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To examine the possible relationship of guanine-dependent GpA conformations with ribonucleotide cleavage, two potential of mean force (PMF) calculations were performed in aqueous solution. In the first calculation, the guanosine glycosidic (Gchi) angle was used as the reaction coordinate, and computations were performed on two GpA ionic species: protonated (neutral) or deprotonated (negatively charged) guanosine ribose O2 '. Similar energetic profiles featuring two minima corresponding to the anti and syn Gchi regions were obtained for both ionic forms. For both forms the anti conformation was more stable than the syn, and barriers of approximately 4 kcal/mol were obtained for the anti --> syn transition. Structural analysis showed a remarkable sensitivity of the phosphate moiety to the conformation of the Gchi angle, suggesting a possible connection between this conformation and the mechanism of ribonucleotide cleavage. This hypothesis was confirmed by the second PMF calculations, for which the O2 '--P distance for the deprotonated GpA was used as reaction coordinate. The computations were performed from two selected starting points: the anti and syn minima determined in the first PMF study of the deprotonated guanosine ribose O2'. The simulations revealed that the O2 ' attack along the syn Gchi was more favorable than that along the anti Gchi: energetically, significantly lower barriers were obtained in the syn than in the anti conformation for the O--P bond formation; structurally, a lesser O2 '--P initial distance, and a better suited orientation for an in-line attack was observed in the syn relative to the anti conformation. These results are consistent with the catalytically competent conformation of barnase-ribonucleotide complex, which requires a guanine syn conformation of the substrate to enable abstraction of the ribose H2 ' proton by the general base Glu73, thereby suggesting a coupling between the reactive substrate conformation and enzyme structure and mechanism.  相似文献   

Calculations of the electrostatic field of DNA in two very different double helical conformations, A and Z, are reported and compared with the results previously obtained for B-DNA. Striking contrasts between these fields and the associated electrostatic potentials are brought into evidence. One of the major differences is that while the deepest potentials are generally located in the grooves of DNA, the strongest fields are associated with the phosphate groups. The results of screening the nucleic acids by counterions are also presented.  相似文献   

We describe a novel, fundamental property of nucleobase structure, namely, pyramidilization at the N1/9 sites of purine and pyrimidine bases. Through a combined analyses of ultra-high-resolution X-ray structures of both oligonucleotides extracted from the Nucleic Acid Database and isolated nucleotides and nucleosides from the Cambridge Structural Database, together with a series of quantum chemical calculations, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and published solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data, we show that pyramidilization at the glycosidic nitrogen is an intrinsic property. This property is common to isolated nucleosides and nucleotides as well as oligonucleotides—it is also common to both RNA and DNA. Our analysis suggests that pyramidilization at N1/9 sites depends in a systematic way on the local structure of the nucleoside. Of note, the pyramidilization undergoes stereo-inversion upon reorientation of the glycosidic bond. The extent of the pyramidilization is further modulated by the conformation of the sugar ring. The observed pyramidilization is more pronounced for purine bases, while for pyrimidines it is negligible. We discuss how the assumption of nucleic acid base planarity can lead to systematic errors in determining the conformation of nucleotides from experimental data and from unconstrained MD simulations.  相似文献   

The helix–coil transition and conformational structure of poly(8-bromoadenylic acid) [poly(8BrA)] have been investigated using 1H- and 13C-nmr, CD, and ir spectroscopy. The results have been compared with the structure of the related 5′-mono- and polynucleotides. The chemical shifts of H(2′), H(3′), C(2′), and C(3′) nmr signals show an interesting correlation with both the puckering of ribose ring and glycosidic bond torsion angle. Poly(8BrA) shows an upfield shift of the C(3′) signal and a downfield shift of the H(3′) signal compared to the chemical shifts in poly(A). These shifts are consistent with a C(3′) endo-syn conformation for poly(8BrA). A similar effect has been reported previously and is also observed here on the C(2′) and H(2′) signals when the preferred conformation is C(2′)endo-syn (e.g., in 5′-8BrAMP). The chemical-shift parameters thus act as a probe for studying syn ? anti and N ? S equilibria in solutions. The three-bond 1H-′13C coupling constants between H(1′) and C(8) and C(4) have been measured in poly(8BrA) and 5′-8BrAMP and their structural implications have been discussed. The observed preference of a C(3′)endo-syn conformation for poly(8BrA), coupled with other evidence, throws doubt on the validity of a correlation previously reported whereby a syn conformation is associated with a C(2′)endo ribose pucker. The backbone conformation of randomly coiled poly(8BrA) is very similar to the structures found in polyribonucleotides: poly(A) and poly(U). All three polymers show strong preferences for the backbone angles found in RNA helices. The CD spectrum of poly(8BrA) has a striking relationship to that of poly(A). The signs of all extrema are inverted, and the magnitudes are related by a constant factor. We suggest that these differences result from a change in the angle between coupled transition moment vectors in the two polymers. Infrared spectra of poly(8BrA) in H2O and D2O solution are reported for the frequency range below 1400 cm?1. The antisymmetric >PO stretching vibration is observed at an unusually low frequency in the helix (1214 cm?1). The symmetric >PO stretch occurs at ~1095 cm?1 but is not resolved from a ring vibration near this frequency. A conformationally sensitive band, characteristic of helical RNA structures, is observed at 817 cm?1 and disappears when the helix is melted. This observation confirms the conclusion that ordered poly(8BrA) has a regular helical structure with an RNA backbone conformation. A stereochemical explanation is provided for the failure of poly(8BrA) (or other syn polymers) to form double helices with anti-polyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

