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The isthmic organizer, which is located at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary, plays an essential role in development of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. It has been shown that homeobox genes regulate establishment of the isthmic organizer, but the mechanism by which the organizer is maintained is not well understood. Here, we found that, in mice doubly mutant for the basic helix-loop-helix genes Hes1 and Hes3, the midbrain and anterior hindbrain structures are missing without any significant cell death. In these mutants, the isthmic organizer cells prematurely differentiate into neurons and terminate expression of secreting molecules such as Fgf8 and Wnt1 and the paired box genes Pax2/5, all of which are essential for the isthmic organizer function. These results indicate that Hes1 and Hes3 prevent premature differentiation and maintain the organizer activity of the isthmic cells, thereby regulating the development of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain.  相似文献   

Neural plate patterning: upstream and downstream of the isthmic organizer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two organizing centres operate at long-range distances within the anterior neural plate to pattern the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. Important progress has been made in understanding the formation and function of one of these organizing centres, the isthmic organizer, which controls the development of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. Here we review our current knowledge on the identity, localization and maintenance of the isthmic organizer, as well as on the molecular cascades that underlie the activity of this organizing centre.  相似文献   

An early and crucial event in vertebrate inner ear development is the acquisition of axial identities that in turn dictate the positions of all subsequent inner ear components. Here, we focus on the role of the hindbrain in establishment of inner ear axes and show that axial specification occurs well after otic placode formation in chicken. Anteroposterior (AP) rotation of the hindbrain prior to specification of this axis does not affect the normal AP orientation and morphogenesis of the inner ear. By contrast, reversing the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the hindbrain results in changing the DV axial identity of the inner ear. Expression patterns of several ventrally expressed otic genes such as NeuroD, Lunatic fringe (Lfng) and Six1 are shifted dorsally, whereas the expression pattern of a normally dorsal-specific gene, Gbx2, is abolished. Removing the source of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) by ablating the floor plate and/or notochord, or inhibiting SHH function using an antibody that blocks SHH bioactivity results in loss of ventral inner ear structures. Our results indicate that SHH, together with other signals from the hindbrain, are important for patterning the ventral axis of the inner ear. Taken together, our studies suggest that tissue(s) other than the hindbrain confer AP axial information whereas signals from the hindbrain are necessary and sufficient for the DV axial patterning of the inner ear.  相似文献   

We describe here how the early limb bud of the quail embryo develops in the absence of retinoids, including retinoic acid. Retinoid-deficient embryos develop to about stage 20/21, thus allowing patterns of early gene activity in the limb bud to be readily examined. Genes representing different aspects of limb polarity were analysed. Concerning the anteroposterior axis, Hoxb-8 was up-regulated and its border was shifted anteriorly whereas shh and the mesodermal expression of bmp-2 were down-regulated in the absence of retinoids. Concerning the apical ectodermal genes, fgf-4 was down-regulated whereas fgf-8 and the ectodermal domain of bmp-2 were unaffected. Genes involved in dorsoventral polarity were all disrupted. Wnt-7a, normally confined to the dorsal ectoderm, was ectopically expressed in the ventral ectoderm and the corresponding dorsal mesodermal gene Lmx-1 spread into the ventral mesoderm. En-1 was partially or completely absent from the ventral ectoderm. These dorsoventral patterns of expression resemble those seen in En-1 knockout mouse limb buds. Overall, the patterns of gene expression are also similar to the Japanese limbless mutant. These experiments demonstrate that the retinoid-deficient embryo is a valuable tool for dissecting pathways of gene activity in the limb bud and reveal for the first time a role for retinoic acid in the organisation of the dorsoventral axis.  相似文献   

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a critical role during dorsoventral (DV) patterning of the developing neural tube by modulating the expression of neural patterning genes. Overlapping activator functions of Gli2 and Gli3 have been shown to be required for motoneuron development and correct neural patterning in the ventral spinal cord. However, the role of Gli2 and Gli3 in ventral hindbrain development is unclear. In this paper, we have examined DV patterning of the hindbrain of Shh(-/-), Gli2(-/-) and Gli3(-/-) embryos, and found that the respective role of Gli2 and Gli3 is not only different between the hindbrain and spinal cord, but also at distinct rostrocaudal levels of the hindbrain. Remarkably, the anterior hindbrain of Gli2(-/-) embryos displays ventral patterning defects as severe as those observed in Shh(-/-) embryos suggesting that, unlike in the spinal cord and posterior hindbrain, Gli3 cannot compensate for the loss of Gli2 activator function in Shh-dependent ventral patterning of the anterior hindbrain. Loss of Gli3 also results in a distinct patterning defect in the anterior hindbrain, including dorsal expansion of Nkx6.1 expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ventral patterning of rhombomere 4 is less affected by loss of Gli2 function revealing a different requirement for Gli proteins in this rhombomere. Taken together, these observations indicate that Gli2 and Gli3 perform rhombomere-specific function during DV patterning of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

