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Summary. Holospora obtusa is a Gram-negative bacterium inhabiting the macronucleus of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum. Experimental infection with H. obtusa was carried out under nocodazole treatment. Nocodazole has been shown to cause disassembly of the cytoplasmic microtubules radiating from the cytopharynx and postoral fibers in P. caudatum. Treatment with this drug did not prevent the ingestion of both prey bacteria and H. obtusa, but it reduced the phagosome number and affected cyclosis. In situ hybridization revealed infectious forms of this endobiont very close to the macronucleus, but never inside it. These results indicate that disassembly of microtubules does not impair transportation of the infectious forms of H. obtusa in the cytoplasm, but that it completely blocks the invasion of the nucleus by the bacteria. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya naberezhnaya 7/9, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia.  相似文献   

Membrane potential responses of a ciliate protozoan Paramecium caudatum to the external application of quinine were investigated in relation to its motile activities. Wild-type specimens swimming in the reference solution did not enter into a quinine-containing (0.5 mM) test solution due to avoiding responses exhibited at the border between the two solutions, and therefore stayed in the reference solution (chemodispersal). Squirting of a quinine-containing test solution over a wild-type specimen evoked a train of action potentials superimposed on a depolarizing chemoreceptor potential. Squirting of a quinine-containing test solution over a CNR-mutant specimen defective in voltage-gated Ca2+ channel evoked only chemoreceptor potentials, which consisted of an initial transient depolarization, a following transient hyperpolarization and a sustained depolarization. A current-evoked action potential became larger in its amplitude and longer in its duration with the external application of quinine. Under the voltage-clamp condition, the fast inward current did not change whereas the delayed outward current decreased with the external application of quinine. It is concluded that quinine is a potent repellent for Paramecium because it produces a depolarizing chemoreceptor potential which evokes action potentials and prolongs the duration of the action potential.  相似文献   

Summary A single-gene recessive mutation, bcd (broadened cortical domains), of Tetrahymena thermophila is characterized by a variable broadening of the spatial domains within which cortical organelles, including both the contractile vacuole pores (CVP) and oral apparatus (OA), are formed. The phenotype is not temperature-sensitive. During the development of the organelles of the mutant prior to cell division, extra CVPs and extra oral primordia (OP) appear near ciliary rows adjacent to the rows at which these structures normally form. In the later stages of development, some, but not all, of these extra structures are resorbed, or in the case of the oral domain, multiple adjacent OPs may be completely or partially integrated into a single enlarged OA. When multiple OAs persist, one or more of these may display a reversed orientation reminiscent of those encountered in janus mutants. However, unlike janus, bcd cells do not express any sign of a mirror-image global organization.Our results can best be accounted for by postulating that the bcd mutation affects some common determinant of the widths of both CVP and OA domains. Studies are in progress which explore the relationship between this width-determining mechanism(s) and the mechanism(s) determining the location of cortical organelles around the cell circumference.  相似文献   

PFOS and PFOA are ubiquitous contaminants in the environment. We investigated the effects of fluorochemicals on calcium currents in Paramecium caudatum using its behavioral changes. Negatively charged amphiphiles prolonged backward swimming (BWS) of Paramecium. PFOS significantly prolonged BWS, while PFOA was less potent (EC(50): 29.8+/-4.1 and 424.1+/-124.0microM, respectively). The BWS prolongation was blocked by cadmium, indicating that the cellular calcium conductance had been modified. The positively charged amphiphile FOSAPrTMA shortened BWS (EC(50): 19.1+/-17.3). Nonionic amphiphiles did not affect BWS. The longer-chain perfluorinated carboxylates PFNA and PFDA were more potent than PFOA (EC(50): 98.7+/-20.1 and 60.4+/-10.1microM, respectively). However, 1,8-perfluorooctanedioic acid and 1,10-perfluorodecanedioic acid did not prolong BWS. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) and BWS prolongation for negatively charged amphiphiles showed a clear correlation (r(2)=0.8008, p<0.001). In summary, several perfluorochemicals and PFOS and PFOA had similar effects in Paramecium, while chain length, CMC, and electric charge were major determinants of BWS duration.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of bcd, janA; bcd, janB; and bcd, janC double-mutant phenotypes in Tetrahymena thermophila has allowed us to examine patterning processes affected by two different classes of mutations. bcd brings about a broadening of the oral and contractile vacuole pore domains in the ciliate cortex, while the janus mutations generate a mirror-image duplication of the ventral cortical pattern. We observed both bcd and janus characteristics expressed in the double mutants, as well as features unique to the double-mutant. Temperature-shift experiments employing the temperature-sensitive janB mutation in a double-mutant (bcd, janB) combination allowed us to observe the changes in pattern as a mirror-image geometry was brought into expression and subsequently removed within the bcd, janB double homozygote. These experiments suggest that there are multiple pattern-mechanisms at work with differing kinetics of expression in the ciliate cortex. We discuss how the bcd mutation could influance expression of the janus mutations in light of a model previously proposed to account for the janus phenotype.  相似文献   

