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A subpopulation of phenotypically immature (Lyt-2-/L3T4-) thymocytes express receptors for the polypeptide hormone interleukin 2 (IL 2); however, these cells do not proliferate in vitro in response to IL 2. In investigating this phenomenon in greater detail, we observed that the IL 2 receptors (IL 2-R) on freshly isolated immature thymocytes bound IL 2 with about fivefold lower affinity (Kd approximately 100 pM) than IL 2-R on activated mature T cells and T cell lines (Kd approximately 20 pM). Furthermore, in contrast to activated T cells, Lyt-2-/L3T4- thymocytes did not endocytose bound IL 2. When stimulated in short-term culture with a combination of phorbol ester (PMA) and calcium ionophore, Lyt-2-/L3T4- thymocytes proliferated in a largely IL 2-dependent fashion. IL 2-R expression on these activated cells initially disappeared (at 24 hr) and subsequently reappeared (at 48 to 72 hr). Reexpressed IL 2-R on activated thymocytes resembled those on mature T lymphocytes in that they bound IL 2 with high affinity (Kd = 15 to 25 pM) and were capable of endocytosing IL 2. Taken together, these data place certain constraints on the putative physiologic role of IL 2 in intrathymic growth regulation.  相似文献   

In this report, the effect of interleukin 4 (IL-4) on the growth and differentiation of Lyt-2-/L3T4-(2-4-) thymocytes was investigated. It was found that these thymocytes proliferated extensively when cultured in the presence of IL-4 + phorbol myristate acetate without apparent differentiation to Lyt-2+ or L3T4+ cells. We also demonstrated that 2-4- thymocytes constitutively express a high affinity (dissociation constant of 20 to 40 pM) receptor for IL-4. Freshly isolated 2-4- thymocytes expressed on average about 100 IL-4 receptors per cell, but the number of receptors increased approximately 8-fold within 3 days after activation by IL-4 + phorbol myristate acetate. These findings suggest that IL-4 may play an important role in T cell ontogeny by promoting self-renewal of stem cells within the thymus.  相似文献   

Thymocytes that bear neither Lyt-2 nor L3T4 differentiation antigens (2-4- thymocytes) contain the precursors for mature L3T4+Lyt-2- and Lyt-2-L3T4+ T cells. In the present study we determined the capacity of 2-4- cells to respond to recombinant interleukin 1 (rIL 1) in vitro. The presence of rIL 1 enhanced IL 2-dependent proliferation to the lectins Con A and PHA by threefold to eightfold. In a second assay, rIL 1 enhanced proliferation and IL 2 production by 2-4- cells in response to phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and the calcium ionophore, ionomycin. Using a direct IL 1 binding assay, we were able to detect both high-affinity (Kd approximately 5 pM) and low-affinity (Kd approximately 200 pM) classes of IL 1 receptors on freshly isolated 2-4- cells. Bound IL 1 was rapidly internalized, suggesting that such receptors were functional. These results are compatible with a role for interleukin 1 during thymocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Using histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques, a lectin with nominal specificity for alpha-linked N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), was found to preferentially label thymocytes with an L3T4-, Lyt-2- phenotype from fetal/newborn and adult mice. Through days 14 to 16 of gestation, virtually all thymocytes bound DBA, followed by a dramatic reduction of DBA labeling during the last 4 days of gestation, reaching adult levels of about 2 to 4% of total thymocytes. At later stages of fetal development, the DBA+ cells were confined to the subcapsular area of the thymus. This apparent loss of DBA+ cells was caused by an expansion of the thymocyte population not labeled with this lectin. Affinity purification of thymocyte cell surface components with insolubilized DBA indicated that virtually all of the lectin binding to fetal thymocytes was mediated by a 120-kDa glycoprotein. In addition to thymocytes, DBA also labeled about 5% of bone marrow cells from both normal or nude mice and a small population of spleen cells as well. These results suggest that this lectin may be useful to positively select for LT34-, Lyt-2- thymocytes, and, possibly, other immature populations within the T cell lineage.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte clones were derived by stimulation of positively selected Lyt-2+ and Lyt-2- lymphocytes with Con A in an Interleukin 2 (IL 2)-enriched medium under conditions of limiting dilution. Forty clones were expanded and tested, after activation by Con A, for the production of IL 2, IL 3, and interferon (IFN). Thirteen Lyt-2- clones were all co-producers of IL 2 and IL 3, and 10/13 were also producers of IFN. Twenty-seven Lyt-2+ clones were much more heterogeneous, 13 being IL 2 and IL 3 nonproducers, whereas 14 produced variable and poorly correlated amounts of IL 2 and IL 3. Three Lyt-2+ clones were observed to produce IL 2 or IL 3 alone. The majority of the Lyt-2- (10/13) and of the Lyt 2+ (21/27) clones were also producers of IFN. Exogenous IL 2 added during the activation of the Lyt-2+ by Con A did not enhance IL 3 production, whereas it did enhance IFN production by some but not all Lyt-2+ clones. Thus, among the T lymphocytes of the Lyt-2+ and -2- phenotypes there are cells capable of releasing IL 2, IL 3, and IFN. This supports the concept that these phenotypes are associated with antigen recognition rather than with cell functions, but it is apparent that the functional capacities of individual T cells, if accurately represented by their clonal progeny, are far from uniform.  相似文献   

