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We have used neutron diffraction to study chromatin structure in interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes as a function of decreasing ion concentration. Aliquots of a suspension of rat liver nuclei prepared in a polyamine-free buffer were washed in buffers of 1/3, 1/6 and 1/12 if the original concentration of monovalent and divalent cations (40 mM KCl; 20 mM NaCl; 1.2 mM MgCl2). After the first dilution step (1/1 to 1/3), only small changes occurred in the diffraction pattern. They can be interpreted by a loosening of the original structure, i.e. by the formation of isolated buffer-filled spaces with an overall size of the order of 35-45 nm. Drastic changes in the diffraction pattern were observed, however, when the nuclei were washed in the more diluted buffers (1/6 and 1/12). The profiles of the distances distribution functions indicate the formation of supranucleosomal particles with an overall diameter of 40-50 nm. The compact chromatin structure disassembled directly into these fundamental structural units. Structural transformations in the Chinese hamster ovary metaphase chromosomes were induced by diminishing the Ca2+ ion concentration of the buffer from originally 3.0 mM to 0.3 mM and/or by increasing the pH value of the buffer from originally 7.0 up to 8.0. The neutron diffraction patterns remained essentially unchanged during these treatments, i.e. the decondensation of the chromosomes as observed in the light microscope is not accompanied by disassembly at the ultrastructural level between 2 nm and 150 nm.  相似文献   

The data from earlier cytochemical studies, in which the metachromatic fluorochrome acridine orange (AO) was used to differentially stain single vs double-stranded DNA, suggested that DNA in situ in intact metaphase chromosomes or in condensed chromatin of G0 cells is more sensitive to denaturation, induced by heat or acid, than DNA in decondensed chromatin of interphase nuclei. Present studies show that, indeed, DNA in permeabilized metaphase cells, in contrast to cells in interphase, when exposed to buffers of low pH (1.5-2.8) becomes digestible with the single-strand-specific S1 or mung bean nucleases. A variety of extraction procedures and enzymatic treatments provided evidence that the presence of histones, HMG proteins, and S-S bonds in chromatin, as well as phosphorylation or poly(ADP)ribosylation of chromatin proteins, can be excluded as a factor responsible for the differential sensitivity of metaphase vs interphase DNA to denaturation. Cell treatment with NaCl at a concentration of 1.2 N and above abolished the difference between interphase and mitotic cells, rendering DNA in mitotic cells less sensitive to denaturation; such treatment also resulted in decondensation of chromatin visible by microscopy. The present data indicate that structural proteins extractable with greater than or equal to 1.2 N NaCl may be involved in anchoring DNA to the nuclear matrix or chromosome scaffold and may be responsible for maintaining a high degree of chromatin compaction in situ, such as that observed in metaphase chromosomes or in G0 cells. Following dissociation of histones, the high spatial density of the charged DNA polymer may induce topological strain on the double helix, thus decreasing its local stability; this can be detected by metachromatic staining of DNA with AO or digestion with single-strand-specific nucleases.  相似文献   

V P Wray  S C Elgin    W Wray 《Nucleic acids research》1980,8(18):4155-4163
Metaphase chromosomal and interphase chromatin proteins from cells of two species have been compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Consistent, common changes in the quantitative distribution of the nonhistone chromosomal proteins are observed in both species. Proteins of ca. 65,000 and 68,000 MW are enriched in interphase chromatin while proteins of ca. 50,000 and 200,000 are more prominent components of metaphase chromosomes. A group of proteins of 90,000-100,000 are also increased in metaphase chromosomes compared to interphase chromatin. By two dimensional gel analysis, the most abundant proteins from chromosomes of both cell types are similar, suggesting a structural role for these nonhistone proteins (1).  相似文献   

