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Moth pheromone research has pioneered much of our understanding of long-distance chemical communication. Two important characteristics of this communication have, however, remained largely unaddressed: the release of small quantities of pheromone by most moth species, despite potential advantages of releasing greater amounts, and the intermittency of release in some species, limiting the time of mate attraction. We addressed the proximate mechanisms underlying these characteristics by manipulating biosynthesis, storage and release of pheromone in females of the noctuid moth Chloridea virescens. We found that (i) mass release is determined by pheromone mass on the gland surface; (ii) amounts synthesized are limited by pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide concentration, not precursor availability; (iii) some gland structural feature limits mass release rate; (iv) intermittent calling enables release at a mass rate greater than biosynthetic rate; and (v) at typical mass release rates, the periodicity of pheromone availability on the gland surface roughly matches the periodicity (intermittency) of calling. We conclude that mass release in C. virescens and possibly many other species is low because of constraints on biosynthesis, storage and gland structure. Further, it appears the behaviour of intermittent calling in C. virescens may have evolved as a co-adaptation with pheromone availability, allowing females to release pheromone intermittently at higher mass rates than the biosynthesis rate.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional flow model has been developed to simulate mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor with a porous wall. A two-domain approach, based on the finite volume method, was implemented. For the fluid part, the governing equation used was the Navier-Stokes equation; for the porous medium region, the generalized Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer extended model was used. For the porous-fluid interface, a stress jump condition was enforced with a continuity of normal stress, and the mass interfacial conditions were continuities of mass and mass flux. Two parameters were defined to characterize the mass transports in the fluid and porous regions. The porous Damkohler number is the ratio of consumption to diffusion of the substrates in the porous medium. The fluid Damkohler number is the ratio of the substrate consumption in the porous medium to the substrate convection in the fluid region. The concentration results were found to be well correlated by the use of a reaction-convection distance parameter, which incorporated the effects of axial distance, substrate consumption, and convection. The reactor efficiency reduced with reaction-convection distance parameter because of reduced reaction (or flux), and smaller local effectiveness factor due to the lower concentration in Michaelis-Menten type reactions. The reactor was more effective, and hence, more efficient with the smaller porous Damkohler number. The generalized results could find applications for the design of bioreactors with a porous wall.  相似文献   

We report the case of an 11-year-old girl with primary autoimmune hypothyroidism causing secondary pituitary enlargement. She presented with headaches and a pituitary mass on MRI thought to be due to a pituitary macroadenoma. Resolution of the pituitary mass and symptoms occurred with thyroxine therapy. It is mandatory to rule out primary hypothyroidism as a cause of pituitary enlargement before surgery is considered.  相似文献   

In a previous experiment we have documented that organisms adopt a risk-sensitive reproductive allocation when summer reproductive investment competes with survival in the coming winter ( Bårdsen et al. 2008 ). This tradeoff is present through autumn female body mass, which acts as an insurance against unpredictable winter environmental conditions. We tested this hypothesis experimentally on female reindeer experiencing stable and benign winter feeding conditions. Additional supplementary feeding and removal of newborns represented two sets of experimental manipulations. Females in the supplementary feeding group increased more in winter body mass relative to control females. This manipulation, however, did not have any effect on summer body mass development for neither females nor offspring, but we found a positive effect of feeding on offspring birth mass for smaller females. In contrast, offspring removal did have a positive effect on summer body mass development as females in this group were larger in the autumn relative to control females. In essence, we documented two immediate effects as: (1) supplementary feeding did have a positive effect on spring body mass for smaller females; and (2) offspring removal did increase the female summer somatic growth as this had a positive effect on female autumn body mass. Additionally, we tested for lagged effects, but we could not document any biologically significant effects of neither manipulation in the coming spring. The fact that we only found rather weak effects of both manipulations was as expected for risk sensitive individuals experiencing benign environmental conditions over many years.  相似文献   

We report the case of an 88-year-old, Greek patient who was referred to our department with a bleeding mass that occupied her entire vagina. This exophytic tumor had extensive ulcerated areas and originated from the cervix. The biopsies taken from the mass confirmed it to be squamous cell carcinoma. Despite the giant size of the tumor, the parametria and middle and lower vagina were not infiltrated. Rather, the neglected mass created a severe septic condition that was progressing to disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC status. Because of the patient's advanced age and critical condition, we performed a "toilet" operation to remove the tumor mass. We subsequently administered radical radiation therapy with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

