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The purposes of this study were to demonstrate the C3 convertase complex, C3b, Bb (EC, of the alternative pathway of complement by ultracentrifugation and to determine whether the metal ion required for enzyme formation is present in the active enzyme complex. It has been shown previously that C3b,Bb formed with Ni2+ rather than Mg2+ exhibits enhanced stability. Using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, an enzymatically active C3b,Bb(Ni) complex could be demonstrated which has a sedimentation coefficient of 10.7 S and which is stable in 10 mM EDTA. Upon formation of the enzyme with the radioisotope 63Ni2+, the ultracentrifugal distribution of the metal correlated with that of the enzyme complex. The molar ratio of Ni to C3b,Bb was 1:1. Displacement of Ni by Mg during formation of the enzyme indicated that both metals may bind to the same site in the enzyme. Binding of 63Ni to the catalytic site bearing fragment Bb was significantly stronger than its binding to C3b or to the zymogen, Factor B. It is proposed that there is one metal-binding site in the C3b,Bb enzyme which is not susceptible to chelation by EDTA and which is located in the Bb subunit.  相似文献   

Environmental risk assessment for genetically modified crops producing insecticidal Cry proteins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) includes the evaluation of adverse effects on non-target organisms. Although ELISA concentration measurements indicate the presence of Cry proteins, sensitive insect bioassays determine whether there is biological activity. The insecticidal activity of the coleopteran-active Cry3Bb1 expressed in different tissues of Bt maize, contained in maize-fed herbivores, and in spiked soil was measured in sensitive insect bioassays using larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biological activity was confirmed of Cry3Bb1 contained in pulverized Bt maize pollen, roots, leaves, silk, and Bt maize-fed spider mites and western corn rootworm adults. When test substances were incorporated into artificial diet at the same concentrations of Cry3Bb1 (measured by ELISA), maize pollen and leaf litter exhibited lower toxicity than fresh plant material and maize-fed arthropods. This suggests that nutritional quality of food and degradation of Cry proteins may influence toxicity to insects. When soil was spiked with Cry3Bb1, the Bt protein was highly adsorbed and retained its full biological activity. Because toxicity of Cry proteins contained in different matrices cannot always be determined from ELISA values alone, sensitive insect bioassays can improve hazard and exposure assessments in environmental risk assessment of Bt crops.  相似文献   

Complement activity in mammalian serum is fundamentally based on three homologous components C3b, C4b and C5. During systemic infection, the gastrointestinal pathogen Salmonella enterica disseminates within host phagocytic cells but also extracellularly. Consequently, systemic Salmonella transiently confronts the complement system. We show here that the surface protease PgtE of S. enterica proteolytically cleaves C3b, C4b and C5 and that the expression of PgtE enhances bacterial resistance to human serum. Degradation of C3b was further enhanced by PgtE-mediated plasminogen activation.  相似文献   

Functional and structural studies of the activated proteins of the complement system C4b and C3b have led to the identification of cleavage products resulting from the effect of the regulatory proteins, factor I, H, and C4b binding protein (bp). In this paper we report the results of studies that investigated the capacity of plasma or serum from a wide range of phylogenetic species to yield similar cleavage products. Sera and plasma from mammals, reptiles, amphibia, and fishes are capable of cleaving fluid phase human C4b and C3b, generating apparently the same fragments as observed using normal human serum: alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha 4 from the alpha' chain of C4b: and alpha-68, alpha-46, alpha-43, and alpha-30 from the alpha' chain of C3b. When C3b bound to a cell membrane is used C3c and C3dg are generated. The generation of these fragments from C3bi is a dose-dependent reaction. There is no correlation between the evolution of the species and the quantitative capability to degrade the substrates. Birds possess only a limited capability to degrade the alpha' chain of C4b and have no cleaving activity for C3b, whereas sera from more primitive vertebrate species (chondrichthyes and agnatha) fail to participate in the reaction. Contrary to other species, the proteins in fish serum or plasma responsible for the degradation of C4b and C3b show a unique requirement for Ca2+ ions. Magnesium and barium are less effective, and in their presence a 65,000 dalton intermediate product is observed. These results demonstrate that protein(s) displaying proteolytic activity for products of complement activation, probably related to I, H, and C4bp, are present in plasma of species whose evolution have preceded humans by 300 million years. Moreover, the recognition of human substrates and the generation of fragments identical to those produced by human serum suggests that human C4b and C3b share structural characteristics with their evolutionary ancestors in the serum or plasma of the species studied.  相似文献   

