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A detailed study was made on the influence of salts on those physicochemical properties of sodium gelatinate which are regulated by Donnan''s law of membrane equilibria; namely, osmotic pressure, membrane potentials, and swelling. It was found that the influence of salts on these properties in the case of sodium gelatinate obeys the same rules of valency as in the case of the influence of salts on gelatin chloride as discussed in a previous publication. The rules state that when a salt is added to an ionized protein, without causing a change in the hydrogen ion concentration of the protein, the general effect is a depression of the mentioned properties. The degree of depression depends not only on the concentration of the salt but on the electrical properties of the ions constituting the salt. Of the two or more oppositely charged ions of which a salt consists, only the valency of those ions which carry charges opposite to those carried by the protein ions affects the degree of depression which increases with the valency of the ions. It was also found that the phenomenon of swelling of gelatin becomes modified by solubility of the gelatin when salts are added in concentrations higher than N/4. Emphasis is laid on the point that the valency rule holds perfectly also in relation to swelling as long as the phenomenon is pure swelling which is the case when salt solutions of concentrations lower than N/4 are added to gelatin.  相似文献   

1. It has been shown in previous publications that when solutions of different concentrations of salts are separated by collodion-gelatin membranes from water, electrical forces participate in addition to osmotic forces in the transport of water from the side of the water to that of the solution. When the hydrogen ion concentration of the salt solution and of the water on the other side of the membrane is the same and if both are on the acid side of the isoelectric point of gelatin (e.g. pH 3.0), the electrical transport of water increases with the valency of the cation and inversely with the valency of the anion of the salt in solution. Moreover, the electrical transport of water increases at first with increasing concentration of the solution until a maximum is reached at a concentration of about M/32, when upon further increase of the concentration of the salt solution the transport diminishes until a concentration of about M/4 is reached, when a second rise begins, which is exclusively or preeminently the expression of osmotic forces and therefore needs no further discussion. 2. It is shown that the increase in the height of the transport curves with increase in the valency of the cation and inversely with the increase in the valency of the anion is due to the influence of the salt on the P.D. (E) across the membrane, the positive charge of the solution increasing in the same way with the valency of the ions mentioned. This effect on the P.D. increases with increasing concentration of the solution and is partly, if not essentially, the result of diffusion potentials. 3. The drop in the transport curves is, however, due to the influence of the salts on the P.D. (ε) between the liquid inside the pores of the gelatin membrane and the gelatin walls of the pores. According to the Donnan equilibrium the liquid inside the pores must be negatively charged at pH 3.0 and this charge is diminished the higher the concentration of the salt. Since the electrical transport is in proportion to the product of E x ε and since the augmenting action of the salt on E begins at lower concentrations than the depressing action on ε, it follows that the electrical transport of water must at first rise with increasing concentration of the salt and then drop. 4. If the Donnan equilibrium is the sole cause for the P.D. (ε) between solid gelatin and watery solution the transport of water through collodion-gelatin membranes from water to salt solution should be determined purely by osmotic forces when water, gelatin, and salt solution have the hydrogen ion concentration of the isoelectric point of gelatin (pH = 4.7). It is shown that this is practically the case when solutions of LiCl, NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2, BaCl2, Na2SO4, MgSO4 are separated by collodion-gelatin membranes from water; that, however, when the salt has a trivalent (or tetravalent?) cation or a tetravalent anion a P.D. between solid isoelectric gelatin and water is produced in which the wall assumes the sign of charge of the polyvalent ion. 5. It is suggested that the salts with trivalent cation, e.g. Ce(NO3)3, form loose compounds with isoelectric gelatin which dissociate electrolytically into positively charged complex gelatin-Ce ions and negatively charged NO3 ions, and that the salts of Na4Fe(CN)6 form loose compounds with isoelectric gelatin which dissociate electrolytically into negatively charged complex gelatin-Fe(CN)6 ions and positively charged Na ions. The Donnan equilibrium resulting from this ionization would in that case be the cause of the charge of the membrane.  相似文献   