A study on a vibratory model of a human body   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the modeling of the human body as a spring mass system. Based on certain assumptions, an analysis for evaluating the mass and stiffness values of the model is developed. As an illustration of the modeling procedure, a 15-degree-of-freedom model of a male body is considered. The computed natural frequencies of the model are found to be within the range of available experimental values.  相似文献   

Murray short-necked turtles were trained to walk on a motorised treadmill and to swim in a recirculating flume. Through filmed records, the frequency of limb movement and the time that thrust was directed against the substrate were measured. The animals wore masks when walking and accessed air when swimming from a ventilated capsule placed on top of the water surface. Measurement of the exhalant O(2) and CO(2) levels from these devices enabled the measurement of metabolic rates. Equivalent data were obtained from swimming and hopping cane toads, although repeatable measures of limb frequency and contact times were not obtained due to the intermittent form of locomotion in this species. Comparing the cost of transport, the energy required to transport a mass of animal over a unit distance, with other animals showed that toads do not have a cheap form of terrestrial locomotion, but turtles do; turtles use half the cost predicted from their body mass. This economy of locomotion is consistent with what is known about turtle muscle, the mechanics of their gait, and the extremely long contact time for a limb with the substrate. Swimming in toads is energetically expensive, whereas turtles, on the basis of mass, use about the same energy to transport a unit mass as an equivalent-size fish. The data were compared with the predictions of the Kram-Taylor hypothesis for locomotory scaling, and walking turtles were found to provide a numerical fit. The data show that both terrestrial and aquatic locomotory energetics in toads are generally higher than predictions on the basis of mass, whereas in turtles they are lower.  相似文献   

Predator size and the suitability of a common prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Although a predator’s mass should influence the suitability of its prey, this subject has received little direct attention. We studied the capture and processing of an abundant syrphid fly Toxomerus marginatus (c. 4 mg) by 0.6- to 40-mg juvenile crab spiders Misumena vatia (Thomisidae) to determine how profitability, relative profitability (profitability/predator mass), overall gain in mass, and relative gain in mass differed with predator mass, and whether foraging changed concurrently. In multi-prey experiments, the smallest successful spiders (0.6–3.0 mg) extracted less mass from flies, and did so more slowly, than large spiders. This gain was proportionately similar to that of 10- to 40-mg spiders with access to many Toxomerus. However, many small spiders failed to capture flies. When we gave spiders only a single Toxomerus, the smallest ones again extracted mass more slowly than the large ones and increased in mass less than the large ones, but increased in mass proportionately more than large ones. Relative gain in mass from a single prey decreased with increasing spider mass. Spiders larger than 10 mg all extracted similar amounts of mass from a single Toxomerus at similar rates, but varied in time spent between captures. Thus, Toxomerus changes with spider mass from a large, hard-to-capture bonanza to a small, easy-to-capture item of low per capita value. However, Toxomerus is common enough that large spiders can capture it en masse, thereby compensating for its decline in per capita value. Received: 7 May 1996 / Accepted: 23 September 1996  相似文献   

We related seed mass to summer drought survival in a Mediterranean-climate ecosystem. Previous experimental evidence linking seed mass and survival under drought is limited and at times contradictory. We tracked summer drought survival among four families/subfamilies at a restoration site in southwestern Australia. We coupled these observations with a glasshouse experiment assessing the growth and root morphology of Acacia and Eucalyptus species, with a range of seed masses, under mild and severe drought compared with a well-watered control. Summer drought survival in the field increased with seed mass across all four families/subfamilies. Seedling root biomass and length increased with seed mass consistently across five harvests over 60 days. Initial survival of seedlings in the glasshouse increased with seed mass and decreased with drought, but there was no interaction between the two. Greater absolute root investment provides a mechanism for both short and longer-term drought survival. Within-species variation in root growth may also affect the relative versus absolute survival advantage of large-seeded species. The benefits of large seed mass for establishment under environmental hazards are often considered to be temporary. Our results show that seed mass was correlated with other traits, including root length, which in turn, increased longer-term drought survival. Traits correlated with seed mass should therefore be considered in explanations of the ecological effect of seed mass variation.  相似文献   

