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The effects of homeotic mutations on transdetermination in eye-antenna imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster were studied. After 12 days of culture in vivo, antenna discs transformed to ventral mesothorax by AntpNs or AntpZ, transdetermined to notum and wing structures four to five times more frequently than the corresponding wild-type antenna discs. Likewise, eye discs transformed to dorsal mesothorax by eyopt transdetermined to leg structures, also extremely frequently (90%). It seems that, during culture, homeotic antenna as well as homeotic eye discs tend to complete the structural inventory of the mesothoracic segment. Transdetermination in the homeotic disc parts is interpreted as a regeneration process which reestablishes an entire segment, i.e., the ventral mesothoracic portion (leg) in the antenna disc regenerates dorsal mesothoracic parts, and the dorsal mesothoracic portion in the eye disc (wing) regenerates ventral mesothoracic parts, respectively. This implies that antenna and leg discs (ventral qualities) as well as eye and wing discs (dorsal qualities) are serially homologous. The transdetermination frequency of the untransformed eye disc to notum and wing structures is enhanced by Antp to the same extent as is the transdetermination frequency of the antenna disc. The first allotypic wing disc structure formed by the eye disc is notum, followed by structures of the anterior wing compartment and finally by posterior wing structures. No evidence for such a sequence was found in the transdetermination pattern of the antenna disc.  相似文献   

Separation of the imaginal and larval developmental pathways in Drosophila occurs early in embryogenesis, resulting in the formation of imaginal discs and abdominal histoblast nests along the larval body wall. The dorsal and ventral histoblast nests within the first abdominal (A1) segment are shown not to be segmentally homologous with the metathoracic (T3) haltere and leg discs, respectively, since they occur at distinct dorso-ventral locations during normal development and can be found together within the same segment in mutants of the Bithorax complex (BX-C) where T3 is transformed towards A2-A4 or A1 towards T3. Several patterning abnormalities are also observed in BX-C mutants. A ventral shift in the A1 ventral nest occurs in partially transformed larvae harboring weak bithoraxoid (bxd) mutations; in more fully transformed larvae (Ubx1/Df) both the anterior dorsal and ventral nests are lost and instead a dorsal and ventral disc bud are formed. Dorso-ventral inversions in the pattern of the ventral nest occur in a random fashion throughout A1-A7 in response to an increase or decrease in the gene dosage of the BX-C. In gain-of-function mutants anterior dorsal histoblast cells form in the homologous anterior as well as the nonhomologous posterior portion of T3. Based on these and other findings it appears that the Ultrabithorax (Ubx) locus (and possibly abdominal-A and Abdominal-B) is required to steer ectodermal cells toward an imaginal histoblast rather than a larval cell fate at specific regions within the first abdominal segment.  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Drosophila are the larval primordia for the adult cuticular structures of the adult fly. Fate maps of different discs have been generated that show the localization of prospective adult structures. Even though the three legs differ in their morphology, only the fate map for the T1 (prothoracic) leg disc has been generated. Here we present fate maps for the T2 (meso-) and T3 (metathoracic) leg discs. We show that there are many similarities to the map of the T1 leg disc. However, there are also significant differences in the contributions of each disc to the thorax, in the morphology of joints connecting the legs to the thorax, in bristle patterns, and in the positioning of some sensory organs. We also tested the developmental potential of disc fragments and observed that T2 and T3 leg discs have more limited plasticity and are unable to transdetermine. The differences in the cuticle patterns between legs are robust and conserved in many species of dipterans. While most previous analyses of imaginal disc development have not distinguished between the different leg discs, we believe that the underlying differences of the three leg discs demonstrated here cannot be ignored when studying leg disc development.  相似文献   

