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Our research shows that environmental features are important predictors of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British cattle herds in high-prevalence regions. Data from 503 case and 808 control farms included in the randomized badger culling trial (RBCT) were analysed. bTB risk increased in larger herds and on farms with greater areas of maize, deciduous woodland and marsh, whereas a higher percentage of boundaries composed of hedgerows decreased the risk. The model was tested on another case–control study outside RBCT areas, and here it had a much smaller predictive power. This suggests that different infection dynamics operate outside high-risk areas, although it is possible that unknown confounding factors may also have played a role.  相似文献   



The aims of this study were to establish the incidence of cystic ovarian disease (COD) and its geographical and seasonal variation in Norway, investigate the effect of COD on culling rates, and describe the effects of COD on subsequent reproductive performance and its association to twins.  相似文献   

Weekly locomotion scores on a scale of 1 to 5 were used to investigate the relationship between cattle lameness, management systems and the impact of lameness on milk production. The data were 14026 locomotion scores from 248 Holstein-Friesian cows. Cows were managed in two groups, XE (high-concentrate feed and housed indoors all year) and XM (low-concentrate feed and outdoors in summer). Analysis was performed using residual maximum likelihood. Results indicated that the most significant variables affecting locomotion were time of year when the animal was locomotion scored and management group. Cows scored during February and August had increased locomotion problems. Cows in the more intensively managed group had significantly poorer locomotion compared with those in the more extensive group. Older animals were more susceptible to lameness than heifers. Body weight, body condition score and days in milk (DIM) also accounted for significant variation in locomotion score. Poor locomotion was associated with a significant reduction in the milk yield of later lactation cows. There was a significant difference in the shape of the lactation curve depending on whether or not the cow was lame during lactation. Average persistency was greater for the group of cows never lame throughout lactation compared with those lame before 60 DIM.  相似文献   

Ixodid tick abundance was investigated in the Basque region in Spain in two 1-year longitudinal studies, in 1992-1993 and 2003-2004. Forty zones were visited monthly and 162 672 ticks (87% larvae, 12% nymphs and 1% adults) were collected by blanket dragging. Eleven tick species belonging to the genera Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus and Dermacentor were identified including Haemaphysalis concinna Koch, which had not previously been reported in Spain. Tick species abundance differed between zones, studies and seasons. In 1992-1993, Haemaphysalis punctata Canestrini & Fanzago was the predominant species and distinct spring-summer and autumn-early winter peaks of activity were observed. In 2003-2004, Ixodes ricinus (Linneaus) was the most common species and was active throughout the winter. Larval and nymph seasonal activity patterns coincided in both 1993 and 2003 and this could facilitate co-feeding transmission of pathogens. Higher tick abundance was associated with increased livestock abundance in 1992-1993 and milder winter temperatures in 2003-2004. Tick collection rates in areas with moderate and high tick density were positively associated with the interaction between ambient temperature at sampling and rainfall 7 days prior to sampling. Collection rates were also significantly higher at medium rather than higher altitude, in forested areas than in open grasslands and lower in recreational areas frequented by people and with wet vegetation at sampling.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial disease of livestock and wildlife, which has major social and economic costs. In Spain, cattle test-and-slaughter schemes have dramatically reduced TB levels, but a wildlife reservoir of the disease is thought to be preventing total eradication. We aim to identify the risk factors for the presence of TB in cattle in Spain. In this case–control study, we combined a farmer-based questionnaire and participatory mapping with government records in Almodovar, Spain. Data were collected from a mixture of TB-free and TB-infected farms, yielding a total sample of 73 farms. Generalised linear modelling and information theory were used to identify the risk factors strongly associated with TB, and farmers were also asked their opinions on TB and wildlife management. The risk factors most strongly associated with TB on a farm were the presence of wildlife, the number of streams per hectare and feeding volume foods (e.g. hay) on the ground. Farmers’ opinions about TB were influenced by their experience of the disease and their interactions with wildlife. The results highlight the complexities of managing TB, and demonstrate the need for a system-level understanding of the inter-relationships among epidemiological, ecological, environmental, social and political risk factors.  相似文献   



