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Al resistance of signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf cv Basilisk), a widely sown tropical forage grass, is outstanding compared with the closely related ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain and Evrard cv Common) and Al-resistant genotypes of graminaceous crops such as wheat, triticale, and maize. Secretion of organic acids and phosphate by root apices and alkalinization of the apical rhizosphere are commonly believed to be important mechanisms of Al resistance. However, root apices of signalgrass secreted only moderately larger quantities of organic acids than did those of ruzigrass, and efflux from signalgrass apices was three to 30 times smaller than from apices of Al-resistant genotypes of buckwheat, maize, and wheat (all much more sensitive to Al than signalgrass). In the presence, but not absence, of Al, root apices of signalgrass alkalinized the rhizosphere more than did those of ruzigrass. The latter was associated with a shortening of the alkalinizing zone in Al-intoxicated apices of ruzigrass, indicating that differences in alkalinizing power were a consequence, not a cause of, differential Al resistance. These data indicate that the main mechanism of Al resistance in signalgrass does not involve external detoxification of Al. Therefore, highly effective resistance mechanisms based on different physiological strategies appear to operate in this species.  相似文献   

The detoxification of aluminum (Al) in root tips of the Al accumulator buckwheat by exudation of oxalate leading to reduced Al uptake (Al resistance) is difficult to reconcile with the Al accumulation (Al tolerance). The objective of this study was to analyze resistance and tolerance mechanisms at the same time evaluating particularly possible stratification of Al uptake, Al transport and oxalate exudation along the root apex. The use of a minirhizotron made it possible to differentiate between spatial responses to Al along the root apex with regard to Al uptake and organic acid anion exudation, but also to measure at the same time Al and organic acid transport in the xylem. Al accumulates particularly in the 3‐mm root apex. The study showed that Al taken up by the 10‐mm root apex is rapidly transferred to the xylem which differentiates in the 10 to 15‐mm root zone as revealed by a microscopic study. Al induces the release of oxalate from the root apex but particularly from the subapical 6–20 mm root zone even when Al was applied only to the 5‐mm root apex suggesting a basipetal signal transduction. Citrate proved to be the most likely ligand for Al in the xylem because Al and citrate transport rates were positively correlated. In conclusion, the data presented show that the Al‐induced release of oxalate, and Al uptake as well as Al accumulation are spatially not separated in the root apex.  相似文献   

Excessive application of phosphorus (P)-rich manures to agricultural lands often results in P-accumulation in soils leading to water pollution through runoffs and leaching. Use of suitable plant species that can extract and sequester excess P from soil into their biomass is an effective method of remediation of P-contaminated soils. Knowledge on the molecular responses of plants to high P-accumulation and tolerance is lacking. Therefore, a suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) strategy was employed to identify and elucidate the pattern of gene expression related to P-tolerance and accumulation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), a P-accumulator plant. RNA isolated from cucumber grown in high P was used for 'tester' cDNA synthesis and SSH library preparation. A total of 63 cDNAs were identified as showing upregulated expression in this plant in response to high P. No putative function could be assigned to 7 (11%) of the 63 upregulated high P-modulated genes and 11 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) (17%) did not match database entries. The remaining 45 ESTs were grouped into five functional classes. The majority of these ESTs belonged to three groups: 'metabolism', 'protein synthesis/degradation and signaling' and 'cell structure/cell wall'. Only six 'stress/defense'-related ESTs were identified from this library. The results of reverse northern blot analysis was further confirmed and validated through semi-quantitative RT-PCR carried out with representative ESTs identified in this study. The research reported here may contribute to a preliminary understanding of the high P-related gene expression in this P-accumulating plant.  相似文献   

