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Detailed information on species’ ecological niche characteristics that can be related to declines and extinctions is indispensable for a better understanding of the relationship between the occurrence and performance of wild species and their environment and, moreover, for an improved assessment of the impacts of global change. Knowledge on species characteristics such as habitat requirements is already available in the ecological literature for butterflies, but information about their climatic requirements is still lacking. Here we present a unique dataset on the climatic niche characteristics of 397 European butterflies representing 91% of the European species (see Appendix). These characteristics were obtained by combining detailed information on butterfly distributions in Europe (which also led to the ‘Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Europe’) and the corresponding climatic conditions. The presented dataset comprises information for the position and breadth of the following climatic niche characteristics: mean annual temperature, range in annual temperature, growing degree days, annual precipitation sum, range in annual precipitation and soil water content. The climatic niche position is indicated by the median and mean value for each climate variable across a species’ range, accompanied by the 95% confidence interval for the mean and the number of grid cells used for calculations. Climatic niche breadth is indicated by the standard deviation and the minimum and maximum values for each climatic variable across a species’ range. Database compilation was based on high quality standards and the data are ready to use for a broad range of applications.It is already evident that the information provided in this dataset is of great relevance for basic and applied ecology. Based on the species temperature index (STI, i.e. the mean temperature value per species), the community temperature index (CTI, i.e. the average STI value across the species in a community) was recently adopted as an indicator of climate change impact on biodiversity by the pan-European framework supporting the Convention on Biological Diversity (Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators 2010) and has already been used in several scientific publications. The application potential of this database ranges from theoretical aspects such as assessments of past niche evolution or analyses of trait interdependencies to the very applied aspects of measuring, monitoring and projecting historical, ongoing and potential future responses to climate change using butterflies as an indicator.  相似文献   

A pertinent question in animal population ecology is the relationship between population abundance, density, and mobility. Two extreme ways to reach sufficient abundance for long-term persistence are to inhabit restricted locations at high densities, or large areas in low densities. The former case predicts low individual mobility, whereas the later predicts high one. This assumption is rarely tested using across-species comparisons, due to scarcity of data on both mobility and population sizes for multiple species. We used data on dispersal and local population densities of six butterfly species gained by mark-recapture, and data on their (relative) regional abundance obtained by walking transects in a landscape surrounding the mark-recapture sites. We correlated both local density and regional abundance against slopes of the inverse power function, appropriate for describing the shape of dispersal kernel. Local densities correlated negatively with the dispersal kernel slopes both when sexes were treated as independent data points and if treated together. For regional abundance, the correlation was also negative but only marginally significant. Our results corroborate the notion that a trade-off exists between living in dense populations and having poor dispersal, and vice versa. We link this observation to resource use by individual species, and distribution of such resources as host plants in the study landscape.  相似文献   

The size structure of coral populations is influenced by biotic and physical factors, as well as species-specific demographic rates (recruitment, colony growth, mortality). Coral reefs surrounding Moorea Island are characterized by strong environmental gradients at small spatial scales, and therefore, we expected that the size structure of coral populations would vary greatly at this scale. This study aimed at determining the degree of spatial heterogeneity in the population size structure of two coral taxa, Pocillopora meandrina and massive Porites spp., among depths (6, 12, and 18 m) and among locations (Vaipahu, Tiahura and Haapiti) representing different exposure to hydrodynamic forces. Our results clearly underlined the strong heterogeneity in the size structure of both P. meandrina and massive Porites spp., with marked variation among depths and among locations. However, the lack of any consistent and regular trends in the size structure along depths or among locations, and the lack of correlation between size structure and mean recruitment rates may suggest that other factors (e.g., stochastic life history processes, biotic interactions, and disturbances) further modify the structure of coral populations. We found that the size structure of P. meandrina was fundamentally different to that of massive Porites spp., reflecting the importance of life history characteristics in population dynamics. Handling editor: I. Nagelkerken  相似文献   

