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River flow influence on the fish community of the Tagus estuary (Portugal)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of river flow on the fish community was assessed for the Tagus estuary (Portugal), based on sampling surveys carried out between 1979 and 2002. Four estuarine areas were sampled using similar fishing gear and effort in all the years considered in this study (1978–1980; 1995–1997; and 2001–2002). According to river freshwater flow values, sampling years were classified as wet (mean value of 714 m3 s−1, sd = 110 m3 s−1) or dry (mean value of 164 m3 s−1, sd = 19m3 s−1). Species richness varied between 22 and 39 according to the year, but no significant differences were related to river flow. The number of species per ecological guild was also similar in wet and dry years. Fish assemblage was dominated by marine occasional, estuarine resident and marine-estuarine opportunist species that represented near 90% of all fish species. The highest densities were represented by estuarine resident species. Fish density in dry and wet years differed significantly (mean density of 10.51 individuals 1,000 m−2 and 3.62 individuals 1,000 m−2, respectively), and the major differences were registered for estuarine resident, marine-estuarine opportunist and catadromous species. These differences probably reflected the estuarine habitat availability and also differences in fish densities in some estuarine areas under different flow conditions. The multivariate ordination analyses performed outlined both seasonal and spatial variation trends in fish distribution and abundance. The estuarine longitudinal gradient and its relationship with species distribution were less evident in dry years. Relationships between species abundance and river flow were different according to species, which is probably due to different needs in the timing and magnitude of river flow. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that fish larvae undertake vertical movements in estuarine waters. To test this hypothesis, a sampling period was selected during times when many spring‐spawning fish reach maximum abundance in coastal waters so that spring and summer variations in larval fish assemblages could be determined in the Yangtze River estuary. Six oceanographic surveys were conducted across the salinity gradient of an inshore (freshwater) and offshore area (brackish intersection) during spring (May) and summer (August) between 2010 and 2012. The fish larval community was dominated by species of Engraulidae, Gobiidae, Champsodontidae and Mugilidae. The pre‐flexion and flexion larval stages of euryhaline marine species, which are dependent on estuaries as nursery areas, were common. The brackish and marine larval assemblage was the most abundant with taxa such as Coilia mystus and Engraulis japonicus accounting for more than 57.3% of the total catch. Spatial differences in the taxonomic composition of larval fish assemblages were evident between the inshore and offshore areas. Additionally, the Yangtze River runoff regulatory functions as affected by the Three Gorges Reservoir operational mode (hydrological alternating operations) showed weak influences on fish and habitat environments. Low salinities from high freshwater inflow limited bay anchovy production in the inshore area.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution of the macroinvertebrate community of the salt marsh areas of the Tejo estuary, based on surveys conducted from autumn 1998 to summer 2000. Samples were collected quarterly in five different intertidal areas along an elevation gradient in: mudflats, creek mouths, creeks, pioneer salt marsh areas and middle marsh areas. A total of 36 benthic invertebrate taxa were identified. Insect larvae were the most well represented group, with 10 taxa identified. Oligochaetes and ostracods were the most numerically abundant taxa, whereas bivalves dominated in biomass. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were dominated, both in number and biomass, by deposit feeders. Three distinct macroinvertebrate assemblages were distinguished along the elevation gradient, based on species presence, density and biomass: the unvegetated muddy areas with a macrobenthic assemblage composed mostly by infauna; the salt marsh pioneer areas of Spartina maritima in which several epibenthic taxa were found, as well as endobenthic taxa characteristic of muddy sediment; and the creek margins, with epifauna taxa such as insect larvae and crustaceans and a low abundance of benthic infauna. Total biomass in the unvegetated and Spartina areas was higher during spring and summer mainly due to the increase in biomass of Scrobicularia plana and Hydrobia ulvae. No decreases in the salt marsh macroinvertebrate biomass values were observed during the highest densities of their potential nektonic predators (summer). This fact might indicate that macroinvertebrates are not a limiting resource for the nektonic species, and that the natural biomass increment of these invertebrate species could be masking the predation/disturbance caused by the nektonic species.  相似文献   

