patterns of sessile and planktonic grown S. oneidensis cells by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Mass spectrometry was used as an identification tool of the differentially expressed proteins. An IPG strip of pH 3-10 as well as pH 4-7 was applied for iso-electrofocusing. Analysis of the 2-D patterns pointed out a total of 59 relevant spots. Among these proteins, we highlight the involvement of a protein annotated as an agglutination protein (AggA). AggA is a TolC-like protein which is presumably part of an ABC transporter. Another differentially expressed protein is RibB, an enzyme of the riboflavin biosynthesis pathway. Riboflavin is the precursor molecule of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and may be necessary for the altered respiratory properties of the biofilm cells versus planktonic cells. Some proteins that were identified indicate an anaerobic state of the biofilm. This anaerobic way of living affects the energy gaining pathways of the cell and is reflected by the presence of several proteins, including those of a heme-utilization system.  相似文献   

Whole-genomic expression patterns were examined in Shewanella oneidensis cells exposed to elevated sodium chloride. Genes involved in Na(+) extrusion and glutamate biosynthesis were significantly up-regulated, and the majority of chemotaxis/motility-related genes were significantly down-regulated. The data also suggested an important role for metabolic adjustment in salt stress adaptation in S. oneidensis.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical processes mediated by Fe(III)-reducing bacteria such as Shewanella oneidensis have the potential to influence the post-closure evolution of a geological disposal facility for radioactive wastes and to affect the solubility of some radionuclides. Furthermore, their potential to reduce both Fe(III) and radionuclides can be harnessed for the bioremediation of radionuclide-contaminated land. As some such sites are likely to have significant radiation fluxes, there is a need to characterise the impact of radiation stress on such microorganisms. There have, however, been few global cell analyses on the impact of ionizing radiation on subsurface bacteria, so here we address the metabolic response of S. oneidensis MR-1 to acute doses of X-radiation. UV/Vis spectroscopy and CFU counts showed that although X-radiation decreased initial viability and extended the lag phase of batch cultures, final biomass yields remained unchanged. FT-IR spectroscopy of whole cells indicated an increase in lipid associated vibrations and decreases in vibrations tentatively assigned to nucleic acids, phosphate, saccharides and amines. MALDI-TOF-MS detected an increase in total protein expression in cultures exposed to 12 Gy. At 95 Gy, a decrease in total protein levels was generally observed, although an increase in a putative cold shock protein was observed, which may be related to the radiation stress response of this organism. Multivariate statistical analyses applied to these FT-IR and MALDI-TOF-MS spectral data suggested that an irradiated phenotype developed throughout subsequent generations. This study suggests that significant alteration to the metabolism of S. oneidensis MR-1 is incurred as a result of X-irradiation and that dose dependent changes to specific biomolecules characterise this response. Irradiated S. oneidensis also displayed enhanced levels of poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide reduction, though the mechanism underpinning this phenomenon is unclear.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine if the outer membrane (OM) cytochromes of the metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 are exposed on the cell surface. METHODS AND RESULTS: MR-1 cells were incubated with proteinase K or buffer and the resulting degradation of the OM cytochromes was examined by Western blotting. The periplasmic fumarate reductase (control) was not degraded. The OM cytochromes OmcA and OmcB were significantly degraded by proteinase K (71 and 31%, respectively). Immunofluorescence confirmed a prominent cell surface exposure of OmcA and a partial exposure of OmcB and the noncytochrome OM protein MtrB. CONCLUSIONS: The cytochromes OmcA and OmcB are exposed on the outer face of the OM. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The cell surface exposure of these cytochromes could allow them to directly contact extracellular insoluble electron acceptors (e.g. manganese oxides) and is consistent with their in vivo role.  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 has conventionally been considered unable to use glucose as a carbon substrate for growth. The genome sequence of S. oneidensis MR-1 however suggests the ability to use glucose. Here, we demonstrate that during initial glucose exposure, S. oneidensis MR-1 quickly and frequently gains the ability to utilize glucose as a sole carbon source, in contrast to wild-type S. oneidensis, which cannot immediately use glucose as a sole carbon substrate. High-performance liquid chromatography and (14)C glucose tracer studies confirm the disappearance in cultures and assimilation and respiration, respectively, of glucose. The relatively short time frame with which S. oneidensis MR-1 gained the ability to use glucose raises interesting ecological implications.  相似文献   

Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 is a facultative Fe(III)- and Mn(IV)-reducing microorganism and serves as a model for studying microbially induced dissolution of Fe or Mn oxide minerals as well as biogeochemical cycles. In soil and sediment environments, S. oneidensis biofilms form on mineral surfaces and are critical for mediating the metabolic interaction between this microbe and insoluble metal oxide phases. In order to develop an understanding of the molecular basis of biofilm formation, we investigated S. oneidensis biofilms developing on glass surfaces in a hydrodynamic flow chamber system. After initial attachment, growth of microcolonies and lateral spreading of biofilm cells on the surface occurred simultaneously within the first 24 h. Once surface coverage was almost complete, biofilm development proceeded with extensive vertical growth, resulting in formation of towering structures giving rise to pronounced three-dimensional architecture. Biofilm development was found to be dependent on the nutrient conditions, suggesting a metabolic control. In global transposon mutagenesis, 173 insertion mutants out of 15,000 mutants screened were identified carrying defects in initial attachment and/or early stages in biofilm formation. Seventy-one of those mutants exhibited a nonswimming phenotype, suggesting a role of swimming motility or motility elements in biofilm formation. Disruption mutations in motility genes (flhB, fliK, and pomA), however, did not affect initial attachment but affected progression of biofilm development into pronounced three-dimensional architecture. In contrast, mutants defective in mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin type IV pilus biosynthesis and in pilus retraction (pilT) showed severe defects in adhesion to abiotic surfaces and biofilm formation, respectively. The results provide a basis for understanding microbe-mineral interactions in natural environments.  相似文献   

Proteome alterations in the metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in response to different acute dose challenges (0.3, 0.5, or 1 mM) of the toxic metal chromate [Cr(VI)] were characterized with multidimensional HPLC-MS/MS. Proteome measurements were performed and compared on both quadrupole ion traps as well as linear trapping quadrupole mass spectrometers. We have found that the implementation of multidimensional liquid chromatography on-line with the rapid scanning, high throughput linear trapping quadrupole platform resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of measured peptides and, thus, the number of identified proteins. A total of 2406 functionally diverse, nonredundant proteins were identified in this study, representing a relatively deep proteome coverage for this organism. The core molecular response to chromate challenge under all three concentrations consisted predominantly of proteins with annotated functions in transport and binding (e.g., components of the TonB1 iron transport system, TonB-dependent receptors, and sulfate transporters) as well as a functionally undefined DNA-binding response regulator (SO2426) that might play a role in mediating metal stress responses. In addition, proteins annotated as a cytochrome c, a putative azoreductase, and various proteins involved in general stress protection were up-regulated at the higher Cr(VI) doses (0.5 and 1 mM) only. Proteins down-regulated in response to metal treatment were distributed across diverse functional categories, with energy metabolism proteins dominating. The results presented in this work demonstrate the dynamic dosage response of S. oneidensis to sub-toxic levels of chromate.  相似文献   

Although a previous study indicated that the dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 lacks chemotactic responses to metals that can be used as anaerobic electron acceptors, new results show that this bacterium responds to both Mn(III) and Fe(III). Cells were also shown to respond to another unusual electron acceptor, the humic acid analog anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate. These results indicate that S. oneidensis is capable of moving towards a number of unusual anaerobic electron acceptors, including some that would normally be insoluble in the environment. Additionally, S. oneidensis was shown to migrate in gradients of several divalent cations under anaerobic conditions. Although responses to the reduced forms of redox-active metals, such as Mn(II) and Fe(II), might indicate that S. oneidensis uses gradients of these metals to locate the insoluble electron acceptors Mn(III/IV) and Fe(III) for dissimilatory purposes, responses to non-redox-active metals, such as Zn(II), suggest that movement towards divalent cations might serve other, potentially assimilatory, purposes.  相似文献   

【目的】从环境中分离获得希瓦氏菌烈性噬菌体,并对其性质进行研究。【方法】以4株希瓦氏菌为宿主菌,采用双层平板法从污水样品中分离得到奥奈达希瓦氏菌MR-1烈性噬菌体M1;观察噬菌斑特征;利用超速离心法浓缩M1颗粒,进一步用氯化铯密度梯度离心纯化;采用透射电子显微镜观察纯化的M1颗粒;提取M1核酸,通过核酸酶处理分析其核酸类型及结构;绘制一步生长曲线。【结果】噬菌体M1在双层平板上形成圆形的噬菌斑,清晰透明,边缘光滑,直径为2.3 mm-2.5 mm;经电镜观察,噬菌体M1头部呈二十面体,直径约为55 nm,尾长约为170 nm,尾部可收缩,属于肌尾噬菌体科(Myoviridae);通过酶切分析表明噬菌体M1核酸为线形双链DNA;一步生长曲线显示该噬菌体感染后完成一个复制循环所需要的时间约为15-20 min。【结论】噬菌体M1属肌尾噬菌体科,研究结果为后续研究病毒在地球微生物成岩过程中所起的作用提供了实验材料。  相似文献   

