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扬子鳄外周血细胞的超微结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对扬子鳄血细胞亚显微结构进行透射电镜观察。结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出红细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞以及血栓细胞。电镜图像显示:与其它爬行动物相比,各类血细胞体积较小并具有不同程度的变形运动及吞噬能力。红细胞的特征是长梭形,其长短径之比值超过3.0。在外周血液中发现了多种未成熟型血细胞;进入外周血液中的红细胞普遍已分化到一定程度,但有的仍须在外周血液中完成其最后的发育;单核细胞在外周血液中经历了从幼单核细胞到成熟单核细胞的过程,并描述了从未成熟到成熟阶段细胞的超微结构的变化;嗜中性粒细胞在外周血液中经历了从早幼粒细胞、中幼粒细胞,晚幼粒细胞到成熟粒细胞的过程,描述了嗜中性粒细胞各个发育阶段细胞的超微结构及特征,并讨论了嗜天青粒细胞和嗜中性粒细胞的关系。  相似文献   

本文以人们极少关注的两栖动物北部湾棱皮树蛙(Thelodermacorticale)为研究对象,采用瑞氏-姬姆萨混合染色法与血细胞计数法观察并统计了北部湾棱皮树蛙外周血细胞的形态特征和数量比例。结果显示,北部湾棱皮树蛙的外周血由红细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细胞(包括大、小淋巴细胞)和单核细胞、血栓细胞7种细胞组成。其中,红细胞的数量最多,平均含量为2.43×105个/mm3,多呈椭圆形或卵圆形,少数呈泪滴形、梨形、逗号形、梭形,具椭圆或圆形核,核染色质密集,偶尔可观察到正在进行直接分裂或有丝分裂的红细胞。白细胞的数量比红细胞少,平均含量为1.74×104个/mm3,其中,小淋巴细胞占40.02%±1.77%、大淋巴细胞占10.83%±2.53%、单核细胞占23.17%±3.16%、嗜中性粒细胞占10.08%±4.62%、嗜碱性粒细胞占9.25%±2.69%、嗜酸性粒细胞占6.72%±1.50%。血栓细胞呈纺锤形和梭形,常单独存在,或者呈圆形和不规则圆形,数个集合在一起。  相似文献   

欧洲鳗鲡外周血细胞的显微和超微结构   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
利用光镜和透射电镜技术研究了欧洲鳗鲡(Anguilla anguilla)外周血细胞的显微和亚显微结构。结果表明:在外周血细胞中可以区分出红细胞、单核细胞、大淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和血栓细胞;嗜中性粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型;嗜中性粒细胞分为Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。还见到幼稚的和正在分裂的红细胞和单核细胞,提示示幼稚的红细胞能直接进入外周血流中,嗜酸性粒细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞无论在血涂片上或超薄切片上均未见到。描述了上述各种血细胞在光镜和电镜观察下的形态和细微结构。血栓细胞体积最小,嗜中性粒细胞体积最大;淋巴细胞数目最多,嗜中性粒细胞数目最少。  相似文献   

牛蛙肥大细胞的组织化学与形态学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的鉴定牛蛙组织中肥大细胞的存在。方法用于肥大细胞研究的一些常规组织化学技术与形态学方法。结果牛蛙的舌、肠、肠系膜和脾中肥大细胞数量较多,少量也见于神经、心、肾、肝和皮肤等多种组织中。肥大细胞有沿血管周和神经分布的倾向。脾脏中的肥大细胞形状比较一致,呈圆形或卵圆形,而在其它部位的肥大细胞则形态多样。Bouin氏液及Carnoy氏液是牛蛙肥大细胞优良的固定液。然而,与哺乳动物的黏膜肥大细胞相似的是,中性缓冲福尔马林(NBF)固定显著的阻断了牛蛙肠黏膜肥大细胞(MMC)的染色。有趣的是,甲苯胺蓝是牛蛙肥大细胞的最佳染料,它比阿尔新蓝能很好地显示牛蛙的肥大细胞。透射电镜下证实,牛蛙肥大细胞中含有大量特征性的胞浆颗粒。肥大细胞靠近雪旺氏细胞,并可见于神经束膜间,甚至以其突起与神经束膜相连。结论通过组织化学与形态学研究证实了牛蛙组织中肥大细胞的存在,再次证实肥大细胞与外周神经之间存在密切的解剖学关系。  相似文献   

