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In the immediate aftermath of global extinctions, organisms were normally much smaller than those prior to these events. This ‘Lilliput Effect’ can be subdivided into two types: 1) a specific type, following the original definition of the effect which targets species-level taxa associated with inhospitable environments, and 2) a more general type, related to the reactions of higher-rank taxa above the species-level. The body sizes of brachiopods from South China through the Ordovician and Silurian transition (Late Katian, Hirnantian, and earliest Rhuddanian) are compared at generic, superfamilial, ordinal, and class levels. The results indicate that the body sizes of the taxa of lower rank (e.g. genus-level) are highly variable within these different intervals. The type of evidence for the Lilliput Effect through the end Ordovician mass extinction is thus quite different from that of the end Permian mass extinction probably reflecting differences in the intensity of these two major bioevents. However, the relationships between the contrasting trends in body-size change of some taxa of higher rank (e.g. at the ordinal-level) and the relative dominance of these taxa in the latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian suggest that the brachiopods of the two major Ordovician groups, the strophomenoids and orthoids, adopted different survival strategies during and immediately after the crisis from those of the pentamerides and rhynchonellides, that were common in Silurian assemblages.  相似文献   

Bone densitometry is used to assess skeletal health in clinical and research settings, with the goal of achieving reproducible measurements of bone mass that help to identify individuals predisposed to fracture. The search is now on for better methods of capturing additional factors that contribute to bone strength, including bone size, geometry, microarchitecture, and turnover rates. This has proved particularly challenging in growing children, whose bones continually change in size, shape, and mass. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is the preferred method for measuring bone mass in children, but the technique has several limitations, and interpreting the findings can be problematic. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography is a promising method for assessing bone mass and other indices correlating with bone strength, but a lack of precision and paediatric norms currently restricts its clinical utility. Although bone mineral density is predictive of future fracture risk in adults, the evidence in children is less conclusive, and a diagnosis of osteoporosis in a child should not be made on densitometric findings alone. Developing a clearer understanding of how measures of bone mass and strength correlate with bone fracture in children will help target preventive strategies for those in greatest need.  相似文献   

To investigate laying decision and clutch size determination in indeterminate layers, we analysed in-nest activity (nest presence, and copulation, prey deliveries, and entrance frequencies) and female body mass change, as well as their relation to clutch size variation in five Barn Owl pairs (Tyto alba) nesting in eastern France. Body mass of the female and behaviour [copulation frequency, entrance frequency, and prey delivery to the nest by the male (in number and mass)] were monitored using an automated weighing system and a video camera. There was a consistent change of behaviour and foraging activity among pairs ca. 18 days before laying indicating that the females may be tied to the nest at this time. Barn Owls being indeterminate layers have their clutch size determined at the oviposition of the first egg of the clutch. Window correlation analyses between the clutch size and the female body mass gain indicate that the clutch size might be determined no later than a few days before the laying of the first egg. Our results suggest that female Barn Owls may use the pre-laying period to determine the clutch size using cues such as the male food deliveries (a proxy for male quality).  相似文献   

Dicynodonts were the most diverse and abundant herbivorous therapsids of the Permo‐Triassic. They include Lystrosaurus, one of the few taxa known to survive the end‐Permian extinction and the most abundant tetrapod during the Early Triassic postextinction recovery. Explanations for the success of Lystrosaurus and other dicynodonts remain controversial. This study presents an assessment of dicynodont growth patterns using bone histology, with special focus on taxa associated with the end‐Permian extinction event. Bone histological analysis reveals a high cortical thickness throughout the clade, perhaps reflecting a phylogenetic constraint. Growth rings are absent early in ontogeny, and combined with high vascular density, indicate rapid, sustained growth up to the subadult stage. Extraordinarily enlarged vascular channels are present in the midcortex of many dicynodonts, including adults, and may have facilitated a more efficient assimilation of nutrients and rapid bone growth compared to other therapsids. Both increased channel density and enlarged vascular channels evolved at or near the base of major radiations of dicynodonts, implying that the changes in growth and life history they represent may have been key to the success of dicynodonts. Furthermore, this exceptionally rapid growth to adulthood may have contributed to the survival of Lystrosaurus during the end‐Permian extinction and its dominance during the postextinction recovery period. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 341–365.  相似文献   

