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The strength cycle ergometer has been proposed as a method of simultaneously increasing aerobic conditioning and muscular strength, because of its unique capacity of disengaging the pedal crank, thus allowing for concurrent single-leg cycling. The purpose of this study was to assess the aerobic and muscular strength effects of strength cycle training (SCT), comparing it to similar standard cycle training. A total of 28 recreationally-trained adult subjects (9 men, 19 women) were paired for VO2peak and randomly assigned to either SCT or Monark cycle training (MCT). Subjects trained 3 days per week following a progressive interval protocol for 9 weeks under supervised conditions. Training intervals (5 minutes' duration) consisted of 3 minutes of standard cycling at an intensity of 60-85% of maximum heart rate (HRmax), and 2 minutes of either the disengaged cycling mode (SCT) or standard cycling plus 30 W (MCT). Subjects began training for a total of 25 minutes per session, progressing to 45 minutes per session by study's end. Prior to and following training, subjects were measured for VO2peak; submaximal VO2, heart rate (HR), RPE, power output, and knee and ankle isokinetic strength. Training resulted in significant (p < or = 0.05) increases in VO2peak (14.5%) and submaximal power output (11%), and significant reductions in submaximal VO2, HR, and RPE in both groups. Significant increases in bilateral isokinetic knee extension (4-6%) and left ankle plantar flexion (10.5%) were noted following training in both groups. No group differences were detected in any variable. Although the strength cycle effectively increased aerobic function and resulted in modest selected increases in lower-extremity muscular strength, these changes were not different from those seen using a similar standard cycling protocol.  相似文献   

The effects of progressive strength training for 24 weeks on maximal strength and pituitary-thyroid function were studied in 21 males during the training and during the following detraining period of 12 weeks. Maximal strength increased greatly (p less than 0.001) in the first 20 weeks, followed by a plateau phase in the last 4 weeks of training. Maximal strength decreased greatly (p less than 0.001) during the detraining period. The concentrations of serum total (T4) and free thyroxine (fT4) decreased (p less than 0.05 and less than 0.01, respectively) during the training period and they rose to pretraining levels during the detraining period. During the most intense training phase (the last 4 weeks) there was a positive correlation between the changes in serum fT4 concentrations and the changes in maximal force (r = 0.56; p less than 0.01). No statistically significant changes occurred in the levels of serum triiodothyronine, thyrotropin or thyroxine binding globulin. The results show that prolonged intensified strength training can slightly decrease the concentrations of serum total and free T4. These small changes cannot have any clinical significance, and even their physiological significance may be only marginal.  相似文献   



Whether or not isolated endurance training of the respiratory muscles improves whole-body endurance exercise performance is controversial, with some studies reporting enhancements of 50 % or more, and others reporting no change. Twenty fit (VO2 max 56.0 ml/kg/min), experienced cyclists were randomly assigned to three groups. The experimental group (n = 10) trained their respiratory muscles via 20, 45 min sessions of hyperpnea. The placebo group (n = 4) underwent "sham" training (20, 5 min sessions), and the control group (n = 6) did no training.  相似文献   

Isokinetic training of right and left quadriceps femoris was undertaken three times per week for 16 weeks. One group of subjects (n = 13) trained at an angular velocity of 4.19 rad.s-1 and a second group (n = 10) at 1.05 rad.s-1. A control group (n = 10) performed no training. Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the quadriceps, and peak pedal velocity nu p,peak) and peak power output (Wpeak) during all-out cycling (against loads equivalent to 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14% MVC) were assessed before and after training. The two training groups did not differ significantly from each other in their training response to any of the performance variables (P > 0.05). No significant difference in MVC was observed for any group after the 16-week period (P = 0.167). The post-training increases in average Wpeak (7%) and nu p,peak (6%) during the cycle tests were each significantly different from the control group response (P = 0.018 and P = 0.008, respectively). It is concluded that 16 weeks of isokinetic strength training of the knee extensors is able to significantly improve nu p, peak and Wpeak during spring cycling, an activity which demands considerable involvement of the trained muscle group but with its own distinct pattern of coordination.  相似文献   