目的 通过对原代藏酋猴进行外周血细胞及血液生化指标测定,了解不同年龄段藏酋猴的生理指标差异.方法 在清醒状态下采集30只藏酋猴后肢静脉血,检测血液学和血液生化指标.结果 与同属灵长类动物检测结果比较,具有较高的一致性,但也存在种属特点.结论 藏酋猴随着体重和年龄增大,血糖有增高的趋势.  相似文献   

鳖外周血细胞显微形态及细胞化学   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
中华鳖外周血细胞按形态分为,红细胞、嗜异性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、嗜碱性粒细胞、嗜天青粒细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞和血栓细胞八种,爬行类特有的嗜天青粒细胞具吞噬功能,四种细胞化学反均阳性,是一功能活跃细胞,表现了爬行类血细胞在系统演化中的特殊性。  相似文献   

采用血涂片、显微测量、血细胞计数及嗜中性粒细胞吞噬功能和氯化硝基四氮唑蓝还原试验方法,于光学显微镜下观察分析三种水体湘华鲮(Sinilabeo decorus tungting)外周血细胞形态结构、大小、种类及数量。结果表明,湘华鲮外周血细胞中有红细胞、血栓细胞、粒细胞、淋巴细胞和单核细胞,红细胞比例最高,达80%以上,白细胞中血栓细胞最多,占70%~74%。大水面网箱养殖的湘华鲮外周血红细胞数量显著低于水泥池和土池养殖个体(0.01



本研究以大弹涂鱼为实验材料,采用SCGE技术并对该技术中通过对缓冲液、铺胶方法、裂解液及不同解旋时间的优化来检测镉对大弹鱼外周血细胞DNA的损伤作用.结果表明,染毒后镉使大弹涂鱼外周血细胞均出现了拖尾现象,经过筛选,采用Ringer's缓冲液、"三明治"式铺胶法、裂解液C、40 min解旋时间进行实验效果最好.通过优化SCGE条件所得结果来看,本研究提高了SCGE对大弹涂鱼血细胞DNA损伤的检测效率,为SCGE技术间接作为水环境监测的有效工具提供更多的方法学参考.  相似文献   

海鳗外周血细胞的显微结构   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对海鳗外周血液有形成分用常规Wright氏和Giemsa氏染色并进行显微观察,可鉴别出红细胞、血栓细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞、中性粒细胞和酸性粒细胞;还见到幼稚的、正在分裂的、分解和解体状态的红细胞;未发现碱性粒细胞。红细胞数量多,椭圆形,具椭圆形核;白细胞中血栓细胞最多,分散分布,形态多样;淋巴细胞、单核细胞、中性和酸性粒细胞与其它鱼类的基本相似。  相似文献   

