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The type material of the Cretaceous ornithopod Iguanodon orientalis Rozhdestvensky, 1952 is redescribed. The characters which were ori0ginally used to establish a new species are shown to be either incorrect or indistinguishable from Iguanodon bernissartensis Boulenger, 1881. Additional material, previously unrecognized, further confirms the similarity of I. orientalis to I. bernissartensis. It is proposed that I. orientalis should be relegated in synonymy as a junior subjective synonym of I. bernissartensis Boulenger, 1881. The identification of the Barremian species I. bernissartensis in Asia indicates an unusually wide geographic spread for this species, and provides a potential biostratigraphic indicator for beds in Mongolia which had been previously dated variously between the Cenomanian and Maastrichtian stages.  相似文献   

Results for nuclear ITS sequences were combined with previously obtained data from cpDNA restriction site studies to provide a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for subtribe Helianthinae. Results from the two molecular data sets were mostly congruent for basally diverging branches of the subtribe. Based on the results, combined with morphological observations, the basally diverging branches are placed in six genera, including one newly described. Bahiopsis is resurrected to accommodate species previously placed in Viguiera subgenus Bahiopsis . Calanticaria is newly proposed for the five species of Viguiera ser. Brevifolieae . Heliomeris is retained for the group sometimes included within Viguiera as sect. Heliomeris . Hymenostephium is revived and enlarged to include a number of species of similar habit and involucre, including members of Viguiera sect. Diplostichis , Haploca-lymma and Garcilassa . Although cpDNA results place the morphologically distinctive Sclerocarpus within the clade including species of Hymenostephium , the ITS data were consistent with morphology in suggesting it to be a distinctive lineage.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 65–76.  相似文献   

The cranial anatomy of the helmet‐crested lambeosaurine Hypacrosaurus altispinus (Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae) is described, with a focus on ontogenetic and individual variation in phylogenetically significant characters of the cranial crest, braincase, and facial skeleton. Cranial material of H. altispinus represents a relatively complete growth series that includes crestless juveniles of less than half the size of large individuals with fully developed crests. Cranial ontogeny is compared with other lambeosaurines using bivariate morphometrics and through qualitative comparison of a size‐standardized cranial growth series. Bivariate analyses reveal that the relative growth of the skull and cranial crest of H. altispinus and H. stebingeri are similar, and that Hypacrosaurus more closely resembles Corythosaurus than Lambeosaurus. Hypacrosaurus altispinus is systematically revised. The taxon is characterized by five autapomorphies, most of which are concentrated in the skull, as well as an enlarged terminal ischial foot. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian likelihood (Mk+gamma) phylogenetic analyses were conducted to test the monophyly of the genus. Hypacrosaurus monophyly is corroborated in light of new anatomical data. Although H. stebingeri and H. altispinus share few derived characters of the skull, the hypothesis that H. stebingeri is a metaspecies that represents the ancestor of H. altispinus cannot be rejected. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 398–434.  相似文献   

A survey of 55 osteological and myological features provided the basis for a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the loricariid subfamily Hypoptopomatinae. Eleven genera are recognized. Aceslridium, Hypoptopoma, Microlepidogaster, Otocinclus (sensu stricto), Otothyris, Oxyropsis, Par otocinclus, Pseudotocinclus, Schizolecis and an unnamed new genus from Venezuela are each hypothesized as monophyletic on the basis of at least one uniquely derived, unreversed character stale. Pseudotothyris is diagnosed by one character state representing evolutionary convergence. Otocinclus , as presently defined (Isbriicker, 1980), is paraphyletic. Species related to Otocinclus vestitus , the type species, are more closely related to other Hypoptopomatinae than to other Otocinclus species. The hypothesis of generic relationships described herein is based on the consensus among three equally parsimonious trees of length 89 steps (c = 0.652). Distribution of character states on that tree and character-state evolution are discussed in terms of support for each lineage. Thirty-three trees were found one step longer (length = 90, c = 0.644) than the shortest, most parsimonious trees. The consensus among these 33 trees revealed two additional unresolved polychotomies involving members of the tribe Otothyrini and a clade composed of Hypoptopoma, Oxyropsis and Aceslridium. A preliminary framework for the analysis of historical biogeography of the Hypoptopomatinae is discussed.  相似文献   

