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Uptake of phosphate ions by 1 mm segments of isolated maize root cortex layers was studied. Cortex segments (from roots of 8 days old maize plants) absorb phosphate ions from 1 mM KH2PO4 in 0.2 mM CaSCO4 at the average rate of 34.3 ±3.2 μg Pi g?1 (fr. m.) h?1,i.e. 0.35± 0.02 μmol Pi g?1 (fr. m.) h?1. Phosphate uptake considerably increases after a certain period of “augmentation”,i.e. washing in aerated 0.2 mM CaSO4. This increase is completely blocked by the presence of 10 μg ml?1 cycloheximide. The relation of uptake rate to phosphate concentration in the medium was shown to have 3 phases in the concentration range of 0.02 - 40 mM. Transition points were found between 0.8–1 mM and 10–20 mM. Following Km and Vmax values were found: Km[mM] : 0.37 - 3.82 - 27.67 Vmax[μg Pi g?1 (fr. m.) h?1] : 3.33 - 39.40 - 66.67 We have found no sharp pH optimum for phosphate uptake. It proceeds at almost constant rate till pH 6.0 and then the uptake rate drops with increasing pH. At low phosphate concentrations (1 mM) the lowest uptake rate was found at 5 and 13 °C, while the uptake is higher at 5 °C than at 13 °C at phosphate concentrations higher than 1 mM. At these concentrations uptake rate at 35 °C is lower than at 25 °C. Phosphate uptake considerably decreased in anaerobic conditions. DNP and iodoacetate (0.1 mM) completely blocked phosphate uptake from 1 mM KH2PO4, while uptake from 5 and 10 mM KH2PO4 was left unaffected by these substances. The inhibitors of active - SH groups NEM and PCMB inhibited phosphate uptake: 10?3 M NEM by 81.6%, 104 M NEM by 42% and 10?4 M PCMB by 42%.  相似文献   

Barley seedlings 48 h after the onset of germination on filter paper treated for 24 h by 1 mM cadmium (Cd), 3 mM nickel (Ni) or 0.5 mM mercury (Hg) showed similar approximately 45% root growth inhibition. Although root growth inhibition was similar, loss of cell viability evaluated, as Evans blue uptake was distinct among Cd, Ni and Hg treated roots. While Cd and Hg caused cell death along the whole barley root (0–8 mm), Ni induced significant loss of cell viability only in root cells 6–8 mm distance from the root tip. Our results suggest that different metabolic processes are activated in different parts of barley root in relation to distance from the root tip during heavy metal (HM) treatment. Some of them are characteristic for several HMs such as inhibition of ascorbic acid oxidase or glutathione-S-transferase stimulation, while others are specific for individual HMs, e.g. activation of acid phosphatase and lipoxygenase by Cd and Hg, or inhibition of ascorbate peroxidase by Ni and Hg treatment.  相似文献   

Ethylene effects on growing and gravireacting maize root segments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of ethylene pretreatments (500 nl/l for 1 h) and treatments (100 nl/1 to 1000 nl/l for 6 h) on elongation and gravireaction of apical maize root segments were tested in light and in the dark. Ethylene was found to affect weakly root elongation and gravireaction, but to induce strong curvatures for root growing vertically.  相似文献   

Heavy metal (HM) tolerance, effects on maize growth, heavy metal absorption and accumulation by endophytic Peyronellaea from HM-contaminated and uncontaminated sites were studied to evaluate the hypothesis that endophytes from HM-contaminated sites would enhance HM-tolerance in hosts. Although we found that certain endophytes improved tolerance of plants to heavy metals, isolates from the HM-contaminated site were not more tolerant to heavy metals than those from the uncontaminated site. Pot experiments indicated that growth and heavy metal absorption and accumulation by host plants in HM-polluted environments could be affected by inoculation with HM-tolerant endophytic fungi, and isolates showed a high intraspecific variability. However, there was no significant difference in growth between the maize inoculated with the endophytes from the HM-contaminated site and uncontaminated site under lead stress. Similarly, the HM content in the shoots and roots of maize inoculated with the isolates from the HM-contaminated site was not always higher than that in maize inoculated with endophytes from the uncontaminated site. Therefore, based on our experiments it is suggested that HM-tolerance due to endophytes and their effects on host plant growth and heavy metal absorption and accumulation were not correlated with origin of the endophytes.  相似文献   