Protected forest areas of Sulawesi are gradually being replaced by intensively used agroforestry systems and farmland, especially in lowland and sub-montane regions. Studies on the impact of these man-induced changes on biodiversity are of urgent conservation concern. We compared the fruit-feeding butterfly assemblage of a natural hill forest to that of a disturbed hill forest, representing a mosaic of old secondary forest and recently abandoned or active subsistence farms. Overall, species richness seemed highest in the disturbed site, but both abundance and diversity of endemic butterflies were significantly higher in the natural forest. Although the butterfly assemblage showed a clear vertical structure in the natural forest, vertical stratification was no longer pronounced at the disturbed site. Comparative studies based on diversity estimates from ground samples should consider not only the scale at which sampling is carried out and influences from nearby habitat patches in the surrounding landscape mosaic, but also possible behavioural changes in stratified species after forest modification. This study shows that higher overall species richness does not imply higher species distinctiveness, and indicates that the contribution of land-use systems to global biodiversity should be evaluated with caution, even when relatively high species richness estimates are found.  相似文献   

Summary Nest predation has been considered an important factor in the evolution of avian life histories: smaller clutches and shorter incubation and nestling periods are expected where nest predation has significant effects on reproductive success. Unlike the Australian avifauna, terrestrial New Zealand birds have evolved in the absence of reptilian and mammalian predators. Here we compare the reproductive strategies of terrestrial native New Zealand birds with those of their Australian sister taxa. In 11 of 14 comparisons, New Zealand birds were larger than their Australian relatives, but we did not find any significant differences in reproductive tactics between the two regions, a result inconsistent with the nest predation hypothesis. We discuss several reasons why this may be so. One possibility is that selection imposed on avian life history tactics by mammalian predators following the arrival of humans in New Zealand has led to strategies similar to those adopted in Australia.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis is presented for the genera of the former ichneumonine tribe Trogini. The tribe Heresiarchini is paraphyletic with respect to the Trogini, and so maintaining Trogini as a separate tribe is unsatisfactory. Within Heresiarchini, the following changes are made: (a) the subtribes Apatetorina and Heresiarchina are referred to as the Apatetor and Heresiarches genus‐groups, (b) the genera of the paraphyletic subtribe Protichneumonina are treated as incerta sedis within Heresiarchini, and (c) the Trogini are referred to as the Callajoppa genus‐group, with the former subtribe Trogina referred to as the Trogus subgroup. Thirty‐five genera are recognized as valid within the Callajoppa genus‐group. Catadelphops, Catadelphus, Cobunus, and Facydes are transferred to this group; Holojoppa is removed and is incertae sedis within Heresiarchini. Three new synonyms are proposed: Araeoscelis and Cryptopyge are junior synonyms of Macrojoppa, and Neamblyjoppa is a junior synonym of Catadelphops. Trogus latipennis Cresson is transferred to Pedinopelte from Macrojoppa, and Trogus mactator Tosquinet and its related species (T. bicolor Radoszkowski, T. heinrichi Uchida, and T. tricephalus Uchida) are transferred to Holcojoppa. Tricyphus is redefined and a neotype is designated for Tricyphus cuspidiger Kriechbaumer, the type‐species of the genus. Thirteen new genera are described (authorship of all is Wahl & Sime): Charmedia (type‐species: Charmedia chavarriai Wahl & Sime, sp. n.) , Daggoo (type‐species: Daggoo philoctetes Wahl & Sime, sp. n.), Dothenia (type‐species: Dothenia hansoni Wahl & Sime, sp. n.), Humbert (type‐species: Humbert humberti Wahl & Sime, sp. n.), Laderrica (type‐species: Laderrica feenyi Wahl & Sime, sp. n.), Mokajoppa (type‐species: Tricyphus respinozai Ward & Gauld), Metallichneumon (type‐species: Metallichneumon neurospastarchus Wahl & Sime, sp. n.), Myocious (type‐species: Myocious orientalis Wahl & Sime, sp. n.) , Quandrus (type‐species: Trogus pepsoides Smith, transferred from Callajoppa), Queequeg (type‐species: Gathetus flavibasalis Uchida, transferred from Neofacydes), Saranaca (type‐species: Trogus elegans Cresson; includes Trogus apicalis Cresson, Tricyphyus ater Hopper, and Tricyphus floridanus Heinrich), Tashtego (type‐species: Tashtego janzeni Wahl & Sime, sp. n.), and Xanthosomnium (type‐species: Xanthosomnium froesei Wahl & Sime, sp. n.). A key to the genera of the Callajoppa genus‐group is provided. The evolution of biological traits within the Callajoppa genus‐group is discussed with reference to the elucidated phylogeny. The groundplan biology is parasitism of Sphingidae, with oviposition into a host pupa/prepupa. There have been two transitions to butterfly parasitism within the Trogus subgroup: one a transition to Papilionidae (followed by a switch to Nymphalidae at Psilomastax) and the other to Nymphalidae (followed by a switch to Papilionidae within Macrojoppa). ©2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 134 , 1–56.  相似文献   