S G Kim  L J Lin  B R Reid 《Biochemistry》1992,31(14):3564-3574
In DNA or RNA duplexes, the six-bond C3'-O3'-P-O5'-C5'-C4'-C3' backbone linkage connecting adjacent residues contains six torsion angles (epsilon, zeta, alpha, beta, gamma, delta) but only four protons. This seriously limits the ability to define the backbone conformation by NMR using purely 1H-1H distance geometry (DG) methods. The problem is further compounded by the inability to assign two of the four backbone protons, namely the poorly resolved H5' and H5' protons, and invariably leads to DG structures with poorly defined backbone conformations. We have developed and tested a reliable method to constrain the beta, gamma, and epsilon (and indirectly alpha and zeta) backbone torsion angles by lower-bound NOE distances to unassigned H5'/H5' resonances combined with either 1H line widths or the conservative use of sigma J measurements; the method relies only on 1H 2-D NMR data, does not involve any structural assumptions, and leads to much improved backbone convergence among DG structures. The C4'-C5' torsion angle gamma is constrained by lower-bound NOE distances from H2' and from H6/H8 to any H5'/H5', as well as by sigma JH4, coupling measurements in the 3.9-4.4 ppm region; delta is constrained by H1'-H4' NOE distances and by H3'-H4' and H3'-H2' J couplings in COSY data; epsilon is partially constrained by H3' line width and/or further constrained by subtracting the minimum possible sigma JH3'-H from the observed sigma JH3' (COSY) to arrive at the maximum possible JH3'-P, which is then converted to H3'-P distance bounds. The angle beta is partially constrained via H5'-P and H5'-P distance bounds consistent with the maximum H5'-P and H5'-P J couplings derived from the observed H5' and H5' line widths, while alpha and zeta are indirectly constrained by lower distance bounds on the observed (n)H1' to (n + 1)H5'/H5' NOEs combined with the prior partial constraints on beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. The combined effects of these additional constraints in determining distance geometry structures have been demonstrated using a 12-base duplex, [d(GCCGTTAACGGC)]2. Coordinate RMSDs per atom between structures refined with these constraints from random-embedded DG structures, from ideal A-DNA, and from B-DNA starting structures were less than 0.4 A for the central 8 base pairs indicating good convergence. All backbone angles for the central 8 base pairs are very well constrained with less than 10 degrees variation in any of the 48 torsion angles.  相似文献   

Y Nishimura  M Tsuboi    T Sato 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(17):6901-6908
Raman spectra of nine crystals of known structures which involve guanosine moieties with various conformations have been observed. It has been established that a guanosine residue with the C3'endo-anti conformation gives a strong Raman line at 666 +/- 2 cm-1. It has also been found that the residue with 04'endo-anti gives a strong Raman line at 682 cm-1, and C3'exo-syn at 616 cm-1. The usefulness of these structure-spectrum correlations in the conformation studies of polynucleotides are shown.  相似文献   

This review summarizes data on the structure and properties of water under normal conditions, at high salt concentration and under high pressure. We correlate the observed conformational transitions in nucleic acids with changes in water structure and activity, and suggest a mechanism of conformational transitions of nucleic acid involving these changes. We conclude that the Z-DNA form is induced only at low water activity caused by high salt concentrations and/or high pressure.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of pseudoknotted nucleic acid secondary structure is an important computational challenge. Prediction algorithms based on dynamic programming aim to find a structure with minimum free energy according to some thermodynamic ("sum of loop energies") model that is implicit in the recurrences of the algorithm. However, a clear definition of what exactly are the loops in pseudoknotted structures, and their associated energies, has been lacking. In this work, we present a complete classification of loops in pseudoknotted nucleic secondary structures, and describe the Rivas and Eddy and other energy models as sum-of-loops energy models. We give a linear time algorithm for parsing a pseudoknotted secondary structure into its component loops. We give two applications of our parsing algorithm. The first is a linear time algorithm to calculate the free energy of a pseudoknotted secondary structure. This is useful for heuristic prediction algorithms, which are widely used since (pseudoknotted) RNA secondary structure prediction is NP-hard. The second application is a linear time algorithm to test the generality of the dynamic programming algorithm of Akutsu for secondary structure prediction.Together with previous work, we use this algorithm to compare the generality of state-of-the-art algorithms on real biological structures.  相似文献   

