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The interaction of thiamine diphosphate (ThDP) with transketolase (TK) involves at least two stages: [formula: see text] During the first stage, an inactive intermediate complex (TK...ThDP) is formed, which is then transformed into a catalytically active holoenzyme (TK* - ThDP). The second stage is related to conformational changes of the protein. In the preceding publication (Esakova, O. A., Meshalkina, L. E., Golbik, R., Hübner, G., and Kochetov, G. A. Eur. J. Biochem. 2004, 271, 4189 - 4194) we reported that the affinity of ThDP for TK considerably increases in the presence of the donor substrate, which may be a mechanism whereby the activity of the enzyme is regulated under the conditions of the coenzyme deficiency. Here, we demonstrate that the substrate affects the stage of the reverse conformational transition, characterized by the constant k(-1): in the presence of the substrate, its value is decreased several fold, whereas K(d) and k(+1) remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Whiplash injuries are common following rear-end collisions. During such collisions, initially relaxed occupants exhibit brisk, stereotypical muscle responses consisting of postural and startle responses that may contribute to the injury. Using prestimulus inhibition, we sought to determine if the startle response elicited during a rear-end collision contributes to head stabilization or represents a potentially harmful overreaction of the body. Three experiments were performed. In the first two experiments, two groups of 14 subjects were exposed to loud tones (124 dB) preceded by prestimulus tones at either four interstimulus intervals (100-1,000 ms) or five prestimulus intensities (80-124 dB). On the basis of the results of the first two experiments, 20 subjects were exposed to a simulated rear-end collision (peak sled acceleration = 2 g; speed change = 0.75 m/s) preceded by one of the following: no prestimulus tone, a weak tone (85 dB), or a loud tone (105 dB). The prestimulus tones were presented 250 ms before sled acceleration onset. The loud prestimulus tone decreased the amplitude of the sternocleidomastoid (16%) and cervical paraspinal (29%) muscles, and key peak kinematics: head retraction (17%), horizontal head acceleration (23%), and head angular acceleration in extension (23%). No changes in muscle amplitude or kinematics occurred for the weak prestimulus. The reduced muscle and kinematic responses observed with loud tones suggest that the startle response represents an overreaction that increases the kinematics in a way that potentially increases the forces and strains in the neck tissues. We propose that minimizing this overreaction during a car collision may decrease the risk of whiplash injuries.  相似文献   

Summary Net nitrate uptake (J) intoPisum sativum L. seedlings has been investigated. J was high initially, but declined with time as NO 3 efflux (E) approached that of NO 3 influx (I). Both I and E were higher in plants which had been grown without N. J could be reversibly and immediately inhibited by 5 mmol m–3 NH 4 + , although plants grown in the presence of nitrate were less sensitive. A theoretical model which involves substrate cycling across the plasmalemma is shown to increase the sensitivity to substrate and effectors. It predicts that during growth of Pisum in N free media the cycling rate (E/I) is increased and the sensitivity of net flux of inhibition by NH 4 + is highest. The model also provides a means for control of cytoplasmic nitrate pool size [NO 3 ] c.  相似文献   

Is the recommendation of the WHO, endorsed by all member states, that all blood donations should be voluntary and non-compensated ethically coherent and realizable in practice? In a recent paper, Farrugia et al have argued for a plurality of both compensated and non-compensated systems, claiming that, from both an ethical and practical perspective, the classical concept of the ‘the gift relationship’, advocated over 40 years ago by Richard Titmuss, is unnecessary and inadequate. This paper focuses on the ethical aspects of this debate, considering the concepts of altruism, reciprocity and social solidarity as they apply to the procurement of blood and blood products, as well as evidence regarding safety of different sources of blood and the motivations of regular donors. It concludes with a discussion of the view summarized in a recent publication by Campbell (2009), that, although the body may be monetized, doing so would result in a loss of human value.  相似文献   

We have developed a system for long-term continuous monitoring of cardiovascular parameters in rabbits living in their home cage to assess what role renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) has in regulating renal blood flow (RBF) in daily life. Blood pressure, heart rate, locomotor activity, RSNA, and RBF were recorded continuously for 4 wk. Beginning 4-5 days after surgery a circadian rhythm, dependent on feeding time, was observed. When averaged over all days RBF to the innervated and denervated kidneys was not significantly different. However, control of RBF around these mean levels was dependent on the presence of the renal sympathetic nerves. In particular we observed episodic elevations in heart rate and other parameters associated with activity. In the denervated kidney, during these episodic elevations, the increase in renal resistance was closely related to the increase in arterial pressure. In the innervated kidney the renal resistance response was significantly more variable, indicating an interaction of the sympathetic nervous system. These results indicate that whereas overall levels of RSNA do not set the mean level of RBF the renal vasculature is sensitive to episodic increases in sympathetic nerve activity.  相似文献   