We examined neuromuscular activity during stochastic (variable intensity) 100-km cycling time trials (TT) and the effect of dietary carbohydrate manipulation. Seven endurance-trained cyclists performed two 100-km TT that included five 1-km and four 4-km high-intensity epochs (HIE) during which power output, electromyogram (EMG), and muscle glycogen data were analyzed. The mean power output of the 4-km HIE decreased significantly throughout the trial from 319 +/- 48 W for the first 4-km HIE to 278 +/- 39 W for the last 4-km HIE (P < 0.01). The mean integrated EMG (IEMG) activity during the first 4-km HIE was 16.4 +/- 9.8% of the value attained during the pretrial maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). IEMG decreased significantly throughout the trial, reaching 11.1 +/- 5.6% during the last 4-km HIE (P < 0.01). The study establishes that neuromuscular activity in peripheral skeletal muscle falls parallel with reduction in power output during bouts of high-intensity exercise. These changes occurred when <20% of available muscle was recruited and suggest the presence of a central neural governor that reduces the active muscle recruited during prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of amino acid supplementation on muscular strength, power, and high-intensity endurance during short-term resistance training overreaching. Seventeen resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to either an amino acid (AA) or placebo (P) group and underwent 4 weeks of total-body resistance training consisting of two 2-week phases of overreaching (phase 1: 3 x 8-12 repetitions maximum [RM], 8 exercises; phase 2: 5 x 3-5 RM, 5 exercises). Muscle strength, power, and high-intensity endurance were determined before (T1) and at the end of each training week (T2-T5). One repetition maximum squat and bench press decreased at T2 in P (5.2 and 3.4 kg, respectively) but not in AA, and significant increases in 1 RM squat and bench press were observed at T3-T5 in both groups. A decrease in the ballistic bench press peak power was observed at T3 in P but not AA. The fatigue index during the 20-repetition jump squat assessment did not change in the P group at T3 and T5 (fatigue index = 18.6 and 18.3%, respectively) whereas a trend for reduction was observed in the AA group (p = 0.06) at T3 (12.8%) but not T5 (15.2%; p = 0.12). These results indicate that the initial impact of high-volume resistance training overreaching reduces muscle strength and power, and it appears that these reductions are attenuated with amino acid supplementation. In addition, an initial high-volume, moderate-intensity phase of overreaching followed by a higher intensity, moderate-volume phase appears to be very effective for enhancing muscle strength in resistance-trained men.  相似文献   