From March 1998 to February 1999, upstream fish passage was continuously monitored by video tape analysis at the fish lift Touvedo Dam on the Lima River, northern Portugal. A total of 1194 individuals from seven species were transferred by the lift. Cyprinids were the dominant group collected, with Iberian nase Chondrostoma polylepis (Steindachner) (31.8%) being the most abundant species, followed by Iberian barbel Barbus bocagei (Steindachner) (21.1%), Iberian dace Leuciscus carolitertii (Doadrio) (19.2%) and Iberian red roach Rutilus arcasii (Steindachner) (7.1%). Brown trout Salmo trutta fario (L.) and European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) accounted for 10.8%, whereas Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (L.) was rarely observed. Most cyprinid seasonal movements were observed in the spring and were associated with reproduction. The timing of the run varied and its beginning appeared to be mainly dependent on water temperature. Roach, dace and nase used the fish lift intensively from mid-April until the end of summer. Barbel use of the lift intensified in mid-May in association with warmer water. Salmonids migrated in June–July and autumn. Significant differences were not found in hourly activity, except for nase and barbel, in June and July, respectively. Fish passage was not related to river discharge. The relative effectiveness of the fish lift is discussed in relation to the various species.  相似文献   

毛成责  钟俊生  蒋日进  葛珂珂  林楠 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4609-4619
基于2006年11月-2007年10月在长江口的13个站点的周年调查,探索了鱼类完整性指数(FAII)在河口水域鱼类栖息地环境评价中的应用。结果显示各站点FAII值介于0-46之间,表明碎波带健康状况全年处于一般到极差的水平。系统聚类(Hierarchical Cluster)将所有站点分为四组,第一组St.1,Sts.12-13;第二组为Sts.2- 3,St.5;第三组为St.6,St.11;第四组为St.4,Sts.7- 10。健康状况差的站点FAII值全年波动较大,由于夏季水温升高,部分站点出现大量的洄游性和海洋性种类,FAII值出现季节性的升高;其中河口外段的St.1,St.11-St.13的完整性等级分别在7月和8月达到一般水平。St.4,St.10因位于水源保护区外侧,St.9位于西沙湿地公园,受人为影响较小,这三个站点的FAII值相对比较稳定且在所有站位点中处于较高水平。FAII与Margalef丰富度指的周年变化有一定的相似性,但与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的变化却有很大的差异。  相似文献   

In southern Brazil, cold ( La Niña ) and warm ( El Niño ) episodes of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon cause drought and high rainfall, respectively. The low precipitation and freshwater outflow associated with La Niña during 1995–1996 were associated with an increase in the abundance of marine species in the Patos Lagoon estuary. During the 1997–1998 El Niño , high precipitation and river discharge were associated with low abundance of marine species in the estuary. ANOVA results showed a higher abundance during La Niña than El Niño for estuarine resident (RES) and estuarine dependent (DEP) fishes. During La Niña catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of RES increased from the marine to estuarine area, but during El Niño CPUE increased at the marine area and diminished during summer and autumn in some estuarine sites. DEP fishes had an opposite abundance pattern. During La Niña , these fishes were abundant at the coastal marine area and along some estuarine sites, but during El Niño , CPUE remained almost the same at the marine area but dropped along some estuarine sites. These different abundance patterns for dominant fish groups yielded a positive interaction between stations and climatic events. With higher river discharge and the consequent decline of dominant euryhaline fishes, such as Mugil platanus and Atherinella brasiliensis , freshwater species increased in abundance and richness in the shallow waters of the stuary. The ENSO phenomenon influences precipitation and estuarine salinity in southern Brazil and thereby seems to have a strong influence on recruitment, immigration, and emigration dynamics of fish species living within and adjacent to estuarine habitats.  相似文献   

The relative importance of biotic (top-down) vs. abiotic (bottom-up) controls on phytoplankton dynamics was investigated in the York River estuary, Virginia (USA) by a combination of extensive analyses of long-term data sets collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitoring program over 17 years (1984–2001), field studies (1996–1997) and ecosystem modeling analyses. Results from the analysis of long-term data records collected at three stations along the salinity gradient suggested that phytoplankton are more likely controlled by abiotic mechanisms such as resource limitation than biotic mechanisms such as grazing since annual cycles of primary production and phytoplankton biomass were similar and no grazing effects were evident based on the observed relationship between phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass (R 2 < 0.2, p > 0.1). This scenario was supported by short-term field observations made over an annual cycle at three stations in the mid-channel of the estuary where both chlorophyll a and primary production demonstrated similar patterns of seasonal variation. Ratios of fluorescence before and after acidification at all study sites were relatively high suggesting low grazing pressure in the estuary. A tidally-averaged, size-structured plankton ecosystem model was previously developed and verified for the lower York River estuary. The validated ecosystem model was also used to examine this issue and simulation results supported the importance of bottom-up control in the York River estuary.  相似文献   

