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Food consumption and digestion of male and female dugongs (Dugong dugon) was examined by analyzing long-term (1979–1998) feeding records at Toba Aquarium (Japan). Throughout all captive feeding periods, dugongs consumed eelgrass (Zostera marina) and showed steady increases in feed consumption with a consistent weight gain of 42–45?kg a year. The daily consumption of male and female dugongs increased from 10–15?kg to 23–26?kg of fresh eelgrass, accounting for approximately 14 and 7% of their body weight at one and seven years old, respectively. Both dugongs had a marginal dry matter digestibility of over 90%. Food consumption varied between seasons and individuals. There were major reductions (P<0.05) in consumption by the male in November and January and by the female in August and September. The seasonal reductions in food consumption coincided with high digestibility of eelgrass.  相似文献   

张志强  王德华 《兽类学报》2006,26(4):338-345
小型哺乳动物的体脂含量与免疫功能有关,并受环境条件的影响。为了进一步理解野生长爪沙鼠对环境的生存适应策略,我们于2004 年夏季(7~8月)和2005年冬季(1~3月)测定了野生长爪沙鼠的体重、体脂含量和脏器重量,以及由匙孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)对雄鼠所介导的体液免疫反应。结果发现:雄鼠的胴体干重和体脂含量都显著高于雌鼠,其他各项指标无性别差异。冬季雌雄沙鼠的体重、胴体干重、体脂含量和褐色脂肪组织的湿重,以及雄鼠的睾丸湿重都显著高于夏季。脾脏的重量冬季趋于降低。处理组(注射KLH )动物血清中抗KLH 抗体的含量在冬季和夏季都显著高于对照组(注射生理盐水),且冬季处理组显著高于夏季处理组。本研究结果为动物种群调节的“冬季免疫增强假说”提供了一个新的野外例证。没有检测到免疫器官和产热器官、免疫器官和繁殖器官之间的权衡关系。  相似文献   

Shah NR  Braverman ER 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e33308


Obesity is a serious disease that is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and cancer, among other diseases. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates a 20% obesity rate in the 50 states, with 12 states having rates of over 30%. Currently, the body mass index (BMI) is most commonly used to determine adiposity. However, BMI presents as an inaccurate obesity classification method that underestimates the epidemic and contributes to failed treatment. In this study, we examine the effectiveness of precise biomarkers and duel-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to help diagnose and treat obesity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A cross-sectional study of adults with BMI, DXA, fasting leptin and insulin results were measured from 1998–2009. Of the participants, 63% were females, 37% were males, 75% white, with a mean age = 51.4 (SD = 14.2). Mean BMI was 27.3 (SD = 5.9) and mean percent body fat was 31.3% (SD = 9.3). BMI characterized 26% of the subjects as obese, while DXA indicated that 64% of them were obese. 39% of the subjects were classified as non-obese by BMI, but were found to be obese by DXA. BMI misclassified 25% men and 48% women. Meanwhile, a strong relationship was demonstrated between increased leptin and increased body fat.


Our results demonstrate the prevalence of false-negative BMIs, increased misclassifications in women of advancing age, and the reliability of gender-specific revised BMI cutoffs. BMI underestimates obesity prevalence, especially in women with high leptin levels (>30 ng/mL). Clinicians can use leptin-revised levels to enhance the accuracy of BMI estimates of percentage body fat when DXA is unavailable.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of seven microclimatic factors on the arrival body mass of migrant Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) in the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park, a site located in northeastern Spain. We used principal component analysis, followed by a general linear model procedure, to create a model that examines the relationships between body mass and weather-related events recently experienced during the spring migration. Our results suggest that local weather variation during the migratory flight clearly affects the body mass of Barn Swallows on a short time scale. This effect demonstrates the importance of the environmental conditions en route for migrating swallows and how these conditions might influence diverse events of the life cycle, such as the arrival time at the breeding grounds or the reproductive success.  相似文献   

The fat body of Lithobates catesbeianus (formerly Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles was studied during metamorphosis and after food deprivation in order to detect changes in its weight, adipocyte size, histology, and melatonin content. Bullfrog tadpoles have large fat bodies throughout their long larval life. Fat bodies increase in absolute weight, and weight relative to body mass, during late stages of prometamorphosis, peaking just before climax, and then decreasing, especially during the latter stages of transformation into the froglet. The climax decrease is accompanied by a reduction in size of adipocytes and a change in histology of the fat body such that interstitial tissue becomes more prominent. Food deprivation for a month during early prometamorphosis significantly decreased fat body weight and adipocyte size but did not affect the rate of development. However, food restriction just before climax retarded development, suggesting that the increased nutrient storage in the fat body before climax is necessary for metamorphic progress. Melatonin, which might be involved in the regulation of seasonal changes in fat stores, stayed approximately at the same level during most of larval life, but increased sharply in the fat body during the late stages of climax. The findings show that the rate of development of these tadpoles is not affected by starvation during larval life as long as they can utilize fat body stores for nourishment. They also suggest that the build up of fat body stores just before climax is necessary for progress during the climax period when feeding stops.  相似文献   