Libusová L  Dráber P 《Protoplasma》2006,227(2-4):65-76
Summary. Tetrahymena and Paramecium species are widely used representatives of the phylum Ciliata. Ciliates are particularly suitable model organisms for studying the functional heterogeneity of tubulins, since they provide a wide range of different microtubular structures in a single cell. Sequencing projects of the genomes of members of these two genera are in progress. Nearly all members of the tubulin superfamily (α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ɛ-, η-, θ-, ι-, and κ-tubulins) have been identified in Paramecium tetraurelia. In Tetrahymena spp., the functional consequences of different posttranslational tubulin modifications (acetylation, tyrosination and detyrosination, phosphorylation, glutamylation, and glycylation) have been studied by different approaches. These model organisms provide the opportunity to determine the function of tubulins found in ciliates, as well as in humans, but absent in some other model organisms. They also give us an opportunity to explore the mechanisms underlying microtubule diversity. Here we review current knowledge concerning the diversity of microtubular structures, tubulin genes, and posttranslational modifications in Tetrahymena and Paramecium species. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Vídeňská 1083, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins MTT1 and MTT2 from Tetrahymena thermophila have been characterized. The MTT1 contains mainly characteristic Cys-Cys-Cys and Cys-Cys clusters, but MTT2 contains mainly Cys-X-Cys cluster. Cd16-MTT1 mainly consists of α-helix and β-turns, in contrast, Cd11-MTT2 mainly consists of random coils. Reaction of Cd16-MTT1 and Cd11-MTT2 with nitric oxide leads to intramolecular disulfide bond formation, respectively. Binding stabilities of Cd2+, Hg2+ and Zn2+ to MTT1 are stronger than those to MTT2. Cu2+ can not replace Cd2+ from Cd16-MTT1 complex, but can replace Cd2+ from Cd11-MTT2 complex. The analysis of qRT-PCR revealed MTT2 mRNA levels were 31-fold higher than those of MTT1 under basal conditions. These results further suggest MTT1 possibly play a role in the detoxification of heavy metal ions, and MTT2 may be involved in the homeostasis of copper ions.  相似文献   

An increasing amount of data has revealed the importance of inducible promoters in ciliate research and in ciliate-related industries. However, knowledge about these promoters and related genes is relatively sparse. Here we report a novel inducible promoter from a Tetrahymena cytoplasmic Hsp70 gene member, HSP70-2. The reported promoter was able to induce the endogenous gene up to ~9000-fold after a short heat shock treatment and this remarkable feature has been retained when a relatively short region of the promoter was introduced into a reporter construct followed by transformation. During the recovery period following a short heat shock, both the mRNA and protein levels of the reporter gene were maintained high up to two hours. A constant heat shock treatment to the transformed cells led to a stabilization of the reporter mRNA up to at least six hours and the reporter protein continued to accumulate up to around three hours. The promoter strength appears to be similar to that of the cadmium-induced metallothionein gene (MTT1) promoter. Therefore, the HSP70-2 promoter represents an attractive alternative for the over-expression of proteins in Tetrahymena, and the promoter-reporter gene construct used in this study is an ideal tool to help in understanding the regulation mechanisms of heat shock genes in ciliates.  相似文献   

