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1. Cooper''s gelatin purified according to Northrop and Kunitz exhibited a minimum of osmotic pressure and a maximum of opacity at pH 5.05 ±0.05. The pH of solutions of this gelatin in water was also close to this value. It is inferred that such gelatin is isoelectric at this pH and not at pH 4.70. 2. Hydrogen electrode measurements with KCl-agar junctions were made with concentrated solutions of this gelatin in HCl up to 0.1 M. The combination curve calculated from these data is quite exactly horizontal between pH 2 and 1, indicating that 1 gm. of this gelatin can combine with a maximum of 9.35 x 10–4 equivalents of H+. 3. Conductivity titrations of this gelatin with HCl gave an endpoint at 9.41 (±0.05) x 10–4 equivalents of HCl per gram gelatin. 4. E.M.F. measurements of the cell without liquid junction, Ag, AgCl, HCl + gelatin, H2, lead to the conclusion that this gelatin in 0.1 M HCl combines with a maximum of 9.4 x 10–4 equivalents of H+ and 1.7 x 10–4 equivalents of Cl- per gram gelatin.  相似文献   

Titrations have been made, by the conductivity method, of gelatin solutions with hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. The results indicate an end-point at about 8.6 cc. of N/10 acid per gm. of gelatin, or a combining weight of about 1,160. These results are in fair agreement with those previously obtained by the hydrogen electrode method. Better agreement between the two methods was found in the case of deaminized gelatin. The data are in accord with a purely chemical conception of the combination between protein and acid.  相似文献   

Electromotive force measurements of cells without liquid junction, of the type Ag, AgCl, HCl + protein, H2, have been made at 30°C. with the proteins gelatin, edestin, and casein in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid. The data are consistent with the assumptions of a constant combining capacity of each protein for hydrogen ion, no combination with chloride ion, and Failey''s principle of a linear variation of the logarithm of the mean activity coefficient of the acid with increasing protein concentration. The combining capacities for hydrogen ion so obtained are 13.4 x 10–4 for edestin, 9.6 x 10–4 for gelatin, and 8.0 x 10–4 for casein, in equivalents of combined H+ per gm. of protein.  相似文献   

1. The combination of Cu++, Ca++, Mg++, Al+++, La+++, K+, Ag+, and Cl- with gelatin has been determined. 2. The equivalent combining value for copper is about 0.9 millimols per gm. of gelatin and is therefore the same as that of hydrogen. The value for copper with deaminized gelatin is about 0.4 to 0.5, again the same as that of hydrogen. The sum of the hydrogen and copper ions combined in the presence of an excess of either is 0.9 millimols showing that there is an equilibrium between the copper hydrogen and gelatin and that the copper and hydrogen are attached to the same group. 3. The equivalent combining value of La+++ and Al+++ is about 0.5 millimols per gm. of gelatin. This value is not significantly different with deaminized gelatin so that it is possible these salts combine only with groups not affected by deaminization. 4. No calcium is combined on the acid side of pH 3. The value rises rapidly from pH 3 to 4.7 and then remains constant. 5. No combination of K, Li, Na, NO3 or SO4 could be detected. 6. Cl combines less than the di- and trivalent metals so that the protein is positive in CaCl2 but negative in KCl.  相似文献   

The amount of HCl combined with a given weight of gelatin has been determined by hydrogen electrode measurements in 1 per cent, 2.5 per cent, and 5 per cent solutions of gelatin in HCl of various concentrations, by correcting for the amount of HCl necessary to give the same pH to an equal volume of water without protein. The curve so obtained indicates that the amount of HCl combined with 1 gm. of gelatin is constant between pH 1 and 2, being about 0.00092 moles.  相似文献   

The swelling of isoelectric gelatin in water has been found to be in agreement with the following assumptions. Gelatin consists of a network of insoluble material containing a solution of a more soluble substance. Water therefore enters owing to the osmotic pressure of the soluble material and thereby puts the network under elastic strain. The process continues until the elastic force is equal to the osmotic pressure. If the temperature is raised or the blocks of gelatin remain swollen over a period of time, the network loses its elasticity and more water enters. In large blocks this secondary swelling overlaps the initial process and so no maximum can be observed. The swelling of small blocks or films of isoelectric gelatin containing from .14 to .4 gm. of dry gelatin per gm. of water is defined by the equation See PDF for Equation in which Ke = the bulk modulus See PDF for Equation. Ve = gm. water per gm. gelatin at equilibrium; Vf = gm. water per gm. gelatin when the gelatin solidified.  相似文献   

