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Wound healing is a process getting affected by internal and external factors and might be interrupted by infections. To overcome infections during wound healing, novel antibacterial agents such as antimicrobial peptides have gained popularity because of the rising antibiotic resistance. Therefore, in this study, a three-dimensional polymeric scaffold was designed for the controlled release of HF-18 peptide, with the contribution of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, and chitosan polymers with the crosslinker genipin. The obtained scaffold structure (OPT) was found to have interconnected pores, was pH-responsive and swelled more in acidic conditions (5446.5% at pH: 5.0). It was observed that HF-18-loaded OPT (P-OPT) was able to release HF-18 peptide both in acidic and neutral conditions in a controlled release manner. This study also demonstrated that both OPT and P-OPT were biocompatible and promoted L929 cell attachment and migration. Antimicrobial activity assessments demonstrated that P-OPT was effectively bactericidal on Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus. Moreover, OPT produced a synergistic effect on the antimicrobial activity of HF-18 peptide, as P-OPT showed activity below the reported MIC value. As a result, OPT is considered a promising scaffold as a carrier for HF-18 for wound healing.  相似文献   

Genetic factors of resistance and predisposition to viral diseases explain a significant part of the clinical variability observed within host populations. Predisposition to viral diseases has been associated to MHC haplotypes and T cell immunity, but a growing repertoire of innate/intrinsic factors are implicated in the genetic determinism of the host susceptibility to viruses. In a long-term study of the genetics of host resistance to fish rhabdoviruses, we produced a collection of double-haploid rainbow trout clones showing a wide range of susceptibility to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) waterborne infection. The susceptibility of fibroblastic cell lines derived from these clonal fish was fully consistent with the susceptibility of the parental fish clones. The mechanisms determining the host resistance therefore did not associate with specific host immunity, but rather with innate or intrinsic factors. One cell line was resistant to rhabdovirus infection due to the combination of an early interferon IFN induction--that was not observed in the susceptible cells--and of yet unknown factors that hamper the first steps of the viral cycle. The implication of IFN was well consistent with the wide range of resistance of this genetic background to VSHV and IHNV, to the birnavirus IPNV and the orthomyxovirus ISAV. Another cell line was even more refractory to the VHSV infection through different antiviral mechanisms. This collection of clonal fish and isogenic cell lines provides an interesting model to analyze the relative contribution of antiviral pathways to the resistance to different viruses.  相似文献   

With the emergence of multiply resistant Staphylococcus aureus, there is an urgent need to better understand the molecular determinants of S. aureus pathogenesis. A model of staphylococcal pathogenesis in zebrafish embryos has been established, in which host phagocytes are able to mount an effective immune response, preventing overwhelming infection from small inocula. Myeloid cell depletion, by pu.1 morpholino-modified antisense injection, removes this immune protection. Macrophages and neutrophils are both implicated in this immune response, phagocytosing circulating bacteria. In addition, in vivo phagocyte/bacteria interactions can be visualized within transparent embryos. A preliminary screen for bacterial pathogenesis determinants has shown that strains bearing mutations in perR, pheP and saeR are attenuated. perR and pheP mutants are deficient in growth in vivo, and their virulence is not fully restored by myeloid cell depletion. On the other hand, saeR mutants are able to grow in vivo, and are completely restored to virulence by myeloid cell depletion. Thus specific pathogen gene function can be matched with particular facets of host response. Zebrafish are a new addition to the tools available for the study of S. aureus pathogenesis, and may provide insights into the interactions of bacterial and host genomes in determining the outcome of infection.  相似文献   

