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Genotypes with extreme phenotypes are valuable for studying ‘difficult’ quantitative traits. Genomic prediction (GP) might allow the identification of such extremes by phenotyping a training population of limited size and predicting genotypes with extreme phenotypes in large sequences of germplasm collections. We tested this approach employing seedling root traits in maize and the extensively genotyped Ames Panel. A training population made up of 384 inbred lines from the Ames Panel was phenotyped by extracting root traits from images using the software program aria . A ridge regression best linear unbiased prediction strategy was used to train a GP model. Genomic estimated breeding values for the trait ‘total root length’ (TRL) were predicted for 2431 inbred lines, which had previously been genotyped by sequencing. Selections were made for 100 extreme TRL lines and those with the predicted longest or shortest TRL were validated for TRL and other root traits. The two predicted extreme groups with regard to TRL were significantly different (= 0.0001). The difference in predicted means for TRL between groups was 145.1 cm and 118.7 cm for observed means, which were significantly different (= 0.001). The accuracy of predicting the rank between 1 and 200 of the validation population based on TRL (longest to shortest) was determined using a Spearman correlation to be ρ = 0.55. Taken together, our results support the idea that GP may be a useful approach for identifying the most informative genotypes in sequenced germplasm collections to facilitate experiments for quantitative inherited traits.  相似文献   

Summary Three flint and three dent maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, their possible F1 crosses, F2 and backcross progenies, and all possible three-way crosses were evaluated in a three-year experiment for yield, ear moisture, and plant height. The purpose was to estimate genetic parameters in European breeding materials from (i) generation means analysis, (ii) diallel analysis of generation means, and (iii) analysis of F1 and three-way cross hybrids. Method (i) was based on the F-metric model and methods (ii) and (iii) on the Eberhart-Gardner (1966) genetic model; both models extended for heterotic maternal effects.Differences among generation means for yield and plant height were mainly attributable to dominance effects. Epistatic effects were significantly different from zero in a few crosses and considerably reduced heterosis in both traits. Additive x additive and domiance x dominance effects for yield were consistently positive and negative, respectively. Significant maternal effects were established to the advantage of generations with a heterozygous seed parent. In the diallel analysis, mean squares for dominance effects were greater than for additive effects for yield and plant height but smaller for ear moisture. Though significant for yield and plant height, epistatic variation was small compared to additive and dominance variation. Estimates of additive x additive epistasis for yield were significantly negative in 11 of 15 crosses, suggesting that advantageous gene combinations in the lines had been disrupted by recombination in the segregating generations. The analysis of hybrids supported the above findings regarding the analysis of variance. However, the estimates of additive x additive epistasis for yield were considerably smaller and only minimally correlated with those from the diallel analysis. Use of noninbred materials as opposed to materials with different levels of inbreeding is considered the main reason for the discrepancies in the results.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the 28 KD protein of the glutelin-(G2) fraction was followed in developing maize endosperm, using sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and peak integration of scanned gels. 28 KD glutelin-2 could already be observed from 15 days after pollination and its accumulates reached a plateau during the second half of the development period. The process of biosynthesis of 28 KD glutelin-2 and zeins occurs in a parallel way. Subcellular fractions obtained from linear sucrose gradient centrifugation of developing maize endosperms were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using a serum reacting against glutelin-2 and 14 KD Z2. Glutelin-2 was found to be present in the protein bodies when subcellular fractionation was carried out without dithiothreitol (DTT). The presence of a reducing agent causes the elution of glutelin-2 from protein bodies. Immunocytochemical labelling using the protein A-colloidal gold technique in protein bodies incubated with anti-G2 IgG revealed that G2 is located mainly in the periphery of protein bodies. These results are interpreted as indicating a structural role for glutelins in protein bodies.  相似文献   

The inherent differences for salt tolerance in two maize cultivars (Agatti-2002 and Sahiwal-2002) were evaluated in pot experiments. Plants were grown in half-strength of Hoagland nutrient solution added with 0, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 mM of NaCl. Salt stress markedly reduced the shoot and root lengths and fresh and dry masses. Reduction in growth attributes was more pronounced in cv. Agatti-2002 than cv. Sahiwal-2002. Both maize cultivars exhibited significant perturbations in important biochemical attributes being employed for screening the crops for salt tolerance. Cultivar Sahiwal-2002 was found salt tolerant as compared to cv. Agatti-2002 because it exhibited lower levels of H2O2, malondialdehyde (MDA) and higher activities of antioxidant enzymes. In addition, cultivar Sahiwal-2002 exhibited less salt-induced degradation of photosynthetic pigments, lower levels of toxic Na+ and Cl and higher endogenous levels of K+ and K+/Na+ ratio. The results indicate that salt stress induced a marked increase in MDA, H2O2, relative membrane permeability, total soluble proteins and activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase andascorbate peroxidase). Moreover, increase in endogenous levels of Na+ and Cl and decrease in K+ and K+/Na+ ratio and photosynthetic pigments were recorded in plants grown under salinity regimes.  相似文献   