Electromotive force measurements of cells without liquid junction, of the type Ag, AgCl, HCl + protein, H2, lead to the conclusion that 1 gm. of edestin (or, more probably, edestan) combines with a maximum of 13.4 x 10–4 equivalents of H+ and 3.9 x 10–4 equivalents of Cl-, when the protein is dissolved in 0.1 M HCl.  相似文献   

Two samples of a standard gelatin were studied, both prepared according to published specifications and washed free from diffusible electrolytes. The isoelectric point of this material was determined in four ways. 1. The pH values of solutions of gelatin in water approached the limit 4.86 ± 0.01 as the concentration of gelatin was increased. 2. The pH values of acetate buffers were unchanged by the addition of gelatin only at pH 4.85 ± 0.01. This gives the isoionic point of Sørensen, which is the isoelectric point with respect only to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. 3. Gels of this gelatin made up in dilute HCl or NaOH, or in dilute acetate buffers, exhibited maximum turbidity at pH 4.85 ± 0.03. 4. Very dilute suspensions of collodion particles in 0.1 per cent gelatin solutions made up in acetate buffers showed zero velocity in cataphoresis experiments only at pH 4.80 ± 0.01. No evidence was found for the assumption that gelatin has two isoelectric points at widely separated pH values. It is concluded that the isoelectric point of this standard gelatin is not far from pH 4.85.  相似文献   

1. The electrophoretic velocities of gelatin-, egg-albumin-, and gliadin-covered quartz particles in various alcohol-water solutions are, within the limits employed in usual experimental procedures, proportional to the field strength. 2. The electrophoretic mobilities of small, irregularly shaped quartz particles covered with an adsorbed film of protein in alcohol-water solutions are equal to the electroosmotic mobilities of the liquid past similarly coated flat surfaces. Hence the size and shape of such particles does not influence their mobilities, which depend entirely on the protein film. 3. The corrected mobility and hence presumably the charge of gelatin-covered quartz particles in solutions containing 35 per cent ethyl alcohol is proportional to the combining power of the gelatin; therefore the gelatin is adsorbed with the active groups oriented toward the liquid. The same is true in 60 per cent alcohol. 4. The charge calculated by means of the Debye-Henry approximation from the mobility of gelatin in solutions containing up to 35 per cent ethyl alcohol is, in the neighborhood of the isoelectric point, proportional to the combining power of the gelatin. Therefore the dielectric constant and the viscosity of the bulk of the medium may be used in the Debye-Henry approximation Q = 6 π η r vm (1 + κ r) to predict changes in charge from mobility. 5. In the neighborhood of the isoelectric point gelatin is probably completely ionized in buffered ethyl alcohol-water mixtures up to 60 per cent alcohol. 6. In the presence of ethyl alcohol the isoelectric point of gelatin is shifted toward smaller hydrogen ion activities. This shift, like that caused by alcohol in the isoelectric points of certain amino acids, is approximately linearly related to the dielectric constant of the medium.  相似文献   