Flynn CM  Hunt KA  Gralnick JA  Srienc F 《Bio Systems》2012,107(2):120-128
A stoichiometric model describing the central metabolism of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 wild-type and derivative strains was developed and used in elementary mode analysis (EMA). Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 can anaerobically respire a diverse pool of electron acceptors, and may be applied in several biotechnology settings, including bioremediation of toxic metals, electricity generation in microbial fuel cells, and whole-cell biocatalysis. The metabolic model presented here was adapted and verified by comparing the growth phenotypes of 13 single- and 1 double-knockout strains, while considering respiration via aerobic, anaerobic fumarate, and anaerobic metal reduction (Mtr) pathways, and utilizing acetate, n-acetylglucosamine (NAG), or lactate as carbon sources. The gene ppc, which encodes phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (Ppc), was determined to be necessary for aerobic growth on NAG and lactate, while not essential for growth on acetate. This suggests that Ppc is the only active anaplerotic enzyme when cultivated on lactate and NAG. The application of regulatory and substrate limitations to EMA has enabled creation of metabolic models that better reflect biological conditions, and significantly reduce the solution space for each condition, facilitating rapid strain optimization. This wild-type model can be easily adapted to include utilization of different carbon sources or secretion of different metabolic products, and allows the prediction of single- and multiple-knockout strains that are expected to operate under defined conditions with increased efficiency when compared to wild type cells.  相似文献   

Using stringent criteria for protein identification by accurate mass and time (AMT) tag mass spectrometric methodology, we detected 36 proteins of <101 amino acids in length, including 10 that were annotated as hypothetical proteins, in 172 global tryptic digests of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 proteins. Peptides that map to the conserved, but functionally uncharacterized proteins SO4134 and SO2787, were the most frequently detected peptides in these samples, while those that map to hypotheticals SO2669 and SO2063, conserved hypotheticals SO0335 and SO2176, and the SlyX protein (SO1063) were observed at frequencies similar to those from essential small proteins (ribosomal proteins and translation initiation factor IF-1), suggesting that they may function in similarly important cellular functions. In addition, peptides were detected that map to 30 genes predicted to encode frameshifts, point mutations, or recoding signals. Of these 30 genes, peptides that map to positions beyond internal stop codons were detected in 13 genes (SO0101, SO0419, SO0590, SO0738, SO1113, SO1211, SO3079, SO3130, SO3240, SO4231, SO4328, SO4422, and SO4657). While expression of the full-length formate dehydrogenase encoded by SO0101 can be explained by incorporation of selenocysteine at the internal stop codon, the mechanism of translating downstream sequences in the remaining genes remains unknown.  相似文献   

Low solubility of proteins overexpressed in E. coli is a frequent problem in high-throughput structural genomics. To improve solubility of proteins from mesophilic Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and thermophilic Clostridium thermocellum JW20, an approach was attempted that included a fusion of the target protein to a maltose-binding protein (MBP) and a decrease of induction temperature. The MBP was selected as the most efficient solubilizing carrier when compared to a glutathione S-transferase and a Nus A protein. A tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognition site was introduced between fused proteins using a double polymerase-chain reaction and four primers. In this way, 79 S. oneidensis proteins have been expressed in one case with an N-terminal 30-residue tag and in another case as a fusion protein with MBP. A foreign tag might significantly affect the properties of the target polypeptide. At 37 degrees C and 18 degrees C induction temperatures, only 5 and 17 tagged proteins were soluble, respectively. In fusion with MBP 4, 34, and 38 proteins were soluble upon induction at 37 degrees, 28 degrees, and 18 degrees C, respectively. The MBP is assumed to increase stability and solubility of a target protein by changing both the mechanism and the cooperativity of folding/unfolding. The 66 C. thermocellum proteins were expressed as fusion proteins with MBP. Induction at 37 degrees, 28 degrees, and 18 degrees C produced 34, 57, and 60 soluble proteins, respectively. The higher solubility of C. thermocellum proteins in comparison with the S. oneidensis proteins under similar conditions of induction correlates with the thermophilicity of the host. The two-factor Wilkinson-Harrison statistical model was used to identify soluble and insoluble proteins. Theoretical and experimental data showed good agreement for S. oneidensis proteins; however, the model failed to identify soluble/insoluble Clostridium proteins. A suggestion has been made that the Wilkinson-Harrison model is not applicable to C. thermocellum proteins because it did not account for the peculiarities of protein sequences from thermophiles.  相似文献   

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