Accumulation of aluminum, cadmium, lead and calcium was studied in the wood-roting fungiDaedalea quercina, Ganoderma applanatum, Stereum hirsutum andSchizophyllum commune. The heavy metal content was measured in mycelia cultured in liquid media in the presence of either individual Al, Cd, Pb and Ca salts or of their mixtures. After 8-d cultivations in media containing 1 mmol/L concentration of individual heavy metals, the lead content was maximal in the mycelium ofStereum hirsutum (90.6 mmol/g) while the mycelium ofGanoderna applanatum contained maximal values of cadmium (272 mmol/g), aluminum (600 mmol/g) and calcium (602 mmol/g). When the mycelia were grown on mixtures of all metal salts, lead was the preferentially accumulated ion except inG. applanatum which had a higher affinity for aluminum.  相似文献   

The effects of white light and decapitation on the initiation and subsequent emergence and elongation of lateral roots of apical maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 11) root segments have been examined. The formation of lateral root primordium was inhibited by the white light. This inhibition did not depend upon the presence of the primary root tip. However, root decapitation induced a shift of the site of appearance of the most apical primordium towards the root apex, and a strong disturbance of the distribution pattern of primordium volumes along the root axis. White light had a significant effect neither on the distribution pattern of primordium volumes, nor on the period of primordium development (time interval required for the smallest detectable primordia to grow out as secondary roots). Thus, considering the rooting initiation and emergence, the light effect was restricted to the initiation phase only. Moreover, white light reduced lateral root elongation as well as primary root growth.  相似文献   

Absorption of ammonium from solutions of ammonium chloride by maize ( Zea mays L. cv. GS-2) tissue was studied. In contrast to an initial rapid phase of absorption in root tissue, a one hour lag period was recorded in leaf tissue. The maximum rate of uptake was observed at 5–10 m M NH4Cl in both tissues. Roots had a Km value of 1.0 m M and Vmax of 24.3 μmol ammonium (g fresh weight)−1 h−1, whereas the leaf tissue had a higher Km (4.1 m M ) and a lower Vmax (8.7 μmol). There was a concentration dependent increase in ethanol soluble and insoluble fractions of organic nitrogen during ammonium supply. The optimum pH for ammonium absorption for both tissues was 7.4. The optimal concentration of CaCl2 for ammonium absorption was 5 m M whereas that of KCl was only 1 m M . In both tissues, the absorption was inhibited substantially by DCMU, DNP, cycloheximide, lincomycin, sodium tungstate, sodium arsenate and to some extent also by the anions nitrate and sulfate. It is suggested that a carrier is involved in an active uptake of ammonium in the leaf tissues.  相似文献   

The heavy metal resistance of yeasts isolated from sugary substrates such as orange, palm wine and pineapple and identified asSaccharomyces carlsbergensis andS. cerevisiae was studied. The yeast isolates were tested against different concentrations of cadmium, copper, manganese, silver and zinc salts ranging from 1 to 20 mmol/L. Local yeasts showed resistance to 3–15 mmol/L cadmium, 18–20 copper, 16–20 manganese, 1–9 silver and 16–19 for zinc. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to the effects of heavy metals on growth of microorganisms and selection of yeasts for the brewing industry in Nigeria.  相似文献   

The short term uptake of phosphate involving 10 min absorption followed by 5 min desorption, both at 30 °C, in the concentration range 1.0×10?9 to 7.5×10?2 M KH2PO4 by fresh and washed maize (Zea mays L. cv. Ganga Safed-2) roots can be described by a single isotherm having five phases (0 and I–IV) with regularly spaced kinetic constants. Almost identical kinetics were observed in both fresh and washed maize roots. The kinetics of phase 0 in the concentration range 1.0×10?9–3.0×10?5 M. was sigmoidal in fresh maize roots, however, in washed tissue exhibited 2 phases termed here as 0a and 0b. 0a covered the concentration range 1.0×10?9–5.0×10?6 M and 0b 6.0×10?6–3.0×10?5 M. In the concentration range 1.0×10?4–7.5×10?2 M four distinct phases, termed as I, II, III and IV were evident in both fresh and washed maize roots. Each phase obeyed Michaelis—Menten kinetics. The values of Km and Vmax have been estimated for each phase. The uptake isotherm was accompanied by discontinuous transitions.  相似文献   