污染水域鲫鱼外周血细胞形态和数量的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨污染环境对鱼类外周血细胞形态及数量的影响,本研究选择相对无污染的刘家峡水库和污染较严重的黄河白银段为研究地点,以鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)为研究对象,常规方法制血涂片,Giemsa染色,统计红细胞微核率、核异常率和各类血细胞数量,并用带有数码采集头(Motic B5 Professional Series)的显微镜拍照各类细胞。结果表明,与刘家峡水库相比,黄河白银段鲫鱼红细胞数量显著减少(P<0·05),核异常率(P<0·05)和微核率(P<0·01)显著增加;白细胞总数和淋巴细胞数量显著增加(P<0·05),而嗜中性粒细胞(P<0·01)和血栓细胞(P<0·05)数量显著减少,单核细胞数量虽有减少趋势但两地差异不显著(P>0·05)。表明黄河白银段污染对鲫鱼外周血细胞数量及红细胞微核率和核异常率具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Summary In the bullfrog, the meninges surrounding the central nervous system include an arachnoid mater that contains layers of cells with abundant intermediate filaments (IFs) having unique organizational characteristics. This membrane contains an inner lamina of cells that resemble fibroblasts and an outer lamina of flattened cells that are almost filled with IFs. The IFs of the outer arachnoid are arranged in compact, arching bundles that lie parallel to the outer surface of the central nervous system. Thus, sections cut tangentially to the membrane reveal bending of filament bundles, whereas transverse sections do not. In some cells bordering the subdural space, bundles of filaments are organized into highly-ordered spiral arrays. Attachments to the numerous desmosomes and, apparently, to the nuclear envelope suggest anchoring of cytoplasmic structures by the IF system. Microtubules occur primarily near the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Numerous caveolae also are associated with the plasma membrane.The unusual abundance, organization, and cytoplasmic relations of IFs in the bullfrog arachnoid suggest that this membrane may serve as an important model for study of fundamental cytoskeletal relations and function.  相似文献   

Corticosteroids synergize with the thyroid hormone (TH) at late metamorphic stages and might have a role in the hormonal regulation of amphibian metamorphosis. This role could be influenced by diel fluctuations, particularly if the peak of the plasma corticoids changed in relation to the TH peaks. Diel variation in plasma corticosteroids was studied in Rana catesbeiana prometamorphic and climax tadpoles on 18:6, 12:12 and 6:18 light:dark (LD) cycles. Cortisol (hydrocortisone; HC) and aldosterone (ALDO) exhibited different, but LD cycle-specific, circadian fluctuations at prometamorphosis, whereas corticosterone (CORT) was undetectable (less than 1.18 ng/ml). HC, ALDO and CORT rhythms became synchronous at early metamorphic climax on all LD cycles, although the cosinor-derived acrophases, which occurred around the time of the dark:light transition, shifted approximately 6 h earlier from 18L:6D to 6L:18D. On both 18L:6D and 12L:12D, the acrophase of HC changed little from prometamorphosis to climax, whereas that of ALDO underwent a major phase shift. On 6L:18D, both the ALDO and the HC acrophases shifted at climax. These LD cycle-specific phase shifts of the diel rhythms placed the acrophases of the corticoids in different phase relationships to that of the previously determined thyroxine (T(4)) acrophase at climax, and may partially explain the influence of the light regimen on metamorphic timing. The pronounced diel variations in the corticoid concentrations from the troughs to the peaks show that hormone levels are a function of the time of day and the environmental lighting regimen, which need to be taken into account in measuring the level of plasma hormones in amphibians. The 24-h means calculated from the data of all the sampling times showed that only plasma ALDO and CORT, but not HC, rose markedly at climax, although there were significant LD cycle-related differences in the mean levels of both HC and ALDO at prometamorphosis, and in HC at climax. Additional work sampling at mid-light showed that plasma CORT peaked at Stage XXIII, decreased at the end of climax, and remained low in the postmetamorphic froglet at 2.1 ng/ml. In the adult bullfrog, CORT was clearly the predominant corticosteroid at 34.3 ng/ml, whereas HC and ALDO levels were only approximately 1.3 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral areas of the rhombencephalic tela of the bullfrog contain long, irregular islands of ependymal cells that are similar in fine structure to the epithelium of the rhombencephalic choroid plexus. These cells are characterized by apical microvilli, numerous mitochondria and pinocytotic vesicles, and basal infoldings of the plasma membrane. Dorsally a basal lamina and varying amounts of collagen occur. The pia mater associated with this ependyma includes two cell types. Fibroblast-like, loosely arranged cells without organized junctions line the subarachnoid space. The most abundant cells of the pia in this area, however, contain numerous intermediate filaments and frequent desmosomes. Caveolae lie along their plasma membranes. Closely organized sheets of similar filament-containing cells are also seen in the arachnoid mater of this animal.These findings demonstrate ependymal cells in the lateral areas of the rhombencephalic tela of the bullfrog that have the essential features of choroid plexus epithelium, with ultrastructural characteristics that suggest transport function. They are, however, usually separated from neighboring, nonfenestrated vessels by several layers of leptomeningeal cells joined by desmosomes. The relationship between structure and function of these cells is enigmatic.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed from a poly(A)+ RNA fraction of the gastric mucosa of bullfrog Rana catesbeiana. We cloned a cDNA encoding preprocathepsin E (Pre-Pro-CE) from the library. The present study is the first demonstration of the Pre-Pro-CE cDNA of lower vertebrate such as amphibian. Amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA was compared with partial amino acid sequence determined by Edman degradation, suggesting that the cDNA comprises an open reading frame encoding a signal peptide (16 amino acids), a pro-sequence (33 amino acids) and a mature protein region (348 amino acids). Two consensus tri-peptide sequences (FDT and VDT) as active site and positions of seven cysteine residues were conserved in this amphibian CE. Although the bullfrog CE was deduced to contain one potential N-linked glycosylation site, its position (Asn139-Leu140-Thr141) was different from that of mammalian CEs. Molecular phylogenetic analysis showed that the bullfrog Pro-CE belongs to the typical Pro-CE group among various aspartic proteinases.  相似文献   