The existence of the palatal chemoreceptors responding specifically to dilute solutions of salts with monovalent cations was demonstrated in carp. The distilled water effect (a response produced by the application of distilled water after chemoreceptors had been rinsed out with hypertonic salt solutions) was assigned to the activity of the same receptor. Intensity of the response to dilute solutions of salts depended on the valency of the anion: the larger the valency, the greater the response. Positively charged sites of the receptor responsive to dilute salt solutions were suggested by previous treatments with acid and alkali, and dye salts. Increase in the ionic strength of the stimulating solution by the addition of supporting electrolytes caused a depression of response. In particular, strong depression of response was caused by the addition of a supporting electrolyte with a divalent cation. Effects of polarizing current on the chemoreceptor activity were investigated. Based upon the findings in this paper, a hypothesis is presented, which explains mechanisms underlying chemoreceptor responses to dilute solutions of electrolytes in terms of an interfacial electro-kinetic process.  相似文献   

1. Our results show clearly that the Hofmeister series is not the correct expression of the relative effect of ions on the swelling of gelatin, and that it is not true that chlorides, bromides, and nitrates have "hydrating," and acetates, tartrates, citrates, and phosphates "dehydrating," effects. If the pH of the gelatin is taken into considertion, it is found that for the same pH the effect on swelling is the same for gelatin chloride, nitrate, trichloracetate, tartrate, succinate, oxalate, citrate, and phosphate, while the swelling is considerably less for gelatin sulfate. This is exactly what we should expect on the basis of the combining ratios of the corresponding acids with gelatin since the weak dibasic and tribasic acids combine with gelatin in molecular proportions while the strong dibasic acid H2SO4 combines with gelatin in equivalent proportions. In the case of the weak dibasic acids he anion in combination with gelatin is therefore monovalent and in the case of the strong H2SO4 it is bivalent. Hence it is only the valency and not the nature of the ion in combination with gelatin which affects the degree of swelling. 2. This is corroborated in the experiments with alkalies which show that LiOH, NaOH, KOH, and NH4OH cause the same degree of swelling at the same pH of the gelatin solution and that this swelling is considerably higher than that caused by Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 for the same pH. This agrees with the results of the titration experiments which prove that Ca(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 combine with gelatin in equivalent proportions and that hence the cation in combination with the gelatin salt with these two latter bases is bivalent. 3. The fact that proteins combine with acids and alkalies on the basis of the forces of primary valency is therefore not only in full agreement with the influence of ions on the physical properties of proteins but allows us to predict this influence qualitatively and quantitatively. 4. What has been stated in regard to the influence of ions on the swelling of the different gelatin salts is also true in regard to the influence of ions on the relative solubility of gelatin in alcohol-water mixtures. 5. Conductivity measurements of solutions of gelatin salts do not support the theory that the drop in the curves for swelling, osmotic pressure, or viscosity, which occurs at a pH 3.3 or a little less, is due to a drop in the concentration of ionized protein in the solution; nor do they suggest that the difference between the physical properties of gelatin sulfate and gelatin chloride is due to differences in the degree of ionization of these two salts.  相似文献   

1. Ions with the opposite sign of charge as that of a protein ion diminish the swelling, osmotic pressure, and viscosity of the protein. Ions with the same sign of charge as the protein ion (with the exception of H and OH ions) seem to have no effect on these properties as long as the concentrations of electrolytes used are not too high. 2. The relative depressing effect of different ions on the physical properties of proteins is a function only of the valency and sign of charge of the ion, ions of the same sign of charge and the same valency having practically the same depressing effect on gelatin solutions of the same pH while the depressing effect increases rapidly with an increase in the valency of the ion. 3. The Hofmeister series of ions are the result of an error due to the failure to notice the influence of the addition of a salt upon the hydrogen ion concentration of the protein solution. As a consequence of this failure, effects caused by a variation in the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution were erroneously attributed to differences in the nature of the ions of the salts used. 4. It is not safe to draw conclusions concerning specific effects of ions on the swelling, osmotic pressure, or viscosity of gelatin when the concentration of electrolytes in the solution exceeds M/16, since at that concentration the values of these properties are near the minimum characteristic of the isoelectric point.  相似文献   

