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PurposeThe aim of this study was to compare the muscle activity of patients with multidirectional instability treated in a conservative or complex manner (capsular shift with postoperative rehabilitation) and the muscle activity of stable shoulder joints before and after treatment during pull, push, and elevation of upper extremities and during overhead throw.ScopeThe study was carried out on 34 patients with multidirectional shoulder instability treated non-operatively, on 31 patients with multidirectional shoulder instability treated operatively, and on 50 healthy subjects. Signals were recorded by surface EMG from eight different muscles. The mean and standard deviation of the maximum amplitude of normalized voluntary electrical activity for the different movement types and time broadness values during overhead throw were determined for each muscle in all groups and compared with each other.ConclusionThe centralization of the glenohumeral joint and the reduction of instability is attempted to be ensured by the organism through increasing the role of rotator cuff muscles (p = 0.009) and decreasing the role of the deltoid, biceps brachii, and pectoralis maior muscles (p = 0.007). At patients after short-term and long-term conservative treatment, the maximum amplitude of normalized voluntary electrical activity of stabilizer muscles is significantly higher (p = 0.006), and that of accelerator muscles is significantly lower (p = 0.005) and the time broadness is significantly longer (p = 0.01) than that of the control group. At patients after complex treatment (open capsular shift with postoperative conservative rehabilitation) the characteristic of the muscle pattern is similar (p = 0.19) to the control group.The complex treatment resolves the labral ligamentous abnormalities by operative treatment and restores the impaired muscular control by postoperative rehabilitation, whereas the conservative treatment restores only the muscular control.  相似文献   

The paper provides the results of MRI studies in 100 patients having complaints of pain and impaired movements in the shoulder joint in order to establish a diagnosis. Sixty-three patients were found to have MRI signs of shoulder joint instability (SJI). The paper presents and states the found MRI symptoms of SJI. The author concludes that MRI of the shoulder joint in its instability should be used appropriately as it may early reveal changes in the articular osseous, cartilaginous, and soft tissues, which is useful in diagnosing and choosing a treatment.  相似文献   

The paper provides the results of MRI studies in 100 patients having complaints of pain and impaired movements in the shoulder joint in order to establish a diagnosis. Sixty-three patients were found to have MRI signs of shoulder joint instability (SJI). The paper presents and states the found MRI symptoms of SJI. The authors concludes that MRI of the shoulder joint in its instability should be used appropriately as it may early reveal changes in the articular osseous, cartilaginous, and soft tissues, which is useful in diagnosing and choosing a treatment.  相似文献   

For many clinical applications it is necessary to non-invasively determine shoulder motion during dynamic movements, and in such cases skin markers are favoured. However, as skin markers may not accurately track the underlying bone motion the methods currently used must be refined. Furthermore, to determine the motion of the shoulder a model is required to relate the obtained marker trajectories to the shoulder kinematics. In Wu et al. (2005) the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) proposed a shoulder model based on the position of bony landmarks. A limitation of the ISB recommendations is that the reference positions of the shoulder joints are not standardized. The aims of this research project were to develop a method to accurately determine shoulder kinematics using skin markers, and to investigate the effect of introduction of a standardized reference configuration. Fifteen subjects, free from shoulder pathology, performed arm elevations while skin marker trajectories were tracked. Shoulder kinematics were reconstructed using a chain model and extended Kalman filter. The results revealed significant differences between the kinematics obtained with and without introduction of the reference configuration. The curves of joint angle tended towards 0° for 0° of humerus elevation when the reference configuration was introduced. In conclusion, the shoulder kinematics obtained with introduction of the reference configuration were found to be easier to interpret than those obtained without introduction of the reference configuration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy for patients with soft tissue shoulder disorders. DESIGN: A systematic computerised literature search of Medline and Embase, supplemented with citation tracking, for relevant trials with random allocation published before 1996. SUBJECTS: Patients treated with physiotherapy for disorders of soft tissue of the shoulder. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Success rates, mobility, pain, functional status. RESULTS: Six of the 20 assessed trials satisfied at least five of eight validity criteria. Assessment of methods was often hampered by insufficient information on various validity criteria, and trials were often flawed by lack of blinding, high proportions of withdrawals from treatment, and high proportions of missing values. Trial sizes were small: only six trials included intervention groups of more than 25 patients. Ultrasound therapy, evaluated in six trials, was not shown to be effective. Four other trials favoured physiotherapy (laser therapy or manipulation), but the validity of their methods was unsatisfactory. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence that ultrasound therapy is ineffective in the treatment of soft tissue shoulder disorders. Due to small trial sizes and unsatisfactory methods, evidence for the effectiveness of other methods of physiotherapy is inconclusive. For all methods of treatment, trials were too heterogeneous with respect to included patients, index and reference treatments, and follow up to merit valid statistical pooling. Future studies should show whether physiotherapy is superior to treatment with drugs, steroid injections, or a wait and see policy.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence is presented suggesting that the innervation zone of the brachial biceps shifts relative to recording electrodes with changes in joint angle. Myoelectric signal data were acquired from five subjects using a 16-channel linear electrode array, and analyzed to determine a reversal in signal propagation direction indicating innervation zone location. An analysis of the effect of joint angle changes on innervation zone location yielded statistically significant results (ANOVA, alpha = 0.05, p < 0.001) suggesting that the innervation zone moves between 5 and 30 mm in a direction distal to the shoulder as the arm is extended, statistically independent of force level (ANOVA, alpha = 0.05, p > 0.2).  相似文献   