Excess aluminum (Al) ions and phosphorus (P) deficiency are the key factors that limit plant growth in acid soils. Secretion of organic acids (OA) from roots has been proposed as an Al-resistance mechanism. Nonetheless, the correlation between Al resistance and this mechanism has not been tested beyond a very small number of Al-resistant and Al-sensitive genotypes. To elucidate the mechanisms responsible for plant adaptability to acid soils, we studied the secretion of OA from roots of Stylosanthes in response to high-Al and low-P stresses using six different genotypes. Relative root inhibition by 50?µM Al ranged from 25–71% and differed significantly among six Stylosanthes genotypes. Al treatment induced the secretion of citrate from the roots of Stylosanthes seedling in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Moreover, the secretion rate was significantly higher in the Al-resistant genotype. On the other hand, inhibition of Al-induced citrate secretion by phenylisothiocyanate or 9-anthracenecarboxylic acid resulted in an increase in Al content in Stylosanthes root apices. P deficiency also induced citrate secretion from Stylosanthes seedling roots. Furthermore, citrate secretion was much more robust with exposure to both excess-Al and P-deficiency stresses than under either stress alone. Unlike Al-induced citrate secretion, which was rapid, low-P-induced secretion was a slow process, with significant increases in secretion only becoming evident after 6 d of treatment with free phosphate. The lag between treatment with Al and citrate secretion was approximately 4 h. These results suggest that the secretion of citrate is a mechanism for resistance to both excess-Al and low-P stresses in Stylosanthes.  相似文献   

Gene-silencing has been used to develop resistance against many plant viruses but little is known about the transgenic small-interfering RNA (t-siRNA) that confers this resistance. Transgenic cucumber and melon lines harboring a hairpin construct of the Zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV) HC-Pro gene accumulated different levels of t-siRNA (6 to 44% of total siRNA) and exhibited resistance to systemic ZYMV infection. Resistance to Watermelon mosaic potyvirus and Papaya ring spot potyvirus-W was also observed in a cucumber line that accumulated high levels of t-siRNA (44% of total siRNA) and displayed significantly increased levels of RNA-dependent RNA (RDR)1 and Argonaute 1, as compared with the other transgenic and nontransformed plants. The majority of the t-siRNA sequences were 21 to 22 nucleotides in length and sense strand biased. The t-siRNA were not uniformly distributed throughout the transgene but concentrated in "hot spots" in a pattern resembling that of the viral siRNA peaks observed in ZYMV-infected cucumber and melon. Mutations in ZYMV at the loci associated with the siRNA peaks did not break this resistance, indicating that hot spot t-siRNA may not be essential for resistance. This study shows that resistance based on gene-silencing can be effective against related viruses and is probably correlated with t-siRNA accumulation and increased expression of RDR1.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays) production, which is of global agro‐economic importance, is largely limited by herbivore pests, pathogens and environmental conditions, such as drought. Zealexins and kauralexins belong to two recently identified families of acidic terpenoid phytoalexins in maize that mediate defence against both pathogen and insect attacks in aboveground tissues. However, little is known about their function in belowground organs and their potential to counter abiotic stress. In this study, we show that zealexins and kauralexins accumulate in roots in response to both biotic and abiotic stress including, Diabrotica balteata herbivory, Fusarium verticillioides infection, drought and high salinity. We find that the quantity of drought‐induced phytoalexins is positively correlated with the root‐to‐shoot ratio of different maize varieties, and further demonstrate that mutant an2 plants deficient in kauralexin production are more sensitive to drought. The induction of phytoalexins in response to drought is root specific and does not influence phytoalexin levels aboveground; however, the accumulation of phytoalexins in one tissue may influence the induction capacity of other tissues.  相似文献   



Although many studies on the mechanism of Al toxicity and tolerance have been conducted independently, events occurring during the recovery process from Al injury is limited. This study was to investigate Al toxicity recovery mechanism focusing in morphological and physiological aspect.


We investigated the mechanisms underlying Al toxicity recovery in terms of oxidative stress using the pea root apex as a model system.


The accumulation of reactive oxygen species was remarkably high in the root under continued Al treatment but decreased in the recovering root. The superoxide anion exuded in the presence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) showed a similar tendency with respect to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. A similar pattern of lignin content and superoxide dismutase activity was observed among the treatments, while the increased peroxidation in the root under continued Al treatment did not decline with recovery treatment. A longitudinal section of the root under continued Al treatment showed the accumulation of superoxide anion, lignin and peroxide (H2O2) at the epidermal and outer cortex region where the Al induced injuries, including ruptures, are detected.


