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Data are presented on the effect of age on milk secretion in the dairy cow. From the age when milk secretion usually begins (2 years) to the age when maximum body weight is reached (about 8 years) increase of milk secretion and increase of body weight with age follow the same exponential course, which is the course of a monomolecular reaction of chemistry. After this age, unlike body weight which remains practically constant, milk secretion declines exponentially, that is, the course of decline follows the course of decline of a monomolecular reaction. The whole course of milk secretion with age was therefore found to follow approximately the course of two simultaneous, consecutive, monomolecular reactions. This is taken to mean that growth and senescence go on simultaneously from the beginning to the end of life, and that each follows an exponential law with age; and therefore perhaps that the course of the two processes are limited by two consecutive chemical reactions.  相似文献   

Data are presented showing that the course of decline of egg production with age in the domestic fowl from the time laying begins up to and including 8 years follows an exponential law, that is, each year''s egg production is a constant percentage of the preceding year''s production (88 per cent in the group of fowl studied). Since the exponential law is the same as the law of monomolecular change in chemistry, and since the course of egg production with age may be taken as an index of the course of senescence of organs, or tissues limiting egg production, it is suggested that this exponential law of egg production substantiates the idea that senescence is a physicochemical process the course of which is limited by a chemical reaction. It is shown that the exhaustion of the oocytes is not likely to be the factor limiting the course of egg production.  相似文献   

It is shown that the course of decline of milk secretion with the advance of the period of lactation may be expressed by the equation of a monomolecular chemical reaction; that is, the percentage decline of milk secretion with the advance of the stage of lactation is constant. This substantiates the idea that milk secretion is limited by a chemical reaction, and, in general, brings lactation into the class of processes the speed of which is determined by the concentration of a limiting substance.  相似文献   

It is shown that from 2 years, the age when milk secretion usually begins, to 9 years, the age of maximum body weight, the increase of milk secretion with age follows the course of growth in body weight— both can be accurately represented by the equation of a monomolecular chemical reaction having a velocity constant of approximately the same numerical value. While increase in milk secretion and increase in body weight with age follow the same course, it is shown that increasing body weight contributes only about 20 per cent to increasing milk secretion with age. The fact that milk secretion and body weight follow the same course, even though they are largely independent of each other indicates that increase in body weight is a good measure of growth of the dairy cow; this fact also shows that the increase of milk secretion with age may be used as a measure of growth. The fact that milk secretion, like body weight, follows the course of a chemical reaction, adds further support to the theory that growth is limited by a chemical reaction.  相似文献   

An extensive amount of data is presented on the growth in weight of the dairy cow from 2 to 17 years of age, covering practically the entire duration of life. The data show that after the age of 2 years the rate of growth declines in a non-cyclic manner. The course of decline in growth follows the course of decline of a monomolecular chemical reaction; that is, the percentage decline in growth with age is constant.  相似文献   

1. The growth rate of organisms may be considered as a chemical reaction which gives the mature organism as its end-product. The organism grows at a definite rate which is, at any moment, proportional to the amount of growth yet to be made. 2. Shoots of young pear trees measured at weekly intervals during the growing season showed a rate similar to that of an autocatalytic reaction. 3. Young walnut trees showed distinct cycles of growth in a single season, but the growth in each cycle proceeded at a rate corresponding to an autocatalytic reaction. 4. The growth rate follows a definite, quantitative course though judged by different criteria. Data are presented for maize in which green weight, dry weight, and height of the plant are used. Data for cattle show that either weight or height of the animal may be used as a criterion.  相似文献   

