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Integration of human immunodeficiency virus cDNA ends by integrase (IN) into host chromosomes involves a concerted integration mechanism. IN juxtaposes two DNA blunt ends to form the synaptic complex, which is the intermediate in the concerted integration pathway. The synaptic complex is inactivated by strand transfer inhibitors (STI) with IC50 values of ∼ 20 nM for inhibition of concerted integration. We detected a new nucleoprotein complex on a native agarose gel that was produced in the presence of > 200 nM STI, termed the IN-single DNA (ISD) complex. Two IN dimers appear to bind in a parallel fashion at the DNA terminus, producing an ∼ 32-bp DNase I protective footprint. In the presence of raltegravir (RAL), MK-2048, and L-841,411, IN incorporated ∼ 20-25% of the input blunt-ended DNA substrate into the stabilized ISD complex. Seven other STI also produced the ISD complex (≤ 5% of input DNA). The formation of the ISD complex was not dependent on 3′OH processing, and the DNA was predominantly blunt ended in the complex. The RAL-resistant IN mutant N155H weakly forms the ISD complex in the presence of RAL at ∼ 25% level of wild-type IN. In contrast, MK-2048 and L-841,411 produced ∼ 3-fold to 5-fold more ISD than RAL with N155H IN, which is susceptible to these two inhibitors. The results suggest that STI are slow-binding inhibitors and that the potency to form and stabilize the ISD complex is not always related to inhibition of concerted integration. Rather, the apparent binding and dissociation properties of each STI influenced the production of the ISD complex.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 minus strand transfer was measured using a genomic donor-acceptor template system in vitro. Donor RNA D199, having the minimum region required for minus strong stop DNA synthesis, was previously shown to transfer with 35% efficiency to an acceptor RNA representing the 3' repeat region. Donor D520, having an additional 321-nucleotide segment extending into gag, transferred at 75% efficiency. In this study each transfer step was analyzed to account for the difference. Measurement of terminal transfer indicated that the 3' terminus of the cDNA generated using D520 is more accessible for transfer than that of D199. Nevertheless, acceptor competition experiments demonstrated that D520 has a greater preference for invasion-driven versus terminal transfer than D199. Competition mapping showed that the base of the transactivation response element is the primary invasion site for D520, important for efficient acceptor invasion. Acceptors complementary to the invasion and terminal transfer sites, but not the region between, allowed assessment of the significance of hybrid propagation by branch migration. These bipartite acceptors showed that with D520, invasion raises the local concentration of the acceptor for efficient terminal transfer by a proximity effect. However, with D199, invasion is relatively inefficient, and the cDNA 3' terminus is not very accessible. For most transfers that occurred, the acceptor accessed the cDNA 3' end by branch migration. Results suggest that both proximity and branch migration mechanisms contribute to transfers, with the proportion determined by donor-cDNA structure. D520 transfers better because it has greater accessibility for both invasion and terminus transfer.  相似文献   

HIV-1 integration is promoted by viral integrase (IN) and its cellular cofactors. The lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF/p75), an IN interacting cellular cofactor, has been shown to play an important role in HIV-1 chromatin targeting and integration. However, whether other cellular cofactors are also involved in viral replication steps is still elusive. Here, we show that nucleoporin 62 (Nup62) is a chromatin-bound protein and can specifically interact with HIV-1 IN in both soluble nuclear extract and chromatin-bound fractions. The knockdown of Nup62 by shRNA reduced the association of IN with host chromatin and significantly impaired viral integration and replication in HIV-1-susceptible cells. Furthermore, the expression of the IN-binding region of Nup62 in CD4(+) T cells significantly inhibited HIV-1 infection. Taken together, these results indicate that the cellular Nup62 is specifically recruited by HIV-1 IN and contribute to an efficient viral DNA integration.  相似文献   

We report the activities of HIV integrase protein on a novel DNA substrate, consisting of a pair of gapped duplex molecules. Integrase catalyzed an intermolecular disintegration reaction that requires positioning of a pair of the gapped duplexes in a configuration that resembles the intgration intermediate. However, the major reaction resulted from an intramolecular reaction involving a single gapped duplex, giving rise to a hairpin. Surprisingly, a deletion mutant of integrase that lacks both the amino and carboxyl terminal regions still catalyzed the intermolecular disintegration reaction, but supported only a very low level of the intramolecular reaction. The central core region of integrase is therefore sufficient to both bind the gapped duplex DNA and juxtapose a pair of such molecules through protein-protein interactions. We suggest that the branched DNA structures of the previously reported disintegration substrate, and the intermolecular disintegration substrate described here, assist in stabilizing protein-protein interactions that otherwise require the amino and carboxy terminal regions of integrase.  相似文献   

