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The effect of octopamine on the fast extensor and the flexor tibiae motor neurones in the locust (Schistocerca gregaria) metathoracic ganglion, and also on synaptic transmission from the fast extensor to the flexor motor neurones, was examined. Bath application or ionophoresis of octopamine depolarized and increased the excitability of the flexor tibiae motor neurones. 1 mM octopamine reduced the amplitude of the fast extensor-evoked EPSP in the slow but not the fast flexor motor neurones, whereas 10 mM octopamine could reduce the EPSP amplitude in both. Octopamine broadened the fast extensor action potential and reduced the amplitude of the afterhyperpolarization, the modulation requiring feedback resulting from movement of the tibia. Octopamine also increased the frequency of synaptic inputs onto the tibial motor neurones, and could cause rhythmic activity in the flexor motor neurones, and reciprocal activity in flexor and extensor motor neurones. Octopamine also increased the frequency of spontaneous spiking in the octopaminergic dorsal unpaired median neurones. Repetitive stimulation of unidentified dorsal unpaired median neurones could mimic some of the effects of octopamine. However, no synaptic connections were found between dorsal unpaired median neurones and the tibial motor neurones. The diverse effects of octopamine support its role in mediating arousal.  相似文献   

Excitotoxic neuronal damage via over-activation of the NMDA receptor has been implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases. In vitro modeling of excitotoxic injury has shown that activation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) counteracts such injury through modulation of neuronal pro-survival pathways and/or NMDA receptor signaling. We have previously demonstrated that the GPCR APJ and its endogenous neuropeptide ligand apelin can protect neurons against excitotoxicity, but the mechanism(s) of this neuroprotection remain incompletely understood. We hypothesized that apelin can promote neuronal survival by activating pro-survival signaling as well as inhibiting NMDA receptor-mediated excitotoxic signaling cascades. Our results demonstrate that (i) apelin activates pro-survival signaling via inositol trisphosphate (IP(3) ), protein kinase C (PKC), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2), and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) to protect against excitotoxicity, and (ii) apelin inhibits excitotoxic signaling by attenuating NMDA receptor and calpain activity, and by modulating NMDA receptor subunit NR2B phosphorylation at serine 1480. These studies delineate a novel apelinergic signaling pathway that concurrently promotes survival and limits NMDA receptor-mediated injury to protect neurons against excitotoxicity. Defining apelin-mediated neuroprotection advances our understanding of neuroprotective pathways and will potentially improve our ability to develop therapeutics for excitotoxicity-associated neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The survival promoting and neuroprotective actions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are well known but under certain circumstances this growth factor can also exacerbate excitotoxic insults to neurons. Prior exploration of the receptor through which BDNF exerts this action on motor neurons deflects attention away from p75. Here we investigated the possibility that BDNF acts through the receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkB, to confer on motor neurons sensitivity to excitotoxic challenge. We blocked BDNF activation of TrkB using a dominant negative TrkB mutant or a TrkB function blocking antibody, and found that this protected motor neurons against excitotoxic insult in cultures of mixed spinal cord neurons. Addition of a function blocking antibody to BDNF to mixed spinal cord neuron cultures is also neuroprotective indicating that endogenously produced BDNF participates in vulnerability to excitotoxicity. We next examined the intracellular signaling cascades that are engaged upon TrkB activation. Previously we found that inhibition of the phosphatidylinositide-3'-kinase (PI3'K) pathway blocks BDNF-induced excitotoxic sensitivity. Here we show that expression of a constitutively active catalytic subunit of PI3'K, p110, confers excitotoxic sensitivity (ES) upon motor neurons not incubated with BDNF. Parallel studies with purified motor neurons confirm that these events are likely to be occuring specifically within motor neurons. The abrogation of BDNF's capacity to accentuate excitotoxic insults may make it a more attractive neuroprotective agent.  相似文献   

