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Two hundred and sixty eight DNA sequences (hypervariable region 1 of the mitochondrial control region) were obtained from chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) in 19 natural populations within the range of the easternmost subspecies, P. t. schweinfurthii. Methods of phylogenetic reconstruction were applied at both the haplotype and population levels. Chimpanzee haplotypes do not sort into location-specific clades on any haplotype trees, indicating that the subspecies is free of major phylogeographic subdivisioning. Trees of populations in which geographic structure was imposed on the data lacked phylogenetic resolution in that interpopulational relationships were poorly supported statistically. These results indicate either a near simultaneous origin for the chimpanzee populations sampled, or an obscuring of interpopulational phylogenetic relationships by gene flow. In contrast, area cladograms of the forests from which chimpanzees were sampled (constructed using lists of endemic taxa) were robust and statistically well-supported. Chimpanzee population history is apparently decoupled from the history of the forests which the populations inhabit. Eastern chimpanzee data are also used to draw phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary comparisons to humans.  相似文献   

The fern genus Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae) is represented in the Hawaiian Islands by 18 endemic taxa and one non-endemic, native species. The goals of this study were to determine whether Dryopteris in Hawai'i is monophyletic and to infer the biogeographical origins of Hawaiian Dryopteris by determining the geographical distributions of their closest living relatives. We sequenced two chloroplast DNA fragments, rbcL and the trnL-F intergenic spacer (IGS), for 18 Hawaiian taxa, 45 non-Hawaiian taxa, and two outgroup species. For individual fragments, we estimated phylogenetic relationships using Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony. We performed a combined analysis of both cpDNA fragments employing Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood. These analyses indicate that Hawaiian Dryopteris is not monophyletic, and that there were at least five separate colonizations of the Hawaiian Islands by different species of dryopteroid ferns, with most of the five groups having closest relatives in SE Asia. The results suggest that one colonizing ancestor, perhaps from SE Asia, gave rise to eight endemic taxa (the glabra group). Another colonizing ancestor, also possibly from SE Asia, gave rise to a group of five endemic taxa (the exindusiate group). Dryopteris fusco-atra and its two varieties, which are endemic to Hawai'i, most likely diversified from a SE Asian ancestor. The Hawaiian endemic Nothoperanema rubiginosum has its closest relatives in SE Asia, and while the remaining two species, D. wallichiana and D. subbipinnata, are sister species, their biogeographical origins could not be determined from these analyses due to the widespread distributions of D. wallichiana and its closest non-Hawaiian relative.  相似文献   

Gary Voelker 《Ibis》2002,144(4):577-584
I used combined sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome  b and ND2 genes to determine the molecular phylogenetic relationships of all five extant species of dipper ( Cinclus ), as well as the relationships of Cinclidae to postulated nearest relatives. All methods of analysis resulted in a single best tree of dipper relationships, uniting the two South American taxa (as sisters) with the single North American exemplar, and the two Eurasian taxa forming a sister clade to the New World taxa. Further, each tree identified thrushes (Turdidae) as the closest relative to Cinclidae. Based on relationships within Cinclus , a Eurasian ancestral area is proposed, with subsequent movement into the New World. Dating of species divergences suggest that dippers arose approximately 4 mya, and achieved their present continental distributions soon after.  相似文献   

Portulaca is the only genus in Portulacaceae and has ca. 100 species distributed worldwide, mainly in the tropics and subtropics. Molecular data place the genus as one of the closest relatives of Cactaceae, but phylogenetic relationships within Portulaca are barely known. This study samples 59 species of Portulaca, 10 infraspecific taxa, and three cultivars, including multiple samples of widespread species. The sampled taxa represent all subgenera in the classifications of von Poellnitz (1934), Legrand (1958), and Geesink (1969) and come from around the world. Nuclear ITS and chloroplast ndhF, trnT-psbD intergenic spacer, and ndhA intron DNA sequences were analyzed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to produce a hypothesis of relationships within Portulaca. Divergence times were estimated using Hawaiian endemics for calibration, and biogeographical patterns were examined using a Bayes-DIVA approach. In addition, the evolution of chromosome numbers in the genus was investigated using probabilistic models. The analyses strongly support the monophyly of Portulaca, with an age of the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of 23 Myr. Within Portulaca are two major lineages: the OL clade (comprising opposite-leaved species) distributed in Africa, Asia, and Australia, and the AL clade (comprising alternate to subopposite-leaved species), which is more widespread and originated in the New World. Sedopsis, a genus sometimes recognized as distinct from Portulaca based on a long corolla tube, is nested within the OL clade and does not merit taxonomic recognition. Samples of Portulaca grandiflora, Portulaca halimoides, and Portulaca oleracea were found to be non-monophyletic. It is hypothesized that the ancestral distribution area of Portulaca included southern hemisphere continents and Asia. The OL clade remained restricted to the Old World (except Portulaca quadrifida, a pantropical weed), while the AL clade, with a South American origin, was able to disperse multiple times to other continents. The base chromosome number for Portulaca is inferred to be x=9, although the analysis was primarily based on the available data for the AL clade. A number of chromosome number change events (polyploidization, demi-polyploidization, gain, and loss) were shown to have occurred in the genus, especially within the Oleracea clade.  相似文献   