The Iroquois complex (Iro-C) genes are expressed in the dorsal compartment of the Drosophila eye/antenna imaginal disc. Previous work has shown that the Iro-C homeoproteins are essential for establishing a dorsoventral pattern organizing center necessary for eye development. Here we show that, in addition, the Iro-C products are required for the specification of dorsal head structures. In mosaic animals, the removal of the Iro-C transforms the dorsal head capsule into ventral structures, namely, ptilinum, prefrons and suborbital bristles. Moreover, the Iro-C(-) cells can give rise to an ectopic antenna and maxillary palpus, the main derivatives of the antenna part of the imaginal disc. These transformations are cell-autonomous, which indicates that the descendants of a dorsal Iro-C(-) cell can give rise to essentially all the ventral derivatives of the eye/antenna disc. These results support a role of the Iro-C as a dorsal selector in the eye and head capsule. Moreover, they reinforce the idea that developmental cues inherited from the distinct embryonic segments from which the eye/antenna disc originates play a minimal role in the patterning of this disc.  相似文献   

The adult structures of Drosophila melanogaster are derived from larval imaginal discs, which originate as clusters of cells within the embryonic ectoderm. The genital imaginal disc is composed of three primordia (female genital, male genital, and anal primordia) that originate from the embryonic tail segments A8, A9, and A10, respectively, and produce the sexually dimorphic genitalia and analia. We show that the genital disc precursor cells (GDPCs) are first detectable during mid-embryogenesis as a 22-cell cluster in the ventral epidermis. Analysis of mutant and double mutant phenotypes of embryonic patterning genes in the GDPCs, together with their expression patterns in these cells, revealed the following with respect to the origins and specification of the GDPCs. The allocation of the GDPCs from the ventral epidermis requires the function of ventral patterning genes, including the EGF receptor and the spitz group of genes. The ventral localization of the GDPCs is further restricted by the action of dorsal patterning genes. Along the anterior-posterior axis, several segment polarity genes (wingless, engrailed, hedgehog, and patched) are required for the proper allocation of the GDPCs. These segment polarity genes are expressed in some, but not all of the GDPCs, indicating that anterior and posterior compartments are not fully established in the GDPCs. In addition, we found that the three primordia of the larval genital disc have already been specified in the GDPCs by the coordinated actions of the homeotic (Hox) genes, abdominal-A, Abdominal-B, and caudal. By identifying how these different patterning networks regulate the allocation and primordial organization of the 22 embryonic precursors of the compound genital disc, we demonstrate that at least some of the organization of the larval disc originates as positional information in the embryo, thus providing a context for further studies on the development of the genital disc.  相似文献   

In developmental biology, the sequence of gene induction and pattern formation is best studied over time as an organism develops. However, in the model system of Drosophila larvae this oftentimes proves difficult due to limitations in imaging capabilities. Using the larval wing imaginal disc, we show that both overall growth, as well as the creation of patterns such as the distinction between the anterior(A) and posterior(P) compartments and the dorsal(D) and ventral(V) compartments can be studied directly by imaging the wing disc as it develops inside a larva. Imaged larvae develop normally, as can be seen by the overall growth curve of the wing disc. Yet, the fact that we can follow the development of individual discs through time provides the opportunity to simultaneously assess individual variability. We for instance find that growth rates can vary greatly over time. In addition, we observe that mechanical forces act on the wing disc within the larva at times when there is an increase in growth rates. Moreover, we observe that A/P boundary formation follows the established sequence and a smooth boundary is present from the first larval instar on. The division of the wing disc into a dorsal and a ventral compartment, on the other hand, develops quite differently. Contrary to expectation, the specification of the dorsal compartment starts with only one or two cells in the second larval instar and a smooth boundary is not formed until the third larval instar.  相似文献   