Xu, Fadi, Donald T. Frazier, Zhong Zhang, David M. Baekey,and Roger Shannon. Cerebellar modulation of cough motor pattern incats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):391-397, 1997.The cerebellum modulates respiratory muscleactivity in part via its influence on the central respiratory patterngenerator. Because coughing requires well-coordinated respiratorymuscle activity, studies were conducted to determine whether thecerebellum influences the centrally generated cough motor pattern.Integrated phrenic and lumbar efferent neurograms(PN and LN, respectively)were monitored in decerebrated, paralyzed, and ventilated cats.Mechanical probing of the intrathoracic trachea was used to evokefictive coughs; i.e., large increases inPN and LN amplitudes.Cerebellectomy resulted in a decrease in the number of coughsper trial (cough frequency) and LN peakamplitudes without any consistent change inPN peak amplitudes. Cerebellar nuclei [therostral interposed nucleus (INr) and the rostral fastigial nucleus(FNr)] known to be involved in respiratory control were ablatedto determine their potential role in the cough response. Control(eupneic) respiratory frequency was not affected by cerebellectomy orINr/FNr lesions. Cough frequency was depressed by lesion of the INr butnot by ablation of the FNr. No significant changes inPN and LN amplitudes wereobserved after lesion of either the INr or FNr. These results suggestthat the cerebellum, specifically the INr, is involved in modulation ofthe frequency of centrally generated coughing.


The problem raised in this work was whether peptidergic neurones with vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-and substance P-like immunoreactivity could develop in chimaeric embryos in which quail neural crest cells had been implanted into chick at an early developmental stage. Differentiation of peptide-containing nerve somas was looked for in different situations: i) when the quail neural primordium had been grafted orthotopically and isochronically into the chick host either at the adrenomedullary (level of somites 18-24) or at the vagal (level of somites 1-7) levels of the neural axis; ii) when the quail adrenomedullary neural primordium had been heterotopically implanted at the vagal level of the chick host. In all conditions, VIP- and substance P-like immunoreactivity were observed in a number of quail neurones located either in the peripheral ganglia of the trunk at the level of the graft (in orthotopic grafts of the adrenomedullary neural primordium) or in the enteric ganglia of the chick gut (in the other types of grafts). The developmental stage at which the first neurones become detectable in the host conforms to the genetic characteristics of the effector cells, i.e. they differentiate at the same stage in normal quail neuroblasts and in quail neuroblasts transplanted into the chick host. In contrast, the distribution of the peptidergic neurones in the host depends on the tissue into which the neural crest cells migrate and not on their origin in the neural axis and their fate in normal development.  相似文献   

Conscious sensations in response to gut distensions may be modulated by temporospatial interactions among different stimuli. This study investigated whether symptoms induced by gastric distension may be modified by hydrochloric acid (HCl) gastric infusion and meal ingestion. In nine healthy subjects, fixed pressure (isobaric) and fixed volume (isovolumetric) distensions were performed during continuous (4 ml/min) intragastric saline or HCl infusion, during fasting and after meal ingestion, until the maximal distension step defined as discomfort or a predefined maximal volume. During fasting isobaric distensions, the maximal distension step was significantly decreased during HCl compared with saline. The intragastric volumes were not significantly different, but the wall tension was significantly lower during HCl than saline. HCl increased gastric compliance. Meal ingestion relaxed the stomach and decreased the pressure at the maximal distension step during saline, but HCl did not further decrease it compared with fasting. During isovolumetric distensions, HCl also increased gastric compliance, but in both fasted and fed states it did not modify the maximal distension steps. In conclusion, sensations in response to gastric isobaric distensions, but not to isovolumetric distensions, are influenced by gastric acid infusion and meal ingestion. The effects of HCl might be related to a sensitization of mucosal mechanoreceptors.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the capacity of class I molecules to confer resistance to NK in transfected target cells maps to the Ag-binding site (ABS) of the HLA class I structure. Here we examine the effect of peptide (reagents specific for the ABS) pretreatment on the NK sensitivity of class I+ target cells. Synthetic peptides (10-17 amino acids in length) were used to pretreat C1R target cells expressing either no serologically detectable HLA-A, B class I molecules, or C1R transfectants expressing individual HLA-A or -B locus class I molecules. In each case in which the class I allele had previously been shown to directly bind a given peptide, peptide-pulsing of target cells resulted in increased sensitivity to NK-mediated conjugation and cytolysis. The NK susceptibility of C1R target cells expressing no HLA-A, B class I molecules or the nonprotective HLA-A2.1 or HLA-A2M70 mutant class I molecules was unaffected by pretreatment with HLA-A2-binding peptides. These results support the intimate involvement of the HLA class I ABS and potentially ABS-bound peptides in determining target cell sensitivity to NK. Furthermore, these findings form the basis of an effective screening procedure for discerning peptide class I allele-specific interactions.  相似文献   

Studies on the sensitivity of man's hearing to the reception of amplitude modulation (AM) of the sound reveal statistically reliable threshold minimum in the region of 4-6 c. p. s. It is suggested that this phenomenon is evolutionary conditioned by tuning of human auditory system on the perception of speech, in which AM results from articulation of the syllables. The acoustical analysis of several speech extracts demonstrated statistically reliable maximum of AM of the sound flow just within 4-6 c. p. s. Therefore, the selective sensitivity of hearing to perception of these AM frequencies increases the safety and interference resistance of the system "speech-hearing".  相似文献   