Fritz Geiser 《Oecologia》1988,77(3):395-399
Summary Season and body mass influence torpor in mammals. However, the effects of the two factors are often difficult to distinguish because body mass in many species changes with season. The present study attempted to separate seasonal and body mass related alterations of torpor. Adult female Antechinus stuartii and A. flavipes (Marsupialia), which were about half the size of males of the respective species, showed longer and deeper torpor than males. When the two species were compared, torpor in A. stuartii, the smaller species, was more pronounced than in A. flavipes. Juveniles of both species had lower body temperatures and longer torpor durations than adults. Torpor was most pronounced in juvenile males during summer; in winter, when males had grown to adult size, the use of torpor was reduced. Seasonal changes in torpor of adults were not distinct. These results suggest that the influence of body mass on torpor in these Antechinus species is stronger than that of season.  相似文献   

Most species of long-distance migratory birds put on energy stores to fuel their travels. However, recent studies have highlighted the potential costs associated with carrying too much fuel, either through increased predation risk or decreased flight efficiency. Consequently, it is now widely accepted that migratory birds should carry optimal rather than maximum fuel loads. Information from 372 garganey (Anas querquedula) ringed and recaptured at least once during the same spring in the Camargue, southern France, was used to document fuelling rates of individual ducks in relation to environmental variation and individual variation in condition. On average, garganey added very little fuel stores in the Camargue (mean gain per day=0.33 g, less than 0.5% of mean body-mass in total over an average stay of 5 days). Fuelling rates were negatively correlated with body mass at capture, but it cannot be excluded that this pattern was a statistical artefact. Given their body-mass at ringing, garganey could potentially still fly long distances when they stop in the Camargue. It is therefore likely that the aim of their stay in southern France is more for resting than refuelling, a finding that may have implications for the proper management of stop-over sites.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

庞旭  付世建  刘小红  蒲德永  张耀光 《生态学报》2020,40(16):5814-5821
为了探讨体重对中华倒刺鲃能量代谢和热耐受特征的影响,在25℃条件下分别测定不同体重大小(1、10、25、>50 g组)中华倒刺鲃的静止代谢率(Resting metabolic rate,RMR)、力竭运动后过量耗氧(Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption,EPOC)和热耐受参数。随体重的增加,中华倒刺鲃个体RMR、最大代谢率(Maximum metabolic rate,MMR)、代谢空间(Metabolic scope,MS)和EPOC均显著增加(P<0.05);单位体重RMR、MMR和MS则均显著降低,而单位体重EPOC随体重的增加显著增加(P<0.05)。RMR、MMR、MS和EPOC的代谢尺度指数分别为0.796、0.834、0.849和1.137且显著大于2/3,因此中华倒刺鲃的能量代谢参数均呈异速度增加的关系而变化。这些变化可能与其个体变大游泳运动能力增强导致能量代谢需求增加相关。中华倒刺鲃临界低温(Critical thermal minimum,CTmin)和致死低温(Lethal the...  相似文献   

王子健  高明  吕洪伟  周亮  易华清  刘莉  刘冬平 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5487-5494
于2019年7月-2020年1月对北戴河朱鹮野化种群非繁殖期的日间活动时间分配和行为节律进行了分析。结果表明,休息(41.8%)、觅食(39.7%)和理羽(13.3%)是北戴河朱鹮非繁殖期的主要行为。在行为节律上,有3个觅食高峰、2个休息高峰和2个理羽高峰。成鸟和幼鸟行为分配相似,但成鸟的警戒和社群等其他行为比例显著较高。与野生种群相比,北戴河野化种群的觅食时间显著较少,主要原因是野生个体需要花费较多时间搜寻食物,且飞行等活动的能耗较高。朱鹮在冬季的休息和理羽行为比例高于夏秋季,觅食行为则相反,这样可以在低温和大风天气降低能耗,是对北戴河气候环境的有效适应。为了提高朱鹮对多种气候环境的适应能力,为今后北戴河朱鹮的再引入奠定基础,我们建议在冬季要确保朱鹮有充足的适宜觅食地,同时在野化网笼中进行必要的环境丰容,如在网笼内增加常绿树种和阔叶树种,部分侧网上安装防风板,或在网笼中设置防风避寒的伞棚等设施,以供朱鹮进行选择。  相似文献   

