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目的:通过对哈尔滨市10家医院医疗风险管理现状调查,掌握医院医疗风险管理情况,找出存在的问题,提出改进对策,为医院制定科学、完善的医疗风险管理体系提供参考。方法:运用文献法、访谈法、特尔菲法、头脑风暴法等方法;应用SPSS、EXCEL统计软件对数据进行统计学处理。结果:三级医院在风险管理体系相比于二级医院更为完善;两级医院在医护人员独立工作能力,医疗药品和设备的准入,医疗风险信息系统使用,医护人员培训满意度等方面均具有较大差异;大多数医护人员愿意主动报告医疗纠纷;医患沟通效果较好,科室之间沟通协作也比较好。结论:目标医院基本上建立了医疗风险管理体系,但是在功能上、风险管理措施的制定及落实上尚不完善,医疗风险管理人员的专业素质有待提高,医院医疗风险管理意识尚需加强。  相似文献   

The evolution of biomedical technology has led to an extraordinary use of medical devices in health care delivery. During the last decade, clinical engineering departments (CEDs) turned toward computerization and application of specific software systems for medical equipment management in order to improve their services and monitor outcomes. Recently, much emphasis has been given to patient safety. Through its Medical Device Directives, the European Union has required all member nations to use a vigilance system to prevent the reoccurrence of adverse events that could lead to injuries or death of patients or personnel as a result of equipment malfunction or improper use. The World Health Organization also has made this issue a high priority and has prepared a number of actions and recommendations. In the present workplace, a new integrated, Windows-oriented system is proposed, addressing all tasks of CEDs but also offering a global approach to their management needs, including vigilance. The system architecture is based on a star model, consisting of a central core module and peripheral units. Its development has been based on the integration of 3 software modules, each one addressing specific predefined tasks. The main features of this system include equipment acquisition and replacement management, inventory archiving and monitoring, follow up on scheduled maintenance, corrective maintenance, user training, data analysis, and reports. It also incorporates vigilance monitoring and information exchange for adverse events, together with a specific application for quality-control procedures. The system offers clinical engineers the ability to monitor and evaluate the quality and cost-effectiveness of the service provided by means of quality and cost indicators. Particular emphasis has been placed on the use of harmonized standards with regard to medical device nomenclature and classification. The system's practical applications have been demonstrated through a pilot evaluation trial.  相似文献   

电子病历系统是通过计算机等电子设备为载体,对医院患者的诊疗活动进行数字化记录的软件。电子病历中详细记录了医嘱、病程、过敏史、影像检查结果、出院记录等多项医疗数据。电子病历完整、系统、科学地记录了患者身体健康情况以及历次就诊记录,通过一个维度将患者内部不同层次的信息有机的联系在一起。与传统的纸张病历相比,电子病历可以迅速实现不同时间、不同医院医疗信息的高效整合以及信息共享,为临床诊疗提供大量科学准确的信息,大大提高医院的服务效率。本文通过电子病历系统在医院信息管理系统中的应用情况进行简要分析,以期提高电子病历系统在临床中解决实际医疗问题的能力。  相似文献   

我国移动医疗应用服务监管刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过阐述移动医疗应用服务的内涵和外延,介绍了其应用领域和优势特点,重点分析了目前我国移动医疗应用服务的发展困境,如应用软件准入门槛低、医生在线执业不合法、移动医疗引发安全风险等问题。同时借鉴美国移动医疗监管模式,从移动医疗立法、主体监管部门、分类管理制度等角度展开探讨,希冀推动移动医疗的蓬勃发展,让人人享有基本医疗卫生服务。  相似文献   

目的:近年来,医疗纠纷屡见不鲜,其中不乏军队医院。为此,我们对目前部队医院的医疗风险管理情况进行分析,深入总结军队医院管理存在的问题,并提出相应的对策以加强部队医院医疗风险的防范工作。方法:采取调查问卷方法对10所部队医院的一线医护人员就医疗风险相关问题进行调查,并对结果进行分析。结果:工龄低于5年的医务人员发生医疗风险的比率高于工作5年以上的人员;外科和妇产科医疗风险发生率较高;三级甲等医院医疗风险管理体系较三级乙等更完善。医院的管理制度、医务人员的工龄、科室的设置、风险教育及工作量等均与医疗风险的发生有着密切的关系。结论:部队医院应建立健全的风险预警系统与评价体系,提高医院对医疗风险的管理能力。医务人员应加强风险意识和法制意识,重视医患沟通,以促进医患关系和谐,从而减少或避免医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

