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Abstract— Stimulation (AES) of the brachial plexus of anaesthetised rats resulted in an increased incorporation of carbon from [U-14C]glucose into TCA-insoluble proteins in the contralateral cerebral hemisphere, as compared with the ipsi-lateral hemisphere. The greatest change was observed in the sensori-motor cortex grey matter.
Following intraventricular injections of [U-14C]glucose, the changes caused by brachial plexus stimulation were variable, depending on which hemisphere received the label. The injection itself severely inhibited the incorporation into protein. Neither the injection, nor stimulation affected the conversion of [U-14C]glucose into amino acids or its relative distribution between the two hemispheres.  相似文献   

—Total proteins, free amino acids, tritiated water and subcellular proteins of mouse brain were examined for changes in radioactivity during operant conditioning after subcutaneous administration of labelled amino acids. The conditioning was based on appetitive learning, using sweetened milk as a reward. During training and incorporation for 20-30 min, both [3H]leucine and [1-14C]leucine underwent a significant increase in catabolism, resulting in a decreased radioactivity in the free amino acids. [2-2H]Methionine underwent a rapid loss of isotope, so that 90% of the radioactivity was in the form of tritiated water at the end of training, and this phenomenon masked any possible effect of training. The brain uptake of [35S]methionine increased during the training, resulting in an increased radioactivity in the proteins. Uptake of [3H]lysine increased slightly during training only after 1 h incorporation and not after 20 or 30 min, as judged from a time course of radioactivity in the free amino acids. Incorporation into nuclear proteins increased selectively during 20 min, and into nuclear and cytosol proteins after 60 min incorporations. It is concluded that changes in the observed rate of incorporation of a precursor into brain subcellular proteins under the influence of behaviour might be the result of changes in precursor catabolism or uptake, or both, and that each amino acid behaves in a different way. Even the same amino acid gives different results depending on the isotope and its position in the amino acid.  相似文献   

Purified neuronal and glial nuclei were separated from rat brain cells. The fraction rich in neuronal nuclei contained 68 ± 9 per cent neuronal nuclei and the fraction rich in glial nuclei contained 89 ± 6 per cent glial nuclei. The fraction rich in neuronal nuclei isolated from cells of adult rat brain incorporated l -[4,5-3H]leucine into TCA-insoluble material at a rate comparable to those of the microsomal and the soluble fractions of the brain, and at a much higher rate than the fraction rich in glial nuclei. The proteins soluble in buffered-saline, the acid-soluble deoxyribonucleoproteins, and the residual proteins of the neuronal nuclei are apparently the proteins which account for the higher specific activity of neuronal proteins compared with glial nuclear proteins. In liver and kidney, the incorporation of [3H]leucine into nuclear proteins was lower than into other subcellular fractions from the same organs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Labelled inorganic phosphate (32P1) was administered intraventricularly to unrestrained sleeping and waking adult rats. After about 20 min of sleep or a comparable period of wakefulness, as monitored by EEG and EMG, the animals were frozen in liquid nitrogen and the brains were analysed. One group of animals (A) was not previously acclimatized to the apparatus. A second group (B) was acclimatized. The specific radioactivity of a phosphoprotein fraction was elevated during sleep in group A but not in group B. The specific radioactivity of the phosphatides of group B was depressed in sleeping as compared with waking animals. This effect was not observed in group A. No significant difference was detected between the EEG patterns of sleeping animals in groups A and B, as evaluated by standard criteria. These observations suggest that the physiological conditions attributable to environmental, emotional or other determinants can influence shifts in brain metabolism during the sleep-wakefulness cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract— Adult mice were fed standard diets that were enriched with selected amino acids, i.e. 3% methionine, 6% valine, or 8% lysine. These diets caused the following changes in the amino acid pool of the brain measured at 7 and 21 days. The high methionine diet resulted in 50-fold higher levels of methionine and cysteine and somewhat lower levels of serine and glutamine. The valine and lysine-enriched diets also caused 2- to 4-fold increases in valine and lysine contents of brain, respectively. In spite of the large changes in amino acid levels, however, there were essentially no changes in aspartate: α-ketoglutarate, alanine: α-ketoglutarate, ornithine: α-ketoglutarate, methionine: α-ketoglutarate, and the branched chain aminotransferase activities of brain 3, 10, and 21 days after the onset of the dietary regimen. In contrast, these diets produced significant changes in some of these enzyme activities in liver. Changes in liver included a 2-fold increase in ornithine and alanine aminotransferase activities with the methionine-enriched diet. Liver ornithine aminotransferase activity also increased slightly in animals fed the valine-enriched or lysine-enriched diet.  相似文献   

