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Studies of twins have established that peak bone mass is about 70% heritable. The skeletal response to exercise contributes to peak bone mass, as mechanical loading increases skeletal mass during growth and development. It is possible that the skeletal responsiveness to mechanical loading is under genetic control, so that some individuals will build stronger bones with exercise. This appears to be the case in mice. Long bones in mice of the C3H/He strain are largely unresponsive to mechanical loading. Ironically, this strain of mice has very high bone density. Perhaps the genes that regulate BMD are not the same as those that regulate mechanical loading response. Studies of recombinant inbred and congenic strains derived from C3H mice will help to identify genes influencing bone size, density and responsiveness to mechanical loading.  相似文献   

Although many studies provide examples of evolutionary processes such as adaptive evolution, balancing selection, deleterious variation and genetic drift, the relative importance of these selective and stochastic processes for phenotypic variation within and among populations is unclear. Theoretical and empirical studies from humans as well as natural animal and plant populations have made progress in examining the role of these evolutionary forces within species. Tentative generalizations about evolutionary processes across species are beginning to emerge, as well as contrasting patterns that characterize different groups of organisms. Furthermore, recent technical advances now allow the combination of ecological measurements of selection in natural environments with population genetic analysis of cloned QTLs, promising advances in identifying the evolutionary processes that influence natural genetic variation.  相似文献   

Hybrid advantage, described as the superiority of hybrids in some traits over their parents and termed the “heterosis effect,” is widely documented in the case of reciprocal crosses of parental species (i.e., hybrids representing the F1 generation). In fish, high survival, fast growth and better health status have been widely documented in F1 hybrids. Nonetheless, the effects of interspecific hybridization on vigour, physiology and immunity-related traits in fish are largely unknown, especially concerning native systems of coexisting parental and hybrid genomes in the same habitat. The present study examined the potential physiological and immune aspects of hybrid heterosis by comparing condition status (measured especially by indexes), haematological profile, glucose concentration and selected parameters of non-specific and specific immunity between the evolutionarily divergent non-congeneric cyprinoid species Abramis brama and Rutilus rutilus and their hybrids representing the F1 generation, all of them caught in nature. Clear differences were documented for vigour-related, physiological and immune parameters between the two divergent species. Hybrids generally tended to express intermediate characters of the measured traits, likely generated by the evolutionary divergence of the hybridizing species; nonetheless, for some traits, hybrids exhibited a character that was more similar to one parental species than to the other. This was interpreted as the heterozygote advantage for F1 hybrids. It is suggested that a maternally inherited genetic background may potentially influence the expression of some branches of non-specific immunity or other aspects related to the fish health status.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins integrating dual pesticidal functions have been devised over the last 10 years to improve the effectiveness and potential durability of pest-resistant transgenic crops, but little attention has been paid to the impact of the fusion partners on the actual activity of the resulting hybrids. Here we assessed the ability of the rice cysteine protease inhibitor, oryzacystatin I (OCI), to retain its protease inhibitory potency when used as a template to devise hybrid inhibitors with dual activity against papain-like proteases and carboxypeptidase A (CPA). C-terminal variants of OCI were generated by fusing to its C-terminal end: (i) the primary inhibitory site of the small CPA inhibitor potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI, amino acids 35-39); or (ii) the complete sequence of PCI (a.a. 1-39). The hybrid inhibitors were expressed in E. coli and tested for their inhibitory activity against papain, CPA and digestive cysteine proteases of herbivorous and predatory arthropods. In contrast with the primary inhibitory site of PCI, the entire PCI attached to OCI was as active against CPA as free, purified PCI. The OCI-PCI hybrids also showed activity against papain, but the presence of extra amino acids at the C terminus of OCI negatively altered its inhibitory potency against cysteine proteases. This negative effect, although not preventing dual binding to papain and CPA, was correlated with an increased binding affinity for papain presumably due to non-specific interactions with the PCI domain. These results confirm the potential of OCI and PCI for the design of fusion inhibitors with dual protease inhibitory activity, but also point out the possible functional costs associated with protein domain grafting to recipient pesticidal proteins.  相似文献   

Recent research reveals long-lasting cortical plasticity of early sensory cortices even in adults. Sensory signals could be modified under top-down control if necessary quite early in order to optimize their signal-to-noise ratio, leading to 'low level' or 'early' perceptual learning (PL). For easy tasks, such elaborate top-down influences are usually not required, and learning is restricted to late selection of the appropriate signals on higher cortical levels, which seems easier and faster to achieve. But to reach the absolute limits of sensory performance, PL seems to optimize the entire chain of sensory processing. Hence, improvement for these extreme perceptual abilities is quite specific for a number of stimulus parameters, such as the position in the visual field and sometimes even the trained eye, reflecting the specificity of receptive fields in early sensory cortices. Early PL may be just one example--even if a very extensive one--of the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity and sensomotor flexibility that are constantly updating our sensomotor representations as a result of experience. As an illustration, this review contains some new experimental results on PL and sensory flexibility in the context of adaptation to multifocal intraocular lenses.  相似文献   