1. It was shown that the high viscosity of gelatin solutions as well as the character of the osmotic pressure-concentration curves indicates that gelatin is hydrated even at temperatures as high as 50°C. 2. The degree of hydration of gelatin was determined by means of viscosity measurements through the application of the formula See PDF for Equation. 3. When the concentration of gelatin was corrected for the volume of water of hydration as obtained from the viscosity measurements, the relation between the osmotic pressure of various concentrations of gelatin and the corrected concentrations became linear, thus making it possible to determine the apparent molecular weight of gelatin through the application of van''t Hoff''s law. The molecular weight of gelatin at 35°C. proved to be 61,500. 4. A study was made of the mechanism of hydration of gelatin and it was shown that the experimental data agree with the theory that the hydration of gelatin is a pure osmotic pressure phenomenon brought about by the presence in gelatin of a number of insoluble micellæ containing a definite amount of a soluble ingredient of gelatin. As long as there is a difference in the osmotic pressure between the inside of the micellæ and the outside gelatin solution the micellæ swell until an equilibrium is established at which the osmotic pressure inside of the micellæ is balanced by the total osmotic pressure of the gelatin solution and by the elasticity pressure of the micellæ. 5. On addition of HCl to isoelectric gelatin the total activity of ions inside of the micellæ is greater than in the outside solution due to a greater concentration of protein in the micellæ. This brings about a further swelling of the micellæ until a Donnan equilibrium is established in the ion distribution accompanied by an equilibrium in the osmotic pressure. Through the application of the theory developed here it was possible actually to calculate the osmotic pressure difference between the inside of the micellæ and the outside solution which was brought about by the difference in the ion distribution. 6. According to the same theory the effect of pH on viscosity of gelatin should diminish with increase in concentration of gelatin, since the difference in the concentration of the protein inside and outside of the micellæ also decreases. This was confirmed experimentally. At concentrations above 8 gm. per 100 gm. of H2O there is very little difference in the viscosity of gelatin of various pH as compared with that of isoelectric gelatin.  相似文献   

Abstract— The isolation of a perchloric acid-soluble low molecular weight protein from brain of Macaca irus is reported. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel isoelectric focusing indicate that the protein is free of impurities. The molecular weight, as determined by gel filtration and sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis, is shown to be 10,400 and 9900, respectively. This is in agreement with the value of 10,700 obtained from amino acid analysis. The protein contains 27 per cent acid amino acids and 15 per cent basic amino acids. However, the relatively high amide content gives the protein a neutral nature as shown by isoelectric point determination using gel isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

1. The method of removing the excess of hydrobromic acid after it has had a chance to react chemically with gelatin has permitted us to measure the amount of Br in combination with the gelatin. It is shown that the curves representing the amount of bromine bound by the gelatin are approximately parallel with the curves for the osmotic pressure, the viscosity, and swelling of the gelatin solution. This proves that the curves for osmotic pressure are an unequivocal function of the number of gelatin bromide molecules formed under the influence of the acid. The cc. of 0.01 N Br in combination with 0.25 gm, of gelatin we call the bromine number. 2. The explanation of this influence of the acid on the physical properties of gelatin is based on the fact that gelatin is an amphoteric electrolyte, which at its isoelectric point is but sparingly soluble in water, while its transformation into a salt with a univalent anion like gelatin Br makes it soluble. The curve for the bromine number thus becomes at the same time the numerical expression for the number of gelatin molecules rendered soluble, and hence the curve for osmotic pressure must of necessity be parallel to the curve for the bromine number. 3. Volumetric analysis shows that gelatin treated previously with HBr is free from Br at the isoelectric point as well as on the more alkaline side from the isoelectric point (pH ≧ 4.7) of gelatin. This is in harmony with the fact that gelatin (like any other amphoteric electrolyte) can dissociate on the alkaline side of its isoelectric point only as an anion. On the more acid side from the isoelectric point gelatin is found to be in combination with Br and the Br number rises with the pH. 4. When we titrate gelatin, treated previously with HBr but possessing a pH = 4,7, with NaOH we find that 25 cc. of a 1 per cent solution of isoelectric gelatin require about 5.25 to 5.5 cc. of 0.01 N NaOH for neutralization (with phenolphthalein as an indicator). This value which was found invariably is therefore a constant which we designate as "NaOH (isoelectric)." When we titrate 0.25 gm. of gelatin previously treated with HBr but possessing a pH < 4.7 more than 5.5 cc. of 0.01 N NaOH are required for neutralization. We will designate this value of NaOH as "(NaOH)n," where n represents the value of pH. If we designate the bromine number for the same pH as "Brn" then we can show that the following equation is generally true: (NaOH)n = NaOH (isoelectric) + Brn. In other words, titration with NaOH of gelatin (previously treated with HBr) and being on the acid side of its isoelectric point results in the neutralization of the pure gelatin (NaOH isoelectric) with NaOH and besides in the neutralization of the HBr in combination with the gelatin. This HBr is set free as soon as through the addition of the NaOH the pH of the gelatin solution becomes equal to 4.7. 5. A comparison between the pH values and the bromine numbers found shows that over 90 per cent of the bromine or HBr found was in our experiments in combination with the gelatin.  相似文献   