A short-term training program involving 2 h of daily exercise at 59% of peak O2 uptake (VO2max) repeated for 10-12 consecutive days was employed to determine the significance of adaptations in energy metabolic potential on alterations in energy metabolism and substrate utilization in working muscle. The initial VO2max determined before training on the eight male subjects was 53.0 +/- 2.0 (SE) ml.kg-1.min-1. Analysis of samples obtained by needle biopsy from the vastus lateralis muscle before exercise (0 min) and at 15, 60, and 99 min of exercise indicated that on the average training resulted (P less than 0.05) in a 6.5% higher concentration of creatine phosphate, a 9.9% lower concentration of creatine, and a 39% lower concentration of lactate. Training had no effect on ATP concentration. These adaptations were also accompanied by a reduction in the utilization in glycogen such that by the end of exercise glycogen concentration was 47.1% higher in the trained muscle. Analysis of the maximal activities of representative enzymes of different metabolic pathways and segments indicated no change in potential in the citric acid cycle (succinate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase), beta-oxidation (3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase), glucose phosphorylation (hexokinase), or potential for glycogenolysis (phosphorylase) and glycolysis (pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase). With the exception of increases in the capillary-to-fiber area ratio in type IIa fibers, no change was found in any fiber type (types I, IIa, and IIb) for area, number of capillaries, capillary-to-fiber area ratio, or oxidative potential with training.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the changes in heart rate (HR), systolic and diastolic time intervals accompanying prolonged cycling exercise. Seven healthy male students (N group) and seven male collegiate long distance runners (LDR group) underwent 60-min bicycle ergometer exercise loaded at 30% and 50% HRmax. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and phonocardiogram (PCG) were recorded throughout the exercise and recovery period, and then left ventricular ejection time (LVET) and left ventricular diastolic time (LVDT) were calculated from tracings of the cardiac cycle. In the N group, HR increased to the target HR level (30% and 50% HRmax) in the initial phase of exercise, but there was a tendency to increase 10-15 b/min in the latter half of the exercise period. The LDR group showed the same trend as in the N group at 50% HRmax level (i.e., 120 b/min) exercise. These increments of the HR were due to the decrease of stroke volume, the elevation of body temperature and changes in the volume of the venous return. In the initial phase of exercise (within five minutes), LVDT decreased markedly resulting in a rapid increase of the HR in both groups. The decrease in LVDT was 250-400 msec (60-70% decrement for resting value) at the 30% HRmax level load and 270-480 msec (73-80% decrement for resting value) at the 50% HRmax level load, and then transient slight increment was recognized. Subsequently, there was a tendency to decrease. The major factor for the increase of the HR was that the LVDT decreased markedly that implied the shortening of the inflow time to the left ventricle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of a 24-week aquatic training (AT) program, which included both aerobic and resistance components, on muscle strength (isometric and dynamic), flexibility, and functional mobility in healthy women over 60 years of age. Twenty-two subjects were assigned randomly to either an AT (n = 12) or a control (C, n = 10) group. Volunteers participated in a supervised shallow-water exercise program for 60 minutes a day, 3 days a week; the exercise program consisted of a 10-minute warm-up and stretching, 25 minutes of endurance-type exercise (dancing) at 80% of heart rate (HR)(max), 20 minutes of upper- and lower-body resistance exercises with specialized water-resistance equipment, and a 5-minute cool down. Maximal isometric torque of knee extensors (KEXT) and knee flexors (KFLEX) were evaluated by a Cybex Norm dynamometer, grip strength (HGR) was evaluated using a Jamar hydraulic dynamometer, and dynamic strength was evaluated via the 3 repetition maximum (3RM) test for chest press, knee extension, lat pull down, and leg press. Jumping performance was evaluated using the squat jump (SJ), functional mobility with the timed up-and-go (TUG) test, and trunk flexion with the sit-and-reach test. Body composition was measured using the bioelectrical impedance method. The AT induced significant improvements in KEXT (10.5%) and KFLEX (13.4%) peak torque, HGR strength (13%), 3RM (25.7-29.4%), SJ (24.6%), sit-and-reach (11.6%), and TUG (19.8%) performance. The AT group demonstrated a significant increase in lean body mass (3.4%). No significant changes in these variables were observed in the C group. The results indicate that AT, with both aerobic and resistance components, is an alternative training method for improving neuromuscular and functional fitness performance in healthy elderly women.  相似文献   

