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An L2 serovar of Chlamydia trachomatis, isolated from a patient with proctocolitis, has been identified that does not contain the common C. trachomatis 7.5-kb plasmid. This isolate was propagated in vitro showing that this plasmid is not required for the growth of C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

The hypothetical origin of replication for the 7.5-kb plasmid common toChlamydia trachomatis is believed to be in a region of the plasmid that contains four 22-bp tandem repeats preceded by an A-T-rich region. To test this hypothesis, replication of plasmid DNA in metabolically active reticulate bodies of the Lymphogranuloma venereum biovar ofC. trachomatis was examined by electron microscopy. The results presented show that the origin of replication appears to be near the tandem repeats of pCHL2. In addition, replication of the 7.5-kb plasmid is unidirectional, and the copy number during replication is 7–10. The evidence presented suggests thatC. trachomatis has a homologue to theEscherichia coli dnaA gene and that this homologue might be involved in replication of theC. trachomatis 7.5-kb plasmid.  相似文献   

Using a new plaque cloning technique, we obtained unique Chlamydia trachomatis strains which were confirmed to be free of the 7.5-kb common plasmid and glycogen in inclusions. The in vitro susceptibility of these strains to various chemotherapeutic agents was tested by comparison with their parent strains and clinical isolates possessing the common plasmid. No difference was detected for any of the agents tested, indicating that the 7.5-kb common plasmid is unrelated to the drug resistance of C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

A common plasmid of Chlamydia trachomatis   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
L Palmer  S Falkow 《Plasmid》1986,16(1):52-62

Developmental-stage-specific plasmid supercoiling in Chlamydia trachomatis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Chlamydia trachomatis elementary body (EB) and reticulate body (RB) developmental stages have polymorphic plasmid DNA. Several plasmid forms separated by gel electrophoresis were identified as topoisomers by treatment with topoisomerase I. Among these topoisomers was one form unique to EBs and one form unique to RBs. The unique EB plasmid topoisomer was characterized as highly supercoiled, on the basis of band migrations by gel electrophoresis and its appearance by electron microscopy. The unusual physical state of this topoisomer was probably mediated, in part, by DNA-specific structural proteins. The unique RB plasmid topoisomer was a supercoiled form of lower superhelical density than the other identified topoisomers. Developmental-stage-specific differences in super-helical density of plasmid DNA suggest cause-and-effect relationships between DNA topology and metabolic activity in RBs and metabolic quiescence in EBs.  相似文献   

沙眼衣原体除含有高度保守的基因组外,也含一个7.5kb的隐蔽性质粒,隐蔽性质粒具有8个开放阅读(ORF1-8),编码8种质粒蛋白pgpl-8。质粒蛋白在沙眼衣原体致病过程中发挥重要的作用,尤其是新近发现沙眼衣原体的唯一一种分泌到胞浆中的分泌性蛋白pgp3和对毒力相关基因具有转录调节功能的pgp4。对就沙衣原体的质粒蛋白研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

C Hatt  M E Ward    I N Clarke 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(9):4053-4067
Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L1/440/LN possesses a 7498bp plasmid which was designated pLGV440. The plasmid was cloned at the BamH1 site of pAT153 into Escherichia coli and the recombinant plasmid was designated pCTL1. A detailed restriction endonuclease map of pCTL1 was constructed. A fragment of the chlamydial plasmid was shown to function as a promoter in E. coli when placed upstream of the lacZ gene. The entire plasmid was sequenced by the chain termination method. Open reading frames were identified from the resulting consensus sequence together with a candidate for the plasmid origin of replication consisting of four perfect tandem repeats of a 22bp sequence, an A:T rich sequence and an open reading frame which could generate a 34.8kdal product. The predicted polypeptide products of the open reading frames were compared by computer with all reported protein sequences. Homology of the predicted polypeptide product of an open reading frame to the E. coli dnaB protein and the analogous product of gene 12 of bacteriophage P22 is described.  相似文献   

Mapping of the plasmid-encoded RNA of the intracellular parasite, Chlamydia trachomatis revealed that the upstream control elements are different from those of other Gram-negative bacteria. A tetranucleotide, AYAA was found near the -10 position, in 5 out of 8 upstream sequences described so far. The plasmid also has a developmentally regulated promoter. The chlamydial upstream elements do not function as promoters in E. coli and vice versa. An E. coli promoter-like sequence has been found to occur fortuitously upstream from the plasmid-encoded dnaB gene. Such sequences may be evolutionary relics.  相似文献   

Localization of the replication origin of plasmid pE194.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The pE194 replication origin was localized to a 265-base-pair interval by analyzing the ability of purified pE194 restriction fragments to direct replication of heterologous plasmids. Replication was dependent upon RepF protein supplied in trans. The origin region contained a GC-rich dyad symmetry which may serve as the RepF target.  相似文献   

The replication origin of the 9-kb rDNA repeat size class of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska) was identified by benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose column chromatography and Southern blotting procedures. The origin is located at or near a 0.19-kb EcoR I fragment in the non-transcribed spacer region between the 25S and 18S rRNA genes. Identification of the origin was based on three criteria: (i) an enrichment of the 0.19-kb fragment in replicating rDNA from asynchronously dividing root meristematic cells, (ii) the scarcity of the 0.19-kb fragment in rDNA from non-dividing carbohydrate starved cells, and (iii) a 60-min periodic enrichment of the 0.19-kb fragment in replicating rDNA that temporally coincides with the sequential initiation of replication of replicon families in synchronized pea root cells.  相似文献   

