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Alzheimer disease (AD) is characterized by the amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), culminating in the accumulation of amyloid-β peptides in the brain. The enzymatic action of the β-secretase, BACE1 is the rate-limiting step in this amyloidogenic processing of APP. BACE1 cleavage of wild-type APP (APPWT) is inhibited by the cellular prion protein (PrPC). Our recent study has revealed the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind this observation by showing that PrPC directly interacts with the pro-domain of BACE1 in the trans-Golgi network (TGN), decreasing the amount of BACE1 at the cell surface and in endosomes where it cleaves APPWT, while increasing BACE1 in the TGN where it preferentially cleaves APP with the Swedish mutation (APPSwe). PrPC deletion in transgenic mice expressing the Swedish and Indiana familial mutations (APPSwe,Ind) failed to affect amyloid-β accumulation, which is explained by the differential subcellular sites of action of BACE1 toward APPWT and APPSwe. This, together with our observation that PrPC is reduced in sporadic but not familial AD brain, suggests that PrPC plays a key protective role against sporadic AD. It also highlights the need for an APPWT transgenic mouse model to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying sporadic AD.  相似文献   

The human small heat-shock protein αB-crystallin (αB) rescues misfolded proteins from irreversible aggregation during cellular stress. Binding of Cu(II) was shown to modulate the oligomeric architecture and the chaperone activity of αB. However, the mechanistic basis of this stimulation is so far not understood. We provide here first structural insights into this Cu(II)-mediated modulation of chaperone function using NMR spectroscopy and other biophysical approaches. We show that the α-crystallin domain is the elementary Cu(II)-binding unit specifically coordinating one Cu(II) ion with picomolar binding affinity. Putative Cu(II) ligands are His(83), His(104), His(111), and Asp(109) at the dimer interface. These loop residues are conserved among different metazoans, but also for human αA-crystallin, HSP20, and HSP27. The involvement of Asp(109) has direct implications for dimer stability, because this residue forms a salt bridge with the disease-related Arg(120) of the neighboring monomer. Furthermore, we observe structural reorganization of strands β2-β3 triggered by Cu(II) binding. This N-terminal region is known to mediate both the intermolecular arrangement in αB oligomers and the binding of client proteins. In the presence of Cu(II), the size and the heterogeneity of αB multimers are increased. At the same time, Cu(II) increases the chaperone activity of αB toward the lens-specific protein β(L)-crystallin. We therefore suggest that Cu(II) binding unblocks potential client binding sites and alters quaternary dynamics of both the dimeric building block as well as the higher order assemblies of αB.  相似文献   

Amyloid plaques are a hallmark of the aging and senile dementia brains, yet their mechanism of origins has remained elusive. A central issue is the regulatory mechanism and identity of α-secretase, a protease responsible for α-processing of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP). A remarkable feature of this enzyme is its high sensitivity to a wide range of cellular stimulators, many of which are agonists for Ca(2+) signaling. This feature, together with previous work in our laboratory, has suggested that calpain, a Ca(2+)-dependent protease, plays a key role in APP α-processing. In this study we report that overexpression of the μ-calpain gene in HEK293 cells resulted in a 2.7-fold increase of the protein levels. Measurements of intracellular calpain enzymatic activity revealed that the calpain overexpressing cells displayed a prominent elevation of the activity compared to wild-type cells. When the cells were stimulated by nicotine, glutamate or phorbol 12,13-dibutylester, the activity increase was even more remarkable and sensitive to calpeptin, a calpain inhibitor. Meanwhile, APP secretion from the calpain overexpressing cells was robustly increased under both resting and stimulated conditions over wild-type cells. Furthermore, cell surface biotinylation experiments showed that μ-calpain was clearly detected among the cell surface proteins. These data together support our view that calpain should be a reasonable candidate for α-secretase for further study. This model is discussed with an interesting fact that three other deposited proteins (tau, spectrin and crystalline) are also the known substrates of calpain. Finally we discuss some current misconceptions in senile dementia research.  相似文献   