In unsprayed apple trees in eastern Oregon, Galendromus flumenis (Chant), Galendromus occidentalis (Nesbitt), Typhlodromus caudiglans Schuster and Metaseiulus citri (Garman and McGregor) were common phytoseiid mites; common plant-feeding mites were the eriophyid, Aculus schlechtendali Nalepa, the brown mite, Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheuten) and Eotetranychus spp.; apple rust mites seemed to be the primary prey for phytoseiids; the spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch and Panonychus ulmi (Koch) were scarce except for a few local outbreaks; the stigmaeid Zetzellia mali (Ewing) was at 10% of sites and its densities were inversely related to phytoseiid densities; phytoseiids were absent at some sites, particularly at high elevations where winters are severe. In seven Oregon ecoregions, G. flumenis was often at lower elevations in valleys with moderate winters; T. caudiglans was often at higher elevations; G. occidentalis was often at intermediate elevations, in young trees, and near where pesticides were used; it dominated in unsprayed trees only in almost treeless, sage-covered areas; M. citri was usually in older apple trees near agriculture. In mixed phytoseiid populations, M. citri, a generalist, and G. occidentalis, a specialist, occurred more often than expected; G. occidentalis was mostly found with T. caudiglans, a generalist; G. flumenis, a generalist, occurred less with others, possibly because it competes with both specialists and generalists. Analyses of species' distributions with multiple regression and genetic models gave explanatory r2s of 0.019-0.318. Of 29 variables, altitude of site, intensity of agricultural management, tree age, plant types, and Z. mali levels helped explain phytoseiid species presence. In the western USA, G. flumenis dominated in middle-southern latitudes; T. caudiglans dominated in the north near the Canadian border; G. occidentalis dominated in middle latitudes in parts of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming; M. citri was at a few sites in these four states. Distributional and independent variable data were used to predict species presence at sites in Oregon with a 70% success rate. We discuss phytoseiid life-style types, community dynamics, presence in organic/conventional orchards, and trends as more selective IPM methods are used in apple orchards.  相似文献   

The effects of individual larval biomass, and salinity experienced during embryogenesis (i.e., prehatching salinity) on starvation tolerance and growth of zoea 1 of the estuarine crab (Chasmagnathus granulata) were evaluated in laboratory experiments. Freshly hatched zoeae 1 were obtained from broods maintained at three salinities (15‰, 20‰ and 32‰), and cultured at 20‰ under different initial feeding periods and subsequent food deprivation (“point of reserve saturation” experiment: PRS) or under initial periods of food deprivation and subsequent feeding (point of no return experiment: PNR). Another group of larvae were used for determination of biomass (dry weight, carbon, and nitrogen) of zoea 1.Larval survival and duration of development depended on the length of feeding period: no larvae reached the second instar under complete starvation; survival was higher and duration of development shorter as the feeding period lengthened. After different initial feeding periods (PRS experiment), zoeae 1 that hatched from eggs incubated at the prehatching salinities of 15‰ and 20‰ showed higher survival and shorter duration of development than those at 32‰. Prehatching salinity also affected the amount of reserves accumulated during the first 2 days after hatching, with larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ showing the highest percentage of total accumulation of carbon and nitrogen. Initial larval biomass did not affect survival, but it had a slight effect on duration of development, with larger larvae (in terms of biomass) developing faster. After different initial starvation periods (PNR experiment), prehatching salinity did not affect survival, but it affected duration of development: larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ reached the second instar earlier. Variability in survival and duration of development was explained in part by among-brood variability in initial larval biomass: larvae with higher biomass showed higher survival and shorter duration of development. Thus, C. granulata, survival and duration of development under food stress depend on the interaction between environmental conditions experienced before and after hatching (pre- and posthatching factors, respectively).  相似文献   