Background: Preeclampsia is new-onset hypertension with proteinuria during pregnancy. The initiating event in preeclampsia has been postulated to involve reduced placental perfusion, which leads to widespread dysfunction of the maternal vascular endothelium.Objective: The main objective of this brief review was to highlight some of the recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms whereby the endothelin (ET) system, via ET type A (ETA) receptor activation, modulates blood pressure in preeclamptic women and in animal models of pregnancy-related hypertension.Methods: This review focused on the role of ET and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in preeclampsia, with emphasis on the pathophysiology of hypertension in response to placental ischemia in animal models of pregnancy. Relevant published data were identified by searching PubMed and supplemented with contributions from our laboratory.Results: Studies in preeclamptic women indicate that their hypertension is associated with increases in ET synthesis. Recent studies in pregnant rats indicate that the ET system is activated in response to reductions in uterine perfusion pressure and to chronic elevations in serum TNF-α concentrations. In these 2 animal models, the findings also suggest that ET A receptor activation may play a role in mediating hypertension.Conclusions: Although recent studies in animal models implicate an important role for the ET system in preeclampsia, the usefulness of selective ET A receptor antagonists for the treatment of hypertension in women with preeclampsia remains unclear. This important question will not be answered until well-controlled clinical studies using specific ET A receptor antagonists are conducted for women with preeclampsia.  相似文献   

Stimulation of T cells through GITR (glucocorticoid-induced tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-related protein) has been shown to enhance immunity to tumours and viral pathogens, and to exacerbate autoimmune disease. The effects of stimulation through GITR are generally thought to be caused by attenuation of the effector activity of immunosuppressive CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T (T(Reg)) cells. Here we propose a model in which GITR-GITR-ligand interactions co-stimulate both responder T-cell functions and the suppressive functions of T(Reg) cells.  相似文献   

Chronic caloric restriction (CCR) prevents mammary tumorigenesis in rodents, but a protective effect for intermittent caloric restriction (ICR) is less well documented. We recently reported that ICR reduced mammary tumor (MT) incidence of mouse mammary tumor virus-transforming growth factor (MMTV-TGF)-alpha mice to a greater extent than did CCR. Here, we repeated this protocol and obtained serum and tissue samples. Ad libitum (AL) MMTV-TGF-alpha mice were fed AIN-93M diet. Beginning at 10 weeks of age, ICR mice received isocaloric AIN-93M-mod diet (2-fold increases in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals) at 50% of ad libitum for 3 weeks followed by 3 weeks refeeding with AIN-93M diet. CCR mice were pair-fed AIN-93M:AIN-93M-mod (2:1) matching intakes for restriction/refeeding cycles. Mice were sacrificed for MT size, at 79 (end of 12th restriction) or at 80 (1 week after 12th refeeding) weeks of age. AL and ICR-80 mice had heavier body weights than ICR-79 and CCR mice (P < 0.0001). Cumulative food intakes of ICR and CCR mice were reduced 12% and 15% versus AL mice (P < 0.0001). However, ICR mice consumed significantly (P < 0.0001) more food than did AL mice during refeeding. MT incidence was 84%, 13%, and 27% for AL, ICR, and CCR mice, respectively. MT weight (P < 0.0011) and number (P < 0.01) were higher for AL mice compared with ICR and CCR mice. AL and ICR-80 mice had similar serum IGF-I levels, but only AL values were higher than those of ICR-79 and CCR mice (P < 0.0017). ICR mice had more MT DNA breaks compared with AL and CCR mice, suggesting enhanced apoptosis (P < 0.02). AL mice had higher mammary fat pad ObR and ObRb leptin receptor mRNA expression than did ICR and CCR mice (P < 0.001), but there was no effect on MTs. These results confirm that ICR prevents development of MTs to a greater extent than does CCR, although "overeating" during refeeding may compromise this protection.  相似文献   

The kidney is a major source of systemic erythropoietin, despite itself showing little angiogenesis. Based on paper by Schumacher VA et-al. [J Am Soc Nephrol 2007;18:719-29] that renal synthesis of an inhibitory VEGF variant (VEGF165b) blocks local angiogenesis, we hypothesise that the chronic hypoxia in the renal medulla, due to limited perfusion through vasa recta stimulates continuous renal erythropoietin secretion.  相似文献   