Large perturbations to the global carbon cycle occurred during the Permian–Triassic boundary mass extinction, the largest extinction event of the Phanerozoic Eon (542 Ma to present). Controversy concerning the pattern and mechanism of variations in the marine carbonate carbon isotope record of the Permian–Triassic crisis interval (PTCI) and their relationship to the marine mass extinction has not been resolved to date. Herein, high-resolution carbonate carbon isotope profiles (δ13Ccarb), accompanied by lithofacies, were generated for four sections with microbialite (Taiping, Zuodeng, Cili, and Chongyang) in South China to better constrain patterns and controls on δ13Ccarb variation in the PTCI and to test hypotheses about the temporal relationship between perturbations to the global carbon cycle and the marine mass extinction event. All four study sections exhibit a stepwise negative shift in δ13Ccarb during the Late Permian–Early Triassic, with the shift preceding the end-Permian crisis being larger (> 3‰) than that following it (1–2‰). The pre-crisis shifts in δ13Ccarb are widely correlatable and, hence, represent perturbations to the global carbon cycle. The comparatively smaller shifts following the crisis demonstrate that the marine mass extinction event itself had at most limited influence on the global carbon cycle, and that both Late Permian δ13Ccarb shifts and the mass extinction must be attributed to some other cause. Their origin cannot be uniquely determined from C-isotopic data alone but appears to be most compatible with a mechanism based on episodic volcanism in combination with collapse of terrestrial ecosystems and soil erosion.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the complexity of the endothelium and its major role in maintaining or altering blood vessel architecture are being revealed. In contrast, the vascular smooth muscle cell previously received the most attention. I suggest support of the hypothesis that the endothelium is the key to vascular disease. An altered endothelium in diabetes mellitus likewise is likely to be pivotal in vascular complications that develop. We have demonstrated that adherent monocytes, indicators of altered endothelium, occur in deoxycorticosterone acetate induced hypertension in male Wistar rats. The coronary artery and thoracic aorta were investigated using transmission electron microscopy. Details of hypertensive changes were revealed as well as early atherogenic pathology in the absence of dietary modifications. Scanning electron microscopy of thoracic aorta showed details of the luminal endothelial surface and adherent monocyte-macrophages in hypertensive animals. There were two cell types: numerous typical monocytes with upstream tails, and larger cells that may have been free grazing macrophages or macrophages that had returned to the circulation. Debris and amorphous material were particularly evident in vessels from hypertensive animals. Monocytes squeezed between intact endothelial plasma membranes (as seen in section), and were found as subendothelial foam cells and phagocytosing macrophages. The endothelial adherence of monocytes to the aortas from diabetic animals was significantly (p less than 0.05) elevated over that found in controls (but not different from control-hypertensive or diabetic-hypertensive animals) supporting the concept of altered endothelium in diabetes.  相似文献   

A recently discovered feature of plant–flower visitor webs is the asymmetric specialization of the interaction partners: specialized plants interact mainly with generalized flower visitors and specialized flower visitors mainly with generalized plants. Little is known about the factors leading to this asymmetry and their consequences for the extinction risk of species. Previous studies have proposed random interactions proportional to species abundance as an explanation. However, the simulation models used in these studies did not include potential biological constraints. In the present study, we tested the potential role of both morphological constraints and species abundance in promoting asymmetric specialization. We compared actual field data of a Mediterranean plant–flower visitor web with predictions of Monte Carlo simulations including different combinations of the potential factors structuring the web. Our simulations showed that both nectar-holder depth and abundance were able to produce asymmetry; but that the expected degree of asymmetry was stronger if based on both. Both factors can predict the number of interaction partners, but only nectar-holder depth was able to predict the degree of asymmetry of a certain species. What is more, without the size threshold the influence of abundance would disappear over time. Thus, asymmetric specialization seems to be the result of a size threshold and, only among the allowed interactions above this size threshold, a result of random interactions proportional to abundance. The simulations also showed that asymmetric specialization could not be the reason that the extinction risk of specialists and generalists is equalized, as suggested in the literature. In asymmetric webs specialists clearly had higher short-term extinction risks. In fact, primarily generalist visitors seem to profit from asymmetric specialization. In our web, specialists were less abundant than generalists. Therefore, including abundance in the simulation models increased the difference between specialists and generalists even more. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