Abstract— Paper chromatography of extracts from mesenteric Pacinian corpuscles of the cat revealed the presence of glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid and alanine as major amino acids, and glycine, serine and threonine in traces; GABA was not detected. Levels of glutamic acid (0·75 μmol/g ' 0·37, s.d. ), glutamine (1·34 ± 0·55), and aspartic acid (0·32 ± 0·22) of mesenteric and pancreatic samples of Pacinian corpuscles were determined by separation on chromatographic columns. The protein values averaged 5·2 ± 0·66 per cant of the wet weight.
Treatment of the cats with reserpine or pargyline or deafferentation of the Pacinian corpuscles did not significantly alter these values.  相似文献   

—The oxidation to CO2 and the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14C]acetate into lipids by cortex slices from rat brain during the postnatal period were investigated. The oxidation of [U-14C]glucose was low in 2-day-old rat brain, and increased by about two-fold during the 2nd and 3rd postnatal weeks. The oxidation of [U-14C]acetate was increased markedly in the second postnatal week, but decreased to rates observed in 2-day-old rat brain at the time of weaning. Both labeled substrates were readily incorporated into non-saponifiable lipids and fatty acids by brain slices from 2-day-old rat. Their rates of incorporation and the days on which maximum rates occurred were different, however, maximum incorporation of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14]acetate into lipid fractions being observed on about the 7th and 12th postanatal days, respectively. The metabolic compartmentation in the utilization of these substrates for lipogenesis is suggested. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, cytosolic NADP-malate dehydrogenase, cytosolic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, ATP-citrate lyase and acetyl CoA carboxylase were measured in rat brain during the postnatal period. All enzymes followed somewhat different courses of development; the activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase was, however, the lowest among other key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway, and its developmental pattern paralleled closely the fatty acid synthesis from [U-14C]glucose. It is suggested that acetyl CoA carboxylase is a rate-limiting step in the synthesis de novo of fatty acids in developing rat brain.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have determined the incorporation of [3H]-, [1-14C]- and [2-14C]acetate into glutamate, glutamine and aspartate of the adult mouse brain. All these three acetates were incorporated more extensively into glutamine than into glutamate. This has been reported by several authors for each of these labelled acetates in separate experiments. It was shown that [3H, 2-14C]acetate can be used to obtain an acetate labelling ratio analogous to the previously used [2-14C]acetate/[1-14C]acetate labelling ratio. From these acetate labelling ratios of glutamine and glutamate conclusions can be deduced about the dynamic relationship of these amino acids with each other and with the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
A fairly large isotope effect between acetate and glutamate was observed. As this isotope effect is very likely caused by the citrate synthase reaction, it can be argued that citrate synthase involved in the conversion of labelled acetate into glutamate is far out of equilibrium in vivo. Comparing our data with literature data, the possibility can be suggested that citrate synthase in the acetate metabolizing compartment is in situ kinetically distinct from citrate synthase in other compartments of the brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— Amino acid incorporation in vivo was investigated in the cortex and hippocampus of rats raised in enriched and deprived environments for various periods of time following weaning. At early times after weaning (7 days), the incorporation of l -[3H]leucine into all sub-cellular fractions of both cortex and hippocampus was higher in enriched than in deprived rats. At 16 days, incorporation into synaptosomal sub-cellular fractions was higher in enriched than in deprived hippocampus, and lower in enriched than in deprived cortex; incorporation into perikaryal fractions of both brain regions was the same in the two groups of animals. Incorporation into subcortical nuclear protein fractions was higher in enriched rats at this time. At 35 days, the only difference between enriched and deprived rats was a lower incorporation into cortical synaptosomal sub-fractions in the former. Experiments involving double labelling and electrophoresis indicate that there is no stimulation or inhibition of the synthesis of any particular protein in hippocampal nuclear and synaptosomal sub-fractions of enriched rats. Synaptosomal proteins of cortex have a greater half-life in enriched than in deprived rats; proteins of perikaryal fractions of cortex, and of all fractions of hippocampus, are turning over at the same rate in enriched and deprived animals.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of [14C]guanine and some of its [14C]-labelled derivatives into rat brain was studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo guanine, guanosine, and hypoxanthine penetrated the brain of adult rats to a very small extent. Inosine was taken up somewhat better. In young animals, also, guanosine was taken up poorly, but guanine was taken up fairly well. When guanine was administered to adult animals, only guanine was found in the brain. In young animals, by contrast, radioactivity from guanine appeared in guanosine and in guanine nucleotides, but no free guanine was found. In vitro guanine was taken up much better and, in fact, remained mostly as guanine in slices from 10-day-old rats. The in vitro conversion of guanine to GMP and its incorporation into RNA was unimpaired by the addition of unlabelled guanosine, an indication that guanine was converted directly to GMP. The uptake of guanine in vitro was not subject to competitive inhibition or influenced by the presence of dinitrophenol. This finding suggested that guanine entered the slice by simple diffusion.  相似文献   