Substrate antagonism has been described for a variety of enzymes with more than one substrate and is characterized by a lowering of the affinity of one substrate in the presence of the other(s). 3-Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) catalyzes phosphotransfer from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (bPG) to ADP to give 3-phosphoglycerate (PG) and ATP, and is subject to substrate antagonism. Because of the instability of bPG, antagonism has only been described between PG and ATP or ADP. Here, we show that antagonism also occurs between bPG and ADP. Using the stopped-flow method, we show that the dissociation constant for one substrate increases in the presence of the other, and that this decrease in affinity is mainly due to an increase in the dissociation rate constant. As a consequence, there is an increase in the overall interaction kinetics. Interestingly, in the presence of the mirror image of natural d-ADP, l-ADP (a good substrate for PGK), antagonism is absent. Using rapid-quench-flow, we studied the kinetics of ATP formation. The time courses present the following: (1) a lag with l-ADP, but not with d-ADP, the kinetics of which were similar to the interaction kinetics measured by stopped-flow; (2) a burst that is directed by the phosphotransfer; and (3) a steady-state that is rate limited by the release of product kinetics. Structural explanations for these results are proposed by analyzing the crystallographic structure of the fully closed conformation of PGK in complex with l-ADP, PG, and the transition-state analogue AlF4 compared to previously determined structures.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dependence of whole leaf hydraulic conductance to liquid water (K(L)) on irradiance when measured with a high pressure flowmeter (HPFM). During HPFM measurements, water is perfused into leaves faster than it evaporates hence water infiltrates leaf air spaces and must pass through stomates in the liquid state. Since stomates open and close under high versus low irradiance, respectively, the possibility exists that K(L) might change with irradiance if stomates close tightly enough to restrict water movement. However, the dependence of K(L) on irradiance could be due to a direct effect of irradiance on the hydraulic properties of other tissues in the leaf. In the present study, K(L) increased with irradiance for 6 of the 11 species tested. Whole leaf conductance to water vapour, g(L), was used as a proxy for stomatal aperture and the time-course of changes in K(L) and g(L) was studied during the transition from low to high irradiance and from high to low irradiance. Experiments showed that in some species K(L) changes were not paralleled by g(L) changes. Measurements were also done after perfusion of leaves with ABA which inhibited the g(L) response to irradiance. These leaves showed the same K(L) response to irradiance as control leaves. These experimental results and theoretical calculations suggest that the irradiance dependence of K(L) is more consistent with an effect on extravascular (and/or vascular) tissues rather than stomatal aperture. Irradiance-mediated stimulation of aquaporins or hydrogel effects in leaf tracheids may be involved.  相似文献   

During bottle incubations of heterotrophic marine picoplankton, some bacterial groups are conspicuously favored. In an earlier investigation bacteria of the genus Pseudoalteromonas rapidly multiplied in substrate-amended North Sea water, whereas the densities of Oceanospirillum changed little (H. Eilers, J. Pernthaler, and R. Amann, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:4634-4640, 2000). We therefore studied the growth patterns of two isolates affiliating with Pseudoalteromonas and Oceanospirillum in batch culture. Upon substrate resupply, Oceanospirillum lagged threefold longer than Pseudoalteromonas but reached more than fivefold-higher final cell density and biomass. A second, mobile morphotype was present in the starved Oceanospirillum populations with distinctly greater cell size, DNA and protein content, and 16S rRNA concentration. Contrasting cellular ribosome concentrations during stationary phase suggested basic differences in the growth responses of the two strains to a patchy environment. Therefore, we exposed the strains to different modes of substrate addition. During cocultivation on a single batch of substrates, the final cell densities of Oceanospirillum were reduced three times as much as those Pseudoalteromonas, compared to growth yields in pure cultures. In contrast, the gradual addition of substrates to stationary-phase cocultures was clearly disadvantageous for the Pseudoalteromonas population. Different growth responses to substrate gradients could thus be another facet affecting the competition between marine bacteria and may help to explain community shifts observed during enrichments.  相似文献   

Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) is a tumor suppressor gene that is frequently mutated in brain, uterine, and prostate cancers. The protein phosphatase activity is poorly defined. We demonstrate that insulin stimulates phosphorylation of tyrosine and threonine/proline residues on the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K in Huh-7, and HEK 293 cells. The specificity of PTEN binding and dephosphorylation of PI3K appears to reside on the p85β subunit. Therefore, the PTEN phosphatase is active against the PI3K p85β subunit and dephosphorylates a protein involved in insulin signaling where known downstream consequences are increased cell migration, motility, and invasion.  相似文献   

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