In most pan-Eurasiatic species complexes, two phenomena have been traditionally considered key processes of their cladogenesis and biogeography. First, it is hypothesized that the origin and development of the Central Asian Deserts generated a biogeographic barrier that fragmented past continuous distributions in Eastern and Western domains. Second, Pleistocene glaciations have been proposed as the main process driving the regional diversification within each of these domains. The European common toad and its closest relatives provide an interesting opportunity to examine the relative contributions of these paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events to the phylogeny and biogeography of a widespread Eurasiatic group. We investigate this issue by applying a multiproxy approach combining information from molecular phylogenies, a multiple correspondence analysis of allozyme data and species distribution models. Our study includes 304 specimens from 164 populations, covering most of the distributional range of the Bufo bufo species complex in the Western Palearctic. The phylogenies (ML and Bayesian analyses) were based on a total of 1988 bp of mitochondrial DNA encompassing three genes (tRNAval, 16S and ND1). A dataset with 173 species of the family Bufonidae was assembled to estimate the separation of the two pan-Eurasiatic species complexes of Bufo and to date the main biogeographic events within the Bufo bufo species complex. The allozyme study included sixteen protein systems, corresponding to 21 presumptive loci. Finally, the distribution models were based on maximum entropy. Our distribution models show that Eastern and Western species complexes are greatly isolated by the Central Asian Deserts, and our dating estimates place this divergence during the Middle Miocene, a moment in which different sources of evidence document a major upturn of the aridification rate of Central Asia. This climate-driven process likely separated the Eastern and Western species. At the level of the Western Palearctic, our dating estimates place most of the deepest phylogenetic structure before the Pleistocene, indicating that Pleistocene glaciations did not have a major role in splitting the major lineages. At a shallow level, the glacial dynamics contributed unevenly to the genetic structuring of populations, with a strong influence in the European-Caucasian populations, and a more relaxed effect in the Iberian populations.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Phylogenetic relationships were investigated among the eight families (Anacampserotaceae, Basellaceae, Cactaceae, Didiereaceae, Halophytaceae, Montiaceae, Portulacaceae, Talinaceae) that form suborder Cactineae (= Portulacineae) of the Caryophyllales. In addition, photosynthesis diversification and historical biogeography were addressed. ? Methods: Chloroplast DNA sequences, mostly noncoding, were used to estimate the phylogeny. Divergence times were calibrated using two Hawaiian Portulaca species, due to the lack of an unequivocal fossil record for Cactineae. Photosynthetic pathways were determined from carbon isotope ratios (δ(13)C) and leaf anatomy. ? Key results: Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were consistent with previous studies in that the suborder, almost all families, and the ACPT clade (Anacampserotaceae, Cactaceae, Portulacaceae, Talinaceae) were strongly supported as monophyletic; however, relationships among families remain uncertain. The age of Cactineae was estimated to be 18.8 Myr. Leaf anatomy and δ(13)C and were congruent in most cases, and inconsistencies between these pointed to photosynthetic intermediates. Reconstruction of photosynthesis diversification showed C(3) to be the ancestral pathway, a shift to C(4) in Portulacaceae, and five independent origins of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Cactineae were inferred to have originated in the New World. ? Conclusions: Although the C(3) pathway is inferred as the ancestral state in Cactineae, some CAM activity has been reported in the literature in almost every family of the suborder, leaving open the possibility that CAM may have one origin in the group. Incongruence among loci could be due to internal short branches, which possibly represent rapid radiations in response to increasing aridity in the Miocene.  相似文献   