Oxidative stress is associated with the mechanism of Al toxicity recovery. The recovery process might include the elongation of the central cylinder as a consequence of the oxidative stress-induced formation of the zonal region (ZR). The results further suggest a plausible role for the ZR in the programmed cell death-like function involved in Al toxicity recovery.  相似文献   

Embedded within the meristem of all Angiosperm roots is a population of slowly dividing cells designated the quiescent center (QC). In maize roots the QC can constitute upwards of 800-1200 cells, most of which spend an extended period of time (180-200 hours) in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. How the QC forms and is maintained is not known. Here we report that cells of the QC are characterized by their highly oxidized status. Glutathione and ascorbic acid occur predominately in the oxidized forms in the QC. This is contrasted with the status of these redox intermediates in adjacent, rapidly dividing cells in the root meristem, in which the reduced forms of these two species are favored. Using a redox sensitive fluorescent dye we were able to visualize an overall oxidizing environment in the QC, and we also made comparisons with the adjacent, rapidly dividing cells in the root meristem. Altering the distribution of auxin and the location of the auxin maximum in the root tip activates the QC, and cells leave G(1) and enter mitosis. Commencement of relatively more rapid cell division in the QC is preceded by changes in the overall redox status of the QC, which becomes less oxidizing. We discuss how the position of the auxin maximum may influence the redox status of the QC and thereby modulate the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a promising anticancer agent as it selectively kills tumor cells but spares normal cells. Resistance to TRAIL by tumor cells limits its therapeutic use. We have previously shown that protein kinase C-epsilon (PKCepsilon) acts as an antiapoptotic protein in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. In the present study, we have investigated the mechanism(s) by which PKCepsilon contributes to TRAIL resistance. Overexpression of PKCepsilon inhibited caspase-8 and -9 activation, release of mitochondrial cytochrome c and cell death induced by TRAIL, but did not interfere with the recruitment of caspase-8 to the death-inducing signaling complex. Knockdown/inhibition of PKCepsilon resulted in enhanced sensitivity to TRAIL. The level of Bcl-2 was increased and Bid was decreased by PKCepsilon at both the protein and mRNA level but PKCepsilon had no effect on Bax. Knockdown of Bcl-2 by siRNA reversed TRAIL resistance in PKCepsilon-overexpressing cells, whereas depletion of Bid contributed to TRAIL resistance in MCF-7 cells. A decrease in Bid content was also associated with inhibition of TRAIL-induced caspase-8 activation. Furthermore, PKCepsilon depletion or overexpression of DN-PKCepsilon was associated with a decrease in Bcl-2 protein level. Thus, our results suggest that PKCepsilon acts upstream of mitochondria and mediates TRAIL resistance via both Bcl-2 and Bid in MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activation of protein kinase C (PKC)-delta has been associated with cell death induced by the DNA damaging agent cisplatin. In the present study, we have examined if PKCdelta is affected when cells acquire resistance to cisplatin. The level of PKCdelta was elevated in cisplatin-resistant HeLa (HeLa/CP) cells compared to parental HeLa cells. Prolonged cellular exposure to the PKC activator phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), caused downregulation of PKCdelta in HeLa cells but not in HeLa/CP cells. Treatment of HeLa cells with PDBu resulted in the translocation of PKCdelta from the cytosol to the membrane but it failed to induce PKCdelta translocation in HeLa/CP cells. PDBu, however, induced translocation and downregulation of PKCalpha in both HeLa and HeLa/CP cells. The ability of PDBu to enhance cisplatin-induced cell death was attenuated in cisplatin-resistant HeLa cells. Thus, a deregulation in PKCdelta was associated with reduced cellular sensitivity to cisplatin.  相似文献   