Is loss of function of the prion protein the cause of prion disorders?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are fatal neurodegenerative diseases that involve misfolding of the prion protein. Recent studies have provided evidence that normal prion protein might have a physiological function in neuroprotective signaling, suggesting that loss of prion protein activity might contribute to the pathogenesis of prion disease. However, studies using knockout animals do not support the loss-of-function hypothesis and argue that prion neurodegeneration might be associated with a gain of a toxic activity by the misfolded prion protein. Thus, the mechanism of neurodegeneration in spongiform encephalopathies remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

The overproduction and extracellular buildup of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) is a critical step in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Recent data suggest that intracellular trafficking is of central importance in the production of Aβ. Here we use a neuronal cell line to examine two structurally similar clathrin assembly proteins, AP180 and CALM. We show that RNA interference-mediated knockdown of AP180 reduces the generation of Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42, whereas CALM knockdown has no effect on Aβ generation. Thus AP180 is among the traffic controllers that oversee and regulate amyloid precursor protein processing pathways. Our results also suggest that AP180 and CALM, while similar in their domain structures and biochemical properties, are in fact dedicated to separate trafficking pathways in neurons.  相似文献   

The amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) was shown to be O-GlcNAcylated 15 years ago, but the effect of this modification on APP processing and formation of the Alzheimer’s disease associated amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide has so far not been investigated. Here, we demonstrate with pharmacological tools or siRNA that O-GlcNAcase and O-GlcNAc transferase regulate the level of O-GlcNAcylated APP. We also show that O-GlcNAcylation increases non-amyloidogenic α-secretase processing, resulting in increased levels of the neuroprotective sAPPα fragment and decreased Aβ secretion. Our results implicate O-GlcNAcylation as a potential therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(5):682-688
Numerous studies of APP in the literature to date have focused on its processing at the plasma membrane, its membrane-bound oligomeric state, and the calcium-permeable ion channel formation of non-fibrillar Aβ in the cell membrane. Despite these studies, little is known structurally about the transmembrane region of APP beyond a theoretical model. This is due to challenges in the expression, purification, and sample preparation of eukaryotic membrane proteins. To determine the three-dimensional structures of the intact transmembrane domain from human APP (hAPP-TM) and to elucidate the structure and formation mechanisms of the hAPP channel, the isotopically labeled protein must be produced and purified in sufficient quantity. Here, we describe a procedure whereby the hAPP-TM peptide, comprising residues 692–723 of hAPP, was successfully expressed and purified sufficiently to perform NMR analysis. To increase expression levels of the target protein, we designed a construct containing two tandem repeats of the target gene. The fusion protein was expressed in the form of inclusion bodies, purified on immobilized nickel affinity chromatography, and chemically cleaved by cyanogen bromide. Final purification of hAPP-TM was achieved by preparative reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The final yields of purified hAPP-TM were around 5 mg/l of M9 minimal media.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunctions associated with amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) accumulation in mitochondria have been observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients' brains and in AD mice models. Aβ is produced by sequential action of β- and γ-secretases cleaving the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The γ-secretase complex was found in mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes (MAM) suggesting that this could be a potential site of Aβ production, from which Aβ is further transported into the mitochondria. In vitro, Aβ was shown to be imported into the mitochondria through the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex. The mitochondrial presequence protease (PreP) is responsible for Aβ degradation reducing toxic effects of Aβ on mitochondrial functions. The proteolytic activity of PreP is, however, lower in AD brain temporal lobe mitochondria and in AD transgenic mice models, possibly due to an increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Here, we review the intracellular mechanisms of Aβ production, its mitochondrial import and the intra-mitochondrial degradation. We also discuss the implications of a reduced efficiency of mitochondrial Aβ clearance for AD. Understanding the underlying mechanisms may provide new insights into mitochondria related pathogenesis of AD and development of drug therapy against AD. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized pathologically by senile plaques in the brain. The major component of senile plaques is amyloid-β (Aβ), which is cleaved from Alzheimer’s Aβ protein precursor (AβPP). Recently, information regarding the cytoplasmic tail of AβPP has started to emerge, opening up various insights into the physiological roles of AβPP and its pathological role in Alzheimer’s disease. The cytoplasmic domain of AβPP shares the evolutionarily conserved GYENPTY motif, which binds to a number of adaptor proteins containing the phosphotyrosine interaction domain (PID). Among the PID-containing proteins, this article focuses on four groups of adaptor proteins of AβPP: Fe65, X11, mDab1, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase-interacting protein 1b/islet-brain 1. These two authors contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