The action of iron-bleomycin and O2 in cleaving DNA has been resolved into two kinetic events following the initial attack on DNA by the kinetically competent drug species, "activated bleomycin." At 4 degrees C, DNA strand scission, monitored both viscometrically and fluorimetrically (t1/2 = 2.5-5 min), precedes the release from DNA of nucleic base propenals, which is half complete in about 40 min. Therefore, a moderately stable intermediate consisting of cleaved DNA bearing a base propenal precursor is formed. The release of tritium from deoxyribose carbon-2 occurs at the time of DNA scission, which is consistent with the base propenal precursor retaining the deoxyribose-3'-phosphate bond. Specific mechanistic proposals are discussed.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrase is one of three viral enzymes, and it realizes a key process of the viral replication cycle, i.e. viral DNA integration into infected cell genome. Integrase recognizes nucleotide sequences located at the ends of the viral DNA U3 and U5 LTRs and catalyzes 3'-processing and strand transfer reactions. To study the interactions between integrase and viral DNA at present work, we used modified integrase substrates mimicking the terminal U5 LTR sequence and containing non-nucleoside insertions in one or/and both strands. It is shown that the substrate modifications have no influence on the integrase binding rate, while the heterocyclic bases removal in the 5th and 6th substrate positions and in the 3rd position of the substrate processed strand distinctly inhibits the integrase catalytic activity. This fact demonstrates these bases significance for the active enzyme/substrate complex formation. On the contrary, modification of the 3rd position within substrate non-processed strand stimulates 3'-processing. Since heterocyclic base elimination results in disruption of the DNA complementary and staking interactions, this result shows that DNA double helix destabilization close to the cleaved bond promotes the 3'-processing.  相似文献   

Lambda's Int protein acts as a specific topoisomerase at attachment sites, the DNA segments that are required for site-specific recombination. Int cleaves each strand of an attachment site at a unique place and creates strand exchanges by joining broken ends from two different parents. To study the action of Int topoisomerase in more detail, heteroduplex attachment sites were made by annealing strands that are complementary except for a few base pairs that lie in the region between the points of top and bottom strand exchange in the attachment site core. These heteroduplexes appear to interact normally with Int and its accessory proteins IHF and Xis. Although the heteroduplex sites are specifically cleaved by Int topoisomerase, rejoining of the broken DNA is hindered by the lack of Watson--Crick complementarity adjacent to the break. Because of this, heteroduplexes accumulate broken intermediates which are then processed in novel ways. We have used this feature to provide new information about functional differences between attachment sites, to investigate the way Xis protein controls directionality of site-specific recombination, and to demonstrate that Int protein can join strands indiscriminately and can therefore generate recombinants with either of two genetic polarities.  相似文献   

Chi-dependent DNA strand cleavage by RecBC enzyme   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Chi sites enhance in their vicinity homologous recombination by the E. coli RecBC pathway. We report here that RecBC enzyme catalyzes Chi-dependent cleavage of one DNA strand, that containing the Chi sequence 5'G-C-T-G-G-T-G-G3'. Chi-specific cleavage is greatly reduced by single base pair changes within the Chi sequence and by mutations within the E. coli recC gene, coding for a RecBC enzyme subunit. Although cleavage occurs preferentially with double-stranded DNA, the product of the reaction is single-stranded DNA. These results demonstrate the direct interaction of RecBC enzyme with Chi sites that was inferred from the genetic properties of Chi and recBC, and they support models of recombination in which Chi acts before the initiation of strand exchange.  相似文献   

The microstructural requirements for optimal interaction of neocarzinostatin chromophore (NCS-C) with DNA have been investigated using a series of hexadeoxyribonucleotides with modified bases such as O6-methyl G (MeG), I, 5-methyl C (MeC), U, or 5-Bromo U (BrU) at specific sites in its preferred trinucleotide 5'GNaNb3':5'Na,Nb,C3' (Na = A, C, or T). Results show that MeG:C and G:MeC in place of G:C improve direct strand cleavage at the target Nb (Nb = T greater than A much greater than C greater than G), whereas MeC:G and C:MeG in place of Na:Nb, hinder cleavage. The optimal base target at Nb appears to be determined by its ability to form T:A type base pairing instead of C:G type. The observed differences in DNA strand cleavage patterns can be rationalized by induced changes in target site structure and are compatible with a model for NCS-C:DNA interaction in which the naphthoate moiety intercalates between 5'GNa3', and the activated tetrahydro-s-indacene, lying in the minor groove, abstracts a hydrogen atom from C-5' of Nb.  相似文献   

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