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In this article we report the production of human proinsulin C-peptide with 31 amino acid residues from a precursor overexpressed in Pichia pastoris. A C-peptide precursor expression plasmid containing nine C-peptide genes in tandem was constructed and used to transform P. pastoris. Transformants with a high copy number of the C-peptide precursor gene integrated into the chromosome of P. pastoris were selected. In high-density fermentation in a 300 liter fermentor using a simple culture medium composed mainly of salt and methanol, the C-peptide precursor was overexpressed to a level of 2.28 g per liter. A simple procedure was established to purify the expression product from the culture medium. The purified C-peptide precursor was converted into C-peptide by trypsin and carboxypeptidase B joint digestion. The yield of C-peptide with a purity of 96% was 730 mg per liter of culture. The purified C-peptide was characterized by mass spectrometry, N- and C-terminal amino acid sequencing, and sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Key words proinsulin; C-peptide; Pichia pastoris  相似文献   

A liver metastasis (MSL) with a remarkable in vitro proliferation potential has been identified in an NEDH rat carrying a transplantable x-ray-induced islet cell tumor. Two insulin-secreting cell lines, MSL-G and MSL-H, with doubling times of 3-5 d were established by repeated limiting dilution cloning. In vivo inoculation of MSL-G cells induced severe hypoglycemia caused by a small but highly heterogeneous tumor as revealed by immunocytochemistry. Whereas most cells stained for the islet hormones, insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, clustered cells were discovered to contain cholecystokinin (CCK). Additional in vitro-limiting dilution cloning, followed by immunocytochemical characterization, clearly demonstrated the capacity of single cell clones to simultaneously express the same four hormones. Radioimmunoassays with a panel of site-specific antisera of culture supernatants and purified cell extracts showed the MSL-G2 cells to produce, store, and secrete readily detectable amounts of processed and unprocessed CCK. Gastrin was not detected while coexpression of glucagon and CCK were demonstrated. Mutant clones selected for resistance to 6-thioguanine (frequency, 2 X 10(-7] and checked for HAT (hypoxanthine, aminopterin, thymidine) sensitivity retained the capacity for multi-hormone expression. We propose that the MSL tumor contains pluripotent endocrine stem cells. The MSL tumor and the MSL-G2 cells in particular will allow studies of not only CCK biosynthesis and processing but also of mechanisms involved in tumor and islet cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Proinsulin C-peptide was electroimmobilized to a quartz crystal microbalance sensor chip, localizing this low-pI peptide for covalent attachment to activated surface carboxyl groups. The resulting chip was used in a continuous flow biosensor to capture anti-C-peptide antibodies, which could subsequently be eluted in 5% formic acid between air bubbles for efficient recovery and mass spectrometric identification. The method is reproducible through repeated cycles, providing affinity purification of proteins under real-time monitoring of the binding and elution processes.  相似文献   

Heterologous genes encoding proproteins, including proinsulin, generally produce mature protein when expressed in endocrine cells while unprocessed or partially processed protein is produced in non-endocrine cells. Proproteins, which are normally processed in the regulated pathway restricted to endocrine cells, do not always contain the recognition sequence for cleavage by furin, the endoprotease specific to the constitutive pathway, the principal protein processing pathway in non-endocrine cells. Human proinsulin consists of B-Chain — C-peptide — A-Chain and cleavage at the B/C and C/A junctions is required for processing. The B/C, but not the C/A junction, is recognised and cleaved in the constitutive pathway. We expressed a human proinsulin and a mutated proinsulin gene with an engineered furin recognition sequence at the C/A junction and compared the processing efficiency of the mutant and native proinsulin in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. The processing efficiency of the mutant proinsulin was 56% relative to 0.7% for native proinsulin. However, despite similar levels of mRNA being expressed in both cell lines, the absolute levels of immunoreactive insulin, normalized against mRNA levels, were 18-fold lower in the mutant proinsulin-expressing cells. As a result, there was only a marginal increase in absolute levels of insulin produced by these cells. This unexpected finding may result from preferential degradation of insulin in non-endocrine cells which lack the protection offered by the secretory granules found in endocrine cells.  相似文献   