In Enterococcus gallinarum SC1, a low-level vancomycin-resistant strain, only monomeric muropentapeptides with a C-terminal D-alanine were detected after growth without vancomycin. In contrast, in SC1 induced by vancomycin, as well as in AIB39, a constitutive vancomycin-resistant strain, monomeric and dimeric muropentapeptides with a C-terminal D-serine were detected.  相似文献   

Here, we present data that for the first time suggests that the effects of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition on nutrient limitation extend into the food web. We used a novel and sensitive assay for an enzyme that is over‐expressed in animals growing under dietary phosphorus (P) deficiency (alkaline phosphatase activity, APA) to assess the nutritional status of major crustacean zooplankton taxa in lakes across a gradient of atmospheric N deposition in Norway. Lakes receiving high N deposition had suspended organic matter (seston) with significantly elevated carbon:P and N:P ratios, indicative of amplified phytoplankton P limitation. This P limitation appeared to be transferred up the food chain, as the cosmopolitan seston‐feeding zooplankton taxa Daphnia and Holopedium had significantly increased APA. These results indicate that N deposition can impair the efficiency of trophic interactions by accentuating stoichiometric food quality constraints in lake food webs.  相似文献   

We examined whether plasma concentrations of nonglucose insulin secretagogues are associated with prehepatic insulin secretion rates (ISR) in nondiabetic, insulin-resistant, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected, lipodystrophic patients (LIPO). Additionally, the negative feedback of insulin on ISR was evaluated. ISR were estimated by deconvolution of plasma C-peptide concentrations during fasting (basal) and during the last 30 min of a 120-min euglycemic insulin clamp (40 mU.m(-2).min(-1)). Eighteen normoglycemic LIPO were compared with 25 normoglycemic HIV-infected patients without lipodystrophy (controls). Thirty minutes before start of the clamp, a bolus of glucose was injected intravenously to stimulate endogenous insulin secretion. Insulin sensitivity index (SiRd) was estimated from glucose tracer analysis. LIPO displayed increased basal ISR (69%), clamp ISR (114%), basal insulin (130%), and clamp insulin (32%), all P < or = 0.001, whereas SiRd was decreased (57%, P < 0.001). In LIPO, ISRbasal correlated significantly with basal insulin, alanine, and glucagon (all r > 0.65, P < 0.01), but not with glucose. In control subjects, ISR(basal) correlated significantly with insulin, glucagon, and glucose (all r > 0.41, P < 0.05), but not with alanine. In LIPO, ISRclamp correlated significantly with clamp free fatty acids (FFA), alanine, triglyceride, and glucagon (all r > 0.51, P < 0.05). In control subjects, ISRclamp correlated with clamp triglyceride (r = 0.45, P < 0.05). Paradoxically, in LIPO, ISRclamp correlated positively with clamp insulin (r = 0.68, P < 0.01), which suggests an absent negative feedback of insulin on ISR. Our data support evidence that lipodystrophic, nondiabetic, HIV-infected patients exhibit increased ISR, which can be partially explained by an impaired negative feedback of insulin on beta-cells and an increased stimulation of ISR by FFA, alanine, triglyceride, and glucagon.  相似文献   

Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is an emerging condition, characterized by specific muscle lesions assessing long-term persistence of aluminum hydroxide within macrophages at the site of previous immunization. Affected patients mainly complain of arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue, and cognitive difficulties. We designed a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests to prospectively delineate MMF-associated cognitive dysfunction (MACD). Compared to control patients with arthritis and chronic pain, MMF patients had pronounced and specific cognitive impairment. MACD mainly affected (i) both visual and verbal memory; (ii) executive functions, including attention, working memory, and planning; and (iii) left ear extinction at dichotic listening test. Cognitive deficits did not correlate with pain, fatigue, depression, or disease duration. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying MACD remain to be determined. In conclusion, long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide within the body assessed by MMF is associated with cognitive dysfunction, not solely due to chronic pain, fatigue and depression.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a unique population that has been linked to drug resistance and metastasis and recurrence of prostate cancer. The sonic hedgehog (SHH)...  相似文献   

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