We characterized the diet of the Indian fox (Vulpes bengalensis) during the breeding season in a semi-desert region of Western India. Diet was estimated using scat analysis. We used Index of Relative Importance (IRI) to determine the contribution of prey items in the diet of the Indian fox.Indian foxes were observed to feed on a wide variety of prey items. Arthropods were the most frequently occurring prey in their diet. IRI scores were highest for the group Coleoptera and Orthoptera followed by rodents, termites, Ziziphus fruits and spiny tailed lizards (Uromastyx hardwickii). IRI scores for rodents were higher for pups, differing significantly from proportions present in adult diet, thus indicating that they are crucial food items for the young ones. Prey proportions in the fox diet differed between the two habitats in the study area (grassland and scrubland).Our data suggest that the Indian fox is essentially an omnivore showing similar diet (in terms of high incidence of arthropods) to foxes inhabiting arid and semi-arid regions. The opportunistic and generalist strategy has probably helped the species to survive in varied habitats across the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

Home range (HR) size and overlap, movements, and nest site use of fat dormice Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) were studied by live-trapping and radiotracking in the Bialowieza Forest in north-eastern Poland. The study was conducted during a mast year of oak Quercus robur (2001) and hornbeam Carpinus betulus (2002). Average HR size measured by 100% minimum convex polygons varied from 3.6 to 7.0 ha in males and from 0.55 to 0.76 ha in females. HR size in males was significantly larger in the hornbeam mast year than in the oak mast year, which was probably due to the lower energy value of hornbeam mast. Males had significantly larger HRs and used more nest sites than females. In contrast to females, HRs of males overlapped extensively. In the mating season, core areas of males overlapped significantly more and they shared their core areas with more males than in the post-mating season. During the mating season, males were found to share nest sites with other males or with a single female. Additionally, groups of 2–3 males were observed aggregating around a female during the mating season. Our data suggest that fat dormice have a promiscuous mating system where the females are territorial, and the non-territorial males directly compete for access to receptive females during the mating season.  相似文献   

Behavioural and metabolic reactions of Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas) exposed to various degrees of hypoxia were studied. At 15°C and 20‰ mortality was 50% at 15.2% oxygen saturation. Avoidance and oxygen saturation showed a linear inverse relationship. At levels lower than 60% saturation increased activity occurred; avoidance was significant at 30% saturation. Active, routine and standard MO2 correlated linearly with weight at 6 and 15°C (salinity = 19‰). During hypoxia at 15°C routine MO2 rose significantly at 60–50% and 40–30% saturation expressed either as MO2 during longer periods at night or MO2 at shorter intervals during the day. Standard MO2 was unaffected by hypoxia at 15°C. Haemoglobin concentration was significantly increased when P. minutus was acclimatized to 35% saturation.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of body lipid content on the resting metabolic rate and specific dynamic action (SDA) of the southern catfish Silurus meridionalis. Obese and lean fish were obtained by feeding the fish with two different feeds at 27.5 °C for 4 weeks prior to the experiment. The fish were fed with experimental diets with a meal size of 4% by body mass. A continuous-flow respirometer was used to determine the oxygen consumption rate at 2-h intervals until the postprandial oxygen consumption rate had returned to the preprandial level. The body lipid content of the obese fish was significantly greater than that of the lean fish. The metabolic parameters evaluated (resting metabolic rate, peak metabolic rate (Rpeak), factorial ratio, time to peak, duration, energy expended on SDA (SDAE), or SDA coefficient) were not significantly affected by body fat content in terms of the whole-body or mass-specific values. Increased body fat content did not decrease the resting metabolic rate in the southern catfish, which might be due to the higher levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids in these fish. The results also suggest that the body composition does not appear to affect the SDA response.  相似文献   