The Stegosauria represents an iconic group of ornithischian dinosaurs, with a fossil record spanning the Middle Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous. In this contribution I present the first detailed analysis of the relationship between disparity and diversity through the evolutionary history of the group. The analysis has been performed on a recently published cladistic dataset, allowing the separate study of the signals deriving from discrete characters and from continuous morphometric characters. Whereas the disparity as sum of variance is decoupled with respect to diversity, the sum of ranges provides a signal fairly consistent with the trend in the number of taxa. Both sub-data sets show that evolution of stegosaurs can be considered essentially as symmetrical, i.e. the maximum exploration of the possible morphospace takes place about half way through the history of the group, with subsequent significant decline until extinction in the Upper Cretaceous. An interesting result is a decoupling of the tempo and mode of evolution of the cranium and postcranium in stegosaurs. Specifically, the evolutionary radiation with maximum saturation of morphospace is anticipated in the cranial skeleton, with maximum peak in the Oxfordian; in contrast, the postcranium explores the largest number of morphotypes subsequently during the Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

Fabien Knoll 《Geobios》2002,35(5):595
A new ornithischian skull from the Elliot Formation of southern Africa is described. The specimen is compared in detail with the fabrosaurid Lesothosaurus diagnosticus. It actually shares many characters with specimens of the syntypes of this species or specimens referred to it. It is nevertheless not identical to any of these specimens and it is, moreover, remarkably larger than them. The possibility of attributing this specimen to a so far undescribed ‘large fabrosaur’ from the same formation is discussed. It is concluded that the specimen in question in this paper, while being ascribable to the genus Lesothosaurus, cannot be determined to a specific level until the existence of two fabrosaurid species in the ‘Stormberg Group’ is demonstrated and their range of morphological and size variation is properly appraised.  相似文献   

The Characinae is a subunit of the Characidae of special significance in including Charax, the type genus of the family and the order Characiformes. Twelve genera and 79 species have been traditionally assigned to the Characinae, but the subfamily still lacks a phylogenetic diagnosis. Herein, a data matrix including 150 morphological characters and 64 taxa (35 species representing all genera of the Characinae and 29 included in other lineages within the Characiformes) was submitted to two cladistic analyses that differ in the inclusion/exclusion of Priocharax due to the difficulty of coding most of the character states in the miniature species of this genus. Both analyses resulted in a non‐monophyletic Characinae and this subfamily is herein restricted to only seven of the original 12 genera forming the clade (Phenacogaster((Charax Roeboides)(Acanthocharax(Cynopotamus(Acestrocephalus Galeocharax))))), which is supported by ten non‐ambiguous synapomorphies and is more closely related to other genera of the Characidae than those traditionally placed in the subfamily. A second clade includes the members of the tribe Heterocharacini (Lonchogenys(Heterocharax Hoplocharax)) as the sister‐group of Gnathocharax, supported by seven non‐ambiguous synapomorphies. This clade is more closely related to a taxon formed by Roestes and Gilbertolus based on seven non‐ambiguous synapomorphies. Results do not corroborate a close relationship between RoestesGilbertolus and the Cynodontinae. Inclusion of the genus Priocharax suggests that it is related more closely to the Heterocharacini, but the profound modifications in its anatomy possibly related to ontogenetic truncations obscure a better understanding of its relationships. A new classification of the Characinae and the Heterocharacinae is proposed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 809–915.  相似文献   

A new species of the hadrosaurine hadrosaurid Gryposaurus was discovered in the late Campanian Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah. Gryposaurus monumentensis , sp. nov. is distinguished from other Gryposaurus species by possessing a more robust skull, enlarged clover-shaped prongs on the predentary oral margin, an anteroposteriorly narrow infratemporal fenestra, and other autapomorphies plausibly associated with feeding adaptations. The derived morphology revealed in G. monumentensis necessitates revision of the generic diagnosis of Gryposaurus , including the addition of synapomorphies that further aid in distinguishing this taxon from Kritosaurus . A revised phylogenetic analysis places Gryposaurus within a monophyletic clade that includes Brachylophosaurus and Maiasaura . Gryposaurus monumentensis represents the most southern example of Gryposaurus , and underlines the remarkable diversification and long duration of this genus. Based on the phylogenetic, geographical, and stratigraphic evidence at hand, Gryposaurus was the most diverse genus within Hadrosaurinae; it also possessed one of the largest geographical and stratigraphic distributions, spanning more than five million years of the Campanian, and ranging from Alberta in the north to Utah (and possibly Texas) in the south.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 351–376.  相似文献   