The equipment management risk ratings system outlined here offers two significant departures from current practice: risk classifications are based on intrinsic device risks, and the risk rating system is based on engineering endpoints. Intrinsic device risks are categorized as physical, clinical and technical, and these flow from the incoming equipment assessment process. Engineering risk management is based on verification of engineering endpoints such as clinical measurements or energy delivery. This practice eliminates the ambiguity associated with ranking risk in terms of physiologic and higher-level outcome endpoints such as no significant hazards, low significance, injury, or mortality.  相似文献   

Over the past year, there has been a sharp increase in the number of recalls, or `field safety corrective actions'' concerning implantable defibrillators. This may be due to an actual rise in device or component-related problems (for which there is some evidence), overzealous reporting of potential problems (which is apparent), or most probably a combination of the two. In this day and age of increasing numbers of ICD implantations, it is essential that all concerned realise that ICDs are no more infallible than other man-made devices and that the incidence of complications is therefore likely to increase commensurately. It is also important to weigh the procedural risk of replacing the device against the risk not only of device failure, but more importantly related harm to the patient. Odds actually favour replacement in very few cases. Above all this demands critical attention to communication between stakeholders, medical, industry, patients and press. This article attempts to place a number of these issues in some perspective, and offer future directions for management of ICD recalls and safety actions.  相似文献   

王超  袁一  吴坚  郭景康  王健 《生物信息学》2009,7(3):171-177
通过分析研究核酸测序实验室的工作流程和管理体系,采用Java技术开发了一套基于实验流程管理的测序实验室的信息管理系统。系统为B/S体系,采用轻量级J2EE系统的分层架构,层次清晰、安全可靠,易于维护和扩展。系统实现了对实验流程的全方位跟踪管理,实现了对数据的采集、存储、整合、查询、导出等功能。系统的实施应用极大地提高了实验室的工作效率和管理水平。同时可为今后分子生物学、医学及其他学科的实验室信息管理系统的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

The traditional medical model of health and health policy development has focused on individuals and the role of medical care in preventing and treating disease and injury. Recent attention to health inequities and social determinants of health has raised the profile of population heath and evidence-based strategies for improving the health of whole populations. At the same time, risk science has emerged as an important new discipline for the assessment and management of risks to health. This article reviews historical developments in the fields of risk management and population health and proposes a joint population health risk management framework that integrates the key elements of both fields. Applying this integrated approach to managing population health risks will facilitate the development of evidence-based health policy. It will encourage a more systematic and comprehensive evaluation of population health issues and promote the use of a broader suite of interventions to reduce health risks and enhance population health status.  相似文献   

医疗风险无处不在已成为医疗界的共识,在当今商业医疗保险制度尚不健全的条件下,医院通过设立医疗风险基金,建立风险共担机制,增加医院主动进行风险预防和控制的能力,医疗风险基金应结合医院财务管理,规范核算、合理运用,并实行监督考核机制,确保医疗风险管理机制得以持续发展。  相似文献   

随着我国法治社会的发展及医疗体制的改革,医疗风险成为军队医院管理面临的难题和挑战。目前,我国现有的医疗法规不够完善,医务人员与患者的医疗风险防范意识不足,社会舆论导向性偏移等问题制约着我国医疗系统的发展。作为医疗卫生系事业的重要力量,军队医院要加强医疗风险管理,制定风险评估方法,完善风险管理体系以及加强风险教育,进一步提高医疗服务质量,从而有利维护军队医院在群众心中的信誉和形象。  相似文献   

保障患者安全是各级医疗的机构管理重心,以事前管理为重点,事后管理为补充,构建患者安全管理体系,从不良事件上报、高危哨点预警、患者安全文化、医疗风险转移四个维度构建患者安全管理的事前管理架构,进而从系统上保障患者安全,降低医疗风险。  相似文献   

为了提高设备利用率,大多医院将部分设备集中放置于病区服务中心,供全院科室共享使用,但是设备的借用、归还登记依然采用手工模式,这种模式工作效率低下且数据统计难度大。为了解决该问题,本文设计开发了一套基于Android系统的医院设备共享服务管理系统。该系统利用二维码作为设备唯一识别标识,利用Android移动终端软件扫描设备二维码获取该设备基础信息,并通过Web Service接口从数据服务器中获取设备详细信息后进行共享服务管理操作。该软件系统采用Java+MVC框架开发,利用SQL Server 2008实现设备信息存储、共享。通过对徐州医科大学附属医院病区服务中心200余台设备的日常共享服务管理的实际应用与测试,该系统能很好的优化医院设备共享服务管理流程,提高了设备管理人员工作效率。  相似文献   

In lieu of a comprehensive technical assessment, this report of the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Scientific Affairs reviews the issue of electromagnetic interference (EMI) with medical devices caused by the use of wireless radio-frequency (RF) equipment such as cellular telephones, 2-way radios, and pagers. It identifies medical device EMI problems that have been reported and guidance that has been published to assist hospital personnel in assessing and minimizing the potential for EMI in the hospital and in making informed risk management decisions. For more-detailed information on this subject, readers are encouraged to consult publications from various scientific and health care organizations.  相似文献   