Insects can be grouped into mainly two categories, holometabolous and hemimetabolous, according to the extent of their morphological change during metamorphosis. The three thoracic legs, for example, are known to develop through two overtly different pathways: holometabolous insects make legs through their imaginal discs, while hemimetabolous legs develop from their leg buds. Thus, how the molecular mechanisms of leg development differ from each other is an intriguing question. In the holometabolous long-germ insect, these mechanisms have been extensively studied using Drosophila melanogaster. However, little is known about the mechanism in the hemimetabolous insect. Thus, we studied leg development of the hemimetabolous short-germ insect, Gryllus bimaculatus (cricket), focusing on expression patterns of the three key signaling molecules, hedgehog (hh), wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp), which are essential during leg development in Drosophila. In Gryllus embryos, expression of hh is restricted in the posterior half of each leg bud, while dpp and wg are expressed in the dorsal and ventral sides of its anteroposterior (A/P) boundary, respectively. Their expression patterns are essentially comparable with those of the three genes in Drosophila leg imaginal discs, suggesting the existence of the common mechanism for leg pattern formation. However, we found that expression pattern of dpp was significantly divergent among Gryllus, Schistocerca (grasshopper) and Drosophila embryos, while expression patterns of hh and wg are conserved. Furthermore, the divergence was found between the pro/mesothoracic and metathoracic Gryllus leg buds. These observations imply that the divergence in the dpp expression pattern may correlate with diversity of leg morphology.  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster are an excellent material with which to analyze how signaling pathways and Hox genes control growth and pattern formation. The study of one of these discs, the genital disc, offers, in addition, the possibility of integrating the sex determination pathway into this analysis. This disc, whose growth and shape are sexually dimorphic, gives rise to the genitalia and analia, the more posterior structures of the fruit fly. Male genitalia, which develop from the ninth abdominal segment, and female genitalia, which develop mostly from the eighth one, display a characteristic array of structures. We will review here some recent findings about the development of these organs. As in other discs, different signaling pathways establish the positional information in the genital primordia. The Hox and sex determination genes modify these signaling routes at different levels to specify the particular growth and differentiation of male and female genitalia.  相似文献   

Drosophila adult structures derive from imaginal discs, which are sacs with apposed epithelial sheets, the disc proper (DP) and the peripodial epithelium (PE). The Drosophila TGF-beta family member decapentaplegic (dpp) contributes to the development of adult structures through expression in all imaginal discs, driven by enhancers from the 3' cis-regulatory region of the gene. In the eye/antennal disc, there is 3' directed dpp expression in both the DP and PE associated with cell proliferation and eye formation. Here, we analyze a new class of dpp cis-regulatory mutations, which specifically disrupt a previously unknown region of dpp expression, controlled by enhancers in the 5' regulatory region of the gene and limited to the PE of eye/antennal discs. These are the first described Drosophila mutations that act by solely disrupting PE gene expression. The mutants display defects in the ventral adult head and alter peripodial but not DP expression of known dpp targets. However, apoptosis is observed in the underlying DP, suggesting that this peripodial dpp signaling source supports cell survival in the DP.  相似文献   

Hypercephaly, in the form of lateral extensions of the head capsule, is observed in several families of Diptera. A particularly extreme form is found in diopsid stalk-eyed flies, in which both eyes and antennae are laterally displaced at the end of eyestalks. We have studied the developmental basis of this exaggerated morphology in Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Diopsid eye-antennal imaginal discs are divided into anterior and posterior portions, which are joined by a narrow "disc-stalk" of intervening tissue. We established a fate map for this disc by cutting it into fragments and culturing them in vivo by injecting them into host larvae. The adult eye and dorsal head capsule structures, including the eyestalk and the ocelli, are derived from the posterior portion of the disc, while ventral adult structures such as the antenna and the palpus are derived from the anterior portion of the disc. Thus both posterior and anterior disc portions give rise to structures that are widely separated in the adult head. Moreover, structures that are adjacent in the adult are derived from different regions of the disc. These results confirm and extend previous conclusions about regional identity in diopsid eye-antennal discs that were based on the analysis of molecular markers.  相似文献   

