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Summary The mechanism of iron uptake by avian erythroid cells was investigated using cells from 7 and 15-day chicken embryos, and chicken serum transferrin and conalbumin (ovotransferrin) labelled with125I and59Fe. Endocytosis of the protein was determined by incubation of the cells with Pronase at 4°C to distinguish internalized from surface-bound protein.Iron was taken up by the cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin or conalbumin. The receptors had the same affinity for serum transferrin and conalbumin. Endocytosis of diferric transferrin and conalbumin and exocytosis of apo-protein occurred at the same rates, indicating that iron donation to the cells occurred during the process of intracellular cycling of the protein. The recycling time was approximately 4 min. The rate of endocytosis of diferric protein varied with incubation temperature and at each temperature the rate of endocytosis was sufficient to account for the iron accumulated by the cells. These results and experiments with a variety of inhibitors confirmed the role of endocytosis in iron uptake.The mean cell volumes, receptor numbers and iron uptake rates of 7-day embryo cells were approximately twice those of 15-day embryo cells but the protein recycling times were approximately the same. Hence, the level of transferrin receptors is probably the main determinant of the rate of iron uptake during development of chicken erythroid cells.Transferrins from a variety of mammalian species were unable to donate iron to the chicken cells, but toad (Bufo marinus) transferrin could do so at a slow rate. The mechanism of iron uptake by developing chicken erythroid cells appears to be similar to that described for mammalian cells, although receptor numbers and iron uptake rates are lower than those reported for mammalian cells at a similar stage of development.Abbreviations BSS Hanks balanced salt solution - PBS phosphate buffered saline - MCV mean corpuscular volume - CCCP carbonyl cyanide-M-chlorophenyl hydrazone  相似文献   

Reticulocytosis was induced in toads (Bufo marinus) by treatment with phenylhydrazine. Iron and transferrin uptake and transferrin endocytosis and exocytosis by these cells were measured. The mean number of transferrin receptors per cell was found to be 4.5 X 10(5) and the affinity constant of transferrin to receptors was 0.2 X 10(7) M-1. Iron and transferrin uptake were temp.-dependent processes. An inflection point occurred at 15-16 degrees C in the Arrhenius plots of endocytosis and iron uptake. The activation energies of these two processes above and below the inflection temperature were 31 and 71 kJ/mol. It is concluded that iron uptake by immature toad erythroid cells occurs by receptor-mediated endocytosis which still functions at temps as low as 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Methods were developed for obtaining highly viable mouse hepatocytes in single cell suspension and for maintaining the hepatocytes in adherent static culture. The characteristics of transferrin binding and iron uptake into these hepatocytes was investigated. (1) After attachment to culture dishes for 18–24 h hepatocytes displayed an accelerating rate of iron uptake with time. Immediately after isolation mouse hepatocytes in suspension exhibited a linear iron uptake rate of 1.14·105molecules/cell per min in 5 μM transferrin. Iron uptake also increased with increasing transferrin concentration both in suspension and adherent culture. Pinocytosis measured in isolated hepatocytes could account only for 10–20% of the total iron uptake. Iron uptake was completely inhibited at 4°C. (2) A transferrin binding component which saturated at 0.5 μM diferric transferrin was detected. The number of specific, saturable diferric transferrin binding sites on mouse hepatocytes was 4.4·104±1.9·104 for cells in suspension and 6.6·104±2.3·104 for adherent cultured cells. The apparent association constants were 1.23·107 1·mol?1 and 3.4·106 1·mol?1 for suspension and cultured cells respectively. (3) Mouse hepatocytes also displayed a large component of non-saturable transferrin binding sites. This binding increased linearly with transferrin concentration and appeared to contribute to iron uptake in mouse hepatocytes. Assuming that only saturable transferrin binding sites donate iron, the rate of iron uptake is about 2.5 molecules iron/receptor per min at 5 μM transferrin in both suspension and adherent cells and increases to 4 molecules iron/receptor per min at 10 μM transferrin in adherent cultured cells. These rates are considerably greater than the 0.5 molcules/receptor per min observed at 0.5 μM transferrin, the concentration at which the specific transferrin binding sites are fully occupied. The data suggest that either the non-saturable binding component donates some iron or that this component stimulates the saturable component to increase the rate of iron uptake. (4) During incubations at 4°C the majority of the transferrin bound to both saturable and nonsaturable binding sites lost one or more iron atoms. Incubations including 2 mM α,α′-dipyridyl (an Fe11 chelator) decreased the cell associated 59Fe at both 4 and 37°C while completely inhibiting iron uptake within 2–3 min of exposure at 37°C. These observations suggest that most if not all iron is loosened from transferrin upon interaction of transferrin with the hepatocyte membrane. There is also greater sensitivity of 59Fe uptake compared to transferrin binding to pronase digestion, suggesting that an iron acceptor moiety on the cell surface is available to proteolysis.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases [ARS]-interacting multifunctional protein 2 (AIMP2) has been implicated in the control of cell fate and lung cell differentiation. A variant of AIMP2 lacking exon 2 (AIMP2-DX2) is expressed in different cancer cells. We previously studied the expression level of AIMP2-DX2 in several lung cell lines and reported elevated expression levels of AIMP2-DX2 in NCI-H460 and NCI-H520. Here, we report that the suppression of AIMP2-DX2 by lentivirus mediated short hairpin (sh)RNA (sh-DX2) decreased the rate of glucose uptake and glucose transporters (Gluts) in NCI-H460 cells. Down-regulation of AIMP2-DX2 reduced glycosyltransferase (GnT)-V in the Golgi apparatus, while inducing the GnT-V antagonist GnT-III. Down-regulation of AIMP2-DX2 also suppressed the epidermal growth factor receptor/mitogen activated protein kinase (EGFR/MAPK) signaling pathway, leading to the decrease of the proliferation marker Ki-67 expression in nuclei. Furthermore, dual luciferase activity reduced capdependent protein translation in cells infected with sh-DX2. These results suggest that AIMP2-DX2 may be a relevant therapeutic target for lung cancer, and that the sh-DX2 lentiviral system can be an appropriate method for lung cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Placental transferrin receptors, located at the apical side of syncytiotrophoblast, mediate placental iron uptake. Regulation of transferrin receptors on the fetal-maternal exchange area could be a major determinant in the regulation of trans-placental iron transport.Transferrin receptor expression in cultured human term cytotrophoblasts is on a much lower level than in choriocarcinoma cells, with a higher proportion of receptors located on the cell surface. Differentiation of cells, either due to longer culture periods or to 8-bromo-cAMP treatment does not lead to an increase of transferrin receptor expression. In vitro, the level of expression is largely regulated by the cellular density in the culture dishes. Low cellular occupancy of the dish leads to a high level of transferrin receptors. Treatment with iron-sources results in a down regulation of transferrin receptors.Thus, though the level of transferrin receptors in cultured normal trophoblast is at a constant level, unaffected by differentiation, high levels of maternal transferrin-iron availability can lead to a decrease in placental iron uptake. This feed-back mechanism makes placental iron uptake independent of maternal iron stores.Abbreviations hCG human Chorionic Gonadotrophin - TfR Transferrin Receptor  相似文献   