Mice bearing the recessive gene lpr develop an autoimmune syndrome associated with a massive lymphadenopathy, both of which are age and thymus dependent. The predominant accumulating cells in lymphoid tissue of lpr/lpr mice are Thy-1+ but express neither of the mature T cell markers, Lyt-2 or L3T4. We have purified this Lyt-2-/L3T4- subset and examined its phenotype. These cells are not actively cycling, do not express interleukin-2 (IL 2) receptors nor significant levels of antigen receptor, but do express the B cell marker B220. In vitro growth conditions were examined for the lpr Lyt-2-/L3T4- subset. By using a combination of phorbol ester and IL 2, these cells acquired transient expression of IL 2 receptors and grew in an IL 2-dependent manner. Furthermore, these proliferating cells underwent differentiation to a more mature T cell phenotype, with loss of cell surface B220 and acquisition, by a portion, of antigen receptor and Lyt-2. The possible parallels with normal T cell maturation are discussed.  相似文献   

We have selectively isolated and transformed a population of T-cell-receptor+, Lyt-2-, L3T4- cytotoxic T cells from mouse spleen following stimulation in vivo with a radiation leukemia virus-induced thymoma, C6VL/1. The two sublines analyzed here were found to induce tumors with primarily thymic involvement and one of these has been shown to have specific homing capacity for the thymus. Properties displayed by this cell line are evidence that T cells do exist in peripheral lymphoid tissue which can traffic back to the thymus and that Lyt-2-, L3T4- immature T cells can enter peripheral lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

The major population of cells that accumulate abnormally in MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr lymphoid tissue is Thy-1+, L3T4-, and Lyt-2-. To clarify the functional potential of these cells, we examined their proliferation, interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor expression, and IL 2 secretion by using as stimulants the combination of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-2-acetate and A23187 (a calcium ionophore). Although the lpr T cells were capable of responding to these stimulants, the nature of the response and of the concentrations of ligand required differed sharply from the responses of normal adult T cells, and of adult L3T4-Lyt-2- thymocytes. There was a strong similarity but not identity when responses of 16 day fetal thymocytes were compared with those of lpr L3T4-Lyt-2- cells. The unusual functional properties of the lpr cells, such as high A23187 dose requirement for maximal proliferation, low percentage of IL 2 receptor-expressing cells, and low levels of IL 2 secretion, suggested that these cells are arrested at a stage of development similar to that of 16-day fetal thymocytes and before adult L3T4-/Lyt-2- thymocytes.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and maturation of the three subunits alpha (Mr = 37,000), beta (Mr = 32,000), and gamma (Mr = 27,000) of the mouse Lyt-2/3 antigenic complex have been studied by using two monoclonal antibodies directed against a monomorphic determinant of the Lyt-2 antigen. Short time-pulse labeling of thymocytes reveals three different high mannose intermediates that give rise upon endo-beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase H digestion to three distinct precursor polypeptides of Mr = 22,000 (alpha P), Mr = 18,000 (beta P), and Mr = 19,500 (gamma P). Pulse-chase analysis indicates rapid posttranslational processing, because mature forms already appear after 10 min of chase. The half-life of the endo-H-sensitive early forms are in the range of 20 to 30 min. Both the alpha and beta subunits are suggested to contain three N-asparagine-linked oligosaccharides, one of which is of the high mannose type. In contrast, the gamma-chain contains only one such glycan unit of the complex type. Moreover, the results presented show that all three chains undergo additional posttranslational modifications. Finally, the data suggest that the cytoplasmic domains of these chains are of different size.  相似文献   