dreher is a spontaneous mouse mutation in which adult animals display a complex phenotype associated with hearing loss, neurological, pigmentation and skeletal abnormalities. During early embryogenesis, the neural tube of dreher mutants is abnormally shaped in the region of the rhomboencephalon, due to problems in the formation of a proper roof plate over the otic hindbrain. We have studied the expression of Hox/lacZ transgenic mouse strains in the dreher background and shown that primary segmentation of the neural tube is not altered in these mutants, although correct morphogenesis is affected resulting in misshapen rhombomeres. Neural crest derivatives from rhombomere 6, such as the glossopharyngeal ganglion, are defective, and the dorsal neural tube marker Wnt1 is absent from this segment. Selected trunk neural crest populations are also altered, as there is a lack of pigmentation in the thoracic region of mutant mice. Skeletal defects include abnormal cranial bones of neural crest origin, and improper fusion of the dorsal aspects of cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Taken together, the gene affected in the dreher mutant is responsible for correct patterning of the dorsal-most cell types of the neural tube, that is, the neural crest and the roof plate, in the hindbrain region. Axial skeletal defects could reflect inductive influence of the dorsal neural tube on proper fusion of the neural arches. It is possible that a common precursor population for both neural crest and roof plate is the cellular target of the dreher mutation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the notochord formation, formation of the prechordal plate, and patterning of anteroposterior regional specificity of the involuting and extending archenteron roof of a urodele, Cynops pyrrhogaster. The lower (LDMZ) and upper (UDMZ) domains of the dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) of the early gastrula involuted and formed two distinct domains: the anterior fore-notochordal endodermal roof and the posterior domain containing the prospective notochord. Cygsc is expressed in the LDMZ from the onset of gastrulation, and the Cygsc-expressing LDMZ planarly induces the notochord in the UDMZ at the early to mid gastrula stages. At the mid to late gastrula stages, part of the Cygsc-expressing LDMZ is confined to the prechordal plate. On the other hand, Cybra expression only begins at mid gastrula stage, coincident with notochord induction at this stage. Anteroposterior regional specificity of the neural plate was patterned by the posterior domain of the involuting archenteron roof containing the prospective notochord at the mid to late gastrula stages. Cynops gastrulation thus differs significantly from Xenopus gastrulation in that the regions of the DMZ are specified from the onset of gastrulation, while the equivalent state of specification does not occur in Cynops until the middle of gastrulation. Thus we propose that Cynops gastrulation is divided into two phases: a notochord induction phase in the early to mid gastrula, and a neural induction phase in the mid to late gastrula.  相似文献   

The lack of the Hes1 gene leads to the failure of cranial neurulation due to the premature onset of neural differentiation. Hes1 homozygous null mutant mice displayed a neural tube closure defect, and exencephaly was induced at the mid/hindbrain boundary. In the mutant mesencephalon, the roof plate was not formed and therefore the ventricular zone showing cell proliferation was displaced to the brain surface. Furthermore, the telencephalon and ventral diencephalon were defective. Despite the severe defects of neurogenesis in null mutants, the mesencephalic dopaminergic (mesDA) neurons were specified at the midline of the ventral mesencephalon in close proximity to two important signal centers — floor plate and mid/hindbrain boundary (i.e., the isthmic organizer). Using mesDA neuronal markers, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and Pitx3, the development of mesDA neurons was studied in Hes1 null mice and compared with that in the wild type. At early stages, between embryonic day (E) 11.5 and E12.5, mesDA neurons were more numerous in null mutants than in the wild type. From E13.5 onward, however, the cell number and fiber density of mesDA neurons were decreased in the mutants. Their distribution pattern was also different from that of the wild type. In particular, mesDA neurons grew dorsally and invaded the rostral hindbrain. 5-HT neurons were also ectopically located in the mutant midbrain. Thus, the loss of Hes1 resulted in disturbances in the inductive and repulsive activities of the isthmic organizer. It is proposed that Hes1 plays a role in regulating the location and density of mesDA neurons.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of dorsoventral patterning in the vertebrate neural tube   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We describe the essential features of and the molecules involved in dorsoventral (DV) patterning in the neural tube. The neural tube is, from its very outset, patterned in this axis as there is a roof plate, floor plate, and differing numbers and types of neuroblasts. These neuroblasts develop into different types of neurons which express a different range of marker genes. Early embryological experiments identified the notochord and the somites as being responsible for the DV patterning of the neural tube and we now know that 4 signaling molecules are involved and are generated by these surrounding structures. Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are produced by the caudal mesoderm and must be down-regulated before neural differentiation can occur. Retinoic acid (RA) is produced by the paraxial mesoderm and is an inducer of neural differentiation and patterning and is responsible for down-regulating FGF. Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is produced by the notochord and floor plate and is responsible for inducing ventral neural cell types in a concentration-dependent manner. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are produced by the roof plate and are responsible for inducing dorsal neural cell types in a concentration-dependent manner. Subsequently, RA is used twice more. Once from the somites for motor neuron differentiation and secondly RA is used to define the motor neuron subtypes, but in the latter case it is generated within the neural tube from differentiating motor neurons rather than from outside. These 4 signaling molecules also interact with each other, generally in a repressive fashion, and DV patterning shows how complex these interactions can be.  相似文献   

