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Destruction of articular cartilage is a characteristic feature of osteoarthritis (OA). Collagen hydrolysates are mixtures of collagen peptides and have gained huge public attention as nutriceuticals used for prophylaxis of OA. Here, we evaluated for the first time whether different bovine collagen hydrolysate preparations indeed modulate the metabolism of collagen and proteoglycans from human OA cartilage explants and determined the chemical composition of oligopeptides representing collagen fragments. Using biophysical techniques, like MALDI-TOF-MS, AFM, and NMR, the molecular weight distribution and aggregation behavior of collagen hydrolysates from bovine origin (CH-Alpha®, Peptan™ B 5000, Peptan™ B 2000) were determined. To investigate the metabolism of human femoral OA cartilage, explants were obtained during knee replacement surgery. Collagen synthesis of explants as modulated by 0–10 mg/ml collagen hydrolysates was determined using a novel dual radiolabeling procedure. Proteoglycans, NO, PGE2, MMP-1, -3, -13, TIMP-1, collagen type II, and cell viability were determined in explant cultures. Groups of data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Friedman test (n = 5–12). The significance was set to p≤0.05. We found that collagen hydrolysates obtained from different sources varied with respect to the width of molecular weight distribution, average molecular weight, and aggregation behavior. None of the collagen hydrolysates tested stimulated the biosynthesis of collagen. Peptan™ B 5000 elevated NO and PGE2 levels significantly but had no effect on collagen or proteoglycan loss. All collagen hydrolysates tested proved not to be cytotoxic. Together, our data demonstrate for the first time that various collagen hydrolysates differ with respect to their chemical composition of collagen fragments as well as by their pharmacological efficacy on human chondrocytes. Our study underscores the importance that each collagen hydrolysate preparation should first demonstrate its pharmacological potential both in vitro and in vivo before being used for both regenerative medicine and prophylaxis of OA.  相似文献   

软骨X型胶原是由软骨肥大区细胞特异表达合成的非微纤维形成性胶原,在软骨内骨化过程中发挥着重要的作用,可能与基质降解、钙化、血管侵入有关,文章就其分子特点、基因结构、功能及其与疾病的关系进行综述.  相似文献   

本文利用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法,定量研究了体外培养的软骨细胞和软骨组织基质中Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的含量。结果表明氧自由基(·O-2和·OH)和具有自由基性质的物质(黄腐酸,镰刀菌毒素)可使软骨细胞合成,分泌异常的非Ⅱ型的胶原蛋白,同时,硒化合物可明显地抑制此种效应。  相似文献   