The four types of experiments on milk secretion herein described really fall into one general class so far as the physiological effects produced are concerned. Starvation lowers the blood sugar and raises the osmotic pressure of the blood. The experiment using parathyroid hormone with or without starvation may have its effects interpreted as simply due to starvation since 1000 units of this hormone produced no visible effects on the blood calcium or milk constituents different from those of starvation. Since insulin produces a marked and rapid drop in blood sugar it too may be looked upon as a rapid starvation effect. It has some other important effects, however. Briggs et al. (21) have shown that potassium and phosphorus of the blood are decreased and Luck, Morrison, and Wilbur (22) indicate a reduction in the amino acids of the blood in insulin treatment. Phloridzin lowers the threshold for sugar retention with the consequence that in time it tends to lower the sugar of the blood to an even greater extent than that noted in starvation. It tends to depress the potassium, to increase the phosphorus content of the blood, and to cause the body to burn protein rather than carbohydrate, thus increasing nitrogen excretion. All of the experiments are characterized by a sharp reduction in the milk yield. Cary and Meigs (23) have studied like reductions in milk yield produced by varying the energy or protein of the diet. They conclude that such decrease in milk production may be interpreted as due to the direct effect of the starvation and the consequent reduction of the energy and protein available to milk secretion. The reduction in milk yield for the experiments herein described can undoubtedly be attributed to the same causes as those cited by Cary and Meigs. The experiment where Cow 47 was given a full ration and at the same time injected with large quantities of insulin is of particular interest in this connection. The ration was adequate and the cow ate well, yet her production declined to a fifth of her normal milk yield. Her chart shows that there was a slight reduction in her blood sugar when insulin was introduced into the blood stream. It seems furthermore likely that this sugar was not as available to milk secretion, since there appears to be more than a corresponding drop in the lactose content of the milk. The work of Luck et al. would seem to indicate that there should be a like drop in the amino acids of the blood. These two conditions would lead, according to the work of Cary and Meigs, to a reduction in the concentration of the nitrogen of the milk. Actually, in the experiment as it was performed, the nitrogen increased to a value about 40 per cent above normal. A somewhat similar conflict is noted in two of the other three insulin experiments where starvation accompanied insulin injection. To this extent it would seem that the factor deserving most emphasis in its immediate effect on milk yield is the energy available, and that the later and more secondary factor is the amino acid concentration of the blood. In the starvation experiments, the butter fat percentage of the milk rises rather uniformly with the duration of starvation. In the insulin experiments, however, the charts appear to show a marked reduction in this butter fat percentage immediately after the introduction of insulin. This is particularly noticed after the second and third injections. Since the dextrose of the blood tends to be reduced and made unavailable to the general physiological processes by the presence of the large excess of insulin, and since this reduction of the butter fat percentage is noted as an accompanying phenomenon, it would appear that the blood dextrose plays a part in the synthesis of milk fat as well as being the source of the milk lactose, possibly as a source of energy in converting body fat to butter fat. In this regard the results for the treatment of Cow 47 with phloridzin are of importance. As noted by others, the introduction of phloridzin causes a marked rise in the fat percentage of the milk. The lactose per cent is also higher than that noted in starvation. Since phloridzin, by lowering the threshold for the blood sugar, causes large quantities of it to be drained from the body through the urine, and therefore reduces the reserve supply, it follows that if the insulin hypotheses are correct we should expect an eventual lowering of the lactose and of the fat below the starvation level. During the last of the experiment this is what was actually observed. The effects of starvation and of insulin furnish concordant proof for the theory that the lactose of milk is derived from the sugar of the blood. The fact that the different constituents of the milk, the fat, the lactose, the nitrogen, and the ash, do not exactly parallel each other in their behavior throughout these experiments indicates that they have in all probability separate origin. This is particularly true of the butter fat percentage, which appears to have a rate of secretion which is more or less independent of the other constituents, and higher in amount. This result would fall in line with the conclusion of the writers in a previous paper in which it was indicated that the fat of the blood was very likely deposited in the udder as fat corresponding to body fat from which source it was metabolized into the fat of milk shortly before it was needed for milk secretion. The wide variation brought about in the constituents of the milk by the treatment all point to the conclusion that in milk secretion a balance is maintained between the osmotic pressure of the milk and of the blood. Thus when the sugar of the milk is reduced either through starvation or by insulin the ash constituents rise to compensate for this reduction and make the osmotic pressure of the milk similar to that of the blood. These results further appear to indicate that the salts and the sugars are more or less independent in their passage and metabolism into milk from the other constituents. These observations are therefore in line with those obtained by Jackson and Rothera (14) and by Davidson (15) in their brilliant experiments where they modified milk secretion by returning milk or milk sugars and salts to the udder. These experiments give direct proof for the conclusion that modifications of the blood of dairy cattle produce direct and predictable modification of the milk secreted.  相似文献   

1. Data are presented for the dark adaptation of four species of animals. They show that during dark adaptation the reaction time of an animal to light of constant intensity decreases at first rapidly, then slowly, until it reaches a constant minimum. 2. On the assumption that at all stages of adaptation a given response to light involves a constant photochemical effect, it is possible to describe the progress of dark adaptation by the equation of a bimolecular reaction. This supposes, therefore, that dark adaptation represents the accumulation within the sense cells of a photosensitive material formed by the chemical combination of two other substances. 3. The chemical nature of the process is further borne out by the fact that the speed of dark adaptation is affected by the temperature. The velocity constant of the bimolecular process describing dark adaptation bears in Mya a relation to the temperature such that the Arrhenius equation expresses it with considerable exactness when µ = 17,400. 4. A chemical mechanism is suggested which can account not only for the data of dark adaptation here presented, but for many other properties of the photosensory process which have already been investigated in these animals. This assumes the existence of a coupled photochemical reaction of which the secondary, "dark" reaction is catalyzed by the products of the primary photochemical reaction proper. This primary photochemical reaction itself is reversible in that its main products combine to form again the photosensitive material, whose concentration controls the behavior of the system during dark adaptation.  相似文献   