A growing body of Alzheimer's disease (AD) research is concerned with understanding the interaction between amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides and metal ions (e.g., Cu, Zn, and Fe) and determining the biological relevance of the metal-Aβ complexes to essential metal homeostasis and neuronal cell loss. Previously, many studies have dealt with the interaction between Aβ and "single" but not "multiple" metal ions in terms of binding affinity and coordination chemistry. In the present work, we found that Zn(II) ions modified the configuration of Aβ-Cu(II) by forming Zn(II)-Aβ-Cu(II) ternary complexes. As a result, the catalytic activity of Aβ-Cu(II) against a biological ascorbic acid species was repressed by Zn(II) binding. The formation of the ternary complex can therefore explain the protective role of Zn(II) in AD.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is a serine-threonine kinase important for different cellular processes. Involved in tau protein hyperphosphorylation and apoptotic neuronal death, two main neuropathological markers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Prion-related encephalopathies (PRE), Cdk5 also participates in cell cycle regulation. However, the precise relationship between cell cycle reactivation and Cdk5 dysregulation in AD and PRE remains unclear. To determine Cdk5 involvement in the triggering of an abortive cell cycle by amyloid-beta (Aβ) and prion (PrP) peptides, associated with AD and PRE pathogenesis, we examined the levels/activation of several cell cycle-associated proteins in cultured cortical neurons treated with Aβ1-40 and PrP106-126 peptides. Peptide treatments significantly increased Cdk4, phospho-retinoblastoma and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) levels, whereas phospho-histone H3 remained invariable, suggesting cell cycle arrest before the M phase. Moreover, Aβ1-40 and PrP106-126 largely augmented the number of PCNA-immunoreactive cells with fragmented nuclei. The Cdk5 inhibitor roscovitine and the calpain inhibitor MDL28170 prevented the alterations in cell cycle markers induced by both peptides. The data obtained suggest that Aβ and PrP peptides induced neuronal cell cycle re-entry through a mechanism involving Cdk5 dysregulation. Therefore, cell cycle reactivation mediated by Cdk5 can underlie the neurodegenerative processes that occur in AD and PRE.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is subjected to various processing under physiological and pathological conditions, of which the α-cleavage within the central hydrophobic domain not only disrupts a region critical for both PrP toxicity and PrPC to PrPSc conversion but also produces the N1 fragment that is neuroprotective and the C1 fragment that enhances the pro-apoptotic effect of staurosporine in one report and inhibits prion in another. The proteases responsible for the α-cleavage of PrPC are controversial. The effect of ADAM10, ADAM17, and ADAM9 on N1 secretion clearly indicates their involvement in the α-cleavage of PrPC, but there has been no report of direct PrPC α-cleavage activity with any of the three ADAMs in a purified protein form. We demonstrated that, in muscle cells, ADAM8 is the primary protease for the α-cleavage of PrPC, but another unidentified protease(s) must also play a minor role. We also found that PrPC regulates ADAM8 expression, suggesting that a close examination on the relationships between PrPC and its processing enzymes may reveal novel roles and underlying mechanisms for PrPC in non-prion diseases such as asthma and cancer.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is subjected to various processing under physiological and pathological conditions, of which the α-cleavage within the central hydrophobic domain not only disrupts a region critical for both PrP toxicity and PrPC to PrPSc conversion but also produces the N1 fragment that is neuroprotective and the C1 fragment that enhances the pro-apoptotic effect of staurosporine in one report and inhibits prion in another. The proteases responsible for the α-cleavage of PrPC are controversial. The effect of ADAM10, ADAM17, and ADAM9 on N1 secretion clearly indicates their involvement in the α-cleavage of PrPC, but there has been no report of direct PrPC α-cleavage activity with any of the three ADAMs in a purified protein form. We demonstrated that, in muscle cells, ADAM8 is the primary protease for the α-cleavage of PrPC, but another unidentified protease(s) must also play a minor role. We also found that PrPC regulates ADAM8 expression, suggesting that a close examination on the relationships between PrPC and its processing enzymes may reveal novel roles and underlying mechanisms for PrPC in non-prion diseases such as asthma and cancer.  相似文献   