In these last two decades , fluorescent proteins (FPs) have become highly valued imaging tools for cell biology, owing to their compatibility with living samples, their low levels of invasiveness and the possibility to specifically fuse them to a variety of proteins of interest. Remarkably, the recent development of phototransformable fluorescent proteins (PTFPs) has made it possible to conceive optical imaging experiments that were unimaginable only a few years ago. For example, it is nowadays possible to monitor intra- or intercellular trafficking, to optically individualize single cells in tissues or to observe single molecules in live cells. The tagging specificity brought by these genetically encoded highlighters leads to constant progress in the engineering of increasingly powerful, versatile and non-cytotoxic FPs. This review is focused on the recent developments of PTFPs and highlights their contribution to studies within cells, tissues and even living organisms. The aspects of single-molecule localization microscopy, intracellular tracking of photoactivated molecules, applications of PTFPs in biotechnology/optobiology and complementarities between PTFPs and other microscopy techniques are particularly discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of seals on fisheries has been a controversial matter. This article examines the degree to which a new Canadian Royal Commission Report has been able to judge between the opposing views of the problem. It also examines the implications of the Commission's results for the more general question of controlling predators for the benefit of prey species, or more accurately, the human harvesters of those species. Finally, it touches very briefly on the possible clash of views between the public at large and those who make their living from the sea.  相似文献   

Fine-tuned discrimination abilities are a prerequisite for optimal diet theory (ODT) and the concept of nutrient regulation as alternative models of food choice. These abilities have rarely been determined, and neither has been applied to frugivorous consumers. We investigated nutrient choices of four tanagers (Tachyphonus cristatus, Dacnis cayana, Chlorophanes spiza and Cyanerpes nitidus) for different lipid or carbohydrate concentrations, and determined discrimination abilities by reducing in steps the difference between two foods ranging from 2.5 to 12%. Three species detected differences in sugar concentrations of only 1% and differences in lipid content of 2%. Hence, frugivorous tanagers were able to select the more rewarding food based on fine-scale differences in nutritional content. Tanagers also consumed more carbohydrates than proteins or lipids in isocaloric trials, but were indifferent to equicaloric solutions of 20% of either glucose or sucrose. In contrast to foods with low sugar contents, intake of foods high in lipids or carbohydrates was limited to a protein intake of 0.75 g/7 h. Lipid and carbohydrates were treated as though they were interchangeable nutrients for birds at low, but not at high, sugar concentrations. Furthermore, the tanagers discriminated foods containing the same amount of protein but differing in the type of protein. Preference for boviserine serum albumin (BSA) over casein was not related to moult. We supplemented the food consisting of casein with the essential amino acid cysteine to match cysteine concentrations of BSA. The birds then consumed more of the casein food than of the cysteine-supplemented casein food. Overall, the birds' consistent choices in the experiments with foods of different energy density are interpretable by both ODT and the nutrient regulation theory. However, only the latter accounts for the birds' choices of isocaloric foods differing in macro- or micronutritional content. Models of food selection should therefore focus on nutrient geometry and consumer-specific requirements. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Technological developments allow increasing numbers of markers to be deployed in case-control studies searching for genetic factors that influence disease susceptibility. However, with vast numbers of markers, true 'hits' may become lost in a sea of false positives. This problem may be particularly acute for infectious diseases, where the control group may contain unexposed individuals with susceptible genotypes. To explore this effect, we used a series of stochastic simulations to model a scenario based loosely on bovine tuberculosis. We find that a candidate gene approach tends to have greater statistical power than studies that use large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genome-wide association tests, almost regardless of the number of SNPs deployed. Both approaches struggle to detect genetic effects when these are either weak or if an appreciable proportion of individuals are unexposed to the disease when modest sample sizes (250 each of cases and controls) are used, but these issues are largely mitigated if sample sizes can be increased to 2000 or more of each class. We conclude that the power of any genotype-phenotype association test will be improved if the sampling strategy takes account of exposure heterogeneity, though this is not necessarily easy to do.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of nonmetric trait databases from several large skeletal series in Northern Europe and South America, representing 27 bilateral traits, we report a predictable relationship between the frequency of nonmetric traits and the probability that they are expressed bilaterally. In a wider sampling of traits and populations, this study thus confirms the findings of an earlier study by Ossenberg ([1981] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 54:471-479), which reported the same relationship for two mandibular traits. This trend was previously explained by extending the multifactorial threshold model for discontinuous traits to incorporate either separate thresholds for unilateral or bilateral expression, or by a fuzzy threshold in which the probability of bilateral expression increases away from the median threshold value. We show that the trend is produced under the standard multifactorial threshold model for discontinuous traits simply if the within-individual or developmental instability variance remains relatively constant across the range of liability. Under this assumption, the number of individuals in which one side but not the other is pushed over the threshold for trait formation will be a larger proportion of the number of individuals expressing the trait when the trait frequency is low. As trait frequency increases, the significance of within-individual variance as a determinant of trait formation decreases relative to the genetic and among-individual environmental variance. These results have implications for interpreting nonmetric trait data as well as for understanding the prevalence of unilateral vs. bilateral expression of a wide variety of discontinuous traits, including dysmorphologies in humans.  相似文献   