A. P. Mackey 《Hydrobiologia》1979,67(3):241-247
Experiments are described to characterise the heterotrophic potential of Westiellopsis prolifica Janet, which fixes nitrogen under light and dark conditions. The growth of the organism in terms of dry weight increase, was more in fructose, lactose, sucrose, sorbose, galactose, glucose, sodium acetate, mannitol, sorbitol, glycerol, ethyl alcohol and butyl alcohol, when the alga was pretreated with light and subsequently incubated with the substrates in light. Mannose, xylose, acetic acid, propionic acid, fructose 1,6 di Po4, pyruvic acid, dihydroxyacetone and succinic acid decreased the growth of the organism in the same condition. In dark incubation after pretreatment with light, as well as in the dark, Westiellopsis showed a better growth response to almost all the exogenous substrates. However, after pretreatment either with light or dark, the test organism utilised exogenous substrates quicker in light than in dark incubations. These experiments would suggest that the substrate specificity and efficiency of substrate utilisation by the alga during its heterotrophic growth are governed by the growth conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the main factors controlling salt marsh plant species structure and dynamics. So, we determined plant cover and composition across a permanent transect, 450 m long and 1 m wide, defined in 1951 in Corroios salt marsh, in the Tagus estuary (Portugal) and we characterized the physicochemical variables every 50 m along this transect. Based on those results we discuss the dynamic and evolution of salt marsh vegetation during the last 50 years comparing former and recent data. The results showed that differences in salinity and flooding were determinant factors in plant species composition and distribution along the studied transect. In addition, long-term variations of these factors as a consequence of vertical accretion and sea level rise seem to be responsible for the evolution in plant structure and vegetation zonation patterns, during the last 50 years in the Tagus estuary salt marshes.  相似文献   

长江口及其毗邻海域鱼类群落优势种生态位宽度与重叠   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据“北斗号”调查船2006年6月、8月和10月在长江口及其毗邻海域进行渔业资源底拖网调查的资料,通过相对重要性指数确定鱼类群落优势种,对优势种的生态位测度指标及季节变化进行分析.结果表明:3航次的优势种共有10种,它们的生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标呈现出明显的季节性变化,通过Bray-Curtis相似性聚类与非度量多维标度(MDS)分析可分为两组.第一组为鳀鱼、鳄齿鱼、发光鲷,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标夏季大于秋季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从长江口及其毗邻海域向外部深水区移动的趋势;第二组为带鱼、矛尾虾虎鱼、细条天竺鲷、小黄鱼、刺鲳、白姑鱼、七星底灯鱼,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标秋季大于夏季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从黄海南部和东海北部水域向长江口及其毗邻海域移动的趋势.这两组鱼类不同的移动趋势与其生态习性和环境因素有关.  相似文献   

The role of salt marshes in the Mira estuary (Portugal)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mira estuary is a narrow entrenched pristine estuary of the Ria type, about 30 km long. It comprises an area of 285 ha of salt marsh, of which250 ha have been proposed for reclamation for aquaculture. Dredging, village and recreation development menace the yet undisturbed estuarine ecosystem. To assess the biological importance of this wetland, a multidisciplinary study was conducted in apart of the salt marsh, considered as being representative of the whole area. Halophytic vegetation covering 75% of the total salt marsh site is dominated by Spartina maritima (28% of total vegetation area). Total primary production attains63,766 kg/yr (dw). A net export of 1541 kg/yr of COM to the relatively oligotrophic adjacent waters was also found. Insects and birds are described for the first time in the saltmarsh. Macrobenthic communities are dominated by Hediste diversicolor, Nepthys caeca and Scrobicularia plana. The fiddler crabUca tangeri attains here its north distribution limit. The mud flats and creeks associated with the salt marsh act as a nursery for 40.8% of the fish species present. The food web is dominated by detritivorous species like the grey mullets. The results obtained in this study support the need for an effective conservation of this area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

长江口及其邻近水域冬季浮游植物群集   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
应用Uterm hl方法分析了2005年2月28日至3月10日在长江口及其邻近水域进行的大面调查所获浮游植物采水样品,报道了该水域浮游植物的群落特征.初步鉴定浮游植物5门67属130种(含未定名25种).调查水域浮游植物群落主要由硅藻组成,其次为甲藻,此外还有少量的金藻、蓝藻和绿藻.主要优势种为具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、圆海链藻(Thalassiosira rotula)、标志布莱克里亚藻(Bleakeleya nota-ta)、辐射圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus radiatus)和离心列海链藻(Thalassiosira excentrica).调查区浮游植物的细胞丰度介于0.1~90.0cells.ml-1,平均值为10.1cells.ml-1.浮游植物的水平分布特征是近岸处浮游植物丰度高,远岸处丰度低.水体表层的浮游植物细胞丰度最高,表层之下细胞丰度略有降低,但变化不大.浮游植物的细胞丰度和叶绿素a与硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、铵盐、磷酸盐和硅酸盐浓度呈显著正相关,而与盐度呈负相关.调查区中部香农-威纳多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数较高,而东北部和近岸水域较低.  相似文献   

