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Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase [EC] of Nitrosomonas europaea was purified to an electrophoretically homogeneous state and some of its properties were studied. The molecular weight of the enzyme as determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G150 and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate is 175,000-180,000, while the minimum molecular weight per heme determined from the dry weight and heme content is 17,500. The enzyme is a C-type cytochrome; its reduced form shows absorption peaks at 418 (gamma peak), 521 (beta peak), 553 (alpha peak), and 460 nm (due to an unidentified chromophore). Although the alpha peak at 553 nm has a shoulder at 559 nm, the enzyme does not posses protoheme or a cytochrome b subunit. It seems likely that the enzyme molecule possess heme c molecules in different states. The enzyme reacts rapidly with various eukaryotic cytochromes c, but does not react with "bacterial-type" cytochromes c. Although the enzyme does not react with cytochrome c-552 (N. europaea), another C-type cytochrome of the organism, cytochrome c-554 (N. europaea) acts as an electron acceptor for the enzyme.  相似文献   

Highly purified pyruvic decarboxylase (EC from wheat germ catalyses the decarboxylation of hydroxypyruvate. A kinetic analysis of the activity of the enzyme with pyruvate and hydroxypyruvate as substrates suggests that a single enzyme is involved. The kinetics of decarboxylation are autocatalytic. The time lag before maximum activity is reached is affected by the concentration of hydroxypyruvate and the pH. The question whether or not hydroxypyruvate is a natural substrate for the enzyme remains unresolved, but it may be significant that at physiological pH (ca 7.5) the enzyme shows optimum activity with hydroxypyruvate, but negligible activity with pyruvate.  相似文献   

W Raab  B Gmeiner  P Muckenhuber 《Enzyme》1978,23(2):84-88
The influence of incubation with D-penicillamine on pure enzyme preparations and on enzymatic activities of serum and skin homogenates was investigated. Three of the nine enzymatic activities studied underwent significant changes. Such effects of D-penicillamine must be taken into consideration if therapeutic or unwanted actions of this drug are to be fully understood; they are elicited by concentrations reached under conditions used for human therapy.  相似文献   

Proteins associated with purified human cytomegalovirus particles.   总被引:2,自引:18,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
C J Baldick  Jr  T Shenk 《Journal of virology》1996,70(9):6097-6105
Virion-associated proteins isolated from purified human cytomegalovirus particles (strain AD169) were used as substrates for chemical sequence analysis. Extracellular virions, noninfectious enveloped particles, and dense bodies were purified by negative viscosity-positive density gradient centrifugation, and their component proteins were separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The deduced amino acid sequence of individual protein bands was used to identify six corresponding viral genes whose products have not previously been identified as virion constituents: UL47, UL25, UL88, UL85, UL26, and UL48.5. In addition, a 45-kDa cellular protein was identified, and the protein fragments sequenced have a high degree of amino acid identity with actin. However, antiactin monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies did not react with a specific protein in the virus preparations, suggesting that this 45-kDa protein is an immunologically distinct isoform of actin. The newly identified viral and cellular proteins were resistant to protease treatment of purified virions, suggesting that they are unlikely to be contaminants of the viral preparations.  相似文献   

Albumin associated with purified pig lymphocyte plasma membrane.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Plasma-membrane preparations purified from pig lymphocytes contained a major polypeptide component of mol.wt. about 68 000. This component was identified as pig albumin by the following comparisons with authentic pig serum albumin: (a) co-migration when analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis under reducing and non-reducing conditions; (b) identical isoelectric points; (c) similar "fingerprints" of arginine-containing tryptic peptides; (d) reactivity with anti-(pig albumin) serum. The albumin was bound tightly to the plasma membrane. Biosynthetic labelling of pig lymphocytes under a variety of conditions failed to provide evidence that albumin was synthesized by lymphocytes, suggesting that the plasma-membrane-associated albumin was of extraneous origin. Radiolabelled pig serum albumin, however, failed to bind to the plasma-membrane fraction when added before cell disruption. Although lymphocyte plasma membrane preparations from other species possessed a polypeptide of about 68 000 mol.wt., this was judged not to be albumin on the basis of electrophoretic mobility under non-reducing conditions; also, no polypeptide was precipitated by anti-albumin sera. It is concluded that pig lymphocyte plasma-membrane preparations possess albumin which, although firmly attached, was probably of extraneous origin. This association appeared not to be common to lymphocytes from other species.  相似文献   