Summary Vascular adrenergic sensitivity to exogenous catecholamines was examined in tadpoles of the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), ranging from stage III to XIV. Central arterial blood pressure was measured in decerebrate bullfrog tadpoles to determine a reasonable initial infusion pressure. Solutions of epinephrine and phenylephrine were infused into the vasculature of pithed tadpoles, and the resulting changes in vascular resistance (R v) were used to construct log dose-response relationships. Epinephrine infusion produced a dose-dependent increase in R v (EC50=5.3·10-7 M), which could be reversed by sodium nitroprusside (a smooth muscle relaxant) and blocked by phenoxybenzamine (an -adrenergic antagonist). Larval R v also increased with infusion of the -agonist phenylephrine (EC50=7.4·108 M). Infusion of 10-6 M isoproterenol (a -agonist) largely reversed the phenylephrine-induced increase in R v. These results indicate that the capacity exists for both -mediated vasoconstriction and -mediated vasodilation early in bullfrog ontogeny. Neither initial R v nor the responses to infused epinephrine or phenylephrine were significantly correlated to development over the range of larval stages used in this study.Abbreviations ECG electrocardiogram - EPI epinephrine - ISO isoproterenol - PHE phenylephrine - POB phenoxybenzamine - R v vascular resistance - SNP sodium nitroprusside  相似文献   

1. Kanamycin disposition was studied in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) following single doses IP. Both plasma t1/2 and Vd of the drug increased with increasing time after drug indicating redistribution and tight binding of kanamycin to deep tissue compartments. 2. Kanamycin was eliminated unchanged with a t1/2 plasma = 27 hr; perilymph = 89 hr; endolymph = 183 hr; aqueous humor = 54 hr; and CSF = 58 hr. 3. Kanamycin was absorbed by frogs from environmental water. 4. Environmental conditions must be carefully specified and monitored, as well as the physiological state of the animals when studying the effects of drugs on Amphibia.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis undergo seasonal variations during the reproductive cycle in amphibians. Testicular morphological and morphometric seasonal variations as well as interstitial lipidic inclusions and intralobular glycoconjugates were evaluated during seasonal cycle of Rana catesbeiana. Testes of frogs collected during the annual seasons were weighed for calculation of GSI (Gonadosomatic index). Seminiferous lobule diameters (DSL) and volume densities of seminiferous lobules (VvSL), excretory ducts (VvED), and interstitial tissue (VvIT) were analyzed. Semithin sections were submitted to Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) and Alcian Blue (AB) methods for detection of glycoconjugates, while lipidic inclusions were detected by Sudan Black B. GSI showed no significant variations during the year. Since VvED and VvIT increased significantly during summer and were inversely proportional to VvSL, a compensatory effect between the testicular compartments may be related to the maintenance of GSI. During autumn/winter, larger lobular diameters were observed in comparison to spring/summer when spermiogenesis and spermiation were commonly observed. The increased VvIT and the numerous lipidic inclusions in the interstitial cells during summer suggest a relationship between spermiogenesis and steroidogenesis. Besides the structural stability variations occurring in the IT and SL, a possible paracrine interaction between ED and IT should be also involved in the IT development during summer. The presence of PAS and AB-positive globular structures were observed in the seminiferous lobules and excretory ducts. These structures containing acid glycoconjugates appear to be Sertoli cell apical portions, which are accumulated in the lumen of the seminiferous lobules mainly during spermiation.  相似文献   