The neuromodulator adenosine is acting through specific receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase via G-proteins. The expression of both adenosine receptors A1 and A2 as well as forkolin binding sites was investigated by radioligand binding techniques in 8-day-old neurons isolated from fetal rat forebrain and cultured in chemically-defined medium. Adenosine A1 receptors were specifically labeled with [3H]chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), whereas [3H]CGS 21680 was used for the analysis of A2 receptors. Cultured neurons exhibited high affinity binding sites for CCPA (Bmax=160 fmol/mg protein; Kd=2.9 nM), and for CGS 21680 (Bmax=14 fmol/mg protein; Kd=1.7 nM). These data correlate well with those obtained in crude membranes isolated from the newborn rat forebrain. The incubation of culture membranes in the additional presence of guanylyl-5-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p, a GTP analogue) led to significantly increased Kd-values, suggesting the association of adenosine receptors with G-proteins. Finally, cultured neurons also bound specifically [3H]forskolin with characteristics close to those found in the newborn brain, indicating that cultured neurons appear as an appropriate model for studying the neuromodulatory properties of adenosine.  相似文献   

Summary We have described the protocols and characterization of a pituicyte culture, which became established as a reliable and reproducible bioassay for the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). The bioassay was used to measure the bioactivity of factors that inhibit and stimulate gonadotrophin secretion. The protocol that was used involved the culling of female Wistar rats (200 to 250 g weight), at random stages of their cycle, and dispersal of their pituicytes in a concentration of 0.4 × 106 cells · ml−1 · well−1 in serum-free medium (Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium/Ham’s F12 mixture, supplemented with insulin and transferrin) in Falcon 3047 24-well culture plates. After 24 h of pre-culture, the medium was changed and the cells cultured for a further 48 h. The supernatant was removed and assayed for basal secretion of FSH and LH. The cells were then stimulated with 10−8 M GnRH for 4 h and the supernatant assayed for gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated FSH and LH secretion. All samples were assayed as pairs of duplicates (i.e. quadruplicate samples) which were randomly added to the plates to minimize plate effects. Random number tables were used to achieve this randomization.  相似文献   

In order to further analyze the development of glutamatergic pathways in neuronal cells, the expression of excitatory amino acid receptors was studied in a model of neurons in primary culture by measuring the specific binding of L-[3H]glutamate under various incubation conditions in 8-day-old intact living neurons isolated from the embryonic rat forebrain, as well as in membrane preparations from these cultures and from newborn rat forebrain. In addition, the receptor responsiveness to glutamate was assessed by studying the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) which reflects membrane polarization. In the presence of a potent inhibitor of glutamate uptake, the radioligand bound to a total number of sites of 36.7 pmol/mg protein in intact cells incubated in a Tris buffer containing Na+, Ca2+, and Cl, with a Kd around 2 M. In the absence of the above ions, [3H]glutamate specific binding diminished to 14.2 pmol/mg protein with a Kd-value of 550 nM. Under both of the above conditions, similar Kd were obtained in membranes isolated from cultures and from the newborn brain. However, Bmax-values were significantly lower in culture membranes than in intact cells or newborn membranes. Displacement studies showed that NMDA was the most potent compound to inhibit [3H]glutamate binding in membranes obtained from cultured neurons as well as from the newborn brain, whereas quisqualate, AMPA, kainate andtrans-ACPD were equally effective. According to these data and to the ionic dependence of glutamate binding, it was concluded that cultured neurons from the rat embryo forebrain express various glutamate receptor subtypes, mainly L-AP4 and NMDA receptors, with characteristics close to those in the newborn brain, and which display functional properties since a transient cell exposure to glutamate led to a 70% inhibition of [3H]TPP+ uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract The relationship between the cytotoxic effect and binding to different cell lines of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin was investigated. The enterotoxin released 51Cr from Vero and MDCK cells labeled with Na2-51CrO4. The effect varied depending upon the dose of enterotoxin and the duration and temperature of the interaction. The enterotoxin gave no effect on FL, KB, or L-929 cells. [125I]Enterotoxin bound specifically to Vero and MDCK cells via a binding site of distinct nature, but not to FL, KB, or L-929 cells. The number of the binding sites located on one MDCK cell (1.98 × 106 sites/cell) was three times that on one Vero cell (5.64 × 105 sites/cell), although the binding affinity of MDCK cell ( K a/ 3.76 × 107 M−1) was 0.1 that of Vero cells ( K a/ 3.23 × 108 M−1). Binding of the enterotoxin to susceptible cells was temperature-independent.  相似文献   