Although several attempts have been made to control enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) at the local level, a nationwide control program has not been implemented in Japan, except for passive surveillance. Effective control of EBL requires that the transmission routes of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection should be identified and intercepted based on scientific evidence. In this cross-sectional study, we examined the risk factors associated with within-herd transmission of BLV on infected dairy farms in Japan. Blood samples taken from 30 randomly selected adult cows at each of 139 dairy farms were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Information on herd management was collected using a structured questionnaire.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish the risk factors associated with both lambing difficulty and lamb mortality in the Irish sheep multibreed population. A total of 135 470 lambing events from 42 675 ewes in 839 Irish crossbred and purebred flocks were available. Risk factors associated with producer-scored ewe lambing difficulty score (scale of one (no difficulty) to four (severe difficulty)) were determined using linear mixed models. Risk factors associated with the logit of the probability of lamb mortality at birth (i.e. binary trait) were determined using generalised estimating equations. For each dependent variable, a series of simple regression models were developed as well as a multiple regression model. In the simple regression models, greater lambing difficulty was associated with quadruplet bearing, younger ewes, of terminal breed origin, lambing in February; for example, first parity ewes experienced greater (P<0.001) lambing difficulty (1.56±0.02) than older ewes. The association between lambing difficulty and all factors persisted in the multiple regression model, and the trend in fixed effects level solutions did not differ from the trend observed in the simple regression models. In the simple regression analyses, a greater odds of lamb mortality was associated with male lambs (1.31 times more likely of death than females), lambs of very light (2 to 3 kg) and very heavy (>7.0 kg) birth weights, quadruplet born lambs and lambs that experienced a more difficult lambing (predicted probability of death for lambs that required severe and veterinary assistance of 0.15 and 0.32, respectively); lambs from dual-purpose breeds and born to younger ewes were also at greater risk of mortality. In the multiple regression model, the association between ewe parity, age at first lambing, year of lambing and lamb mortality no longer persisted. The trend in solutions of the levels of each fixed effect that remained associated with lamb mortality in the multiple regression model, did not differ from the trends observed in the simple regression models although the differential in relative risk between the different lambing difficulty scores was greater in the multiple regression model. Results from this study show that many common flock- and animal-level factors are associated with both lambing difficulty and lamb mortality and management of different risk category groups (e.g. scanned litter sizes, ewe age groups) can be used to appropriately manage the flock at lambing to reduce their incidence.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of in-vivo fertilization in superovulated cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heifers were induced to superovulate by treatment with PMSG or FSH. Subsequently, oestrus was induced with prostaglandins and artificial insemination was performed. Ova were collected from the oviducts and their ultrastructural features were related to an estimated time of ovulation based on the time of the LH peak. With the insemination schedule used, the estimated time of ovulation defined the time at which fertilization was expected to occur. The ova were characterized as unfertilized, fertilized or possibly fertilized, and a sequence of nuclear and cytoplasmic changes associated with fertilization was revealed. Within 4 h after the estimated time of ovulation formation of the female and male pronucleus was initiated, and at 5-7 h swelling of the pronuclei occurred. At 19 h the pronuclei were closely apposed and synkaryosis was seen, and at 23 h the first two-cell stage was obtained. Within 2-3 h after the estimated time of ovulation cortical granule release, development of conspicuous Golgi complexes, and transformation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum occurred. At approximately 7 h parallel arrays of annulate lamellae appeared. In one third of the unfertilized ova deviant oocyte maturation was noticed.  相似文献   