C3b/C4b receptor (CR1) and membrane cofactor protein (MCP) are integral membrane glycoproteins with factor I-dependent cofactor activity. They bind to C3b, allowing factor I to cleave C3b at two sites (first and second cleavage), which results in the generation of C3bi, a hemolytically inactive form which is a ligand for complement receptor type three (CR3). C3bi is further degraded by factor I and CR1 (third cleavage) to C3dg (a ligand for complement receptor type two, CR2) and C3c. Using two different substrates, fluid-phase C3b and cell-bound C3b, the cleavage of C3b by MCP and factor I was compared to that by CR1 and factor I under various conditions. The optimal pH for the first and second cleavage of either substrate was 6.0 for MCP and 7.5 for CR1. The third cleavage was mediated only by CR1 and factor I, the optimal pH being 8.0. Low ionic conditions enhanced the C3b binding and cofactor activity of both CR1 and MCP. The efficiency of binding C3b to CR1 or MCP was maximal at pH 6.2. The isoelectric point (pI) of MCP was acidic (approximately 4.0), while that of CR1 was 6.8. Therefore, compared to CR1, MCP possesses distinct functional profiles relative to C3b-binding and factor I-cofactor activity.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of C3b by C3b inactivator (factor I) consists of a two-step reaction; rapid cleavage of C3b to yield a nicked C3b derivative, iC3b, and followed by slow cleavage of iC3b to yield two antigenically distinct fragments, C3c and C3d,g. Using a fluorescence-labeled C3b as a substrate for I, we have investigated in detail the optimal conditions for the sequential cleavages of C3b by I. The pH optimum for the first cleavage was markedly affected by the ionic strength of buffers. The cleavage was maximum at pH 6.0 under physiological ionic strength but at pH 8.5 under low ionic strength (such as 1.7 mS). The second cleavage was a slow reaction and occurred only under low ionic strength and within a narrow pH range around pH 6.0. One of the products of the second cleavage, C3d,g, was isolated and shown to be a single polypeptide chain of 41,000 daltons with pI 5.0. C3d,g had leucocytosis-inducing activity, like C3d-k, which is a C3d fragment released by the action of plasma kallikrein. Trypsin digestion of C3d,g produced two fragments of 30,000 and 10,000 daltons and the 10,000-dalton fragment retained the leucocytosis inducing activity.  相似文献   

Altered proteolytic activities of ADAMTS-4 expressed by C-terminal processing   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
ADAMTS-4 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs) is a multidomain metalloproteinase belonging to the reprolysin family. The enzyme cleaves aggrecan core protein at several sites. Here we report that the non-catalytic ancillary domains of the enzyme play a major role in regulating aggrecanase activity, with the C-terminal spacer domain masking the general proteolytic activity. Expressing a series of domain deletion mutants in mammalian cells and examining their aggrecan-degrading and general proteolytic activities, we found that full-length ADAMTS-4 of 70 kDa was the most effective aggrecanase, but it exhibited little activity against the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond, the site originally characterized as a signature of aggrecanase activity. Little activity was detected against reduced and carboxymethylated transferrin (Cm-Tf), a general proteinase substrate. However, it readily cleaved the Glu(1480)-Gly(1481) bond in the chondroitin sulfate-rich region of aggrecan. Of the constructed mutants, the C-terminal spacer domain deletion mutant more effectively hydrolyzed both the Glu(373)-Ala(374) and Glu(1480)-Gly(1481) bonds. It also revealed new activities against Cm-Tf, fibromodulin, and decorin. Further deletion of the cysteine-rich domain reduced the aggrecanase activity by 80% but did not alter the activity against Cm-Tf or fibromodulin. Further removal of the thrombospondin type I domain drastically reduced all tested proteolytic activities, and very limited enzymatic activity was detected with the catalytic domain. Full-length ADAMTS-4 binds to pericellular and extracellular matrix, but deletion of the spacer domain releases the enzyme. ADAMTS-4 lacking the spacer domain has promiscuous substrate specificity considerably different from that previously reported for aggrecan core protein. Finding of ADAMTS-4 in the interleukin-1alpha-treated porcine articular cartilage primarily as a 46-kDa form suggests that it exhibits a broader substrate spectrum in the tissue than originally considered.  相似文献   