长江口及其毗邻海域鱼类群落优势种的生态位宽度与重叠   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据“北斗号”调查船2006年6月、8月和10月在长江口及其毗邻海域进行渔业资源底拖网调查的资料,通过相对重要性指数确定鱼类群落优势种,对优势种的生态位测度指标及季节变化进行分析.结果表明: 3航次的优势种共有10种,它们的生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标呈现出明显的季节性变化,通过Bray-Curtis相似性聚类与非度量多维标度(MDS)分析可分为两组.第一组为鳀鱼、鳄齿鱼、发光鲷,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标夏季大于秋季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从长江口及其毗邻海域向外部深水区移动的趋势;第二组为带鱼、矛尾虾虎鱼、细条天竺鲷、小黄鱼、刺鲳、白姑鱼、七星底灯鱼,其生态位宽度和生态位重叠指标秋季大于夏季,呈现出由夏季到秋季从黄海南部和东海北部水域向长江口及其毗邻海域移动的趋势.这两组鱼类不同的移动趋势与其生态习性和环境因素有关.  相似文献   

Fish, like other animals, choose environments for reproduction that are favorable for their offspring’s initial development. For example, these environments may be chosen to provide shelter and food. This study examined the fish larvae inhabiting the Ivinheima River sub-basin. The study aimed to (i) characterize the taxonomic composition of the larval fish fauna, (ii) analyze the structure of the larval assemblage, and (iii) verify the relationship between the larval assemblages and environmental variables. The sampling areas included three environments: the Ivinheima River, the Finado Raimundo Lagoon and the Patos Lagoon. Sampling was performed between October 2002 and March 2006 during four reproductive periods (RPs). The data were analyzed with correspondence analysis (CA) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). A total of 120 619 larvae were collected. These larvae belonged to several species characterized by different reproductive strategies. Our results showed differences between the composition of the Ivinheima River’s assemblages, where there were more larvae of migratory fish, and the lagoons, where larvae of sedentary species were predominant. In addition, differences were found among the RPs evaluated in the Ivinheima River: the first and second RPs were characterized by milder floods and by a greater abundance of migratory piscivore larvae, whereas the third and fourth RPs had more outflow and a greater abundance of larvae of detritivore and omnivore species. We conclude that the Ivinheima River plays a significant role in the maintenance of native migratory fish stocks in the upper Paraná River basin and that the environment shows a segregation of the spatial and temporal composition and abundance of larvae related to running and flooding/standing water.  相似文献   

Few studies have been carried out on stream ecology in southern Africa although many species are endangered. This study investigated the stream fish assemblage and their habitat associations over a period of 3 months (October 2004 to January 2005), in view of the proposal to build a dam across the Nyagui River. Twenty-four fish species were collected and were separated into groups based on preferred microhabitats. The first group, dominated by Barbus paludinosus , comprised species collected from the upstream stations with slow flow, shallow depth (pools) and fine substrate type. Species associated with riffles, which included Chiloglanis neumanni , Labeobarbus marequensis and Opsaridium zambezense , comprised the second group on the downstream. The last group comprised species preferring pools with rock substrate and slow flow such as Pharyngochromis acuticeps and Pseudocranilabrus philander . The species were consistently associated with their habitat types throughout the sampling period. This relationship may be explained by the fish's morphological adaptations. Species richness increased from nine in the upstream section to twenty in the downstream section and this was related to increasing habitat complexity downstream. The construction of the Kunzvi Dam across the Nyagui River is likely to lead to loss of rheophilic species while cichlids and introduced species may increase.  相似文献   

This work intends to examine if there are associations between fish species and the state of conservation of the riparian forest in the Corumbataí River Basin. Four main rivers were chosen for this study with three sites on each. Collections were carried out from March to June and from September to December 2001. Multivariate techniques were applied to determine the correlation between species richness and the order of the rivers, preservation level of the riparian forest, shade level, presence or absence of Eucalyptus, sugar cane and pastures, and surrounding declivity stability of the sites. Species richness was highest at locations with greater vegetation cover and preserved riparian forest.  相似文献   

River flow and fish abundance in a South African estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ichthyofauna of the Thukela Estuary, a small (55 ha), shallow (<1·5 m) system on the KwaZulu-Natal coast (mean annual river runoff of 3865 × 106 m3, from a large catchment of 29 000 km2, is seasonal: peak inputs occurring between November and March), was dominated by the juveniles of marine taxa that used the estuary as a nursery area. A striking feature of the above community was the decline in fish abundance with increasing river input, with flow values >100 m3 s−1 leading to increased loss of species from the system. This decline was linked to the lack of saline intrusion into the estuary and increased freshwater flooding through the system.  相似文献   

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