Genetic susceptibility to brucellosis is multifactorial, and it is known that impairment of the immune system could contribute to risk for getting brucellosis. The aim of the study was to find association of bovine brucellosis with 20 SNPs pertaining to bovine cytokine (IFNG, IFNGR1, IFNGR2, TNFA) and innate immunity (SLC11A1, TLR1, TLR4, and TLR9) genes using PCR-RFLP genotyping technique and it was observed that SLC11A1 (+1066 C/G), TLR1 (+1446 C/A), TLR1 (+1380 G/A), TLR4 (+10 C/T) and TLR4 (+399 C/T) loci were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) associated with bovine brucellosis. The odds ratios (OR) of CG and CC genotypes versus GG genotype were 0.31 (0.12–0.82; 95 % CI) and 0.18 (0.03–1.06; 95 % CI) at SLC11A1 (+1066 C/G) locus in cases of brucellosis affected cattle. For TLR1 (+1380 G/A) locus, the OR for AG and AA genotypes versus GG genotypes were 0.15 (0.05–0.44; 95 % CI) and 0.26 (0.04–1.47; 95 % CI) which indicated that proportion of GG homozygote was significantly higher in brucellosis affected animals as compared to control. At TLR1 (+1446 C/A) locus the OR of AC genotype versus CC genotype was 0.24 (0.08–0.68; 95 % CI) which revealed that relative proportion CC genotypes was significantly higher in case population. The TLR4 (+10 C/T) locus had three genotypes (TT, CT and CC) where OR of CT and CC genotypes versus TT genotype were near to zero. The OR of CT genotypes versus CC genotypes was 8.25 (0.94–71.92; 95 % CI) at TLR4 (+399 C/T) locus and indicated that CT genotype had higher odds of bovine brucellosis than control animals.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by intestinal parasites impose a substantial burden on population of middle income countries including Pakistan. This research was aimed to assess the risk factors for intestinal parasites in school children of Malakand, Pakistan. Two hundred and eighty eight students were enrolled between February and June 2016. Out of the total enrolled 184 were agreed to collect stool specimens. A questionnaire was also used to collect the data on socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the participants. All the students were guided to collect at least 10gof their own stool specimens. Each of the stool specimens was diagnosed for the presence of any stage of helminth or protozoal parasites. Formal ether concentration method and wet mount techniques were applied. One way ANOVA was used for calculation of P value when it was less than 0.05 which was considered significant. Eighty two percent of the participants were found infected with one species of parasite while 69.9% of the participants were infected with more than one species of intestinal parasites. The most prevalent parasite was hook worm 33.4% (n = 99/296) followed by Taenia saginata 28.7% (n = 85/296), Ascaris lumbricoides 27.7% (n = 82/296), Hymenolepis nana 6.08% (n = 18/296), Entamoeba histolytica 3.37% (n = 10/296) and least for each Enterobius vermicularis and Fasciola hepatica 0.37% (n = 1/296). Previously used drugs, level in school, ages, weight and upper arm circumference were the most significantly (P < 0.05) related factors for the occurrence of intestinal parasite infection. Present research endorsed that risk factors play a key role in the transmission of parasitic diseases. Lack of safe water supply, using raw vegetables, animal keeping, which should be considered for sustainable strategies in the control of these infections preferably in remote parts of the world.  相似文献   

Head louse infestation (HLI) is one of the most frequently occurring parasitic diseases in children. This study was conducted to investigate the socioeconomic and personal factors influencing HLI in the Republic of Korea. A total of 2,210 questionnaires about various factors related to HLI were obtained from children in 17 primary schools throughout the country. The rate of HLI was significantly lower in children who lived together with mother or in a family where both parents worked. In addition, HLI was lower in children whose fathers or mothers were public officers or teachers. However, HLI was higher in children who had small families and washed their hair less often. Education levels of parents and the number of children in family were not significant. Improvement of socioeconomic factors and personal hygiene will be helpful for reducing HLI.  相似文献   

Risk factors for clinical endometritis in postpartum dairy cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacterial contamination of the uterine lumen after parturition occurs in most dairy cattle. The presence of clinical endometritis beyond three weeks post partum depends on the balance between microbes, host immunity, and other environmental or animal factors. The present study tested the hypothesis that clinical endometritis is associated with animal factors, such as retained fetal membranes, assisted calving and twins, as well as fecal contamination of the environment. The association between selected risk factors and the lactational incidence risk of clinical endometritis was examined in 293 animals from four dairy herds. Multivariate analysis was used to identify risk factors and quantify their relative risk (RR) and population attributable fraction (PAF) based on the proportion of cows exposed to each factor. The lactational incidence of clinical endometritis was 27% and significant risk factors for clinical endometritis were retained fetal membranes (RR = 3.6), assisted calving (RR = 1.7), stillbirth (RR = 3.1), vulval angle (RR = 1.3), primparity (RR = 1.8), and male offspring (RR = 1.5) but not the cleanliness of the environment or the animal. The highest PAF was associated with male offspring (0.6) so the use of sexed semen has the greatest potential to reduce the incidence of clinical endometritis. The dominant association between retained fetal membranes and clinical endometritis was supported by an expert panel of clinicians. The risk factors for clinical endometritis appear to be associated with trauma of the female genital tract and disruption of the physical barriers to infection rather than fecal contamination.  相似文献   