1. A method is given by which the amount of equivalents of metal in combination with 1 gm. of a 1 per cent gelatin solution previously treated with an alkali can be ascertained when the excess of alkali is washed away and the pH is determined. The curves of metal equivalent in combination with 1 gm. of gelatin previously treated with different concentrations of LiOH, NaOH, KOH, NH4OH, Ca(OH)2, and Ba(OH)2 were ascertained and plotted as ordinates, with the pH of the solution as abscissæ, and were found to be identical. This proves that twice as many univalent as bivalent cations combine with the same mass of gelatin, as was to be expected. 2. The osmotic pressure of 1 per cent solutions of metal gelatinates with univalent and bivalent cation was measured. The curves for the osmotic pressure of 1 per cent solution of gelatin salts of Li, Na, K, and NH4 were found to be identical when plotted for pH as abscissæ, tending towards the same maximum of a pressure of about 325 mm. of the gelatin solution (for pH about 7.9). The corresponding curves for Ca and Ba gelatinate were also found to be identical but different from the preceding ones, tending towards a maximum pressure of about 125 mm. for pH about 7.0 or above. The ratio of maxi mal osmotic pressure for the two groups of gelatin salts is therefore about as 1:3 after the necessary corrections have been made. 3. When the conductivities of these solutions are plotted as ordinates against the pH as abscissæ, the curves for the conductivities of Li, Na, Ca, and Ba gelatinate are almost identical (for the same pH), while the curves for the conductivities of K and NH4 gelatinate are only little higher. 4. The curves for the viscosity and swelling of Ba (or Ca) and Na gelatinate are approximately parallel to those for osmotic pressure. 5. The practical identity or close proximity of the conductivities of metal gelatinates with univalent and bivalent metal excludes the possibility that the differences observed in the osmotic pressure, viscosity, and swelling between metal gelatinates with univalent and bivalent metal are determined by differences in the degree of ionization (and a possible hydratation of the protein ions). 6. Another, as yet tentative, explanation is suggested.  相似文献   

1. This paper contains experiments on the influence of acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of crystalline egg albumin and of gelatin, and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin. 2. It was found in all cases that there is no difference in the effects of HCl, HBr, HNO3, acetic, mono-, di-, and trichloracetic, succinic, tartaric, citric, and phosphoric acids upon these physical properties when the solutions of the protein with these different acids have the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 3. It was possible to show that in all the protein-acid salts named the anion in combination with the protein is monovalent. 4. The strong dibasic acid H2SO4 forms protein-acid salts with a divalent anion SO4 and the solutions of protein sulfate have an osmotic pressure and a viscosity of only half or less than that of a protein chloride solution of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. Oxalic acid behaves essentially like a weak dibasic acid though it seems that a small part of the acid combines with the protein in the form of divalent anions. 5. It was found that the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of Li, Na, K, and NH4 salts of a protein are the same at the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric protein. 6. Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 form salts with proteins in which the cation is divalent and the osmotic pressure and viscosity of solutions of these two metal proteinates are only one-half or less than half of that of Na proteinate of the same pH and the same concentration of originally isoelectric gelatin. 7. These results exclude the possibility of expressing the effect of different acids and alkalies on the osmotic pressure of solutions of gelatin and egg albumin and on the viscosity of solutions of gelatin in the form of ion series. The different results of former workers were probably chiefly due to the fact that the effects of acids and alkalies on these proteins were compared for the same quantity of acid and alkali instead of for the same pH.  相似文献   