Documenting sources of variation in host viability at pathogen exposure within and among populations is an important task in order to predict host-pathogen evolutionary dynamics. In the present study, we investigated family and population variation in the degree of embryonic infection of the pathogenic fungus Saprolegnia spp., by infecting moor frog (Rana arvalis) eggs from six populations and exposing them to two different temperatures. We found a significant family effect on the degree of Saprolegnia-infection of eggs and embryos, suggesting that there is genetic variation in resistance among embryos, or variation among females in some aspect of maternally induced resistance. Furthermore, infection level differed significantly between temperatures, with most families having more infected eggs in the relatively colder temperature. However, eggs and embryos from the different populations showed different degrees of Saprolegnia-infection in the two temperatures, i.e., there was a significant population × temperature interaction on the proportion of infected eggs. Thus, the degree of Saprolegnia-infection is sensitive to variation at the level of the family, population and environmental conditions, suggesting that responses to fungal outbreaks will vary geographically and will be difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Sarcotoxin IA is a bactericidal peptide of 39 amino acids found in the common flesh fly, Sarcophaga peregrina. Many agronomically important bacteria in Japan are killed by this peptide at sub-micro molar levels, and the growth of tobacco and rice suspension cultured cells is not inhibited with less than 25 microM. Transgenic tobacco plants which overexpress the peptide, i.e. over 250 pmol per gram of fresh leaf, under the control of a high expression constitutive promoter showed enhanced resistance to the pathogens for wild fire disease (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci) and bacterial soft rot disease (Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora).  相似文献   

Freezing injury and disease are both restrictive factors in crop production. In order to improve the tolerance ability to these stresses, a better way is to carry out genetic engineering by transferring dualfunctional genes. A predicted rice antifreeze glycopeptide gene was purposefully selected from rice blast-induced cDNA library. Northern blot demonstrated that the gene is expressed not only in blast-infected rice leaves, but also in low temperature-treated rice. In addition, the expressed protein in Escherichia coli exhibits strong antifreeze activities. The gene was overexpressed in rice plants transformed via Agrobacterium tumefacient EHA105. Overall 112 T0 transformants were obtained in this research. Cold tolerance and disease resistance of T1 transformants were, respectively, investigated. The results showed that plants containing overexpressed transgene can withstand -1 degrees C for 24 h without severe chilling injury after thawed, and that disease symptoms of the parallel transformants are highly reduced in response to blast infection, when compared with controls. The relationship of the gene and several pathogenesis-related protein genes to be chosen was analyzed and discussed. All these results confirmed the dual role of the cloned gene, and implied that genetic engineering using this kind of gene is a promising method to reduce biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding gallerimycin, a novel antifungal peptide from the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella, was isolated from a cDNA library of genes expressed during innate immune response in the caterpillars. Upon ectopic expression of gallerimycin in tobacco, using Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a vector, gallerimycin conferred resistance to the fungal pathogens Erysiphe cichoracearum and Sclerotinia minor. Quantification of gallerimycin mRNA in transgenic tobacco by real-time PCR confirmed transgenic expression under control of the inducible mannopine synthase promoter. Leaf sap and intercellular washing fluid from transgenic tobacco inhibited in vitro germination and growth of the fungal pathogens, demonstrating that gallerimycin is secreted into intercellular spaces. The feasibility of the use of gallerimycin to counteract fungal diseases in crop plants is discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that a 23-amino acid peptide derived from the V3 loop of the surface glycoprotein of the HIV-1 strain MN is able to bind CD4 and to enhance HIV-1 infection. Further studies have suggested that the peptide/CD4 interaction induces an increase in both CD4 expression and CD4/gp120 binding affinity. This paper describes the biological and physico-chemical characterization of three analogues of reduced sequence that have been designed in order to identify the minimum active sequence of this peptide corresponding to the MN-HIV-1 principal neutralizing domain. Biological studies indicate that the entire sequence is required for biological activity and that the sequence 1–18 presents an inhibitory activity. CD and FT-IR absorption data are discussed here in order to identify possible structure-function correlations. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CD40 is a receptor with numerous functions in the activation of antigen presenting cells (APCs), particularly dendritic cells (DC). Using phage display technology, we identified linear peptides containing a novel FPGN/S consensus sequence that enhances the binding of phage to a purified murine CD40-immunoglobulin (Ig) fusion protein (CD40-Ig), but not to Ig alone. To examine the ability the FPGN/S peptides to enhance adenoviral infection of CD40-positive cells, we used bifunctional peptides consisting of an FPGN-containing peptide covalently linked to an adenoviral knob-binding peptide (KBP). One of these, FPGN2-KBP, was able to enhance adenoviral infection of both murine and human DCs in a dose-dependent manner. FPGN2-KBP also improved infection of murine B cell blasts, a murine B lymphoma cell line (L10A), and immortalized human B cells. To demonstrate that enhancement of adenoviral infection depended on the presence of CD40, we analyzed infection of the breast cancer line, SKBR3, that does not express CD40 or the adenovirus cellular receptor, CAR. Infection of SKBR3 cells was enhanced by FPGN2-KBP following transient transfection with a plasmid vector that expresses murine CD40, but not when the cells were mock-transfected. In conclusion, we have isolated a peptide that binds to murine CD40, and promotes the uptake of adenoviruses into CD40-expressing cells of both murine and human origin, suggesting that it may have potential applications for antigen delivery to CD40-positive antigen-presenting cells.  相似文献   