This article considers the theoretical basics of the flight safety risk management concept that are related to arranging and conducting aeromedical support activities for civil aviation. The characteristic of procedures of discovering flight safety risk factors and hazards is presented. The concept of medical risk is defined. The process of managing risk factors related to changes in the health state of aviation staff is considered. The practical significance of the flight safety risk management concept for the health assessment of aviation and airline traffic control staff is shown.  相似文献   

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is charged with assuring the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. Before any medical device can be brought to market, it must comply with all federal regulations regarding FDA processes for clearance or approval. Navigating the FDA regulatory process may seem like a daunting task to the innovator of a novel medical device who has little experience with the FDA regulatory process or device commercialization. This review introduces the basics of the FDA regulatory premarket process, with a focus on issues relating to chronically implanted recording devices in the central or peripheral nervous system. Topics of device classification and regulatory pathways, the use of standards and guidance documents, and optimal time lines for interaction with the FDA are discussed. Additionally, this article summarizes the regulatory research on neural implant safety and reliability conducted by the FDA's Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories (OSEL) in collaboration with Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Reliable Neural Technology (RE-NET) Program. For a more detailed explanation of the medical device regulatory process, please refer to several excellent reviews of the FDA's regulatory pathways for medical devices [1]-[4].  相似文献   

随着我国医疗体制改革的不断推进,医院面临着自身管理体系和管理方式的重要革新。在新形势下,如何保证医疗质量管理更加规范、管理体系更加完善是医院管理者普遍重视的问题。医疗质量是医疗技术和医疗服务的核心、是医院竞争力的实质、是医院发展的根本。医院医疗质量的水平直接影响着患者的受益程度,也影响着医院自身的声誉和效益。因此,加强医疗质量管理可以有效地保证患者的利益,提高医院竞争力,促进医院可持续发展。随着社会的发展、科技的进步、医学模式的转变及国防建设的需要,军队医院的职能和作用也发生了变化,其不仅为军人提供医疗服务,也为地方群众就医提供便利。军队医院的医疗质量管理直接关系着军人的健康保障,也影响着地方群众的治疗效果。本文通过分析军队医院医疗质量管理存在的问题提出相应的对策,部队医院医疗质量管理部门应与时俱进,顺应国家医药卫生体制改革的同时,着眼于未来发展,建立健全医疗质量管理体系,改进管理模式,从而提高医疗质量,创造更高的经济效益和社会效益,以实现科学的可持续发展。  相似文献   

介绍了医疗设备软件维修必须具备的知识,DSA机与培养仪软件维修实例。同时还介绍了医疗设备的调整的方法,用于排除故障的经验。  相似文献   

A novel analytical system AWACSS (automated water analyser computer-supported system) based on immunochemical technology has been developed that can measure several organic pollutants at low nanogram per litre level in a single few-minutes analysis without any prior sample pre-concentration nor pre-treatment steps. Having in mind actual needs of water-sector managers related to the implementation of the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) (98/83/EC, 1998) and Water Framework Directive WFD (2000/60/EC, 2000), drinking, ground, surface, and waste waters were major media used for the evaluation of the system performance. The instrument was equipped with remote control and surveillance facilities. The system's software allows for the internet-based networking between the measurement and control stations, global management, trend analysis, and early-warning applications. The experience of water laboratories has been utilised at the design of the instrument's hardware and software in order to make the system rugged and user-friendly. Several market surveys were conducted during the project to assess the applicability of the final system. A web-based AWACSS database was created for automated evaluation and storage of the obtained data in a format compatible with major databases of environmental organic pollutants in Europe. This first part article gives the reader an overview of the aims and scope of the AWACSS project as well as details about basic technology, immunoassays, software, and networking developed and utilised within the research project. The second part article reports on the system performance, first real sample measurements, and an international collaborative trial (inter-laboratory tests) to compare the biosensor with conventional anayltical methods.  相似文献   

随着部队医疗机构人事编制的调整,军队医院及疗养院为缓解人员严重短缺的问题,通过公开考核面向社会招聘具有专业资格的非现役文职人员。文职人员作为军队疗养院的聘用制人员已成为医护工作的主要力量。因此,完善文职人员的管理工作是提高医院医疗质量的重点。本文通过分析文职人员聘用、教育、生活福利待遇及公务事业、社会保险等文职人员管理制度,探讨各项管理制度的特点及作用,提出适合我院推行的文职人员管理制度,即充分利用社会人才资源,建立健全文职人员管理评价体系,提高文职人员献身部队、服务军队的积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

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