The experiments described in this study were designed to investigate receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin and its role in iron uptake by cultured chick presumptive myoblasts (dividing and non-dividing) and myotubes. The effects of a variety of inhibitors on the internalization of transferrin and iron were investigated and three main effects were found: (i) sulphydryl reagents and microtubular inhibitors reduced the rate of transferrin and iron internalization to similar degrees, (ii) metabolic inhibitors reduced the rate of iron uptake more than that of transferrin endocytosis, and (iii) lysosomotrophic agents almost completely abolished iron accumulation by the cells without any effect on the rate of transferrin internalization. The results suggest that metabolic energy is required not only for the endocytosis of transferrin but also for subsequent steps in the iron uptake process, and that iron release from transferrin occurs in acidified endosomes. Overall, these experiments show that all or virtually all of the iron taken up by developing muscle cells from transferrin occurs as a consequence of receptor-mediated endocytosis of the protein.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by an impairment of glucose uptake even though blood glucose levels are increased. Methylglyoxal is derived from glycolysis and has been implicated in the development of diabetes mellitus, because methylglyoxal levels in blood and tissues are higher in diabetic patients than in healthy individuals. However, it remains to be elucidated whether such factors are a cause, or consequence, of diabetes. Here, we show that methylglyoxal inhibits the activity of mammalian glucose transporters using recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells genetically lacking all hexose transporters but carrying cDNA for human GLUT1 or rat GLUT4. We found that methylglyoxal inhibits yeast hexose transporters also. Glucose uptake was reduced in a stepwise manner following treatment with methylglyoxal, i.e. a rapid reduction within 5 min, followed by a slow and gradual reduction. The rapid reduction was due to the inhibitory effect of methylglyoxal on hexose transporters, whereas the slow and gradual reduction seemed due to endocytosis, which leads to a decrease in the amount of hexose transporters on the plasma membrane. We found that Rsp5, a HECT-type ubiquitin ligase, is responsible for the ubiquitination of hexose transporters. Intriguingly, Plc1 (phospholipase C) negatively regulated the endocytosis of hexose transporters in an Rsp5-dependent manner, although the methylglyoxal-induced endocytosis of hexose transporters occurred irrespective of Plc1. Meanwhile, the internalization of hexose transporters following treatment with methylglyoxal was delayed in a mutant defective in protein kinase C.  相似文献   