Species in the genus Tangara are distributed throughout the New World tropics and vary in their morphology, behavior, and ecology. We used data from the cytochrome b and ND 2 genes to provide the first phylogenetic perspective on the evolution of this diversity. Reconstructions based on parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian approaches were largely congruent. The genus is monophyletic and consists of two main clades. Within these clades, DNA sequence data confirm the monophyly of most previously recognized species groups within Tangara, indicating general concordance between molecular data and impressions based on geographic distribution, morphology, and behavior. Within some currently recognized species, levels of DNA sequence variation are larger than expected, suggesting multiple taxa may be involved. In contrast, some currently recognized species are only weakly differentiated from their sister species. Biogeographic analyses indicate that many early speciation events occurred in the Andes. More recently, dispersal events followed by subsequent speciation have occurred in other geographic areas of the Neotropics. Assuming a molecular clock, most speciation events occurred well before Pleistocene climatic cycles. The time frame of Tangara speciation corresponds more closely to a period of continued uplift in the Andes during the late Miocene and Pliocene.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the monocot family Hypoxidaceae (Asparagales), which occurs mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, were reconstructed using four plastid DNA regions (rbcL, trnL intron, trnL-F intergenic spacer, and trnS-G intergenic spacer) for 56 ingroup taxa including all currently accepted genera and seven species of the closely related families Asteliaceae, Blandfordiaceae, and Lanariaceae. Data were analyzed by applying parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. The intergenic spacer trnS-G--only rarely used in monocot research--contributed a substantial number of potentially parsimony informative characters. Hypoxidaceae consist of three well-supported major clades, but their interrelationships remain unresolved. Our data indicate that in the Pauridia clade one long-distance dispersal event occurred from southern Africa to Australia. Long-distance dispersal scenarios may also be likely for the current distribution of Hypoxis, which occurs on four continents. In the Curculigo clade, the present distribution of Curculigo s.s. on four continents could support a Gondwanan origin, but the level of divergence is too low for this hypothesis to be likely. The main clades correspond well with some floral characters, habit and palynological data, whereas chromosomal data exhibit plasticity and probably result from polyploidization and subsequent dysploidy and/or aneuploidy. Evolutionary flexibility is also suggested by the number of reported pollination syndromes: melittophily, myophily, sapromyophily, and cantharophily. Based on our phylogenetic results, we suggest cautious nomenclatural reorganization to generate monophyly at the generic level.  相似文献   

In spite of several classification attempts among taxa of the genus Lepus, phylogenetic relationships still remain poorly understood. Here, we present molecular genetic evidence that may resolve some of the current incongruities in the phylogeny of the leporids. The complete mitochondrial cytb, 12S genes, and parts of ND4 and control region fragments were sequenced to examine phylogenetic relationships among Chinese hare taxa and other leporids throughout the World using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction approaches. Using reconstructed phylogenies, we observed that the Chinese hare is not a single monophyletic group as originally thought. Instead, the data infers that the genus Lepus is monophyletic with three unique species groups: North American, Eurasian, and African. Ancestral area analysis indicated that ancestral Lepus arose in North America and then dispersed into Eurasia via the Bering Land Bridge eventually extending to Africa. Brooks Parsimony analysis showed that dispersal events followed by subsequent speciation have occurred in other geographic areas as well and resulted in the rapid radiation and speciation of Lepus. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach based on the continuous autocorrelation of evolutionary rates along branches estimated the divergence time between the three major groups within Lepus. The genus appears to have arisen approximately 10.76 MYA (+/-0.86 MYA), with most speciation events occurring during the Pliocene epoch (5.65+/-1.15 MYA approximately 1.12 +/- 0.47 MYA).  相似文献   

1. Zebra mussels and their relatives (Dreissena spp.) have been well studied in eastern, central and western Europe as well as in North America, because of their invasiveness and economic importance. Much less is known about the biology and biogeography of indigenous (endemic) taxa of Dreissena, in the Balkans. A better knowledge of these taxa could help us (i) understand the factors triggering invasiveness in some taxa and (ii) identify other potentially invasive species. 2. Using a phylogenetic approach (2108 base pairs from three gene fragments), Dreissena spp. from natural lakes in the Balkans were studied to test whether invasive Dreissena populations occur in such lakes on the Balkan Peninsula, whether Dreissena stankovici really is endemic to the ancient Lakes Ohrid and Prespa, and to infer the phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of Balkan dreissenids. 3. No invasive species of Dreissena, such as Dreissena polymorpha, were recorded. The supposedly ‘endemic’D. stankovici is not restricted to the ancient Lakes Ohrid and Prespa, but is the most widespread and dominant species in the west‐central Balkans. Its southern sister taxon, Dreissena blanci, occurs sympatrically with D. stankovici in Lakes Prespa, Mikri Prespa and Pamvotis. Both species are classified into the subgenus Dreissena (Carinodreissena) of which the subgenus Dreissena (Dreissena) (which includes the invasive D. polymorpha) is the sister taxon. Dreissena blanci and D. stankovici are considered to represent distinct species. 4. On a global scale, the two Balkan species have small ranges. An early Pliocene time frame for the divergence of the subgenera Carinodreissena and Dreissena is discussed, as well as potential colonization routes of the most recent common ancestor of Carinodreissena spp. 5. The ambiguous taxonomy of dreissenids in the Balkans is addressed. As nominal D. blanci presbensis from Lake Prespa has nomenclatural priority over D. stankovici, the correct name for the latter taxon should be Dreissena presbensis.  相似文献   