Summary Some plant pathogens produce toxins which cause disease in infected plants. One of the pathogenic toxins, tabtoxin, is produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci, which causes wildfire of tobacco. A tabtoxin resistance gene (ttr) coding for an acetyltransferase isolated from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci was fused to the 35S promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) to construct a chimeric gene for introduction into tobacco cells by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The transgenic tobacco plants showed high specific-expression of the ttr gene and no chlorotic symptoms caused by tabtoxin treatment or with infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci. These results demonstrate a successful approach to obtain disease-resistant plants by detoxification of the pathogenic toxins which play an important role in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The addition of N-glycans to clinically used proteins enhances their therapeutic features. Here we report the design of a novel peptide tag with an unnatural N-glycosylation site, which may increase the N-glycan content of generally any protein. The designed GlycoTags were attached to A1AT, EPO and AGP and constructs were expressed in HEK293 or CHO cells. Hereby we could prove that the attached unnatural N-glycosylation site is decorated with complex-type N-glycans and that the spacer as well as the C-terminal "tail" sequence are critical for the usage of the novel N-glycosylation site. This demonstrates that the novel GlycoTag is a convenient tool to provide proteins with extra N-glycan moieties by simply adding a peptide tag sequence as small as 22 amino acids.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide analogues containing one or a few glycine, L-, and D-alanine residues instead of phosphodiester internucleotide linkages were synthesized (C3′-NH-C(O)-CH(X)-NH-C(O)-C4′, where X = H, (S)-CH3, and (R)-CH3. The stability of the duplexes of modified oligonucleotides with their wild-type complements was studied. The incorporation of glycine and L-alanine residues into internucleotide linkages was shown to noticeably decrease the stability of modified duplexes as compared to that of native ones (ΔT m∼−2°C per modification), whereas analogues containing D-alanine linkers form duplexes with increased stability (ΔT m∼+2°C per modification).  相似文献   