Choleragen (cholera toxin) activates adenylate cyclase by catalyzing ADP-ribosylation of Gs alpha, the stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding protein. It was recently found (Tsai, S.-C., Noda, M., Adamik, R., Moss, J., and Vaughan, M. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 84, 5139-5142) that a bovine brain membrane protein known as ADP-ribosylation factor or ARF, which enhances ADP-ribosylation of Gs alpha, also increases the GTP-dependent NAD:arginine and NAD:protein ADP-ribosyltransferase, NAD glycohydrolase, and auto-ADP-ribosylation activities of choleragen. We report here the purification and characterization of two soluble proteins from bovine brain that similarly enhance the Gs alpha-dependent and independent ADP-ribose transfer reactions catalyzed by toxin. Like membrane ARF, both soluble factors are 19-kDA proteins dependent on GTP or GTP analogues for activity. Maximal ARF effects were observed at a molar ratio of less than 2:1, ARF/toxin A subunit. Dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine was necessary for optimal ADP-ribosylation of Gs alpha but inhibited auto-ADP-ribosylation of the choleragen A1 subunit and NAD:agmatine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. It appears that the soluble factors directly activate choleragen in a GTP-dependent fashion. The relationships of the ARF proteins to the ras oncogene products and to the family of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins that includes Gs alpha remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Zhao KH  Wu D  Zhou M  Zhang L  Böhm S  Bubenzer C  Scheer H 《Biochemistry》2005,44(22):8126-8137
PecE and PecF jointly catalyze the covalent attachment of phycocyanobilin to Cys-alpha84 of PecA and its concomitant isomerization to phycoviolobilin. (a) An Eschertchia coli supernatant expressing pecF has a residual activity of 6%; compared to the holoenzyme, this activity is lost upon purification. (b) Functional domains of both subunits from the cyanobacterium Mastigocladus laminosus were evaluated by mutageneses and chemical modification of amino acids. When in PecE the two motifs Y29YAAWWL and D263DLL were deleted, the holoenzyme lost its activity; it is also inactivated upon deletion of a central part (R111 to A122). The three conserved cysteines C48, C91, and C161 have only minor effects on catalysis. When in PecF the 20 C-terminal and 56 N-terminal amino acids were truncated, the lyase-isomerase activity in combination with PecE decreased to 12% and 15%, respectively, compared to the native enzyme. The catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) decreased 16-fold when the unique four histidine residues in PecF beginning at H53 were deleted. H121 and C122 of PecF are essential for the enzyme activity; they are part of a unique stretch extending from A104 to N125 which is absent in the beta-subunit of related but nonisomerizing lyases. A single histidine and a single tryptophan are required for activity in both PecE and PecF, as judged from diethyl pyrocarbonate and N-bromosuccinimide modification and statistical analyses. Inactivation of PecE and PecF is also possible by arginine-specific reagents, while modifications of lysine, glutamate, and aspartate retained activity. (c) PecE and PecF, as well as most of the mutants, bind PCB covalently in substoichiometric amounts, as assayed by Zn(2+)-induced fluorescence on denaturing gels.  相似文献   

The purified multienzyme complex of fatty acid oxidation from Escherichia coli was found to possess 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A (CoA) epimerase and cis-delta3-trans-delta2-enoyl-CoA isomerase activities in addition to the previously identified enoyl-CoA hydratase, L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and 3-ketoactyl-CoA thiolase activities. Evidence is presented in support of the proposed association of all five enzyme activities with one protein which apparently is composed of two types of subunits and which can exist in several aggregated forms. The five component enzymes of the complex were rapidly inactivated by tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, whereas they remained active in the presence of potassium phosphate.  相似文献   

Human phosphoglucomutase activity has been determined in red blood cells obtained from 348 unrelated subjects. The mean activities attributed to the four common PGM1 alleles, expressed as micromoles of G6P produced per gram of Hb per hour were 53 for PGMa31, 60 for PGMa11, 61 for PGMa41 and 72 for PGMa21. The relative amount of variation associated with the electrophoretic polymorphism was estimated as 24%.  相似文献   

