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Luminescent bacteria–based biosensors are widely used for fast and sensitive monitoring of food safety, water quality, and other environmental pollutions. Recent advancements in biomedical engineering technology have led to improved portability, integration, and intelligence of these biotoxicity assays. Moreover, genetic engineering has played a significant role in the development of recombinant luminescent bacterial biosensors, enhancing both detection accuracy and sensitivity. This review provides an overview of recent advances in the development and applications of novel luminescent bacteria–based biosensors, and future perspectives and challenges in the cutting-edge research, market translation, and practical applications of luminescent bacterial biosensing are discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas Arctic benthic decapods are not a species-rich group, they can dominate the local epifauna and play important roles in the ecosystem. We studied the decapod fauna from Isfjorden (Svalbard, Norway, 78°N) by sampling from 22 stations and comparing with 50 and 100-year-old data from the same localities. Our data provide no evidence of changes in the species composition of decapods during the last 50 years. Hence, we do not observe the poleward shift of species found in several pelagic communities in the North Atlantic. However, there is statistical evidence for changes in the community structure between 1908 and both 1958 and 2007. The main change is a shift towards communities more dominated by the spider crab Hyas araneus and the hermit crab Pagurus pubescens in 2007, and with a corresponding decrease in the two shrimp species Lebbeus polaris and Spirontocaris spinus. These shrimps are specialist predators compared to the more opportunistic, scavenging crabs. We argue that increased disturbance levels may be a causal factor behind the observed community change, with likely sources of disturbance including trawling and climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

As a transitional zone between westerlies and the Asian Monsoon system, the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau (NETP) is highly sensitive to climate change. The record of historical regional moisture variation in the NETP is essential for understanding climatic variation and its relationship with different climate systems in this area. Using principal component analysis, a time series was extracted from sixteen moisture-sensitive tree-ring series to investigate the regional moisture variation in the NETP over the past 150 years. We find that the first principal component (PC1) represents 46.9 % of the total variance, reflecting a common growth response to the climate factor. A spatial correlation analysis of PC1 with the gridded meteorological data demonstrated that the precipitation in May–June was the major factor in controlling tree-ring growth. Further analysis indicated that the westerlies had a sustained influence on rainfall in the NETP over the past 150 years. In addition, the rainfall in the NETP may be closely associated with the East Asian Monsoon (EAM). Severe drought years commonly correspond to years of a negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation and stronger EAM years over the past 150 years.  相似文献   

Billings SA  Richter DD 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):325-333
Understanding what governs patterns of soil δ15N and δ13C is limited by the absence of these data assembled throughout the development of individual ecosystems. These patterns are important because stable isotopes of soil organic N and C are integrative indicators of biogeochemical processing of soil organic matter. We examined δ15N of soil organic matter (δ15NSOM) and δ13CSOM of archived soil samples across four decades from four depths of an aggrading forest in southeastern USA. The site supports an old-field pine forest in which the N cycle is affected by former agricultural fertilization, massive accumulation of soil N by aggrading trees over four decades, and small to insignificant fluxes of N via NH3 volatilization, nitrification, and denitrification. We examine isotopic data and the N and C dynamics of this ecosystem to evaluate mechanisms driving isotopic shifts over time. With forest development, δ13CSOM became depth-dependent. This trend resulted from a decline of ~2‰ in the surficial 15 cm of mineral soil to −26.0‰, due to organic matter inputs from forest vegetation. Deeper layers exhibited relatively little trend in δ13CSOM with time. In contrast, δ15NSOM was most dynamic in deeper layers. During the four decades of forest development, the deepest layer (35–60 cm) reached a maximum δ15N value of 9.1‰, increasing by 7.6‰. The transfer of >800 kg ha−1 of soil organic N into aggrading vegetation and the forest floor and the apparent large proportion of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in these soils suggest that fractionation via microbial transformations must be the major process changing δ15N in these soils. Accretion of isotopically enriched compounds derived from microbial cells (i.e., ECM fungi) likely promote isotopic enrichment of soils over time. The work indicates the rapid rate at which ecosystem development can impart δ15NSOM and δ13CSOM signatures associated with undisturbed soil profiles.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that the system that delivers the products of plant breeding reduces the diversity of cultivated varieties leading to an increased genetic vulnerability. The main goal of our study was to monitor the temporal trends in genetic diversity over the past five decades among maize cultivars with the largest acreage in Central Europe. Our objectives were to (1) investigate how much of the genetic diversity present in important adapted open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) has been captured in the elite flint germplasm pool, (2) examine changes in the genetic diversity among the most important commercial hybrids as well as in their dent and flint parents, (3) analyze temporal changes in allele frequencies between the dent and flint parental inbreds, and (4) investigate linkage disequilibrium (LD) trends between pairs of loci within the set of parental dent and flint lines. We examined 30 individuals of five prominent OPVs from Central Europe, 85 maize hybrids of economic importance, and their dent and flint parental components with 55 SSRs. LD was significant at probability level P=0.01 for 20.2% of the SSR marker pairs in the 82 dent lines and for 17.2% in the 66 flint lines. The dent and flint heterotic groups were clearly separated already at the beginning of hybrid breeding in Central Europe. Furthermore, the genetic variation within and among varieties decreased significantly during the five decades. The five OPVs contain numerous unique alleles that were absent in the elite flint pool. Consequently, OPVs could present useful sources for broadening the genetic base of elite maize breeding germplasm.  相似文献   