 Burst swimming increased haematocrit (partly from erythrocyte swelling) in the cryopelagic nototheniid Pagothenia borchgrevinki, but not in the benthic species Trematomus bernacchii. Erythrocyte nucleotides, which regulate haemoglobin-oxygen affinity, remained constant. Plasma cortisol was high in all captive fish and raised questions about the effects of chronic stress on metabolic measurements from Antarctic fish held in captivity. Glycogen was reduced in white trunk muscle, but not in the red pectoral muscle of exercised P. borchgrevinki. Red pectoral muscle glycogen was nearly 3 times higher in T. bernacchii than in P. borchgrevinki but post-exercise lactate rises were modest. Lactate values were, however, higher in exercised P. borchgrevinki white muscle than in T. bernacchii, and correlated with muscle-buffering capacity. Resting adenylate energy charge (AEC) was unexpectedly low in both species and reduced with exercise only for white muscle in P. borchgrevinki. While it appears that the capacity for burst swimming is limited by endogenous metabolic fuels, confirmation of low resting values of ATP and AEC in Antarctic fishes requires the development of methods that maintain high phosphocreatine levels in the muscle. Received: 12 February 1996/Accepted:1 May 1996  相似文献   

Because asymmetric individuals are less attractive and may suffer from reduced fitness, bilateral asymmetry is widely believed to affect human sexual selection. Its evolutionary significance is based on the presumed relationship with developmental instability (DI). Yet, relationships between DI and bilateral asymmetry are often weak and possibly confounded by asymmetric mechanical loadings because of handedness. We related asymmetry in hands and faces to degrees of handedness and sexual behaviour in 100 humans. Handedness correlated to levels of asymmetry, thereby likely invalidating the use of asymmetry to estimate DI. For facial asymmetry, applying existing theoretical models refuted a link between asymmetry and DI. Explicit statistical modelling at the level of DI confirmed the absence of a link between DI and aspects of sexual behaviour. Nevertheless, asymmetries in both hands and face correlated significantly with sexual behaviour. We conclude that bilateral asymmetry per se, rather than its presumed link with DI, more likely relates to measures of human sexual behaviour. Because lateralization of behaviour appears widespread, evaluating the role of DI in evolution and ecology relies on a very critical selection of traits whose asymmetry can reliably reflect DI.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study for schistosomiasis was carried out in the localities of Alian?a, Alegre and Coroatá (districts of Cururupu, S?o Bento and S?o Jo?o Batista, respectively) in the lowland of the state of Maranh?o, after respectively 13, 11 and 4 mass treatments with oxamniquine in the period of ten years (1977-1987). The study included clinical and quantitative fecal examination, skin test for Schistosoma mansoni infection, evaluation of man-water contact of the total population (829 persons) in the three localities and other epidemiological investigations such as infection rate and dynamics of the snail population. After 13 mass treatments in Alian?a, the prevalence of S. mansoni infection was reduced from 57.9% to 7.4%. In Coroatá with 11 mass treatments the prevalence fell from 69.2% to 12.8% and in Alegre, with only 4 mass treatments there was practically no reduction in prevalence: 22.9% to 21%. After mass treatments the type II hepatointestinal clinical form was 10.8% in Alian?a, 17.9% in Alegre and 18% in Coroatá. The hepatosplenic (type III) form was not seen in Alian?a and Coroatá but unexplanably it was 7.6% in Alegre. There was no correlation between the egg load elimination and the clinical forms.  相似文献   