In the present work, we investigated the alteration of oxidative and peroxidative activities of peroxidases (PODs) along the longitudinal root axis of barley seedlings during heavy metal (HM; e.g., Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb) treatment. Analysis of the individual root segments revealed that all of the analyzed HMs caused an increase of guaiacol-POD activity, however to a different extent and spatial distribution. Cd-induced ferulic acid POD activity was observed along the whole root tip (RT), while Cu and Hg caused its increase in the meristematic zone and Ni mainly at the end of the differentiation zone of RT. The activation of coniferyl alcohol POD by HMs was detected along the whole RT. HM-induced hydrogen peroxide-generating POD activity was localized mainly to the elongation zone of RT. Elevated chlorogenic acid POD activity was observed in the meristematic zone and at the end of the differentiation zone of RTs. The activation of several PODs is probably associated with enhanced H2O2 production and lignification as a defense response of roots to several HM, to prevent their uncontrolled flux. On the other hand, this defense response is accompanied by root growth inhibition, due to the enhanced rigidification of cell wall and accelerated differentiation of RTs.  相似文献   

In two maize genotypes, the effect of exogenous phosphate deficiency on acid phosphatase activity of the apical part of primary root was followed in dry and imbided grains. Higher acid phosphatase activity was found in the genotype LG 5. The enzyme activity increased after 18 h grain imbibition in the two genotypes. After 48 h germination no differences were found between the genotypes. After 24 h cultivation of root segments in a solution of 0.25 mM CaSO4.2H2O,0.1 mM MgSO4.7H2O, and further after 3,6 and 24 h cultivation in solutions with and without phosphate genotypic differences were found in acid phosphatase activity as well as in dry mass production. An increase in enzymatic activity due to exogenous phosphate deficiency was registered in the two genotypes only after 24 h cultivation.  相似文献   

The dependence of some parameters of L-cells culture viability on different concentrations of heavy metals was studied. Considerable cytotoxic effect of low concentrations of nickel (0.025 mcg/ml) and lead (0.05 mcg/ml) was shown. Copper and chrome at concentrations of 0.25-0.5 mcg/ml promote cells proliferation between third and fifth days of cultivation. Nickel at concentration 0.025 mcg/ml and lead at all investigated concentrations synchronize cells division in culture. Increasing of giant polynucleas cells level in culture was characteristic for investigated metals. The maximum levels of this type cells were caused by the action of nickel, chrome and copper.  相似文献   

In apical or subapical root segments of maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Dekalb XL640), 10−7–10−5 M 24-epibrassinolide (BR), a physiologically active synthetic epimer of the pollen hormone brassinolide, induces a significant stimulation of root growth, associated with an increase of acid secretion. The increase in acid secretion is enhanced by the presence of K+ in the medium and is accompanied by an early, significant hyperpolarization of the transmembrane electric potential (PD), which is completely suppressed by the addition of the protonophore uncoupler FCCP. Similar effects of BR have earlier been reported for shoots, and also for IAA in shoots. Contrariwise, 10−8–10−7 M IAA inhibits acid secretion and depolarizes the PD in the maize root segments. This suggests different pathways for the action of the two different hormones on the proton pump.  相似文献   

In short-term (1 h) uptake experiments GA3(10-5M) stimulated Pi uptake into maize root cortex cells by 28.7 %, Ethrel (10-3M) inhibited it by 18.5 % and BA, IAA, and ABA were inactive. In long-term (5 h) experiments ABA remained inactive, GA3 lost its stimulatory effect, and BA (5. 10-6M), IAA (10-4 -10-5M), and Ethrel (10-3 -5. 10-4M) decreased Pi uptake. When the hormones were present only during 3 h preincubation (“augmentation”) period ABA was inactive, GA3 slightly raised and BA, IAA, and Ethrel slowed down subsequent Pi uptake. BA(10-7 –10-5M) decreased xylem sap volume flow and Pi translocation. ABA in all tested concentrations (10-8 –10-5M) reduced exudation rate and Pi translocation, its effect declining with time. IAA effect strongly depended on concentration used and on application time and varied from strong inhibition to moderate stimulation of both volume flow and Pi translocation. GA3 (10-7M) slightly stimulated xylem volume flow but inhibited phosphate translocation. Ethrel (10-4 and 10-5M) increased both parameters, but Pi transloeation much more than volume flow. IAA, BA, and ABA influenced volume flow and P transloeation to the same extent leaving Pi concentration in the xylem sap unchanged. GA3 and Ethrel influence Pi concentration in the xylem sap and it is thus probable that these hormones regulate release of phosphate ions into the xylem sap.  相似文献   

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