Intrafollicular changes in the largest follicle (F1) and second-largest (F2) follicle were examined in relation to follicle diameter deviation. Deviation is characterized by continued growth of the largest follicle and the cessation of growth of the smaller follicles. Granulosa cells and follicular fluid were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries (n = 95 pairs, experiment 1), and follicular fluid was collected in vivo (n = 28 heifers, experiment 2). Several ranges in the diameter of F1 were used to represent the progressive growth of the follicle. The diameter range with the first significant increase in the difference between F1 and F2 was determined for each end point and was used as an indicator of the sequence of events associated with diameter deviation. An increased difference for diameter and for estradiol concentration occurred (P: < 0.05) simultaneously at the 8.5- to 8.9-mm range in both experiments. In experiment 1, the increased difference between F1 and F2 in LH receptor (LHr) mRNA expression occurred (P: < 0.05) at the 8.0- and 8.4-mm range. In F2 of experiment 2, there was a progressive decrease (P: < 0.05) in free insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and a progressive increase (P: < 0.05) in IGF binding protein (BP)-2 across the follicle-diameter ranges (7.5-11.2 mm). No differences were detected between F1 and F2 for 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA expression in experiment 1 and testosterone, total inhibin, and dimeric inhibin-A concentrations in experiment 2. The results indicated that the acquisition of granulosa cell LHrs by F1, as indicated by increased LHr mRNA expression, occurred one diameter range before an increased difference between F1 and F2 for diameter or estradiol concentrations. On a temporal basis, it is concluded that LHr acquisition plays a role in the establishment of diameter deviation. In addition, the reduced growth of F2 may have involved the reduced bioavailability of IGF-1 in association with elevated IGFBPs.  相似文献   



The utility of T-cell based interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection remains unclear in settings with a high burden of tuberculosis.


To determine risk factors associated with positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) and tuberculin skin test (TST) results and the level of agreement between the tests; to explore the hypotheses that positivity in QFT-GIT is more related to recent infection and less affected by HIV than the TST.


Adult household contacts of tuberculosis patients were invited to participate in a cross-sectional study across 24 communities in Zambia and South Africa. HIV, QFT-GIT and TST tests were done. A questionnaire was used to assess risk factors.


A total of 2,220 contacts were seen. 1,803 individuals had interpretable results for both tests, 1,147 (63.6%) were QFT-GIT positive while 725 (40.2%) were TST positive. Agreement between the tests was low (kappa = 0.24). QFT-GIT and TST results were associated with increasing age (adjusted OR [aOR] for each 10 year increase for QFT-GIT 1.15; 95% CI: 1.06–1.25, and for TST aOR: 1.10; 95% CI 1.01–1.20). HIV positivity was less common among those with positive results on QFT-GIT (aOR: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.39–0.67) and TST (aOR: 0.61; 95% CI: 0.46–0.82). Smear positivity of the index case was associated with QFT-GIT (aOR: 1.25; 95% CI: 0.90–1.74) and TST (aOR: 1.39; 95% CI: 0.98–1.98) results. We found little evidence in our data to support our hypotheses.


QFT-GIT may not be more sensitive than the TST to detect risk factors associated with tuberculous infection. We found little evidence to support the hypotheses that positivity in QFT-GIT is more related to recent infection and less affected by HIV than the TST.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 2970 (1400 sows, 1570 fattening) pigs, from 100 farms in the 10 main swine production regions in Spain were tested for antibodies against T. gondii by the modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies to T. gondii (MAT 1:25 or higher) were detected in 492 pigs (16.6%, 9.7% in fattening pigs and 24.2% in sows). The herd prevalence was 85.0% (95% CI: 78–92) and within-farm prevalence ranged from 2.9% to 92.8% (median = 17.6%). Statistically significant differences were observed among sampling regions with seroprevalence significantly higher in pigs from Valencia Community (27.3%), Extremadura (23.3%) and Catalonia (21.2%). A generalized estimating equations model indicated that the risk factors associated with T. gondii seroprevalence were: age, sows compared to fattening pigs (OR = 2.9; 95% CI = 1.83–4.53), lack of rodent control (OR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.04–3.60) and presence of cats (OR = 1.6; 95% CI = 1.12–2.34). The seroprevalence observed in the present study indicates a widespread, although variable, exposure to T. gondii among domestic pigs in Spain, which might have important implications for public health. Management measures including control of rodents and cats on the farms could help to reduce the observed prevalence levels in Spain.  相似文献   