Social, environmental, and perceptual factors have been suggested to account for the evolution of visual signal diversity in lizards. Previous investigations have inferred that signal complexity may also be related to body size. In this study, we use three complementary comparative analyses to investigate whether body size has influenced macro-evolutionary trends in display modifier repertoire size for 110 species of iguanian lizards. We found evidence that signal complexity, as measured by repertoire size, is negatively associated with body size. However, this relationship was not strictly linear. Rather, body size seems to impose a threshold on signal evolution. Specifically, the evolution of large repertoire size appears to be less likely above a particular size threshold, which results in large-bodied lizards having a significantly lower probability of evolving elaborate displays. This relationship may reflect the influence of body size on resource use and the emergent social dynamics it promotes. Large lizards tend to be herbivorous and typically do not defend foraging patches. Consistent with this hypothesis is the previously reported finding of a similar size threshold dividing herbivorous from insectivorous lizards. We suggest to fully understand the evolutionary processes acting on communicative systems, it is important that we identify both the selective forces involved and the nature of their influence. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 145–161.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in personality and immediate behavioural plasticity. While developmental environment may explain this group diversity, the effect of parental environment is still unexplored—a surprising observation since parental environment influences mean behaviour. We tested whether developmental and parental environments impacted personality and immediate plasticity. We raised two generations of Physa acuta snails in the laboratory with or without developmental exposure to predator cues. Escape behaviour was repeatedly assessed on adult snails with or without predator cues in the immediate environment. On average, snails were slower to escape if they or their parents had been exposed to predator cues during development. Snails were also less plastic in response to immediate predation risk on average if they or their parents had been exposed to predator cues. Group diversity in personality was greater in predator-exposed snails than unexposed snails, while parental environment did not influence it. Group diversity in immediate plasticity was not significant. Our results suggest that only developmental environment plays a key role in the emergence of group diversity in personality, but that parental environment influences mean behavioural responses to the environmental change. Consequently, although different, both developmental and parental cues may have evolutionary implications on behavioural responses.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes typically first encounter the environment as free-swimming embryos or larvae. Larvae are morphologically distinct from adults, and major anatomical structures are unformed. Thus, larvae undergo a series of dramatic morphological changes until they reach adult morphology (but are reproductively immature) and are considered juveniles. Free-swimming embryos and larvae are able to perform a C-start, an effective escape response that is used evade predators. However, escape response performance improves during early development: as young fish grow, they swim faster (length-specific maximum velocity increases) and perform the escape more rapidly (time to complete the behavior decreases). These improvements cease when fish become juveniles, although absolute swimming velocity (m s(-1)) continues to increase. We use studies of escape behavior and ontogeny in California halibut (Paralichthys californicus), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus) to test the hypothesis that specific morphological changes improve escape performance. We suggest that formation of the caudal fin improves energy transfer to the water and therefore increases thrust production and swimming velocity. In addition, changes to the axial skeleton during the larval period produce increased axial stiffness, which in turn allows the production of a more rapid and effective escape response. Because escape performance improves as adult morphology develops, fish that enter the environment in an advanced stage of development (i.e., those with direct development) should have a greater ability to evade predators than do fish that enter the environment at an early stage of development (i.e., those with indirect development).  相似文献   