Several noncovalent complexes of large fragments of human GH, which are less active than native human GH in stimulating glucose metabolism in adipose tissue of hypophysectomized rats, were tested for their ability to compete with 125I-iodinated human GH for specific binding to isolated adipocytes of hypophysectomized rats. The complexes tested were A (residues 1–134 + residues 141–191; S-carbamidomethylated), B (residues 1–134 + residues 135–191; S-carbamidomethylated) and C (residues 1–134 + residues 135–191; S-carboxymethylated). When compared to native human GH, the complexes were less active in competing with 125I-iodinated human GH for specific binding to adipocytes, and their order of potency in the binding assay (A > B > C) was similar to that of their respective activities in stimulating glucose metabolism in isolated adipose tissue of hypophysectomized rats.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes arises from the autoimmune destruction of islet beta cells, with the participation of both arms of the immune system. To better characterize the beta cell membrane, we have raised monoclonal antibodies to the surface of the INS-1 insulinoma cell line. Twenty-two such antibodies were produced, 21 of the IgG class, all reactive to different cell membrane proteins from INS-1 and neonatal islet cells, yielding identical electrophoresis patterns, with molecular weights mainly between 45 and 60 kD. We have focused on three such antibodies that recognize different protein targets, and are specific for islet beta cells. The target protein of antibody AA4, also found on monkey islets, is expressed at significantly higher levels on beta cells (55.8 vs 30.6% of cells, plus 3-4 fold increase in average fluorescence intensity per cell) when neonatal rat islet cells are incubated with high (16 mM vs 3mM) glucose concentrations. Further identification of the target antigens is in progress and is expected to shed more light on the properties of beta cell membrane proteins, and their probable participation in various disease processes.  相似文献   

A photoreactive -D-glucose probe has been designed for the specific detection of carbohydrate binding proteins (CBPs). The probe consists of four parts: (i) an -D-glucose moiety; (ii) the digoxigenin tag; (iii) the photoreactive cross-linker; and (iv) the lysyl-lysine backbone. After incubation with lectins in the dark, the probe is activated and cross-linked to the CBPs after being treated by several flashes.Using this method we have identified a new -D-glucose CBP ofM r=33000, termed CBP33, in the nuclei of rats exposed to transient immobilization stress. Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the partially purified protein and subsequently used to enrich CBP33. It was purified (>2400-fold) to apparent homogeneity from a 0.6M nuclear salt extract by two subsequent affinity chromatography steps (antibody-affinity as well as -D-glucose affinity column).Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CBP carbohydrate binding protein - DIG digoxigenin - Gal galactose - Glc glucose - Lys lysine - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate.  相似文献   

A growth factor for rat and human mammary tumor cells (MTGF-Pit) was isolated from lyophilized powders of whole sheep pituitaries by a rapid four-step procedure utilizing acetic acid extraction, heating at 93 degrees C, and sequential chromatography in 0.10 M acetic acid on sulphopropyl Sephadex and Sephadex G-50. From 10 g of pituitary powder, 8-10-mg amounts of MTGF-Pit were isolated. By 8 M urea, 0.1% SDS-12.5% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis followed by Coomassie blue staining, this preparation was shown to be one major stained band. When assayed for growth effects on cells maintained in serum-free medium, 5.1-19.2 nM MTGF-Pit half replaced the growth of MTW9/PL rat and MCF-7 and T-47D human mammary tumor cells in response to 2% to 10% serum. MTGF-Pit shows mitogenic activity toward normal human diploid fibroblasts only at concentrations in excess of 2.5 X 10(-4) M, while rat fibroblasts are unresponsive even at this high concentration. From data available, we conclude that a mitogenic activity for epithelial-type mammary cells has been isolated, and this growth factor appears to be a previously undetected acid- and heat-stable activity that is highly abundant (estimated at 0.16% or more of the total dry weight of the pituitary powder). The isolated ovine MTGF-Pit (3,900 +/- 200 daltons) does not share the molecular weight of native prolactin (24,000 daltons), "cleaved" prolactin (16,000 daltons), or growth hormone (22,000 daltons), and by all tests applied cannot be replaced with other known hormones and purified growth factors. We conclude a potent new mammary tumor cell mitogenic activity has been identified from sheep pituitaries.  相似文献   

After treatment of the ovarian and testicular membranes from several mammalian species an elevation in the specific binding of human [125I]-labelled CG could be observed. With the assumption that this effect is due to sialic acid-masked receptors, the presence of such receptors seem to be a common property of most mammalian gonads. An interesting observation was the abnormally high hormone binding capacity of the Syrian hamster ovary, as compared to other hamster species, and the lack of a neuraminidase effect in the ovary of the Syrian hamster.  相似文献   

