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Bioenergetics of juveniles of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Procambarus clarkii is an endemic North American crayfish species that was introduced into Spain in 1973 for aquacultural and fishing purposes. Although P. clarkii is a well-studied species for commercial production, there is a great gap in the knowledge of the bioenergetics of juveniles. The aims of this study were to quantify the elements of the energy flow for juveniles of P. clarkii when fed in the laboratory on four different diets. The diets used were: (1) trade commercial feed; (2) various dried algal species; (3) dried Gammarus pulex; and (4) an equal mixture of algal species and G. pulex. The best energetic balance was obtained with diet 3 (greatest energy directed to production P=57%; least energetic investment in respiration R=31%, excretion U=9%, but highest energy loss via faeces F=4%). The poorest energetic balance was observed with diet 4 (P=26.3%; R=55.5%; U=14.7%, but lower energy loss in faeces F=3.5%). The mean O:N relationship was 1.37+/-2.15, implying marked protein catabolism. The utility of studying the bioenergetics of juvenile P. clarkii in laboratory conditions results in the formulation of testable hypotheses about ecological facts and the provision of new insights into the management of their populations in natural environments.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellites were isolated from a genomic DNA library enriched for CA- and GA-repeats, and were characterized in 48 individuals of red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii. All 11 microsatellites were polymorphic with an average of allele number of 6.6 per locus. Genotypic distributions of these 11 markers were found to be in conformance with the expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. All 11 markers were unlinked. These markers are being used to study the invasion routine, genetic diversity and population structure of the species P. clarkii.  相似文献   

Lectins are potential immune recognition proteins. In this study, a novel C-type lectin (Pc-Lec1) is reported in freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Pc-Lec1 encodes a protein of 163 amino acids with a putative signal peptide and a single carbohydrate recognition domain. It was constitutively expressed in various tissues of a normal crayfish, especially in the hepatopancreas and gills. Expressions of Pc-Lec1 were up-regulated in the hepatopancreas and gills of crayfish challenged with Vibrio anguillarum, Staphylococcus aureus, or the white spot syndrome virus. Recombinant mature Pc-Lec1 bound bacteria and polysaccharides (peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acid, and lipopolysaccharide) but did not agglutinate bacteria. Pc-Lec1 enhanced hemocyte encapsulation of the sepharose beads in vitro, and the blocking of beads by a polyclonal antibody inhibited encapsulation. Pc-Lec1 promoted clearance of V. anguillarum in vivo. These results suggest that Pc-Lec1 is a pattern recognition receptor and participates in cellular immune response. Pc-Lec1 performs its function as an opsonin by enhancing the encapsulation or clearance of pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

C-type lectins play important roles in the innate immune system of crustaceans. In this study, a novel C-type lectin gene, designated as PcLec4, was obtained from the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that PcLec4 is mainly expressed in the crayfish hepatopancreas and intestine, and the PcLec4 mRNA expression is upregulated after challenged with the bacteria Vibrio anguillarum. PcLec4 was recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli and anti-PcLec4 polyclonal antiserum was prepared. Binding experiments revealed that the recombinant PcLec4 binds to various bacteria and polysaccharides on the bacterial surface, which suggests that PcLec4 recognizes bacterial pathogens. Overexpression of PcLec4 in crayfish using the pIeLec4 vector was performed. The results show that the crayfish overexpressing PcLec4 eliminate injected V. anguillarum more quickly than the control, which suggests that PcLec4 elicits further immune response for removing invading bacteria. The results of the survival experiment confirmed the function of PcLec4 in resisting V. anguillarum because PcLec4 overexpression in crayfish significantly increased the crayfish survival rate. These results reveal that PcLec4 has an important role in the antibacterial immunity of crayfish, and in vivo PcLec4 overexpression might be used as a disease control strategy in aquiculture.  相似文献   