The chromatin ultrastructure was studied in the centromeric region of mitotic chromosomes and in interphase nuclei of mouse cells after differential staining on C-band. A new method is suggested to study centromeric region of chromosomes treated by the Giemsa banding technique. Fibers of chromosomes appeared to be packed denser in the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes than in arms. The disposition of chromatin fibers in the centromeric chromocentres of interphase nuclei is the same as in the centromeric regions of mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Proteins of interphase and metaphase chromosomes compared   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to detect the copy number of the retinoblastoma (RB1) tumor suppressor gene in metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei. We used 14 lambda phage clones spanning the whole RB1 gene region as a probe and obtained a specific hybridization signal in normal metaphase chromosomes at 13q14. Normal interphase nuclei showed two RB1 signals in about 90% of cases, whereas two cell lines with cytogenetically defined deletions involving the RB1 gene showed only one hybridization signal in about 80% of the nuclei. Analogous changes were detected in metaphase chromosomes. Multicolor FISH with subsets of the phage clones allowed visualization of subregions within the 200-kb gene in interphase nuclei. Analysis of clinical breast cancer samples showed that most of the cells contained two copies of the RB1 gene, even when restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the RB1 locus. This indicates that LOH at the RB1 locus in breast cancer cells probably involves mechanisms other than physical deletion.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2021,81(21):4377-4397.e12
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The relative position of mitotic metaphase chromosomes in Haplopappus gracilis is studied by direct observation of undisturbed metaphase cells in root tips: the homologous chromosomes lay always adjacent to each other, whereas the relative position of the pairs is not constant. — The relative position of interphase chromosomes is inferred from the frequency of radiation-induced mutual rearrangements between any possible pair of chromosomes. — It is concluded that the relative position of interphase chromosomes is reflected by the relative position of metaphase chromosomes in Haplopappus gracilis.  相似文献   

Bovine oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage were inseminated in Brackett & Oliphant's medium with bovine serum albumin, caffeine and heparin. Eight hours after insemination, oocytes were transferred into tissue culture medium-199 containing 10% fetal calf serum and cultured for 5-40 h at 39 degrees C in 5% CO2 in air. The proportions of unpenetrated and penetrated oocytes reaching metaphase II increased as the time of examination increased, reaching 70 and 65% 40 h after transfer, respectively. When oocytes were penetrated by more than four spermatozoa, meiotic maturation was greatly retarded. Sperm nuclei were decondensed in most (81%) penetrated oocytes 5 h after transfer. The decondensed sperm nuclei were recondensed and then transformed to metaphase chromosomes which were morphologically compacted at first but became slightly dispersed later. The formation of the metaphase chromosomes was observed in 86% of penetrated oocytes examined 40 h after transfer, and occurred in all metaphase II oocytes at that time. In oocytes penetrated by more than nine spermatozoa, no such transformation of sperm nuclei was observed. Well-developed male and female pro-nuclei were observed in only three (6%) of 51 oocytes penetrated 40 h after transfer.  相似文献   

A method for staining proteins by procion yellow 4RS on preparates of metaphase and interphase chromosomes is suggested. It is shown that the dye is not bound to either native or denatured DNA in solution.  相似文献   

Summary A histochemical study of the mitotic chromosomes and interphase nuclei of rat regenerating liver and of root tips from Vicia faba and Trillium grandiflorum has been performed using the periodic acid-Schiff reaction. Carbohydrates and plasmalogen-like molecules were demonstrated on these cellular structures. The presence of such components was confirmed by biochemical studies upon nuclei isolated from rat liver.  相似文献   

DNA values of Chinese hamster male meiotic metaphase chromosomes were measured by slide-based Feulgen cytometry. All the autosomes were distinguishable on the basis of their DNA content. No significant differences were found between the autosomes of the two male animals studied, but a significant difference was found in the DNA content of the sex-chromosome pair between these two animals.  相似文献   

A methodology has been developed for binding oligodeoxyribonucleotide ’third strands’ to duplex DNA targets in fixed but not additionally denatured metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei under conditions found to be optimal in solution. Third-strand in situ hybridization (TISH) at pH 6.0 of a psoralen- and biotin-modified 16-nucleotide homopyrimidine third strand to a unique multicopy target sequence in human chromosome 17 α-satellite (D17Z1 locus) is described. UVA-photofixed third strands, rendered fluorescent by fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled avidin, are reproducibly centromere-specific for chromosome 17, and visible without amplification of the signal in lymphocyte and somatic cell hybrid spreads and interphase nuclei. Two third-strand-specific D17Z1 haplotypes were identified. TISH has potential diagnostic, biochemical, and flow cytometric applicability to native metaphase and interphase chromatin. Received: 1 October 1998; in revised form: 22 December 1998 / Accepted: 12 February 1999  相似文献   