Summary Free proline accumulation was measured in two maize genotypes (Ganga-2 and D747) subjected to waterlogging for three weeks at the knee high stage. The initial content of free proline was same in both the genotypes (0.1 micromole per gram fresh weight of leaves). The free proline content increased in both the genotypes when the plants were subjected to waterlogging. However, Ganga-2 accumulated more free proline than D747. Ganga-2 appeared to be more waterlogging tolerant than D-747.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the genetics of resistance to the pink stem borer ( Sesamia nonagrioides ) in maize ( Zea mays ) is restricted to a few crosses among maize inbreds. The objectives of this study were to enlarge our understanding of the genetics of traits related to damage by pink stem borer and yield under infestation and to use generation means analyses to compare per se and testcross performance for detecting epistatic effects. All generations, either per se or crossed to testers, were evaluated in a 10 × 10 triple lattice design under artificial infestation with S. nonagrioides in 2005 and 2006. Most traits fit an additive–dominance model; but evidence for epistasis for resistance and yield under infestation was shown. Epistasis, in general, did not appear to play an important role in the inheritance of yield under pink stem borer infestation. However, the epistasis contribution to maize yield performance could be important in some outstanding crosses such as EP42 × A637. Testcross generation means revealed epistatic effects undetected by the generation means analysis, but neither method was able to eliminate dominance effects that could prevail over epistatic effects.  相似文献   

玉米幼苗根系分泌物对芘污染的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许超  林小方  夏北成 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3280-3288
根际袋土培试验研究了玉米幼苗根系分泌物中的可溶性糖、低分子量有机酸和氨基酸对不同芘污染水平(50、200、800mgkg-1,记为T1、T2、T3)的响应差异,探讨芘胁迫下植物根系的生理生态效应。结果表明,较低浓度芘可适当地刺激玉米的生长,高浓度芘处理抑制了玉米的生长,并且抑制作用随芘处理浓度的提高而增强;芘对玉米根系的影响要大于对茎叶的影响。芘胁迫下促进了根系分泌可溶性糖、低分子量有机酸和氨基酸增多。T1、T2和T3处理根系分泌物中可溶性糖、低分子量有机酸、氨基酸含量分别是T0处理的1.14、1.81、1.35倍,1.24、4.31、2.94倍,1.58、5.56、5.40倍。不同芘污染水平下,乙酸分泌量表现为T2T3T1,酒石酸和柠檬酸分泌量表现为T3T2T1,草酸分泌量表现为T3≈T2T1。芘处理对根系分泌氨基酸种类的影响不大,而对各氨基酸分泌量的变化幅度影响较大;芘胁迫处理对于18种常见氨基酸组分的分泌量的影响各不相同。不同芘污染水平下,天门冬氨酸、丝氨酸和丙氨酸分泌量表现为T3T2T1,苏氨酸、谷氨酸、脯氨酸、甘氨酸、胱氨酸、缬氨酸、甲硫氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸、鸟氨酸分泌量表现为T2T3T1。  相似文献   

冬玉米对氮肥的吸收利用和需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不同施氮量下 ,研究了冬玉米对氮肥的吸收利用 ,结果表明 :(1 )冬玉米地上各部分中氮的累积随着用氮量的增加而增加 ,花丝期前的吸收量均多于后期 ,但高氮区的前期吸氮比大于低氮区 ;(2 )营养体氮的转移率随施氮量的增加而降低 ,但绝对量依然是高氮处理大于低氮处理 ,其中雄穗的转移率最高 ,叶的转移量最大 ;(3 )氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加而提高 ,但氮的生产力下降。根据试验结果 ,在肥力好的土地上种植冬玉米以 1 80~ 2 70 kg N/hm2比较适宜  相似文献   

Summary Totipotent callus cultures were established from anther-free glumes of Sweet corn, Seed corn, DHM 103 and DHM 101 on MS medium supplemented with 1–2 mg/l 2,4-D. The callusing response of the glumes was tested on six different media. Glumes at the uninucleate stage of pollen development callused with a high frequency compared to other stages. Organogenesis was observed in 40% of the cultures on media devoid of hormones. A total of 76 plantlets were regenerated on medium with 0.5–1.0 mg/l of both IAA and kinetin. Cytological observations in root tips indicated a diploid chromosome number (2n=20).  相似文献   