It is shown by the older experiments by Loeb and by the experiments reported in this paper that the effect of salts on the membrane potentials, osmotic pressure, swelling of gelatin chloride, and that type of viscosity which is due to the swelling of protein particles, depends only on the valency but not on the chemical nature of the anion of the salt, and that the cation of the salt has no effect on these properties, if the pH of the protein solution or protein gel is not altered by the salt. The so called Hofmeister series of salt effects on these four properties are purely fictitious and due to the failure of the former authors to measure the hydrogen ion concentration of their protein solutions or gels and to compare the effects of salts at the same pH of the protein solution or the protein gel. These results confirm the older experiments of Loeb and together they furnish a further proof for the correctness of the idea that the influence of electrolytes on the four properties of proteins is determined by membrane equilibria. Such properties of proteins which do not depend on membrane equilibria, such as solubility or cohesion, may be affected not only by the valency but also by the chemical nature of the ions of a salt.  相似文献   

1. It seems first of all clear from our results that the effect of electrolytes upon electrophoretic charge is essentially the same, whether one is dealing with silica dust, bacteria, or yeast cells, although certain quantitative differences appear which will later be discussed. 2. The normal negative charge on the suspended particles appears to be slightly increased by very low concentrations of electrolytes, markedly so in the case of yeast cells. Increase in charge due to minimal concentrations of electrolytes has been recorded by Loeb (1922) for collodion particles. 3. Higher concentrations of electrolytes cause a marked and progressive decrease in negative charge, sometimes leading to an isopotential condition and sometimes to a complete reversal of charge with active migration toward the cathode. This effect is apparently due to the cation alone and increases with the valency of the cation, except that the H ion shows specially marked activity, between that of bivalent and trivalent ions. Since NaOH behaves like an ordinary univalent salt, increased alkalinity of a solution does not further depress the charge already depressed by salts; but, since the H ion is much more active than other univalent or bivalent ions, increased acidity does cause a further progressive depression of charge, even in salt solutions. Certain electrolytes appear to show individual peculiarities due to something else than their valency. Thus KCl for example is distinctly more effective than NaCl. Sodium chloride in general appears to exert less influence upon electrophoretic charge, either in low or high dilution, than do other compounds of univalent ions studied. This depressing effect of moderately high concentrations of electrolytes is much less marked with yeast cells than with Bacterium coli. Silica dust is still less affected by monovalent and bivalent ions than are the yeast cells but appears to be more affected than either yeast or Bacterium coli by AlCl3. 4. Very high concentrations of AlCl3 (above 10–2 M) show a third effect, a decrease of the positive charge produced by concentrations of moderate molar strength. This is analogous to phenomena observed for trivalent salts by Northrop and De Kruif (1921–22) and for acid by Winslow, Falk, and Caulfield (1923–24). 5. Organic substances, such as glucose, glycerol, and saponin produce no effect on electrophoretic velocity until they reach a concentration at which viscosity changes are involved. 6. The first two results observed,—(a) the increase in charge as a result of slight additions of electrolytes, and (b) the marked decrease in charge with further concentration of electrolytes, depending on the valency of the cation, so far as vegetable cells are concerned, are entirely in accord with the theory of the Donnan equilibrium as worked out by Loeb (1922). We might assume in explaining such phenomena that the plant cell contains a certain proportion of unbound protein material and that the first modicum of cation which enters the cell is bound by the protein, leading to an increase in the relative negative charge of the cell as compared with its menstruum, while subsequent increments of cation remain unbound in the cell and thus lower its charge. When we find, however, that the same phenomena are apparent with collodion particles, as shown by Loeb, and with silica dust, it seems difficult to apply such a theory, involving the conceptions of a permeable membrane and unbound organic compounds. Loeb (1923–24) suggests that the primary increase may be due to an aggregation of anions in the part of the electrical double layer adjacent to the suspended particles; but why there should be first an aggregation of anions and later (with increasing concentration) an aggregation of cations, is not easy to conceive. The third result,—the reversion to a more negative charge in the presence of a marked excess of trivalent ions,—is again difficult to explain. Loeb, in this connection, postulates the existence of complex ion-protein compounds, which can scarcely be assumed in the case of the silica particles.  相似文献   