T. Watanabe  N. Haga 《Protoplasma》1996,192(1-2):11-19
Summary Two trichocyst-nondischarge (TND) mutants ofParamecium caudatum, tndl andtnd2, are unable to discharge the trichocyst matrix (tmx) in response to chemical stimuli, although they contain many docked trichocysts at predetermined sites in the cortex. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy (FEM) of the plasma membrane showed thattndl possess two typical intramembrane particle arrays at the trichocyst docking site in the cortex, the outer ring and the inner rosette, as observed in wild-type (WT) cells, whereastnd2 possess the ring but not the rosette. The tmx of both TND mutants are able to expand when they are freed and exposed to an extracellular medium containing 1.5 mM Ca2+. When mutant cells were treated with ionophore A23187 and Ca2+, tmx-expansion took place intnd2, but not intndl cells. Thetnd2 mutant could be rescued by an injection of the WT cytoplasm and also by partial cell fusion during conjugation with the WT andtndl cells. However, the secretion capacity oftndl was not restored either by a microinjection of the WT cytoplasm or by the conjugating pair formation. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy on the double homozygote fortndl andtndl genes, revealed only the parenthesis instead of the ring and the rosette, indicating that trichocysts do not dock to the cortical site. Double mutation at thetndl andtndl loci caused a decrease in the number of the trichocysts at the cortical site. These results suggest that cooperative action of the two TND genes is necessary for stable docking of the trichocysts to the cortical sites.Abbreviations FEM freeze-fracture electron microscopy - IMP intramembrane particle - TD trichocyst discharge: tmx trichocyst matrix - TND trichocyst nondischarge - WT wild-type  相似文献   

The metal binding preference of metallothioneins (MTs) groups them in two extreme subsets, the Zn/Cd- and the Cu-thioneins. Ciliates harbor the largest MT gene/protein family reported so far, including 5 paralogs that exhibit relatively low sequence similarity, excepting MTT2 and MTT4. In Tetrahymena thermophila, three MTs (MTT1, MTT3 and MTT5) were considered Cd-thioneins and two (MTT2 and MTT4) Cu-thioneins, according to gene expression inducibility and phylogenetic analysis. In this study, the metal-binding abilities of the five MTT proteins were characterized, to obtain information about the folding and stability of their cognate- and non-cognate metal complexes, and to characterize the T. thermophila MT system at protein level. Hence, the five MTTs were recombinantly synthesized as Zn2+-, Cd2+- or Cu+-complexes, which were analyzed by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), circular dichroism (CD), and UV-vis spectrophotometry. Among the Cd-thioneins, MTT1 and MTT5 were optimal for Cd2+ coordination, yielding unique Cd17- and Cd8- complexes, respectively. When binding Zn2+, they rendered a mixture of Zn-species. Only MTT5 was capable to coordinate Cu+, although yielding heteronuclear Zn-, Cu-species or highly unstable Cu-homometallic species. MTT3 exhibited poor binding abilities both for Cd2+ and for Cu+, and although not optimally, it yielded the best result when coordinating Zn2+. The two Cu-thioneins, MTT2 and MTT4 isoforms formed homometallic Cu-complexes (major Cu20-MTT) upon synthesis in Cu-supplemented hosts. Contrarily, they were unable to fold into stable Cd-complexes, while Zn-MTT species were only recovered for MTT4 (major Zn10-MTT4). Thus, the metal binding preferences of the five T. thermophila MTs correlate well with their previous classification as Cd- and Cu-thioneins, and globally, they can be classified from Zn/Cd- to Cu-thioneins according to the gradation: MTT1>MTT5>MTT3>MTT4>MTT2. The main mechanisms underlying the evolution and specialization of the MTT metal binding preferences may have been internal tandem duplications, presence of doublet and triplet Cys patterns in Zn/Cd-thioneins, and optimization of site specific amino acid determinants (Lys for Zn/Cd- and Asn for Cu-coordination).  相似文献   