Abstract— A range of acidic amino acids differing in (i) their potency as neuronal excitants, (ii) their transport properties and (iii) their ability to act as substrates for metabolism have been compared with respect to their effects on energy metabolism of rat cerebral cortex in vitro. l -Glutamate, and d - and l -homocysteate, increased tissue slice NADH levels, and the same three amino acids, together with d -glutamate and kainate, increased oxygen uptake by the slices. It was concluded that these effects were predominantly due to neuronal depolarization and the ensuing activation of ion pump mechanisms. l -Glutamate, d -glutamate and l -homocysteate increased lactate production by the slices, whereas d -homocysteate and kainate did not. Since the two latter amino acids are the strongest neuroexcitants but probably the least rapidly transported, it is suggested that stimulation of lactate production in slices by amino acid excitants is a consequence of the energy requirements of active uptake of the amino acids, and probably occurs mainly in glial cells. Although the metabolism of l -glutamate appeared not to be an essential requirement for the effects observed with this amino acid in the present work, such metabolism may make a proportionately greater contribution under sub-optimal conditions of slice preparation and incubation, where electrical activity of the tissue may be impaired.  相似文献   

—The effects of several anaesthetic and hypnotic compounds with well-defined excitatory side-effects on glutamate decarboxylase and γ-aminobutyric acid transaminase activity have been examined. The dissociative anaesthetics ketamine and γ-hydroxybutyric acid produced competitive inhibition of glutamate decarboxylase with respect to glutamate at concentrations which had no effect on GABA transaminase activity. The inhibitor constant (Ki) values were, ketamine: 13.3 mm , γ-hydroxybutyric acid; 8.8 mm . The steroid anaesthetic alphaxalone was also a potent competitive inhibitor of glutamate decarboxylase Ki= 4.1 mm ). Pentobarbitone, thiopentone and methohexitone non-competitively inhibited both glutamate decarboxylase and GABA-transaminase but only at high concentration (> 20 mm ). None of the drugs tested produced any significant change in brain GABA or glutamate levels following the injection of an hypnotic or anaesthetic dose. It is proposed that an alteration in the rate of GABA synthesis as a result of the inhibition of glutamate decarboxylase could explain the convulsive properties of the dissociative anaesthetics when given at high doses.  相似文献   