The experiments on casein solutions therefore confirm the conclusion at which we arrived from the behavior of gelatin and crystalline egg albumin that the forces determining the combination between proteins and acids or alkalies are the same forces of primary valency which also determine the reaction between acids and alkalies with crystalloids, and that the valency and not the nature of the ion in combination with a protein determines the effect on the physical properties of the protein.  相似文献   

1. It had been shown in previous papers that when a salt solution is separated from pure water by a collodion membrane, water diffuses through the membrane as if it were positively charged and as if it were attracted by the anion of the salt in solution and repelled by the cation with a force increasing with the valency. In this paper, measurements of the P.D. across the membrane (E) are given, showing that when an electrical effect is added to the purely osmotic effect of the salt solution in the transport of water from the side of pure water to the solution, the latter possesses a considerable negative charge which increases with increasing valency of the anion of the salt and diminishes with increasing valency of the cation. It is also shown that a similar valency effect exists in the diffusion potentials between salt solutions and pure water without the interposition of a membrane. 2. This makes it probable that the driving force for the electrical transport of water from the side of pure water into solution is primarily a diffusion potential. 3. It is shown that the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution affects the transport curves and the diffusion potentials in a similar way. 4. It is shown, however, that the diffusion potential without interposition of the membrane differs in a definite sense from the P.D. across the membrane and that therefore the P.D. across the membrane (E) is a modified diffusion potential. 5. Measurements of the P.D. between collodion particles and aqueous solutions (ε) were made by the method of cataphoresis, which prove that water in contact with collodion particles free from protein practically always assumes a positive charge (except in the presence of salts with trivalent and probably tetravalent cations of a sufficiently high concentration). 6. It is shown that an electrical transport of water from the side of water into the solution is always superposed upon the osmotic transport when the sign of charge of the solution in the potential across the membrane (E) is opposite to that of the water in the P.D. between collodion particle and water (ε); supporting the theoretical deductions made by Bartell. 7. It is shown that the product of the P.D. across the membrane (E) into the cataphoretic P.D. between collodion particles and aqueous solution (ε) accounts in general semiquantitatively for that part of the transport of water into the solution which is due to the electrical forces responsible for anomalous osmosis.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that collodion membranes which have received one treatment with a 1 per cent gelatin solution show for a long time (if not permanently) afterwards a different osmotic behavior from collodion membranes not treated with gelatin. This difference shows itself only towards solutions of those electrolytes which have a tendency to induce a negative electrification of the water particles diffusing through the membrane, namely solutions of acids, acid salts, and of salts with trivalent and tetravalent cations; while the osmotic behavior of the two types of membranes towards solutions of salts and alkalies, which induce a positive electrification of the water particles diffusing through the membrane, is the same. 2. When we separate solutions of salts with trivalent cation, e.g. LaCl3 or AlCl3, from pure water by a collodion membrane treated with gelatin, water diffuses rapidly into the solution; while no water diffuses into the solution when the collodion membrane has received no gelatin treatment. 3. When we separate solutions of acid from pure water by a membrane previously treated with gelatin, negative osmosis occurs; i.e., practically no water can diffuse into the solution, while the molecules of solution and some water diffuse out. When we separate solutions of acid from pure water by collodion membranes not treated with gelatin, positive osmosis will occur; i.e., water will diffuse rapidly into the solution and the more rapidly the higher the valency of the anion. 4. These differences occur only in that range of concentrations of electrolytes inside of which the forces determining the rate of diffusion of water through the membrane are predominantly electrical; i.e., in concentrations from 0 to about M/16. For higher concentrations of the same electrolytes, where the forces determining the rate of diffusion are molecular, the osmotic behavior of the two types of membranes is essentially the same. 5. The differences in the osmotic behavior of the two types of membranes are not due to differences in the permeability of the membranes for solutes since it is shown that acids diffuse with the same rate through both kinds of membranes. 6. It is shown that the differences in the osmotic behavior of the two types of collodion membranes towards solutions of acids and of salts with trivalent cation are due to the fact that in the presence of these electrolytes water diffuses in the form of negatively charged particles through the membranes previously treated with gelatin, and in the form of positively charged particles through collodion membranes not treated with gelatin. 7. A treatment of the collodion membranes with casein, egg albumin, blood albumin, or edestin affects the behavior of the membrane towards salts with trivalent or tetravalent cations and towards acids in the same way as does a treatment with gelatin; while a treatment of the membranes with peptone prepared from egg albumin, with alanine, or with starch has no such effect.  相似文献   