This study examined the question of whether increases in plasma volume (hypervolemia) induced through exercise affect muscle substrate utilization and muscle bioenergetics during prolonged heavy effort. Six untrained males (19-24 yr) were studied before and after 3 consecutive days of cycling (2 h/day at 65% of peak O2 consumption) performed in a cool environment (22-23 degrees C, 25-35% relative humidity). This protocol resulted in a 21.2% increase in plasma volume (P less than 0.05). During exercise no difference was found in the blood concentrations of glucose, lactate, and plasma free fatty acids at either 30, 60, 90, or 120 min of exercise before and after the hypervolemia. In contrast, blood alanine was higher (P less than 0.05) during both rest and exercise with hypervolemia. Measurement of muscle samples extracted by biopsy from the vastus lateralis muscle at rest and at 60 and 120 min of exercise indicated no effect of training on high-energy phosphate metabolism (ATP, ADP, creatine phosphate, creatine) or on selected glycolytic intermediate concentrations (glucose 1-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, lactate). In contrast, training resulted in higher (P less than 0.05) muscle glucose and muscle glycogen concentrations. These changes were accompanied by blunting of the exercise-induced increase (P less than 0.05) in both blood epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. Plasma glucagon and serum insulin were not affected by the training. The results indicate that exercise-induced hypervolemia did not alter muscle energy homeostasis. The reduction in muscle glycogen utilization appears to be an early adaptive response to training mediated either by an increase in blood glucose utilization or a decrease in anaerobic glycolysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a daily intake of copper supplements on negative copper balance during prolonged exposure to hypokinesia (decreased number of kilometers per day). During hypokinesia (HK), negative copper balance is shown by increased, not by decreased, serum copper concentration, as it happens in other situations. Studies were done during a 30-d prehypokinetic period and a 364-d hypokinetic period. Forty male trained volunteers aged 22–26 yr with a peak oxygen uptake of 66.4 mL/min/kg and with an average of 13.7 km/d running distance were chosen as subjects. They were equally divided into four groups: unsupplemented ambulatory control subjects (UACS), unsupplemented hypokinetic subjects (UHKS), supplemented hypokinetic subjects (SHKS), and supplemented ambulatory control subjects (SACS). The SACS and SHKS groups took 0.09 mg copper carbonate/kg body weight daily. The SHKS and UHKS groups were maintained under an average running distance of 1.7 km/d, whereas the SACS and UACS groups did not experience any modifications in their normal training routines. During the 30-d prehypokinetic period and the 346-d hypokinetic period, urinary excretion of copper, calcium, and magnesium and serum concentrations of copper, calcium, and magnesium were measured. Copper loss in feces and copper balance was also determined. In both UHKS and SHKS groups, urinary excretion of copper, calcium, and magnesium and concentrations of copper, magnesium, and calcium in serum increased significantly when compared with the SACS and UACS groups. Loss of copper in feces was also increased significantly in the SHKS and UHKS groups when compared with the UACS and SACS groups. Throughout the study, the copper balance was negative in the SHKS and UHKS groups, whereas in the SACS and UACS groups, the copper balance was positive. It was concluded that a daily intake of copper supplements cannot be used to prevent copper deficiency shown by increased copper concentration. Copper supplements also failed to prevent negative copper balance and copper losses in feces and urine in endurancetrained subjects during prolonged exposure to HK.  相似文献   

A new way to develop muscular strength using electromagnetic stimulation (ES) of muscles during their voluntary contractions has been described. The experiment involved 18 healthy men divided into the control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG) with equal parameters of muscular strength. In performing training exercises (the foot plantar flexion), the m. gastrocnemius of the subjects of the EG was exposed to ES (1.8 T, 5 Hz). The subjects of the CG performing the same exercises did not receive ES. The power torque of the foot plantar flexion in the EG significantly increased (24%) after 10 days of training. The power torque of the foot plantar flexion in the control subjects did not significantly change. We suppose that the increase in the muscular strength in the subjects of the EG was due to the activation of high-threshold motor units effected by ES.  相似文献   