While early models of ejaculate allocation predicted that both relative testes and ejaculate size should increase with sperm competition intensity across species, recent models predict that ejaculate size may actually decrease as testes size and sperm competition intensity increase, owing to the confounding effect of potential male mating rate. A recent study demonstrated that ejaculate volume decreased in relation to increased polyandry across bushcricket species, but testes mass was not measured. Here, we recorded testis mass for 21 bushcricket species, while ejaculate (ampulla) mass, nuptial gift mass, sperm number and polyandry data were largely obtained from the literature. Using phylogenetic-comparative analyses, we found that testis mass increased with the degree of polyandry, but decreased with increasing ejaculate mass. We found no significant relationship between testis mass and either sperm number or nuptial gift mass. While these results are consistent with recent models of ejaculate allocation, they could alternatively be driven by substances in the ejaculate that affect the degree of polyandry and/or by a trade-off between resources spent on testes mass versus non-sperm components of the ejaculate.  相似文献   

We report the case of a child with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11 beta-hydroxylase deficiency, with hyperplasia of adrenal rest tissue presenting as a retroperitoneal mass. Complete resolution of the mass was noted after 18 months of hydrocortisone replacement therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The probability of anaplastic transformation in a differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) is <2%. Admixture of DTC and undifferentiated carcinoma can occasionally be found in thyroidectomy specimens, or the undifferentiated tumor may develop in metastatic foci months or years after removal of the primary tumor. CASE: Anaplastic transformation of a metastatic DTC was diagnosed at autopsy in a 71-year-old female. At the time of her total thyroidectomy for follicular carcinoma, she already had several lung nodules, which diminished in size upon 131I treatment. Five years later the patient developed a new, pleura-based lung mass. The mass extended along the paraspinal soft tissue and involved the kidney. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the paraspinal mass resulted in a diagnosis of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Two months later the patient died. Histologic evaluation of the lung nodules and pleura-based mass revealed areas of follicular carcinoma intermixed with a various patterns of undifferentiated carcinoma. The paraspinal and kidney mass consisted entirely of anaplastic tumor, including areas of squamoid differentiation. CONCLUSION: In patients with a history of DTC who develop a rapidly growing mass elsewhere, a possibility of metastatic DTC with anaplastic transformation must be considered.  相似文献   

We present a new type of equation to describe the growth patterns of procellariiform seabirds and other species whose chicks characteristically lose mass towards the end of the rearing period. Our equation is based on the Gompertz curve; our principles are also applicable to logistic and von Bertalanffy curves. From our model, five coefficients can be derived to characterise the patterns of growth. These are: growth rate, peak mass and age at which it is attained, loss rate and an index describing the overall shape of the curve. We illustrate the use of this new equation with data collected, using automated weighing platforms, on six years of chick growth of Black-browed Diomedea melanophris and Grey-headed D. chrysostoma albatrosses at Bird Island, South Georgia. In comparison with Grey-headed Albatross, Black-browed Albatross chicks grow at a faster rate and to a higher peak mass; they also reach their peak mass at an earlier age, and lose mass at a faster rate in the mass recession period. However, in both species, chicks reached peak mass when 72% of the rearing period had elapsed; within species, only this did not vary between years. This new equation not only enables the period of mass recession to be incorporated into growth analysis, but, because it does not require assumptions about asymptotic mass, greatly facilitates inter-species comparisons.  相似文献   

Incubation is a period of high energetic costs and accordingly body mass losses are often detected. Why birds lose body mass during incubation is not well understood; suggestions are that it is either a consequence of energetic constraints or adaptations to an optimal mass trajectory. We studied body mass changes through the incubation period in the Common Redshank Tringa totanus, a biparental incubator, on southern Gotland in the Baltic Sea. In contrast to what has been found in other biparental incubators, body mass of both sexes decreased linearly through the incubation period. The estimated mean body mass loss was 6.7 g (SE 1.7), corresponding to ca. 5% of initial body mass at incubation start. Hatching success in males was not related to body mass and size. In contrast, reproductive success, measured as successful production of fledged juveniles, in males was negatively related to body mass during incubation and positively related to body size. This finding supports the theory that body mass loss might follow an optimal mass trajectory, possibly to increase agility through the chick-rearing stage. However, energy constraints causing body mass loss cannot be ruled out; in fact, it is not unlikely that body mass may change due to a combination of both adaptation and stress.  相似文献   