1. Amphoteric electrolytes form salts with both acids and alkalies. It is shown for two amphoteric electrolytes, Al(OH)3 and gelatin, that in the presence of an acid salt water diffuses through a collodion membrane into a solution of these substances as if its particles were negatively charged, while water diffuses into solutions of these electrolytes, when they exist as monovalent or bivalent metal salts, as if the particles of water were positively charged. The turning point for the sign of the electrification of water seems to be near or to coincide with the isoelectric point of these two ampholytes which is a hydrogen ion concentration of about 2 x 10–5 N for gelatin and about 10–7 for Al(OH)3. 2. In conformity with the rules given in a preceding paper the apparently positively charged water diffuses with less rapidity through a collodion membrane into a solution of Ca and Ba gelatinate than into a solution of Li, Na, K, or NH4 gelatinate of the same concentration of gelatin and of hydrogen ions. Apparently negatively charged water diffuses also with less rapidity through a collodion membrane into a solution of gelatin sulfate than into a solution of gelatin chloride or nitrate of the same concentration of gelatin and of hydrogen ions. 3. If we define osmotic pressure as that additional pressure upon the solution required to cause as many molecules of water to diffuse from solution to the pure water as diffuse simultaneously in the opposite direction through the membrane, it follows that the osmotic pressure cannot depend only on the concentration of the solute but must depend also on the electrostatic effects of the ions present and that the influence of ions on the osmotic pressure must be the same as that on the initial velocity of diffusion. This assumption was put to a test in experiments with gelatin salts for which a collodion membrane is strictly semipermeable and the tests confirmed the expectation.  相似文献   

1. It had been shown in previous publications that the osmotic pressure of a 1 per cent solution of a protein-acid salt varies in a characteristic way with the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution, the osmotic pressure having a minimum at the isoelectric point, rising steeply with a decrease in pH until a maximum is reached at pH of 3.4 or 3.5 (in the case of gelatin and crystalline egg albumin), this maximum being followed by a steep drop in the osmotic pressure with a further decrease in the pH of the gelatin or albumin solution. In this paper it is shown that (aside from two minor discrepancies) we can calculate this effect of the pH on the osmotic pressure of a protein-acid salt by assuming that the pH effect is due to that unequal distribution of crystalloidal ions (in particular free acid) on both sides of the membrane which Donnan''s theory of membrane equilibrium demands. 2. It had been shown in preceding papers that only the valency but not the nature of the ion (aside from its valency) with which a protein is in combination has any effect upon the osmotic pressure of the solution of the protein; and that the osmotic pressure of a gelatin-acid salt with a monovalent anion (e.g. Cl, NO3, acetate, H2PO4, HC2O4, etc.) is about twice or perhaps a trifle more than twice as high as the osmotic pressure of gelatin sulfate where the anion is bivalent; assuming that the pH and gelatin concentrations of all the solutions are the same. It is shown in this paper that we can calculate with a fair degree of accuracy this valency effect on the assumption that it is due to the influence of the valency of the anion of a gelatin-acid salt on that relative distribution of the free acid on both sides of the membrane which Donnan''s theory of membrane equilibrium demands. 3. The curves of the observed values of the osmotic pressure show two constant minor deviations from the curves of the calculated osmotic pressure. One of these deviations consists in the fact that the values of the ascending branch of the calculated curves are lower than the corresponding values in the curves for the observed osmotic pressure, and the other deviation consists in the fact that the drop in the curves of calculated values occurs at a lower pH than the drop in the curves of the observed values.  相似文献   