Recently, tilapia hepcidin (TH)1-5 was characterized, and its antimicrobial functions against several pathogens were reported. The antimicrobial functions of another shrimp antimicrobial peptide (AMP), chelonianin, were also characterized using a recombinant chelonianin protein (rcf) that was expressed by a stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line against pathogen infections in fish. The function of the overexpression of both AMPs in zebrafish muscles was not examined in previous studies. Herein, we investigated the antimicrobial functions of TH1-5 and chelonianin against Vibrio vulnificus (204) and Streptococcus agalactiae (SA48) in transgenic TH1-5 zebrafish and transgenic chelonianin zebrafish. The presence of TH1-5 and chelonianin enhanced the inhibitory ability in transgenic AMP zebrafish against the two different bacterial infections. The bacterial number of either V. vulnificus (204) or S. agalactiae (SA48) had decreased at 96?h after injection into transgenic AMP zebrafish muscle compared to non-transgenic zebrafish muscle. Additionally, immune-related gene expressions analyzed by real-time PCR studies showed the modulation of several genes including interleukin (IL)-10, IL-22, IL-26, MyD88, Toll-like receptor (TLR)-1, TLR-3, TLR-4, nuclear factor (NF)-κB, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and lysozyme, and significant differences were found between transgenic AMP zebrafish and wild-type zebrafish injected with PBS at 1-24?h. These results suggest that several immune-related gene expressions were induced in transgenic TH1-5 and chelonianin zebrafish which effectively inhibited bacterial growth. The survival rate dropped to 86.6% in transgenic chelonianin zebrafish after 28 days of infection compared of the 50% survival rate in transgenic TH1-5 zebrafish after 28 days of infection. Overall, these results indicate that TH1-5 and chelonianin possess the potential to be novel candidate genes for aquaculture applications to treat fish diseases.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary malignant bone tumor diagnosed in children and adolescents. Unfortunately, OS patients with metastatic or recurrent disease are highly resistant to front line chemotherapy that significantly limits the long-term survival rate. Since majority of chemotherapeutic agents used in OS work by generating DNA damages, enhanced DNA repair pathways are generally associated with chemoresistance in OS treatment. However, the exact mechanisms of chemoresistance in OS are not fully understood. Our study found that paralogue of XRCC4 and XLF (PAXX), which was identified recently as a novel factor of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), is upregulated in chemoresistant OS cells. Importantly, PAXX deficiency re-sensitizes chemoresistant OS cells to doxorubicin and cisplatin. Mechanistically, chemoresistance to doxorubicin or cisplatin results in enhanced PAXX-Ku70 interaction and elevated NHEJ efficiency. We also identified a small molecule M11 that interrupts PAXX-Ku70 interaction and re-sensitizes chemoresistant OS cells to doxorubicin and cisplatin. Thus, our data provide evidence that PAXX could serve as a novel target to overcome chemoresistance in OS treatment.  相似文献   

High density lipoprotein (HDL) associated paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is crucial for the anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-atherogenic properties of HDL. Discoidal apolipoprotein (apo)A-I:1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) complex has been shown to be the most effective in binding PON1, stabilizing it, and enhancing its lactonase and inhibitory activity of low density lipoprotein oxidation. Based on our earlier study demonstrating that apoA-I mimetic peptide 4F forms discoidal complex with 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, we hypothesized that lipid complexes of 4F would be able to bind PON1 and enhance its activity and stability. To test our hypothesis, we have expressed and purified a recombinant PON1 (rPON1) and studied its interaction with 4F:POPC complex. Our studies show significant increase, compared to the control, in the paraoxonase activity and stability of rPON1 in the presence of 4F:POPC complex. We propose that 4F:POPC complex is a novel platform for PON1 binding, increasing its stability, and enhancing its enzyme activity. We propose a structural model for the 4F:POPC:PON1 ternary complex that is consistent with our results and published observations.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising candidates for the development of future antibiotics. In an attempt to increase the efficacy of therapeutic AMPs, computer-based design methods appear as a reliable strategy. In this study, we evaluated the antimicrobial efficiency and mechanism of action of a novel designed AMP named PaDBS1R1, previously designed by means of the Joker algorithm, using a fragment of the ribosomal protein L39E from the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum as a template. PaDBS1R1 displayed low micromolar broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative (MIC of 1.5?μM) and Gram-positive (MIC of 3?μM) bacteria, including carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC of 6.25?μM) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MIC of 12.5?μM), without cytotoxicity towards HEK-293 cells. In addition, membrane permeabilization and depolarization assays, combined with time-kill studies and FEG-SEM imaging, indicated a fast membrane permeation and further leakage of intracellular content. Biophysical studies with lipid vesicles show a preference of PaDBS1R1 for Gram-negative bacteria-like membranes. We investigated the three-dimensional structure of PaDBS1R1 by CD and NMR analyses. Our results suggest that PaDBS1R1 adopts an amphipathic α-helix upon interacting with hydrophobic environments, after an initial electrostatic interaction with negative charges, suggesting a membrane lytic effect. This study reveals that PaDBS1R1 has potential application in antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

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