The oviduct-derived embryotrophic factor, ETF-3, enhances the development of trophectoderm and the hatching process of treated embryos. Monoclonal anti-ETF-3 antibody that abolishes the embryotrophic activity of ETF-3 recognized a 115-kDa protein from the conditioned medium of immortalized human oviductal cells. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that the protein was complement C3. Western blot analysis using an antibody against C3 confirmed the cross-reactivities between anti-C3 antibody with ETF-3 and anti-ETF-3 antibody with C3 and its derivatives, C3b and iC3b. Both derivatives, but not C3, were embryotrophic. iC3b was most efficient in enhancing the development of blastocysts with larger size and higher hatching rate, consistent with the previous reported embryotrophic activity of ETF-3. Embryos treated with iC3b contained iC3b immunoreactivity. The oviductal epithelium produced C3 as evidenced by the presence of C3 immunoreactivity and mRNA in the human oviduct and cultured oviductal cells. Cyclical changes in the expression of C3 immunoreactivity and mRNA were also found in the mouse oviduct with the highest expression at the estrus stage. Molecules involving in the conversion of C3b to iC3b and binding of iC3b were present in the human oviduct (factor I) and mouse preimplantation embryo (Crry and CR3), respectively. In conclusion, the present data showed that the oviduct produced C3/C3b, which was converted to iC3b to stimulate embryo development.  相似文献   

The interaction of opsonized particles with human granulocytes promotes a number of important biologic functions, including phagocytosis, superoxide generation, and release of a variety of enzymes, including histaminase. We have previously determined that histaminase release occurs via a C3-dependent process. Although fluid-phase C3b dimers can mediate release, the relative effects of particle-bound C3b and C3bi and of IgG have not been examined. In this report we demonstrate that particle-bound C3 deposited on activators of the alternative C pathway effected histaminase release in the absence of IgG. Particle-bound C3bi and C3b were both effective as mediators of histaminase release. The extent of release varied as a function of the activating surface on which C3 was deposited (zymosan C3b was considerably more potent than C3b bound to rabbit erythrocytes, which was slightly more potent than C3b bound to neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes). In contrast, C3b or C3bi deposited on nonactivating surfaces (such as sheep erythrocytes) at inputs of up to 2,000,000 molecules per granulocyte failed to induce histaminase release unless IgG was also present. The ability of C3b bound to particles that serve as activators of the alternative pathway to induce histaminase release is apparently not the result of decreased susceptibility of C3b to proteolysis or to an increased binding affinity to the C3b receptor, but may relate to the interaction of other surface structures on activating particles with the PMN membrane.  相似文献   