Pollen assemblages recovered from a 5?m sediment core from the Vravron coastal marsh suggest a close correlation between vegetation development and human presence in Attica, and provide the first complete record of middle to late Holocene vegetation history. Correlation of pollen with archaeological data attempts to decode the man–environment relations of the past, within the context of the known climatic variability of the mid-late Holocene, in the vicinity of ancient Athens, an area of high historical significance. The pollen record of Vravron denotes a rather variable landscape where open Mediterranean evergreen pine woods alternated with maquis shrublands and grasslands, where human activities and climate have left their imprints on vegetation. During the last 5,000?years agricultural practices displayed several variations: cereal cultivation appears more intense during the Bronze Age, especially in the Mycenaean, while a spread of Olea is observed during Geometric to Classical times. The gradual abandonment of Olea cultivation evidenced in our pollen diagram came as a result of the displacement of human activities in the interior of Mesogaia in Hellenistic and Roman times. Olea and cereal cultivation intensification is observed again during the Mesobyzantine period. In the upper part of the core evidence of intense soil erosion and expansion of Vravron wetland was recorded, coinciding with the Little Ice Age climatic event and the introduction of Arvanites populations in the area.  相似文献   

Improvements in biodiversity conservation are hampered by the lack of reporting on the effectiveness of conservation techniques and the organizations that implement them. Here we summarize the accomplishments and potential impact of the non-governmental organization, Island Conservation, which eradicates damaging invasive vertebrates from islands. Island Conservation has removed 54 populations of 10 invasive vertebrates from 35 islands totaling over 520 km2. These actions helped protect 233 populations of 181 insular endemic species and subspecies of plants and vertebrates and 258 populations of 54 species and subspecies of seabirds from the threat of local and global extinction. There were no reinvasions. One eradication attempt failed. These conservation actions and their apparent biodiversity impact demonstrate the potential of private organizations to protect biodiversity by eradicating invasive species from islands.  相似文献   