The search for the association of rare genetic variants with common diseases is of high interest, yet challenging because of cost considerations. We present an efficient two-stage design that uses diseased cases to first screen for rare variants at stage-1. If too few cases are found to carry any variants, the study stops. Otherwise, the selected variants are screened at stage-2 in a larger set of cases and controls, and the frequency of variants is compared between cases and controls by an exact test that corrects for the stage-1 ascertainment. Simulations show that our new method provides conservative Type-I error rates, similar to the conservative aspect of Fisher’s exact test. We show that the probability of stopping at stage-1 increases with a smaller number of cases screened at stage-1, a larger stage-1 continuation threshold, or a smaller carrier probability. Our simulations also show how these factors impact the power at stage-2. To balance stopping early when there are few variant carriers versus continuation to stage-2 when the variants have a reasonable effect size on the phenotype, we provide guidance on designing an optimal study that minimizes the expected sample size when the null hypothesis is true, yet achieves the desired power.  相似文献   

Two Genetic models (an embryo model and an endosperm model) were proposed for analyzing genetic effects of nuclear genes, cytoplasmic genes, maternal genes, and nuclear–cytoplasmic interaction (NCI) as well as their genotype by environment interaction for quantitative traits of plant seed. In these models, the NCI effects were partitioned into direct additive and dominance NCI components. Mixed linear model approaches were employed for statistical analysis. For both balanced and unbalanced diallel cross designs, Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate unbiasedness and precision of estimated variance components of these models. The results showed that the proposed methods work well. Random genetic effects were predicted with an adjusted unbiased prediction method. Seed traits (protein content and oil content) of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were analyzed as worked examples to demonstrate the use of the models.  相似文献   

Populations often contain discrete classes or morphs (e.g., sexual dimorphisms, wing dimorphisms, trophic dimorphisms) characterized by distinct patterns of trait expression. In quantitative genetic analyses, the different morphs can be considered as different environments within which traits are expressed. Genetic variances and covariances can then be estimated independently for each morph or in a combined analysis. In the latter case, morphs can be considered as separate environments in a bivariate analysis or entered as fixed effects in a univariate analysis. Although a common approach, we demonstrate that the latter produces downwardly biased estimates of additive genetic variance and heritability unless the quantitative genetic architecture of the traits concerned is perfectly correlated between the morphs. This result is derived for four widely used quantitative genetic variance partitioning methods. Given that theory predicts the evolution of genotype‐by‐environment (morph) interactions as a consequence of selection favoring different trait combinations in each morph, we argue that perfect correlations between the genetic architectures of the different morphs are unlikely. A sampling of the recent literature indicates that the majority of researchers studying traits expressed in different morphs recognize this and do estimate morph‐specific quantitative genetic architecture. However, ca. 16% of the studies in our sample utilized only univariate, fixed‐effects models. We caution against this approach and recommend that it be used only if supported by evidence that the genetic architectures of the different morphs do not differ.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure is a key parameter in evolutionary biology. Earlier comparative studies have shown that genetic structure depends on species ecological attributes and life-history traits, but species phylogenetic relatedness had not been accounted for. Here we reevaluate the relationships between genetic structure and species traits in seed plants. Each species is characterized by a set of life-history and ecological features as well as by its geographic range size, its heterozygote deficit, and its genetic structure at nuclear and organelle markers to distinguish between pollen- and seed-mediated gene flow. We use both a conventional regression approach and a method that controls for phylogenetic relationships. Once phylogenetic conservatism and covariation among traits are taken into account, genetic structure is shown to be related with only a few synthetic traits, such as mating system for nuclear markers and seed dispersal mode or geographic range size for organelle markers. Along with other studies on invasiveness or rarity, our work illustrates the fact that predicting the fate of species across a broad taxonomic assemblage on the basis of simple traits is rarely possible, a testimony of the highly contingent nature of evolution.  相似文献   

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