The two-subunit structure of the factor Va molecule is essential to its function in the prothrombinase complex. In the presence of phospholipids, the cleavage of the light chain of bovine factor Va by activated protein C proceeded at the same rate as the cleavage of the heavy chain. The limited proteolysis of factor Va is accompanied by a parallel loss of factor Va activity. Evidence that loss of activity was solely the result of the cleavage of the heavy chain, was obtained from reconstitution experiments utilizing cleaved and intact chains. The pseudo first-order rate constant of factor Va inactivation by activated protein C was found to be dependent on the amount of phospholipid-bound activated protein C and not on the amount of phospholipid-bound factor Va. However, phospholipids enhance the rate of proteolysis of the phospholipid-binding subunit, i.e. the light chain, and not the cleavage of the heavy chain. Cleavage of the heavy chain and as a consequence the inactivation of factor Va by activated protein C is mediated by phospholipid-bound light chain. After cleavage of the light chain, the 'two-subunit' structure, as well as the phospholipid-binding properties of factor Va were found to be conserved.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of insulin on the bioavailability of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I in insulin-resistant patients after surgery. Serum levels of total IGF-I (tIGF-I), free IGF (fIGF)-I, fIGF-II, and IGF-binding protein (IGFBP) 1 and IGFBP-3 proteolytic activity (IGFBP-3-PA), determined on the day before surgery and on the 1st postoperative day, were related to insulin sensitivity measured by a hyperinsulinemic, normoglycemic clamp. Before surgery, the decreased tIGF-I (P < 0.05) in response to insulin infusion was accompanied by an 18% reduction of IGFBP-1 (P < 0.001), while IGFBP-3-PA remained unchanged. Levels of fIGF-I and fIGF-II were not changed by insulin infusions. After surgery, IGFBP-3-PA increased (P < 0.05) during insulin infusion, and this was associated with an increase in tIGF-I (P < 0.001) and fIGF-I (P < 0.01), while no significant change was found in fIGF-II. The reduction in IGFBP-1 in response to insulin infusion was not affected by surgery. The change in IGFBP-3-PA during insulin infusion after surgery was related to the corresponding change in fIGF-I (r(2) = 0.26, P < 0.05) and postoperative insulin sensitivity (r(2) = -0.22, P < 0.05). These data suggest that increased IGFBP-3-PA during insulin infusion after surgery governs the increased levels of fIGF-I, while insulin-induced suppression of IGFBP-1 was not affected by surgery. We propose that, in catabolic, postoperative patients, increased levels of insulin from exogenous or, possibly, endogenous sources (nutritionally induced) may be a signal to increase IGF-I bioavailability by increased expression of IGFBP-3-PA to counteract further deterioration in glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that immune complexes turn over C1, i.e., limiting quantities of immune complexes activate an excess of C1. This was readily apparent in a system of purified C1 and C1-inhibitor (C1-In) but not in normal human serum (NHS). The following results indicate that C3 and C4 are the serum factors responsible for the inhibition of C1 turnover by immune complexes. 1) In a purified protein system composed of C1 and C1-In at pH 7.5, ionic strength 0.14 M, doses of immune complexes that activated all the C1 in 60 min at 37 degrees C yielded no detectable C1 activation when C2, C3, and C4 were also present. All proteins were at their physiologic concentrations. Activation was quantified by SDS-PAGE analysis and hemolytic titration 2) In order to inactivate C3 and C4, NHS was treated with 50 mM methylamine (MeAm) for 15 min at 37 degrees C, after which the MeAm was removed by dialysis. The activities of C1, C2, and C1-In were unaffected by this treatment. Doses of immune complexes that consumed no C1 in NHS, consumed all the C1 in MeAm-treated NHS (MeAm-NHS). 3) Reconstitution of MeAm-NHS with physiologic concentrations of C3 and C4 rendered the serum again resistant to excessive C1 consumption by immune complexes. Immune complexes used in these studies included EA-IgG, EA-IgM, tetanus-human anti-tetanus, and aggregated human IgG. There appeared to be specificity to the inhibition reaction since C4 by itself could inhibit C1 consumption by EA-IgM, whereas the presence of C3 was also required to control EA-IgG. Finally, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine was added to NHS at a final concentration of 30 mM. This nucleophile did not interact with native C3 or C4, nor did it directly activate C1. However, upon the addition of low doses of immune complexes, acetyl tyrosine did yield uncontrolled C1 activation, presumably by binding nascent C3b and C4b and thereby blocking their attachment to the immune complexes. We conclude that in NHS there is a mechanism of feedback inhibition by which nascent C3b and C4b inhibit C1 turnover by immune complexes. This mechanism of control might be physiologically important in that it prevents excessive complement activation by low concentrations of immune complexes.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of 125I-labelled C3b bound to constituents of sheep erythrocyte membranes (125I-C3b-OR) for the demonstration of C3b receptor activity of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level. The binding of 125I-C3b-OR to the cells was studied in biochemical and autoradiographical experiments. The amount of cell-associated radioactivity was dependent on the presence of unlabelled aggregated C3b (AC3b) in a dose-response manner, and diminished strongly after functional inactivation of the receptor by trypsin treatment. In addition, it was found that at 4° C most of the label was associated with the cell surface. However, when the incubation temperature was raised from 4° C to 37° C, internalization of the label was observed. These results indicate that 125I-C3b-OR is a suitable agent for further characterization of the C3b receptor-function of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to evaluate the usefulness of 125I-labelled C3b bound to constituents of sheep erythrocyte membranes (125I-C3b-OR) for the demonstration of C3b receptor activity of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level. The binding of 125I-C3b-OR to the cells was studied in biochemical and autoradiographical experiments. The amount of cell-associated radioactivity was dependent on the presence of unlabelled aggregated C3b (AC3b) in a dose-response manner, and diminished strongly after functional inactivation of the receptor by trypsin treatment. In addition, it was found that at 4 degrees C most of the label was associated with the cell surface. However, when the incubation temperature was raised from 4 degrees C to 37 degrees C, internalization of the label was observed. These results indicate that 125I-C3b-OR is a suitable agent for further characterization of the C3b receptor-function of resident peritoneal macrophages at the electron-microscopical level.  相似文献   

C5 convertase of the classical complement pathway is a trimolecular protein complex consisting of C4b, C2a, and C3b. In the complex there is an ester bond between C3b and C4b. We analyzed the C5 convertase formed on erythrocytes and localized the covalent binding site of C3b to a small region on C4b. The covalently linked C4b.C3b complex was purified from a detergent extract of the erythrocytes and digested with lysyl endopeptidase. An Mr 17,000 fragment containing the ester linkage between C4b and C3b was purified and its amino-terminal sequence was examined. Two amino acids were obtained at each cycle and identified with those in the sequences of C3 and C4. The sequence derived from C3 corresponded to the thioester region. The sequence derived from C4 started at Ala-1186. Alkali treatment of the fragment yielded an Mr 7,000 peptide derived from C4, which thus appeared to span the region of C4 from Ala-1186 to Lys-1259. Therefore, the covalent C3b-binding site on C4b is located within a 74-residue region of the primary structure. This finding supports the notion that after cleavage of C3 by the C4b2a complex, the covalent binding of metastable C3b to C4b is a specific reaction to form a trimolecular complex with a defined quaternary structure.  相似文献   

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