The heat flux of Tetrahymena thermophila BF5 during growth and the effects of La3+ and Ca2+ on them were investigated with microcalorimetry; simultaneously, morphological changes of T. thermophila were obtained by light microscope. La3+ in low concentration (0–5.0 × 10–4 mol/l) remarkably stimulated T. thermophila metabolism, but high dose of La3+ (5.8–8.6 × 10–4 mol/l) restrained it in a linear manner with IC50 being 7.2 × 10–4 mol/l. In contrast, low concentration of Ca2+ did not manifest obvious stimulation on T. thermophila metabolism; moreover, the IC50 of Ca2+ was much higher than that of La3+. Low concentration of La3+ did not lead to changes in appearance of T. thermophila, but low dose of Ca2+ clearly promoted the cell proliferation. In addition, the morphological changes of T. thermophila evoked by high concentrations of La3+ and Ca2+ were consistent with relevant microcalorimetric results. It is concluded that La and Ca influence T. thermophila via different pathways, and La represents toxic action rather than Ca analogy.  相似文献   

Chemosensory transduction and adaptation are important aspects of signal transduction mechanisms in many cell types, ranging from prokaryotes to differentiated tissues such as neurons. The eukaryotic ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila, is capable of responding to both chemoattractants (O'Neill et al., 1985; Leick, 1992; Kohidai, Karsa & Csaba, 1994, 1995) and chemorepellents (Francis & Hennessey, 1995; Kuruvilla, Kim & Hennessey, 1997). An example of a nontoxic, depolarizing chemorepellent in Tetrahymena is extracellular lysozyme (Francis & Hennessey, 1995; Hennessey, Kim & Satir, 1995). Lysozyme is an effective chemorepellent at micromolar concentrations, binds to a single class of externally facing membrane receptors and prolonged exposure (10 min) produces specific chemosensory adaptation (Kuruvilla et al., 1997). We now show that this lysozyme response is initiated by a depolarizing chemoreceptor potential in Tetrahymena and we have purified the membrane lysozyme receptor by affinity chromatography of solubilized Tetrahymena membrane proteins. The solubilized, purified protein is 42 kD and it exhibits saturable, high affinity lysozyme binding. Polyclonal antibodies raised against this 42 kD receptor block the in vivo lysozyme chemoresponse. This is not only the first time that a chemoreceptor potential has been recorded from Tetrahymena but also the first time that a chemorepellent receptor has been purified from any unicellular eukaryote. Received: 28 July 1997/Revised: 14 November 1997  相似文献   

Multiple origins of the symbioses in Paramecium bursaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hoshina R  Imamura N 《Protist》2008,159(1):53-63
Many organisms have symbioses with photosynthetic algae as typified by corals, clams, lichens, and some protozoa. Paramecium bursaria contains green algal symbionts and this unicellular ciliate is a textbook example used for microscopic observation in junior high school science projects. We have determined molecular phylogenies for the green algal symbionts. The symbiotic algae are the main constituent of the Paramecium cytoplasm, and we have recognized a total of four species, of which two were newly discovered in the present study. One should be regarded genetically as Chlorella vulgaris, and it belongs phylogenetically to the Chlorella clade (Chlorellaceae, Trebouxiophyceae) as well as "American" and "European" groups, which we previously introduced. Their genetic dissimilarities are 0.50-0.83% in 18S rDNA comparisons, but those of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) reach an unambiguous level (22.6-26.6%). These dissimilarities suggest that they are equivalent to discrete species derived from multiple origins as paramecian symbionts. Another newcomer was clearly separated from the Chlorellaceae, and this alga clustered with Coccomyxa spp. in ITS2 analyses. These symbiotic relations indicate multiple origins of symbionts.  相似文献   