The endocytosis of diferric transferrin and accumulation of its iron by freshly isolated rabbit reticulocytes was studied using 59Fe-125I-transferrin. Internalized transferrin was distinguished from surface-bound transferrin by its resistance to release during treatment with Pronase at 4 degrees C. Endocytosis of diferric transferrin occurs at the same rate as exocytosis of apotransferrin, the rate constants being 0.08 min-1 at 22 degrees C, 0.19 min-1 at 30 degrees C, and 0.45 min-1 at 37 degrees C. At 37 degrees C, the maximum rate of transferrin endocytosis by reticulocytes is approximately 500 molecules/cell/s. The recycling time for transferrin bound to its receptor is about 3 min at this temperature. Neither transferrin nor its receptor is degraded during the intracellular passage. When a steady state has been reached between endocytosis and exocytosis of the ligand, about 90% of the total cell-bound transferrin is internal. Endocytosis of transferrin was found to be negligible below 10 degrees C. From 10 to 39 degrees C, the effect of temperature on the rate of endocytosis is biphasic, the rate increasing sharply above 26 degrees C. Over the temperature range 12-26 degrees C, the apparent activation energy for transferrin endocytosis is 33.0 +/- 2.7 kcal/mol, whereas from 26-39 degrees C the activation energy is considerably lower, at 12.3 +/- 1.6 kcal/mol. Reticulocytes accumulate iron atoms from diferric transferrin at twice the rate at which transferrin molecules are internalized, implying that iron enters the cell while still bound to transferrin. The activation energies for iron accumulation from transferrin are similar to those of endocytosis of transferrin. This study provides further evidence that transferrin-iron enters the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis and that iron release occurs within the cell.  相似文献   

Unlike the great majority of the aerobactin-producing enteric bacteria documented in the literature, Enterobacter cloacae EK33, isolated from a case of human neonatal meningitis, did not show any homology at the DNA level with the prototype aerobactin system encoded by the ColV-K30 plasmid. However, both the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum and fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry of the siderophore purified from EK33 confirmed its identity with aerobactin. Bioassay screening of a gene library of total DNA of EK33 led to the isolation of several aerobactin-positive clones. Under conditions of iron limitation, these clones expressed in Escherichia coli a protein of 72 kilodaltons that reacted with antiserum raised against the pColV-K30 74-kilodalton aerobactin receptor, while the original E. cloacae strain synthesized an 85-kilodalton protein which also cross-reacted with the antiserum. Restriction endonuclease analysis of the cloned DNA confirmed the structural differences between the two aerobactin genetic systems.  相似文献   

Roots of grasses in response to iron deficiency markedly increase the release of chelating substances (`phytosiderophores') which are highly effective in solubilization of sparingly soluble inorganic FeIII compounds by formation of FeIIIphytosiderophores. In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), the rate of iron uptake from FeIIIphytosiderophores is 100 to 1000 times faster than the rate from synthetic Fe chelates (e.g. Fe ethylenediaminetetraacetate) or microbial Fe siderophores (e.g. ferrichrome). Reduction of FeIII is not involved in the preferential iron uptake from FeIIIphytosiderophores by barley. This is indicated by experiments with varied pH, addition of bicarbonate or of a strong chelator for FeII (e.g. batho-phenanthrolinedisulfonate). The results indicate the existence of a specific uptake system for FeIIIphytosiderophores in roots of barley and all other graminaceous species. In contrast to grasses, cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) take up iron from FeIIIphytosiderophores at rates similar to those from synthetic Fe chelates. Furthermore, under Fe deficiency in cucumber, increased rates of uptake of FeIIIphytosiderophores are based on the same mechanism as for synthetic Fe chelates, namely enhanced FeIII reduction and chelate splitting. Two strategies are evident from the experiments for the acquisition of iron by plants under iron deficiency. Strategy I (in most nongraminaceous species) is characterized by an inducible plasma membrane-bound reductase and enhancement of H+ release. Strategy II (in grasses) is characterized by enhanced release of phytosiderophores and by a highly specific uptake system for FeIIIphytosiderophores. Strategy II seems to have several ecological advantages over Strategy I such as solubilization of sparingly soluble inorganic FeIII compounds in the rhizosphere, and less inhibition by high pH. The principal differences in the two strategies have to be taken into account in screening methods for resistance to `lime chlorosis'.  相似文献   