Vallstedt A  Klos JM  Ericson J 《Neuron》2005,45(1):55-67
Studies have indicated that oligodendrocytes in the spinal cord originate from a ventral progenitor domain defined by expression of the oligodendrocyte-determining bHLH proteins Olig1 and Olig2. Here, we provide evidence that progenitors in the dorsal spinal cord and hindbrain also produce oligodendrocytes and that the specification of these cells may result from a dorsal evasion of BMP signaling over time. Moreover, we show that the generation of ventral oligodendrocytes in the spinal cord depends on Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2 function, while these homeodomain proteins in the anterior hindbrain instead suppress oligodendrocyte specification. The opposing roles for Nkx6 proteins in the spinal cord and hindbrain, in turn, appear to reflect that oligodendrocytes are produced by distinct ventral progenitor domains at these axial levels. Based on these findings, we propose that oligodendrocytes derive from several distinct positional origins and that the activation of Olig1/2 at different positions is controlled by distinct genetic programs.  相似文献   

The posteriorly expressed signaling molecules Hedgehog and Decapentaplegic drive photoreceptor differentiation in the Drosophila eye disc, while at the anterior lateral margins Wingless expression blocks ectopic differentiation. We show here that mutations in axin prevent photoreceptor differentiation and lead to tissue overgrowth and that both these effects are due to ectopic activation of the Wingless pathway. In addition, ectopic Wingless signaling causes posterior cells to take on an anterior identity, reorienting the direction of morphogenetic furrow progression in neighboring wild-type cells. We also show that signaling by Decapentaplegic and Hedgehog normally blocks the posterior expression of anterior markers such as Eyeless. Wingless signaling is not required to maintain anterior Eyeless expression and in combination with Decapentaplegic signaling can promote its downregulation, suggesting that additional molecules contribute to anterior identity. Along the dorsoventral axis of the eye disc, Wingless signaling is sufficient to promote dorsal expression of the Iroquois gene mirror, even in the absence of the upstream factor pannier. However, Wingless signaling does not lead to ventral mirror expression, implying the existence of ventral repressors.  相似文献   

Both hindbrain roof plate epithelium (hRPe) and hindbrain choroid plexus epithelium (hCPe) produce morphogens and growth factors essential for proper hindbrain development. Despite their importance, little is known about how these essential structures develop. Recent genetic fate maps indicate that hRPe and hCPe descend from the same pool of dorsal neuroectodermal progenitor cells of the rhombic lip. A linear developmental progression has been assumed, with the rhombic lip producing non-mitotic hRPe, and seemingly uniform hRPe transforming into hCPe. Here, we show that hRPe is not uniform but rather comprises three spatiotemporal fields, which differ in organization, proliferative state, order of emergence from the rhombic lip, and molecular profile of either the constituent hRPe cells themselves and/or their parental progenitors. Only two fields contribute to hCPe. We also present evidence for an hCPe contribution directly by the rhombic lip at late embryonic stages when hRPe is no longer present; indeed, the production interval for hCPe by the rhombic lip is surprisingly extensive. Further, we show that the hCPe lineage appears to be unique among the varied rhombic lip-derived lineages in its proliferative response to constitutively active Notch1 signaling. Collectively, these findings provide a new platform for investigating hRPe and hCPe as neural organizing centers and provide support for the model that they are themselves patterned structures that might be capable of influencing neural development along multiple spatial and temporal axes.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid synthesis and hindbrain patterning in the mouse embryo   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Targeted disruption of the murine retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2) gene precludes embryonic retinoic acid (RA) synthesis, leading to midgestational lethality (Niederreither, K., Subbarayan, V., Dolle, P. and Chambon, P. (1999). Nature Genet. 21, 444-448). We describe here the effects of this RA deficiency on the development of the hindbrain and associated neural crest. Morphological segmentation is impaired throughout the hindbrain of Raldh2-/- embryos, but its caudal portion becomes preferentially reduced in size during development. Specification of the midbrain region and of the rostralmost rhombomeres is apparently normal in the absence of RA synthesis. In contrast, marked alterations are seen throughout the caudal hindbrain of mutant embryos. Instead of being expressed in two alternate rhombomeres (r3 and r5), Krox20 is expressed in a single broad domain, correlating with an abnormal expansion of the r2-r3 marker Meis2. Instead of forming a defined r4, Hoxb1- and Wnt8A-expressing cells are scattered throughout the caudal hindbrain, whereas r5/r8 markers such as kreisler or group 3/4 Hox genes are undetectable or markedly downregulated. Lack of alternate Eph receptor gene expression could explain the failure to establish rhombomere boundaries. Increased apoptosis and altered migratory pathways of the posterior rhombencephalic neural crest cells are associated with impaired branchial arch morphogenesis in mutant embryos. We conclude that RA produced by the embryo is required to generate posterior cell fates in the developing mouse hindbrain, its absence leading to an abnormal r3 (and, to a lesser extent, r4) identity of the caudal hindbrain cells.  相似文献   