mRNA and genomic DNA were isolated from adult Cylicocyclus nassatus, and the mRNA was reverse transcribed. The cDNA was PCR amplified using degenerate primers designed according to the alignment of the β-tubulin amino acid sequences of other species. To complete the coding sequence, the 3′ end was amplified with the 3′-RACE, and for amplification of the 5′ end the SL1-primer was used. The cDNA of the β-tubulin gene of C. nassatus spans 1429 bp and encodes a protein of 448 amino acids. Specific primers were developed from the cDNA sequence to amplify the genomic DNA sequence and to analyse the genomic organisation of the β-tubulin gene. The complete sequence of the genomic DNA of the β-tubulin gene of C. nassatus has a size of 2652 bp and is organised into nine exons and eight introns. The identities with the exons of the gru-1 β-tubulin gene of Haemonchus contortus range between 79% and 97%.  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for final cell separation at the end of cytokinesis is currently unknown. Knockout strains of the ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila lacking the kinesin-II homologous molecular motors, Kin1p and Kin2p are paralyzed due to their complete loss of cilia and undergo frequent cytokinesis failures. Observations of live dividing cells revealed that cleavage furrow ingression is normal in kinesin-II double knockout cells until the final stage of cell separation (Brown et al., 1999). During closer inspection of dividing cells using video differential interference contrast microscopy, we found that wild-type cells undergo an extremely complex motile behavior near the end of cytokinesis. This process, which we have named rotokinesis, appears to facilitate the physical separation of daughter cells. Here we present recent work onTetrahymena rotokinesis, and review studies in other organisms which suggest that the use of cell locomotion in the completion of cytokinesis is a general phenomenon of motile cell types.  相似文献   

A fractional factorial design with eight trials was applied to select and model the effects of major factors, individually and in combination, on improving Tetrahymena thermophila growth and enzyme production. Regulated pH at 6.8 and olive oil at 0.5% (v/v) showed positive effects on fermentation, and increased cell growth parameters including generation time and maximal population formation. Lipase and protease production were also improved by these factors and were favoured by cultivation of Tetrahymena in darkness. This statistical experiment offers a beneficial and rapid screening procedure to select the most effective combination of factors influencing fermentation processes.  相似文献   

The alteration of the content of heat-shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp70) was studied in cells of the freshwater ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis after the salinity of the medium had been changed. It was shown that ciliates acclimated to fresh (0%) or salt (2 and 10%) water have similar levels of constitutive Hsp70. Neither pronounced induction nor a decrease in the Hsp70 level were revealed in ciliates after salinity stress. These data differ from the results we obtained previously with more euryhaline ciliates, Paramecium nephridiatum and P. jenningsi. In those species, we observed both the induced synthesis of Hsp70 after salinity stress and changes (decrease or increase) in the constitutive Hsp70 level after the acclimation of ciliates to the altered medium salinity. We presume that the differences in the chaperone system reaction of these ciliates species may be connected with their different salinity resistances, least of all in P. jenningsi, intermediate in T. pyriformis, and most pronounced in P. nephridiatum.  相似文献   

Kodama Y  Fujishima M 《Protoplasma》2005,225(3-4):191-203
Summary. Each symbiotic Chlorella sp. of the ciliate Paramecium bursaria is enclosed in a perialgal vacuole derived from the host digestive vacuole, and thereby the alga is protected from digestion by lysosomal fusion. Algae-free cells can be reinfected with algae isolated from algae-bearing cells by ingestion into digestive vacuoles. To examine the timing of acidification and lysosomal fusion of the digestive vacuoles and of algal escape from the digestive vacuole, algae-free cells were mixed with isolated algae or yeast cells stained with pH indicator dyes at 25 ± 1 °C for 1.5 min, washed, chased, and fixed at various time points. Acidification of the vacuoles and digestion of Chlorella sp. began at 0.5 and 2 min after mixing, respectively. All single green Chlorella sp. that had been present in the host cytoplasm before 0.5 h after mixing were digested by 0.5 h. At 1 h after mixing, however, single green algae reappeared in the host cytoplasm, arising from those digestive vacuoles containing both nondigested and partially digested algae, and the percentage of such cells increased to about 40% at 3 h. At 48 h, the single green algae began to multiply by cell division, indicating that these algae had succeeded in establishing endosymbiosis. In contrast to previously published studies, our data show that an alga can successfully escape from the host’s digestive vacuole after acidosomal and lysosomal fusion with the vacuole has occurred, in order to produce endosymbiosis. Correspondence and reprints: Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Yoshida 1677-1, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan.  相似文献   

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