Jia XH  Yang XL  Jia TJ 《生理科学进展》2010,41(6):467-470
沙眼衣原体分泌性蛋白在沙眼衣原体致病过程中起重要作用,质粒编码的蛋白pgp3(即pORF5)是迄今为止发现的唯一由沙眼衣原体质粒编码的分泌性蛋白。pgp3在沙眼衣原体感染早期即可表达,在感染人群中具有很强的免疫原性,且人抗体对pgp3的识别具有高度的结构依赖性,对该蛋白的研究将有助于进一步了解衣原体质粒编码蛋白的作用及衣原体致病机制,以寻找更好的衣原体诊断方法和防治措施。本文就沙眼衣原体质粒编码蛋白pgp3的生物学性质及其致病机制作一简要综述。  相似文献   

M Comanducci  S Ricci  R Cevenini  G Ratti 《Plasmid》1990,23(2):149-154
The 7.5-kb plasmid of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is believed to encode essential genes and might have a role in CT pathogenicity. Accordingly, analysis of plasmid-linked mutations in isolates from biovars with different pathogenic properties should help in identifying which plasmid-encoded genes, if any, may be involved in modulating virulence. For this purpose, the plasmid present in a low-virulence isolate (trachoma biovar, serotype D) was cloned and sequenced. Nucleotide changes were experimentally checked against the sequence of the plasmid variant from the highly virulent strain L2/434/Bu (LGV biovar). By aligning our data with two published sequences of different trachoma and LGV variants a general consensus structure was determined, comprising eight major open reading frames (ORF) and a number of points where there is consensus only between isolates of the same biovar (biovar-specific mutations). The degree of variation between different isolates is less than 1%. In particular, comparison of serotype-D and -L2 plasmids shows mutations which are generally silent or lead to few (one to four), often conservative, amino acid changes in ORFs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The protein encoded by ORF8 is completely conserved. In contrast, the polypeptide variants encoded by ORF3 show nine amino acid changes, seven of which are due to biovar-specific mutations.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the replication origin of plasmid NTP1.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The sequence of the DNA of the origin region of NTP1 has been obtained. Analysis of the sequence indicates that: (1) there is great sequence homology in the DNA upstream from the origin in NTP1, ColE1, CLODF13, PBR345 AND PBR322; (2) only seven base pairs of NTP1 are identical with the sequence downstream from the origin in ColE1, although some homology exists for 140 bases downstream; (3) two ten base pair direct repeats are present in NTP1 which are also conserved in all four plasmids named above; (4) probably no polypeptide greater than fifteen amino acids in length is encoded by the NTP1 origin region, since no single open reading frame is conserved in all five plasmids.  相似文献   

The DNA replication origin of plasmid NR1 is located approximately 190 base pairs downstream from the 3' end of the repA1 gene, which encodes the essential initiation protein for replication of the plasmid. Restriction endonuclease fragments that contain the NR1 replication origin and its flanking sequences at circularly permuted positions were obtained by digesting oligomers of ori-containing DNA fragments with sets of enzymes that each cut only once in every ori fragment. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of these permuted restriction fragments showed anomalous mobilities, indicating the presence of a DNA bending locus. Through analysis of the relative mobility plots of these permuted fragments, we found one or two possible DNA bending sites located in the intervening region between the repA1 gene and the replication origin of NR1. It seems possible that DNA bending in this region might help to orient the replication origin alongside the repA1 gene, which could contribute to the cis-acting character of the RepA1 initiation protein.  相似文献   

Functional organization of the plasmid pT181 replication origin   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Replication of the staphylococcal plasmid pT181 is initiated at the origin (ori) with the introduction of a site-specific nick by the plasmid-encoded initiator protein RepC. Deletion analysis showed that a sequence of about 70 base-pairs is required for full ori function, including the ability to compete with a co-resident wild-type origin for the trans-acting RepC protein. A shorter sequence of 43 base-pairs is sufficient for origin function in the absence of competition. Single and double point mutations within these 43 base-pairs were used to determine the sequence requirement for replication within the minimal origin. Deletion mutants and point mutants were tested in replication and competition assays in vivo and in vitro, and in a RepC-mediated nicking assay.  相似文献   

T Brendler  A Abeles    S Austin 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(13):3935-3942
The core of the P1 plasmid replication origin consists of a series of 7-bp repeats and a G+C-rich stretch. Methylation of the GATC sequences in the repeats is essential. Forty different single-base mutations in the region were isolated and assayed for origin function. A single-base change within any 7-bp repeat could block the origin, irrespective of whether GATC bases were affected. The repeats themselves were critical, but the short intervals between them were not. Mutations in the G+C-rich region showed it to be a spacer whose exact length is important but whose sequence can vary considerably. It maintains a precise distance between the 7-bp repeats and binding sites for the P1 RepA initiator protein. It may also serve as a clamp to limit strand separation during initiation.  相似文献   

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