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In the southern Lake Baikal area, in the region of the Khamar-Daban ridge, which borders the banks of Lake Baikal, there was found in abundant population the tick I. trianguliceps. Data on the ecology of the tick in this particular part of its distribution area and on its ecological links revealed by factor analysis of the tick's habitat of the first and second order by means of electronic computers are given.  相似文献   

In the Mountain-Altai Autonomous district Ixodes pavlovskyi is mostly often encountered in forests of the lower parts of the low mountains. In the other parts of the low mountains and in the neighbouring belt of the middle mountains the species is rare. Only single individuals of this tick penetrate into the central regions of the Altai along the valleys of large rivers.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of two tick species, Ixodes persulcatus and Ixodes pavlovskyi, in the plain part of West Siberia is analyzed. The exact northern range boundary of I. persulcatus in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area is determined based on long-term data on the population density of adult and immature ticks (1960–2011). The shift of the southern boundary of the species range in West Siberia as related to anthropogenic transformation (reforestation measures, reduced or stopped sanitary forest cutting, road construction, etc.) is demonstrated. The specific traits of distribution of the taiga tick I. persulcatus in some localities of Southwest Siberia are analyzed. The modern state of the tick population in the areas co-inhabited by the two species is characterized. The possible reasons of changes in the structure of tick communities toward complete prevalence of I. pavlovskyi in recreational zones of Novosibirsk and Tomsk are discussed. The most significant changes in the distribution pattern of these two tick species in West Siberia seem to have occurred after 1990. During this period, the local stable populations of the taiga tick to the south of its main range in West Siberia (within Omsk and Novosibirsk provinces) were formed, the pattern of its distribution on the right bank of the Ob River (Novosibirsk Province) and in the Tom River valley (Tomsk Province) changed, whereas I. pavlovskyi became the dominant species.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of generic/subgeneric relationships in the ixodid lineage Metastriata was conducted based on 82 structural and developmental characters, 15 of which have multiple states. Results of the analysis show considerable agreement with current classifications of the Ixodidae, including good support for monophyly of the Metastriata, the genera Ixodes and Haemaphysalis, and the grouping of Hoogstraal's Rhipicephalinae and Hyalomminae, and fair support for the genus Hyalomma. Our results differ from these classifications most notably by rejecting monophyly of the genera Aponomma and Amblyomma. Instead, the analysis provides weak support for a hypothesis in which the basal two to three lineages in the Metastriata are all composed of Aponomma species, and in which a fourth lineage within that genus, Aponomma elaphense, clusters with Amblyomma quadricavum to form a more derived lineage. Resolution is insufficient to support or reject monophyly of the genera Dermacentor and Rhipicephalus, or to resolve the position of the genus Haemaphysalis relative to the other Metastriata. Overall resolution within the Rhipicephalinae/Hyalomminae is quite good, but it is quite poor among the Amblyomminae and Haemaphysalinae. These results are similar to the results of recent 16S and 18S rDNA based molecular analyses. There are few indications of host specificity among the lineages analysed. The basal metastriate lineages contain a large number of squamate associates, but the pattern is not sufficiently clear to reject the hypothesis that these ticks will feed on all available vertebrate hosts. On the other hand, nearly all of the basal taxa are Australian. This suggests a possible origin of the Metastriata in Australia, with subsequent dispersal to other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The age structure of I. pavlovskyi natural populations from Novosibirsk and its environs was investigated on the basis of fat reserves in the midgut and the fat body of the ticks.  相似文献   


The genetic population structure relationships of Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) lusitanicum in Andalusia (the south of the Iberian Peninsula) were examined using mtDNA sequence data from 887 bp of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. The sequence for the COI region was determined for 84 individuals collected in several localities of Andalusia, and 10 for other localities (i.e., five from Toledo, central Iberian Peninsula, four from Sicily (Italy) and one from Canary Island). Seventeen haplotypes were detected, including 27 polymorphic sites. The number of amino acid substitutions per site from mean diversity calculations for the entire population was 0.017. AMOVA analysis revealed a low gene flow that characterises the genetic population structure of this species in South Iberian Peninsula, with a haplotype diversity (h) value of 0.815. No geographically induced differentiation was observed, and separate evolutionary units were not detected. Our results indicate low genetic diversity across the geographical range of H. lusitanicum tick in Andalusia. Our data do not show any genetic discontinuity between the tick populations studied, including specimens from Canary Island and Sicily (Italy).


The vertical distribution in the vegetation of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks was investigated in two different vegetation types (high and low vegetation) at two localities in south-central Sweden during 1992-1993 (Toro) and 1995 (Bogesund). Significant correlations were found between the vertical distribution of immature ticks and the height of the vegetation. The greatest mean availabilities of the larvae and nymphs in low vegetation were in the intervals 0-9 and 30-39 cm, respectively. The larval numbers were greatest close to the ground (0-29 cm) in both high and low vegetation. The larval : nymphal ratio, at ground level at localities free of ground vegetation, varied between 8 : 1 and 32 : 1. In high vegetation, the greatest mean numbers of nymphal and adult ticks were at height intervals of 50-59 and 60-79 cm, respectively. These ranges are within the estimated height interval (40-100 cm) of the main part of the body surface of their preferred host, the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The presence of most questing I. ricinus larvae at ground level would favour the transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., since this is where the highly reservoir-competent rodents and shrews usually occur.  相似文献   

Basic postulates of the theory of natural focality of infections are considered in terms of modern ecological parasitology using the example of Ixodes ricinus and I. persulcatus ticks, the main vectors of tickborne encephalitis and borrelioses in Eurasia. Consideration is given to data on the population structure of ticks, their distribution in ecosystems, abundance, mortality at different stages of the life cycle, seasonal dynamics of activity, occurrence on different vertebrate species, relationships with potential hosts, and connections agents of infections. Due to long individual life span and development of one generation over 3–6 years, tick vector provide not only for transmission of pathogens, but also for their long-term storage and amplification. Several alternative routes of tick infection of ticks provide for pathogen exchange between individuals at different phases of development within one generation and between feeding ticks of different generations.  相似文献   

The midgut hemolysin of Ixodes dammini (Acari:Ixodidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Midgut homogenates of the hard tick, Ixodes dammini, lyse erythrocytes from rabbits, rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs. The activity displays sigmoidal kinetics, has an alkaline pH optimum, and is activated by temperature. Hemolytic activity is lost when homogenates are incubated with trypsin or heated for 1 hr at 60 C. Activity is not detectable in nonfed ticks as well as ticks attached for up to 2 days to a host, but increases during the growth phase of feeding. Such activity is postulated to help the initial process of the blood meal digestion by releasing the contents of erythrocytes for further enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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