《Ecological monographs》2011,82(1):49-68
Paleoecological records indicate that subalpine forests in western North America have been resilient in response to multiple influences, including severe droughts, insect outbreaks, and widely varying fire regimes, over many millennia. One hypothesis for explaining this ecosystem resilience centers on the disruption of forest dynamics by frequent disturbance and climatic variability, and the resulting development of non-steady-state regimes dominated by early-successional conifers with broad climatic tolerances, such as lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm. ex Wats.). To evaluate this hypothesis, we independently reconstructed the vegetation, fire, and effective-moisture histories of a small, forested watershed at 2890 m elevation in southeastern Wyoming, USA, using sedimentary pollen and charcoal counts in conjunction with sedimentary lake-level indicators. The data indicate that prominent vegetation shifts (from sagebrush steppe to spruce–fir parkland at ca. 10.7 ka and spruce–fir parkland to pine-dominated forest at ca. 8.5 ka [ka stands for thousands of years before the present, defined as AD 1950]) coincided with changes in effective moisture. However, after lodgepole pine forests established at ca. 8.5 ka, similar hydroclimatic changes did not produce detectable vegetation responses. Fire history data show that other aspects of the ecosystem were responsive to changes in effective moisture at centennial timescales with prolonged fire-free episodes coinciding with periods of low effective moisture ca. 7.2–5.6 and 3.7–1.6 ka. Throughout our record, the ratio of ecosystem perturbation time (i.e., fire frequency and changes in effective moisture) to recovery time (assuming 200–600-year successional processes) falls within estimates of the ratio for non-steady state ecosystems. Frequent perturbations, therefore, may have prevented this ecosystem from reaching compositional equilibrium with the varied climatic conditions over the past 8.5 ka. Equilibrium states could have included more abundant spruce (Picea spp.) and fir (Abies spp.) than presently observed based on brief increases in pollen abundances of these taxa during prolonged dry, fire-free intervals. Our results show that, although current climate changes favor widespread disturbance in Rocky Mountain forests, the composition of these ecosystems could be highly resilient and recover through successional dynamics over the next few decades to centuries.  相似文献   

An assessment of the ecosystem health of Lake Taihu in eastern China from 1960 to 2005 was conducted using separate and aggregated chemical and biological indicators. The chemical oxygen demand, the total nitrogen, total inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, and the molar ratio of TN to TP (N/P) have all significantly increased (P < 0.05) since 1980. The trophic state index increased from 35.0 in 1960 to >60.0 in 1990, confirming that Lake Taihu changed from being oligotrophic to being eutrophic. These changes in water quality have led to corresponding changes in species composition and in the densities and biomasses of many aquatic species. Algal blooms have occurred frequently since the late 1980s, leading to the dominance of small zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. About 41 fish, 65 zooplankton and 16 macrophyte species were estimated to have disappeared from the lake since the late 1980s. Buffer capacity increased for phytoplankton and zooplankton but decreased for zoobenthos. These results suggest that the Lake Taihu ecosystem was in better health in 1960, and has deteriorated since 1980.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase-2 is a very important physiological enzyme playing key roles in various biological functions especially in the mechanism of pain and inflammation, among other roles, making it a molecule of high interest to the pharmaceutical community as a target. COX 2 enzyme is induced only during inflammatory processes or cancer and reflects no role in the guarding stomach lining. Thus, selective COX-2 inhibition can significantly reduce the adverse effects including GI tract damage and hepatotoxic effects of traditional NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. Recent developments on COX-2 inhibitors is primarily focused on improving the selectivity index of the drug towards COX-2 along with enhancing the potency of the drug by modifying the scaffolds of Coxibs currently in the market like Celecoxib, Indomethacin, Oxaprozin, etc. We have reported the progress on new COX-2 inhibitors in the last decade (2008–2019) focussing on five heterocyclic rings- Pyrazole, Indole, Oxazole, Pyridine and Pyrrole. The addition of various moieties to these core rings and their structure-activity relationship along with their molecular modelling data have been explored in the article. This review aims to aid medicinal chemists in the design and discovery of better COX-2 inhibitors constructed on these five heterocyclic pharmacophores.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperatures in Korean waters have increased by approximately 1 °C during the past 40 years, implying possible range shifts of marine fishes and invertebrates. We analyzed spatially explicit, commercial catch data for 12 major fish species collected from 1984 to 2010 in Korean waters to evaluate and project their range shifts based on climate-driven hydrographic changes simulated by a general circulation model under a climate change scenario. There were significant relationships between the mean latitude of the catch distribution and water temperature for seven of the 12 species examined. Our circulation model projected that temperature stratification in the Korea Strait will disappear by 2030, and our empirical relationships predicted that the ranges of five of the fish species examined will shift poleward by 19–71 km from the 2000s to the 2030s. Compared with studies of demersal fishes in the western North Atlantic and the North Sea, our estimated speeds of shift in mean latitude of fishes were, on average, slower by factors of 2.3 and 5.7, respectively. This suggests that the pattern of range shift of marine species can vary regionally, depending on oceanographic and geomorphologic conditions. International cooperative research among fisheries scientists from countries throughout the region, especially Japan and China, is required to more reliably and comprehensively assess and project the range shifts of fish species. This will provide a scientific basis for the development of fishery policies and their adaptation to climate change in the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

Pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bratislava were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed during an 8-year period (2002–2009) using a Burkard volumetric pollen trap. The mean annual total pollen grain count recorded during this period was 36,608, belonging to 34 higher plant taxa (22 trees and/or shrubs and 12 herbaceous species). The maximum annual total pollen grain count (50,563) was recorded in 2003 and the minimum (14,172) in 2009. The taxa contributing the highest concentration of pollen grains were Betula, Urticaceae, Cupressaceae-Taxaceae, Populus, Pinus, Poaceae and Ambrosia. During the study period, there was a remarkable increase in the number of pollen grains from February to April, with the highest daily mean pollen counts recorded in April. Total pollen concentration began to decrease markedly in May, but there was a second increase between July and August, followed by a decrease in September. The timing and length of the pollen seasons varied. Betula and Poaceae showed a rather constant 2-year fluctuating rhythm. The relationships between airborne pollen concentration and meteorological variables were assessed. Based on these results, the first pollen calendar in Slovakia has been constructed for the area of Bratislava, which provides a great deal of useful and important information.  相似文献   

Tissue Banking and Biomaterial Research Unit (TBBRU), the only tissue bank of Bangladesh, has been established to create an available supply of human tissue allografts for transplantation in Bangladesh. Since its establishment in 2003, TBBRU strictly follows the guidelines of tissue banking setup by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the European Association of Tissue Banks and the American Association of Tissue Banks. Though started serving from earlier, regular supply of tissue allografts from this bank were documented at the end of 2006. From January 2007 to December 2014, 3747 bones and 5772 amniotic sacs were collected from live tissue donors. During this period, 59,489 cc bone allografts and 23,472 pieces of amniotic membrane allografts were processed. In the same period, 58,483 cc bone allografts and 20,786 pieces membrane were supplied to different hospitals throughout the country on the basis of demand. The outcomes of the concerted efforts of tissue banking professionals and physicians were the restoration of health and hope of 3662 patients during the last 8 years.  相似文献   

The carabid beetle species assemblages (14 sample sites) of a 238 ha urban oak forest in Trieste, Italy, studied in 1983–84 with pitfall traps, were compared with an historic list of 57 species hand collected by entomologists in the same forest before it was logged in 1944.Trap data have been improved by hand collections to get a species list as complete as the historic one. Multivariate analysis was used to group the sites (14 plus the historic list) into three assemblages of brooks, clearings and forests. After the Second World War logging, the secondary ecological succession resulted in a lower species number, with a trend to a new equilibrium. Some important forest specialists, such as Laemostenus venustus, have been lost. Human pressure and recolonisation by carabids are still occurring. The in situ extinction of ground beetles near the end of the last century reached values between 57 and 64% of the species historically recorded. Consequently, urgent restoration measures are required for waterside habitats, forest and land management, to maintain small open areas or clearings. The study of carabid species assemblages and habitat affinities seems a useful tool for adaptive management of forests affected by human activities, because changes in carabid species number and type can be easily related to human disturbance.  相似文献   

We present an ostracod record covering the past two millennia from an 8.25-m core taken from Lake Qarun, in the Faiyum Depression of Egypt. The occurrence of ostracod species in the lake is controlled primarily by variations in solute composition, which are in turn related to shifts in catchment land use. At times when the Faiyum Depression supported thriving agriculture, lake water contained Na+–Cl? brine, and Cyprideis torosa dominated the ostracod assemblage. When the Faiyum Depression experienced periods of environmental and economic decline, lake water contained Na+–HCO3 ? brine, and Limnocythere inopinata dominated. The relative abundance of other ostracod species provides additional information about past conditions in Lake Qarun including salinity and lake level changes. Overall, the ostracod assemblages provide evidence for human influences in the Faiyum, which extend back before instrumental or detailed observational records began.  相似文献   

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