As a zinc-finger protein, PR domain containing 16 (PRDM16) controls brown fat determination by stimulating brown fat cell production while suppressing the expression of genes for production of white fat cells; mutations in this domain are associated with myelodysplastic syndrome and leukemogenesis. In our study, polymorphisms in exons 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 of the PRDM16 gene were detected by PCR-SSCP, DNA sequencing and CRS-PCR-RFLP methods in 1031 cattle of the Chinese breeds: Jiaxian, Nanyang, Qinchuan, and Chinese Holstein. Three mutations (NC_007314.3: g.577 G>T, 614 T>C, 212237 T>C) were detected. Animals with the homozygote genotype had lower body weight and average daily gain than those with the other genotypes. PRDM16 gene-specific SNPs may be useful markers for growth traits for marker-assisted selection programs.  相似文献   


Since the discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), researchers have orally challenged cattle with infected brain material to study various aspects of disease pathogenesis. Unlike most other pathogens, oral BSE challenge does not always result in the expected clinical presentation and pathology. In a recent study, steers were challenged orally with BSE and all developed clinical signs and were sacrificed and tested. However, despite a similar incubation and clinical presentation, one of the steers did not have detectable PrPSc in its brain. Samples from this animal were analysed for genetic differences as well as for the presence of in vitro PrPSc seeding activity or infectivity to determine the BSE status of this animal and the potential reasons that it was different. Seeding activity was detected in the brainstem of the abnormal steer but it was approximately one million times less than that found in the normal BSE positive steers. Intra-cranial challenge of bovinized transgenic mice resulted in no transmission of disease. The abnormal steer had different genetic sequences in non-coding regions of the PRNP gene but detection of similar genotypes in Canadian BSE field cases, that showed the expected brain pathology, suggested these differences may not be the primary cause of the abnormal result. Breed composition analysis showed a higher Hereford content in the abnormal steer as well as in two Canadian atypical BSE field cases and several additional abnormal experimental animals. This study could point towards a possible impact of breed composition on BSE pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Kuehl KS  Loffredo C 《Teratology》2002,66(5):242-248
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to obtain information on potential familial and environmental risk factors for liveborn cases of heart disease associated with abnormal visceral and vascular sidedness, heterotaxy heart disease, so that hypotheses about this congenital cardiovascular malformation (CCVM) and its risk factors can be generated. We describe the characteristics of infants with heterotaxy heart malformations and case-control comparisons of interview data obtained on parental socio-demographic characteristics, occupational and household environmental exposures. METHODS: Cases and controls are drawn from the Baltimore Washington Infant Study (BWIS) a population based case control study of CCVM diagnosed in the region from 1981-89. RESULTS: Maternal diabetes (OR = 5.5, 95% CI = 1.6-19.1) and family history of malformations (OR = 5.1, 95% CI = 2.0-12.9) are strongly associated with cardiac disorders of sidedness. Cocaine use by mothers during the first trimester is associated with heterotaxy heart disease with odds of 3.7 (95% CI = 1.3-10.7). Cases of isolated dextrocardia shared risk factors with other heterotaxy malformations. The odds of a twin proband having heterotaxy heart disease is 4.8 (95% CI = 1.9-11.8) compared to singleton births. Twin probands are predominantly monozygotic twins in contrast to twin probands in other congenital cardiovascular malformations. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are consistent with a role for multiple genetic factors in the development of left-right axis formation and with variable cardiac phenotypes according to gene expression and possible gene-environment interactions. Association with monozygotic twinning and with parental cocaine use may point to additional mechanistic clues for future research.  相似文献   

Of 1479 cattle from herds in Northwestern Spain previously diagnosed as tuberculosis (TB) positive, 218 animals which gave a positive tuberculin or interferon-gamma reaction were examined at the slaughterhouse. Medial retropharyngeal and caudal mediastinal lymph nodes, and any tissues containing lesions suspected to be tuberculous, were removed and submitted to the laboratory. Three techniques for diagnosis of TB were used: post mortem examination (PME), smear staining by means of auramine O method (AOM), and culture isolation in Coletsos and Lowenstein-Jensen media followed by confirmation of M. tuberculosis complex organisms using PCR (CIM-PCR). Only 123 (29.9%) of the 412 samples collected showed typical tuberculous lesions. Confirmed M. tuberculosis complex organisms were isolated in 144 cases, 114 of which were from tissues showing lesions (success rate of 92.8%). Smears were found positive in 113 cases, 96 of which came from lesions suspected to be tuberculous (success rate of 78.0%). The sensitivities of CIM-PCR compared with those of PME and AOM were 92.7% and 85.7%, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that PME and AOM are good indicators of the presence of M. tuberculosis complex organisms in tuberculin- or interferon-gamma reacting cattle.  相似文献   

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