An extensive set of muscle and joint geometry parameters was measured of the right shoulder of an embalmed male. For all muscles the optimal muscle fiber length was determined by laser diffraction measurements of sarcomere length. In addition, tendon length and physiological cross-sectional area were determined. The parameter set was needed to enhance the reliability of a computer model of the shoulder (Van der Helm, 1994a,b Journal of Biomechanics 27, 527-550, 551-569). With the model, an abduction of the arm was simulated in seven positions, at 30 degrees intervals. In each of the simulated arm positions, actual sarcomere lengths were calculated from the lengths of 104 muscle elements, distributed over 16 shoulder muscles. For most muscle elements, the simulated abduction appeared to take place within the sarcomere length range in which the muscle elements can exert force. The muscle elements can then act on the ascending limb as well as on the plateau and on the descending limb of the relative force-length curves of sarcomeres. The produced data set is not only important for the refinement of shoulder modeling, but also for functional analyses of shoulder movements in general.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine (1) if joint position sense (JPS) in subjects with shoulder stiffness (SS) differs from that in controls; (2) if, when JPS is reduced in SS, it is related to scapular muscular activities in the mid/end ranges of motion; and (3) if a person’s function is associated with his or her level of JPS. Eighteen subjects with unilateral SS and 18 controls were included. Each subject performed abduction by self-selecting an end/mid range position. The electromagnetic motion-capturing system collected kinematic data while surface electromyography collected muscle activities (upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior muscles). Subjects were asked to move the upper limb to the target position (end/mid range) accurately without visual guidance. Reduced JPS was observed in subjects with SS (2.7 degrees in mid range, p < 0.05). The JPS was enhanced by an increased scapula muscular activation level in the end range of motion (R = ?0.61 for SS and ?0.41 for controls) and by coordination among muscles’ activation in the mid-range of motion (R = ?0.87 for SS and R = ?0.53 for controls). Impaired JPS was also related to self-reported functional status (R = ?0.56) in subjects with SS. Shoulder JPS in subjects with chronic SS is impaired in comparison with controls. In the mid-range motion, the coordination of scapula muscular activation is related to shoulder JPS. Impaired JPS is also function-related in subjects with SS. These findings suggest that the coordination among scapula muscles’ activation were important to consider in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic SS.  相似文献   

It is clinically challenging to distinguish between ankle and subtalar joints instability in vivo. Understanding the changes in load-displacement at the ankle and subtalar joints after ligament injuries may detect specific changes in joint characteristics that cannot be detected by investigating changes in range of motion alone. The effect of restricting joints end range of motion with ankle braces was already established, but little is known about the effect of an ankle brace on the flexibility of the injured ankle and subtalar joints. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to (1) understand how flexibility is affected at the ankle and subtalar joints after sectioning lateral and intrinsic ligaments during combined sagittal foot position and inversion and during internal rotation and (2) investigate the effect of a semi-rigid ankle brace on the ankle and subtalar joint flexibility. Kinematics and kinetics were collected from nine cadaver feet during inversion through the range of ankle flexion and during internal rotation. Motion was applied with and without a brace on an intact foot and after sequentially sectioning the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) and the intrinsic ligaments. Segmental flexibility was defined as the slope of the angle-moment curve for each 1 Nm interval. Early flexibility significantly increased at the ankle and subtalar joint after CFL sectioning during inversion. The semi-rigid ankle brace significantly decreased early flexibility at the subtalar joint during inversion and internal rotation for all ligament conditions and at the ankle joint after all ligaments were cut.  相似文献   

Tissue overloading is a major contributor to shoulder musculoskeletal injuries. Previous studies attempted to use regression-based methods to predict muscle activities from shoulder kinematics and shoulder kinetics. While a regression-based method can address co-contraction of the antagonist muscles as opposed to the optimization method, most of these regression models were based on limited shoulder postures. The purpose of this study was to develop a set of regression equations to predict the 10th percentile, the median, and the 90th percentile of normalized electromyography (nEMG) activities from shoulder postures and net shoulder moments. Forty participants generated various 3-D shoulder moments at 96 static postures. The nEMG of 16 shoulder muscles was measured and the 3-D net shoulder moment was calculated using a static biomechanical model. A stepwise regression was used to derive the regression equations. The results indicated the measured range of the 3-D shoulder moment in this study was similar to those observed during work requiring light physical capacity. The r2 of all the regression equations ranged between 0.228 and 0.818. For the median of the nEMG, the average r2 among all 16 muscles was 0.645, and the five muscles with the greatest r2 were the three deltoids, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. The results can be used by practitioners to estimate the range of the shoulder muscle activities given a specific arm posture and net shoulder moment.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy one patients with primary pneumonia entered a single blind, placebo controlled trial of physiotherapy. Treatment was allocated at random, physiotherapy consisting of postural drainage, external help with breathing, percussion, and vibration and the controls receiving advice on expectoration, deep breathing, and how to exercise to avoid thrombosis. Principles of pharmaceutical management were the same in the two groups. There was no objective evidence that daily physiotherapy helped during the acute phase of the disease. On the contrary, in younger patients, smokers, and patients with interstitial pneumonia physiotherapy appeared to prolong the duration of fever as well as the hospital stay. It is concluded that chest physiotherapy is at best useless in patients with primary infectious pneumonia.  相似文献   

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