The lethal(3)discs overgrown (dco) locus of Drosophila melanogaster, located on the third chromosome at cytogenetic position 100A5,6-100B1,2, is necessary for normal development and growth control in the imaginal discs of the larva. Three recessive lethal alleles (dco2, dco3, and dco18) in heteroallelic combinations and one allele (dco3) when homozygous cause the imaginal discs to continue to grow beyond the normal disc-intrinsic limit during an extended larval period. Some degeneration also occurs in the overgrowing discs. The discs overgrow even when transplanted early in their development into wild-type hosts, whereas normal discs stop growth at about the normal final size under such conditions, indicating that the overgrowth is a disc-autonomous effect of the mutations. During overgrowth the imaginal discs retain their single-layered epithelial structure except near regions of degeneration, and they differentiate into disc-appropriate but abnormal adult structures when transplanted into wild-type larval hosts. When the mutant larvae are reared under certain conditions a small percentage develop to the pharate adult stage, and these animals show a characteristic syndrome of abnormalities including swollen leg segments with many extra bristles, small or missing eyes, duplicated antennae and palpi, and separated vesicles of cuticle. A fourth recessive lethal allele (dcole88), when homozygous or in heteroallelic combination with the overgrowth alleles, causes the imaginal discs to degenerate, producing a "discless" phenotype. Gap junction-mediated communication was assayed by observing the intercellular transfer of injected fluorescein complexon (dye coupling). Dye coupling in the imaginal discs of the dco genotypes that cause overgrowth was dramatically reduced at 4 days after egg laying (AEL) compared with wild-type controls. Coupling was more normal although still significantly reduced at 7-8 and 12-14 days AEL. In c43hs1, another disc overgrowth mutant, the imaginal disc cells also showed very reduced dye coupling at 4 days and incomplete coupling at 9 days. In contrast, discs from wild-type larvae, two other imaginal disc overgrowth mutants, and a cell death mutant showed extensive dye coupling at all stages tested. Electron microscopic morphometry revealed a reduction in gap-junction length per unit lateral plasma membrane length in dco3/dco18 and c43hs1 wing discs, although not in dco2/dco3, compared with wild-type wing discs. The results suggest that gap-junctional cell communication may be involved in the cell interactions that limit cell proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

Drosophila limbs develop from imaginal discs that are subdivided into compartments. Dorsal-ventral subdivision of the wing imaginal disc depends on apterous activity in dorsal cells. Apterous protein is expressed in dorsal cells and is responsible for (1) induction of a signaling center along the dorsal-ventral compartment boundary (2) establishment of a lineage restriction boundary between compartments and (3) specification of dorsal cell fate. Here, we report that the homeobox gene msh (muscle segment homeobox) acts downstream of apterous to confer dorsal identity in wing development.  相似文献   

The genetic control of growth ensures that animals grow to reproducible sizes and that tumourous growth is rare. This year, the regulation of organ growth has been studied extensively in Drosophila imaginal discs, and a signalling pathway that regulates organ growth and size has been identified. Furthermore, the role of Drosophila homologues to human tumour suppressor genes and oncogenes in imaginal disc growth has been investigated.  相似文献   

Position-specific (PS)1 and PS2 monoclonal antibodies bind non-uniformly to the mature wing imaginal disc of Drosophila with respect to the boundary separating the dorsal and ventral developmental compartments. PS1 antibodies preferentially recognize dorsal cells, PS2 antibodies ventral cells. Antibodies of the two classes extract distinct sets of glycoproteins from an imaginal disc lysate. PS3 antibodies bind to both dorsal and ventral disc cells and extract both PS1 and PS2 glycoprotein sets together with an additional component. We show that the PS antigens are related multimeric glycoprotein complexes on the cell surface. PS3 antibodies recognize a glycoprotein present in all complexes, while PS1 and PS2 antibodies recognize unique components of their own complexes. Spatial and temporal correlations suggest the molecules may have a function in development.  相似文献   

Here we describe and compare the expression patterns of the murine genes Lhx2 and Msx1 and their Drosophila orthologues apterous (ap) and muscle-segment homeobox (msh). We find that Lhx2 and Msx1 show complementary patterns of expression in most tissues including the neural and cranial epithelium, pituitary gland, olfactory organs, and neural tube; in contrast, Lhx2 and Msx1 are coexpressed in the developing limbs. Strikingly, the spatial relationship between ap and msh expression in Drosophila is very reminiscent of the expression of their murine orthologues. ap and msh show complementary expression in the leg and antennal imaginal discs, brain and ventral ganglion of the central nervous system (CNS), but both are coexpressed in the wing imaginal disc. These observations suggest conservation in the regulation of these genes between Drosophila and mice.  相似文献   

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