Thymocytes that bear neither Lyt-2 nor L3T4 differentiation Ag (2-4- thymocytes) contain the precursors of mature Lyt-2+ and L3T4+ T cells. In the present study, we have identified four major subpopulations of 2-4- cells in adult C57BL/6 mice that differ in surface phenotype and in situ proliferative status. Two-color immunofluorescence analysis with RL-73 (a mAb recognizing an as yet unidentified activation Ag) and PC-61 (an anti-IL-2R mAb) revealed three distinct subsets of 2-4-thymocytes: RL-73+ IL-2R- (30%), RL-73+/-IL-2R+ (45%), and RL-73- IL-2R- (25%). The RL-73+ IL-2R- subset had the highest percentage of large blasts and cycling cells, whereas the RL-73+/- IL-2R+ and RL-73- IL-2R- subsets had intermediate and low percentages, respectively, indicating that in situ proliferation correlated better with RL-73 intensity than with IL-2R expression. An additional marker, heat-stable Ag (HSA), was found to further subdivide the RL-73- population into RL-73- HSA- (10% of total 2-4-) and RL-73- HSA+ (15%) fractions. The two latter (RL-73-) subsets appeared to be more "mature" than the former since they expressed high levels of Lyt-1 and appeared later during fetal thymus ontogeny. In parallel with the phenotypic analysis, we compared the in vitro activation requirements of each of the four purified 2-4- subsets. All four populations proliferated well to the combination of phorbol ester (PMA), ionomycin, and IL-2. In response to PMA and ionomycin (without added IL-2), only RL-73- HSA-cells proliferated and this proliferation was correlated with IL-2 production. However, if IL-1 was included with PMA and ionomycin then all four populations responded. Finally, a proliferative response to Con A or mitogenic anti-Thy-1 mAb was observed only for RL-73- HSA+ and (to a lesser extent) RL-73- HSA-cells. These data indicate that each of the four phenotypically distinct subpopulations of immature thymocytes can also be distinguished on the basis of their in vitro activation requirements.  相似文献   

Day-14 fetal CD4-, CD8- thymocytes showed a greater proliferative response to PMA + IL-4 than did adult double-negative thymocytes. In contrast, adult double-negative thymocytes were more responsive to PMA + IL-1 + IL-2 or to IL-1 + IL-2 alone. The adult double-negative thymocytes showed significantly greater proliferation than fetal thymocytes after stimulation via anti-CD3 or anti-Thy-1 in the presence or absence of interleukins (IL-1 + IL-2 or IL-4). Adult CD4-, CD8- thymocytes also exhibited greater calcium mobilization following anti-CD3 stimulation IL-2-dependent activation with anti-Thy-1 or IL-1 + IL-2 in the absence of PMA resulted in marked expansion of CD 3+, F23.1+, CD4-, CD8- thymocytes, a population absent in fetal thymocytes but constituting 4% of pre-cultured CD4-, CD8- adult thymocytes. IL-4 + PMA failed to expand this CD 3+ population. It is hypothesized that before expression of functional TCR, T cell development may be more dependent on activation pathways not using IL-2; after TCR expression, IL-2-dependent pathways, including Thy-1-mediated stimulation, become functional.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to attempt to define the T cell subset responsible for resistance to Toxoplasma gondii. A temperature-sensitive mutant (ts-4) strain of T. gondii was used for immunization because it causes infection but does not persist in the host. Immunization with this strain induced marked resistance against lethal challenge infection with virulent strains of T. gondii in mice. The resistance could be transferred to normal recipient mice by i.v. injection of spleen cells from ts-4-immunized mice. Marked inhibition of cyst formation in the recipient mice was also noted. The protective activity of immune spleen cells was removed by pretreatment of the spleen cells with anti-Thy-1.2 and C, indicating that T cells are responsible for the observed protection. Pretreatment of immune spleen cells with anti-Lyt-2.2 and C completely ablated their protective effect; pretreatment with anti-Lyt-1.2 or anti-L3T4 and C had lesser effects on their ability to transfer resistance. The effect of anti-Lyt-1.2 was the same as that obtained with anti-L3T4. This suggested that one T cell subset that is partially responsible for protection has both Lyt-1.2 and L3T4 markers on the cell surface. These results indicate that there are substantial roles for both the Lyt-2+ and Lyt-1+, L3T4 T cell subsets in dual regulation of resistance against toxoplasma infection and that Lyt-2+ T cells are the principal mediator of the resistance.  相似文献   