A. J. Cherrill  M. Begon 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):237-241
Summary The durations of the stages in the embryonic development of Chorthippus brunneus (Thunberg) have been estimated at constant temperatures of 20° C and 30° C. There was stage-dependent variation in the temperaturedependence of morphogenesis-a pattern apparently not previously described. The earliest and latest stages of morphogenesis proceeded relatively rapidly at higher temperatures. But intermediate stages, which would tend to occur around the diapause stage in a temperate winter, proceeded relatively rapidly at lower temperatures, as did diapause development. At a given temperature, there was individual variation between eggs such that some developed consistently faster than others. However, these intrinsic differences could be altered by exposure to diapause-breaking conditions at different morphological stages. The results are discussed in terms of their adaptive significance, their effect on population dynamics in a seasonal environment, and their implications for the nature of diapause in insects generally.  相似文献   

Aim  To evaluate frugivorous butterflies as indicators of forest disturbance in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Location  The study area is located in the municipality of Cotia, São Paulo State, south-eastern Brazil (23°35'−23°50' S, 46°45'−47°15' W).
Methods  Sampling was done at four sites inside a large forest block, the Morro Grande State Reserve, and in five forest fragments in an adjacent fragmented landscape. Butterflies were sampled with portable traps, baited with a fermented mixture of banana and sugar cane juice. Sampling was carried out during the period most favourable for the capture of frugivorous butterflies in south-eastern Brazil.
Results  All richness-related results indicated no effect of forest fragmentation on the frugivorous butterfly guild, concurring with the suggestion of appreciable resistance of Atlantic Forest butterflies to habitat modification. However, species composition discriminated between the two landscapes, indicating that fragmentation may have effects beyond simple species richness. When species were analysed individually, clear patterns of distribution emerged, with some species that were very abundant in the fragmented landscape being practically absent in the continuous landscape, and vice versa. This pattern seems consistent even for some subfamilies.
Main conclusion  Our findings support the usefulness of the frugivorous butterfly guild as a biological indicator of forest disturbance effects in one of the world's most threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of myrmecophilous florivorous lycaenid larvae in Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae) according to habitat conservation status (disturbed and preserved savanna), plant phenology, height and the presence of tending ants. The abundance and richness of lycaenids were sixfold and fivefold greater, respectively, in the disturbed area than in the protected savanna. Lycaenids occurred mostly on plants visited by Camponotus blandus, a mutualistic partner of larvae. Habitat type was the main factor influencing lycaenid occurrence, as plants in open areas offered more food resources and tending ants. Banisteriopsis malifolia was considered useful as a host for lycaenids in disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Synopsis Age and growth were studied inRhizoprionodon taylori using specimens caught in Cleveland Bay, North Queensland, Australia. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated using three different techniques: vertebral ageing, back calculation and length frequency. Vertebrae from 138 specimens were sectioned and narrow circuli counted to estimate age. Marginal increment analysis verified that circuli were produced annually in late summer, probably as a result of stress during the mating season. The oldest female was 7 and male 6 years old. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from vertebral ageing data for males were tO = 0.410 yr, K = 1.337, L = 652.2 mm, and for females tO = 0.455 yr, K = 1.013 and L = 732.5 mm. Growth parameters determined by length frequency and back calculation techniques concurred with those from vertebral ageing. Growth of the 0+ age class was very rapid, averaging 140% of the size at birth in the first year. Males and females matured after only one year, the lowest age at maturity reported in the family Carcharhinidae. Annual growth increments decreased rapidly after maturity, and little growth occurred after three years.  相似文献   