The direct binding of cholera toxin to the receptor on the native cell surface was analyzed with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) by the direct membrane immunofluorescence technique using FITC-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit as a ligand and erythrocytes, but the binding was significantly affected by a change in pH, showing optimum pH of 7.2. The optimum conditions for analysis of the cholera toxin-binding with a FACS were reaction of the target cells with 0.2 M phosphate-buffer (pH 7.2) containing 0.025% of BSA and 0.175 M of NaCl at 4 degrees C for 40 min. The binding of cholera toxin B subunit to rat erythrocytes was linear in the range of 1.2 ng to 80 ng, which corresponded to 2,469 to 163,500 molecules of toxin per cell, and the latter was almost the saturated level of binding. although erythrocytes from different strains of rats possessed equal binding ability for the cholera toxin, no binding was observed with erythrocytes from mouse, guinea pig, cow, pig, man, or rabbit, indicating that the cholera-toxin binding occurs specifically on rat erythrocytes. This is in accord with our previous analytical deta on the absence of GM1 in erythrocytes of these animals except rat, of which erythrocytes contain GM1. Also, the structural specificity of the receptor for cholera toxin was assessed by a binding inhibition experiment using glycolipid-containing liposomes as inhibitors and GM1 was found to be the most potent inhibitor, showing complete inhibition of toxin (40 ng) binding to 5 x 10(6) erythrocytes at 505.6 pmol of GM1.  相似文献   

Progesterone is believed to act at the cell surface to induce the resumption of the meiotic divisions in amphibian oocytes. Analysis of [3H]- and [14C]progesterone uptake and exchange by the plasma-vitelline membrane complex, nucleus and cytoplasm of the isolated Rana oocyte indicates that progesterone uptake by the plasma membrane is saturable, specific and temperature-dependent, and has a slow off-rate. Estradiol (a noninducer) did not compete with progesterone, whereas testosterone (an inducer) blocked progesterone uptake by the membrane complex. Scatchard-type plots indicate an apparent Kd of 5.1·10−7 M over the [progesterone]o range of 0.01–1.0 μM with maximum binding at about 70 fmol per oocyte. Membrane uptake at higher [progesterone]o (2–40 μM) indicates apparent cooperative binding, with saturation up to 10 pmol per oocyte. Cytoplasmic uptake was apparently nonspecific and less temperature-dependent than membrane uptake and steroid concentrations (progesterone and pregnanediones) exceeded water solubility by 30–60 min. Nuclear uptake was saturable and specific but uptake was independent of temperature. A comparison of membrane binding and a physiological response (nuclear breakdown) indicated only about 10% of the membrane sites need be filled to initiate a 50% response.  相似文献   

Investigations of biological effects of prolonged elevation of growth hormone in animals such as mice and rats require large amounts of mouse and rat growth hormone (GH) materials. As an alternative to scarce and expensive pituitary derived materials, both mouse and rat GH were expressed in NSO murine myeloma cells transfected with a vector containing the glutamine synthetase (GS) gene and two copies of mouse or rat GH cDNA. For optimal expression, the mouse GH vector also contained sequences for targeting integration by homologous recombination. Fed-batch culture processes for such clones were developed using a serum-free, glutamine-free medium and scaled up to 250 L production scale reactors. Concentrated solutions of proteins, amino acids and glucose were fed periodically to extend cell growth and culture lifetime, which led to an increase in the maximum viable cell concentration to 3.5×109 cells/L and an up to 10 fold increase in final mouse and rat rGH titers in comparison with batch cultures. For successful scale up, similar culture environmental conditions were maintained at different scales, and specific issues in large scale reactors such as balancing oxygen supply and carbon dioxide removal, were addressed. Very similar cell growth and protein productivity were obtained in the fed-batch cultures at different scales and in different production runs. The final mouse and rat rGH titers were approximately 580 and 240 mg/L, respectively. During fed-batch cultures, the cell growth stage transition was accompanied by a change in cellular metabolism. The specific glucose consumption rate decreased significantly after the transition from the growth to stationary stage, while lactate was produced in the exponential growth stage and became consumed in the stationary stage. This was roughly coincident with the beginning of ammonia and glutamate accumulation at the entry of cells into the stationary stage as the result of a reduced glutamine consumption and periodic nutrient additions.  相似文献   

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