The collagen framework of hyaline cartilages, including articular cartilage, consists largely of type II collagen that matures from a cross-linked heteropolymeric fibril template of types II, IX, and XI collagens. In the articular cartilages of adult joints, type III collagen makes an appearance in varying amounts superimposed on the original collagen fibril network. In a study to understand better the structural role of type III collagen in cartilage, we find that type III collagen molecules with unprocessed N-propeptides are present in the extracellular matrix of adult human and bovine articular cartilages as covalently cross-linked polymers extensively cross-linked to type II collagen. Cross-link analyses revealed that telopeptides from both N and C termini of type III collagen were linked in the tissue to helical cross-linking sites in type II collagen. Reciprocally, telopeptides from type II collagen were recovered cross-linked to helical sites in type III collagen. Cross-linked peptides were also identified in which a trifunctional pyridinoline linked both an α1(II) and an α1(III) telopeptide to the α1(III) helix. This can only have arisen from a cross-link between three different collagen molecules, types II and III in register staggered by 4D from another type III molecule. Type III collagen is known to be prominent at sites of healing and repair in skin and other tissues. The present findings emphasize the role of type III collagen, which is synthesized in mature articular cartilage, as a covalent modifier that may add cohesion to a weakened, existing collagen type II fibril network as part of a chondrocyte healing response to matrix damage.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen is covalently bound to the surface of type II collagen fibrils within the cartilage extracellular matrix. The N-terminal, globular noncollagenous domain (NC4) of the α1(IX) chain protrudes away from the surface of the fibrils into the surrounding matrix and is available for molecular interactions. To define these interactions, we used the NC4 domain in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human chondrocyte cDNA library. 73% of the interacting clones encoded fibronectin. The interaction was confirmed using in vitro immunoprecipitation and was further characterized by surface plasmon resonance. Using whole and pepsin-derived preparations of type IX collagen, the interaction was shown to be specific for the NC4 domain with no interaction with the triple helical collagenous domains. The interaction was shown to be of high affinity with nanomolar Kd values. Analysis of the fibronectin-interacting clones indicates that the constant domain is the likely site of interaction. Type IX collagen and fibronectin were shown to co-localize in cartilage. This novel interaction between the NC4 domain of type IX collagen and fibronectin may represent an in vivo interaction in cartilage that could contribute to the matrix integrity of the tissue.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage λ begins its infection cycle by ejecting its DNA into its host Escherichia coli cell, after which either a lytic or a lysogenic pathway is followed, resulting in different cell fates. In this study, using a new technique to monitor the spatiotemporal dynamics of the phage DNA in vivo, we found that the phage DNA moves via two distinct modes, localized motion and motion spanning the whole cell. One or the other motion is preferred, depending on where the phage DNA is ejected into the cell. By examining the phage DNA trajectories, we found the motion to be subdiffusive. Moreover, phage DNA motion is the same in the early phase of the infection cycle, irrespective of whether the lytic or lysogenic pathway is followed; hence, cell-fate decision-making appears not to be correlated with the phage DNA motion. However, after the cell commits to one pathway or the other, phage DNA movement slows during the late phase of the lytic cycle, whereas it remains the same during the entire lysogenic cycle. Throughout the infection cycle, phage DNA prefers the regions around the quarter positions of the cell.  相似文献   

There are conflicting views on whether collagen X is a purely structural molecule, or regulates bone mineralization during endochondral ossification. Mutations in the human collagen α1(X) gene (COL10A1) in Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (SMCD) suggest a supportive role. But mouse collagen α1(X) gene (Col10a1) null mutants were previously reported to show no obvious phenotypic change. We have generated collagen X deficient mice, which shows that deficiency does have phenotypic consequences which partly resemble SMCD, such as abnormal trabecular bone architecture. In particular, the mutant mice develop coxa vara, a phenotypic change common in human SMCD. Other consequences of the mutation are reduction in thickness of growth plate resting zone and articular cartilage, altered bone content, and atypical distribution of matrix components within growth plate cartilage. We propose that collagen X plays a role in the normal distribution of matrix vesicles and proteoglycans within the growth plate matrix. Collagen X deficiency impacts on the supporting properties of the growth plate and the mineralization process, resulting in abnormal trabecular bone. This hypothesis would accommodate the previously conflicting views of the function of collagen X and of the molecular pathogenesis of SMCD.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxyproline (3-Hyp), which is unique to collagen, is a fairly rare post-translational modification. Recent studies have suggested a function of prolyl 3-hydroxylation in fibril assembly and its relationships with certain disorders, including recessive osteogenesis imperfecta and high myopia. However, no direct evidence for the physiological and pathological roles of 3-Hyp has been presented. In this study, we first estimated the overall alterations in prolyl hydroxylation in collagens purified from skin, bone, and tail tendon of 0.5–18-month-old rats by LC-MS analysis with stable isotope-labeled collagen, which was recently developed as an internal standard for highly accurate collagen analyses. 3-Hyp was found to significantly increase in tendon collagen until 3 months after birth and then remain constant, whereas increased prolyl 3-hydroxylation was not observed in skin and bone collagen. Site-specific analysis further revealed that 3-Hyp was increased in tendon type I collagen in a specific sequence region, including a previously known modification site at Pro707 and newly identified sites at Pro716 and Pro719, at the early ages. The site-specific alterations in prolyl 3-hydroxylation with aging were also observed in bovine Achilles tendon. We postulate that significant increases in 3-Hyp at the consecutive modification sites are correlated with tissue development in tendon. The present findings suggest that prolyl 3-hydroxylation incrementally regulates collagen fibril diameter in tendon.  相似文献   