Abstract— The time course of incorporation of intraperitoneally injected [3H]lysine and [14C]phenylalanine into neuronal and neuropil proteins has been followed for up to 8 days. At short times after injection (<2 h) the specific activity of the neuronal fraction was higher than that of the neuropil. At longer time intervals, although the total brain specific activity continued to rise, neuronal perikaryal specific activity fell below that of neuropil. Thus the neuronal/neuropil incorporation ratio with [3H]lysine as substrate was 1·5 at 1 h, but by 4 h had fallen to 0·4, a ratio which was maintained for up to 8 days. A similar reversal occurred with phenylalanine as substrate. These changes were interpreted as evidence for the presence of a rapidly-labelling protein fraction in the neurons which is subsequently transported out. Subcellular fractionation showed that over the 4 h period the rapidly labelling fraction was not transported to the synaptosomes. Incubation of prelabelled cortex slices followed by cell fractionation showed that a differential transport of protein of higher than average specific activity from both neurons and neuropil fractions occurred; there is a tendency for preformed highly labelled protein to accumulate during the in vitro incubation in Fraction D, a pellet enriched in red cells, some large neuronal perikarya and cell nuclei. When cell fractions were prepared after in vitro incubation, the distribution of the material down the gradient differed from that when fresh tissue was fractionated, as demonstrated by microscopic examination and the distribution of β-galactosidase, a neuronal marker. Double-label experiments showed that this redistribution could not account for the preferential loss and accumulation of prelabelled protein. It was noted that in vivo incorporation into the rapidly labelling neuronal protein is suppressed under certain changed environmental conditions, such as dark rearing. This is interpreted as lending support to the concept of the state-dependence of neuronal and neuropil protein synthesis and their inter-relations.  相似文献   

  • 1 The rapid and extensive conversion of glucose-carbon into amino acids is an index of the final coordination of the mechanisms underlying energy metabolism in the adult brain. This phenomenon develops in the rat during a short period extending from 10 to about 19 days after birth. The underlying factors have been analysed.
  • 2 The development of the pattern of distribution of glucose-carbon characteristic of the adult brain was markedly influenced by the thyroid state of the animals. The age-curve for the conversion of glucose-carbon into brain amino acids was displaced to the left after treatment with thyroid hormone (T3) in infancy thus indicating an accelerated maturation. Conversely, neonatal thyroidectomy resulted in a significant retardation in the conversion of glucose-carbon into amino acids.
  • 3 The specific radioactivity of glutamate increased five-fold in the brain of normal rats from the 10th to the 19th day of age. The values (as a percentage of those for littermate controls) were 220 in the case of the 10 day-old thyroid treated rats and about 30 for the 19 day-old thyroid deficient animals. At the age of 10 days neither treatment affected the concentration of glutamate which was also only slightly less than the control values in the brain of 19 day-old thyroid deficient animals (–17 per cent).
  • 4 Specific pool(s) of glutamate associated with the formation of GABA can be demonstrated in the brain of 19 day-old rats after administration of [U-14C]glucose as a result of anoxia post mortem. These pools did not develop in the brain of 10 day-old animals. Neonatal thyroidectomy retarded the development of these glutamate pools.
  • 5 Evidence is summarized which indicates that the development of the rapid conversion of glucose-carbon into amino acids reflects the enlargement, during maturation, of the metabolic compartments which are associated with neuronal processes.

—(1) The levels of the free amino acids were determined in five areas of the cat brain. The regional pattern was heterogeneous and fairly characteristic for each compound. (2) The uptakes of α-aminoisobutyric acid, taurine, d -aspartic acid, and l -histidine were measured in incubated slices from 31 regions of the cat CNS. Differences in uptake were found among the various areas; the regional pattern of uptake was different for each amino acid. The initial rate of uptake (5 min incubation) very often paralleled the rate at equilibrium (90 min incubation). (3) The regional correlation between distribution in vivo and uptake in vitro was good for aspartate, less so for histidine, and poor for taurine. (4) It is concluded that regional heterogeneity in exit processes, available energy, cell density, or protein content is unlikely to have decisive influence in determining regional differences in distribution and transport of metabolites; it seems that influx is the most important factor.  相似文献   

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