Krill plays a significant role in the Barents Sea ecosystem, providing energy transport between different trophic levels. The current paper presents the results of a long-term study (1980–2009) based on pelagic trawl catches from August to September. Our investigations show that the krill species were distributed widely in the Barents Sea and that the largest krill concentrations were restricted to the west-central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea. The current paper presents the relative biomass indices, and the estimates must be interpreted as minimum biomass. The mean annual krill biomass was estimated to be 22 million tonnes in wet weight, with the highest values being as much as 48 million tonnes. Capelin is the largest pelagic stock, and in some years, their biomass can amount to 4–7 million tonnes, which can impose high predation pressure on krill. When their biomass is high, capelin may consume close to 26 million tonnes annually. The predation from pelagic (herring and blue whiting) and bottom (cod and haddock) fish species was much lower, being 9 and 1 million tonnes, respectively. A negative relationship between krill biomass and capelin stock size above 74°N was observed during the study period. However, during the last decade, the krill biomass has increased despite heavy predation from capelin in some years. A positive significant linear relationship between the mean annual Kola temperature and the krill biomass seems to indicate that the recent warming conditions have favourable impacts on the krill populations in the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Plant mitochondria are sensitive organelles affected by changing environmental stressors. Upon heat shock or the presence of reactive oxygen species, plant mitochondria undergo in vivo morphological derangements associated with the extensively characterized opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Nevertheless, the classic mitochondrial permeability transition is known to be triggered by calcium overload causing mitochondrial swelling and dysfunction. Here we review evidence concerning calcium handling, permeability transition and mitochondrial impairments in plants, supporting the notion that the mitochondrial morphology transition is an in vivo indicator of the permeability transition.  相似文献   

The typical multi‐host life cycle of many parasites, although conferring several advantages, presents the parasites with a highly hazardous transmission route. As a consequence, parasites have evolved various adaptations increasing their chances of transmission between the different hosts of the life cycle. Some trematode species like the opecoelid Coitocaecum parvum have adopted a more drastic alternative strategy whereby the definitive host is facultatively dropped from the cycle, resulting in a shorter, hence easier to complete, life cycle. Like other species capable of abbreviating their life cycle, C. parvum does so through progenetic development within its intermediate host. Laboratory‐reared C. parvum can modulate their developmental strategy inside the second intermediate host according to current transmission opportunities, though this ability is not apparent in natural C. parvum populations. Here we show that this difference is likely due to the time C. parvum individuals spend in their intermediate hosts in the natural environment. Although transmission opportunities, i.e. chemical cues of the presence of definitive hosts, promoted the adoption of a truncated life cycle in the early stages of infection, individuals that remained in their amphipod host for a relatively long time had a similar probability of adopting progenesis and the abbreviated cycle, regardless of the presence or absence of chemical cues from the predator definitive host. These results support the developmental time hypothesis which states that parasites capable of facultative life cycle abbreviation should eventually adopt progenesis regardless of transmission opportunities, and provide further evidence of the adaptive plasticity of parasite transmission strategies.  相似文献   

High ambient temperatures have been associated with increased mortality across the world. Several studies suggest that timely preventive measures may reduce heat-related excess mortality. The main aim of this study was to detect the temporal modification of heat-related mortality, in older adults (aged 65-74) and in elderly ≥75 years old, in the Florentine area by comparing previous (1999-2002) and subsequent (2004-2007) periods to the summer of 2003, when a regional Heat-Health Warning System (HHWS) was set up. Mortality data from 1999 to 2007 (May-September) were provided by the Mortality Registry of the Tuscany Region (n = 21,092). Weather data were used to assess daily apparent temperatures (AT). Case-crossover time-stratified designs and constrained segmented distributed lag models were applied. No significant heat-related mortality odds ratio (OR) variations were observed among the sub-periods. Nevertheless, a general OR decrease dating from 1999-2002 (OR 1.23; lack of HHWS) to 2004-2005 (OR 1.21; experimental HHWS running only for Florence) and to 2006-2007 (OR 1.12; official HHWS extended to the whole Florentine area) was observed when the maximum AT was considered. This modification was only evident in subjects ≥75 years old. The heat effect was higher and sustained for more days (until lag 9) during the period 1999-2002 than 2004-2007. The decrease of the excessive heat effect on mortality between periods with the absence and existence of a HHWS is also probably due to the mitigation of preventive measures and the implementation of a HHWS with specific interventions for safeguarding the health of the "frail elderly".  相似文献   

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