A small proportion (0.1-0.5%) of the total DNA content of native Chinese hamster metaphase chromosomes is protected from nucleolytic degradation following the removal of histones by extraction with either 0.2 N HCl or 2 M NaCl, and remains attached to the nonhistone protein core. Acid extraction followed by DNase I digestion leads to small fragments of 10-30 bases. Salt extraction followed by micrococcal nuclease digestion gives approx. 140 b.p. fragments which are undistinguishable in size from nucleosome core DNA fragments. Furthermore, DNase I treatment of salt extracted chromosomes gives DNA fragments containing single strands which are multiples of 10 bases in length, again characteristic of the nucleosome structure. Reassociation kinetics using the 32P-labelled 140 b.p. fragments as probes suggests they are enriched for rapidly reassociating sequences.  相似文献   

The patterns of differential staining based on the effects of BrdU-substitution in chromosomal DNA have been examined in both metaphase chromosomes and prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCC) of interphase Chinese hamster cells. Results indicate that differential staining may be obtained in chromosomes from all stages of the cell cycle and correspond to the semi-conservation mode of DNA replication. Such fidelity of differential staining in both interphase and metaphase chromosomes suggests that components essential for induction of differential staining are present throughout the cell cycle and chromosomes may contain similar structures and organization throughout the cycle.  相似文献   

Summary A method of in situ hybridization for visualizing individual human chromosomes from pter to qter, both in metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei, is reported. DNA inserts from a single chromosomal library are labeled with biotin and partially preannealed with a titrated amount of total human genomic DNA prior to hybridization with cellular or chromosomal preparations. The cross-hybridization of repetitive sequences to nontargeted chromosomes can be markedly suppressed under appropriate preannealing conditions. The remaining single-stranded DNA is hybridized to specimens of interest and detected with fluorescent or enzymelabeled avidin conjugates following post-hybridization washes. DNA inserts from recombinant libraries for chromosomes 1, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, and X were assessed for their ability to decorate specifically their cognate chromosome; most libraries proved to be highly specific. Quantitative densitometric analyses indicated that the ratio of specific to nonspecific hybridization signal under optimal preannealing conditions was at least 8:1. Interphase nuclei showed a cohesive territorial organization of chromosomal domains, and laserscanning confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to aid the 3-D visualization of these domains. This method should be useful for both karyotypic studies and for the analysis of chromosome topography in interphase cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the chromosome condensation activity of mouse oocytes that have been inseminated during meiotic maturation. These oocytes remain unactivated, and in those penetrated by up to three or four sperm, each sperm nucleus is transformed, without prior development of a pronucleus, into metaphase chromosomes. However, those penetrated by more than four sperm never transform any of the nuclei into metaphase chromosomes (Clarke, H. J., and Y. Masui, 1986, J. Cell Biol. 102:1039-1046). We report here that, when the cytoplasmic volume of oocytes was doubled or tripled by cell fusion, up to five or eight sperm nuclei, respectively, could be transformed into metaphase chromosomes. Conversely, when the cytoplasmic volume was reduced by bisection of oocytes after the germinal vesicle (GV) had broken down, no more than two sperm could be transformed into metaphase chromosomes. Thus, the capacity of the oocyte cytoplasm to transform sperm nuclei to metaphase chromosomes was proportional to its volume. The contribution of the nucleoplasm of the GV and the cytoplasm outside the GV to the chromosome condensation activity was investigated by bisecting oocytes that contained a GV and then inseminating the nucleate and anucleate fragments. The anucleate fragments never induced sperm chromosome formation, indicating that GV nucleoplasm is required for this activity. In the nucleate fragments, the capacity to induce sperm chromosome formation was reduced as compared with whole oocytes, in spite of the fact that the fragments contained the entire GV nucleoplasm. This implies that non-GV cytoplasmic material also was required for chromosome condensation activity. When inseminated oocytes were incubated in the presence of puromycin, the sperm nuclei were transformed into interphase-like nuclei, but no metaphase chromosomes developed. However, when protein synthesis resumed, the interphase nuclei were transformed to metaphase chromosomes. These results suggest that the transformation of sperm nuclei to metaphase chromosomes in the cytoplasm of mouse oocytes requires both the nucleoplasm of the GV and non-GV cytoplasmic substances, including proteins synthesized during maturation.  相似文献   

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