Filtration studies suggest similar size pores in the glomerular filters of mammals and amphibians. However, the glomerular wall in the bullfrog exhibits several structural features not found in mammals. The subendothelial space of the basement membrane is often greatly enlarged and infiltrated by cellular elements. The lamina densa of the basement membrane shows extensive variation in thickness and packing of its filaments. On the other hand, the epithelial slits in the bullfrog are closed by a slit diaphragm which appears similar in size and structure to the slit diaphragm in mammals. Horse spleen ferritin, a protein with a hydrodynamic radius of 61 A, was used as an ultrastructural tracer to determine whether the highly variable structure of the basement membrane renders this layer more permeable than its mammalian counterpart. Within 10 min after intravenous injection, ferritin was found throughout the basement membrane and often in clusters within the subepithelial layer adjacent to the slit diaphragm. Virtually no ferritin was found within the urinary space, podocytes, or cells of the proximal tubule. Ferritin distribution was the same in both superficial glomeruli and more deeply lying glomeruli regardless of the method of fixation. These results indicate that in the bullfrog the slit diaphragm is a principal filtration barrier to ferritin and thus to smaller plasma proteins.  相似文献   

The opercularis system (OPS) of amphibians consists of an opercularis muscle that connects the shoulder girdle skeleton to the operculum, a movable element in the oval window of the otic capsule. The role of the OPS in reception of vibrations was examined in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) tested in various postures that manipulated differential motion between the shoulder girdle (the origin of the opercularis muscle) and skull (including the inner ear). Amplitude and phase relationship of motions of the suprascapular cartilage of the shoulder girdle and the posterior skull were also measured during these tests. 1. Microphonic responses to vertical vibrations from 25-200 Hz were typically highest when frogs were in a normal, sitting posture with the head held off the vibrating platform. Responses from animals in which the head directly contacted the platform were often less (by up to 10 dB at certain frequencies). Responses from all test positions were highest at lower frequencies, especially between 50-100 Hz. 2. Suprascapular accelerations were typically highest in the normal, sitting posture, and at lower frequencies (50-75 Hz) were often greater than that of the vibrating platform by up to 8 dB. The shoulder girdle skeleton of the bullfrog is therefore readily affected by vertical substrate motion. 3. The amplitude of microphonic responses in the different test postures did not correspond well with head acceleration. Rather, response amplitude corresponded best with the absolute difference between shoulder and head motion. For example, in the normal posture, suprascapular motion was much greater than head motion, and responses were relatively high. If only the head was vibrated, head motion was high and shoulder motion low, and responses also were relatively high. If the head and body were vibrated together, their motions were similar, and responses to the same platform accelerations were often reduced. Phase differences between shoulder and head motions were small at the frequencies examined and may be of little functional significance. The importance of differences in shoulder and head motion suggests that the resulting differential motion of the operculum and inner ear fluids can produce waves that stimulate appropriate end organs (such as the saccule). 4. Removal of the opercularis muscle reduced responses up to 18 dB at certain frequencies in some of the test postures. The most significant reductions were observed in those postures with a significant difference between shoulder and head motion (such as the normal posture).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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