BBR3464, a charged trinuclear platinum compound, is the first representative of a new class of anticancer drugs to enter phase I clinical trials. The structure of BBR3464 is characterized by two [trans-PtCl(NH(3))(2)] units linked by a tetraamine [trans-Pt(NH(3))(2)?H(2)N(CH(2))(6)NH(2)?(2)] unit. The +4 charge of BBR3464 and the separation of the platinating units indicate that the mode of DNA binding will be distinctly different from those of classical mononuclear drugs such as cisplatin, cis-[PtCl(2)(NH(3))(2)]. The reaction of BBR3464 with three different nucleic acid conformations was assessed by gel electrophoresis. Comparison of single-stranded DNA, RNA, and double-stranded DNA indicated that the reaction of BBR3464 with single-stranded DNA and RNA was faster than that with duplex DNA, and produced more drug-DNA and drug-RNA adducts. Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry was used to further characterize the binding modes of BBR3464 with the DNA substrates. BBR3464 binding to different nucleic acid conformations raises the possibility that the adducts of single-stranded DNA and RNA may play a role in the different antitumor efficacies of this novel drug as compared with cisplatin.  相似文献   

B Festy  M Daune 《Biochemistry》1973,12(24):4827-4834

Nucleolin, also called protein C23, is a RNA-associated protein implicated in the early stages of ribosome assembly. To study the general conformation and map the nucleic acid binding regions, rat nucleolin was subjected to limited proteolysis using trypsin and chymotrypsin in the presence or absence of poly(G). The cleavage sites were classified according to their locations in the three putative domains: the highly polar amino-terminal domain, the central nucleic acid binding domain, which contains four 90-residue repeats, and the carboxyl-terminal domain, which is rich is glycine, dimethylarginine, and phenylalanine. The most labile sites were found in basic segments of the amino-terminal domain. This region was stabilized by Mg2+. At low enzyme concentrations, cleavage by trypsin or chymotrypsin in the amino-terminal domain was enhanced by poly(G). Trypsin produced a relatively stable 48-kDa fragment containing the central and carboxyl-terminal domains. The enhanced cleavage suggests that binding of nucleic acid by the central domain alters the conformation of the amino-terminal domain, exposing sites to proteolytic cleavage. At moderate enzyme concentrations, the 48-kDa fragment was protected by poly(G) against tryptic digestion. At the highest enzyme concentrations, both enzymes cleaved near the boundaries between repeats 2, 3, and 4 with some sites protected by poly(G), suggesting that the repeats themselves form compact units. The carboxyl-terminal domain was resistant to trypsin but was cleaved by chymotrypsin either in the presence or in the absence of poly(G), indicating exposure of some phenylalanines in this region. These studies provide a general picture of the topology of nucleolin and suggest that the nucleic acid binding region communicates with the amino-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in situ in individual unbroken cells is studied by a cytofluorometric method. This method allows us to investigate DNA denaturation in the presence of divalent cations at concentrations reported to be necessary to maintain native structure of nuclear chromatin. Under these conditions the pattern of DNA denaturation is very different than when studied in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetate or citrate. The results suggest that with divalent cations present, the histone basic charges are more uniformly distributed along whole nuclear DNA. Various cell types exhibit great differences in sensitivity to DNA denaturation when assayed in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2. Human lymphocytes, monocytes and certain kinds of human leukemic cells show differences large enough to be used as a parameter for their recognition in mixed samples. Possible applications of the method in basic research on chromatin conformation and as a tool for cell recognition in diagnostic cytology or in the classification of human leukemia are proposed.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of aqueous solutions of uridine and cytidine have been recorded as a function of pH with the band intensities and vibrational frequencies monitored to determine bands which may be considered as diagnostic of the concentration of the various species. Quantitative band intensity measurements indicate that not all pH-sensitive bands can be considered as diagnostic of the pK value for the acid form of the nucleoside, and for the percent species in solution. Although the accuracy of the Raman band intensity method is inherently less than that of the titrimetric or visible-ultraviolet spectrophotometric methods, the pK values and percent species agree well with those obtained from these methods. The utility of the results obtained from the pH profiles for cytidine is discussed in terms of the effect of acidification on the structural and conformational characteristics of polycytidylic acid in solution.  相似文献   

The subject of four-stranded nucleic acid structures is reviewed. Studies on gels formed by guanosine and its analogues have provided appropriate models for the structures of poly(I) and poly(G). The stabilizing influence of certain cations, in particular K+, on Guo-5'-P gels and poly(I) is discussed in the light of recent data on selective K+ stabilization of telomeric DNA structures. The topological possibilities these dG containing sequences could adopt are discussed. In particular the role of the glycosidic linkage (anti/syn), the polarity of the strands and the orientation of the G-tetrad stacks is highlighted.  相似文献   

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