The course of decline of vitality with age due to the process of senescence, when not complicated by the process of growth, follows a simple exponential law; that is the degree of vitality or of senescence (defining vitality as the reciprocal of senescence) at any moment is, regardless of age, a constant percentage of the degree of vitality or senescence of the preceding moment. This exponential law is the same as the law of monomolecular change in chemistry. During the actively growing period of life the index of vitality rises, due to the process of growth and the course of vitality in the case when the growing period is included in the vitality curve, follows a rising and falling course. This rising and falling course may often be represented by an equation containing two exponential terms which is practically the equation used to represent the course of accumulation and disappearance of a substance as the result of two simultaneous consecutive monomolecular chemical reactions.  相似文献   

In this paper data are presented on cows receiving no food but having access to all of the water which they wished. The yield and composition of the milk were determined at various times during the periods of starvation. The composition of the milk showed changes which were progressive in the sense that they followed a definite course. They were characterized by a marked lowering in the amount of milk produced, by an increase in the total solids (chiefly an increase in the percentage of fat and ash, with a slight increase in proteins), and by a pronounced decrease in the lactose. The decrease in lactose corresponded with a decrease in the dextrose content of the blood, thereby supporting the conclusion that the lactose of milk has as its precursor dextrose of the blood. All the changes in milk composition during starvation can be directly related to the simultaneous changes in the blood. The following companion paper on insulin and phloridzin as they affect milk secretion further develops these hypotheses.  相似文献   

The curves of growth and of regeneration follow the same course, and can be represented by the same exponential equation. This is taken to substantiate the theory that growth and regeneration are essentially identical processes governed by the same laws. A common peculiarity of the curves of growth and of regeneration is that during a short period in the early stages of regeneration and of growth, the apparent observed speed of these processes seems to be relatively slow. As a result, the curve of the fitted equation cuts the time axis not at zero, the beginning of growth or regeneration, but somewhat later. Data on regeneration are cited indicating that the initial slow phase of regeneration is due to the time required for the formation of a cap of embryonic cells which serves as a basis for the more active later regeneration; in other words, to qualitative growth which cannot be expressed in terms of quantitative units. It is suggested that the apparent initial slow phase of growth of the individual from the fertilized egg is due to a similar qualitative growth. It is suggested that if the initial qualitative changes could be converted into some common unit with the subsequent quantitative changes, the apparent initial lag would disappear, and the exponential equation representing the course of these processes would then be the same as the equation used to represent the course of a monomolecular chemical reaction. Certain implications of this reasoning are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the uterine epithelium has been studied in estrous, ovariectomized, pregnant, and pseudopregnant rabbits. Tissue for light microscopy was fixed in Bouin''s solution and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, by the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) method, and with methylene blue. Tissue for electron microscopy was fixed in 1 per cent osmium tetroxide in White''s saline and embedded in Araldite. The uterine epithelium in estrus is comprised of ciliated and non-ciliated cells. After ovariectomy the epithelium becomes reduced in height and PAS-positive material disappears. Multinucleated cells are formed in the epithelium in pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and in the non-pregnant horn in unilateral pregnancy. They degenerate during the 3rd week of pseudopregnancy and during the 4th week of pregnancy in the non-pregnant horn. The formation of multinucleated cells is believed to be under hormonal control. The uterine epithelium in contact with the blastocyst changes into a "symplasma," presumably under the influence of a local (chemical?) effect produced by the blastocyst. This change is not seen in pseudopregnancy nor in the non-pregnant horn in unilateral pregnancy. A complex infolding of the basal cell membrane of the epithelium accompanies the "symplasmic" change. The remaining uterine epithelium in pregnancy shows a well developed ergastoplasm suggesting a production of secretion materials, some of which may be available for absorption by the fetus through the yolk sac or paraplacental chorion.  相似文献   

During the dark adaptation of the human eye, its visual threshold decreases to a small fraction of its original value in the light. An analysis of the quantitative data describing this adaptation shows that it follows the course of a bimolecular chemical reaction. On the basis of these findings it is suggested that visual reception in dim light is conditioned by a reversible photochemical reaction involving a photosensitive substance and its two products of decomposition. Accordingly, dark adaptation depends on the course of the "dark" reaction during which the two products of decomposition reunite to synthesize the original photosensitive substance.  相似文献   