Molecular studies have begun to unravel the sequential cell-cell signalling events that establish the dorsal-ventral, or 'back-to-belly', axis of vertebrate animals. In Xenopus and zebrafish, these events start with the movement of membrane vesicles associated with dorsal determinants. This mediates the induction of mesoderm by generating gradients of growth factors. Dorsal mesoderm then becomes a signalling centre, the Spemann's organizer, which secretes several antagonists of growth-factor signalling. Recent studies have led to new models for the regulation of cell-cell signalling during development, which may also apply to the homeostasis of adult tissues.  相似文献   

Yang DC  Tsai CC  Liao YF  Fu HC  Tsay HJ  Huang TF  Chen YH  Hung SC 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27324


Twist1a and twist1b are the principal components of twists that negatively regulate a number of cellular signaling events. Expression of runx2 and downstream targets is essential for skeletal development and ventral organizer formation and specification in early vertebrate embryos, but what controls ventral activity of maternal runx2 and how twists function in zebrafish embryogenesis still remain unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By studying the loss of twist induced by injection of morpholino-oligonucleotide in zebrafish, we found that twist1a and twist1b, but not twist2 or twist3, were required for proper skeletal development and dorsoventral patterning in early embryos. Overexpression of twist1a or twist1b following mRNA injection resulted in deteriorated skeletal development and formation of typical dorsalized embryos, whereas knockdown of twist1a and twist1b led to the formation of abnormal embryos with enhanced skeletal formation and typical ventralized patterning. Overexpression of twist1a or twist1b decreased the expression of runx2b, whereas twist1a and twist1b knockdown increased runx2b expression. We have further demonstrated that phenotypes induced by twist1a and twist1b knockdown were rescued by runx2b knockdown.


Together, these results suggest that twist1a and twist1b control skeletal development and dorsoventral patterning by regulating runx2b in zebrafish and provide potential targets for the treatment of diseases or syndromes associated with decreased skeletal development.  相似文献   

The formation of the vertebrate body axis during gastrulation strongly depends on a dorsal signaling centre, the Spemann organizer as it is called in amphibians. This organizer affects embryonic development by self-differentiation, regulation of morphogenesis and secretion of inducing signals. Whereas many molecular signals and mechanisms of the organizer have been clarified, its function in anterior-posterior pattern formation remains unclear. We dissected the organizer functions by generally blocking organizer formation and then restoring a single function. In experiments using a dominant inhibitory BMP receptor construct (tBr) we find evidence that neural activation by antagonism of the BMP pathway is the organizer function that enables the establishment of a detailed anterior-posterior pattern along the trunk. Conversely, the exclusive inhibition of neural activation by expressing a constitutive active BMP receptor (hAlk-6) in the ectoderm prohibits the establishment of an anterior-posterior pattern, even though the organizer itself is still intact. Thus, apart from the formerly described separation into a head and a trunk/tail organizer, the organizer does not deliver positional information for anterior-posterior patterning. Rather, by inducing neurectoderm, it makes ectodermal cells competent to receive patterning signals from the non-organizer mesoderm and thereby enable the formation of a complete and stable AP pattern along the trunk.  相似文献   

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