1. The methods of measuring the base-combining capacities of proteins have been considered, and the constants and corrections that are employed in their calculation have been critically examined. 2. The base-combining capacities of ten casein preparations have been determined. These differed from each other to a far greater extent than can be attributed to the experimental errors involved in their measurement and calculation. The variations were, moreover, systematic in manner, and can be explained as dependent upon the method employed in the preparation of the casein. 3. Casein that had never been exposed to greater alkalinities than those in which it exists in nature combined with approximately 0.0014 mols of sodium hydroxide per gm., while casein prepared nach Hammarsten, and casein that was saturated with base during its preparation, combined with approximately 0.0018 mols of sodium hydroxide per gm. 4. 1 mol of sodium hydroxide, therefore, combined with 735 gm. of casein that had not previously been exposed to alkaline reactions, or with 535 gm. of casein that had previously been saturated with base. 5. If the minimal molecular weight of casein, based upon its tryptophane content, is placed at 12,800, the native protein must, therefore, contain approximately eighteen acid groups, and in addition six acid groups that are released in alkaline solutions, and presumably represent internally bound groups. The total base-combining capacity therefore represents that of a substance with a molecular weight of 12,800 and containing twenty-four acid valences. 6. This base-combining capacity is no greater than can be accounted for on the basis of our knowledge of the structure and composition of casein. On the basis of a molecular weight of 12,800 casein contains at least 19 molecules of glutamic acid, 4 of aspartic, and 8 of hydroxyglutamic acid. If the amino acids in the protein molecule are bound to each other in polypeptide linkage, each of these thirty-one dicarboxylic acids should yield terminal groups. The ammonia in casein suggests that twelve of these groups are bound as amides. As many as nineteen carboxyl groups may, therefore, be free in the protein molecule. 7. Casein contains phosphorus. If this phosphorus represents phosphoric acid, and if we consider that all of the valences of this acid are either themselves free, or that they have liberated carboxyl groups by entering into the structure of the protein molecule, casein should contain nine additional acid groups. 8. Recent analytical results, therefore, indicate that casein contains at least nineteen, and possibly twenty-eight, free acid groups. The physicochemical measurements presented suggest that casein combines with base as though it contained twenty-four acid groups, of which six, or one-fourth, appear to be bound in the native protein. These experimental results are therefore in close agreement with the expectation on the basis of the classical theory of protein structure.  相似文献   

Thrombokinase is prepared from bovine plasma by a procedure involving: treatment with diatomaceous silica, adsorption on barium sulfate, flowing elution with two successive phosphate buffers, ammonium sulfate fractionation, "spontaneous" activation in concentrated solution, and isoelectric precipitation. The yield of nitrogen is 0.002 per cent, corresponding to 1.2 mg. protein per liter of plasma. When diluted back to the volume of parent plasma, and complemented by calcium plus cephalin, the product causes appreciable activation of prothrombin in 1 minute. Thus, the quantity of thrombokinase obtainable is compatible with a physiologic role. In the more complex system used for routine assay, thrombokinase can be supplied by crude plasma at a dilution of 1/500. In parallel tests, the product appears to be more active than its parent plasma, although it contains only 0.002 per cent of the nitrogen. However, the thrombokinase of the product has been activated, whereas the thrombokinase of the plasma is probably in an inactive precursor state. When diluted back to the volume of parent plasma, to a concentration of 0.2 microgram nitrogen per ml., thrombokinase can slowly activate prothrombin in the presence of oxalate, and without the addition of accessory factors. Activation of prothrombin in the presence of oxalate is faster with higher concentrations of thrombokinase.  相似文献   

Summary Arginine-rich basic protein from cytoplasma of Guerin epitheliomas has been isolated and characterized. It contains five amino acids: arginine, lysine, glycine, alanine and glutamic acid which make together 74 per cent of all amino acid residues. The protein has a cationic character with an isoelectric point of 8.2. No carbohydrate component was found in this protein. The significance of arginine-rich basic protein in the cytoplasma of Guerin epithelioma is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