Synucleinopathies are a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by the accumulation of α-synuclein amyloids in several regions of the brain. α-Synuclein fibrils are able to spread via cell-to-cell transfer, and once inside the cells, they can template the misfolding and aggregation of the endogenous α-synuclein. Multiple mechanisms have been shown to participate in the process of propagation: endocytosis, tunneling nanotubes and macropinocytosis. Recently, we published a research showing that the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) acts as a receptor for α-synuclein amyloid fibrils, facilitating their internalization through and endocytic pathway. This interaction occurs by a direct interaction between the fibrils and the N-terminal domain of PrPC. In cell lines expressing the pathological form of PrP (PrPSc), the binding between PrPC and α-synuclein fibrils prevents the formation and accumulation of PrPSc, since PrPC is no longer available as a substrate for the pathological conversion templated by PrPSc. On the contrary, PrPSc deposits are cleared over passages, probably due to the increased processing of PrPC into the neuroprotective fragments N1 and C1. Starting from these data, in this work we present new insights into the role of PrPC in the internalization of protein amyloids and the possible therapeutic applications of these findings.  相似文献   

The native prion protein (PrP) has a two domain structure, with a globular folded α-helical C-terminal domain and a flexible extended N-terminal region. The latter can selectively bind Cu2+ via four His residues in the octarepeat (OR) region, as well as two sites (His96 and His111) outside this region. In the disease state, the folded C-terminal domain of PrP undergoes a conformational change, forming amorphous aggregates high in β-sheet content. Cu2+ bound to the ORs can be redox active and has been shown to induce cleavage within the OR region, a process requiring conserved Trp residues. Using computational modeling, we have observed that electron transfer from Trp residues to copper can be favorable. These models also reveal that an indole-based radical cation or Cu+ can initiate reactions leading to protein backbone cleavage. We have also demonstrated, by molecular dynamics simulations, that Cu2+ binding to the His96 and His111 residues in the remaining PrP N-terminal fragment can induce localized β-sheet structure, allowing us to suggest a potential mechanism for the initiation of β-sheet misfolding in the C-terminal domain by Cu2+.
Hans J. VogelEmail:

Oligomeric amyloid-β is currently of interest in amyloid-β mediated toxicity and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Mapping the amyloid-β interaction partners could help to discover novel pathways in disease pathogenesis. To discover the amyloid-β interaction partners, we applied a protein array with more than 8100 unique recombinantly expressed human proteins. We identified 324 proteins as potential interactors of oligomeric amyloid-β. The Gene Ontology functional analysis of these proteins showed that oligomeric amyloid-β bound to multiple proteins with diverse functions both from extra and intracellular localizations. This undiscriminating binding phenotype indicates that multiple protein interactions mediate the toxicity of the oligomeric amyloid-β. The most highly impacted cellular system was the protein translation machinery. Oligomeric amyloid-β could bind to altogether 24 proteins involved in translation initiation and elongation. The binding of amyloid-β to purified rat hippocampal ribosomes validated the protein array results. More importantly, in vitro translation assays showed that the oligomeric amyloid-β had a concentration dependent inhibitory activity on translation. Our results indicate that the inhibited protein synthesis is one of the pathways that can be involved in the amyloid-beta induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

This review examines recent studies on the thermodynamics of copper association with amyloid-β, α-synuclein and prion protein, with an eye towards using this information to understand the etiology of associated neurodegenerative diseases. A variety of binding affinities and binding sites, which are essential to understand the function and consequence of copper-protein interaction, have been reported for copper to these three neurobiologic systems. This current review reconciles the disparate models presented in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary This article presents kinetic studies of cross interaction of β-amyloid peptide and prion protein fragments. Syntheses of three peptides (β25-35, β22-35 and PrP 109–126) were performed. Those peptides were used for aggregation studies in PBS and TRIS buffers using HPLC with DAD detector. Comparison of aggregation of peptides alone and in combination with other fragments was investigated. In all cases aggregation was faster in PBS than in TRIS solution. Obtained results suggest that β-amyloid peptide and prion protein may interact to form macromolecular complexes with different ability for aggregation.  相似文献   

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