A kind of quick, efficient and season-free inducing embryoid and multiple shoot clumps system from shoot tip meristems that derived from elite inbreds of maize was established. The herbicide-resistant gene als (coding Acetolactate synthase) isolated from a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was transferred to tissue pieces of maize multiple shoot clumps by microprojectile bombardment. Herbicide-resistant tissue and regenerants were obtained through selections with herbicide chlorsulfuron. PCR analysis and Southern blot hybridization indicated that gene als has been transferred to some regenerants. The test of spraying chlorsulfuron displayed that the transgenic plantlets and R1 plants had favorable herbicide-resistant trait. We have established a new genotype-free system of maize which could rapidly and efficiently produce large quantities of transgenic plantlets.  相似文献   

Photoacoustic spectroscopy is an efficient tool for the non-destructive assessment of chlorophyll and carotenoid deficient mutants of Zea mays L. Intact leaf samples taken from the mutants Albina, Luteus I and Luteus II were compared with those from the corresponding isogenic normals. The results are compared with those obtained applying some commonly used destructive techniques.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of different row arrangements on incidence and severity of Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) and Alternaria leaf blight (ALB) diseases and seed health of sesame intercropped with maize. Row arrangements were: sesame intercropped with maize in alternate pair of rows (2:2), two rows of sesame intercropped with one row of maize (2:1), sesame intercropped with maize in single alternate rows (1:1) with sole sesame as control. Intercropping maize with sesame reduced the incidence and severity of diseases. Sesame intercropped with maize in a (1:1) ration recorded a significantly lower number of infected leaves by CLS and ALB incidence than other row arrangements. ALB lesion number was between 17 and 20 in the (1:1) arrangement relative to 65–104 and 28–43 in the sole crop and other row arrangements, respectively. ALB lesion size was also reduced in the (1:1) than other row arrangements. Fungal infection of harvested sesame seeds was significantly reduced in the intercrop relative to the sole crop. CLS incidence was significant and negatively correlated with seed weight while defoliation was significant and positively correlated with ALB or CLS incidence. Rainfall was significant and positively correlated with CLS or ALB incidence while intercropping induced microclimatic effects that influenced disease incidence. Grain yield, weight of 1000-seed, number of capsules/plant and weight of seed/plant were significantly higher in the (1:1) row arrangement than the sole crop or other row arrangements. The study demonstrates that intercropping sesame with maize in a single alternate row (1:1) arrangement can be used to reduce foliar diseases of sesame.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen grains containing either the Wx, wx, Su 1, su 1, Sh 2 or sh 2 alleles were stored at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days at 2 °C. After each storage period, a portion of pollen from each genotype was analyzed for free amino acid content. Over all genotypes, storage significantly altered the content of all 16 amino acids measured. With increasing storage, a relatively consistent increase in aspartic acid, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, ethanolanine, aminobutyric acid, NH3 and lysine was found. A relatively consistent decrease in glutamic acid, proline, glycine and alanine occurred with increasing storage. No consistent response to storage was obtained with threonine-serine, valine, histidine and the unknown. Apparently, storage or stage of viability loss has a pronounced effect on amino acid metabolism in maize pollen grains. The experiment was designed so that comparisons free of genetic background effects could be made between alleles at each locus. Significant allele X storage interactions at each locus were found as follows: at the waxy locus, aspartic acid, glycine, alanine and ethanolanine; at the sugary locus, aspartic acid, alanine, ethanolanine and aminobutyric acid; and at the shrunken locus, aspartic acid, alanine, valine, leucine and ethanolanine. Amino acid metabolism is apparently influenced by the action of the alleles at these loci. The differences between the loci in the amino acids affected indicate the different areas of amino acid metabolism are influenced by each locus.Journal Series Paper No. 4425, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the maturation of stamens and ovaries from cultured maize (Zea mays L.) ear inflorescences. Immature ears (5.1–10.0 mm long) of maize were cultured in kinetin medium to study microsporogenesis and pollen maturation in developing stamens. Male spikelets developed on ears cultured in kinetin medium. Meiosis-I began by 7 days of culture in the developing anthers and the mature tri-nucleate pollen grains were developed by 20 days of culture. Further, kinetin was required in the culture medium for at least initial 5 days to obtain the microspores in differentiated stamens.To observe the embryosac formation in developed ovaries, ears were cultured in control, kinetin (10.1–15.0 mm long ears) medium, and kinetin + gibberellic acid (5.1–10.0 mm long ears) medium. Formation of embryosacs was noticed in the developed ovaries which were sampled after 20 days of culture. This differential flower development using two growth regulators provides an opportunity to uncover the biochemistry and physiology of micro- and mega-gametophyte development in maize.  相似文献   