An enzyme with phospholipase D activity was purified to homogeneity from a new strain of Streptomyces. The molecular mass, assessed by electrospray mass spectrometry, was 52672 Da and the isoelectric point 9.2. The enzyme, which had pH optimum between 4 and 7, showed satisfactory stability and transphosphatidylation activity.  相似文献   

Fungal biomass associated with decaying leaf litter in a stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, was determined on alder leaf litter incubated during autumn in a softwater Pyrenean stream. The ergosterol content of the leaf litter increased rapidly to a maximum of 462 μg/g detrital dry mass. Ergosterol contents of aquatic Hyphomycetes grown in shake culture were typically ≤5 mg/g mycelial dry mass. Using the corresponding ergosterol-to-biomass conversion factor of 200, peak fungal mass accounted for 9.2% of total system mass, or 10.2% of leaf dry mass. For the period of highest activity (incubation days 7–28), net fungal production on leaf litter was estimated as 2.3 mg d−1 g−1 leaf mass. A conservative estimate of the growth efficiency for the same period was 105 mg mycelial mass per gram leaf mass degraded, assuming that non-leaf organic matter did not constitute an important carbon source supporting fungal production.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The occurrence of a primary intramuscular infestation of Echinococcus granulosus is extremely rare. CASE: A 70-year-old woman with primary skeletal muscle hydatidosis initially presented with a soft tissue mass. Clinical and radiologic examination revealed a huge cystic mass in the right quadriceps muscle without any visceral organ involvement. Since the differential diagnosis included a soft tissue tumor, fine needle aspiration cytology was performed, and a diagnosis of hydatid disease was made. CONCLUSION: This very rare case of primary intramuscular infestation of E granulosus was clinically misdiagnosed as a soft tissue tumor. Hydatid disease, albeit rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue mass.  相似文献   

Abstract A new sulfated, cyclic depsipeptide, called cyanopeptolin S, from Microcystis sp. was isolated from a water bloom in the Auensee/Leipzig (Germany). The depsipeptide had a relative molecular mass of 925 and contained l-arginine, l-threonine, l-isoleucine, N-methyl-l-phenylalanine, a l-glutamic acid-δ-aldehyde ring system and a sulfated d-configurated glyceric acid as a side chain. The structure was elucidated by means of two-dimensional 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and combined gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Cyanopeptolin S inhibited trypsin with an IC50≤ 0.2 μg ml−1.  相似文献   

Estimates of body mass often represent the founding assumption on which biomechanical and macroevolutionary hypotheses are based. Recently, a scaling equation was applied to a newly discovered titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur (Dreadnoughtus), yielding a 59 300 kg body mass estimate for this animal. Herein, we use a modelling approach to examine the plausibility of this mass estimate for Dreadnoughtus. We find that 59 300 kg for Dreadnoughtus is highly implausible and demonstrate that masses above 40 000 kg require high body densities and expansions of soft tissue volume outside the skeleton several times greater than found in living quadrupedal mammals. Similar results from a small sample of other archosaurs suggests that lower-end mass estimates derived from scaling equations are most plausible for Dreadnoughtus, based on existing volumetric and density data from extant animals. Although volumetric models appear to more tightly constrain dinosaur body mass, there remains a clear need to further support these models with more exhaustive data from living animals. The relative and absolute discrepancies in mass predictions between volumetric models and scaling equations also indicate a need to systematically compare predictions across a wide size and taxonomic range to better inform studies of dinosaur body size.  相似文献   

A so far unknown structural variant, called microginin FR1, of cyanobacterial peptides of the microginin type was isolated from a water bloom of a German lake. The bloom consisted almost exclusively of Microcystis sp. cells. The structure of microginin FR1 was identified by amino acid analysis, determination of the relative molecular mass by electrospray mass spectrometry, and by NMR to be a linear pentapeptide with a relative molecular mass of 727 which contains a β-amino-α-hydroxy-decanoic acid (Ahda), alanine, N-methyl-leucine, and two tyrosine units (Ahda-Ala-N-Me-Leu-Tyr-Tyr). Microginin FR1 had angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory activity with half-maximal inhibition at 6×10−5 M microginin FR1.  相似文献   

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