Plasma albumin is well known to decrease in response to inflammation. The rate of albumin synthesis from both liver and plasma was measured in vivo by use of a large dose of L-[(2)H(3)-(14)C]valine in rats injected intravenously with live Escherichia coli and in pair-fed control rats during the acute-phase period (2 days postinfection). The plasma albumin concentration was reduced by 50% in infected rats compared with pair-fed animals. Infection induced a fall in both liver albumin mRNA levels and albumin synthesis relative to total liver protein synthesis. However, absolute liver albumin synthesis rate (ASR) was not affected by infection. In plasma, albumin fractional synthesis rate was increased by 50% in infected animals compared with pair-fed animals. The albumin ASR estimated in the plasma was similar in the two groups. These results suggest that hypoalbuminemia is not due to reduced albumin synthesis during sepsis. Moreover, liver and plasma albumin ASR were similar. Therefore, albumin synthesis measured in the plasma is a good indicator of liver albumin synthesis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a light, high-repetition resistance-training program on skinfold thicknesses and muscular strength in women. Thirty-nine active women (mean age 38.64 +/- 4.97 years) were randomly placed into a resistance-training group (RT; n = 20) or a control group (CG; n = 19). The RT group performed a resistance-training program called Bodymax for 1 hour, 3 d.wk(-1), which incorporated the use of variable free weights and high repetitions in a group setting. The CG group continued its customary aerobic training for 1 hour 3 d.wk(-1). Five skinfold and 7 muscular strength measures were determined pretraining and after 12 weeks of training. Sum of skinfolds decreased (-17 mm; p < 0.004) and muscular strength increased (+57.4 kg; p < 0.004) in the RT group. Effect sizes for individual skinfold sites and strength measures were "medium" and "high," respectively. Bodymax is an effective resistance-training program for reducing skinfold thickness and increasing muscular strength in active women. Therefore, women with a similar or lower-activity status should consider incorporating such training into their regular fitness programs.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to determine whether endurance and strength hand grip exercises during 3-week upper limb immobilization preserve muscle oxidative capacity, endurance performance and strength.


Ten healthy adult men underwent non-dominant forearm immobilization by plaster cast for 21 days. Five healthy adult subjects were designated as the immobilization (IMM) group and five were designated as the immobilization + training (IMM+TRN) group. Grip strength, forearm circumference, dynamic handgrip endurance and muscle oxygenation response were measured before and after the 21 day immobilization period. Using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), muscle oxygen consumption recovery (VO2mus) was recorded after a submaximal exercise and the recovery time constant (TcVO2mus) was calculated. Reactive hyperemic oxygenation recovery was evaluated after 5 minutes ischemia. Two training programs were performed by the IMM+TRN group twice a week. One exercise involved a handgrip exercise at 30% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) at a rate of 1 repetition per 1 second until exhaustion (about 60 seconds). The other involved a handgrip exercise at 70% MVC for 2 seconds with a 2 second rest interval, repeated 10 times (40 seconds).


There was a significant group-by-time interaction between the IMM and IMM+TRN groups in the TcVO2mus (p = 0.032, F = 6.711). A significant group-by-time interaction was observed between the IMM and IMM+TRN groups in the MVC (p = 0.001, F = 30.415) and in grip endurance (p = 0.014, F = 9.791). No significant group-by-time interaction was seen in forearm circumference and reactive hyperemic oxygenation response either in IMM or IMM+TRN group.


The training programs during immobilization period used in this experiment were effective in preventing a decline in muscle oxidative function, endurance and strength.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of 4 weeks of low-intensity resistance training with blood-flow occlusion on upper and lower body muscular hypertrophy and muscular strength in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division IA football players. There were 32 subjects (average age 19.2 ± 1.8 years) who were randomized to an occlusion group or control group. The athletes performed 4 sets of bench press and squat in the following manner with or without occlusion: 30 repetitions of 20% predetermined 1 repetition maximum (1RM), followed by 3 sets of 20 repetitions at 20% 1RM. Each set was separated by 45 seconds. The training duration was 3 times per week, after the completion of regular off-season strength training. Data collected included health history, resting blood pressure, pretraining and posttraining bench press and squat 1RM, upper and lower chest girths, upper and lower arm girths, thigh girth, height, and body mass. The increases in bench press and squat 1RM (7.0 and 8.0%, respectively), upper and lower chest girths (3 and 3%, respectively), and left upper arm girth were significantly greater in the experiment group (p < 0.05). Occlusion training could provide additional benefits to traditional strength training to improve muscular hypertrophy and muscular strength in collegiate athletes.  相似文献   

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