Summary Mean percentages of sugars, water-soluble polysaccharides, starch, total carbohydrates and lipids were 40.1, 7.4, 28.6, 76.1, and 1.8 respectively. Differences among the mutants were found only for water-soluble polysaccharides with both wx and sh 2 decreasing the percentage a small but significant amount. In terms of the various carbohydrates measured, no correlation was found between the expression of these mutants in the pollen and the kernel.
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung des Kohlenhydrat- und Lipid-Gehaltes im Pollen der Endosperm-Mutanten waxy, shrunken und sugary vom Mais ergab einen gemittelten Gehalt an Zucker von 40,1%, wasserlöslichen Polysacchariden 7,4%, Stärke 28,6, Gesamtkohlenhydraten 76,1% und Lipiden 1,8%.Unterschiede zwischen den Mutanten wurden lediglich hinsichtlich der wasserlöslichen Polysaccharide gefunden, und zwar bei wx und sh 2, die einen signifikant niedrigeren Gehalt aufwiesen.Hinsichtlich der verschiedenen analysierten Kohlenhydrate wurde keine Korrelation zwischen der Expression der Mutanten im Pollen und in den Karyopsen gefunden.

Herrn Professor Dr. J. Straub (Köln-Vogelsang) zu seinem 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Journal Series Paper No. 3621, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The effects of various environmental conditions on the initiation of tassel branches (NTB) and spikelet‐pairs (NSP) were examined in the stress‐sensitive maize inbred F53. Chilling induced the most important effect, with a dramatic decrease in both NTB and NSP, provided it was applied at the end of the vegetative phase and start of the floral transition phase. The primary cause of chilling‐induced abortion of the tassel branches could be oxidative stress in the leaves, since lowering light irradiance during chilling greatly reduced the effect of cold. The comparison of inbreds F53 and F2 revealed that both genotypes exhibited a similar period of cold sensitivity at the floral transition phase, although F2 was considered from field observations as a stress‐insensitive genotype (at least for tassel development). However, our results also showed a chilling acclimation response in inbred F2 but not in inbred F53. The similarities with the work by Lejeune & Bernier (1996 Plant, Cell and Environment 19, 217–224.) concerning the effect of chilling on ear initiation in the sensitive inbred, B22, are emphasized.  相似文献   

Summary Proline was the most abundant amino acid with a mean value of 186.28 moles/mg dry pollen. The other amino acids tested were below 33 moles/mg dry pollen. The mutant wx significantly increased aspartic acid, valine, histidine and an unknown but significantly decreased aminobutyric acid. The mutant sh 2 significantly increased glutamic acid, proline, lysine, histidine and an unknown but significantly decreased aspartic acid and aminobutyric acid. The effect of su 1 was altered by the genetic background involved. In one genetic background, su 1 did not significantly increase any amino acid but significantly decreased alanine and aminobutyric acid. However, in a distinctly different background, su 1 significantly increased aminobutyric acid but significantly decreased aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Apparently the genetic background is capable of producing major shifts in the amino acid pattern in addition to the action of these mutants.The fatty acids, palmitic and linolenic were the most common with percentages of 54.1 and 34.4 respectively. The mutants tested did not affect the fatty acid distribution.
Zusammenfassung Prolin war die am reichlichsten vorkommende Aminosäure mit einem mittleren Gehalt von 186,28 Mikromol per mg trockenen Pollen. Die anderen Aminosäuren erreichten weniger als 33 Mikrogramm per mg trockenen Pollen.Die Mutante wx zeigte einen signifikant erhöhten Gehalt an Asparaginsäure, Valin, Histidin, sowie einer nicht identifizierten Komponente, während der Gehalt an -Aminobuttersäure signifikant erniedrigt war. Die Mutante sh 2 ist gekennzeichnet durch einen signifikant erhöhten Gehalt an Glutaminsäure, Prolin, Lysin, Histidin, sowie einer unbekannten Fraktion; der Gehalt an Asparaginsäure und -Aminobuttersäure war dagegen signifikant erniedrigt. Die Wirkung des mutierten Gens su 1 wurde durch das übrige Genom, in dem es sich befand, geändert. In dem einen genetischen Milieu verursachte su 1 keine signifikante Erhöhung des Gehaltes irgend einer Aminosäure, während der Gehalt an Alanin und -Aminobuttersäure signifikant erniedrigt war. In einem anderen genetischen Milieu jedoch zeigte su 1 eine signifikante Erhöhung der -Aminobuttersäure; Asparaginsäure und Glutaminsäure waren signifikant erniedrigt.Offensichtlich ist das übrige Genom zusätzlich zu der Wirkung der genannten Mutanten in der Lage, wesentliche Verschiebungen im Verteilungsmuster der Aminosäuren zu verursachen.Von den Fettsäuren wurden am häufigsten Palmitin- und Linolen-Säure mit einem Gehalt von 54,1 bzw. 34,4% gefunden. Die untersuchten Endosperm-Mutanten zeigten keinen Einfluß auf die Fettsäureverteilung im Pollen.

Journal Series Paper No. 3468, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

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