We report the use of anionic (I(-)), cationic (Ba(2+), Cd(2+)) and ionic mixtures (I(-) plus Ba(2+)) for derivatizing liver fatty acid binding protein (LFABP) crystals. Use of cationic and anionic salts in phasing experiments revealed distinct non-overlapping sites for these ions, suggesting exclusive binding regions on LFABP. Interestingly, cations of identical charge and valency (like Ba(2+) and Cd(2+)) bound to distinct pockets on the protein surface. Furthermore, a mixture of salts containing both I(-) and Ba(2+) was very useful in phasing experiments as these oppositely charged ions bound to different regions of LFABP. Our data therefore suggest that cationic and anionic salt mixtures like BaCl(2) with NH(4)I or salts like CdI, BaI where each ion has a significant anomalous signal for a given X-ray wavelength may be valuable reagents for phasing during structure determination.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of dextran and of poly(ethylene glycol) when mixed give rise to two-phase systems useful in separating cells, on the basis of their surface properties, by partitioning. Depending on whether salts with unequal or equal affinity for the two phases are chosen, phases with or without an electrostatic potential difference between the phases are obtained. At appropriate polymer concentrations the former yield cell partition coefficients (i.e., the quantity of cells in the top phase as a percentage of total cells added) based on charge-associated surface properties while the latter reflect membrane lipid-related parameters. With increasing cell age, rat erythrocytes have diminishing partition coefficients in both charged and uncharged phases. Using the elevated aspartate aminotransferase levels of younger red cells as a marker, we have now found that young mature erythrocytes of human do not have the highest partition coefficient in the red cell population as they do in rat. Experiments with isotopically labeled dog red cells yield results similar to those found with human erythrocytes. Furthermore, density-separated young and old red cells from human give overlapping countercurrent distribution curves. Finally, counter-current distribution of human red blood cells followed by pooling of cells from the left and right ends of the distribution and subjection of these cells to a redistribution gives curves that overlap with each other and with the original countercurrent distribution. This indicates that not only are human red cells not subfractionated based on possible age-related surface alterations, but also that they are not subfractionated by partitioning based on any surface parameter.These results are consistent with our previous findings that membrane sialic acid/hemoglobin absorbance is essentially constant through the extraction train after countercurrent distribution of human erythrocytes in a charged phase system; and with the recent reports of others that there is no difference in electrophoretic mobility between human young and old red cells.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of dextran and of poly(ethylene glycol) when mixed give rise to two-phase systems useful in separating cells, on the basis of their surface properties, by partitioning. Depending on whether salts with unequal or equal affinity for the two phases are chosen, phases with or without an electrostatic potential difference between the phases are obtained. At appropriate polymer concentrations the former yield cell partition coefficients (i.e., the quantity of cells in the top phase as a percentage of total cells added) based on charge-associated surface properties while the latter reflect membrane lipid-related parameters. With increasing cell age, rat erythrocytes have diminishing partition coefficients in both charged and uncharged phases. Using the elevated aspartate aminotransferase levels of younger red cells as a marker, we have not found that young mature erythrocytes of human do not have the highest partition coefficient in the red cell population as they do in rat. Experiments with isotopically labeled dog red cells yield results similar to those found with human erythrocytes. Furthermore, density-separated young and old red cells from human give overlapping countercurrent distribution curves. Finally, countercurrent distribution of human red blood cells followed by pooling of cells from the left and right ends of the distribution and subjection of these cells to a redistribution gives curves that overlap with each other and with the original countercurrent distribution. This indicates that not only are human red cells not subfractionated based on possible age-related surface alterations, but also that they are not subfractionated by partitioning based on any surface parameter. These results are consistent with our previous findings that membrane sialic acid/hemoglobin absorbance is essentially constant through the extraction train after countercurrent distribution of human erythrocytes in a charged phase system; and with the recent reports of others that there is no difference in electrophoretic mobility between human young and old red cells.  相似文献   