A. O. Oluoch 《Hydrobiologia》1990,208(1-2):85-92
This paper describes the breeding biology of the Louisiana red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii Girard) that has been introduced in a tropical lake, Naivasha. Notable differences in crayfish biology are found between the place of origin in Louisiana and lake Naivasha.In Naivasha sexual maturity in females is reached at a larger size (42 mm carapace length (CL), 76 mm full length (FL)) than in males (40 mm CL, 71 mm FL). The corresponding figures for Chalmette area of Louisiana are 31–32 mm CL for both sexes and at Ben Hur Research Centre, Louisiana, 33 mm CL. The females weigh between 15 and 20 g at the onset of egg deposition. The corresponding Louisiana values are from 5 to 10 g. Crayfish in Naivasha as in Louisiana breed both inside burrows which are 10–70 cm deep, and on the sediment in shallow water at a depth of between 0.5 and 4 m. These observations suggest that reproduction is very much a lake edge activity. The number of breeding individuals in Naivasha varies with the trend of the water surface level. Sexually active females (form I) as judged from secondary sexual characters (appearance of basal hooks at the base of 3rd and 4th walking legs) persist throughout the year at no less than 60% of the adult male population. This is confirmed by the appearance of recently hatched juveniles (3.4 to 6.5 mm CL) in the water throughout the year. Similarly berried females in Naivasha are found throughout the year, though with peaks at irregular intervals. In Louisiana breeding takes place only from August through November with a single peak in October. The fecundity of crayfish in Naivasha is 433 (SE ± 21, N = 133) and there is a positive correlation between body length and egg number.  相似文献   

1. In many freshwater systems, competition for shelter plays an important role in determining the persistence of both native and alien species. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, is currently invading the native habitat of the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in southern Oregon, and interspecific competition for shelter may be driving the species replacement in this region. 2. We designed a 2 × 3 factorial mesocosm experiment, with shelter density and species combination as factors, to investigate shelter occupancy and resource competition. Contrary to our predictions, the two crayfish species are equal competitors for shelter. Further, the invasive P. clarkii modified its shelter occupancy behaviour in the presence of the native P. leniusculus and has broader microhabitat preferences. 3. Specifically, we found that P. clarkii alters shelter occupancy and space use patterns when the two species occurred together, such that shelter use was identical between P. clarkii and P. leniusculus in mixed‐species treatments. In such treatments, both species increased their use of shelters when shelter density increased. When P. clarkii was alone, however, individuals did not alter shelter use as a function of shelter density, whereas P. leniusculus exhibited similar density‐dependent behaviour in both mixed‐ and single‐species treatments. 4. In a complementary field survey, we employed an ‘epicentre‐based’ design to sample two field sites. We observed patterns of microhabitat use and breadth for each species similar to those in our mesocosm experiment: the invasive P. clarkii was more abundant across different habitats and used a broader range of microhabitats than the native P. leniusculus. As such, we found that P. clarkii was more abundant across both field sites than the P. leniusculus, occupying microhabitats within and beyond the preferred range of P. leniusculus. Both field sites were affected by urban development and agriculture. 5. The use of microhabitats by both species was similar in the laboratory and the field. This study confirms that P. clarkii individuals can, and do, successfully occupy microhabitats preferred by P. leniusculus in the Willamette Valley. The results from our study may be relevant to other freshwater systems inhabited by P. clarkii and contribute to the understanding of ‘niche opportunity’, a concept which defines the environmental conditions that promote biological invasions.  相似文献   

Li Y  Deng W  Yang K  Wang W 《Genomics》2012,99(6):355-360
The expression of the prophenoloxidase (proPO) gene was investigated in nine tissues of red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, by real-time PCR after challenges by CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN), Aeromonas hydrophila and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). The results can be summarized as follows: (i) the expression level of the proPO gene in haemocytes was highest among nine studied tissues before the challenge; (ii) the expression of proPO increased in all studied tissues after stimulation by CpG ODN and WSSV, and also increased in all tissues, except the ovary, after the A. hydrophila challenge; (iii) the whole expression profiles were different, suggesting that different immune mechanisms may exist for crayfish that are resistant to WSSV and A. hydrophila, although the expression in haemocytes was similar before and after the WSSV and A. hydrophila challenges.  相似文献   

[背景]养殖动物对饲料的消化利用往往与肠道菌群密切相关.[目的]揭示小龙虾肠道细菌群落组成,并从小龙虾肠道筛选产蛋白酶细菌.[方法]在Illumina MiSeq PE300平台对细菌16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,分析小龙虾肠道细菌群落多样性;通过酪蛋白平板法筛选产蛋白酶细菌并进行分子生物学鉴定.[结...  相似文献   