The four species included in the family Cryptacanthodidae are eel‐like, burrowing fishes distributed in the cold‐temperate coastal waters of the North Pacific and the western North Atlantic. This study describes the osteology and aspects of the ontogenetic skeletal development of two species, Cryptacanthodes maculatus from the western North Atlantic and C. aleutensis from the eastern North Pacific. We discuss the relationships of Cryptacanthodidae among other zoarcoid families. The Cryptacanthodidae have been previously included in the Stichaeidae, but removed and classified as a separate family based on the skull, pectoral radial, and cephalic lateral‐line morphology. Our observations (similarities in gill arch and pectoral girdle morphology; specifically, a thin sheet‐like flange of bone from the posterior margin of the supracleithrum) suggest a close relationship to at least some of the members of the family Stichaeidae. J. Morphol. 276:185–208, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The chewing louse genus Colpocephalum parasitizes nearly a dozen distantly related orders of birds. Such a broad host distribution is relatively unusual in lice. However, the monophyly of the genus Colpocephalum has never been tested using molecular characters. Using one nuclear and one mitochondrial gene, we inferred a phylogeny for 54 lice from the genus Colpocephalum and other morphologically similar genera. The resulting phylogeny demonstrates that Colpocephalum itself is not monophyletic. However, these data support the existence of a Colpocephalum complex within which several lineages are restricted to particular host orders. These lineages corresponded to previously described genera, some of which are morphologically distinct and currently considered subgenera. Maddison–Slatkin tests were performed on the resulting phylogeny and showed that host order, host family and biogeographic region had significant phylogenetic signal when mapped onto the Colpocephalum complex phylogeny. A PARAFIT analysis comparing the overall Colpocephalum complex phylogeny to a host phylogeny revealed significant congruence between host and parasite trees. We also compared the cophylogenetic history of Colpocephalum and their hosts to that of a second distantly related feather louse genus, Degeeriella, which also infests diurnal birds of prey. Using PARAFIT to identify individual host–parasite links that contributed to overall congruence, there was no evidence of correlated cophylogenetic patterns between these two louse groups, suggesting that their host distribution patterns have been shaped by different evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

A dinosaur vertebra found in the course of road works in the “Chevain Marls” (marine Callovian) of the Vermont outlier, near the village of Béthon (Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, western France) is described and referred to a stegosaur (cf. Lexovisaurus). It is the first record of a dinosaur in the Middle Jurassic of that area. The specimen was probably derived from the floating carcass of an animal that had lived on the emerged areas of the Armorican Massif, near which the Chevain Marls were deposited. This fossil is an addition to the short list of stegosaur remains reported from France.  相似文献   

The morphology of the middle ear region including die basicranium and quadrate of Strulhxo is very simil.n to ilic same region in the orders Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes and Sphenisciformes. Struthio though, has some unique middle ear characters such as die lack of a chorda tympani nerve, the arrangement of die glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve foramina, die structure in the upper neck of die external ophthalmic vein and die position of die Eustachian tube. The articulatory surfaces for the quadrate bom on die zygomatic process of the squamosal and the mandible are unique in Struthio when compared to the several orders mentioned above.  相似文献   

Despite their role in marine systems, Sergestidae remain one of the most poorly understood families amongst planktonic shrimps with regard to phylogeny. Recent morphological and phylogenetic revisions of a number of sergestid genera have disentangled classificatory problems and emphasized the importance of reproductive structures for the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Sergestidae. Only three genera, Acetes, Peisos, and Sicyonella, remain unrevised phylogenetically. We undertook a phylogenetic analysis of these groups based on 124 morphological characters (120 binary, four multistate). Eighteen new characters were based on scanning electron microscopy studies of the clasping organ and petasma. The phylogenetic analysis revealed statistically supported monophyly of the clades Sicyonella and Acetes + Peisos. We combine Peisos and Acetes into a monophyletic genus Acetes, give emended diagnoses and keys to all species of Sicyonella and Acetes, and discuss morphological trends within these genera. We present maps of geographical distribution for all valid species of Acetes. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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