Iron distribution in subcellular fractions was investigated at different times after a single cohort of 59Fe-125 I-labeled transferrin (Tf) endocytosis in K562 cells. Cell homogenates prepared by hypotonic lysis and deoxyribonuclease (DNAase) treatment were fractionated on Percoll density gradients. Iron-containing components in the postmitochondrial supernatant were further fractionated according to their molecular weight using gel chromatography and membrane filtration. In the initial phases of endocytosis, both iron and Tf were found in the light vesicular fraction. After 3 min the labels diverged, with iron appearing in the postmitochondrial supernatant and Tf in the heavy fraction containing mitochondria, lysosomes and nuclei. Iron released from Tf-containing vesicles appeared both in low- and high-molecular-weight fractions in the postmitochondrial supernatant. After 5 min of endocytosis 59Fe activity in the low-molecular-weight fraction remained constant and 59Fe accumulated in a high-molecular-weight fraction susceptible to desferrioxamine chelation. After 10 min, 59Fe radioactivity in this fraction decreased and a majority of cytosolic 59Fe was found in ferritin. These results do not support the concept of the cytosolic low-molecular-weight iron pool as a kinetic intermediate between transferrin and ferritin iron in K562 cells.  相似文献   

In the past, investigators have successfully used iron chelators to mitigate the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin (DOX), a widely used anticancer drug that induces reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidative damage, and apoptosis. Although intracellular iron plays a critical role in initiating DOX-induced apoptosis, the molecular mechanism(s) that link iron, ROS, and apoptosis are still unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that apoptosis results from the exposure of bovine aortic endothelial cells to DOX and that the apoptotic cell death is accompanied by a significant increase in cellular iron ((55)Fe) uptake and activation of iron regulatory protein-1. Furthermore, DOX-induced iron uptake was shown to be mediated by the transferrin receptor (TfR)-dependent mechanism. Treatment with the anti-TfR antibody (IgA class) dramatically inhibited DOX-induced apoptosis, iron uptake, and intracellular oxidant formation as measured by fluorescence using dichlorodihydrofluorescein. Treatment with cell-permeable iron chelators and ROS scavengers inhibited DOX-induced cellular (55)Fe uptake, ROS formation, and apoptosis. Based on these findings, we conclude that DOX-induced iron signaling is regulated by the cell surface TfR expression, intracellular oxidant levels, and iron regulatory proteins. The implications of TfR-dependent iron transport in oxidant-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) allows detection and localization of paramagnetic spin probes in vivo and in real time. We have shown that nitroxide spin probes entrapped in the intracellular milieu can be imaged by EPRI. Therefore, with the development of a tumor-targetable vehicle that can efficiently deliver nitroxides into cells, it should be possible to use nitroxide spin probes to label and image cells in a tumor. In this study, we assess the potential of liposomes as a delivery vehicle for imaging probes. We demonstrate that liposomes can stably encapsulate nitroxides at very high concentrations (> 100 mM), at which nitroxides exhibit concentration-dependent quenching of their EPR signal—a process analogous to the quenching of fluorescent molecules. The encapsulating liposomes thus appear spectroscopically “dark”. When the liposomes are endocytosed and degraded by cells, the encapsulated nitroxides are liberated and diluted into the much larger intracellular volume. The consequent relief of quenching generates a robust intracellular nitroxide signal that can be imaged. We show that through endocytosis of nitroxide-loaded liposomes, CV1 cells can achieve intracellular nitroxide concentrations of ∼ 1 mM. By using tissue phantom models, we verify that this concentration is more than sufficient for in vivo EPR imaging.  相似文献   

One of the beneficial effects of silicon (Si) is to improve nutrient imbalance including deficiency and excess of nutrients, however the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the interaction between Si and zinc (Zn) in rice by using a mutant (lsi1) defective in Si uptake and its wild-type (WT, cv. Oochikara) at different Zn levels. High Zn inhibited the root elongation of both WT and lsi1 mutant, but Si did not alleviate this inhibition in both lines. By contrast, Si supply decreased Zn concentration in both the roots and shoots of the WT, but not in the lsi1 mutant. A short-term (24 h) labeling experiment with stable isotope 67Zn showed that Si decreased 67Zn uptake, but did not affect the root-to-shoot translocation and distribution ratio to different organs of 67Zn in the WT. Furthermore, Si accumulated in the shoots, rather than Si in the external solution, is required for suppressing Zn uptake, but this was not caused by Si-decreased transpiration. A kinetic study showed that Si did not affect Km value of root Zn uptake, but decreased Vmax value in the WT. Analysis of genes related with Zn transport showed that among ZIP family genes, the expression of only OsZIP1 implicated in Zn uptake, was down-regulated by Si in the WT, but not in the lsi1 mutant. These results indicate that Si accumulated in the shoots suppresses the Zn uptake through down-regulating the transporter gene involved in Zn uptake in rice.  相似文献   