Montane areas in the Neotropics are characterized by high diversity and endemism of birds and other groups. The avian genus Myioborus (Parulinae) is a group of insectivorous warblers, characteristic of cloud forests, that represents one of the few Parulinae genera (New World warblers) that has radiated substantially in South America. The genus is distributed throughout most montane regions from the southwestern United States to northern Argentina. Here, I use mitochondrial sequences from the cytochrome b, ND2, and ND3 genes to present the first hypothesis of phylogenetic relationship among all Myioborus species level taxa. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods produced similar results and suggest a northern origin for the genus Myioborus with subsequent colonization of the Neotropical Montane Region. The lower-montane species, M. miniatus, is the sister taxon to a clade in which all taxa occupy upper-montane habitats. These "highland" taxa diverged early in the history of the genus and produced two well-defined monophyletic lineages, a Central-northern Andean clade formed by M. albifrons, M. ornatus, and M. melanocephalus, and a Pantepui (table-mountains of southern Venezuela, northern Brazil, and western Guyana) clade consisting of M. castaneocapillus, M. albifacies, and M. cardonai, and probably M. pariae. M. brunniceps, M. flavivertex, and M. torquatus were included in this upper-montane clade but without clear relationships to other taxa. Lack of resolution of nodes defining the upper-montane species clade is likely to result from a period of rapid diversification mediated by geological and climatic events during the Late Pliocene. These results suggest that an interplay of dispersal and vicariance has shaped the current biogeographic patterns of Myioborus.  相似文献   

Within phylogenetics, two methods are known to implement cladistics: parsimony or maximum parsimony (MP) and three-item analysis (3ia). Despite the lack of suitable software, 3ia is occasionally used in systematic, and more regularly, in historical biogeography. Here, we present LisBeth, the first and only phylogenetic/biogeographic program freely available that uses the 3ia approach and offer some insights into its theoretical propositions. LisBeth does not rely on the conventional taxon/character matrix. Instead, characters are represented as rooted trees. LisBeth performs 3ia analyses based on maximum congruence of three-item statements and calculates the intersection tree (which differs from usual consensus). In biogeography, it applies the transparent method to handle widespread taxa and implements paralogy-free subtree analysis to remove redundant distributions. For the sake of interoperability, LisBeth may import/export characters from/to matrix in NEXUS format, allowing comparison with other cladistic programs. LisBeth also imports phylogenetic characters from Xper2 knowledge bases.  相似文献   

Inferring the evolutionary and biogeographic history of taxa occurring in a particular region is one way to determine the processes by which the biodiversity of that region originated. Tree boas of the genus Corallus are an ancient clade and occur throughout Central and South America and the Lesser Antilles, making it an excellent group for investigating Neotropical biogeography. Using sequenced portions of two mitochondrial and three nuclear loci for individuals of all recognized species of Corallus, we infer phylogenetic relationships, present the first molecular analysis of the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic C. cropanii, develop a time-calibrated phylogeny, and explore the biogeographic history of the genus. We found that Corallus diversified within mainland South America, via over-water dispersals to the Lesser Antilles and Central America, and via the traditionally recognized Panamanian land bridge. Divergence time estimates reject the South American Caribbean-Track as a general biogeographic model for Corallus and implicate a role for events during the Oligocene and Miocene in diversification such as marine incursions and the uplift of the Andes. Our findings also suggest that recognition of the island endemic species, C. grenadensis and C. cookii, is questionable as they are nested within the widely distributed species, C. hortulanus. Our results highlight the importance of using widespread taxa when forming and testing biogeographic hypotheses in complex regions and further illustrate the difficulty of forming broadly applicable hypotheses regarding patterns of diversification in the Neotropical region.  相似文献   