以30—90妇体重莱芜猪和40—100kg体重鲁莱黑猪共84头去势公猪为试验对象(每组6头),采用相对定量RT-PCR方法,以β-actin作为内标,研究肌肉中编码Ⅲ型胶原的Col3al基因表达的发育性变化及其对肌肉中胶原蛋白含量和性质(溶解度)的影响。结果表明:研究的两个品种猪肌肉中Col3al基因表达的发育性变化基本一致,即随体重的增加,肌肉中Col3al mRNA表达呈逐渐增加趋势,但莱芜猪和鲁莱黑猪分别在70妇和80妇体重组表达量略有下降。总体上莱芜猪肌肉组织Col3al mRNA表达丰度显著高于鲁莱黑猪(P〈0.05)。相关分析表明,莱芜猪肌肉组织Col3al mRNA表达的发育性变化与总胶原和不溶性胶原含量呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01),与胶原溶解度呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01)。鲁莱黑猪肌肉组织Col3al mRNA表达的发育性变化与不溶性胶原和胶原溶解度分别呈显著正相关和负相关妒〈0.05)。研究结果提示:猪肌肉组织中Col3al基因表达具有明显的体重发育和品种特征,其mRNA表达对于肌内胶原的含量和性质有重要影响。  相似文献   

Cartilage matrix mechanical function is largely determined by interactions between the collagen fibrillar network and the proteoglycan gel. Although the molecular physics of these matrix constituents have been characterized and modern imaging methods are capable of localized measurement of molecular densities and orientation distributions, theoretical tools for using this information for prediction of cartilage mechanical behavior are lacking. We introduce a means to model collagen network contributions to cartilage mechanics based upon accessible microstructural information (fibril density and orientation distributions) and which self-consistently follows changes in microstructural geometry with matrix deformations. The interplay between the molecular physics of the collagen network and the proteoglycan gel is scaled up to determine matrix material properties, with features such as collagen fibril pre-stress in free-swelling cartilage emerging naturally and without introduction of ad hoc parameters. Methods are developed for theoretical treatment of the collagen network as a continuum-like distribution of fibrils, such that mechanical analysis of the network may be simplified by consideration of the spherical harmonic components of functions of the fibril orientation, strain, and stress distributions. Expressions for the collagen network contributions to matrix stress and stiffness tensors are derived, illustrating that only spherical harmonic components of orders 0 and 2 contribute to the stress, while orders 0, 2, and 4 contribute to the stiffness. Depth- and compression-dependent equilibrium mechanical properties of cartilage matrix are modeled, and advantages of the approach are illustrated by exploration of orientation and strain distributions of collagen fibrils in compressed cartilage. Results highlight collagen-proteoglycan interactions, especially for very small physiological strains where experimental data are relatively sparse. These methods for determining matrix mechanical properties from measurable quantities at the microscale (composition, structure, and molecular physics) may be useful for investigating cartilage structure-function relationships relevant to load-bearing, injury, and repair.  相似文献   

以30~90kg体重莱芜猪和40~100kg体重鲁莱黒猪共84头去势公猪为试验对象(每组6头),采用相对定量RT-PCR方法,以β-actin作为内标,研究肌肉中编码Ⅲ型胶原的Col3a1基因表达的发育性变化及其对肌肉中胶原蛋白含量和性质(溶解度)的影响。结果表明:研究的两个品种猪肌肉中Col3a1基因表达的发育性变化基本一致,即随体重的增加,肌肉中Col3a1 mRNA表达呈逐渐增加趋势,但莱芜猪和鲁莱黑猪分别在70kg和80kg体重组表达量略有下降。总体上莱芜猪肌肉组织Col3a1 mRNA表达丰度显著高于鲁莱黑猪(P<0.05)。相关分析表明,莱芜猪肌肉组织Col3a1 mRNA表达的发育性变化与总胶原和不溶性胶原含量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与胶原溶解度呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。鲁莱黑猪肌肉组织Col3a1 mRNA表达的发育性变化与不溶性胶原和胶原溶解度分别呈显著正相关和负相关(P<0.05)。研究结果提示:猪肌肉组织中Col3a1基因表达具有明显的体重发育和品种特征,其mRNA表达对于肌内胶原的含量和性质有重要影响。  相似文献   