The ‘choice’ of whether to enter diapause or to develop directly has profound effects on the life histories of insects, and may thus have cascading consequences such as seasonal morphs and other less obvious forms of seasonal plasticity. Present knowledge of the control of diapause and seasonal morphs at the physiological and molecular levels is briefly reviewed. Examples, mainly derived from personal research (primarily on butterflies), are given as a starting point with the aim of outlining areas of research that are still poorly understood. These include: the role of the direction of change in photoperiod; the role of factors such as temperature and diet in modifying the photoperiodic responses; and the role of sex, parental effects and sex linkage on photoperiodic control. More generally, there is still a limited understanding of how external cues and physiological pathways regulating various traits are interconnected via gene action to form a co‐adapted complete phenotype that is adaptive in the wild despite environmental fluctuation and change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Photoperiodic control of facultative reproductive diapause was examined in females of the phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius potentillae (Garman). Full diapause was induced by rearing the mites from egg to adult under short-day photoperiods. Egg-laying females, however, which had experienced a long-day photoperiodic regime during pre-imaginal development, could still be induced to enter diapause when they were transferred to a short-day regime. Diapause development proceeded slowly under a short-day photoperiod, but was accelerated under long days. During diapause development under short days the photoperiodic sensitivity of the females diminished gradually and ultimately disappeared completely. However, after completion of diapause, sensitivity to photo-period reappeared. A second diapause could be induced in post-diapause females under short-day photoperiods and completed again under long-day photoperiods. These results show that A. potentillae remains sensitive to diapause-inducing and diapause-averting daylengths during the adult stage and that a second diapause may be induced after completion of the first one.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101975
The lycaenid butterfly Zizina emelina emelina (de l’Orza) (previously Zizina otis emelina; Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) has populations distributed across Japan and Korea. Zizina emelina is listed on Japan’s Red List as an endangered species, owing to the loss of its principal plant food and habitat. Researchers previously investigated the genetic diversity and structure in Japanese populations by using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analyses alongside their Wolbachia infection status to consider the conservation strategy. In this study, we investigated the genetic variation and Wolbachia infection status of Korean populations and compared our findings with these traits in the Japanese populations. Four novel mitochondrial haplotypes were found in the Korean populations, whereas nuclear DNA analysis revealed one new haplotype and another that matched the one reported previously in Japan. The two known strains of Wolbachia in the Japanese populations were also found in the Korean ones. Mitochondrial DNA analysis demonstrated that no gene flow had occurred between the Japanese and Korean populations. The fact that they share the same nuclear haplotype and Wolbachia strains, however, indicates a low level of population differentiation between the two.  相似文献   

The Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve (CMBR) is the largest and one of the earliest natural reserves established in China. The continuous losses of species and ecosystems in the reserve since its establishment have raised numerous concerns within China and beyond, which also leads some people to question the function and efficiency of natural reserves in protecting biological and ecological resources. By collecting the published data, conducting field investigation, and interviewing local people, we present the current status of biological and ecological diversity/resources in the reserve and analyze the major factors causing biodiversity loss in the reserve in an ecological and socio-economic context. We found that the high human population pressure, mismanagement practices of resources, a poor resource evaluation system which underestimates the ecological value of the natural reserve, an inappropriate economic development policy, and rapid expansion of the tourist industry were the major causes leading to the biodiversity loss in the reserve in the past few decades. In order to manage the biological resources and biodiversity in the CMBR in a sustainable way, we recommend some strategies and measures which include balancing economic development and biological/ecological conservation, controlling human population in the reserve, encouraging collaboration within and outside the reserve, especially the areas around the reserve, enhancing governmental assistance and subsidy to the local residents, and promoting scientific research and biodiversity education in the local communities.  相似文献   