Huang GZ  Woolley CS 《Neuron》2012,74(5):801-808
The steroid 17β-estradiol (E2) is well known to influence hippocampal functions such as memory, affective behaviors, and epilepsy. There is growing awareness that in addition to responding to ovarian E2, the hippocampus of both males and females synthesizes E2 as a neurosteroid that could acutely modulate synaptic function. Previous work on acute E2 actions in the hippocampus has focused on excitatory synapses. Here, we show that E2 rapidly suppresses inhibitory synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1. E2 acts through the α form of the estrogen receptor to stimulate postsynaptic mGluR1-dependent mobilization of the endocannabinoid anandamide, which retrogradely suppresses GABA release from CB1 receptor-containing inhibitory presynaptic boutons. Remarkably, this effect of E2 is sex specific, occurring in females but not in males. Acute E2 modulation of endocannabinoid tone and consequent suppression of inhibition provide a mechanism by which neurosteroid E2 could modulate hippocampus-dependent behaviors in a sex-specific manner.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor 2: a new molecule in iron metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) which mediates uptake of transferrin-bound iron, is essential for life in mammals. Recently, a close homologue of human transferrin receptor 1 was cloned and called transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2). A similar molecule has been identified in the mouse. Human transferrin receptor 2 is 45% identical with transferrin receptor 1 in the extracellular domain, but contains no iron responsive element in its mRNA and is apparently not regulated by intracellular iron concentration nor by interaction with HFE. Transferrin receptor 2, like transferrin receptor 1, binds transferrin in a pH-dependent manner (but with 25 times lower affinity) and delivers iron to cells. However, transferrin receptor 2 distribution differs from transferrin receptor 1, increasing in differentiating hepatocytes and decreasing in differentiating erythroblasts. Expression of both receptors is cell cycle dependent. Mutations in the human transferrin receptor 2 gene cause iron overload disease, suggesting it has a role in iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

In the uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain F11, in silico genome analysis revealed the dicistronic iron uptake operon fetMP, which is under iron-regulated control mediated by the Fur regulator. The expression of fetMP in a mutant strain lacking known iron uptake systems improved growth under iron depletion and increased cellular iron accumulation. FetM is a member of the iron/lead transporter superfamily and is essential for iron uptake by the Fet system. FetP is a periplasmic protein that enhanced iron uptake by FetM. Recombinant FetP bound Cu(II) and the iron analog Mn(II) at distinct sites. The crystal structure of the FetP dimer reveals a copper site in each FetP subunit that adopts two conformations: CuA with a tetrahedral geometry composed of His44, Met90, His97, and His127, and CuB, a second degenerate octahedral geometry with the addition of Glu46. The copper ions of each site occupy distinct positions and are separated by ∼1.3 Å. Nearby, a putative additional Cu(I) binding site is proposed as an electron source that may function with CuA/CuB displacement to reduce Fe(III) for transport by FetM. Together, these data indicate that FetMP is an additional iron uptake system composed of a putative iron permease and an iron-scavenging and potentially iron-reducing periplasmic protein.  相似文献   

The mechanism of iron uptake and the changes which occur during cellular development of muscle cells were investigated using primary cultures of chick embryo breast muscle. Replicating presumptive myoblasts were examined in exponential growth and after growth had plateaued. These were compared to the terminally differentiated cell type, the myotube. All cells, regardless of the state of growth or differentiation, had specific receptors for transferrin. Presumptive myoblasts in exponential growth had more transferrin receptors (3.78 +/- 0.24 X 10(10) receptors/micrograms DNA) than when division had ceased (1.70 +/- 0.14 X 10(10) receptors/micrograms DNA), while myotubes had 3.80 +/- 0.26 X 10(10) receptors/micrograms DNA. Iron uptake occurred by receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin. While iron was accumulated by the cells, apotransferrin was released in an undegraded form. There was a close correlation between the molar rates of endocytosis of transferrin and iron. Maximum rates of iron uptake were significantly higher in myotubes than in presumptive myoblasts in either exponential growth or after growth had plateaued. There were two rates of exocytosis of transferrin, implying the existence of two intracellular pathways for transferrin. These experiments demonstrate that iron uptake by muscle cells in culture occurs by receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin and that transferrin receptor numbers and the kinetics of transferrin and iron uptake vary with development of the cells.  相似文献   

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