To examine which cell surface molecules can operate as transducers of activation signals to early fetal thymocytes, we analyzed the ability of mAb to CD3 and Thy-1 to induce fetal thymocyte activation. Both proliferation and lymphokine secretion were used as measures of activation. We show that anti-CD3 antibodies induce activation of fetal thymocytes as early as day 13 of fetal thymus development, 2 days before CD3 can be detected by flow cytometry. In addition, an alternative activation signal can be delivered to fetal thymocytes through the Thy-1 molecule as early as it is expressed, i.e., day 13. Both CD3- and Thy-1-mediated activation of day 15 fetal thymocytes results in expansion of cells expressing a CD3-gamma delta receptor complex; no CD3-alpha beta receptor complex could be detected. IL-2 production induced by CD3- and Thy-1-induced activation of fetal thymocytes is evident at the 13th day of gestation. Finally, an additional lymphokine B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1)/IL-4 (so far known only to be produced by mature CD3- cells), is also produced by fetal thymocytes. The results demonstrate that at least two cell surface molecules, Thy-1 and CD3, can function as pathways of activation in fetal thymocytes, and that at least two lymphokines, IL-2 and BSF-1/IL-4, are produced upon activation. These findings may well reflect a role for the early appearance of CD3- cells in thymus ontogeny.  相似文献   

The presence of the lpr/lpr genotype on a number of murine genetic backgrounds results in a systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease and lymphadenopathy. The T lymphocytes of these mice exhibit a variety of abnormalities; most pertinent to the present report is an abnormally high level of c-myb proto-oncogene mRNA. Since the c-myb protein is presumably the effector molecule that affects cellular functions, it is important to determine whether increased levels of this c-myb protein are produced. With the use of immunoprecipitation with an anti-v-myb reagent, we found high levels of c-myb protein in the lymph nodes of lpr mice. Detailed analysis showed that the c-myb protein is primarily expressed by an abnormal T lymphocyte population that does not express the mature T cell markers, L3T4 and Lyt-2. Analysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the c-myb proteins from normal thymocytes and from these L3T4-, Lyt-2-T cells are indistinguishable. DNA analysis with Southern hybridizations showed the lack of amplification, insertions, deletions, and rearrangements, which is in accord with results from the protein studies. Most interestingly, the c-myb gene in lpr L3T4-, Lyt-2- T cells is hypomethylated compared with normal controls. This suggests that a regulatory mechanism, rather than the structural alteration of the gene, is responsible for elevated expression of c-myb in these L3T4-, Lyt-2- cells.  相似文献   

Murine allogeneic cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs), including long-term bulk CTL lines, were induced in I-region-incompatible combinations of strains in vitro in order to study the phenotypes of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-specific CTLs, as well as the possible functional involvement of accessory cell interaction molecules such as Lyt-2 and L3T4. This report shows that class II-specific allogeneic CTL populations consist of two types of T cells. Lyt-2+L3T4- (2+4-) and Lyt-2-L3T4+ (2-4+), in variable proportions depending on the strain combination, that in vitro bulk CTL lines with each of these phenotypes can be established, that the killing function of 2-4+ CTL is sensitive to the blocking effect of anti-L3T4 antibodies, suggesting functional involvement of this molecule in the CTL-target interaction, that anti-Lyt-2 antibodies fail to block killing by 2+4- cells, suggesting that such CTLs do not utilize this molecule in their killing function, and that while I-A-specific CTLs of both phenotypes are detectable, 2-4+ cells could not be detected among I-E-specific CTL populations.  相似文献   

Putative early thymocytes, the Ly-2-L3T4-(CD8-CD4-) cells representing 3 to 4% of adult CBA mouse thymic lymphocytes, were isolated in high purity (99.5%). They were then stained by using mAb and analyzed by flow cytometry for the expression of six additional surface antigenic markers. Cross-correlation of the data obtained from a complete series of successive two-parameter analyses revealed the existence of about 11 discrete subsets, falling into four-main groups, within the Ly-2-L3T4- population. All subsets consisted of relatively large lymphoid cells. The most numerous group of Ly-2-L3T4- cells was Ly-1 low B2A2-M1/69 high Thy-1 high Pgp-1 low and by these markers resembled Ly-2+L3T4+ cortical blasts. Many of the cells in this group were positive for the IL-2R and/or for MEL-14. A second major group of Ly-2-L3T4- cells was Ly-1 high B2A2-M1/69 low Pgp-1 high, and resembled in some respects activated mature T cells. This group had previously been shown to be absent from the embryonic thymus. The group could be divided into Thy-1 high and Thy-1 low subsets. None of the cells in this group were positive for the IL-2R and very few expressed MEL-14. A third group, 13% of the Ly-2-L3T4- population, was Ly-1 low B2A2-M1/69 low Pgp-1 high, and could also be divided into Thy-1 high and Thy-1 low subsets. A final minor group, 9% of the Ly-2-L3T4- population, was Ly-1 high B2A2-M1/69 high Pgp-1 low Thy-1 high. The particular pattern of markers on these subsets, combined with subsequent information on their properties, makes it unlikely that they all represent sequential steps in one continuous developmental stream, and indicates that complex developmental steps have occurred, even at this supposedly early stage of T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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