Yao  Baojin  Zhou  Zhenwei  Zhang  Mei  Leng  Xiangyang  Zhao  Daqing 《Biochemical genetics》2022,60(2):676-706
Biochemical Genetics - Cartilage is a resilient and smooth connective tissue that is found throughout the body. Among the three major types of cartilage, namely hyaline cartilage, elastic...  相似文献   

真核生物基因组中广泛存在U-Box基因,其编码蛋白大部分是泛素系统中决定底物特异性识别的E3蛋白,其构象与RING-finger极其相似.U-Box蛋白质能促进底物蛋白泛素化降解,对细胞内异常蛋白的降解及质量控制方面发挥着重要的作用.水稻基因组中有77个U-Box蛋白质,系统了解它们的表达可为功能研究提供数据.制备针对水稻U-Box蛋白质的抗体,了解水稻中U-Box蛋白质在不同发育时期的表达信息,为功能研究积累数据.选取了4个水稻U-Box蛋白质,其共同结构特点为U-Box结构在N端,C端有ARM结构.用计算机软件预测抗原决定簇,细菌体系体外表达、纯化U-Box蛋白质的片段,免疫动物制备多克隆抗体,用Western blotting检测U-Box蛋白质在水稻品种93-11苗期地上部和地下部、分蘖期根和茎、孕穗期剑叶和幼穗、开花期剑叶和穗子、成熟期剑叶和种子中的表达,并与EST数据库中公布的U-Box蛋白质EST数据进行了比较分析.体外克隆表达后,获得了纯化的蛋白质,制备的抗体特异性强,蛋白质印迹(Western blotting)检测可见一条明显的主带,其中Os06g01304和Os12g38210两个蛋白质的表观分子质量与预测分子质量相符,Os01g66130和Os08g01900两个蛋白质的表观分子质量低于预测分子质量.4个U-Box蛋白质在水稻生长发育的不同时期或部位基本上是组成型表达,且表达量接近.对NCBI上公布的来自274个文库100万条以上的EST进行分析,可以看出4个U-Box蛋白质EST的数量分布大致均匀,与Western blotting结果揭示的组成型表达平行,与ATPase、HSP81-3、EGF-1 alpha和RuBisCo等对照基因相比,U-Box基因的EST数目相对很少,说明它们属于低丰度转录的基因.选取了4个水稻U-Box蛋白质,通过抗原决定簇预测,表达片段蛋白,制备了特异性抗体,证明了这一技术路线的可行性.利用抗体对水稻不同发育时期材料进行蛋白质表达谱研究,发现这些U-Box蛋白质呈组成型表达,与EST数据揭示的结果具有平行性.所制备的抗体也为相关功能研究,如免疫共沉淀、ChIP-on-chip、Pull-down以及在抗病、抗逆反应中U-Box蛋白质的表达等,积累了 资源.  相似文献   

电压-门控Na+通道由1个可单独发挥作用的α亚单位和2~4个起辅助作用的β亚单位构成,在可兴奋细胞动作电位的产生及传导等过程中起重要作用.采用RT-PCR法对5个不同发育阶段(P1、P9、P40、P80、P120)Wistar大鼠16种不同组织的9种Na+通道α亚单位及1种β亚单位的mRNA进行检测发现:同种类型Na+通道mRNA在大鼠不同组织中的表达不同,不同类型Na+通道mRNA在大鼠同一组织中的表达不同.其中,神经系统和心肌组织中Na+通道mRNA的表达最高,随着日龄的增加,Na+通道mRNA在不同组织中表达的变化趋势不同.Na+通道在全身组织中的广泛分布及随发育周期的不同变化趋势,为离子通道病的研究及治疗提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

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