Ferguson SH  Higdon JW 《Oecologia》2006,150(2):318-329
Pinnipeds display a remarkable variation in life history adaptations while successfully inhabiting almost every marine environment. We explore how they have done this by grouping the world’s pinniped species according to their environmental conditions, mating systems, lactation strategies, and timing of life histories. Next, we tested whether any of these clusters provide information about risk of extinction (using the International Union for Nature and the Conservation of Natural Resources status ranks). Seals at risk were not characterized by differences in lactation pattern (22% short vs. 46% long), mating system (24% multi-male vs. 35% harems), or timing of life history events (23% fast vs. 42% slow) but did differ based on four environmental groupings. Grouping traits (rather than seals) described two clusters: one that included the environmental trait, primary productivity, and a second one that included all other environmental variables (seasonality, latitude, and temperature). Based on this result and theoretical considerations, we plotted seals according to energy (primary productivity) and variation (seasonality) and found a pattern analogous to that of the same four groups determined by cluster analysis of all environmental variables. Of the two pinniped groups representing low variation (equatorial and high productivity), ten of 21 seal species have been designated at risk, in contrast to none of the 13 seal species adapted to high variation. We conclude that seals appear to be best adapted to seasonal environments and thus, conservation efforts may benefit by concentrating on species inhabiting less variable environments.  相似文献   

Synopsis The silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, and scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, represent >80% of the shark by-catch of the winter swordfish/tuna longline fishery of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. This catch represents a potential supplemental fishery, yet little is known of the life histories of the two species. This report relates reproductive biology data to age and growth estimates for 135 C. falciformis and 78 S. lewini. Unlike other regional populations, C. falciformis in the Gulf of Mexico may have a seasonal 12 month gestation period. Males mature at 210–220 cm TL (6–7 yr); females at >225 cm TL (7–9 yr). Application of age at length data for combined sexes produced von Bertalanffy growth model parameter estimates of L = 291 cm TL, K = 0.153, t0 = −2.2 yr. Adult male S. lewini outnumbered adult females in catches because of differences in the distributions of the sexually segregated population. Males mature at 180 cm TL (10 yr); females at 250 cm TL (15 yr). von Bertalanffy parameter estimates for combined sexes of this species were L = 329 cm TL, K = 0.073, to = −2.2 yr.  相似文献   

A life table methodology was used for paleodemographic analysis of skeletons from the Larson site (39WW2), an Arikara village and cemetery dated to circa A.D. 1750–1785. Vital statistics on mortality, survivorship, age-specific probability of death, life expectancy and crude mortality rate were derived from skeletal data. The population had an extremely high infant mortality rate and high rates of childhood mortality. The lowest probability of death was for adolescents. Mortality increased for young adults, ages 15–19. This increase was especially marked for females, the actual peak of adult female mortality was during ages 15–19. A second mode in the female mortality curve occurred at ages 35–39. The greatest percentage of male deaths was observed in the fourth decade, ages 30–34. Only 4.0% of the population attained the age of 50. The population crude death rate was 76 per thousand per year. This estimate, although high, is congruent with archaeological and historical sources which report a rapid Arikara population decline during the Post-Contact period. Causes of specific deaths appear to be linked to childbirth (affecting mother and infant), starvation, diseases especially tuberculosis, and intertribal warfare.  相似文献   

The effect of delaying female mating on population growth in codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.)) was found to act on a physiological time (degree-day) basis and was predictable using a simple quadratic equation. When combined with previous work on degree-day based mortality, we were able to evaluate how the magnitude of population reduction and survival varied between sites, years, and generations at locations in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington states. In general, reductions in population growth associated with females mating 1–3 days after emergence were greater in warmer areas and during warmer times of the year. In any given year and location, the temperature profiles during peak flight were crucial in determining the population reductions, but over an 11-year period, the average seasonal temperature profile was more important. During the overwintering generation, conditions were relatively mild in all locations and only minor differences were observed in population growth rates between locations. Populations experiencing 1–3 days delay in female mating were reduced 8, 19 and 32 % compared to populations experiencing no delay, respectively. During the first summer generation, population reductions doubled compared to those seen in the overwintering generation. During the second summer flight, reductions in population growth rate at the three cooler locations decreased, while they increased in the warmer California location. Overall, the results show delayed mating can help understand how population growth is related to environmental conditions experienced naturally by insect populations and will help guide studies of the mechanisms of mating disruption, a technique used for pest suppression in agricultural and forest systems.  相似文献   

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