Studies of crayfish chemical ecology have been conducted in both day and night conditions. This variation may hinder the comparison of data among studies, if the responses by crayfish to chemical cues are dependent upon the time at which the cues are encountered. We tested the hypothesis that responses to chemical cues are dependent on observation time using the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Procambarus clarkii is known to exhibit a light-regulated circadian rhythm, with nocturnal activity peaks. Habitat use differed significantly between non-stimulated periods and periods of exposure to a food stimulus, but no effects of photoperiod (normal vs. reversed) or laboratory conditions (dark vs. light) were observed. The results suggest that, all else being equal, (1) studies of crayfish chemical ecology can be successfully conducted in a variety of experimental conditions, and (2) previous studies conducted at various times of the day should have comparable results.  相似文献   

Studies of crayfish chemical ecology have been conducted in both day and night conditions. This variation may hinder the comparison of data among studies, if the responses by crayfish to chemical cues are dependent upon the time at which the cues are encountered. We tested the hypothesis that responses to chemical cues are dependent on observation time using the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Procambarus clarkii is known to exhibit a light-regulated circadian rhythm, with nocturnal activity peaks. Habitat use differed significantly between non-stimulated periods and periods of exposure to a food stimulus, but no effects of photoperiod (normal vs. reversed) or laboratory conditions (dark vs. light) were observed. The results suggest that, all else being equal, (1) studies of crayfish chemical ecology can be successfully conducted in a variety of experimental conditions, and (2) previous studies conducted at various times of the day should have comparable results.  相似文献   

The crayfish industry in Louisiana is the largest in the United States, with crayfish frequently harvested from waters that experience episodic or chronic hypoxia (dissolved oxygen [DO]≤ 2 mg/l). We examined physiological biomarkers (hemolymph lactate, glucose, and protein concentrations) of hypoxic stress in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii from chronically hypoxic natural habitats and laboratory hypoxia experiments. P. clarkii from normoxic and hypoxic areas in the Atchafalaya River Basin were sampled monthly from April to July 2010. Laboratory experiments subjected P. clarkii to severe hypoxia (1 mg/l DO), moderate hypoxia (2 mg/l DO), or normoxic conditions (control: DO>7.5 mg/l) for 12, 24, and 48 h. P. clarkii from normoxic and hypoxic natural habitats did not display significantly different hemolymph lactate or glucose concentrations; however, mean hemolymph protein concentration was significantly lower in crayfish from hypoxic areas. P. clarkii exposed to severe hypoxia in laboratory experiments had significantly higher hemolymph lactate and glucose concentrations for all three exposure times, whereas large differences in protein concentrations were not observed. These results suggest that elevated hemolymph lactate and glucose concentrations are responses to acute hypoxia in P. clarkii, while differences in protein concentrations are the result of chronic hypoxic exposure.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion factors are important immune components for invertebrate to immobilize, phagocytose or encapsulate invasive microorganisms and foreign particles. In this study, a new cell adhesion factor, peroxinectin (refered as Pcpxin) was isolated from hemocytes of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). The full-length cDNA of Pcpxin was 3014 bp encoding a protein of 819 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 89.0 kDa and a calculational isoelectric point of 6.93. The putative amino acid sequence contained a peroxidase domain and a signal peptide of 21 amino acid residues, and exhibited high identity to peroxinectin from Pacifastacus leniusculus (85%), Fenneropenaeus chinensis (62%) and Scylla serrata (58%), as well as peroxidase from Camponotus floridanus (40%), Pediculus humanus corporis (39%), and Culex quinquefasciatus (38%). Quantitative real time PCR revealed that mRNA expression of Pcpxin in hemocytes could be inhibited by challenge with heat-killed Aeromonas hydrophila, suggesting that Pcpxin was involved in immune responses to A. hydrophila. RNA interference (RNAi) experiment demonstrated that silencing Pcpxin significantly reduced the survival rate of red swamp crayfishes after challenge with A. hydrophila, which indicated that Pcpxin was important for P. clarkii to survive A. hydrophila infection. Moreover, silencing Pcpxin inhibited the up-regulation of crustin1 and lysozyme expression in response to challenge with heat-killed A. hydrophila. This result suggested that Pcpxin might participate in antibacterial peptide gene expression and thereby might be involved in signal transduction pathway regulating the expression of antibacterial peptide gene.  相似文献   