The effects of tree species, shoot age, and sex of larvae on food consumption and utilization were investigated in a factorial experiment. Diets prepared from lyophilized and powdered current-year shoots, from two age classes (sample dates) of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Picea rubra, Sarg., and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P., were evaluated for eight performance criteria. All factors had significant effects on all criteria except for tree species on assimilation efficiency, shoot age on development time, and sex on net growth efficiency. Eight of the possible 24 two-factor interactions and one of the possible eight three-factor interactions were significant. Food utilization efficiencies and relative growth rate were in the low and moderate characterization limits for immature arthropods; relative consumption rates were high. The higher performance values on Picea glauca were related to this species greater vulnerability to spruce budworm. Performance criteria of similar larvae on an artificial diet were compared with those on the foliage-diets.
Résumé L'auteur a déterminé la quantité d'aliments utilisées, à 22±0,5 °C, par des larves de Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette parvenues à leur sixième stade de développement qui s'étaient nourries d'un régime artificiel et d'aiguilles de l'année en cours lyophilisées et réduites en poudre, prélevées à deux dates différentes, à 10 jours d'intervalle, et provenant d'épinettes blanchés (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), d'épinettes rouges (Picea rubra Sarg.) et d'épinettes noires (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.). Les femelles ont invariablement ingéré une quantité significativement plus importante de tous les régimes que les mâles, consommant 24% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette noire et 73% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette blanche.Les femelles prenaient en général plus de temps pour parvenir au stade de chrysalide et avaient un taux d'utilisation des aliments significativement plus élevé. L'efficacité nette de la croissance chez les deux sexes ne présentait toutefois aucune différence significative. La performance des larves ayant ingéré des aiguilles provenant de deux classes d'âge différait de façon significative mais non pas uniforme d'un régime à l'autre: les aiguilles d'épinette blanche plus récentes donnaient une performance généralement plus élevée contrairement aux aiguilles plus jeunes d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire. Les larves ingéraient une quantité significativement plus élevée, avaient un taux de consommation et de croissance supérieur et augmentaient davantage leur biomasse avec des aiguilles d'épinette blanche. L'efficacité d'utilisation des aliments et le taux de croissance relatif étaient de faibles à modérément faibles pour un lépidoptère arboricole phyllophage; la vitesse d'ingestion relative était élevée. La qualité des aiguilles des trois essences d'épinettes était faible. Les aiguilles d'épinette blanche permettaient aux larves d'avoir une performance significativement plus élevée, performance mesurée à partir de plusieurs critères, alors que les aiguilles d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire donnaient une performance égale. La supériorité des performances obtenues avec l'épinette blanche explique la plus grande vulnérabilité de cette essence à la Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette.

Chinese bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) are small passerine birds that inhabit areas of central, southern and eastern China. Previous observations suggest that free–living individuals of this species may change their food intake in response to seasonal changes in ambient temperature. In the present study, we randomly assigned Chinese bulbuls to either a 30 °C or 10 °C group, and measured their body mass(BM), body temperature, gross energy intake(GEI), digestible energy intake(DEI), and the length and mass of their digestive tracts over 28 days of acclimation at these temperatures. As predicted, birds in the 30 °C group had lower body mass, GEI and DEI relative to those in the 10 °C group. The length and mass of the digestive tract was also lower in the 30 °C group and trends in these parameters were positively correlated with BM, GEI and DEI. These results suggest that Chinese bulbuls reduced their absolute energy demands at relatively high temperatures by decreasing their body mass, GEI and DEI, and digestive tract size.  相似文献   

Relationships among GH genotype (AluI polymorphism), parity, metritis and interval from calving to first ovulation, milk production and body condition score (BCS) loss were determined in dairy cows (n = 307) on four large-scale farms in Hungary. Cows with systemic signs of puerperal metritis or mastitis were excluded. Time of the first postpartum (PP) ovulation was obtained from milk progesterone profiles. Based on GH genotype determination, groups of leucine homozygous cows (n = 246) and valine allele carriers (n = 61) were formed. All animals became cyclic during the study period. The average interval to first ovulation was 27.6 ± 0.69-d PP (mean ± S.D.). Genotype had no effect on the commencement of ovarian cyclicity. First ovulation occurred sooner after calving in pluriparous than in primiparous cows. The greater BCS loss cows had during the first 30-d PP, the longer they took to resume cyclic ovarian function. The interval from calving to first ovulation was substantially affected by farm, but not by mild cases of puerperal metritis. Genotype was not related to cumulative 30-d milk yield or BCS loss after calving. Primiparous cows had lower milk yield than pluriparous ones. Cows with metritis lost more body condition than healthy individuals in the first month postpartum. We concluded that, under field conditions, AluI polymorphism of the bovine GH gene had no effect on the interval from calving to first ovulation and could not be directly related to differences in milk yield and to the extent of BCS loss during the first month after calving in Holstein-Friesian cows.  相似文献   

Synopsis Changes in the daily appetite and weekly growth rates of individual adult minnows,Phoxinus phoxinus, on ad libitum rations were recorded before and after they had experienced 4 or 16 days of food restriction. Feeding levels during the restriction periods were either starvation or a maintenance ration. The latter was estimated from a previously determined regression model. Water temperature was 15°C and the photoperiod 9L15D in all experiments. The mean weight of fish used ranged from 1.06 to 2.15 g. The 4 day restriction had no detectable effects on appetite or growth. After the 16 day restriction, the minnows showed hyperphagia and had increased specific growth rates and growth efficiencies compared with control fish. The compensatory increases in appetite and growth were not sustained and within three weeks had declined to levels not significantly different from those of the control fish. At the end of the experiments, there were no significant differences between the mean weights or cumulative food consumption of the restricted and control groups. The results suggest that adult minnows regulate their appetite and growth rate in relation to their previous nutritional history.  相似文献   

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