The RNA-directed DNA polymerase of murine mammary tumor virus, a type B RNA tumor virus, was purified sequentially through DEAE-cellulose, phosphocellulose (step gradient), and phosphocellulose (linear salt gradient) chromatography followed by glycerol sedimentation centrifugation. During all stages of purification, coincident peaks of RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity, templated by polyribocytidylate-oligodeoxyguanidylate, and RNase H digestion of [3H]polyriboadenylate-polydeoxythymidylate were observed, and both enzymatic activities displayed a cation preference for magnesium. Under conditions that removed adventitiously associated nucleases, RNase H activity was found to co-purify with polymerase. The specificity of this nuclease was assayed with various prepared substrates, which indicated that the polymerase-associated RNase H activity was directed only against the RNA strand of an RNA-DNA hybrid. It is highly probable that RNase H (RNA-DNA hybrid: ribonucleotide-hydrolase, EC 3.1.4..34) and RNA-directed DNA polymerase of type B viruses are associated enzymatic activities analogous to those observed for avian and mammalian type C RNA tumor viruses.  相似文献   

In vitro activities of purified visna virus integrase.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Although integration generally is considered a critical step in the retrovirus life cycle, it has been reported that visna virus, which causes degenerative neurologic disease in sheep, can productively infect sheep choroid plexus cells without detectable integration. To ascertain whether the integrase (IN) of visna virus is an inherently defective enzyme and to create tools for further study of integration of the phylogenetically related human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), we purified visna virus IN by using a bacterial expression system and applied various in vitro oligonucleotide-based assays to studying this protein. We found that visna virus IN demonstrates the full repertoire of in vitro functions characteristic of retroviral integrases. In particular, visna virus IN exhibits site-specific endonuclease activity following the invariant CA found two nucleotides from the 3' ends of viral DNA (processing activity), joins processed oligonucleotides to various sites on other oligonucleotides (strand transfer or integration activity), and reverses the integration reaction by resolving a complex that mimics one end of viral DNA integrated into host DNA (disintegration activity). In addition, although it has been reported that purified HIV-1 IN cannot specifically nick visna virus DNA ends, purified visna virus IN does specifically process and integrate HIV-1 DNA ends.  相似文献   

A homogeneous preparation of thiaminase I (thiamine:base 2-methyl-4-aminopyrimidine-5-methenyl transferase, EC was obtained from carp liver, for the first time from a nonbacterial source. Its molecular mass was 55 kDa by gel filtration and by SDS—PAGE regardless the presence of the reducing agent, indicating that the native enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain. The determined sequence of 20 residues at the N-terminal of carp thiaminase I seemed to be unique. The enzyme was tested for ability to decompose a number of thiamine analogues. Even very extensive modifications of the thiazolium fragment were well tolerated, but around the pyrimidine fragment the active center seemed to exert steric restrictions against 1 (N)- and 2 (C)- atoms, while the 4-amino group and untouched 6-carbon atom were absolutely essential for the enzyme action. Numerous nucleophiles could be used by the enzyme as cosubstrates, aniline, pyridine, and 2-mercaptoethanol being the best among compounds tested. Protein chemical modification experiments indicated that histidine residues, carboxyl groups, and sulfhydryl groups may play specific roles in the thiaminase I-catalyzed reaction. Like in the bacterial enzyme, a sulfhydryl group may be a catalytically critical active-site nucleophile. The histidine residues and carboxyl groups may be essential for thiamine binding to the active site.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase activity is associated with purified SV40 T antigen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
K Mann 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(8):1697-1704
Purified SV40 T antigen has been assayed for topoisomerase activity. The ability to relax negatively-supercoiled SV40 DNA was found in preparations of T antigen purified either from human 293 cells infected with Ad5-SVR111 virus or from insect Sf9 cells infected with recombinant baculovirus 941T. The T antigen-associated relaxing activity was stimulated by MgCl2 and was not dependent on ATP, suggesting that it is not due to cellular topoisomerase II. The topoisomerase activity was immunoprecipitated by a monoclonal antibody specific for T antigen, but not by a control monoclonal antibody. In addition, immunoblotting of purified T antigen from human 293 cells with antihuman topoisomerase I and anti-human topoisomerase II antibodies failed to detect cellular topoisomerases I or II. Sedimentation analysis of purified T antigen revealed that the topoisomerase activity co-sedimented with the hexameric form of T antigen at 23S. The topoisomerase activity is, therefore, either inherent to T antigen or due to a cellular topoisomerase I tightly bound to, and co-purifying with, T antigen.  相似文献   

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