Experimental study is dedicated to mechanisms of interaction of pentagastrin and monoamines (noradrenaline and dopamine) at the level of single neurones of the rabbits lateral hypothalamus under alimentary motivation and under saturation. It is shown that pentagastrin can modulate the effects of noradrenaline and dopamine on neuronal impulse activity in hungry and fed up animals, and the character of its action depends on the rabbits initial state. It is suggested that pentagastrin is a factor initiating alimentary motivational excitation, while noradrenaline maintains the latter at the definite level up to obtaining useful result by the animal, when dopaminergic mechanisms participating in the process of reinforcement join the noradrenergic ones.  相似文献   

The central nervous system modulates inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract via efferent vagal pathways. We hypothesized that these vagal efferents receive synaptic input from vagal afferents, representing an autonomic feedback mechanism. The consequence of this vagovagal reflex for afferent signal generation in response to LPS was examined in the present study. Different modifications of the vagal innervation or sham procedures were performed in anesthetized rats. Extracellular mesenteric afferent nerve discharge and systemic blood pressure were recorded in vivo before and after systemic administration of LPS (6 mg/kg iv). Mesenteric afferent nerve discharge increased dramatically following LPS, which was unchanged when vagal efferent traffic was eliminated by acute vagotomy. In chronically vagotomized animals, to eliminate both vagal afferent and efferent traffic, the increase in afferent firing 3.5 min after LPS was reduced to 3.2 +/- 2.5 impulses/s above baseline compared with 42.2 +/- 2.0 impulses/s in controls (P < 0.001). A similar effect was observed following perivagal capsaicin, which was used to eliminate vagal afferent traffic only. LPS also caused a transient hypotension (<10 min), a partial recovery, and then persistent hypertension that was exacerbated by all three procedures. Mechanosensitivity was increased 15 min following LPS but had recovered at 30 min in all subgroups except for the chronic vagotomy group. In conclusion, discharge in capsaicin-sensitive mesenteric vagal afferents is augmented following systemic LPS. This activity, through a vagovagal pathway, helps to attenuate the effects of septic shock. The persistent hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation after chronic vagal denervation suggests that the vagus exerts a regulatory influence on spinal afferent sensitization following LPS.  相似文献   

Four stages were distinguished in differentiation of the hypothalamic dopaminergic (DA) neurones: a) origin of the neurone, b) expression of enzymes and dopamine specific synthesis and of the dopamine transmembrane transportation mechanisms, c) development of permanent and transient efferent connections, d) forming of afferent innervation and synaptogenesis. The differentiating DA neurones revealed sexual dimorphism in the neurone origin dynamics and in expression of the enzyme synthesis. The maternal and placenta factors did not affect the differentiation of the DA neurones. The period from the 6th to 10th foetal week was found to be optimal for transplantation of the neurones to the striatum of parkinsonian patients. Grafted DA neurones seem to get involved in regulation of the target neurones in the striatum.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The responses of goldfish lagenar and saccular neurones were analyzed for underwater sound stimulation and head vibration in three orthogonal directions.
  • 2.2. Both organs show similar sound pressure and displacement sensitivity below 200 Hz, and respond to a motional stimulus component at 100 Hz.
  • 3.3. Calculated directions of best sensitivity in the saggital and horizontal planes correspond with hair cell orientation maps.
  • 4.4. Stimulus-response phase-angles correspond only roughly with the patterns to be expected from a simple model for hair cell stimulation.
  • 5.5. Variation in the degree of coupling between hair cell cilia and the otolith, and complex three-dimensional relative motion patterns probably occur in both organs.

Analysis of rat uterine cytosol by means of immobilized antibody discloses the presence of two distinct high affinity, low capacity estradiol binding components. One of these is readily saturable by the antiestrogen tamoxifen (TS = tamoxifen sensitive), the other is tamoxifen insensitive (TI). Only TS-estradiol binding shows positive cooperativity at low ligand concentration. TS but not TI is lost when frozen tissue is thawed at 4°C then refrozen and stored for an additional 12 hours. Experiments with ovariectomized rats show that TI is formed only in the presence of estradiol. In the estrus cycle TS increases in the order: metestrus, diestrus, proestrus and estrus. The quantity of TI is the same in metestrus and diestrus and also the same but fractionally higher in proestrus and estrus.  相似文献   

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