The effect of salt concentration and valency on intermolecular structure and solvation thermodynamic properties of aqueous solution containing polyacrylicacid (PAA) chains and multi-valent salts calcium chloride (CaCl2) and aluminium chloride (AlCl3) as a function of charge density was investigated using atomistic molecular dynamic simulations with explicit solvent. Salt-free solution favours the self-association of uncharged (acidic form) PAA chains facilitated by inter-chain hydrogen bonds. The ionised (charged) PAA chains are not associated in salt-free aqueous solutions and undergo self-association in the salt solutions due to bridging effect induced by condensed salt ions in agreement with scattering investigations available in literature. The collapse behaviour of PAA in presence of CaCl2 and re-expansion behaviour of PAA chains in case of AlCl3 salt solutions are observed. The rigidity of PAA chains decrease with increase in salt concentration, in agreement with experimental results available in literature. The trivalent salt favours relatively the greater extent of shrinking of PAA chains as well as inter-chain interactions as compared to divalent salts as evident from radius-of-gyration, H-bond and pair-wise solvation enthalpy data. The conformation and hydration behaviour of the acid form of PAA chains are not significantly altered by added salt ions. The hydration behaviour of ionised PAA chains is significantly reduced by added salts due to screening effect of the condensed salt ions. The pair correlation functions of solutions species such as Ca2+, Al3+, Na+ and Cl? with respect to PAA oxygen show the greater affinity of PAA units with the higher valency Al3+ ions over Ca2+ and Na+ in solution. With increase in concentration of AlCl3 and CaCl2 salts, a decrease in effective charge density of ionised PAA chains is observed from the existence of unfavourable PAA–water, PAA–Ca2+ and PAA–Al3+ interactions.  相似文献   