1. It has been shown in this paper that while non-ionized gelatin may exist in gelatin solutions on both sides of the isoelectric point (which lies for gelatin at a hydrogen ion concentration of CH = 2.10–5 or pH = 4.7), gelatin, when it ionizes, can only exist as an anion on the less acid side of its isoelectric point (pH > 4.7), as a cation only on the more acid side of its isoelectric point (pH < 4.7). At the isoelectric point gelatin can dissociate practically neither as anion nor as cation. 2. When gelatin has been transformed into sodium gelatinate by treating it for some time with M/32 NaOH, and when it is subsequently treated with HCl, the gelatin shows on the more acid side of the isoelectric point effects of the acid treatment only; while the effects of the alkali treatment disappear completely, showing that the negative gelatin ions formed by the previous treatment with alkali can no longer exist in a solution with a pH < 4.7. When gelatin is first treated with acid and afterwards with alkali on the alkaline side of the isoelectric point only the effects of the alkali treatment are noticeable. 3. On the acid side of the isoelectric point amphoteric electrolytes can only combine with the anions of neutral salts, on the less acid side of their isoelectric point only with cations; and at the isoelectric point neither with the anion nor cation of a neutral salt. This harmonizes with the statement made in the first paragraph, and the experimental results on the effect of neutral salts on gelatin published in the writer''s previous papers. 4. The reason for this influence of the hydrogen ion concentration on the stability of the two forms of ionization possible for an amphoteric electrolyte is at present unknown. We might think of the possibility of changes in the configuration or constitution of the gelatin molecule whereby ionized gelatin can exist only as an anion on the alkaline side and as a cation on the acid side of its isoelectric point. 5. The literature of colloid chemistry contains numerous statements which if true would mean that the anions of neutral salts act on gelatin on the alkaline side of the isoelectric point, e.g. the alleged effect of the Hofmeister series of anions on the swelling and osmotic pressure of common gelatin in neutral solutions, and the statement that both ions of a neutral salt influence a protein simultaneously. The writer has shown in previous publications that these statements are contrary to fact and based on erroneous methods of work. Our present paper shows that these claims of colloid chemists are also theoretically impossible. 6. In addition to other physical properties the conductivity of gelatin previously treated with acids has been investigated and plotted, and it was found that this conductivity is a minimum in the region of the isoelectric point, thus confirming the conclusion that gelatin can apparently not exist in ionized condition at that point. The conductivity rises on either side of the isoelectric point, but not symmetrically for reasons given in the paper. It is shown that the curves for osmotic pressure, viscosity, swelling, and alcohol number run parallel to the curve of the conductivity of gelatin when the gelatin has been treated with acid, supporting the view that these physical properties are in this case mainly or exclusively a function of the degree of ionization of the gelatin or gelatin salt formed. It is pointed out, however, that certain constitutional factors, e.g. the valency of the ion in combination with the gelatin, may alter the physical properties of the gelatin (osmotic pressure, etc.) without apparently altering its conductivity. This point is still under investigation and will be further discussed in a following publication. 7. It is shown that the isoelectric point of an amphoteric electrolyte is not only a point where the physical properties of an ampholyte experience a sharp drop and become a minimum, but that it is also a turning point for the mode of chemical reactions of the ampholyte. It may turn out that this chemical influence of the isoelectric point upon life phenomena overshadows its physical influence. 8. These experiments suggest that the theory of amphoteric colloids is in its general features identical with the theory of inorganic hydroxides (e.g. aluminum hydroxide), whose behavior is adequately understood on the basis of the laws of general chemistry.  相似文献   

A novel polypeptide, named Pancreatic Spasmolytic Polypeptide (PSP), was discovered in a side-fraction from the purification of porcine insulin. PSP was prepared by two different purification methods based on combinations of precipitations, anion-exchange and cation-exchange chromatography. The highest yield obtained, 52 mg PSP/kg pancreas, indicates that the content of PSP in porcine pancreas is about half the content of insulin. Both preparations appeared to be very pure as judged by basic disc electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, analytical gel filtration and radioimmunoassays for various polypeptides known to be present in pancreas. The PSP molecule contains 106 amino acids (MW about 11 700). PSP is an acidic (pI 4.4), non-glycosylated protein without free N-terminal amino groups, and with high contents of proline and cystine. The high content of S-S bridges (7 per molecule), an unexpected low apparent MW determined by gel filtration, and a remarkable resistance towards treatment with trypsin and chymotrypsin, point to a compact structure of the PSP molecule.  相似文献   

A general formalism for calculating parameters describing physiological acid-base balance in single compartments is extended to multicompartment systems and demonstrated for the multicompartment example of human whole blood. Expressions for total titratable base, strong ion difference, change in total titratable base, change in strong ion difference, and change in Van Slyke standard bicarbonate are derived, giving calculated values in agreement with experimental data. The equations for multicompartment systems are found to have the same mathematical interrelationships as those for single compartments, and the relationship of the present formalism to the traditional form of the Van Slyke equation is also demonstrated. The multicompartment model brings the strong ion difference theory to the same quantitative level as the base excess method.  相似文献   

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