Y Li  X Guo  X Cao  W Deng  W Luo  W Wang 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40652
The red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) was introduced to China in the early 20(th) century. It has been spread to almost all forms of fresh water bodies including lakes, rivers and even paddyfields in most provinces of China. To clarify issues such as the initial entry point(s), dispersal pattern, genetic diversity and genetic structure of Procambarus clarkii in China, the genetic structure and diversity of P. clarkii populations at 37 sampling sites (35 from China, one from the USA and one from Japan) were analyzed using both mitochondrial gene sequences (COI and 16S rRNA) and 12 nuclear microsatellites. Multiple tests including phylogenetic analyses, Bayesian assignment and analysis of isolation by distance showed that (i) the population from Japan and those collected from China, particularly from NanJing (BGt and XG) and its some neighboring sites (CJr, NT and NB), have similar genetic composition, (ii) relatively high genetic diversity was detected in Chinese populations, (iii) the P. clarkii populations in China did not experience significant population expansions. Taken together, Nanjing, Jiangsu province is the presumed initial entry point, and human-mediated dispersal and adaptive variation are likely responsible for the observed genetic pattern of P. clarkii in China.  相似文献   


The possibility that biogenic amines affect ovarian development in the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, was investigated. Females were administered 15 μg/g body weight (bw) of norepinephrine, dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) or octopamine on days 1, 5 and 10 and were sacrificed on day 15. Crayfish given 5-HT showed significant increases in ovarian index (30.5%) and oocyte size (34.0%) over the concurrent controls, while norepinephrine, dopamine and octopamine did not significantly affect either the ovarian index or oocyte size. Significantly more labeling by 14C-leucine of ovarian proteins was found in ovaries of crayfish that were injected with 5-HT in vivo, but when ovarian lobes from crayfish that had not been injected with 5-HT were incubated in vitro with 5-HT added to the incubation medium, no significant change in the level of incorporation of 14C-leucine into ovarian proteins occurred.

The 5-HT receptor blocker LY53857 (25 μg/g bw) retarded ovarian development. The 5-HT releaser fenfluramine and the 5-HT potentiator fluoxetine (both 15 μg/g bw) were also used. Crayfish given fenfluramine, fluoxetine, fenfluramine plus 5-HT or fluoxetine plus 5-HT showed significant increases of ovarian index (24.0–102.8%), oocyte size (20.0–87.4%) and in vitro 14C-leucine labeling of ovarian proteins (30.6–123.6%) over the concurrent controls. The ovaries of crayfish that received the 5-hydroxytryptaminergic neurotoxin 5,6-dihydroxytryptamme (10 μg/g bw) did not show any significant change as compared with the initial control. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that 5-HT, which is present in the central nervous system of Procambarus clarkii, exerts its stimulatory effect on the ovary of this crayfish indirectly by triggering release of the ovary-stimulating hormone.  相似文献   

  1. Patterns of genetic diversity in invasive populations can be modulated by a range of factors acting at different stages of the invasion process, including the genetic composition of the source population(s), the introduction history (e.g. propagule pressure), the environmental suitability of recipient areas, and the features of secondary introductions.
  2. The North American red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, is one of the most widely introduced freshwater species worldwide. It was legally introduced into Spain twice, near the city of Badajoz in 1973 and in the Guadalquivir marshes in 1974. Thereafter the species rapidly colonised almost the entire Iberian Peninsula.
  3. We used seven nuclear microsatellites to describe the genetic diversity and structure of 28 locations distributed across the Iberian Peninsula and to explain the expansion process of the red swamp crayfish. Additionally, we analysed the relationship between environmental suitability and genetic diversity of the studied locations.
  4. The red swamp crayfish had a clear spatial genetic structure in the Iberian Peninsula, probably determined by the two independent introduction events in the 1970s, which produced two main clusters separated spatially, one of which was dominant in Portugal and the other in Spain.
  5. The human-mediated dispersal process seemed to have involved invasion hubs, hosting highly genetically diverse areas and acting as sources for subsequent introductions. Genetic diversity also tended to be higher in more suitable environments across the Iberian Peninsula .
  6. Our results showed that the complex and human-mediated expansion of the red swamp crayfish in the Iberian Peninsula has involved several long- and short-distance movements and that both ecological and anthropogenic factors have shaped the genetic diversity patterns resulting from this invasion process. Early detection of potential invasion hubs may help to halt multiple short-distance translocations and thus the rapid expansion of highly prolific invasive species over non-native areas.

Xavier  Raquel  Soares  Marta C.  Silva  Sofia M.  Banha  Filipe  Gama  Mafalda  Ribeiro  Laura  Anastácio  Pedro  Cardoso  Sónia C. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(17):4045-4057
Hydrobiologia - The invasive red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii is present in most of the Portuguese rivers with well-known economic and environmental impacts, being also an important reservoir...  相似文献   

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