1. We have confirmed the results of earlier workers particularly of Northrop and De Kruif in regard to the following points: (a) the general tendency of the bacterial cell when suspended in distilled water near the zone of neutrality to move toward the anode of an electrical field; (b) the fact that the migration of bacterial cells in the electrical field is a function of the reaction of the menstruum. The curve obtained by plotting velocity of migration against pH passes through an isoelectric point at about pH 3.0, at greater acidity the direction of migration becomes reversed (toward the cathode) and in still more acid solution (pH = 1.0) again disappears; while at reactions less acid than pH 3.0 the velocity is toward the anode and increases with increasing alkalinity; (c) the fact that neutral salts depress the velocity of migration, calcium salts being much more effective than sodium salts of the same concentration. 2. We further find: (a) that on the extreme alkaline side of the curve of velocity of migration plotted against pH a maximum value is reached at about pH 10 with a fall at about pH 12.0 which in many experiments reaches an isopotential point; (b) that the depressing effect of salts is accompanied by a general shifting of the curve of migration velocity so that a maximum velocity (of course absolutely less than that manifest in the absence of salts) appears at about pH 7.0 and an abolition of velocity at pH 9.0 to 10.0; (c) that an apparent "antagonistic" effect is indicated between CaCl2 and NaCl, the presence of a certain concentration of the latter salt diminishing to a slight but definite degree the depressing effect produced by the former; (d) that heat-killed bacterial cells exhibit essentially the same curve of migration velocity as that of the living cells; (e) that bacterial spores exhibit the same general curve of migration velocity as vegetative cells, although the actual velocity is apparently slightly less. 3. All of the observed phenomena appear to be in accord with the assumption that marked differences in dielectric constants did not appear under the conditions studied and if this assumption be granted the results are in accord with the fundamental postulates of the Donnan equilibrium as applied to the explanation of the origin of potential difference between a bacterial cell and its enveloping menstruum. It is possible but not at all certain that the phenomenon of antagonism may require the introduction of additional assumptions for its explanation. Professor Donnan and other investigators have clearly understood the importance of applying the concept of membrane equilibria in the elucidation of physiological phenomena. Our findings add to the numerous vindications favoring this view and emphasize the importance of further study of membrane equilibria in bacterial suspensions. We have pointed out that certain potential differences between bacteria and their menstrua are apparently associated with some of the phenomena of viability. Viability and potential differences may, however, under certain conditions vary quite independently as evidenced by the fact that normal rates of migration are demonstrable after the cells have been killed by heat. Thus, considerable caution must be exercised in relating the existence of these charges to the metabolism of the cell.  相似文献   

The isoelectric point of normal red cells cannot be measured but is certainly lower than that of any plasma protein. Red cells are easily damaged so that they will adsorb proteins from low concentrations. Normal red cells do not adsorb protein even from concentrated solutions, as is evidenced by the finding that the ratio of the mobility of the cells to that of the proteins themselves is at least as high in concentrated casein, albumin, gelatin, or fibrinogen solutions as in dilute. The finding that the observed mobility of red cells is unchanged or only slightly decreased when bulk viscosity is increased by added protein is interpreted as indicating that the red cell surfaces are hydrated. The aggregating effect of certain proteins has been determined and is assumed to be due to their dehydrating effect on the cells. Some types of cells, as beef, are not aggregated, presumably because they are resistant to this dehydrating effect. The difference in the behavior of different types of red cells demonstrates the importance of the nature of the cell as well as of the medium in determining the rate of aggregation and therefore of sedimentation.  相似文献   

1. It may be shown by means of cells of the flowers of a hybrid Rhododendron which contain a natural indicator, by means of starfish eggs stained with neutral red, and by means of an "artificial cell" in which living frog''s skin is employed that increased intracellular alkalinity may be brought about by solutions of a decidedly acid reaction which contain ammonium salts. 2. These results are analogous to those previously obtained with the CO2-bicarbonate system, and depend on the facts: (a) that NH4OH is sufficiently weak as a base to permit a certain degree of hydrolysis of its salts; and (b) that living cells are freely permeable to NH4OH (or NH3?) and not to mineral and many organic acids, and presumably not at least to the same extent to ammonium salts as such.  相似文献   

The presence of ubiquinol:cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase was shown in the membranes from a photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Some properties of the enzyme in situ were investigated. The optimal pH of this enzyme activity was 7.0 in the intact membranes. The activity was inhibited by both antimycin and myxothiazol. Maximal activity (Vmax) was 3-4 mol cytochrome c (c2) reduced/mol cytochrome c1.s. Apparent activity of the enzyme with horse heart cytochrome c as the electron acceptor decreased as the concentration of salts in the reaction mixture increased, whereas when R. palustris cytochrome c2 was used as the electron acceptor, the activity increased as the concentration of salts increased. Moreover, the activity of the enzyme did not depend on the species or concentration of anions but on both the concentration and valency of the cations of the salts. These salt effects were thought to be due to the change of effective concentration of cytochrome molecules caused by cations near the membrane surface, which was net negatively charged. Apparent Km for ubiquinol-1 was about 80 microM irrespective of the species of cytochrome and the presence of salts.  相似文献   

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