The results herein presented furnish exact critical evidence for one more stage in milk secretion. Cows producing up to 30 pounds of milk at one milking are shown to have the lactose equivalent of all this milk in the udder when milking commences. The average excess of lactose found in the udder after subtracting the amount necessary for the contained milk is equal to 2.1 pounds. This represents the milk retained in the udder when the cow is believed to be dry. These conclusions are further supported by the fact that no sugar is found in the udder in the quiescent state. The study of the total composition of the udder as fat, ash, nitrogen, and lactose, and of the contained milk shows that there is a large excess of fat, ash, and nitrogen in proportion to that necessary for milk formation. The excess of udder lactose over the milk lactose is much less. The lactose would therefore appear to be formed from some element in the blood, probably dextrose, only as needed for the formation of milk. The composition of the dry udder is quite different in certain respects from that of the actively secreting gland. It builds up a fat reserve of a quite different Reichert-Meissl number from that of butter-fat. It has no sugar, its ash content is reduced, and the nitrogen content is like that of the secreting gland.  相似文献   

1. Experiments are presented which show that the latent period in the photosensory response of Ciona is inversely proportional to the duration of the exposure period to light. From this it is found that the velocity of the chemical reaction which determines the latent period is directly proportional to the concentration of photochemical products formed during the exposure period. This is interpreted as showing that the two processes form a coupled photochemical reaction, of which the secondary reaction proceeds only in the presence of products from the primary reaction. This coupling may be a catalysis or a direct chemical relation. 2. Further experiments show that the relation between temperature and the latent period is accurately described by the Arrhenius equation in which µ = 16,200. The precise numerical value of µ tentatively identifies the latent period process as an oxidation reaction which is catalyzed by iron. 3. The photocatalytic properties of certain iron compounds are used as a model for the coupled photochemical reaction suggested for the photosensory mechanism of Ciona and Mya.  相似文献   

With the birth of a second rhinoceros calf at Bristol Zoological Gardens, it was possible to obtain samples of rhinoceros's milk during the colostral period and subsequently at regular intervals throughout sixteen months of lactation. The chemical composition and vitamin content of the samples are reported here. The analysis shows that rhinoceros's milk contains very little fat at all times during the lactation cycle.  相似文献   

The latent period in the response of Mya to illumination varies inversely as the duration of the exposure to which it is subjected. The reciprocal of the latent period, measuring the velocity of the process which underlies it, is a linear function of the exposure period. Since the duration of the exposure represents the amount of photochemical activity, it is concluded that the substances formed at that time act to catalyze a chemical reaction which determines the duration of the latent period. This explanation is in accord with the previous work on the photochemical reaction and with the effect of temperature on the latent period. As a result of the combined investigations there is presented a concrete hypothesis for the mechanism of photic reception in Mya.  相似文献   

The validity of the assumption of a substance determining the rate of milk secretion and undergoing monomolecular destruction, based on group behavior, is questioned on the evidence from a large number of individual lactation curves. It seems probable that the rate of decrease in the rate of milk secretion with advance in lactation is dependent upon factors of a nutritional nature.  相似文献   

Barring fluctuations due to the cyclic phenomena, the extrauterine course of growth in linear dimensions and in weight of the dairy cow follows an exponential law having the same form as the law representing the course of monomolecular change in chemistry. This suggests the interpretation that the general course of growth is limited by a monomolecular chemical process, and that the cyclic phenomena are due to subsidiary processes in the fundamentally exponential course of growth. The fact that growth follows or tends to follow an exponential course may be stated more simply as follows: if the unit of time is taken sufficiently large so that fluctuations due to the cyclic phenomena are balanced or eliminated, then the amount of growth made during the given unit of time at any age tends to be a constant percentage of the growth made during the preceding unit of time. Thus, the growth in height at withers made during any year is about 34 per cent of the growth made during the preceding year. Similarly the growth in weight made during any year is about 56 per cent of the growth in weight made during the preceding year. This is in accordance with expectations if it is assumed that each animal begins life with a definite endowment of limiting substance necessary for the process of growth, and that this endowment is used up at a constant rate (or percentage) of itself.  相似文献   

The kinetics of T-cell mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) have been re-examined. It is clear that per cent 51Cr release is linearly related to effector cell number and not to its log as often suggested. Data are presented showing that killing can occur within 1 min of lymphocyte-target cell contact and that 51Cr is released rapidly from killed cells. Inactivation experiments aimed to stop ongoing cytolysis indicate that all target cells are brought into contact with effector lymphocytes within 45 min. At a ratio of 50:1 the kinetics of contact resemble saturation kinetics, indicating a number of effector cells similar to or in excess of the number of target cells (that is, at least 2 % of total lymphocytes). Although CMC is causally related to cell contact, it is chronometrically unrelated and occurs as a random reaction (that is it can occur immediately or up to hours later than contact). The mean time depends on the number of effector cells. The killing reaction is temperature dependent and proportional to the number of effector cells but does not depend on the intact effector cell. An intact effector cell is only required to bring about contact. It is suggested that this final cytolytic event is brought about by the target cell itself, perhaps as a result of attempts to free itself from the attached lymphocyte.  相似文献   

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