Abstract. The historical biogeography of sturgeons is explored using information from palaeogeography, palaeontology and phylogenetic interrelationships. The integration of information from these diverse sources indicates that sturgeons reached a wide Laurasian distribution in the Cretaceous and Tertiary by freshwater and coastal dispersal routes across land connections and along newly forming continental margins. The fossil record also suggests a considerable degree of morphological stasis and also supports an estuarine habit, and perhaps diadromy, as an old and conserved life history trait. While a ‘centre of origin’ for sturgeons remains elusive, phylogenetic relationships indicate that diversification appears to have been associated with fragmentation of biota, and of landmasses and basins, by late Tertiary geological and climatic phenomena, such as orogeny and unequal glaciation over North America, the desiccation of central Asia and alteration of its drainages, and the formation of discrete Ponto-Caspian basins by the fragmentation of the Paratethys. Amphi-oceanic distributions of certain species (Acipenser medirostris Ayres) and sister taxa (e.g. A. oxyrhynchus Mitchill and A. sturio L.) are explained by coastal dispersal and subsequent vicariance by geological (sea-floor spreading and development of new continental margins) and climatic (Pliocene cooling) changes during the Tertiary. An hypothesis is developed for the relationships of the North American sturgeons and their potential relationships with the Siberian sturgeon A. baeri. Late Tertiary climatic and geological phenomena are hypothesized as mediators of vicariance and subsequent diversification of these acipenserids. It appears that although acipenserids are a geologically old group, the historical biogeography of surviving lineages is best explained by more recent geological and climatic changes.  相似文献   

Aim Various data sets and methods of analysis were combined to produce the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the genus Tuber and to analyse its biogeography. Location Europe, North Africa, China, Asia, North America. Methods Phylogenetic relationships among Tuber species were reconstructed based on a data set of internal‐transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and various phylogenetic inference methods, specifically maximum parsimony, Bayesian analysis and neighbour joining. Tajima’s relative rate test showed that Tuber 18S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, 5.8S‐ITS2 rRNA and β‐tubulin sequences evolved in a clock‐like manner. These genes, combined or not, were employed for molecular clock estimates after construction of linearized trees using mega 3.1. We reconstructed ancestral areas in the Northern Hemisphere by means of a dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva 1.1) based on current distribution patterns of the genus Tuber determined from the literature. Results The resulting molecular phylogeny divided the genus Tuber into five distinct clades, in agreement with our previously published studies. The Puberulum, Melanosporum and Rufum groups were diversified in terms of species and geographical distribution. In contrast, the Aestivum and Excavatum groups were less diversified and were located only in Europe or North Africa. Using a global molecular clock analysis, we estimated the divergence times for the origin of the genus and for the origin of several groups. diva inferred nine dispersal events and suggested that the ancestor of Tuber was originally present in Europe or was widespread in Eurasia. Equally optimal distributions were obtained for several nodes, suggesting different possible biogeographical patterns. Main conclusions Our analyses identified several discrepancies with the classical taxonomy of the genus, and we propose a new phylogenetic classification. According to molecular clocks, the radiation of the genus Tuber could have started between 271 and 140 Ma. Used in combination with the results obtained from time divergence estimates, this allows us to propose two equally probable scenarios of intra‐ and inter‐continental diversification of the genus according to the geographic distribution of the most recent common ancestor in Europe or Eurasia. The biogeographical patterns imply intra‐continental dispersal events between Europe and Asia and inter‐continental dispersal events between North America and Europe or Asia, which are compatible with land connections during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of population divergence and speciation across the Oriental Region are sparse, despite the region’s high biodiversity and extensive Pliocene and Pleistocene environmental change. A molecular phylogenetic study of the Neocellia Series of Anopheles mosquitoes was undertaken to identify patterns of diversification across the Oriental Region and to infer the role of Pleistocene and Pliocene climatic change. A robust phylogeny was constructed using CO2 and ND5 mitochondrial genes and ITS2 and D3 nuclear ribosomal markers. Bayesian analysis of mitochondrial genes was used to date divergence events. The repeated contraction and expansion of forest habitat resulting from Pleistocene climatic fluctuations appears to have had a substantial impact on intraspecific diversification, but has not driven speciation within this group. Primarily early to mid Pliocene speciation was detected within the Annularis Group, whereas speciation within the Maculatus and Jamesii Groups occurred during the mid and late Pliocene. Both allopatric divergence driven by late Pliocene environmental changes and ecological adaptation, involving altitudinal replacement and seasonality, are likely to have influenced speciation in the Maculatus Group.  相似文献   

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